Results for 'Qinsheng Bi'

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  1.  28
    Quasi-Matrix and Quasi-Inverse-Matrix Projective Synchronization for Delayed and Disturbed Fractional Order Neural Network.Jinman He, Fangqi Chen & Qinsheng Bi - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
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    Ḥāshiyat al-Qalyūbī ʻalá sharḥ al-Shaykh Zakarīyā al-Anṣārī ʻalá matn Īsāghūjī, al-musammāh, al-Durrah al-bahīyah ʻalá sharḥ al-Muqaddimah al-Īsāghūjīyah.Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad Qalyūbī - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Iḥsān lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by ʻAmr Yūsuf Muṣṭafá Jundī.
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  3. Wang Bi ji jiao shi.Bi Wang - 1980 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  4. Ḥāshiyat al-Qalyūbī lil-ʻAllāmah Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Salāmah al-Qalyūbī ʻalá al-Muṭṭalaʻ li-Shaykh al-Islām Zakarīyā al-Anṣārī Sharḥ Īsāghūjī lil-Imām Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī.Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Aḥmad Qalyūbī - 2019 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Nūr al-Mubīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ibrāhīm Tītī.
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    Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan yu Wang Shouren li xue si xiang bi jiao: yi li, xing, xin, zhi si ge fan chou wei zhong xin = A comparative study of Zhu Xi, Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Shouren's Neo-Confucianism: centered on four categories of reason, nature, mind and knowledge.You Bi - 2020 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  6. al-Manṭiqīyāt lil-Fārābī. Fārābī - 1987 - Qum: Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá al-Marʻashī al-Najafī. Edited by Muḥammad Taqī Dānishʹpazhūh & Maḥmūd Marʻashī.
    v. 1. al-Nuṣūṣ al-manṭiqīyah -- v. 2. al-Shurūḥ al-manṭiqīyah -- al-mujallad 3. al-Shurūḥ ʻalá al-nuṣūṣ al-manṭiqīyah.
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  7. Sharḥ al-Fārābī. Fārābī - 1960 - Edited by Wilhelm Kutsch, Marrow, Stanley & [From Old Catalog].
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  8. Al-Fārābī's philosophical lexicon =. Fārābī - 2002 - [Cambridge]: E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust. Edited by Ilai Alon.
    v. 1. Arabic text -- v. 2. English translation.
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    Symbiotic nurture between literature, culture and nature in Gary Snyder’s Meta-Picto-Poetry of landscape.Jiancheng Bi - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):163-182.
    Resumen: Este artículo sostiene que algunas Meta-Picto-Poesías del Paisaje compuestas por el poeta estadounidense Gary Snyder toman como tema la pintura china del paisaje con las características de la antigua poesía china, resplandeciente de incomparable encanto artístico y sustancia cultural. La poesía de este tipo es una combinación perfecta de elementos orientales y occidentales, que integra las culturas, los pensamientos y las artes de ambas partes, cuya apreciación crea una experiencia compleja con un híbrido de formas artísticas y espacios estéticos. (...)
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    One to N.Johnathan Bi - 2024 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31 (1):71-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:One to NGirard's Philosophy of InnovationJohnathan Bi (bio)What does a theorist of imitation have to teach us about innovation? What could a thinker focused on the distant past have to offer us in building the immediate future? The answer to both questions, I hope to show, is a significant amount. I aim to rescue and develop a neglected strand of Girardian thought from one of his overlooked essays on (...)
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    La méthodologie: philosophie ou science?: le point de vue d'un économiste.Khālid Mannūbī - 1989 - [Tunis]: Centre d'études de recherches et de publications, Université de droit, d'économie et de gestion, Tunis III.
  12. Xian dai zhe xue si xiang.Bi Ma - 1967
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    Taʼwīlīyat al-fann fī kitābāt Jādāmir.Aḥmad Dabūbī - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Ruʼyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Falsafah.Muḥammad Nādir Ayyūbī - 2006 - Quetta: Sahaf Book Publishing Institution.
    Analytical study of philosophy; includes comparative study of world-renowned philosophers and their ideologies.
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  15. The role of visual form in lexical access: Evidence from Chinese classifier production.Yanchao Bi, Xi Yu, Jingyi Geng & F. -Xavier Alario - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):101-109.
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    Abū Isḥāq Ebrāhīm b. Sayyār al-Naẓẓām’s Understanding of the Miracle: An Analysis Within The Framework of Naẓẓām’s Theory of Nature.Meliha Bi̇lge - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):587-616.
    This article discusses Abū Isḥāq al-Naẓẓām’s (d. 231/845) (one of the first Muʽtazilī thinkers); understanding of Allah-world relationship, his theory of nature (tab‘) and his view on miracles. In a proposal form, Muʽtazilī scholars accept that the miracle, which is the actual confirmation, must occur, since it is not possible for Allah to confirm His messenger (prophet) in a way that everyone can hear and in a direct word. Since the Prophet's message can be authenticated only by a miracle, Muʽtazilī (...)
