Results for 'Radical reduction'

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  1. Sartre’s radical Reduction to the incarnated Subjectivity. The Metaphysics of Contingency.Bence Marosan - 2010 - Phainomena 74:139-167.
    The main theme of the essay is the bodily nature of human existence according to Sartre. I will try to place Sartre’s account of bodily existence into the special context of phenomenological reduction. Though Sartre was rather skeptical toward this methodological operation as it was presented by Edmund Husserl, I have in mind the wider interpretation of reductions that was given by Jean-Luc Marion. According to Marion the phenomenological reduction means the focusing of the philosophical regard onto a (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction: Edmund Husserl: The Radical Reduction to the Living Present As the Fully Enacted Transcendental Reduction.Sebastian Luft - 2005 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 5:352-357.
    When Edmund Husserl retired in 1928, ceding his chair at the University of Freiburg to his successor Martin Heidegger, he again began working intensively on synthesizing his philosophical efforts into a new “system of phenomenology.” This new presentation could, hopefully, displace his earlier presentation of 1913 in the Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Book I, a work with which he had become dissatisfied in the meantime.
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  3. Nr. 11: Radikale Reduktion auf die strömendlebendige Gegenwart ist äquivalent mit transzendental phänomenologischer Reduktion. Nr. 11: Radical Reduction to the Streaming-Living Present is Equivalent to the Transcendental-Phenomenological Reduction.Edmund Husserl - 2023 - In Burt C. Hopkins & Daniele De Santis (eds.), The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 358-363.
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    Special, radical, failure of reduction in psychiatry.Don Ross - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e25.
    Use of network models to identify causal structure typically blocks reduction across the sciences. Entanglement of mental processes with environmental and intentional relationships, as Borsboom et al. argue, makes reduction of psychology to neuroscience particularly implausible. However, in psychiatry, a mental disorder can involve no brain disorder at all, even when the former crucially depends on aspects of brain structure. Gambling addiction constitutes an example.
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  5. Reduction, Elimination and Radical Uninterpretability.David Roden - manuscript
    In this paper I argue that the anti-reductionist thesis supports a case for the uselessness of intentional idioms in the interpretation of highly flexible, self-modifying agents that I refer to as “hyperplastic” agents. An agent is hyperplastic if it can make arbitrarily fine changes to any part of its functional or physical structure without compromising its agency or its capacity for hyperplasticity. Using Davidson’s anomalous monism (AM) as an exemplar of anti-reductionism, I argue that AM implies that no hyperplastic could (...)
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    An inquiry on radical empathy and the phenomenological reduction in Sartre and Merleau-Ponty.Elisa Magrì - 2018 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (3):323-341.
    In this paper, I wish to explore the contribution of the phenomenological reduction to a distinct form of empathy, which has been identified and called by Ratcliffe :473–495, 2012) radical empathy. This form of empathy brings to light the sense of reality experienced by the subject rather than a mere mental state. However, I shall consider whether and how the phenomenological reduction allows different interpretations of the same experience, thereby impacting on our understanding of another’s sense of (...)
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  7. Self-alteration and temporality: the radicalized and universal reductions in Husserl’s late thinking (au-delà de Derrida).Nicholas Smith - 2011 - In Dermot Moran Hans Rainer Sepp (ed.), Phenomenology 2010 vol. 4. Selected Essays from Northern Europe: Traditions, Transitions and Challenges. Zeta Books. pp. 51-86.
    This text argues that Husserl’s late philosophy of temporal and bodily subjectivity can only be understood by means of the interplay between different reductions. For various reasons, this decisive methodological aspect has been largely overlooked by most interpreters. As a consequence, the co-originality of the constitution of space and time, which first enables a comprehensive grasp of the originary processes in the living streaming present, has remained virtually unknown. This also means that the proper understanding of egology and intersubjectivity has (...)
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    The reduction of causation.Mariam Thalos - 2003 - In Kyburg Jr, E. Henry & Mariam Thalos (eds.), Probability is the Very Guide of Life: The Philosophical Uses of Chance. Open Court. pp. 295.
