Results for 'Precautions'

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  1.  57
    Adaptation as Precaution.Lauren Hartzell-Nichols - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (2):149-164.
    Precaution is usually associated with the intuition that it is better to be safe than sorry, and/or that it is sometimes necessary to act in advance of scientific certainty to prevent harmful outcomes. At this point, we cannot entirely prevent climate change, but we can affect how harmful such change is. Adaptation may therefore be understood as a precautionary measure against the damage due to climate change. 'The' precautionary principle alone is too vague to shape adaptation policy, but a limited (...)
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    La précaution comme souci.François Guéry - 2012 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (4):611.
    Résumé La précaution a été critiquée non en elle-même, mais comme « principe », à la fois sur le plan juridique et scientifique. Les formulations du principe prêtaient à confusion, à cause du jargon « scientifique » utilisé (cf. absence de preuves, de « certitudes scientifiques »). Liée à l’urgence, la précaution ressortit à une philosophie de l’agir, qui comporte menace, vulnérabilité, anticipation, appréhension, et c’est de ce côté qu’il faut chercher la logique de la précaution. En premier lieu, une (...)
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  3. Precaution systems and ritualized behavior.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):635-641.
    In reply to commentary on our target article, we supply further evidence and hypotheses in the description of ritualized behaviors in humans. Reactions to indirect fitness threats probably activate specialized precaution systems rather than a unified form of danger-avoidance or causal reasoning. Impairment of precaution systems may be present in pathologies other than obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), autism in particular. Ritualized behavior is attention-grabbing enough to be culturally transmitted whether or not it is associated with group identity, cohesion, or with any (...)
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    Precaution and Solar Radiation Management.Lauren Hartzell-Nichols - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (2):158 - 171.
    Solar radiation management is a form of geoengineering that involves the intentional manipulation of solar radiation with the aim of reducing global average temperature. This paper explores what precaution implies about the status of solar radiation management. It is argued that any form of solar radiation management that poses threats of catastrophe cannot constitute an appropriate precautionary measure against another threat of catastrophe, namely climate change. Research of solar radiation management is appropriate on a precautionary view only insofar as such (...)
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    La précaution dans l’innovation en matière de médicaments et de vaccins.Sophie Hocquet-Berg - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):341-347.
    La présente contribution analyse le rôle du principe de précaution lorsque des médicaments ou des vaccins exposent les patients à un risque d’atteintes corporelles. S’il était pleinement consacré en droit de la responsabilité civile, le principe de précaution permettrait de faire peser sur les laboratoires pharmaceutiques, non seulement la charge des dommages que les médicaments ou les vaccins causent, mais encore celle des risques graves et irréversibles, même scientifiquement incertains, auxquels ils exposent les patients, ce qui peut sembler injuste. L’examen (...)
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    Precaution, threshold risk and public deliberation.Sune Holm - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (2):254-260.
    It has been argued that the precautionary principle is incoherent and thus useless as a guide for regulatory policy. In a recent paper in Bioethics, Wareham and Nardini propose a response to the ‘precautionary paradox’ according to which the precautionary principle's usefulness for decision making in policy and regulation contexts can be justified by appeal to a probability threshold discriminating between negligible and non‐negligible risks. It would be of great significance to debates about risk and precaution if there were a (...)
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    La précaution, l'éthique et la structure de l'action.Emmanuel Picavet & Caroline Guibet Lafaye - 2012 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (4):593.
    Résumé Le principe de précaution engage les rapports entre la connaissance, les risques et l’action ; appréhendé d’un point de vue simultanément éthique et politique, il pose également un défi aux institutions et au public pour ce qui est de sa mobilisation dans le débat et de sa mise en œuvre dans l’action, en tant que principe possédant une portée générale. L’article propose une description des problèmes spécifiques que comporte, à cet égard, le choix des interprétations. Cette description conduit à (...)
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    Precaution, bioethics and normative justificaton.Christian Munthe - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (2-3):219-225.
