Results for 'Raúl Botero'

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    Los trabajos de Penélope: una aproximación a la literatura.Raúl Botero - 2004 - Medellín [Colombia]: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT.
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    Review of Raul Hilberg: The Destruction of the European Jews[REVIEW]Raul Hilberg - 1962 - Ethics 72 (2):148-149.
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    El giro político-cultural en los estudios del poder urbano.Santiago Leyva Botero - 2012 - Co-herencia 9 (16):215-246.
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    Reflexiones jurídicas desde la sala penal del tribunal superior de Medellín.Nelson Saray Botero - 2008 - Ratio Juris 3 (7):141-143.
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  5. (2 other versions)Parthood and location.Raul Saucedo - 2009 - In Dean Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 5. Oxford University Press UK.
    I argue that from a very weak recombination principle and plausible assumptions about the nature of parthood and location it follows that it's possible that the mereological structure of the material world and that of spacetime fail to correspond to one another in very radical ways. I defend, moreover, that rejecting the possibility of such failures of correspondence leaves us with a choice of equally radical alternatives. I also discuss a few ways in which their possibility is relevant to various (...)
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  6. Two kinds of we-reasoning.Raul Hakli, Kaarlo Miller & Raimo Tuomela - 2010 - Economics and Philosophy 26 (3):291-320.
    Page 1. Economics and Philosophy, 26 291--320 Copyright C Cambridge University Press doi: 10.1017 / S0266267110000386 TWO KINDS OF WE-REASONING RAUL HAKLI, KAARLO MILLER AND RAIMO TUOMELA University of Helsinki.
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  7. Moral Responsibility of Robots and Hybrid Agents.Raul Hakli & Pekka Mäkelä - 2019 - The Monist 102 (2):259-275.
    We study whether robots can satisfy the conditions of an agent fit to be held morally responsible, with a focus on autonomy and self-control. An analogy between robots and human groups enables us to modify arguments concerning collective responsibility for studying questions of robot responsibility. We employ Mele’s history-sensitive account of autonomy and responsibility to argue that even if robots were to have all the capacities required of moral agency, their history would deprive them from autonomy in a responsibility-undermining way. (...)
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  8. On Dialectical Justification of Group Beliefs.Raul Hakli - 2011 - In Hans Bernhard Schmid, Daniel Sirtes & Marcel Weber, Collective Epistemology. Ontos. pp. 119-154.
    Epistemic justification of non-summative group beliefs is studied in this paper. Such group beliefs are understood to be voluntary acceptances, the justification of which differs from that of involuntary beliefs. It is argued that whereas epistemic evaluation of involuntary beliefs can be seen not to require reasons, justification of voluntary acceptance of a proposition as true requires that the agent, a group or an individual, can provide reasons for the accepted view. This basic idea is studied in relation to theories (...)
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    "Lo Político" como acercamiento plural a la realidad.Consuelo Hoyos Botero - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (12):45-61.
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    Sobre “Redescribirnos. Una alternativa pragmatista a la imposibilidad del perdón” de William Duica.Ángela Uribe Botero - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):407-412.
    RESUMEN El artículo responde algunas críticas planteadas por Ignacio Ávila a mi interpretación de la epistemología davidsoniana. Presento argumentos en contra de: a) que sea necesario distinguir entre representaciones epistemológicamente “peligrosas”e “inofensivas”; b) que el empirismo mínimo sea un tipo de realismo directo; c) que mi uso de la expresión “evidencia distal” y el interés por la teoría de la correspondencia sean asuntos ajenos a Davidson. Finalmente, sostengo que la triangulación es un elemento fundamental de la epistemología davidsoniana, pues permite (...)
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    Yo no soy ilógico, simplemente sustituyo. Una reflexión y análisis del lenguaje en pacientes con diagnóstico de Trastorno del Pensamiento desde una Semántica Conceptualista.Diana Patricia Botero - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 25 (2):165-185.
    El discurso de individuos diagnosticados con trastorno del lenguaje como en el caso de la esquizofrenia, ha sido alta y comúnmente estudiado desde enfoques que observan el procesamiento cognitivo en la memoria, la atención o el acceso léxico o la localización y funcionamiento neuronal. El presente artículo en cambio, presenta y propone una reflexión y análisis de la forma de la información en las representaciones mentales a partir de una Semántica Conceptualista que incluye la combinatoria de interfaz físicas/perceptivas y de (...)
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    Secuestro y resiliencia.Consuelo Hoyos Botero - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (17):95-114.
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  13. Etica profesional del educador.Bernardo Restrepo Botero - 1985 - [Medellín, Colombia]: Universidad de Antioquia, Departamento de Publicaciones.
