Results for 'Ralph Ruddock'

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  1. The Phenomenon of Religion.Ninian Smart & Ralph Ruddock - 1973 - Religious Studies 9 (3):362-363.
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    The mind-body problem and metaphysics: an argument from consciousness to mental substance.Ralph Stefan Weir - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book evaluates the widespread preference in philosophy of mind for varieties of property dualism over other alternatives to physicalism. It takes the standard motivations for property dualism as a starting point and argues that these lead directly to nonphysical substances resembling the soul of traditional metaphysics. In the first half of the book, the author clarifies what is at issue in the choice between theories that posit nonphysical properties only and those that posit nonphysical substances. The crucial question, he (...)
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  3. Author Reply: We Don’t Yet Know What Emotions Are.Ralph Adolphs & Daniel Andler - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (3):233-236.
    Our approach to emotion emphasized three key ingredients. We do not yet have a mature science of emotion, or even a consensus view—in this respect we are more hesitant than Sander, Grandjean, and Scherer or Luiz Pessoa. Relatedly, a science of emotion needs to be highly interdisciplinary, including ecology, psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. We recommend a functionalist view that brackets conscious experiences and that essentially treats emotions as latent variables inferred from a number of measures. But our version of functionalism (...)
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    General Theory of Value: Its Meaning and Basic Principles Construed in Terms of Interest.Ralph Barton Perry - 2013 - Harvard University Press.
    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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  5. A Treatise of Freewill.Ralph Cudworth & John Allen - 1838 - John W. Parker.
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  6. Using and Abusing Nietzsche for Environmental Ethics.Ralph R. Acampora - 1994 - Environmental Ethics 16 (2):187-194.
    Max Hallman has put forward an interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy according to which Nietzsche is a prototypical deep ecologist. In reply, I dispute Hallman’s main interpretive claim as well as its ethical and exegetical corollaries. I hold that Nietzsche is not a “biospheric egalitarian,” but rather an aristocratically individualistic “high humanist.” A consistently naturalistic transcendentalist, Nietzsche does submit a critique of modernity’s Christian-inflected anthropocentrism (pace Hallman), and yet—in his later work—he endorses exploitation in the quest for nobility (contra Hallman). I (...)
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  7. (1 other version)General Logic.Ralph M. Eaton - 1932 - The Monist 42:155.
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    Property Dualism Implies Substance Dualism.Ralph Weir - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 26 (1):21-46.
    According a widely held view in the philosophy of mind, property dualism is a respectable theory whereas substance dualism need not be taken seriously. This paper argues that property dualism, as it is usually understood, is incoherent. The commitments that are meant to lead to property dualism actually lead to substance dualism. The argument presented here adds weight to David Chalmers’ suggestion that the serious nonphysicalist options are in fact various kinds of panpsychism and substance dualism. Along the way I (...)
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  9. Brahma.Ralph Waldo Emerson - unknown - In Various, Emerson Poems.
    This short poem is an Emersonian interpretation of the Hindu concept.
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    The method of nature.Ralph Waldo Emerson - unknown
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  11. Sermon Preached Before the Honorable House of Commons.Ralph Cudworth - 1968 - In Gerald Robertson Cragg, The Cambridge Platonists. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. pp. 387--8.
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    Ennoēmata, Prolēpseis, and Common Notions.Ralph Doty - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):143-148.
  13. Transhumanismus und die Metaphysik der menschlichen Person.Ralph Weir - 2018 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke und Frank Meier-Hamidi, Designobjekt Mensch. Herder. pp. 225-258.
    Mit beeindruckender Geschwindigkeit hat der Transhumanismus in akademischen Kreisen und den Medien immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Er wird von angesehenen Denkern unterstützt. Die ihm zugrunde liegende Triebkraft, Technologie zum größtmöglichen Nutzen der Menschen zu nutzen, hat offenbar ihren Reiz. Dennoch begegnet ein beachtlicher Teil der Menschen dem Transhumanismus mit Skepsis, Abneigung, sogar Verachtung. Ein verwirrendes Phänomen.
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    Trinity, Church, and the Human Person: Thomistic Essays – By Gilles Emery, OP.Ralph Del Colle - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):343-346.
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    The Visionary Poetry of Kathleen Raine (Continued).Ralph J. Mills Jr - 1962 - Renascence 14 (3):159-159.
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    A second look at religious orientation, social desirability, and prejudice.Ronald J. Morris, Ralph W. Hood & P. J. Watson - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):81-84.
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    General Logic an Introductory Survey.Ralph Monroe Eaton - 1931 - New York, NY, USA: C. Scribner's Sons.
  18. Zoos and Eyes: Contesting Captivity and Seeking Successor Practices.Ralph Acampora - 2005 - Society and Animals 13 (1):69-88.