    It is a perennial philosophical enterprise to propose the reduction of causal facts to facts of some other kind. Just as it is also a perennial enterprise to proclaim that certain such proposed reductions are doomed to failure. Here I shall champion a certain family of reductionist proposals—namely, those that quantify the notion of causality—referring to them as quantitative reductions. The opposition to quantitative reductionism proclaims that an antireductionist analysis of causation is to be preferred, because such an analysis (...)
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    Réduction et subjectivation chez Theodor Celms.Denis Seron - 2018 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 10 (2):295-316.
    The work of the Latvian phenomenologist Theodor Celms provides an interesting attempt to reinterpret Husserl’s phenomenological reduction in terms of Natorp’s subjectivation. This paper summarizes in broad outline some salient features of Celms’ theory of subjectivation and discusses some of its similarities and differences with Husserl’s and Natorp’s views. I focus on two more central points. First, Celms proposes to interpret Husserlian reduction as radicalizing or generalizing an operation of thought that is pervasive throughout all forms of cognition. (...)
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  10. Phenomenological reduction in Merleau‐Ponty's The Structure of Behavior: An alternative approach to the naturalization of phenomenology.Hayden Kee - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):15-32.
    Approaches to the naturalization of phenomenology usually understand naturalization as a matter of rendering continuous the methods, epistemologies, and ontologies of phenomenological and natural scientific inquiry. Presupposed in this statement of the problematic, however, is that there is an original discontinuity, a rupture between phenomenology and the natural sciences that must be remedied. I propose that this way of thinking about the issue is rooted in a simplistic understanding of the phenomenological reduction that entails certain assumptions about the subject (...)
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    Réduction, construction, destruction. D’un dialogue à trois : Natorp, Husserl, Heidegger.Jean-François Courtine - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (2):559-577.
    In order to introduce the question of tbe « given » and of its elaboration with respect to the motifs of reduction, construction and destruction, we take as a point of departure the first courses of Heidegger at the University of Freiburg in the years 1919-1920. Framed by a sustained debate with the different figures of Neokantianism that occupied the forefront of the philosophical scene in Germany, Heidegger’s aim is to take up and to radicalize Husserl’s phenomenological enterprise indexed (...)
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    La réduction pathologique.Jean Vioulac - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (2):281-307.
    The issue of phenomenological reduction proceeds from the methodological requirement of the absence of presupposition : however, transcendental subjectivity as an actor of the reduction constitutes a presupposition that is inherent to Husserl’s approach. Radicality would then impose a reduction the subject submits to, not a reduction the subject chooses. That is how disease was considered by Nietzsche. Indeed, disease is the event through which subjective flesh shows itself from itself, in pathological phenomena, and shows itself (...)
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  13. Reduction and Reflection after the Analytic-Continental Divide.Jacob Rump - 2021 - In Hanne Jacobs (ed.), The Husserlian Mind. New Yor, NY: Routledge. pp. 117-28.
    In this chapter, I discuss some lesser-known aspects of Husserl’s concept of the phenomenological reduction in relation to his use of the notion of reflection, and indicate how these topics connect to concerns in contemporary philosophy after the analytic-continental divide. Empathy, collective intentionality, non-representationalism, non-cognitivism, and the focus on the lived body as a source of sense-making and knowing-how are all domains in which Husserl’s conception of the reduction anticipates recent philosophical trends after the analytic-continental divide. They are (...)
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    Reduction to Evidence as a Liberation of Thinking: Husserl’s Idea of Phenomenology and the Origin of Phenomenological Reduction.Taguchi Shigeru - 2013 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (1):1-11.
    Husserl’s theory of the phenomenological reduction is often explained by a radicalchange of attitude. Such an explanation is useful but sometimes misleading. TheIdea of Phenomenology clearly shows that the original idea of the reduction wasachieved through a radicalized critique of evidence. Although Husserl’s appealto evidence has often been criticized as an unjustified limitation of philosophicalthinking, a close examination of Husserl’s lectures reveals that the very ‘limitation’ to the phenomenological evidence breaks our naturalinclination toward objective identities and liberates our (...)