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    Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality.Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume offers eleven philosophical investigations into our future relations with social robots--robots that are specially designed to engage and connect with human beings. The contributors present cutting edge research that examines whether, and on which terms, robots can become members of human societies. Can our relations to robots be said to be "social"? Can robots enter into normative relationships with human beings? How will human social relations change when we interact with robots at work and at home? The authors (...)
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    ConsScale: A pragmatic scale for measuring the level of consciousness in artificial agents.Raul Arrabales, Agapito Ledezma & Araceli Sanchis - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):3-4.
    One of the key problems the field of Machine Consciousness is currently facing is the need to accurately assess the potential level of consciousness that an artificial agent might develop. This paper presents a novel artificial consciousness scale designed to provide a pragmatic and intuitive reference in the evaluation of MC implementations. The version of ConsScale described in this work provides a comprehensive evaluation mechanism which enables the estimation of the potential degree of consciousness of most of the existing artificial (...)
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    The Man-Fauna Relationship in Mesoamerica Before and After the Europeans.Raúl Valadez Azúa - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (159):51-56.
    The year 1992 is a year for reflection, because whether or not the quincentenary celebration of the arrival of the Europeans to this continent seems justified, one cannot escape thinking about the impact of this event on our land.As archeology is my area of study, my reflections are directed toward the changes that came about in the relationship between man and animals after 1492, specifically toward what occurred in Mexico once the Spaniards established themselves in this territory.
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  17. Entre los sentidos y la afectividad: digresiones antropológicas sobre el tiempo y el sí-mismo.Raúl Ballbé - 1998 - Escritos de Filosofía 17 (33):201-230.
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  18. Sobre el futuro en la psicoterapia.Raúl R. Balbé - 1999 - Escritos de Filosofía 18 (35):231-254.
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    Prediction of the Satisfaction With the Student Life, Based on Teaching Competence and Satisfaction With the School.Raúl Baños, Antonio Baena-Extremera & María del Mar Ortiz-Camacho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  20. De la significación de la filosofía latinoamericana para la superación del eurocentrismo.Raúl Fornet Betancourt - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 65 (2):7-19.
    En la introducción del presente estudio se subraya la tesis de que el eurocentrismo no ha sido superado todavía. Sobre todo en el campo de la filosofía se puede comprobar su persistencia y su vigencia. Esto lleva, en el caso de América Latina, a que todavía hoy haya muchos prejuicios frente a una filosofía latinoamericana. Sobre el telón de fondo de esta tesis este trabajo muestra en su parte central el esfuerzo que ha hecho la filosofía en América Latina por (...)
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    Die Frage nach Gerechtigkeit: Platons Politeia I und die Gerechtigkeitstheorien von Aristoteles, Hobbes und Nietzsche.Raul Heimann - 2015 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
  22. Metanoia in the sermon on the mount - a philosophical approach.Raul Heimann - 2022 - In Athanasios Despotis & Hermut Löhr, Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Boston: Ancient Philosophy & Religion.
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    El corrupto duerme tranquilo.Raúl Villarroel Soto - 2021 - Revista Ethika+ 4:9-10.
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  24. On the possibility of group knowledge without belief.Raul Hakli - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (3):249 – 266.
    Endorsing the idea of group knowledge seems to entail the possibility of group belief as well, because it is usually held that knowledge entails belief. It is here studied whether it would be possible to grant that groups can have knowledge without being committed to the controversial view that groups can have beliefs. The answer is positive on the assumption that knowledge can be based on acceptance as well as belief. The distinction between belief and acceptance can be seen as (...)
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  25. Does the deduction theorem fail for modal logic?Raul Hakli & Sara Negri - 2012 - Synthese 187 (3):849-867.
    Various sources in the literature claim that the deduction theorem does not hold for normal modal or epistemic logic, whereas others present versions of the deduction theorem for several normal modal systems. It is shown here that the apparent problem arises from an objectionable notion of derivability from assumptions in an axiomatic system. When a traditional Hilbert-type system of axiomatic logic is generalized into a system for derivations from assumptions, the necessitation rule has to be modified in a way that (...)
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  26. Conversaciones con Raúl Prebisch.C. Mallorquín Raúl Prebisch - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 25.
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    formación histórica de Quito.Raúl Zhingre - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (5):1-8.
    En muchas cosas, Quito resulta frágil, obscura y desconocida, sobre todo cuando se trata del origen indígena en su escala preinca. No obstante, en otros campos es evidente su influencia en lo que hoy es América Latina, por ejemplo, cuando se transformó en eje del Imperio del Tahuantinsuyo. Para los incas, Quito era un centro de articulación interregional. Este rol continuó con los españoles, que fundaron aquí una urbe colonial en 1534. Y a principios del siglo XIX se fundó Ecuador (...)