    This paper compares the phenomenological structure of zoological exhibition to the pattern prevalent in pornography. It examines several disanalogies between the two, finds them lacking or irrelevant, and concludes that the proposed analogy is strong enough to serve as a critical lens through which to view the institution of zoos. The central idea uncovered in this process of interpretation is paradoxical: Zoos are pornographic in that they make the nature of their subjects disappear precisely by overexposing them. The paper asserts (...)
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    Existentialism and the demonstrability of ethical theories.Ralph D. Ellis - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (3):165-175.
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    Factual Adequacy and Comparative Coherentism in Ethical Theory.Ralph D. Ellis - 1988 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):57-81.
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  21. Implications of inattentional blindness for "enactive" theories of consciousness.Ralph D. Ellis - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (3):297-322.
    Mack and Rock show evidence that no consciousperception occurs without a prior attentiveact. Subjects already executing attention taskstend to neglect visible elements extraneous tothe attentional task, apparently lacking evenbetter-than-chance ``implicit perception,''except in certain cases where the unattendedstimulus is a meaningful word or has uniquepre-tuned salience similar to that ofmeaningful words. This is highly consistentwith ``enactive'' notions that consciousnessrequires selective attention via emotional subcortical and limbic motivationalactivation as it influences anterior attentionmechanisms. Occipital activation withoutconsciousness suggests that motivated search,enacted through the organism's (...)
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  22. Enactivism and the New Teleology: Reconciling the Warring Camps.Ralph D. Ellis - 2014 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies (2):173-198.
    Enactivism has the potential to provide a sense of teleology in purpose-directed action, but without violating the principles of efficient causation. Action can be distinguished from mere reaction by virtue of the fact that some systems are self-organizing. Self-organization in the brain is reflected in neural plasticity, and also in the primacy of motivational processes that initiate the release of neurotransmitters necessary for mental and conscious functions, and which guide selective attention processes. But in order to flesh out the enactivist (...)
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    The Moral Psychology of Internal Conflict: Value, Meaning, and the Enactive Mind.Ralph D. Ellis - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Pushing back against the potential trivialization of moral psychology that would reduce it to emotional preferences, this book takes an enactivist, self-organizational, and hermeneutic approach to internal conflict between a basic exploratory drive motivating the search for actual truth, and opposing incentives to confabulate in the interest of conformity, authoritarianism, and cognitive dissonance, which often can lead to harmful worldviews. The result is a new possibility that ethical beliefs can have truth value and are not merely a result of ephemeral (...)
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  24. Consciousness: Situated and social.Ralph Adolphs - 2007 - In Morris Moscovitch, Philip Zelazo & Evan Thompson, Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Reflections for an age: essays contributed to The Age, Melbourne between August 1980 and June 1994.James Ralph Darling - 2006 - [Lonsdale, Vic.: Robjon Partners]. Edited by John Bedggood & Neville Clark.
    Collection of the 391 essays produced by Sir James Darling in his fortnightly column 'Reflections'. Covering universal themes, topical matters and events as they occured, the essays also reflect Sir James's remarkable insight and wisdom, and his compassion and humour.
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    I 3 Miracles in Christianity.Ralph Del Colle - 2011 - In Graham H. Twelftree, The Cambridge Companion to Miracles. Cambridge University Press.
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    Bohemond I, Prince of Antioch.A. C. Krey & Ralph Bailey Yewdale - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:174.
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  28. The Genesis of Complexity.Ralph H. Abraham - 2011 - World Futures 67 (4-5):380 - 394.
    The theories of complexity comprise a system of great breadth. But what is included under this umbrella? Here we attempt a portrait of complexity theory, seen through the lens of complexity theory itself. That is, we portray the subject as an evolving complex dynamical system, or social network, with bifurcations, emergent properties, and so on. This is a capsule history covering the twentieth century. Extensive background data may be seen at
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  29. Integrating Neuroscience and Phenomenology in the Study of Consciousness.Ralph D. Ellis - 1999 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 30 (1):18-47.
    Phenomenology and physiology become commensurable through a self-organizational physiology and an "enactive" view of consciousness. Self-organizing processes appropriate and replace their own needed substrata, rather than merely being caused by interacting components. Biochemists apply this notion to the living/nonliving distinction. An enactive approach sees consciousness as actively executed by an agent rather than passively reacting to stimuli. Perception does not result from mere stimulation of brain areas by sensory impulses; unless motivated organismic purposes first anticipate and "look for" emotionally relevant.stimuli, (...)
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  30. Phenomenology-Friendly Neuroscience: The Return To Merleau-Ponty As Psychologist.Ralph D. Ellis - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):33-55.