    Daniel Steel’s new book on the precautionary principle illustrates the need to work ahead to fuse perspectives of epistemology and philosophy of science with those of ethics to accomplish progress in the debate on the proper role of precaution in a broad selection of bioethical areas. Steel advances the territory greatly with regard to conceptual clarity and epistemology, but from a bioethics standpoint he is mistaken in discounting the need for ethical underpinnings of a sound theory of the precautionary principle.
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    Risk, Precaution, Responsibility, and Equal Concern.Alexia Herwig & Marta Simoncini - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (3):259-272.
    Systemic risks are risks produced through interconnected non-wrongful actions of individuals, in the sense that an individual's action is a negligible cause of the risk. Due to scale effects of interaction, their consequences can be serious but they are also difficult to predict and assess via a risk assessment. Since we can have good reason to engage in the interconnected activities giving rise to systemic risk, we incur a concurrent collective responsibility to ensure that the risks are fairly distributed and (...)
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    Precaution has its reasons.Mariam Thalos - 2012 - In W. Kabasenche, M. O'Rourke & M. Slater (eds.), Topics in Contemporary Philosophy 9: The Environment. MIT Press. pp. 171–184.
    This chapter focuses on finding better ways to conceptualize precaution. Precaution has now become an established principle of environmental governance, although it has not been distinguished from conventional risk assessment. It has been considered by some as the antithesis of risk assessment in the sense that it is done to avoid serious potential harm, without scientific certainty as to the likelihood, magnitude, or causation of that harm. The first and foremost task of this chapter is to show that these concepts (...)
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    Precaution and Proportionality: A Reply to Turner.Daniel Steel - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (3):344-348.
    (2013). Precaution and Proportionality: A Reply to Turner. Ethics, Policy & Environment. ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/21550085.2013.844572.
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    Precaution, prevention, and public health ethics.Douglas L. Weed - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (3):313 – 332.
    The precautionary principle brings a special challenge to the practice of evidence-based public health decision-making, suggesting changes in the interpretative methods of public health used to identify causes of disease. In this paper, precautionary changes to these methods are examined: including discounting contrary evidence, reducing the number of causal criteria, weakening the rules of evidence assigned to the criteria, and altering thresholds for statistical significance. All such changes reflect the precautionary goal of earlier primary preventive intervention, i.e. acting on insufficient (...)
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  13. Precaution as an invigorating context for scientific input in policy processes.Cato C. ten Hallers-Tjabbes, David Gee & Sofia Guedes Vaz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti (eds.), Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Obligatory precautions against infection.Marcel Verweij - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):323–335.
    ABSTRACT If we have a duty not to infect others, how far does it go? This question is often discussed with respect to HIV transmission, but reflection on other diseases like influenza raises a number of interesting theoretical issues. I argue that a duty to avoid infection not only yields requirements for persons who know they carry a disease, but also for persons who know they are at increased risk, and even for those who definitely know they are completely healthy. (...)
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    Precaution and solidarity.Matti Hayry - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):199-206.
    Health care services are constantly assessed by their ability to accommodate values popular in contemporary societies. Autonomy, justice, and human dignity have for some time been among such values in the affluent West. Relative newcomers in the field are the notions of and which seem to attract, in particular, Continental European ethicists. a.
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    Précaution, prévention, risque, hasard : instaurer une salutaire confiance.Emmanuel Keita - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):71-81.
    La notion de risque est mal comprise. Elle est intrinsèquement liée à notre perception de ce qu’est le hasard, aux peurs et aux biais cognitifs résultants de notre histoire individuelle et collective. Dans un monde de plus en plus chaotique, soumis au dictat du temps et avide d’émotions, il est dangereux de voir dans les chiffres et les algorithmes de nouveaux oracles. Accompagnant l’éducation au discernement, la confiance est un élément vital de la gouvernance dans le changement de paradigme qui (...)
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    Précautions et innovations démocratiques.Bernard Reber - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):399-425.
