Results for 'Joel Malen'

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  1.  21
    Environmental Externalities and Weak Appropriability: Influences on Firm Pollution Reduction Technology Development.Alfred A. Marcus & Joel Malen - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (8):1599-1633.
    Technological development plays a critical role in society’s ability to address environmental issues. Building on Teece’s profiting from innovation framework, we articulate how a double-externality problem weakens the appropriability regime surrounding pollution reduction technology (PRT). We then develop a theoretical framework articulating how weak appropriability induces firms to modify their innovation strategies for PRT development by increasing the extent to which they engage in organizational exploration (rather than exploitation) and emphasizing incremental (rather than radical) technologies. Noting that the effects of (...)
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  2. The Ways of Desire: New Essays in Philosophical Psychology on the Concept of Wanting.Joel Marks (ed.) - 1986 - Precedent.
    In this way a domain for the theory of desire will be sketched out. One preliminary clarification: In the beginning is the word, "desire. ...
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  3. Analytic philosophy, 1925-1969: emergence, management and nature.Joel Katzav - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):1197-1221.
    This paper shows that during the first half of the 1960s The Journal of Philosophy quickly moved from publishing work in diverse philosophical traditions to, essentially, only publishing analytic philosophy. Further, the changes at the journal are shown, with the help of previous work on the journals Mind and The Philosophical Review, to be part of a pattern involving generalist philosophy journals in Britain and America during the period 1925-1969. The pattern is one in which journals controlled by analytic philosophers (...)
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  4. Merleau-Ponty, World-Creating Blindness, and the Phenomenology of Non-Normate Bodies.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2017 - Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty's Thought 19:419-434.
    An increasing number of scholars at the intersection of feminist philosophy and critical disability studies have turned to Merleau-Ponty to develop phenomenologies of disability or of what, following Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, I call "non-normate" embodiment. These studies buck the historical trend of philosophers employing disability as an example of deficiency or harm, a mere litmus test for normative theories, or an umbrella term for aphenotypical bodily variation. While a Merleau-Pontian-inspired phenomenology is a promising starting point for thinking about embodied experiences of (...)
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    On Serpents and Doves: the systematic relationship between prudence and morality in Kant’s political philosophy.Joel Thiago Klein - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (1):78-104.
    This paper argues that the political adage “Be ye prudent as serpents and guileless as doves” involves three different types of relation between prudence and morality, namely: unification (Vereinigung), subordination (Unterordnung), and association (Beigesellung). I maintain that these relations are set up according to the same principle that determines the relationship between mechanical and teleological causality in the third Critique. Thus, I argue that morality and prudence are much more systematically related within the system of critical philosophy than is normally (...)
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  6. Issues in the theoretical foundations of climate science.Joel Katzav & Wendy S. Parker - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:141-149.
    The theoretical foundations of climate science have received little attention from philosophers thus far, despite a number of outstanding issues. We provide a brief, non-technical overview of several of these issues – related to theorizing about climates, climate change, internal variability and more – and attempt to make preliminary progress in addressing some of them. In doing so, we hope to open a new thread of discussion in the emerging area of philosophy of climate science, focused on theoretical foundations.
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    Veterinarian, Heal Thy Profession!Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 85 (85):47.
    In apparent conflict with the popular conception of veterinarians as animals' best friends, the Veterinarian's Oath, as well as its clarifying Principles of Animal Welfare, imply that animal welfare is entirely derivative from human welfare. This article calls for an explicit alignment of the Oath and Principles with the priority of nonhuman animals.
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  8. Renewing Medicine’s basic concepts: on ambiguity.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2018 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13 (1):8.
    In this paper, I argue that the concept of normality in medical research and clinical practice is inextricable from the concept of ambiguity. I make this argument in the context of Edmund Pellegrino's call for a renewed reflection on medicine’s basic concepts and by drawing on work in critical disability studies concerning Deafness and body integrity identity disorder. If medical practitioners and philosophers of medicine wish to improve their understanding of the meaning of medicine as well as its concrete practice, (...)
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  9. Ethics without morals: in defence of amorality.Joel Marks - 2013 - London ;: Routledge.
    A defense of amorality as both philosophically justified and practicably livable. While in synch with their underlying aim of grounding human existence in a naturalistic metaphysics, this book takes both the new atheism and the mainstream of modern ethical philosophy to task for maintaining a complacent embrace of morality. It advocates instead replacing the language of morality with a language of desire. The book begins with an analysis of what morality is and then argues that the concept is not instantiated (...)
