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Paul Bartha [29]Paul F. A. Bartha [2]Paul Frank Andrew Bartha [1]
  1. (1 other version)By parallel reasoning: the construction and evaluation of analogical arguments.Paul Bartha - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this work, Paul Bartha proposes a normative theory of analogical arguments and raises questions and proposes answers regarding the criteria for evaluating analogical arguments, the philosophical justification for analogical reasoning, and the place of scientific analogies in the context of theoretical confirmation.
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  2. Taking Stock of Infinite Value: Pascal’s Wager and Relative Utilities.Paul Bartha - 2007 - Synthese 154 (1):5-52.
    Among recent objections to Pascal's Wager, two are especially compelling. The first is that decision theory, and specifically the requirement of maximizing expected utility, is incompatible with infinite utility values. The second is that even if infinite utility values are admitted, the argument of the Wager is invalid provided that we allow mixed strategies. Furthermore, Hájek has shown that reformulations of Pascal's Wager that address these criticisms inevitably lead to arguments that are philosophically unsatisfying and historically unfaithful. Both the objections (...)
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  3. Making Do Without Expectations.Paul F. A. Bartha - 2016 - Mind 125 (499):799-827.
    The Pasadena game invented by Nover and Hájek raises a number of challenges for decision theory. The basic problem is how the game should be evaluated: it has no expectation and hence no well-defined value. Easwaran has shown that the Pasadena game does have a weak expectation, raising the possibility that we can eliminate the value gap by requiring agents to value gambles at their weak expectations. In this paper, I first prove a negative result: there are gambles like the (...)
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  4. Countable additivity and the de finetti lottery.Paul Bartha - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):301-321.
    De Finetti would claim that we can make sense of a draw in which each positive integer has equal probability of winning. This requires a uniform probability distribution over the natural numbers, violating countable additivity. Countable additivity thus appears not to be a fundamental constraint on subjective probability. It does, however, seem mandated by Dutch Book arguments similar to those that support the other axioms of the probability calculus as compulsory for subjective interpretations. These two lines of reasoning can be (...)
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  5. Unilateral Action on Climate Change and the Moral Obligation to Take Leadership.Daniel Steel, Rachel Cripps, C. Tyler DesRoches, Paul Bartha & Kian Mintz-Woo - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    We claim that a moral obligation to take climate leadership by means of unilateral mitigation depends on the existence of a plausible follow-the-leader mechanism whereby unilateral mitigation by some increases the probability of sufficient mitigation by others to avert catastrophic climate impacts. By understanding these mechanisms, we can better articulate the obligation for climate leadership across various sectors, from government to individual actors, in the fight against climate change. [Open access].
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  6. The Relatively Infinite Value of the Environment.Paul Bartha & C. Tyler DesRoches - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (2):328-353.
    Some environmental ethicists and economists argue that attributing infinite value to the environment is a good way to represent an absolute obligation to protect it. Others argue against modelling the value of the environment in this way: the assignment of infinite value leads to immense technical and philosophical difficulties that undermine the environmentalist project. First, there is a problem of discrimination: saving a large region of habitat is better than saving a small region; yet if both outcomes have infinite value, (...)
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    Modeling the precautionary principle with lexical utilities.Paul Bartha & C. Tyler DesRoches - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8701-8740.
    Confronted with the possibility of severe environmental harms, such as catastrophic climate change, some researchers have suggested that we should abandon the principle at the heart of standard decision theory—the injunction to maximize expected utility—and embrace a different one: the Precautionary Principle. Arguably, the most sophisticated philosophical treatment of the Precautionary Principle is due to Steel. Steel interprets PP as a qualitative decision rule and appears to conclude that a quantitative decision-theoretic statement of PP is both impossible and unnecessary. In (...)
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  8. The shooting-room paradox and conditionalizing on measurably challenged sets.Paul Bartha & Christopher Hitchcock - 1999 - Synthese 118 (3):403-437.
    We provide a solution to the well-known “Shooting-Room” paradox, developed by John Leslie in connection with his Doomsday Argument. In the “Shooting-Room” paradox, the death of an individual is contingent upon an event that has a 1/36 chance of occurring, yet the relative frequency of death in the relevant population is 0.9. There are two intuitively plausible arguments, one concluding that the appropriate subjective probability of death is 1/36, the other that this probability is 0.9. How are these two values (...)
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  9. Satan, Saint Peter and Saint Petersburg: Decision theory and discontinuity at infinity.Paul Bartha, John Barker & Alan Hájek - 2014 - Synthese 191 (4):629-660.
    We examine a distinctive kind of problem for decision theory, involving what we call discontinuity at infinity. Roughly, it arises when an infinite sequence of choices, each apparently sanctioned by plausible principles, converges to a ‘limit choice’ whose utility is much lower than the limit approached by the utilities of the choices in the sequence. We give examples of this phenomenon, focusing on Arntzenius et al.’s Satan’s apple, and give a general characterization of it. In these examples, repeated dominance reasoning (...)
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  10. Probability and Symmetry.Paul Bartha & Richard Johns - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (S3):S109-S122.
