Results for 'Rainer Kessler'

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  1.  13
    Maleachi-ein dramatisches Gedicht.Rainer Kessler - 2009 - In Stefan Gehrig, Stefan Seiler & Helmut Utzschneider (eds.), Gottes Wahrnehmungen: Helmut Utzschneider zum 60. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. pp. 160.
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    Tierrechte – Eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung.Rainer Ebert - 2007 - Erlangen, Germany: Harald Fischer Verlag.
    Der Band vereinigt die Vorträge der internationalen Vorlesungsreihe “Tierrechte” an der Universität Heidelberg im Sommersemester 2006. Herausgegeben von der Interdisziplinären Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tierethik (IAT) mit ihren gegenwärtigen und früheren Mitgliedern Katharina Blesch, Alexandra Breunig, Stefan Buss, Guillaume Dondainas, Rainer Ebert, Florian Fruth, Nils Kessler, Matthias Müller, Uta Panten, Anette Reimelt, Bernd Schälling, Jürgen Schneele, Adriana Sixt-Sailer, Manja Unger und Alexander Zehmisch, setzt er die mit der Vorlesungsreihe begonnenen Bemühungen um eine unvoreingenommene Vermittlung der tierethischen Forschung fort. Der Band will (...)
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    The rational critique of social unreason. On critical theory in the Frankfurt tradition.Rainer Forst - 2023 - Constellations 30 (4):395-400.
  4.  20
    ‘Climate change mitigation is a hot topic, but not when it comes to hospitals’: a qualitative study on hospital stakeholders’ perception and sense of responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions.Claudia Quitmann, Rainer Sauerborn, Ina Danquah & Alina Herrmann - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3):204-210.
    ObjectivePhysical and mental well-being are threatened by climate change. Since hospitals in high-income countries contribute significantly to climate change through their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the medical ethics imperative of ‘do no harm’ imposes a responsibility on hospitals to decarbonise. We investigated hospital stakeholders’ perceptions of hospitals’ GHG emissions sources and the sense of responsibility for reducing GHG emissions in a hospital.MethodsWe conducted 29 semistructured qualitative expert interviews at one of Germany’s largest hospitals, Heidelberg University Hospital. Five patients, 12 clinical (...)
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    The Discovery of Things: Aristotle's Categories and Their Context.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    Aristotle's Categories can easily seem to be a statement of a naïve, pre-philosophical ontology, centered around ordinary items. Wolfgang-Rainer Mann argues that the treatise, in fact, presents a revolutionary metaphysical picture, one Aristotle arrives at by (implicitly) criticizing Plato and Plato's strange counterparts, the "Late-Learners" of the Sophist. As Mann shows, the Categories reflects Aristotle's discovery that ordinary items are things (objects with properties). Put most starkly, Mann contends that there were no things before Aristotle. The author's argument consists (...)
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    Network effects in a bounded confidence model.Igor Douven & Rainer Hegselmann - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 94 (C):56-71.
    The bounded confidence model has become a popular tool for studying communities of epistemically interacting agents. The model makes the idealizing assumption that all agents always have access to all other agents’ belief states. We draw on resources from network epistemology to do away with this assumption. In the model to be proposed, we impose an explicit communication network on a community, due to which each agent has access to the beliefs of only a selection of other agents. A much-discussed (...)
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  7. Homicide.Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Kant im Kontext: Haupt- und Nebenwege: zwei Essays.Rainer Enskat - 2021 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    'Ich sah mich nach einer Verstandeshandlung um, die alle anderen enthalt und sich nur durch die verschiedenen Modifikationen und Momente unterscheidet, das Mannigfaltige der Vorstellungen unter die Einheit des Denkens zu bringen. Und da fand ich, diese Verstandeshandlung bestehe im Urteilen'. Kant formuliert damit ein Arbeitsprogramm, das den methodischen Grundzug seiner drei Kritiken pragt. Das vorliegende Buch skizziert zunachst Knotenpunkte der Haupt- und der Nebenwege, auf denen die offentliche Auseinandersetzung mit Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft dahin gelangt ist, dieses Arbeitsprogramm (...)