  10.  35
    How Does the Law Obtain Its Space? Justice and Racial difference in Colonial Law: British Honduras, 1821.Joel Wainwright - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1295-1330.
    How do certain social conflicts come to fall within the law? How does the law come to have its space? I argue that law emerged in British Honduras through a structure of racial differentiation. The law arrived as a mode of ordering space, bodies, and justice that realizes an immanent structure of racial difference. Racial difference thus founds the space of law. To advance this argument, I examine the record of the first criminal trial prosecuted in the place now called (...)
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  11.  28
    The Heart Has Its Reasons.Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 83:39-39.
  12. “There’s No Room in the Worksheet” and Other Fallacies about Professional Ethics in the Curriculum.Joel Marks - 2004 - Teaching Ethics 4 (2):77-88.
    Despite the apparently universal recognition of a pervasive "success at any cost" amorality in the professional and business world, and the need to do something about it, attempts to establish a campus-wide professional ethics curriculum continue to encounter resistance at many colleges and universities. The main stumbling block seems to be a purely practical one: How do you fit a course on professional ethics into academic worksheets that are already over-crowded with essential technical courses in every professional discipline? I maintain, (...)
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    Teaching Philosophy, Being a Philosopher.Joel Marks - 1993 - Teaching Philosophy 16 (2):99-104.
  14. The Way of the Lord: Christological Exegesis of the Old Testament in the Gospel of Mark.Joel Marcus - 1992
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    Shoulda Woulda Coulda: Wither Morality?Joel Marks - 2011 - Philosophy Now 82:47-47.
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    1The introduction of computers into systematic research in the United States during the 1960s.Joel B. Hagen - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (2):291-314.
  17.  29
    Historicizing Technological Hegemony.Joel D. Howell - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (4):38-40.
    Liao and Carbonell point out that much of the danger embedded in “materialized oppression” derives from the fact that the essence of that marginalized oppression may not be overt. It can often rece...
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  18. Naturalness revisited.Joel Kupperman - 2001 - In Bryan W. Van Norden, Confucius and the Analects: New Essays. Oxford University Press USA.
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  19. Infotality: On Living, Loving, and Dying Through Information.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):33-35.
    Responding to Danaher et al. on self-tracking technologies, I argue that human lived experience is becoming increasingly mediated by generalized, statistical information, which I term our "infotality." Drawing on the work of Foucault, I argue that infotality is historically novel and best understood as the product of biopolitics, healthism, and informatics. I then critique the authors' "stance of cautious openness,” which misunderstands the aims of the technology in question and the fundamental ambiguity of the role information plays in the achievement (...)
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  20.  13
    Theories of Human Nature.Joel Kupperman - 2010 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Questions for Further Consideration and Recommended Further Reading, which follow each relevant chapter, encourage readers to think further and to craft their own perspectives.
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    Confucius and the problem of naturalness.Joel J. Kupperman - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (3):175-185.
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  22. The Highest Good and the Practical Regulative Knowledge in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.Joel Thiago Klein - 2016 - Con-Textos Kantianos 3:210-230.
    In this paper I defend three different points: first, that the concept of highest good is derived from an a priori but subjective argument, namely a maxim of pure practical reason; secondly, that the theory regarding the highest good has the validity of a practical regulative knowledge; and thirdly, that the practical regulative knowledge can be understood as the same “holding something to be true” as Kant attributes to hope and believe.
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  23. Musical Worlds and the Extended Mind.Joel Krueger - 2018 - Proceedings of A Body of Knowledge - Embodied Cognition and the Arts Conference CTSA UCI, 8-10 Dec 2016.
    “4E” approaches in cognitive science see mind as embodied, embedded, enacted, and extended. They observe that we routinely “offload” part of our thinking onto body and world. Recently, 4E theorists have turned to music cognition: from work on music perception and musical emotions, to improvisation and music education. I continue this trend. I argue that music — like other tools and technologies — is a beyond-the-head resource that affords offloading. And via this offloading, music can (at least potentially) scaffold various (...)
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    Adolescent development of context-dependent stimulus-reward association memory and its neural correlates.Joel L. Voss, Jonathan T. O’Neil, Maria Kharitonova, Margaret J. Briggs-Gowan & Lauren S. Wakschlag - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  25. Tradition and Community in the Formation of Character and Self.Joel J. Kupperman - 2004 - In Kwong-loi Shun & David B. Wong, Confucian Ethics: A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 103--123.
