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  1. The coincidentia oppositorum in Cusanus (1401–1464), Lanza del Vasto (1901–1981) and beyond.Antonino Drago - 2010 - Epistemologia 33:305-328.
    Nella storia della metafisica è stato un grande problema come chiarire l’idea della coincidentia oppositorum (la coincidenza degli opposti) di Cusano, il quale è riconosciuto comunque da Cassirer come il primo epistemologo del pensiero moderno, in particolare come colui che ha saputo conquistare l’infinito alla mente umana. Dopo alcuni secoli, ha avuto una grande importanza una idea simile a quella di Cusano, la dialettica di Hegel, la quale aggiunge una negazione ad una prima frase negata per ottenere una sintesi in (...)
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  2. Alternative mathematics and alternative theoretical physics: The method for linking them together.Antonino Drago - 1996 - Epistemologia 19 (1):33-50.
    I characterize Bishop's constructive mathematics as an alternative to classical mathematics, which makes use of the actual infinity. From the history an accurate investigation of past physical theories I obtianed some ones - mainly Lazare Carnot's mechanics and Sadi Carnot's thermodynamics - which are alternative to the dominant theories - e.g. Newtopn's mechanics. The way to link together mathematics to theoretical physics is generalized and some general considerations, in particualr on the geoemtry in theoretical physics, are obtained.that.
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  3. The square of opposition and the four fundamental choices.Antonino Drago - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (1):127-141.
    . Each predicate of the Aristotelian square of opposition includes the word “is”. Through a twofold interpretation of this word the square includes both classical logic and non-classical logic. All theses embodied by the square of opposition are preserved by the new interpretation, except for contradictories, which are substituted by incommensurabilities. Indeed, the new interpretation of the square of opposition concerns the relationships among entire theories, each represented by means of a characteristic predicate. A generalization of the square of opposition (...)
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  4. Pluralism in Logic: The Square of Opposition, Leibniz'Principle of Sufficient Reason and Markov's Principle.Antonino Drago - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 175--189.
  5. What Was the Role of Galileo in the Century-Long Birth of Modern Science?Antonino Drago - 2017 - Philosophia Scientiae 21:35-54.
    Quel est le rôle de Galilée dans la naissance séculaire de la science moderne? Je réponds à la question ci-dessus à la lumière de deux nouveaux éléments. Dès le xvie siècle, Nicolas de Cues, quoiqu’il ne pratiquât pas la science expérimentale, a anticipé une partie substantielle de la révolution copernicienne et de la naissance de la méthodologie galiléenne. Le deuxième élément est l’introduction d’une nouvelle conception des fondements de la science ; ils sont définis comme constitués de trois dialectiques. Après (...)
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  6. Suggestion for Teaching Science as a Pluralist Enterprise.Antonino Drago - 2018 - Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 5:66-83.
    The change in the organization of science education over the past fifty years is quickly recalled. Being its cultural bound the lack of a conception of the foundation of science, the multiple innovations have resulted as temporary improvements without a clear direction, apart from the technocratic goal of an automation of learning processes. The discovery of two dichotomies as the foundations of science suggests a pluralist conception of science, and hence the need to entirely renew science education, in particular by (...)
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  7. A Pluralist Foundation of the Mathematics of the First Half of the Twentieth Century.Antonino Drago - 2017 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34 (2):343-363.
    MethodologyA new hypothesis on the basic features characterizing the Foundations of Mathematics is suggested.Application of the methodBy means of it, the several proposals, launched around the year 1900, for discovering the FoM are characterized. It is well known that the historical evolution of these proposals was marked by some notorious failures and conflicts. Particular attention is given to Cantor's programme and its improvements. Its merits and insufficiencies are characterized in the light of the new conception of the FoM. After the (...)
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  8. The foundations of mathematics from a historical viewpoint.Antonino Drago - 2015 - Epistemologia 38 (1):133-151.
    A new hypothesis on the basic features characterising the Foundations of Mathematics is suggested. By means of them the entire historical development of Mathematics before the 20th Century is summarised through a table. Also the several programs, launched around the year 1900, on the Foundations of Mathematics are characterised by a corresponding table. The major difficulty that these programs met was to recognize an alternative to the basic feature of the deductive organization of a theory - more precisely, to Hilbert’s (...)
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  9. Which kind of mathematics for quantum mechanics? A survey, a new interpretation and a program of research.Antonino Drago - 2001 - In V. Fano, M. Stanzione & G. Tarozzi (eds.), Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza. Rubettino. pp. 161.