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    Vom Gott der Philosophen. Religionsphilosophische Erkundungen.Rainer M. E. Jacobi - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (4):348-354.
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  10.  16
    Forfeiture and Self-Defense.Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2016 - In Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.), The Ethics of Self-Defense. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    The idea behind someone’s being “liable” to self-defense is that the person has forfeited her rights. This chapter explores how we ought to understand how and why individuals forfeit such rights. Specifically, it claims that forfeiture is a negative normative power, whereby the actor’s voluntary choice to violate another’s rights grounds the loss of his own rights against physical injury. It argues that individuals do not lose “the right to life” but simply claim rights against injury that the defender knows (...)
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  11.  60
    Die Zeit der Einbildungskraft - Die Rolle des Schematismus in Kants Erkenntnistheorie.Rainer Schäfer - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (3):437-462.
    In this paper, I focus on Kant’s doctrine of figurative synthesis. Figurative synthesis is the result of the activity of productive transcendental imagination. This is the chief problem of the so-called “second proof step” in Kant’s deduction of the categories according to the second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason. The pure original synthetic apperception forms in the inner and outer sense - i. e. in time and space - by self-affection structures of order that make it possible to (...)
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  12.  53
    'Typical dreams' reflections of arousal.Rainer Schonhammer - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (4-5):18-37.
    Dreams of chase or pursuit, falling, sex, flying, nudity, failing an examination, one's own and other's death, fire, teeth falling out and some other themes experienced, even if only rarely, by many people all over the world have been labelled 'typical dreams'. This essay argues that typical dreaming, rather a syndrome of themes than monothematic, reflects an extraordinary state of mind and brain. Odd and particularly memorable perceptions, as well as emerging awareness of sleep and dreaming -- i.e. parallels to (...)
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  13.  2
    Aristotelismus und Renaissance: in Memoriam Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt & Eckhard Kessler (eds.) - 1988 - Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz.
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  14.  34
    Emotional processing and emotional memory are modulated by interoceptive awareness.Olga Pollatos & Rainer Schandry - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (2):272-287.
  15.  31
    John Leslie, Maryvonne Longeart-Roth, Rainer Friedrich, Celina A. Lertora Mendoza.John Leslie, Maryvonne Longeart-Roth, Rainer Friedrich & Celina A. Lertora Mendoza - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:616-617.
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    Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: ein Buch für freie Geister.Friedrich Nietzsche & Ralph-Rainer Wuthenow - 1982 - W. Goldmann.
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  17.  29
    Probing the Depths of the Responsible Corporate Officer’s Duty.Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (3):455-469.
    Many criminal law scholars have criticized the responsible corporate officer doctrine as a form of strict and vicarious liability. It is neither. It is merely a doctrine that supplies a duty in instances of omissions. Siding with Todd Aagaard in this debate, I argue that a proper reading of the cases yields that the responsible corporate officer doctrine is just duty supplying, and does not allow for strict liability when the underlying statute requires mens rea. After analyzing Dotterweich, Park, and (...)
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  18.  22
    CLiPs Survey of collective volumes, monographs, MA, doctoral and post-doctoral theses, articles, papers and book reviews. A selected and annotated bibliography of recent publications with a cognitive perspective.Rainer Schulze - 1991 - Cognitive Linguistics 2 (2):207-222.
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    II. „Mitteleuropa" - Zu Genese und Entwicklung eines politischen Begriffs.Rainer Schmidt - 2001 - In Die Wiedergeburt der Mitte Europas: Politisches Denken Jenseits von Ost Und West. De Gruyter. pp. 28-77.
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    1. Terminologisch-etymologische Wurzeln des Politischen in der Antike.Rainer Schäfer - 2014 - In Rainer Schäfer (ed.), Was Freiheit Zu Recht Macht: Manuale des Politischen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 8-9.
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    V. „Mitteleuropa" oder „Europa"? Eine Schlußbemerkung.Rainer Schmidt - 2001 - In Die Wiedergeburt der Mitte Europas: Politisches Denken Jenseits von Ost Und West. De Gruyter. pp. 165-170.
