Results for 'Ratna Shownkeen'

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  1.  24
    YACs and the C. elegans genome.Alan Coulson, Yoko Kozono, Bart Lutterbach, Ratna Shownkeen, John Sulston & Robert Waterston - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (8):413-417.
    During the past decade, it has become apparent that it is within our grasp to understand fully the development and functioning of complex organisms. It is widely accepted that this undertaking must include the elucidation of the genetic blueprint – the genome sequence – of a number of model organisms. As a prelude to the determination of these sequences, clonebased physical maps of the genomes of a number of multicellular animals and plants are being constructed. Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vectors, (...)
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    What small businesses in developing country think of cybersecurity risks in the digital age: Indonesian case.Ratna Yudhiyati, Afrida Putritama & Diana Rahmawati - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (4):446-462.
    Purpose This study aims to identify and analyse the issues faced by internet-based small businesses in developing countries regarding cybersecurity and document how these businesses address the risks. Design/methodology/approach This study used the qualitative method. Respondents were internet-based small businesses selected by using theoretical sampling. Data were collected by using interviews and observations. The validity of the analysis was ensured by using triangulation and member checking. Findings This study reveals that small businesses managed to identify the loss of physical and (...)
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    On Gender, Alterity and Human Rights: Freedom in a Fishbowl.Ratna Kapur - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):167-171.
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  4. AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, University of Kent, UK. The AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality is very pleased to be hosting two events at the University of Kent in summer 2006.Ratna Kapur, Margaret Davies & Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14:139.
  5. Caraka and the Notification of the Indian Medical Council on Physician-Patient Relationship A Comparative Study.Ratna Dutta Sharma - 2007 - In Ratna Dutta Sharma & Sashinungla, Patient-physician relationship. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
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    Patient-physician relationship.Ratna Dutta Sharma & Sashinungla (eds.) - 2007 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Most of the papers presented at the worshop held at Calcutta.
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    Theory of argumentation: traditional and modern.Ratna Dutta Sharma - 2015 - Kolkata: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University, in collaboration with Maha Bodhi Book Agency.
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  8. Two Models of the Pattern Variables Paradigm.Ratna Dutta - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  9. Emancipatory feminist theory in postcolonial India: unmasking the ruse of liberal internationalism.Ratna Kapur - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra, Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
  10. Sexual Subalterns, Human Rights and the Limits of the Liberal Imaginary.Ratna Kapur - 2017 - In Alejandro Abraham-Hamanoiel, Liberalism in neoliberal times: dimensions, contradictions, limits. London: Goldsmiths Press.
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    Too Hot to Handle: The Cultural Politics of Fire.Ratna Kapur - 2000 - Feminist Review 64 (1):53-64.
    This essay explores the ways in which the definition of Indian culture has become a site of contest, and how this contest played out in the controversy that erupted over the release and screening of Deepa Mehta's diasporic film, Fire, in India. I locate this controversy within the broader controversies that are taking place over culture, particularly when issues of sex and sexuality are involved. The continuous targeting of representations of sex and sexuality, betrays an underlying fear that sex is (...)
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    Śrī Anantadeva's Siddhāntatattva, with auto-commentary Saṁpradāyanirūpaṇa: a critical edition and study.Ratna Purohit - 2017 - Udaipur (Raj.), India: Raina Book Centre. Edited by Anantadeva.
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    Paścātnūtanavādaya: viślēṣaṇātmaka adhyayanayak.Manōj Prasanna Ratnāyaka - 2011 - Koḷamba: Ăs. Goḍagē saha Sahōdarayō.
    Post-modernism and its influence in Sri Lanka.
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    Imperial parody.Ratna Kapur - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (1):79-88.
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    The Citizen and the Migrant: Postcolonial Anxieties, Law, and the Politics of Exclusion/inclusion.Ratna Kapur - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):537-570.
    This Article examines how the legal subjectivity of the migrant subject is intimately connected to the construction of the citizenship subject and how both have been products of the colonial encounter. Deploying the lens of postcolonialism, I argue that the migrant is addressed through a spectrum of legal rules based on normative criteria reminiscent of the colonial encounter. These criteria reinscribe citizenship within dominant racial, sexual, and cultural norms as well as claims of civilizational superiority. That which does not fall (...)
