Results for 'Psychology as a natural science'

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  1. Psychology as a natural science in the eighteenth century.Gary Hatfield - 1994 - Revue de Synthèse 115 (3-4):375-391.
    Psychology considered as a natural science began as Aristotelian "physics" or "natural philosophy" of the soul. C. Wolff placed psychology under metaphysics, coordinate with cosmology. Scottish thinkers placed it within moral philosophy, but distinguished its "physical" laws from properly moral laws (for guiding conduct). Several Germans sought to establish an autonomous empirical psychology as a branch of natural science. British and French visual theorists developed mathematically precise theories of size and distance perception; (...)
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  2. Psychology as a Natural Science.E. H. Griffin - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:195.
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  3. Remaking the science of mind: Psychology as a natural science.Gary Hatfield - 1995 - In Christopher Fox, Roy Porter & Robert Wokler, Inventing Human Science: Eighteenth Century Domains. University of California Press. pp. 184–231.
    Psychology considered as a natural science began as Aristotelian "physics" or "natural philosophy" of the soul, conceived as an animating power that included vital, sensory, and rational functions. C. Wolff restricted the term " psychology " to sensory, cognitive, and volitional functions and placed the science under metaphysics, coordinate with cosmology. Near the middle of the eighteenth century, Krueger, Godart, and Bonnet proposed approaching the mind with the techniques of the new natural (...). At nearly the same time, Scottish thinkers placed psychology within moral philosophy, but distinguished its "physical" laws from properly moral laws. British and French visual theorists developed mathematically precise theories of size and distance perception; they created instruments to test these theories and to measure visual phenomena such as the duration of visual impressions. By the end of the century there was a flourishing discipline of empirical psychology in Germany, with a professorship, textbooks, and journals. The practitioners of empirical psychology at this time typically were dualists who included mental phenomena within nature. Accordingly, psychology as a natural scientific disciplines was not invented in the 18th and 19th centuries, but *remade* from the extant empirical psychology. (shrink)
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    A plea for psychology as a 'natural science'.William James - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1 (2):146-153.
  5. James's conception of psychology as a natural science.Ignas K. Skrupskelis - 1995 - History of the Human Sciences 8 (1):73-89.
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    Social psychology as a natural kind.Jason P. Mitchell - 2009 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (6):246.
  7. Emotion as a natural kind: Towards a computational foundation for emotion theory.Louis C. Charland - 1995 - Philosophical Psychology 8 (1):59-84.
    In this paper I link two hitherto disconnected sets of results in the philosophy of emotions and explore their implications for the computational theory of mind. The argument of the paper is that, for just the same reasons that some computationalists have thought that cognition may be a natural kind, so the same can plausibly be argued of emotion. The core of the argument is that emotions are a representation-governed phenomenon and that the explanation of how they figure in (...)
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    Wundt and Psychology as Science: Disciplinary Transformations.Gary Hatfield - 1997 - Perspectives on Science 5 (3):349-382.
    Challenges the revised standard historiography on Wundt as a psychologist. Considers the concept of psychology as a natural science. Examines the relations between psychology and philosophy before and after 1900. Reflects on the notion of disciplinehood as it affects historical narratives.
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    Motive as a concept in natural science.Floyd H. Allport - 1930 - Psychological Review 37 (2):169-173.
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  10. Innateness as a natural cognitive kind.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (3):319-333.
    Innate cognitive capacities are widely posited in cognitive science, yet both philosophers and scientists have criticized the concept of innateness as being hopelessly confused. Despite a number of recent attempts to define or characterize innateness, critics have charged that it is associated with a diverse set of properties and encourages unwarranted inferences among properties that are frequently unrelated. This criticism can be countered by showing that the properties associated with innateness cluster together in reliable ways, at least in the (...)