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    İki Şair: H'fız-Fuzûli Karşılaştırması.Hamdi Bi̇rgören - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):299-299.
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    Véges végtelen: a körkörösség "fizikája" és "metafizikája".Béla Bíró - 2002 - Budapest: Fríg Kiadó.
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  19. Fī falsafat Ibn Rushd: al-wujūd wa-al-khulūd.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Bīṣār - 1953 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnānī.
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  20. La relación entre metafísica Y teología en San Alberto Magno Y Santo Tomás de aquino.Albert bis Teacher - 1994 - Sapientia 191:229.
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    The Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on the Random Neural Network Cluster.Xia-an Bi, Yingchao Liu, Qin Jiang, Qing Shu, Qi Sun & Jianhua Dai - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  22. al-Madhāhib al-akhlāqīyah fī al-Islām: (al-wājib-al-saʻādah).ʻAbd al-Ḥayy Muḥammad Qābīl - 1984 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Thaqāfah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  23. Büyük türk feylesofu Uzluk oğlu Farâbî nin eserlerinden seçme parçalar. Fārābī - 1935 - İstanbul: Devlet matbaası. Edited by Kıvameddin Burslan & İsmail Hakki İzmirli.
  24. Das Buch der Ringsteine Fārābīs 950+, mit dem Kommentare des Emir Ismā'il el-Hoseini el-Fārānī (um 1485). Fārābī - 1906 - Münster: Aschendorff. Edited by al-Fārānī Ismāʻīl ibn al-Ḣusain & Heinrich Horten.
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  25. De scientiis: compilación a base principalmente de la [Maqālah fī iḥṣāʼ al-ʻulūm] de al-Fārābī. Fārābī - 1954 - Madrid: [Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada]. Edited by Dominicus Gundissalinus & Manuel Alonso Alonso.
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    Profane mythology: the savage mind of the cinema.Yvette Bíró - 1982 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
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    The doctrine of filial Piety: A philosophical analysis of the concealment case.Lijun Bi & Fred D’Agostino - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (4):451-467.
  28. al-Ghanūsīyah.Wīṣā Anbā Bīshūy - 2020 - [Cairo]: Wīṣā al-Anbā Bīshūy. Edited by Bāsīliyūs Ṣubḥī.
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    Öğrencilerinin Küme Problemlerinde Sergiledikleri Modelleme Becerilerinin İncelenmesi.Abdullah Çağrı Bi̇ber - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):287-287.
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  30. al-Kawkab al-mushriq fī samāʼ ʻilm al-manṭiq ʻalá al-sullam al-munawraq wa-al-kanz al-mukttam fī iḍāḥ mā inbaham min maʻānī wa-mabānī matn al-sullam.Muḥammad Amīn ibn ʻAbd Allāh Athyūbī - 2015 - Jiddah: Dār al-Minhāj.
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    al-Mīthūlūjīyā wa-riḥlat al-ʻaql naḥw al-lāhūt.Aḥmad Māniʻ Rikābī - 2020 - Baghdād: Manshūrāt Aḥmad al-Mālikī.
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    Sogdian Documents from Khotan, I: Four Economic Documents.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2010 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 130 (4):497-508.
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    Sogdian Documents from Khotan, II: Letters and Miscellaneous Fragments.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):261.
    A group of Sogdian documents from the area of Khotan was recently acquired by Renmin University of China, Beijing. Four economic documents were edited in JAOS 130/4 ; the present article, comprising the edition of one complete letter and several fragments of letters, completes the publication of this collection, which adds to a growing body of evidence for the presence of Sogdian-speakers on the trade routes to the south of the Taklamakan desert.
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    The Epitaph of a Buddhist Lady: A Newly Discovered Chinese-Sogdian Bilingual.Bi Bo & Nicholas Sims-Williams - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (4):803.
    The inscription edited in this paper is the third bilingual Chinese-Sogdian epitaph to be made known, following that of Wirkakk and Wiyusi and that of Nanai-vande and Kekan, published in 2005 and 2017 respectively. The new epitaph is that of a Sogdian lady who died in 736 CE. Apart from its linguistic interest, it is important as attesting the conversion of a Sogdian lady to the “heretical” Buddhist Sanjie or “Three levels” movement, which remained popular despite being officially suppressed under (...)
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    The yoga sutras of Patañjali.Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Bīrūnī - 2020 - New York: New York University Press. Edited by Mario Kozah & David Gordon White.
    The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is the foundational text of yoga philosophy, used by millions of yoga practitioners and students worldwide. This book is a new rendering into English of the Arabic translation and commentary of this text by the brilliant eleventh-century polymath al-Bīrūnī.