    Toute innovation, surtout si elle est qualifiée de démocratique, ne comporte pas sa justification par sa seule énonciation. L’ expérimentalisme démocratique ne se précipite pas vers une institutionnalisation de la participation citoyenne sans avoir analysé avec précaution ces deux moments que furent le Grand débat national et la Convention citoyenne pour le climat. Une innovation retient plus particulièrement l’attention ici : la présence d’un comité légistique pour transcrire les propositions des 150 membres de la Convention. N’a-t-on pas commis un contresens (...)
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  18.  50
    (1 other version)The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of Risk.Christian Munthe - 2011 - Springer.
    Since a couple of decades, the notion of a precautionary principle plays a central and increasingly influential role in international as well as national policy and regulation regarding the environment and the use of technology. Urging society to take action in the face of potential risks of human activities in these areas, the recent focus on climate change has further sharpened the importance of this idea. However, the idea of a precautionary principle has also been problematised and criticised by scientists, (...)
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  19. Risk, Precaution, and Emerging Technologies.Fritz Allhoff - 2009 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 3 (2).
    This paper explores a framework for thinking about risks inherent in emerging technologies; given uncertainty about the magnitude—or even nature—of those risks, deliberation about those technologies is challenged. §1 develops a conceptual framework for risk, and §2 integrates that conception into cost-benefit analysis. Given uncertainty, we are often pushed toward precautionary approaches, and such approaches are explored in §3. These first three sections are largely literature review, and then a positive argument for how to think about the relationship between risk, (...)
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  20.  11
    Precaution systems and ritualized behavior.Boyer Pascal & Lienard Pierre - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6).
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    Precaution.Rupert Read - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 72:95-96.
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    (1 other version)The Principle of Precaution and the Governance of Insecurity.Guido Gorgoni - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    After a brief reconstruction of the principle of precaution’s juridical rising, I will discuss in short the question of the juridical nature of the same principle and then examine some of its extra-juridical implications, showing how the intrinsic logic of the principle of precaution implies a strict connection with the needs and proper forms of a conception of democracy as participative.
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  23. Precaution and Fairness: A Framework for Distributing Costs of Protection from Environmental Risks.Espen Dyrnes Stabell & Daniel Steel - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):55-71.
    While there is an extensive literature on how the precautionary principle should be interpreted and when precautions should be taken, relatively little discussion exists about the fair distribution of costs of taking precautions. We address this issue by proposing a general framework for deciding how costs of precautions should be shared, which consists of a series of default principles that are triggered according to desert, rights, and ability to pay. The framework is developed with close attention to (...)
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  24. Why ritualized behavior? Precaution systems and action parsing in developmental, pathological and cultural rituals.Pascal Boyer & Pierre Liénard - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (6):595-613.
    Ritualized behavior, intuitively recognizable by its stereotypy, rigidity, repetition, and apparent lack of rational motivation, is found in a variety of life conditions, customs, and everyday practices: in cultural rituals, whether religious or non-religious; in many children's complicated routines; in the pathology of obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD); in normal adults around certain stages of the life-cycle, birthing in particular. Combining evidence from evolutionary anthropology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging, we propose an explanation of ritualized behavior in terms of an evolved Precaution System geared (...)
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    Precaution as an Approach to Technology Development: The Case of Transgenic Crops.David E. Ervin & Rick Welsh - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (2):153-172.
    The commercialization of transgenic crops has engendered significant resistance from environmental groups and defensive responses from industry. A part of this struggle entails the politicization of science as groups gather evidence from the scholarly literature to defend a supportive or opposing position to transgenic crop commercialization. The authors argue that novel technology development and associated scientific uncertainty have led to two competing approaches to risk management: precaution and ex post trial and error. In this paper we use the controversies over (...)
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    Nonconsequentialist Precaution.Christopher Morgan-Knapp - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (4):785-797.