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    Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science.David L. Hull - 1988 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Legend is overdue for replacement, and an adequate replacement must attend to the process of science as carefully as Hull has done. I share his vision of a serious account of the social and intellectual dynamics of science that will avoid both the rosy blur of Legend and the facile charms of relativism.... Because of [Hull's] deep concern with the ways in which research is actually done, Science as a Process begins an important project in the study (...)
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  12. Science looks at spirituality David hay and spirituality as a natural phenomenon: Bringing Pawel M. Socha biological and psychological perspectives together Ellen Goldberg cognitive science and hathayoga.Harold J. Morowitz, Charley D. Hardwick, Ann Pederson, Gregory R. Peterson, Karl E. Peters, Nicole Schmitz-Moormann, James F. Salmon, S. J. Paul H. Carr, Michael W. DeLashmutt & James E. Huchingson - 2005 - Zygon 40 (3-4):788.
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    History as a Science and the System of the Sciences: Phenomenological Investigations.Thomas Seebohm & Thomas M. Seebohm - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume goes beyond presently available phenomenological analyses based on the structures and constitution of the lifeworld. It shows how the science of history is the mediator between the human and the natural sciences. It demonstrates that the distinction between interpretation and explanation does not imply a strict separation of the natural and the human sciences. Finally, it shows that the natural sciences and technology are inseparable, but that technology is one-sidedly founded in pre-scientific encounters with (...)
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    Psychology as a human science.Amedeo Giorgi - 1970 - New York,: Harper & Row.
  15. The cognition-knowledge distinction in Kant and Dilthey and the implications for psychology and self-understanding.A. R. - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (1):149-164.
    Both Kant and Dilthey distinguish between cognition and knowledge, but they do so differently in accordance with their respective theoretical interests. Kant's primary cognitive interest is in the natural sciences, and from this perspective the status of psychology is questioned because its phenomena are not mathematically measurable. Dilthey, by contrast, reconceives psychology as a human science.For Kant, knowledge is conceptual cognition that has attained certainty by being part of a rational system. Dilthey also links knowledge with (...)
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  16.  45
    Intending and Acting: Toward a Naturalized Action Theory. [REVIEW]J. L. A. Garcia - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (2):375-376.
    Myles Brand's rather audacious goal in his new book is nothing less than "to usher in the next... stage of philosophical action theory," which stage he understands as its "naturalization". Hence the subtitle. Naturalization will consist, he explains, in showing that action theory is "continuous with scientific theory", especially with cognitive science and motivational psychology. One familiar with Stich's view that one moves from "folk psychology" to cognitive science by eliminating such mentalistic concepts as belief might (...)
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    Psychology as a Human Science: A Phenomenologically Based Approach, by Amedeo Giorgi.J. W. Shaw - 1973 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 4 (1):88-89.
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    Attention in Early Scientific Psychology.Gary Hatfield - 1998 - In Richard D. Wright, Visual Attention. Oxford University Press. pp. 3-25.
    Attention only "recently"--i.e. in the eighteenth century--achieved chapter status in psychology textbooks in which psychology is conceived as a natural science. This report first sets this entrance, by sketching the historical contexts in which psychology has been considered to be a natural science. It then traces the construction of phenomenological descriptions of attention from antiquity to the seventeenth century, noting various aspects of attention that were marked for discussion by Aristotle, Lucretius, Augustine, and (...)
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  19. Part III: Scientific Status of Psychology and the Psychological Subject: Naturalization of Psychology and Its Future as a Science / Manuel Antonio García Sedeño. The Emotional Subject in Philosophy of Psychology: The Cases of Anxiety and Angst.Francisco Rodriguez Valls - 2018 - In Wenceslao J. González, Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject: New Reflections on James Woodward’s Contribution. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    About the Psychological and Logical Moment in Natural Science Teaching.Ernst Mach - 2017 - In Michael R. Matthews, History, Philosophy and Science Teaching: New Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 195-200.