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    Ética del desarrollo, democracia deliberativa y ciudadanía ambiental. El desafío global de la sustentabilidad.Raúl Villarroel - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:161-174.
    El artículo busca profundizar en el examen de la noción de “ciudadanía” a partir del contexto teórico desplegado por la problemática ecológica, teniendo en cuenta las determinaciones y desafíos que impone a la figura de la ciudadanía la supuesta existencia de un fenómeno de devastación antropogénica como el que se sostiene que afecta al planeta en nuestros días. Se intenta esbozar algunas consideraciones que permitan el avance de una reflexión particular sobre “ciudadanía ambiental”, asumiendo que la literatura filosófico-política contemporánea presenta (...)
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    What Is Complex/Emotional About Emotional Complexity?Raul Berrios - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Imago Dei as a critique of capitalism and Marxism in Nikolai Berdyaev.Raul-Ovidiu Bodea - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (1):77-93.
    This study aims at showing how at the basis of Nikolai Berdyaev’s criticism of capitalism and Marxism lays the concept of Imago Dei. The Russian religious philosopher puts forward the Imago Dei as fundamental to the Christian understanding of human dignity. Berdyaev believes that in both capitalism and Marxism an objectification of the person takes place, and therefore a denial of basic human dignity. Berdyaev’s criticism of capitalism refers to its internal principles, partly building on Marx’s early criticism of capitalism. (...)
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    Los límites morales de la compasión.Ángela Uribe Botero - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 37:123-140.
    El propósito de este texto es dar razones para defender la posición que advierte sobre los riesgos morales de la compasión. Además del argumento que, para sostener esta posición, apela al valor de la autonomía, hago referencia al debate sobre el contenido cognitivo de actitudes como la humillación. Las referencias a este debate junto con algunos ejemplos de la historia y de la literatura colombianas servirán para trazar el vínculo entre la creencia sobre la inferioridad de algunas personas y el (...)
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    Reconstructing Basic Emotions with More Situated Social Interactions.Maria Botero - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):245-246.
    Mason and Capitanio (2012) offer an explanation of how basic emotions emerge in organisms that departs from the traditional nature–nurture dichotomy; however, they limit their definition of basic emotions to the development of functional states that are species-typical. It is argued that if Mason and Capitanio take these ideas a step further, they would be able to explain the development of basic emotions in a more complex way, one that would involve understanding how the exchange between the organism and the (...)
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    Pensare dal riconoscimento: Paul Ricoeur e il sapere come evento intersoggettivo.Raul Buffo - 2023 - Roma: InSchibboleth.
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    El silencio y la existencia discursiva de Dios en la hermenéutica del discurso religioso de Paul Ricoeur.Raúl Kerbs - 2000 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 12 (2):51-62.
    Se trata de analizar la cuestión del estatuto que tiene la existencia de Dios en el pensamiento de Ricoeur. La cuestión se origina en la centralidad de la idea de la lingüisticidad de la experiencia religiosa y de la referencia a Dios en la hermenéutica ricoeuriana. Se examina la posibilidad de afirmar que en Ricoeur Dios tiene una existencia discursiva. Como esta hipótesis debe manejar el supuesto de que no hay lugar para el silencio en el origen de la palabra, (...)
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  35. Psychophysical Evidence.Raul Kompass - 2004 - In Christian Kaernbach, Erich Schröger & Hermann Müller, Psychophysics Beyond Sensation: Laws and Invariants of Human Cognition. Psychology Press. pp. 451.
  36. La teoría de la evolución y la iglesia Católica.Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (17):111-122.
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    ciudad latinoamericana moderna: finales del siglo XIX-1920.Raúl Zhingre - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    Este trabajo estudia la historia de la ciudad moderna de finales del siglo XIX-1920, en el que destaca la ciudad culta e higiénica. De este modo, la ciudad se vinculó a las políticas de planificación, higiene, ornato, celebraciones religiosas, conmemoraciones y juntas de embellecimiento. Esto sirvió de promoción de la ciudad moderna al servicio del urbanismo de las élites, a los intereses por construir memorias nacionales y modernizar las repúblicas. Se inauguraron calles, parques y edificios; situación que permitía un escenario (...)
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    Stylistique et sémiotique tensive : Convergences et divergences.Raul Dorra & Blanca Alberta Rodriguez - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):239-256.
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  39. Bringing Touch Back to the Study of Emotions in Human and Non-Human Primates: A Theoretical Exploration.Maria Botero - 2018 - International Journal of Comparative Psychology 30 (10):1-17.