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  16. Bibarttanabāda.Ratnākara Pati - 1967
  17. Caraka's concept of ahetu.Ratna Datta Sharma - 2003 - In Srilekha Datta & Amita Chatterjee, Some philosophical issues in Indian logic. Kolkata: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Allied Publishers, New Delhi.
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  18. Caraka's prescribed code of conduct for the physicians : An example of theory-practice combination.Ratna Dutta Sharma - 2003 - In Krishna Roy & Kalyan Sen Gupta, Theory and practice: a collection of essays. Kolkata: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Allied Publishers, New Delhi.
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    Voices and values: the politics of feminist evaluation.Ratna M. Sudarshan & Rajib Nandi (eds.) - 2018 - New Delhi: Zubaan.
    Over the last several years, regular evaluation of development programs has become essential in measuring and understanding their true impact. Feminist and gender-sensitive evaluations have gradually emerged, drawing attention to existing inequities--gender, caste, class, location, and more--and the cumulative effect of these biases on daily life. Such evaluations are also deeply political; they explicitly acknowledge that gender-based inequalities exist, show how they remain embedded in society, and articulate ways to address them. Based on four years of research, Voices and Values (...)
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  20. Human-centered Approach to the Governance of AI in Higher Education.Ratna Selvaratnam & Lynnae Venaruzzo - 2024 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 5:79-102.
    A recent study in Australasia (Selvaratnam & Venaruzzo, 2023) revealed some challenges and gaps in the governance of AI and data in higher education, mainly from the human-centeredness perspectives of accessibility, inclusivity and wellbeing. This paper is a narrative review to discern principles of a human-centered approach to the governance of artificial intelligence (AI), benchmarking literature, policies and practice across diverse geopolitical contexts for higher education, synthesizing the review results to provide guiding principles that can support this.
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  21.  51
    Pink Chaddis and SlutWalk Couture: The Postcolonial Politics of Feminism Lite. [REVIEW]Ratna Kapur - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (1):1-20.
    The SlutWalk campaigns around the world have triggered a furious debate on whether they advance or limit feminist legal politics. This article examines the location of campaigns such as the SlutWalk marches in the context of feminist legal advocacy in postcolonial India, and discusses whether their emergence signifies the demise of feminism or its incarnation in a different guise. The author argues that the SlutWalks, much like the Pink Chaddi (panty) campaign in India, provide an important normative and discursive challenge (...)
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  22.  20
    Bayesian Prior Choice in IRT Estimation Using MCMC and Variational Bayes.Prathiba Natesan, Ratna Nandakumar, Tom Minka & Jonathan D. Rubright - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:214660.
    This study investigated the impact of three prior distributions: matched, standard vague, and hierarchical in Bayesian estimation parameter recovery in two and one parameter models. Two Bayesian estimation methods were utilized: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and the relatively new, Variational Bayesian (VB). Conditional (CML) and Marginal Maximum Likelihood (MML) estimates were used as baseline methods for comparison. Vague priors produced large errors or convergence issues and are not recommended. For both MCMC and VB, the hierarchical and matched priors showed (...)
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  23.  18
    Five Buddhist Legends in the Campū Style: From a Collection Named AvadānasārasamuccayaFive Buddhist Legends in the Campu Style: From a Collection Named Avadanasarasamuccaya.Bruce Cameron Hall & Ratna Handurukande - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):512.
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    Using Google Sites to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes in Writing Ability: A Case on Teaching Language Education.Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Ratna Rintaningrum, Herman Herman, St Mislikhah, Everhard Markiano Solissa, Indri Lastriyani, Nanda Saputra & Ridwin Purba - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:728-736.
    The ultimate purpose of this research is to investigate how far Google Sites can develop students' learning outcomes in writing ability. The need for English becomes one of the reasons why the requirement of universities in public consisting of speaking English. This research was conducted as a case study, with the objective of investigating the integration of Google Sites into language teaching strategies, specifically the design and execution of creating web-based instructional resources in Google Sites, and the benefits it provides (...)
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  25.  23
    Public perceptions of artificial intelligence in healthcare: ethical concerns and opportunities for patient-centered care.Kaila Witkowski, Ratna Okhai & Stephen R. Neely - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background In an effort to improve the quality of medical care, the philosophy of patient-centered care has become integrated into almost every aspect of the medical community. Despite its widespread acceptance, among patients and practitioners, there are concerns that rapid advancements in artificial intelligence may threaten elements of patient-centered care, such as personal relationships with care providers and patient-driven choices. This study explores the extent to which patients are confident in and comfortable with the use of these technologies when it (...)