    Historical studies convincingly demonstrate that the knowledge process [Erkenntnis] in natural science consists of the gradual adaptation of the thoughts to the facts. This adaptation happens through happy circumstances, which increasingly reveal the more general similarities and subtle differences of the facts. By this, the precision of the representation of the facts by the thoughts grows, so that the latter finally become an image of the former, which for certain intellectual purposes may completely substitute for them. The one (...)
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    Spirituality as an explanatory and normative science: Applying Lonergan's analysis of intentional consciousness to relate psychology and theology.Daniel A. Helminiak - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (4):596-627.
    In a pluralistic society, consensus in spirituality must rest on a common human basis. The relevant social sciences as currently conceived cannot provide one. Bernard Lonergan's analysis of the human spirit – or intentional consciousness – elaborates the overlooked element in a psychological account of the human mind and, thus, grounds a psychology of spirituality as the natural expression of ongoing human integration, an account that is fully open to and, indeed, begs for theological elaboration. Initially unpacking the (...)
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    On medicine as a human science.Marco Buzzoni - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (1):79-94.
    All the powerful influences exertedby the subjective-interpersonal dimension onthe organic or technical-functional dimensionof sickness and health do not make anintersubjective test concerning medicaltherapeutic results impossible. Theseinfluences are not arbitrary; on the contrary,they obey laws that are de facto sufficientlystable to allow predictions and explanationssimilar to those of experimental sciences.While, in this respect, the rules concerninghuman action are analogous to the scientificlaws of nature, they can at any time be revokedby becoming aware of them. Law-like andreproducible regularities in the sciences ofman (...)
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    Fosterage as a System of Dispersed Cooperative Breeding.Brooke A. Scelza & Joan B. Silk - 2014 - Human Nature 25 (4):448-464.
    Humans are obligate cooperative breeders, relying heavily on support from kin to raise children. To date, most studies of cooperative breeding have focused on help that supplements rather than replaces parental care. Here we propose that fosterage can act as a form of dispersed cooperative breeding, one that enhances women’s fitness by allowing them to disinvest in some children and reallocate effort to others. We test this hypothesis through a series of predictions about the costs and benefits of fosterage for (...)
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    Siegel on naturalized epistemology and natural science.Paul A. Roth - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):482-493.
    What is the relation of epistemology, understood as the study of the evaluation of knowledge claims, and empirical psychology, understood as the study of the causal generation of a person's beliefs? Quine maintains that the relation is one of “mutual containment”.Epistemology in its new setting, conversely, is contained in natural science, as a chapter of psychology. … We are studying how the human subject of our study posits bodies and projects his physics from his data, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology.Robert C. Richardson - 2007 - Bradford.
    Human beings, like other organisms, are the products of evolution. Like other organisms, we exhibit traits that are the product of natural selection. Our psychological capacities are evolved traits as much as are our gait and posture. This much few would dispute. Evolutionary psychology goes further than this, claiming that our psychological traits -- including a wide variety of traits, from mate preference and jealousy to language and reason -- can be understood as specific adaptations to ancestral Pleistocene (...)
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    Modeling justice as a natural phenomenon.Ken Binmore - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):82-83.
    Among other things, Baumard et al.'s considers the enforcement and establishment of moral norms, the interpersonal comparison of welfare, and the structure of fairness norms. This commentary draws attention to the relevance of the game theory literature to the first and second topic, and the social psychology literature to the third topic.
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    Marxism as a Natural Science: Alexander Bogdanov’s Anti-Revisionist Revisionism.David G. Rowley - forthcoming - Historical Materialism:1-30.
    Discussion of Alexander Bogdanov as a Marxist revisionist has largely centred on his philosophy of being and cognition and on Plekhanov’s and Lenin’s accusation that Bogdanov was an idealist renegade from Marxism. However, the real issue of revisionism at the time was not materialism but determinism: the question of whether socialism would appear by the working of the objective laws of nature or the subjective will of human beings. Bogdanov did indeed revise Marxism, but he did so in order to (...)
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    Kant and the development of the human and cultural sciences.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (4):546-553.