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  26. Bergson’s panpsychism.Joël Dolbeault - 2018 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (4):549-564.
    Physical processes manifest an objective order that science manages to discover. Commonly, it is considered that these processes obey the “laws of nature.” Bergson disputes this idea which ultimately constitutes a kind of Platonism. In contrast, he develops the idea that physical processes are a particular case of automatic behaviors. In this sense, they imply a motor memory immanent to matter, whose actions are triggered by some perceptions. This approach is obviously panpsychist. It gives matter a certain consciousness, even if (...)
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  27.  15
    Início conjectural da história humana.Joel Thiago Klein - 2009 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 8 (1):157-168.
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    Ethical Knowledge.Joel Kupperman - 1970 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume is a comprehensive collection of critical essays on The Taming of the Shrew, and includes extensive discussions of the play's various printed versions and its theatrical productions. Aspinall has included only those essays that offer the most influential and controversial arguments surrounding the play. The issues discussed include gender, authority, female autonomy and unruliness, courtship and marriage, language and speech, and performance and theatricality.
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  29.  11
    The foundations of morality.Joel Kupperman - 1983 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
  30. Merleau-Ponty.Joel Krueger - 1920 - In Thomas Szanto & Hilge Landweer, The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 197-206.
  31.  31
    A sociabilidade insociável e a antropologia kantiana.Joel Thiago Klein - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):265.
    Neste artigo apresenta-se o significado do conceito de sociabilidade insociável e de sua importância para a filosofia histórico-política de Kant. Defendem-se aqui duas teses importantes: primeira, que esse conceito se insere essencialmente num paradigma biológicoteleológico em vez de físico-mecânico; segunda, que a insociabilidade deve ser compreendida como se referindo a inclinações e não a paixões, o que, por sua vez, permite pensá-la em concordância com um progresso moral também dos indivíduo.
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  32.  4
    Ciência e método em Bacon e Kant.Joel Thiago Klein - 2019 - Dissertatio 49:287-311.
    Neste artigo faz-se uma comparação entre a perspectiva metodológica e epistemológica desenvolvida por Bacon no Novum Organum e por Kant na Crítica da razão pura. Nesse sentido, defende-se que apesar de não se poder ignorar as divergências com relação ao modo como cada filósofo desenvolve a delimitação dos seus conceitos de conhecimento e de ciência, ainda assim é possível encontrar importantes elementos de convergência tanto com relação à ilusão transcendental e outras formas de erros no que concerne a teoria dos (...)
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    Kant’s constitution of a moral image of the world.Joel Thiago Klein - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):103-125.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I argue that the idea of a universal history is systematically legitimized in Kant’s transcendental system of philosophy by way of the concept of a need [Bedürfnis] for pure practical reason. In this sense, the idea of a universal history is a fundamental part of the moral image of the world that emerges from Kant’s whole philosophy, and it is crucial for understanding both the possibility of the system of pure reason, as well the full development (...)
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  34. Musical scaffolding and the pleasure of sad music: Comment on “An Integrative Review of the Enjoyment of Sadness Associated with Music".Joel Krueger - forthcoming - Physics of Life Reviews.
    Why is listening to sad music pleasurable? Eerola et al. convincingly argue that we should adopt an integrative framework — encompassing biological, psycho-social, and cultural levels of explanation — to answer this question. I agree. The authors have done a great service in providing the outline of such an integrative account. But in their otherwise rich discussion of the psycho-social level of engagements with sad music, they say little about the phenomenology of such experiences — including features that may help (...)
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    A complementaridade entre os aspectos liberais e republicanos na filosofia política de Rousseau.Joel Thiago Klein & Cristina Foroni Consani - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (1):65-97.
    Este artigo apresenta os aspectos liberais e republicanos da filosofia política de Rousseau e defende que eles devem ser interpretados como complementares. Entretanto, essa complementaridade pode ser caracterizada num sentido específico, qual seja, como sendo um liberalismo republicano.
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    Moses Maimonides : An intellectual portrait.Joel L. Kraemer - 2005 - In Kenneth Seeskin, The Cambridge companion to Maimonides. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 10--57.
  37.  96
    An anti‐essentialist view of the emotions.Joel J. Kupperman - 1995 - Philosophical Psychology 8 (4):341-351.