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    Radical Existentialist Exercise.Jasper Doomen - 2021 - Voices in Bioethics 7.
    Photo by Alex Guillaume on Unsplash Introduction The problem of climate change raises some important philosophical, existential questions. I propose a radical solution designed to provoke reflection on the role of humans in climate change. To push the theoretical limits of what measures people are willing to accept to combat it, an extreme population control tool is proposed: allowing people to reproduce only if they make a financial commitment guaranteeing a carbon-neutral upbringing. Solving the problem of climate change in (...)
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    Heidegger and the Phenomenological Reductions in Husserl.Panos Theodorou - 2015 - In Husserl and Heidegger on Reduction, Primordiality, and the Categorial. Cham: Springer.
    At least after 1907, Husserl recognized that in the Phenomenology of the LI (1901), i.e., in Eidetic Descriptive or Pure Eidetic Psychology, elements that were silently presupposed were actually in need of phenomenological clarification and reconsideration. This was also the case with regard to the problematic ontological status of the world, as it is experienced in the natural attitude. In order to overcome this difficulty, Husserl invents the method of transcendental reduction and, on its basis, transforms the Eidetic Phenomenological (...)
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    The Reduction and ‘The Fourth Principle’.Jean-Luc Marion - 2016 - Analecta Hermeneutica 8.
    Among the many difficulties, or even paradoxes, that phenomenology has imposed upon us by positing itself as a doctrine, or at least as a radical foundation for philosophy, one must first and foremost consider the operation typically referred to as the reduction. The reasons for detecting difficulties therein are many, but they take on even greater significance since Husserl proclaimed the reduction to be fundamental to any philosophy that wished to establish itself as a phenomenology. The history (...)
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    Time, Reduction, and Intentionality.Luis Niel - 2016 - Quaestiones Disputatae 7 (1):74-88.
    Based on some reflections found on Husserl’s C-manuscripts, the article focuses on the methodical path toward the disclosure of what I call the “primal-intentional-tension” (PIT)—namely, the differential relation between the I and the Not-I, at the most fundamental level of the constitution of time. In order to reach this essential structure of experience, I address the method of the reduction and its radicalization. I argue: first, that intentionality is for Husserl not only act-intentionality, since there are also other intentional (...)
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  19. Ontological reduction: A comment on Lombardi and labarca.Paul Needham - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 8 (1):73-80.
    In a recent article in this journal (Foundations of Chemistry, 7 (2005), 125–148) Lombardi and Labarca call into question a thesis of ontological reduction to which several writers on reduction subscribe despite rejecting a thesis of epistemological reduction. Lombardi and Labarca advocate instead a pluralistic ontology inspired by Putnam’s internal realism. I suggest that it is not necessary to go so far, and that a more critical view of the ontological reduction espoused by the authors they (...)
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  20. Nagel's analysis of reduction: Comments in defense as well as critique.Paul Needham - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (2):163-170.
    Despite all the criticism showered on Nagel’s classic account of reduction, it meets a fundamental desideratum in an analysis of reduction that is difficult to question, namely of providing for a proper identification of the reducing theory. This is not clearly accommodated in radically different accounts. However, the same feature leads me to question Nagel’s claim that the reducing theory can be separated from the putative bridge laws, and thus to question his notion of heterogeneous reduction. A (...)
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  21. Radical Anti-Deflationism.Peter S. Dillard - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (1):173-181.
    Deflationism about truth is the claim that the concept of truth is completely explicated by the disquotational view of truth, where the latter is the specification of a device of semantic ascent that avoids the semantical paradoxes. Over the last twenty years, the plausibility of deflationism has been intensely debated by philosophers of language. A number of writers have argued that even though deflationism is a coherent view, it is false. Some maintain that this is because a complete account of (...)