    How cautious should regulators be? A standard answer is consequentialist: regulators should be just cautious enough to maximize expected social value. This paper charts the prospects of a nonconsequentialist - and more precautionary - alternative. More specifically, it argues that a contractualism focused on ex ante consent can motivate the following regulatory criterion: regulators should permit a socially beneficial risky activity only if no one can be expected to be made worse off by it. Broadly speaking, there are two strategies (...)
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    The limits of precaution.Sven Ove Hansson - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (2):293-306.
    The maximin rule can be used as a formal version of the precautionary principle. This paper evaluates the feasibility and the intuitive plausibility of this decision rule. The major conclusions are: (1) Precaution has to be applied symmetrically. (2) Precaution is only possible when outcomes are comparable in terms of value, so that it can be determined which outcome is worst. (3) Precaution is sensitive to standards of possibility. Far-away scenarios have to be excluded, and it is difficult to find (...)
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    Precise Precaution Versus Sloppy Science.Hartmut Meyer - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (2):91-95.
    The Convention on Biological Diversity opens the possibility to negotiate a legally binding Biosafety Protocol to assess and minimize risks in the field of transboundary transfer, handling, and use of organisms modified by genetic engineering. Two principles— the Precautionary Principle and the Principle of Familiarity—guiding the risk assessment as basis of import decisions on such organisms are discussed. Developing and European industrialized countries favor the Precautionary Principle. The U.S., Australia, Japan, and some others call for the Principle of Familiarity. These (...)
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  29.  42
    Risk, Uncertainty and Precaution in Science: The Threshold of the Toxicological Concern Approach in Food Toxicology.Karim Bschir - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):489-508.
    Environmental risk assessment is often affected by severe uncertainty. The frequently invoked precautionary principle helps to guide risk assessment and decision-making in the face of scientific uncertainty. In many contexts, however, uncertainties play a role not only in the application of scientific models but also in their development. Building on recent literature in the philosophy of science, this paper argues that precaution should be exercised at the stage when tools for risk assessment are developed as well as when they are (...)
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  30.  21
    Improvidence, Precaution, and the Logical-Empirical Disconnect in UK Health Policy.Jordan A. Parsons - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (2):114-133.
    The last decade has seen significant developments in UK health policy, with are largely claimed to be evidence based. However, such a characterisation ought, in many cases, to be questioned. Policies can be broadly understood as based primarily on either a logical or empirical case. In the absence of relevant empirical evidence, policymakers understandably appeal to logical cases. Once such evidence is available, however, it can inform policy and enable the logical case to be set aside. Such a linear policy (...)
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  31. The Precautionary Principle and the Concept of Precaution.Per Sandin - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (4):461 - 475.
    The precautionary principle is frequently invoked in environmental law and policy, and the debate around the principle indicates that there is little agreement on what 'taking precautions' means. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an improved conceptual foundation for this debate in the form of an explication of the concept of precaution. Distinctions between precaution and two related concepts, prevention and pessimism, are briefly discussed. The concept of precaution is analysed in terms of precautionary actions. It (...)
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  32. Precaution, scientization or deliberation? Prospects for Greening and democratizing science.Karin Bckstrand - 2004 - In Marcel L. J. Wissenburg & Yoram Levy (eds.), Liberal democracy and environmentalism: the end of environmentalism? New York: Routledge.
  33.  29
    The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of Risk.Lauren Hartzell-Nichols - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):116-118.
    In The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of Risk, Christian Munthe attempts to identify the normative basis of the requirement of precaution and shed light on how we should determine the appropria...
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    A Prudential Argument for Precaution under Uncertainty and High Risk.Stephen Haller - 2000 - Ethics and the Environment 5 (2):175-189.
    Some models of global systems predict catastrophe if certain human activities continue. Unfortunately, these models are less than certain. Despite this uncertainty, some argue for precaution on the grounds that we have an ethical obligation to avoid catastrophe, whatever the practical costs. There is much to say in favor of ethical arguments. Still, some people will remain unmoved by them. Using arguments parallel to those of Pascal and James, I will argue that there are prudential reasons for precaution that should (...)