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  26.  48
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Ratna Roy, Ariel Glucklich, Pradip Bhattacharya, Ellison Banks Findly & Rebecca J. Manring - 2006 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 10 (3):331-341.
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    Intercultural Communication in Adaptation Process to Minimize Culture Shock.I. Gusti Ayu Ratna Pramesti Dasih, I. Gusti Ayu Diah Prameswara Padawati Indraswari & Ni Putu Yunita Anggreswari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:706-716.
    Malang City has evolved into a prominent hub for students. Embracing this new role, it has become a sought-after destination for learners from outside Java who wish to pursue their education at local universities. The influx of international students brings a vibrant intercultural dynamic to the city, affecting both the local community and the students themselves. As these students undergo the adaptation process to integrate and thrive in their new environment, they often face challenges such as culture shock, which arises (...)
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    Comparing the Bayesian Unknown Change-Point Model and Simulation Modeling Analysis to Analyze Single Case Experimental Designs.Prathiba Natesan Batley, Ratna Nandakumar, Jayme M. Palka & Pragya Shrestha - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Recently, there has been an increased interest in developing statistical methodologies for analyzing single case experimental design data to supplement visual analysis. Some of these are simulation-driven such as Bayesian methods because Bayesian methods can compensate for small sample sizes, which is a main challenge of SCEDs. Two simulation-driven approaches: Bayesian unknown change-point model and simulation modeling analysis were compared in the present study for three real datasets that exhibit “clear” immediacy, “unclear” immediacy, and delayed effects. Although SMA estimates can (...)
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  29.  11
    Refugees, marriage, asuras and varied: an anthology on applied ethics.Indrani Sanyal & Ratna Dutta Sharma (eds.) - 2015 - Kolkata: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Maha Bodhi Book Agency.
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    Elovin ā jīvakayā saha venat hētuvādī lipi.Dharmapāla Sēnāratna - 2009 - Gotatụva Nava Nagaraya: [Dharmapāla Senāratna].
    Articles on rationalist movement in Sri Lanka.
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  31. Nādōllāsa: nāsti nādāt parōmantraḥ.Ratnā Śivasaṅkar - 2005 - Beṅgaḷūru: Vi. Sī. Sampada.
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    Hētuvādaya saha Kovurgē darśanaya.Dharmapāla Sēnāratna - 1983 - Boralăsgamuva: Prabuddha Prakāśakayō.
    On propagation of rationalism in Sri Lanka, pioneered by Abraham T. Kovoor, 1898-1978.
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  33.  21
    Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform.Gérard Bonnet, Mary Canning, Kai-Ming Cheng, Terry J. Crooks, Luis Crouch, Ori Eyal, Eva Forsberg, Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew, Ratna Ghosh, Martin Gustafsson, Batia P. Horsky, Dan Inbar, Barbara M. Kehm, Stephen T. Kerr, Allan Luke, Ulf P. Lundgren, Robert W. McMeekin, Adam Nir, Peter Schrag, Hasan Simsek, Ryo Watanabe, Alison Wolf & Ali Yildirim (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform is an invaluable resource for policymakers, faculty, students, and anyone interested in how decisions made about the education system ultimately affect the quality of education, educational access, and social justice.
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    Digital Divide and Privacy Challenges in Digital Health Communication in Indonesia.Andi Subhan Amir, Deddy Mulyana, Susanne Dida & Jenny Ratna Suminar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:816-825.
    This study aims to identify the challenges of the digital divide and privacy in digital health communication in Indonesia, with the background that digital technology has revolutionized various sectors, including healthcare, enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of services. Despite significant advancements, the digital divide and privacy issues remain major obstacles in adopting digital health technology in Indonesia. This research employs a quantitative approach, collecting data through surveys and in-depth interviews to evaluate the use of digital media in health communication between (...)
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    Integrated production distribution problem in a partial backorder and order refusal environment.Anand Abraham, T. Radha Ramanan, R. Sridharan & K. Ratna Kumar - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (3):296.
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    Social norms and perceptions drive women’s participation in agricultural decisions in West Java, Indonesia.Alexandra di ZengPeralta & Sara Ratna Qanti - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):645-662.