    Emotions normally include elements of feeling, motivation, and also intentionality; but the argument of this essay is that there can be emotion without feeling, emotion without corresponding motivation, and emotion without an intentional relation to an object such that the emotion is (among other things) a belief about or construal of it. Many recent writers have claimed that some form of intentionality is essential to emotion, and then have created lines of defence for this thesis. Thus, what look like troublesome (...)
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    Moral realism and metaphysical anti-realism.Joel J. Kupperman - 1987 - Metaphilosophy 18 (2):95–107.
    The essay has two purposes. One is to point out connections and parallels between, On one hand, The debates of metaphysical realists and anti-Realists, And on the other hand, The debates surrounding moral realism. The second is to provide the outlines of a case for a kind of position that would generally be classified as moral realism. One feature of this position is that it emerges as parallel to, And compatible with, A metaphysical position that would generally be classified as (...)
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    (1 other version)The Foundations of Morality.Joel J. Kupperman - 1983 - Philosophy 60 (234):552-554.
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  40. Value... and What Follows.Joel Kupperman - 1998 - Philosophy 75 (293):458-462.
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  41. Why ethical philosophy needs to be comparative.Joel J. Kupperman - 2010 - Philosophy 85 (2):185-200.
    Principles can seem as entrenched in moral experience as Kant thinks space, time, and the categories are in human experience of the world. However not all cultures have such a view. Classical Indian and Chinese philosophies treat modification of the self as central to ethics. Decisions in particular cases and underlying principles are much less discussed. Ethics needs comparative philosophy in order not to be narrow in its concerns. A broader view can give weight to how people sometimes can change (...)
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    O Estado republicano democrático e o ensino público da moral segundo Kant.Joel Thiago Klein - 2016 - Discurso 46 (2):85-122.
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    The rise of the producer: generative AI will transform content creation into content production.Joel W. Hughes - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  44.  13
    Classical and sour forms of virtue.Joel J. Kupperman - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield, Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    For the “respectable” part of society there can be a presumption of virtuousness, rather like the presumption of innocence in the law. In both cases, the presumption can be defeated, as we learn more and get into specifics. We still might insist that to be genuinely virtuous is to be able to pass the more familiar sorts of tests of virtue, and to be reliably virtuous also in the ordinary business of life, especially in things that really matter. Something like (...)
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    Constancy in short-term memory: Bits and chunks.Joel Kleinberg & Herbert Kaufman - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 90 (2):326.
  46.  4
    A Redefinição Política Do Significado da Secularização Segundo Charles Taylor.Joel Decothé Junior - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:201-241.
    Charles Taylor em suas abordagens sobre o fenômeno da secularização nos oferece uma descrição, analítico-genealógica, das atuais condições de crença e ceticismo radical das sociedades modernas. Buscamos a partir disto, fazer um estudo que vise entender algumas das motivações referentes ao lugar e uso da razão pública pelas religiões na vida social democrática. Para tanto, abordamos a noção de redefinição do significado político da secularização. É inegável que as crenças religiosas e laicas estão vivas e atuantes na esfera pública. Por (...)
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    Malaysian Modern or Anti-Anti Asian Values.Joel S. Kahn - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 50 (1):15-33.
    Probably the most influential critique of social theorizing about the non-West in recent years has been one emanating from a `subalternist' perspective, by which I mean a critique mounted if not by, then in the name of, peoples/cultures/modes of thought that have been dominated culturally by `the West'. The rapid rise to prominence - economic, political, strategic and cultural - of an increasingly large number of nation states in the Asia-Pacific region poses a rather different kind of challenge to western (...)
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    Reviews : Peter Wollen, Raiding the Icebox: Reflections on Twentieth Century Culture, (Indiana University Press, 1993).Joel S. Kahn - 1994 - Thesis Eleven 39 (1):135-137.
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    The Problem of `Crony Capitalism': Modernity and the Encounter with the Perverse.Joel S. Kahn & Francesco Formosa - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 69 (1):47-66.
    This article provides some reflections on the problem posed by ostensibly perverse phenomena like political patronage, corruption and crony capitalism for modernising narratives, which are currently enjoying a renewed popularity. In the light of an ethnographic example from Indonesia, it is argued that the continual attempt to relocate such phenomena to terrains not properly modern precludes the possibility of serious analysis or moral/political assessment of these phenomena. The starting point for any genuine engagement with these issues is the recognition that (...)
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  50. Administration: An Art Not a Science.Joel H. Kallem - 1975 - Journal of Thought 10 (3):214-21.
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