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    Jāḥiẓ’s Understanding of The Miracle: An Analysis Within The Framework of Jāḥiẓ’s Theory of Nature and Understanding of Custom.Meliha Bi̇lge - 2021 - Kader 19 (2):522-548.
    This article discusses Abū ʽUthmān al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 255/869) (one of the first Muʽtazilī scholars) Allah-world relationship, his understanding of custom, and his view on miracles. The Muʻtazilī thinkers examined the problem of miracles within their concept of prophethood. They divide miracles, which they accept as the only proof of prophethood, into two: those under the power of Allah and under the power of the created. Jāḥiẓ explains these two sorts of miracles with the order in the universe established by Allah (...)
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  37. Muslamānon̲ kī dīnī va millī asās.Ṣalāḥuddīn Ayyūbī - 2021 - Lāhaur: Al-Faiṣal Nāshirān va Tājirān-i Kutub.
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    Fī fann al-ʻishrah wa-falsafatihā: nuṣūṣ la-hu... shahādāt ʻanhu.Sinān ʻAzzābī - 2016 - Tūnis: Manshūrāt al-Ittiḥād al-ʻĀmm al-Tūnisī lil-Shughl. Edited by Kamāl Zughbānī.
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    Interpersonal Relationship Stress Brings on Social Networking Sites Addiction Among Chinese Undergraduate Students.Bi Li, Kaihui Zhang, Yan Wu & Zhifeng Hao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The adverse effects of life stress on social networking sites addiction are increasingly recognized, but so far there is little evidence on how and which specific types of life stress are conducive to the addictive behavior. Interpersonal relationship stress being the main source of stress for undergraduates, the purpose of the current paper is thus to delve into whether perceived stress in interpersonal relationships significantly leads to WeChat addiction and, if so, how this type of stress drives the excessive use (...)
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  40. al-Ḥalāl wa-al-ḥarām.Bīshūy ʻAbd al-Masīḥ - 1983 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Maḥabbah.
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    A Critical Analysis of Cognitive Explanations of Afterlife Belief.Mahdi Bi̇abanaki̇ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):749-764.
    Bilişsel Din Bilimi (CSR), dini inanç ve uygulamaların nedensel açıklamalarını sağlamayı amaçlayan din araştırmalarına bilimsel bir yaklaşımdır. CSR savunucuları, insan zihninin doğal özelliklerini ve nasıl işlediğini açıklayarak dini inançların oluşumu, kabulü, aktarımı ve yaygınlığı sürecini açıklamaya çalışırlar. Tüm insan kültürlerinde var olan ve son on yılda birçok CSR akademisyeninin dikkatini çeken dini inançlardan biri de öbür dünyaya olan inançtır. CSR araştırmacılarına göre, bu inanç, insan zihninin doğal yapılarına dayanmaktadır. Ölümden sonraki hayata olan inancı, zihinsel araçların işleyişinden kaynaklanan, yansıtıcı olmayan veya (...)
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    (1 other version)Kāvishʹhā-yi khirad-i nuqqād =.Kūrush Navvābī - 2019 - USA: Shirkat-i Kitāb.
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    An Ellulian analysis of propaganda in the context of generative AI.Xiaomei Bi, Xingyuan Su & Xiaoyan Liu - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-11.
    The application of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) technologies in the field of propaganda influences information creation, dissemination, and reception, and introduces new ethical challenges. This paper revisits the philosophical discourses of Jacques Ellul on technology and propaganda, placing them within the context of the rise of today’s generative AI technologies. Ellul identified the First Industrial Revolution as the initial juncture in the history of human technology that formed technique as a social phenomenon, which subsequently shaped the nature of propaganda as (...)
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  44. Turāthunā al-falsafī.Muḥammad Ridā Shabībī - 1965 - [s.l.: [S.N.].
  45.  14
    Időformák: a filmritmus játéka.Yvette Bíró - 2005 - Budapest: Osiris.
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    黑格尔《逻辑学〈本质论〉》 中范畴过渡之谜.Jisheng Bi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 30:85-92.
    Hegel oneself indicate “essential theory " Thereunto category transition, large orientation yes as best as one can in accord with cognize course process of, to this aspect ought earnest comprehend, but history with logicality improbable Absolute coherent, More Plus For the sake of fabricate institutions of demand, additionally have to pray in aid of imaginary, To this aspect ought to appropriate comment critically, though never be able to use dot supplant bodily general denial.
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    He wei fa xue =.Yanhua Bi - 2010 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
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  48.  13
    A new approach to philosophy of Sanskrit grammar.Banamālī Biśvāla - 2007 - Allahabad: Padmaja Prakashan.
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    Zhongguo zhe xue yu Makesi zhu yi zhe xue Zhongguo hua.Guoming Bi - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she. Edited by Luzhou Xu.
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    Jidāl-i ʻilm va falsafah dar andīshah-ʼi Mārks.Nādir Intikhābī - 2004 - Tihrān: Hirmis.
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