    This paper reports on the Kuhnian revolution now occurring in neuropsychology that is finally supportive of and friendly to phenomenology — the "enactive" approach to the mind-body relation, grounded in the notion of self-organization, which is consistent with Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on virtually every point. According to the enactive approach, human minds understand the world by virtue of the ways our bodies can act relative to it, or the ways we can imagine acting. This requires that action be distinguished from (...)
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    No Visitor Comes Empty-Handed – Some Thoughts on Unhealthy Dependency.Ralph Hanger - 2014 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 31 (1):21-35.
    This article looks at a number of issues relating to Unhealthy Dependency between churches in Africa and those in the Materially Developed World. Having defined unhealthy Dependency and recognizing the significance of finance in this area, it looks at the bigger picture, identifying a number of other areas where Unhealthy Dependency has arisen and continues to be significant. It also begins to point out some of the methods by which such unhealthy dependency is being tackled.
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  32. The Social Unrest of the Soldier.Ralph M. Eaton - 1921 - International Journal of Ethics 31 (3):279-288.
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    Book-reviews.Ralph Berry - 1968 - British Journal of Aesthetics 8 (1):89-b-90.
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    Oculomotor coordination following REM and non-REM sleep periods.Ralph J. Berger & James M. Walker - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 94 (2):216.
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    On Imagologies.Ralph Berets - 1997 - Film-Philosophy 1 (1).
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    A criticism of scepticism and relativism.Ralph Mason Blake - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (10):253-272.
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    Final comment.Ralph M. Blake - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (3):264-265.
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    Life's an Art. Franc-Nohain.Ralph M. Blake - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (3):343-344.
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    Note on the use of the term idee prior to Descartes.Ralph M. Blake - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (5):532-535.
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    Report of the annual meeting of the eastern division of the american philosophical association.Ralph M. Blake - 1929 - Journal of Philosophy 26 (5):124-134.
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    Global Post-Comparative Philosophy as Just Philosophy.Ralph Weber & Arindam Chakrabarti - 2023 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 6 (1):199-220.
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    Theories of Truth.Ralph C. S. Walker - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller, A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 532–555.
    There are often said to be five main 'theories of truth': correspondence, coherence, pragmatic, redundancy, and semantic theories. The coherence theory of truth equates the truth of a judgment with its coherence with other beliefs. Different versions of the theory give different accounts of coherence, but in all its forms the point is to exhibit truth as an internal relation between beliefs. The pragmatic theory of truth is akin to a coherence theory of this Kantian kind. No coherence theorist need (...)
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    Ray Jackendoff's phenomenology of language as a refutation of the 'appendage' theory of consciousness.Ralph D. Ellis - 1996 - Pragmatics and Cognition 4 (1):125-137.
    Since Jackendoff has shown that language facilitates abstract and complex thought by making possible subtle manipulations of the focus of attention, and since the kind of attention relevant here is attention to aspects of intentional objects in conscious awareness, it follows that the abstract and complex thinking that language facilitates owes much to the working of a conscious process. This, however, conflicts with Jackendoff's view of consciousness as something which does not play a direct part in thinking, but is only (...)
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  44. Social fatalism.Ralph M. Eaton - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (4):380-392.
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    Global Philosophy, Positionality, and Non-Relativist Perspectivism.Ralph Weber - 2025 - Philosophy East and West 75 (1):6-22.
    A new vocabulary has prominently entered the discourse of comparative philosophy. Such philosophy, and philosophy as such, is often supposed to be “global,” “cosmopolitan,” “fusion,” or “post-comparative.” The intention is to have a more global scope in what counts as philosophy and to be more inclusive of standpoints. A key term is “positionality.” In this article, I first translate a tension between globality and positionality into the problem of the possibility of a non-relativist perspectivism. Based on Borges’s Funes el memorioso (...)
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    The Beginning of the Use of Metals and Alloys. Robert Maddin.Ralph Allen - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):95-96.
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    Wilhelm Roepke's Humane Economy.Ralph E. Ancil - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3):247-261.
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    Preliminary Psychometric Validation of the Teammate Burnout Questionnaire.Ralph Appleby, Paul Anthony Davis, Louise Davis, Andreas Stenling & Will Vickery - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study was to provide support for the validation of the Teammate Burnout Questionnaire. Athletes from a variety of team sports completed the TBQ and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed acceptable fit indexes for the three-dimensional models of the TBQ and the ABQ. Multi-trait multi-method analysis revealed that the TBQ and ABQ showed acceptable convergent and discriminant validity. The preliminary validation of the TBQ indicates the utility of the scale to reflect athletes’ perceptions (...)
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    The logic of probable propositions.Ralph M. Eaton - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (2):44-51.
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    The value of theories.Ralph M. Eaton - 1921 - Journal of Philosophy 18 (25):682-690.
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