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  22. Wahrheit aus der Evidenz des Ich bei Descartes.Rainer Schafer - 2007 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 33 (1):19-50.
    In dieser Untersuchung wird Descartes' Hervorhebung der Rolle der Subjektivität in der Begründung von Wahrheit und Erkenntnis verteidigt. Die Subjektivität generiert einerseits durch eine von ihr hergestellte Erkenntnisordnung und Wissensökonomie Einsicht in neue Wahrheiten und andererseits folgt aus dem wissenden und unbezweifelbaren Selbstverhältnis des endlichen Subjekts die Evidenz als Wahrheitskriterium. Dadurch gelingt es Descartes den notwendigen Zusammenhang von Wahrheitsgeltung und Verifikation in den kognitiven Leistungen des Subjekts zu plausibilisieren. Neuartig ist die hier vertretene These, dass sich das Wahrheitskonzept der Evidenz (...)
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  23. 1. matching microcosmos and macrocosmos.Erich Jantsch & Rainer Maria Rilke - 1976 - In Evolution And Consciousness: Human Systems In Transition. Reading, Mass.: Reading Ma: Addison-Wesley.
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    Spekulative Begründung und inhaltliche Erkenntnis in der praktischen Philosophie Hegels: Untersuchungen zur Jenaer Philosophie des Geistes, zu ihrer Methode und Entwicklung.Rainer Adolphi - 1989 - Bonn: Bouvier Verlag.
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    Contested duplicates: disputed negotiations surrounding ethnographic doppelgängers in German New Guinea, 1898–1914.Rainer F. Buschmann - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (3):297-318.
    The issue of duplicates and duplication in ethnographic collection is frequently regarded as a process that begins and ends in the museum as a fundamental act of the process of curating. In contrast, this article maintains, this practice occurred all along the chain of collecting, where indigenous artefacts operated as items of exchange in the context of the colonial encounter. Using the example of German New Guinea, the article maintains that epistemological concerns, as symbolic currency both in terms of inter-museum (...)
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  26.  18
    3. Pierre Bayle’s Reflexive Theory of Toleration.Rainer Forst - 2022 - In Melissa S. Williams & Jeremy Waldron (eds.), Toleration and its Limits: Nomos Xlviii. New York University Press. pp. 78-113.
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    Lehren ohne Belehrung: Leonard Nelsons neosokratische Methode der Gesprächsführung.Rainer Loska - 1995 - Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
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    (1 other version)Danksagung.Rainer Schäfer - 2014 - In Rainer Schäfer (ed.), Was Freiheit Zu Recht Macht: Manuale des Politischen. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    4. Der Gesellschaftsvertrag als neuzeitliches Modell zur Entstehung und Legitimation des Staates.Rainer Schäfer - 2014 - In Rainer Schäfer (ed.), Was Freiheit Zu Recht Macht: Manuale des Politischen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 37-43.
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    3. Die philosophischen Parteien und das Programm.Rainer Schäfer - 2014 - In Rainer Schäfer (ed.), Was Freiheit Zu Recht Macht: Manuale des Politischen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 32-36.
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    Understanding the lexicon: meaning, sense, and world knowledge in lexical semantics.Werner Hüllen & Rainer Schulze (eds.) - 1988 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    The book series Linguistische Arbeiten (LA) publishes high-quality work in linguistics that addresses current issues in synchrony and diachrony, theoretically or empirically oriented.
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  32. Philosophie de l'art . Premiers écrits sur l'esthétique.Georg Lukács, Rainer Rochlitz & Alain Pernet - 1984 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):94-95.
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  33. (1 other version)In Memory of Michael Frede.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40:1-6.
  34. Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism : Der Begriff des Staates / the Concept of the State.Kurt Rainer Meist - 2003 - Walter de Gruyter.
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  35. Poetik des Unreinen.Rainer Nägele - 2001 - In Norbert Haas, Rainer Nägele, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Gerhard Herrgott (eds.), Kontamination. Eggingen: Edition Isele.