    Starting with Kant’s doubts about psychology as a natural science capable of explaining human behavior, several alternative attempts to conceive of human life, culture and history are examined. Kant proposes an anthropology that will be a commonly useful human science rather than a universally valid natural science. This anthropology relates to philosophy as a mode of world-cognition. Special attention is given to how Kant’s theory of right can help define our appropriate place in a (...)
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    Anthropology as a Natural Science Clifford Geertz’s Extrinsic Theory of the Mind.Alphonso Lingis - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):96-106.
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    Grace de Laguna as a Grandmother of Analytic Philosophy: Her Philosophy of Science and A.N. Whitehead’s.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):49-58.
    In this paper I build a case for considering the pioneering behaviourist philosopher Grace de Laguna as one of the grandmothers of analytic philosophy. I argue against the ‘Great Men’ narrative of analytic philosophy as composed of Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein and their followers, and in favour of a more inclusive ‘movement’ narrative of analytic philosophy as a broad and varied movement with an anti-idealist and naturalistic orientation aimed at fitting around novel development in the sciences, including Einsteinian physics and (...). I compare de Laguna’s prescient early views to Whitehead’s; both share an anti-idealist but also anti-atomist solution to the problem of perception, and both oppose the bifurcation of nature, with de Laguna expressing these views before Whitehead did. I conclude that while both opposed the narrower project of logical atomism, both count as ancestors of the wider analytic movement. (shrink)
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  31. Somewhere Between the Beasts and the Angels: Thomistic Philosophical Anthropology as a Schema to Reorient Modern Psychology towards Human Experience in the Lifeworld.Adam L. Barborich - 2022 - Science for Seminaries.
    Modern empirical psychology, as a reductionist, materialist, and positivist science, has to a great extent replaced philosophical psychology – or more precisely philosophical anthropology– in our contemporary world, and this has caused modern psychology to lose sight of what was most interesting in pre-modern psychology, namely the attempt to situate the human person in his experience of reality in the lifeworld (lebenswelt). This has resulted in the practice of psychology becoming detached from the realities (...)
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    (1 other version)Narrative as a Form of Explanation.Mark Bevir - 2000 - Disputatio 1 (9):9-18.
    Many scholars have argued that history embodies a different form of explanation from natural science. This paper provides an analysis of narrative conceived as the form of explanation appropriate to history. In narratives, actions, beliefs, and pro-attitudes are joined to one another by means of conditional and volitional connections. Conditional connections exist when beliefs and pro-attitudes pick up themes contained in one another. Volitional connections exist when agents command themselves to do something having decided to do it because (...)
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    New Contributions to Psychology as a Special Science: Causality and Psychological Subject.Wenceslao J. Gonzalez - 2018 - In Wenceslao J. González, Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject: New Reflections on James Woodward’s Contribution. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 1-18.
  34. Psychoanalysis as a Hybrid of Religion and Science.Quinton Deeley - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (4):335-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.4 (2005) 335-342 [Access article in PDF] Psychoanalysis as a Hybrid of Religion and Science Quinton Deeley Keywords Freud, psychoanalysis, religion, science, evolution Introduction De Block's paper, "Freud as an Evolutionary Psychiatrist," discusses Freud's writ-ings—including a recently discovered paper on the evolution of psychopathology—to establish the Freudian "philosophy of man" that human beings are "ill to the core" (i.e., that mental illness (...)
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    Youth as a Representation of Essentialities of Human Being.R. G. Drapushko & N. A. Drapushko - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:54-62.
    _Purpose._ This article reveals the importance of the analysis of the theory of generations to identify the essential characteristics of the phenomenon of youth. _Theoretical basis_ of this study is socio-philosophical anthropology, i.e. philosophical anthropology using certain methods of sociological, socio-psychological and ethnological research, as well as philosophical comprehension of the application of these methods in special sciences. _Originality._ The authors rethought the theoretical and practical potential of generational theory through its reconceptualization based on philosophical anthropology, which created an opportunity (...)