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  22.  15
    A Radical Dissonance Theory.Jean Leon Beauvois & R. V. Joule - 1996 - Taylor & Francis.
    This text provides an account of dissonance theory and reduction. It studies the evolution of cognitive dissonance theory, providing a review and a new interpretation of Festinger's original theory - the "radical conception". The authors present research arising from this new interpretation, adding to Festinger's theory by emphasizing the importance of the status of behaviour. Their research and evidence is intended to strengthen and clarify Festinger's original and innovative arguments.
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    Reductions of Consciousness. From Husserl to Churchland.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):169-185.
    The author juxtaposes two extreme approaches to the relationship between consciousness and the physical world: phenomenological-idealistic (represented by Edmund Husserl) and radically naturalistic (represented by Paul Churchland). These two positions are interpreted in terms of opposite if symmetrical types of reduction (on the one hand, the reduction of the world to a sense for consciousness, and on the other hand, the reduction of consciousness to an element of the physical world). They emerge as two ways of abstracting (...)
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    Primary reasons: From radical interpretation to a pure anomalism of the mental.Gerhard Preyer - 2000 - ProtoSociology 14:158-179.
    The paper gives a reconstruction of Donald Davidson’s theory of primary reasons in the context of the unified theory of meaning and action and its ontology of individual events. This is a necessary task to understand this philosophy of language and action because since his article “Actions, Reasons, and Causes” he has developed and modified his proposal on describing and explaining actions. He has expanded the “unified theory” to a composite theory of beliefs and desires as a total theory of (...)
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  25. Radically non-­ideal climate politics and the obligation to at least vote green.Aaron Maltais - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (5):589-608.
    Obligations to reduce one’s green house gas emissions appear to be difficult to justify prior to large-scale collective action because an individual’s emissions have virtually no impact on the environmental problem. However, I show that individuals’ emissions choices raise the question of whether or not they can be justified as fair use of what remains of a safe global emissions budget. This is true both before and after major mitigation efforts are in place. Nevertheless, it remains difficult to establish an (...)
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    Reactive Oxygen Species: Radical Factors in the Evolution of Animal Life.Yannick J. Taverne, Daphne Merkus, Ad J. Bogers, Barry Halliwell, Dirk J. Duncker & Timothy W. Lyons - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (3):1700158.
    Introduction of O2 to Earth's early biosphere stimulated remarkable evolutionary adaptations, and a wide range of electron acceptors allowed diverse, energy-yielding metabolic pathways. Enzymatic reduction of O2 yielded a several-fold increase in energy production, enabling evolution of multi-cellular animal life. However, utilization of O2 also presented major challenges as O2 and many of its derived reactive oxygen species are highly toxic, possibly impeding multicellular evolution after the Great Oxidation Event. Remarkably, ROS, and especially hydrogen peroxide, seem to play a (...)
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    The public sphere and radical politics: some notes based on Habermas.Leno Francisco Danner - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (3):133-154.
    RESUMO:O artigo discute a noção de esfera pública tematizada nos trabalhos habermasianos, defendendo que a íntima associação entre esfera pública e democracia permite pensar um modelo de política radical, no qual a aproximação entre Estado burocrático e partidos políticos profissionais com os movimentos sociais e as iniciativas cidadãs poderia superar a redução da práxis política a política partidária, concedendo a devida importância aos impulsos normativos e aos interesses generalizáveis advindos da sociedade civil rumo ao político, recuperando também uma concepção (...)
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    Prioritarianism and Welfare Reductions.Ingmar Persson - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (3):289-301.
    Derek Parfit has argued that egalitarianism is exposed to a levelling down objection because it implies, implausibly, that a change, which consists only in the better-off sinking to the level of the worse-off, is in one respect better, though it is better for nobody. He claims that, in contrast, the prioritarian view that benefits to the worse-off have greater moral weight escapes this objection. This article contends, first, that prioritarianism is equally affected by the levelling down objection as is egalitarianism, (...)