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    An Intuitionist Reasoning Upon Formal Intuitionist Logic: Logical Analysis of Kolmogorov’s 1932 Paper.Antonino Drago - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (4):537-552.
    Two dichotomies are considered as the foundations of a scientific theory: the kind of infinity—either potential or actual-, and the kind of organization of the theory—axiomatic or problem-based. The original intuitionist program relied on the choices of potential infinity and the problem-based organization. I show that the logical theory of Kolmogorov’s 1932 paper relied on the same choices. A comparison of all other theories sharing the same foundational choices allows us to characterize their common theoretical development through a few logical (...)
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    A new definition of reduction between two scientific theories: no reduction of chemistry to quantum mechanics.Antonino Drago - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (3):421-445.
    All suggested notions of reduction of two scientific theories are critically reviewed and analyzed. In particular those applied to the case of the alleged reduction of Chemistry to Quantum mechanics are examined. Since it is recognized that the weakness of this field of research is the lack of a definition of a scientific theory, it is suggested that a scientific theory is characterized by two choices regarding two dichotomies, that is, the kind of mathematics and the kind of logic. According (...)
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    Dirac’s Book The Principles of Quantum Mechanics as an Alternative Way of Organizing a Theory.Antonino Drago - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (2):551-574.
    Authoritative appraisals have qualified this book as an “axiomatic” theory. However, given that its essential content is no more than an analogy, its theoretical organization cannot be axiomatic. Indeed, in the first edition Dirac declares that he had avoided an axiomatic presentation. Moreover, I show that the text aims to solve a basic problem (How quantum mechanics is similar to classical mechanics?). A previous paper analyzed all past theories of physics, chemistry and mathematics, presented by the respective authors non-axiomatically. Four (...)
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    Information science as a paradigmatic instance of a problem‐based theory.Antonino Drago & Emanuele Drago - 1997 - World Futures 49 (3):251-273.
    (1997). Information science as a paradigmatic instance of a problem‐based theory. World Futures: Vol. 49, The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information, pp. 251-273.
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    Joule’s Experiment as an Event Triggering a Formalization of a Baconian Science Till Up to an Alternative Theory to Newton’s One.Antonino Drago - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):585-605.
    A re-visitation of Joule’s experiment motivates a critical analysis of thermodynamic notions: heat, total energy, first principle, organization of a scientific theory, its relationships with logic and mathematics. A rational re-construction of thermodynamics is suggested according to the model of a problem-based organization, that Sadi Carnot applied to his formulation. The new formulation accomplishes the long time theoretical process started by Joule’s experiment within physicists community's collective mind, i.e. the process of exiting out Baconian science for suggesting a first theory (...)
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  15. La filosofia di Lanza del Vasto: un ponte tra Occidente ed Oriente.Antonino Drago & Paolo Trianni (eds.) - 2009 - Milan, Italy: Jaca book.
    The book is the proceeding of a conference in Pisa 12007 on the philosophy of Lanza del Vasto - the unique Western disciple of Gandhi - examined under the items: his thesis work in Philosophy (Fabris), his Greek and Christian methaphysics (Salmeri), his criticism of Hegel (Vigne), the relationship with Gandhi (Manara), Trinity (Vermorel) Indian philosophical traditioon (Trianni), his henologixcal thinking (Reale) his trinitarian metaphysics (Bertini), his mystical thinking (Vannini) a logicaL analysis of his thinking(Drago), his philosophy and theory of (...)
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    Mach's thesis: Thermodynamics as the basic theory for physics teaching.Antonino Drago - 1994 - Science & Education 3 (2):189-198.
  17. Popper's Falsificationism Interpreted by Non-classical Logic.Antonino Drago & Antonio Venezia - 2007 - Epistemologia 30 (2):235-264.
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  18. Traduzione, doppia negazione ed ermeneutica.Antonino Drago - 2003 - Studium 99 (5):769-780.
    As a basic work of a translation I suggest to be attentive to the doubly negated propositions because they do not belong to classical logic, rather to intuitionist logic. I offer several instances of these propositions and classify the typical ways of their occurrences in a text.
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    Vasiliev's paraconsistent logic interpreted by means of the dual role played by the double negation law.Antonino Drago - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (3):281-294.
    I prove that the three basic propositions of Vasiliev's paraconsistent logic have a semantic interpretation by means of the intuitionist logic. The interpèretation is confirmed by amens of the da Costa's model of Vasiliev's paraconsistent logic.
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