    Increasing women’s participation in intrahousehold decision-making has been linked with increased agricultural productivity and economic development. Existing studies focus on identifying the decision-maker and exploring factors affecting women’s participation, yet the context in which households make decisions is generally ignored. This paper narrows this gap by investigating perceptions of women's participation and the roles of social norms in agricultural decision-making. It specifically applies a fine-scale quantitative responses tool and constructs a women’s participation index to measure men’s and women’s perceptions regarding (...)
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  37. Cultura Indica Tributes to an Indologist : Professor Dr. Asoke Chatterjee Sastri.Vi Svanatha Deva Sarma, Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya, Dipak Ghosh, Ratna Basu & Asoke Chatterjee - 1994
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  38. Ratnākarāvatārikā.Ratnaprabha Sūri - 1965 - Edited by Dovasūri, Rājaśckhara Sūri, Jñānacandra, Malayavijaya, Muni, [From Old Catalog], Malvania & Dalsukh Bhai.
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    Ratna Kapur: Gender, Alterity, and Human Rights: Freedom in a Fish Bowl: Edward Elgar, London, 2018, 328 pp, ISBN: 978 1 78811 252 9.Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen - 2019 - Feminist Legal Studies 27 (1):109-114.
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  40. (1 other version)Ratnākarāvatārikā. Ratnaprabhasūri - 1996 - Mumbaī: Śrī Jinaśāsana Ārādhanā Ṭrasṭa. Edited by Kalyāṇabodhi Vijaya.
    Commentary on the Pramāṇanayatattvāloka of Devasūri, work on Jaina epistemology and metaphysics; includes Gujarati translation.
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    Prajñā-Pāramitā-Ratna-Guṇa-Saṃcaya-GāthāPrajna-Paramita-Ratna-Guna-Samcaya-Gatha.E. B. & E. Obermiller - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (4):393.
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    Državna tajna i tajna ratna mašina kod Gilles-a Deleuze-a.Igor Krtolica - 2007 - Theoria 50 (2):47-64.
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    Laukika-Nyāya-Ratnākara: an ocean of gems crystalized as the maxims of interpretation.Sarla Devi Raghunathavarma & Murari Lal Nagar - 1998 - Columbia, MO: International Library Center. Edited by Murari Lal Nagar & Sarla Devi Nagar.
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    Jaina vāṅmaya ratna-kośa.Sahajānanda Varṇī - 2011 - Dillī: Jaina Granthāgāra. Edited by Aśoka Sahajānanda.
  45.  12
    Three Sanskrit Texts on Caitya Worship, in relation to the Ahoratravrata; an edition and synopses in English (with an introduction). Ratna Handurukande.Karel Werner - 2002 - Buddhist Studies Review 19 (1):61-64.
    Three Sanskrit Texts on Caitya Worship, in relation to the Ahoratravrata; an edition and synopses in English. Ratna Handurukande., The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Tokyo 2000. xxv, 131 pp. ISBN 4-906267-45-9.
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  46. Nyāyaratna sāra: Nyāyaratna laghu ṭīkā tathā Nyāya ratnāvalī br̥hadṭīkā. Ghāsīlāla - 1989 - Indaura: Ācārya Śrī Ghāsīlāla Jī Mahārāja Sāhitya Prakāśana.
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    On Freedom Beyond the Liberal Paradigm: Reading Ratna Kapur’s Gender, Alterity and Human Rights.Vanja Hamzić - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):177-180.
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    A Grammar of the Prajñā-pāramitā-ratna-guṇa-saṃcaya-gāthāA Grammar of the Prajna-paramita-ratna-guna-samcaya-gatha.Nancy R. Lethcoe & Akira Yuyama - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):353.
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  49. Studies in the Pramāṇa-ratna, a treatise on Bhāṭṭa epistemology with manuscript, its decipherment, Sans. commentary & Eng. translation.Biswarup Saha - 1991 - Calcutta: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar. Edited by Raghunātha Bhaṭṭācārya.
    Critical study of Pramāṇaratna of Raghunātha Bhaṭṭācārya, 16th century, treatise on the epistemology of the Mimamsa school in Hindu philosophy; based on the manuscript preserved in the Manuscript Library of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta.
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  50. The philosophy of Nāgārjuna, as contained in the Ratnāvalī. Nagarjuna - 1977 - Calcutta: Saraswat Library. Edited by Heramba Nath Chatterji.
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