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    Irreparable Injury and Extraordinary Precaution: The Safety and Feasibility Norms in American Accident Law.Gregory C. Keating - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (1).
    The tort law of negligence is one of our principal forms of protection against accidental physical injury. But it is underspecified in one respect and incomplete in another. The common law of negligence is underspecified in that its norm of reasonable care does not register clearly enough the fact that it is reasonable to take greater precautions against some kinds of physical injuries — severe and irreparable ones — than it is against other kinds — mild and fully repairable (...)
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    Precaution and the methodological status of scientific (un)certainty.A. van Dommelen - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (1):123-139.
    An effective application of thePrecautionary Principle (PP) hinges on thestipulation that, ``a lack of scientificcertainty shall not be used as a reason forpostponing measures.'' The practicalconsequences of this expression are presentlynot clear enough in most contexts of use toenable constructive communication and thereforethe PP is not sufficiently operational now. Apragmatic and fundamental methodology forunderstanding scientific (un)certainty indifferent practical contexts needs to be put inplace to create a communicative basis foreffective precaution. Lack of clarity aboutproblem definition and problem ownershipcreates artificial controversies (...)
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    Principe de précaution : y voir enfin clair.Géraud Guibert - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):3-9.
    La présente contribution montre l’importance nouvelle de la prise en compte des risques, en particulier en Europe. Si le principe de précaution est indispensable, son utilisation à tort et à travers dans le débat public pose questions. La crise sanitaire met ainsi la lumière sur la nécessité de mieux organiser la gouvernance de ce principe, y compris en associant davantage les citoyens.
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    Quarantines: Between Precaution and Necessity. A Look at COVID-19.Vera Lúcia Raposo - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):35-46.
    The events surrounding COVID-19, combined with the mandatory quarantines widely imposed in Asia and Europe since the virus outbreak, have reignited discussion of the balance between individual rights and liberties and public health during epidemics and pandemics. This article analyses this issue from the perspectives of precaution and necessity. There is a difficult relationship between these two seemingly opposite principles, both of which are frequently invoked in this domain. Although the precautionary principle encourages the use of quarantines, including mandatory quarantines, (...)
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    Les dynamiques de la précaution dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques.Sarah Cassella - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):131-150.
    À première vue, la précaution n’a plus de rôle majeur à jouer face aux risques liés aux changements climatiques dont l’origine anthropique est désormais avérée. Elle aurait ainsi laissé la place en partie à la prévention, ce qui n’a rien de surprenant puisque ces deux approches s’inscrivent dans un continuum. Les risques générés par les changements climatiques ont cependant la particularité d’être des risques globaux à la fois en raison de la multiplicité des acteurs qui en sont à l’origine et (...)
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    La précaution entre un enjeu et un principe.François Collart Dutilleul - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):385-397.
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    Precaution.Henk ten Have & Bert Gordijn - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (2):161-162.
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  42. Risk, Precaution, and Causation.Masaki Ichinose - 2022 - Tetsugaku: International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan 6:22-53.
    This paper aims to scrutinize how the notion of risk should be understood and applied to possibly catastrophic cases. I begin with clarifying the standard usage of the notion of risk, particularly emphasizing the conceptual relation between risk and probability. Then, I investigate how to make decisions in the case of seemingly catastrophic disasters by contrasting the precautionary principle with the preventive (prevention) principle. Finally, I examine what kind of causal thinking tends to be actually adopted when we make decisions (...)
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    Prudent Precaution in Clinical Trials of Nanomedicines.Gary E. Marchant & Rachel A. Lindor - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (4):831-840.
    Medical technologies, including nanomedicine products, are intended to improve health but in many cases may also create their own health risks. Medical products that create their own health risks differ from most other risk-creating technologies in that the very purpose of the medical technology is to prevent or treat health risks. This paradox of technologies intended to reduce existing risks that may have the effect of creating new risks has two conflicting implications. On one hand, we may be more tolerant (...)
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    Risk and Precaution in Decision Making about Nature.Jonathan Aldred - 2015 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press USA.