    This paper provides a theoretical exploration of how comparative research on the expression of emotions has traditionally focused on the visual mode and argues that, given the neurophysiological, developmental, and behavioral evidence that links touch with social interactions, focusing on touch can become an ideal mode to understand the communication of emotions in human and nonhuman primates. This evidence shows that touch is intrinsically linked with social cognition because it motivates human and nonhuman animals from birth to form social bonds. (...)
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  40. How Much Should the People Know? Implications of Methodological Choices in The Study of Intentionality and Blame Ascriptions,.Maria Botero - 2016 - Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice 2 (12):101-113.
    Several studies have shown that people are more likely to attribute intentionality and blame to agents who perform actions that have harmful consequences. This kind of bias has problematic implications for jury decisions because it predicts that judgment in juries will malfunction if an action has a blameworthy effect. Most of these studies include in their design a vignette in which it is clear that agents have foreknowledge of the effects of their actions. This kind of design fails to replicate (...)
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  41. Primates are Touched by Your Concern: Touch, Emotion, and Social Cognition in Chimpanzees.Maria Botero - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. p. 372-380.
    There is something important about the way human primates use touch in social encounters; for example, consider greetings in airports (hugs vs. handshakes) and the way children push each other in a playground (a quick push to warn, a really hard one when it is serious!). Human primates use touch as a way of conveying a wide range of social information. In this chapter I will argue that one of the best ways of understanding social cognition in non-human primates is (...)
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    Universos éticos y la metarregla del doble efecto en el estado de necesidad.Raúl Madrid Ramírez & Rodrigo Andrés Guerra Espinosa - 2020 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (14):247.
    Este artículo tiene por objeto explicar cuándo en el estado de necesidad la distinción entre un mal mayor o menor responde al universo ético consecuencialista y desde qué consideraciones no lo haría; segundo, explicar por qué es posible desde el principio del doble efecto la ponderación de la vida humana, aceptando la objetivización de sus parámetros según los efectos de una acción. Por ello, a continuación trataremos en la primera sección el concepto de mal en clave consecuencialista y, posteriormente, moral (...)
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    Fenomenología del daño: el “mal aire” y los rasgos del no-mundo para los habitantes de el placer.Ángela Uribe Botero - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 16 (26):105-118.
    El propósito de este artículo es mostrar cómo ciertos procesos de victimización condenan a quienes los padecen a una suerte de destierro del mundo y de la realidad. El caso de la larga presencia paramilitar en El Placer (Putumayo, Colombia) es un ejemplo de lo anterior. Con el uso que hacen los sobrevivientes en El Placer de los términos “el mal aire” y “los aires de la muerte” se expresan nítidamente dichas formas de destierro. El propósito general del texto se (...)
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  44. Na historia da philosophia.Raul Tavares - 1937 - Rio de Janeiro,: Imprensa naval.
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  45. Logística.Raul da Costa Torres - 1954 - Lisboa,:
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  46. Ontological Collectivism.Raul Saucedo - 2022 - Philosophical Perspectives 36 (1):233-269.
    I give shape to a neglected debate in metaphysics, the debate over the ontological priority between individuality and collectivity. I distinguish the debate from more familiar ones in the recent literature and articulate what I call ontological collectivism, the view that collectivity is prior to individuality. I defend the in-principle intelligibility of the view from forceful general objections and argue that not only is it coherent but also of significant interest to the literature: it allows for overlooked alternatives on a (...)
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  47. The immediately given as ground and background.J. L. Botero - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press. pp. 440--463.
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  48. Reasoning About Collectively Accepted Group Beliefs.Raul Hakli & Sara Negri - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):531-555.
    A proof-theoretical treatment of collectively accepted group beliefs is presented through a multi-agent sequent system for an axiomatization of the logic of acceptance. The system is based on a labelled sequent calculus for propositional multi-agent epistemic logic with labels that correspond to possible worlds and a notation for internalized accessibility relations between worlds. The system is contraction- and cut-free. Extensions of the basic system are considered, in particular with rules that allow the possibility of operative members or legislators. Completeness with (...)
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    Haikonen's View on Machine Consciousness: Back to the Engineering Stance.Raúl Arrabales - 2014 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 6 (1):1-4.
    Raúl Arrabales, Int. J. Mach. Conscious., 06, 1 (2014). DOI: 10.1142/S1793843014400010.
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  50. Edmund Husserl: Formal Ontology and Transcendental Logic.Raul Corazzon - unknown
    "Husserl's work include lengthy treatment of universals, categories, meanings, numbers, manifolds, etc. from an ontological perspective. Here, however, we shall concentrate almost exclusively on the Logical Investigations, which contain in a clear form the ontological ideas which provided the terminological and theoretical basis both for much of the detailed phenomenological description and for many of the metaphysical theses presented in Husserl's later works.
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