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  29. Describing the macroscopic world: Closing the circle within the dynamical reduction program. [REVIEW]G. C. Ghirardi, R. Grassi & F. Benatti - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (1):5-38.
    With reference to recently proposed theoretical models accounting for reduction in terms of a unified dynamics governing all physical processes, we analyze the problem of working out a worldview accommodating our knowledge about natural phenomena. We stress the relevant conceptual differences between the considered models and standard quantum mechanics. In spite of the fact that both theories describe systems within a genuine Hilbert space framework, the peculiar features of the spontaneous reduction models limit drastically the states which are (...)
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    A new definition of reduction between two scientific theories: no reduction of chemistry to quantum mechanics.Antonino Drago - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (3):421-445.
    All suggested notions of reduction of two scientific theories are critically reviewed and analyzed. In particular those applied to the case of the alleged reduction of Chemistry to Quantum mechanics are examined. Since it is recognized that the weakness of this field of research is the lack of a definition of a scientific theory, it is suggested that a scientific theory is characterized by two choices regarding two dichotomies, that is, the kind of mathematics and the kind of (...)
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    Heterosexism, homonegativity, and the sociopolitical dangers of orthodox models of prejudice reduction.Darren Langdridge - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):440.
    Criticism of orthodox models of prejudice reduction is particularly relevant for lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals, particularly when considering stage models of coming-out. If social change is to be effected regarding endemic homonegativity and heterosexism, then it is argued that a radical rethink is needed to the understandable but misinformed desire to get us to like each other more.
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    The Epistemological Contribution of the Transcendental Reduction.Stefano Vincini - 2020 - Husserl Studies 37 (1):39-66.
    In order to appreciate the rich implications of the transcendental reduction, one has to distinguish the different contexts where it acquires different meanings. The present paper focuses on a particular epistemological context and clarifies the contribution of the reduction within this context. The contribution consists in the formulation and solution of the problem of exhibiting the evidence supporting the belief in the world’s existence. In a nutshell, world-experience grounds the world-belief and world-experience entails a bedrock of experience legitimizing (...)
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    Environmental Externalities and Weak Appropriability: Influences on Firm Pollution Reduction Technology Development.Alfred A. Marcus & Joel Malen - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (8):1599-1633.
    Technological development plays a critical role in society’s ability to address environmental issues. Building on Teece’s profiting from innovation framework, we articulate how a double-externality problem weakens the appropriability regime surrounding pollution reduction technology (PRT). We then develop a theoretical framework articulating how weak appropriability induces firms to modify their innovation strategies for PRT development by increasing the extent to which they engage in organizational exploration (rather than exploitation) and emphasizing incremental (rather than radical) technologies. Noting that the (...)
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  34. Beyond Radical Interpretation: Individuality as the Basis of Historical Understanding.Serge Grigoriev - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 17 (4):489-503.
    Owing in part to Rorty’s energetic promotional efforts, Davidson’s philosophy of language has received much attention in recent decades from quarters most diverse, creating at times a sense of an almost protean versatility. Conspicuously missing from the rapidly growing literature on the subject is a sustained discussion of the relationship between Davidson’s interpretive theory and history: an omission all the more surprising since a comparison between Davidson and Gadamer has been pursued at some length and now, it seems,abandoned—all without as (...)
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    Crisis of sciences and phenomenology: Overcoming or radicalization?Mikhail Belousov - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):40-72.
    In his late works Husserl interprets the crisis of European sciences as the loss of their meaning for life. The diagnosis seems to suggest therapeutic strategy: to overcome the crisis, phenomenology must return to the evidences of the life-world. The article argues that the husserlian strategy of overcoming the crisis consists not in the elimination of the break with the prescientific evidences of the natural attitude, but, on the contrary, in the radicalization of the breach. Thus, I want to show (...)
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    Rortyan Ethics as Radical Pluralism.David Rondel - 2023 - In Martin Müller (ed.), Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 673-686.