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  36. Psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science: Reflections on the history and philosophy of experimental psychology.Gary Hatfield - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (3):207-232.
    This article critically examines the views that psychology first came into existence as a discipline ca. 1879, that philosophy and psychology were estranged in the ensuing decades, that psychology finally became scientific through the influence of logical empiricism, and that it should now disappear in favor of cognitive science and neuroscience. It argues that psychology had a natural philosophical phase (from antiquity) that waxed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, that this psychology transformed (...)
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    Naturalization of Psychology and Its Future as a Science.Manuel Antonio García Sedeño - 2018 - In Wenceslao J. González, Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject: New Reflections on James Woodward’s Contribution. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 181-202.
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    Simulation as an epistemic tool between theory and practice: A comparison of the relationship between theory and simulation in science and folk psychology.John Michael - 2007 - EPSA07.
    Simulation as an epistemic tool between theory and practice: A Comparison of the Relationship between Theory and Simulation in Science and in Folk Psychology In this paper I explore the concept of simulation that is employed by proponents of the so-called simulation theory within the debate about the nature and scientific status of folk psychology. According to simulation theory, folk psychology is not a sort of theory that postulates theoretical entities (mental states and processes) and general (...)
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    Paradigm of Unity as a Prospect for Research and Treatment in Psychology.Adam Biela - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):207-227.
    The purpose of this paper is to show the methodological power and potentiality of the concept paradigm of unity introduced originally in the ceremony on the occasion of honoring Chiara Lubich with the doctor honoris causa title by the Catholic University of Lublin in 1996. Originally this conception was used to suggest the societal activity of Chiara Lubich in building, via the Focolari movement, psychosocial infrastructures for unity in various social domains,, in public media, in ecumenism and inter-religious contacts This (...)
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  40. Cassirer's Psychology of Relations: From the Psychology of Mathematics and Natural Science to the Psychology of Culture.Samantha Matherne - 2018 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 6 (3).
    In spite of Ernst Cassirer’s criticisms of psychologism throughout Substance and Function, in the final chapter he issues a demand for a “psychology of relations” that can do justice to the subjective dimensions of mathematics and natural science. Although these remarks remain somewhat promissory, the fact that this is how Cassirer chooses to conclude Substance and Function recommends it as a topic worthy of serious consideration. In this paper, I argue that in order to work out the (...)
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    The biological theory of knowledge as a bridge of articulation between the natural and social sciences.Isidro E. Méndez Santos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):176-194.
    RESUMEN Con el objetivo de fundamentar la importancia de la teoría biológica del conocimiento de Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela y sus seguidores para comprender la articulación entre los fenómenos biológicos y sociales, se aplicaron los métodos del nivel teórico analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, histórico-lógico y ascensión de lo abstracto a lo concreto, con la intención de sistematizar información proveniente de la bibliografía consultada y de la experiencia profesional del autor, con énfasis en la formación de masters y doctores en pedagogía. Desde esta (...)
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  42. Consciousness as a physical property and its implications for a science of mind.Gregg H. Rosenberg - 1989
    As the view that the mind has a physical cause becomes increasingly more difficult to refute, both philosophy and science must face the fact that having experiences, qualia, consciousness in short, is simply not deducible from within our physical theories. Indeed, all the power physics shows for qualitative explanation is adduced from outside the actual formality of its theories. Our physical theories describe vibrations and stochastic correlates of motion, and there is no principled way to explain awareness or the (...)
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    Psychology as a Moral Science: Aspects of John Dewey’s Psychology.Svend Brinkmann - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (1):1-28.
    The article presents an interpretation of certain aspects of John Dewey’s psychological works. The interpretation aims to show that Dewey’s framework speaks directly to certain problems that the discipline of psychology faces today. In particular the reflexive problem, the fact that psychology as an array of discursive practices has served to constitute forms of human subjectivity in Western cultures. Psychology has served to produce or transform its subject-matter. It is shown first that Dewey was aware of the (...)