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  36. Different Dimensions of Affective Processing in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Multi-Center Cross-Sectional Study.Sabrina Berens, Rainer Schaefert, Johannes C. Ehrenthal, David Baumeister, Wolfgang Eich & Jonas Tesarz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Deficits in affective processing are associated with impairments in both mental and physical health. The role of affective processing in patients with functional somatic complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome remains unclear. Most studies have focused on the capacity for emotional awareness and expression, but neglect other dimensions of affective processing. Therefore, this study aimed to systematically analyze differences in six different dimensions of affective processing between patients with IBS and healthy controls. Additionally, we exploratively investigated the impact of (...)
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    L'art sans compas: redéfinition de l'esthétique.Christian Bouchindhomme & Rainer Rochlitz (eds.) - 1992 - Paris: Editions du Cerf.
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    Democratic inclusion: Rainer Bauböck in dialogue.Rainer Bauböck (ed.) - 2017 - Manchester University Press.
  39. Frege, mill, and the foundations of arithmetic.Glenn Kessler - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (2):65-79.
  40. Rainer Maria Rilke's 'Sonnets to Orpheus': A New English Version, With a Philosophical Introduction.Rainer Maria Rilke & Rick Anthony Furtak (eds.) - 2007 - University of Scranton Press.
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  41. Die Frage nach dem Heiligen angesichts naturalistischer Weltsicht und missbrauchter Religion.Hans Kessler - 2017 - In Wolfgang Gantke, Thomas Schreijäck & Vladislav Serikov (eds.), Das Heilige interkulturell: Perspektiven in religionswissenschaftlichen, theologischen und philosophischen Kontexten. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    Das Problem des frühen Humanismus.Eckhard Kessler - 1968 - München,: W. Fink.
  43.  42
    Islamic Finance.Alfred R. Kessler - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):162-163.
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    Le paysage et son ombre.Mathieu Kessler - 1999 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  45. Learning to read.Rebecca Treiman & Kessler & Brett - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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  46. Mentor.Jascha Kessler - forthcoming - Arion 6 (1).
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  47. Crime and Culpability: A Theory of Criminal Law.Larry Alexander, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan & Stephen J. Morse - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kimberly Kessler Ferzan & Stephen J. Morse.
    This book presents a comprehensive overview of what the criminal law would look like if organised around the principle that those who deserve punishment should receive punishment commensurate with, but no greater than, that which they deserve. Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan argue that desert is a function of the actor's culpability, and that culpability is a function of the risks of harm to protected interests that the actor believes he is imposing and his reasons for acting in (...)
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  48.  30
    Defending Honor and Beyond: Reconsidering the Relationship between Seemingly Futile Defense and Permissible Harming.Kimberly Kessler Ferzan - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (6):683-705.
    In Helen Frowe’s book, Defensive Killing, she argues that some cases of seemingly futile self-defense are actually instances of justifiable defense of the victim’s honor. This paper explores Frowe’s claim, first by isolating the central cases and then by examining her rejection of punitive reasons. From there, the paper examines Frowe’s understanding of “defense of honor,” ultimately suggesting that Frowe’s conception is best construed as action that has expressive, but not defensive, value. From there, I turn to two more general (...)
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  49.  54
    A note on future branching time.Glenn Kessler - 1975 - Theoria 41 (2):89-95.
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  50.  53
    Die philosophische Diskursethik und das Ulmer Modell der Ethikseminare.Dr Henrik Kessler - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (4):258-267.
    In diesem Artikel geht es um die Beziehungen zwischen der von Jürgen Habermas entwickelten Diskursethik und den Studierendenseminaren, die der Ulmer Arbeitskreis „Ethik in der Medizin“ veranstaltet. Zunächst erfolgt eine Darstellung der Kernaussagen der philosophischen Diskursethik. Sie liefert eine formale Argumentationsprozedur, mit der es möglich ist, die Legitimität strittig gewordener Normen im Diskurs zu prüfen. Anschließend wird das in Ulm von Baitsch und Sponholz entwickelte Modell der Seminare „Ethische Entscheidungskonflikte im ärztlichen Alltag“ vorgestellt. Da sich die Ulmer Seminare unter anderem (...)
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