    This chapter provides an overview of Rorty’s ethical pluralism along with a sketch of some of its main sources and implications. I also address Rorty’s thesis, notorious among some critics, about the incommensurability of a private “ironic” stance and a public commitment to the reduction of cruelty. A central argument is that Rorty’s “private-public” distinction is best read as an expression of the often under-appreciated “tragic” dimension that runs through Rorty’s thought. The main goal of the chapter is to (...)
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  37. Peter Fenves, The Messianic Reduction: Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time.Andrew McGettigan - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 168:49.
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    Prioritarianism in Health-Care: Resisting the Reduction to Utilitarianism.Massimo Reichlin - 2021 - Diametros 18 (69):20-32.
    Tännsjö’s book Setting Health-Care Priorities defends the view that there are three main normative theories in the domain of distributive justice, and that these theories are both highly plausible in themselves, and practically convergent in their normative conclusions. All three theories point to a somewhat radical departure from the present distribution of medical resources: in particular, they suggest redirecting resources from marginal life extension to the care of mentally ill patients. In this paper I wish to argue, firstly, that (...)
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  39. The new Riddle of radical translation.Geoffrey Hellman - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (3):227-246.
    This paper presents parts of a theory of radical translation with applications to the problem of construing reference. First, in sections 1 to 4 the general standpoint, inspired by Goodman's approach to induction, is set forth. Codification of sound translational practice replaces the aim of behavioral reduction of semantic notions. The need for a theory of translational projection (manual construction on the basis of a finite empirical correlation of sentences) is established by showing the anomalies otherwise resulting (e.g. (...)
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    Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action by Rhiannon Firth (review).John-Erik Hansson - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):606-612.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action by Rhiannon FirthJohn-Erik HanssonRhiannon Firth. Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action. London: Pluto Press, 2022. Paperback, 243 pp. ISBN 9780745340463The COVID-19 pandemic and the unfolding climate crisis, with the multiplication of unprecedented weather events, have shown how urgent it is to reflect on our responses to disaster. Following up on themes she first broached in Coronavirus, Class, and (...)
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    Retratos en la fotografía de Lariza Hatrick Lo abyecto como escollo radical de la representación.Ariel Martínez & Guillermo Suzzi - 2024 - Aisthesis 75:225-248.
    El presente artículo se interesa por los retratos fotográficos. Para ello, se considera la propuesta visual de Lariza Hatrick –artista lesbiana argentina dedicada a retratar la comunidad sexo-disidente que ella misma habita–. Aquí interesa el modo en que sus retratos dan cuenta de la irrupción de los cuerpos como lugar ontológico de contestación política no reductible al plano de la significación. En esta dirección, se recorren algunos vínculos entre identidad y representación a partir del trabajo precursor de Michel Foucault, de (...)
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    The metaphysics of Christian ethics: Radical orthodoxy and theosis.Daniel Haynes - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (4):659-671.
    Western theology struggles with the rise of secularism and postmodernism. The Radical Orthodoxy sensibility asserts that the ancient principles of methexis (participation) and theosis (deification) presents an alternative metaphysical narrative to the narrative of secularism and the onto-theological tradition. This article addresses the problems of the onto-theological metaphysical tradition in Western theology by analyzing Radical Orthodoxy's rediscovery of the philosophical and theological principles of participation and theosis as articulated in the patristic tradition and in the thought of Thomas (...)
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    The New Defense of Determinism: Neurobiological Reduction.Mehmet Ödemi̇ş - 2021 - Kader 19 (1):29-54.
    Determinist thought with its sui generis view on life, nature and being as a whole is a point of view that could be observed in many different cultures and beliefs. It was thanks to Greek thought that it ceased to be a cultural element and transformed into a systematic cosmology. Schools such as Leucippos, then Democritos and Stoa attempted to integrate the determinist philosophy into ontology and cosmology. In the course of time, physics and metaphysics-based determinism approaches were introduced, and (...)