    The normative bases for two fundamentally different approaches to environmental decision making are examined. First, orthodox “risk assessment.” In the conditions of uncertainty or ignorance prevailing in many environmental decisions, it is argued that CBA and similar forms of risk assessment should not be used in isolation. Second, the precautionary principle. Two conditions—broadly speaking, “uncertainty” and “particular threats”—seem especially relevant to determining the applicability of the precautionary principle. Gardiner’s “Rawlsian Core Precautionary Principle” is examined in detail. It features both conditions; (...)
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    Le principe de précaution : bouc émissaire de nos faiblesses ou éthique de la modernité? 1990-2020.Bettina Laville - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):215-224.
    L’auteure retrace les controverses qui ont émaillé l’histoire du principe de précaution en France dans les trente dernières années après son adoption au niveau international et européen. Elle montre que le principe de précaution constitue une dimension nouvelle de la rationalité adaptée aux défis de la société contemporaine.
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    Géographie de la précaution et applications locale et nationale.Corinne Lepage & Madeleine Babès - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):239-254.
    Depuis plusieurs années, le principe de précaution prend de l’ampleur et voit ses contours se modeler et se définir, aussi bien à l’échelle internationale qu’européenne ou française. Malgré tout, il n’a pas la même importance, en fonction de l’échelle à laquelle on se place, et tend à être confondu avec le principe de prévention, deux notions pourtant totalement distinctes. Plus que jamais les questions de climat, de biodiversité, de justice sociale, de gestion des deniers publics ou encore de valorisation et (...)
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    Jeu pathologique et précaution : une nouvelle approche préventive.Élisabeth Papineau & Boisvert - 2003 - Éthique Publique 5 (2).
    Cet article porte sur l’introduction du principe de précaution en matière de gestion du jeu. Il repose sur les réflexions suggérées par deux recherches effectuées au cours des dernières années par le Laboratoire d’éthique publique. Ainsi, il tente de répondre aux questions posées par ces deux recherches précédentes : comment gérer de façon responsable? Au nom de quel principe agir? Où tracer la limite de ce qu’il devrait être ou non permis de faire dans la commercialisation et l’exploitation des jeux (...)
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    A Virtue of Precaution Regarding the Moral Status of Animals with Uncertain Sentience.Simon Knutsson & Christian Munthe - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (2):213-224.
    We address the moral importance of fish, invertebrates such as crustaceans, snails and insects, and other animals about which there is qualified scientific uncertainty about their sentience. We argue that, on a sentientist basis, one can at least say that how such animals fare make ethically significant claims on our character. It is a requirement of a morally decent (or virtuous) person that she at least pays attention to and is cautious regarding the possibly morally relevant aspects of such animals. (...)
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    Precaution as a Risk in Data Gaps and Sustainable Nanotechnology Decision Support Systems: a Case Study of Nano-Enabled Textiles Production.Irini Furxhi, Finbarr Murphy, Craig A. Poland, Martin Cunneen & Martin Mullins - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (3):245-270.
    In light of the potential long-term societal and economic benefits of novel nano-enabled products, there is an evident need for research and development to focus on closing the gap in nano-materials safety. Concurrent reflection on the impact of decision-making tools, which may lack the capability to assist sophisticated judgements around the risks and benefits of the introduction of novel products, is essential. This paper addresses the potential for extant decision support tools to default to a precautionary principle position in the (...)
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    Climate Precaution and Producer versus Consumer Dependence on Fossil Fuels.Daniel Steel, Paul Bartha & Rachel Cripps - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    This article explores the consequences of falling costs of solar and wind power for the ethics of climate change mitigation. We suggest that price competitiveness of renewables reveals a divergence of interest between fossil fuel consumers and producers: cheap renewables strengthen precautionary arguments for aggressive mitigation for consumers but threaten the economic base of producers. As existing applications of the precautionary principle to climate change do not address this issue, we develop a novel approach based on lexical utilities. Given the (...)
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