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    When psychology looks like a "soft" science, it's for good reasonp.George S. Howard - 1993 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):42-47.
    The natural sciences are sometimes called "hard" sciences in contrast to the social sciences , which are thought to represent "soft" sciences. L. V. Hedges made an important effort to determine the empirical cumulativeness of various scientific research programs, with an eye toward assessing if this criterion is related to a discipline's "hardness" or "softness." This article discusses another criterion, a research program's predictive accuracy, that might also be considered along with a program's empirical cumulativeness. Finally, recent improvements in (...)
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    (1 other version)Phenomenology and natural science.Edgar Zilsel - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (1):26-32.
    When phenomenology was introduced as a new science by Husserl its methods were applied first to objects of logic. Later phenomenological investigation expanded gradually to the fields of psychology, ethics, esthetics, and sociology. More rarely, objects of the natural sciences have been treated phenomenologically. Scattered indications of this kind are to be found in authors who do not belong to the most intimate circle of Husserl's school. Extensively, however, the phenomenological method has been applied to objects of (...)
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    The qualitative vision for psychology: an invitation to a human science approach.Constance T. Fischer, Leswin Laubscher & Roger Brooke (eds.) - 2016 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.
    This volume, edited by three leading proponents and practitioners of human science psychology, serves as an invitation to readers new to this approach while also renewing that invitation to those who have long embraced and advanced research in the field from this perspective. It is a timely and important invitation. In 2009, the American Psychological Association declared psychology to be a core STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline and advocated the teaching and practice of psychology (...)
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    Natural Science of the Human Species - an Introduction to Comparative Behavioral Research: The "Russian Manuscript" (19.Konrad Lorenz - 1995 - MIT Press (MA).
    Edited from the author's posthumous works by Agnes von Cranach. Topics incl. natural science & idealistic philosophy, general attempts to define life, vitalism, mechanism, etc.\Here Am I Where Are You?: The Behavior of the Greylag Goose was thought to be Konrad Lorenz's last book. However, in 1991 the "Russian Manuscript" was discovered in an attic, and its subsequent publication in German has become a scientific sensation. Written under the most extreme conditions in Soviet prison camps, the "Russian Manuscript" (...)
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    Rationality As A Meta-Analytical Capacity of the Human Mind: From the Social Sciences to Gödel.Nathalie Bulle - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (3):167-193.
    In contrast to dominant approaches to human reason involving essentially a logical and instrumental conception of rationality easily modeled by artificial intelligence mechanisms, I argue that the specific capacities of the human mind are meta-analytic in nature, understood as irreducible to the analytic or the logical, or else the computational. Firstly, the assumption of a meta-analytical level of rationality is derived from key insights developed in various branches of the social sciences. This meta-analytical level is then inferred from Gödel’s incompleteness (...)
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    Cultural Psychology as a Bridge Between Anthropology and Cognitive Science.Stephanie A. Fryberg - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):437-444.
    The theory and methods of cultural psychology begin with the assumption that psychological processes are socioculturally and historically grounded. As such, they offer a new approach for understanding the diversity of human functioning because they (a) question the presumed neutrality of the majority group perspective; (b) take the target’s point-of-view (i.e., what it means to be a person in a particular context); (c) assume that there is more than one viable way of being a competent or effective person; and (...)
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    The Descriptive Mind Science of Tibetan Buddhist Psychology and the Nature of the Healthy Human Mind.Henry M. Vyner - 2002 - Anthropology of Consciousness 13 (2):1-25.
    There is no descriptive science of the stream of consciousness in the literature of the social sciences, and as a result, we do not have an empirical understanding of the nature of the healthy human mind.This paper will:(1)demonstrate that an empirically valid theory of the healthy mind must be a theory that isderived from a descriptive science ofthe stream of consciousness (2) present the rationale and methodology for doing interviews with a specific group ofTibetan lamas who have been (...)
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