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  44. La vida humana como principio interpretativo radical en la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset / Human Life as Radical Interpretative Principle in the Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset.Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (3):81-96.
    En este artículo presentamos el concepto de vida humana como texto eterno en el pensamiento de Ortega y sus consecuencias para el problema de la interpretación. La filosofía de la razón vital de Ortega se fundamenta en el concepto de vida humana como realidad radical y principio interpretativo universal, y por esta razón se presenta desde el principio como una filosofía hermenéutica de la vida y no como una reducción hacia la conciencia trascendental. Esta hermenéutica se practica especialmente en (...)
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  45. How to minimize ontological commitments: a grounding-reductive approach.Reuben Sass - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-22.
    Some revisionary ontologies are highly parsimonious: they posit far fewer entities than what we quantify over in ordinary discourse. The most radical examples are minimal ontologies, on which physical simples are the only things that exist. Highly parsimonious ontologies, and especially minimal ones, face the challenge of either accounting for the truth of our ordinary quantificational discourse, or paraphrasing such discourse away. Common strategies for addressing this challenge include classical reduction, paraphrase nihilism, and a distinction between ontological and (...)
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  46. Time’s entanglements: Beauvoir and Fanon on reductive temporalities.Marilyn Stendera - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):1-20.
    Simone de Beauvoir and Frantz Fanon both argue that oppression fundamentally constrains the subject’s relationship to and embodied experience of time, yet their accounts of temporality are rarely brought together. This paper will explore what we might learn about the operation of different types of reductive temporality if we read Beauvoir and Fanon alongside each other, focusing primarily on the early works that arguably lay out the central concerns of their respective temporal frameworks. At first glance, it seems that these (...)
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  47. Aron Gurwitsch’s Incipient Phenomenological Reduction.Daniel J. Marcelle - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:119-134.
    Aron Gurwitsch wants to introduce a theory of organization developed by Gestalt psychology into Husserlian phenomenology. The problem is to show how it is possible to introduce a theory developed within a positive science into philosophical phenomenology. His solution is to show that aspects of this theory already are or can be phenomenological through what he calls an incipient phenomenological reduction. Specifically, it is the dismissal of the constancy hypothesis in which he identifies the possibility moving from an explanatory (...)
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    Sketches Toward an Ontology of Non-Dwelling: Mara Salvatrucha 13, Radical Homelessness, and Postglobality.Anthony Ramos - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (1):61-85.
    In 1988, the California state legislature passed the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, which allowed courts to “enhance” the sentences of offenders who have been proven to "promote, further, or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members." It bundled together criminality, policing, and incarceration in ways that drew upon the fears of the black/latino Others that were imminent in panics surrounding the “crack epidemic” and inner-city crime. Jumping to April 2016, the Salvadoran government has passed strikingly similar (...)
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    Descartes and Husserl: The Philosophical Project of Radical Beginnings (review). [REVIEW]Michael K. Shim - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (4):593-595.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes and Husserl. The Philosophical Project of Radical BeginningsMichael K. ShimPaul S. MacDonald. Descartes and Husserl. The Philosophical Project of Radical Beginnings. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. Pp. 285. Paper, $21.95.The enormous influence exerted by Descartes on Husserl's phenomenological philosophy cannot be underestimated. Not only is Husserl quite open and explicit about his philosophical debt to Descartes, but the fundamental motivation of the (...)
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    Reductionism and the neuron doctrine: A metaphysical fix of gold & Stoljar's trivial–radical distinction.James Fahey & Michael Zenzen - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):835-836.
    The trivial neuron doctrine (TND) holds that psychology merely depends on neurobiology. The radical neuron doctrine (RND) goes further and claims that psychology is superfluous in that neuroscience can “replace it.” Popular among RND notions of “replacement” is “reduction,” and in our commentary we challenge Gold & Stoljar (G&S) to make clear their distinction between merely depends on (TND) and is reducible to (RND). G&S give us a TND–RND distinction that is a distinction without a difference; a defensible (...)
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