    The Principle of Indifference, which dictates that we ought to assign two outcomes equal probability in the absence of known reasons to do otherwise, is vulnerable to well-known objections. Nevertheless, the appeal of the principle, and of symmetry-based assignments of equal probability, persists. We show that, relative to a given class of symmetries satisfying certain properties, we are justified in calling certain outcomes equally probable, and more generally, in defining what we call relative probabilities. Relative probabilities are useful in providing (...)
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    Analogical arguments in mathematics.Paul Bartha - 2013 - In Andrew Aberdein & Ian J. Dove, The Argument of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 199--237.
  12. No one knows the date or the hour: An unorthodox application of rev. Bayes's theorem.Paul Bartha & Christopher Hitchcock - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (3):353.
    Carter and Leslie (1996) have argued, using Bayes's theorem, that our being alive now supports the hypothesis of an early 'Doomsday'. Unlike some critics (Eckhardt 1997), we accept their argument in part: given that we exist, our existence now indeed favors 'Doom sooner' over 'Doom later'. The very fact of our existence, however, favors 'Doom later'. In simple cases, a hypothetical approach to the problem of 'old evidence' shows that these two effects cancel out: our existence now yields no information (...)
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    Pascal’s Wager.Paul Bartha & Lawrence Pasternack (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In his famous Wager, Blaise Pascal offers the reader an argument that it is rational to strive to believe in God. Philosophical debates about this classic argument have continued until our own times. This volume provides a comprehensive examination of Pascal's Wager, including its theological framework, its place in the history of philosophy, and its importance to contemporary decision theory. The volume starts with a valuable primer on infinity and decision theory for students and non-specialists. A sequence of chapters then (...)
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    Norton's material theory of analogy.Paul Bartha - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 82:104-113.
  15.  75
    Visual Analogy: Consciousness as the Art of Connecting.Paul Bartha - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (4):580-584.
  16.  39
    23 Pascal’s Wager and the Precautionary Principle.Paul Bartha - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 467-492.
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    Pascal’s Wager.Paul Bartha - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 86:74-79.
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    (1 other version)ch. 10. Many gods, many wagers : Pascal's Wager meets the replicator dynamics.Paul Bartha - 2012 - In Jake Chandler & Victoria S. Harrison, Probability in the Philosophy of Religion. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 187.
  19. Second-guessing second nature.Paul Bartha & Steven F. Savitt - 1998 - Analysis 58 (4):252–263.
  20.  46
    Climate Precaution and Producer versus Consumer Dependence on Fossil Fuels.Daniel Steel, Paul Bartha & Rachel Cripps - 2025 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 28 (1):1-25.
    This article explores the consequences of falling costs of solar and wind power for the ethics of climate change mitigation. We suggest that price competitiveness of renewables reveals a divergence of interest between fossil fuel consumers and producers: cheap renewables strengthen precautionary arguments for aggressive mitigation for consumers but threaten the economic base of producers. As existing applications of the precautionary principle to climate change do not address this issue, we develop a novel approach based on lexical utilities. Given the (...)
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    Prospects for Analogue Confirmation.Paul Bartha - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):928-938.
    In analogical reasoning, observations about one or more source domains provide varying degrees of support for a conjecture about a target domain. Norton (2021) challenges the usefulness of formal models of analogical inference. Other philosophers (Dardashti et al. 2019) develop just such formal models in order to show how analogue experiments can confirm a hypothesis, even when the target domain is inaccessible. This paper defends the value of quasi-formal models of analogical reasoning. Such models are broadly compatible with Norton’s position, (...)
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    Monstrous Neighbors or Curious Coincidence: Aristotle on Boundaries and Contact.Paul Bartha - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (1):1 - 16.
  23. How to put self-locating information in its place.Paul Bartha - unknown
    How can self-locating propositions be integrated into normal patterns of belief revision? Puzzles such as Sleeping Beauty seem to show that such propositions lead to violation of ordinary principles for reasoning with subjective probability, such as Conditionalization and Reflection. I show that sophisticated forms of Conditionalization and Reflection are not only compatible with self-locating propositions, but also indispensable in understanding how they can function as evidence in Sleeping Beauty and similar cases.
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  24. Substantial form and the nature of individual substance.Paul Bartha - 1993 - Studia Leibnitiana 25 (1):43-54.
    Qu'est-ce qui explique l'unité d'une substance leibnizienne, au-dessus des attributs compris dans sa notion individuelle complète? C'est une question commune dans la littérature sur la notion de la substance chez Leibniz. Cet article soutient qu'elle n'admette pas de réponse consistante dans le système leibnizien. Premièrement, je discute la manière dans laquelle Leibniz a essayé de répondre à la question en „rehabillitant" a les formes substantielles des scholastiques. Puis je cherche à montrer que ça lui a ammené à une conception composée (...)
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    9. The de Finetti Lottery and Equiprobability.Paul Bartha - 2005 - In Kent A. Peacock & Andrew D. Irvine, Mistakes of reason: essays in honour of John Woods. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 158-172.
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  26. Domenico Costantini and Maria Carla Galavotti, eds., Probability, Dynamics and Causality: Essays in Honour of Richard C. Jeffrey Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Paul Bartha - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (5):321-323.
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  27. Review: Pascal's Wager: Pragmatic arguments and belief in God – Jeff Jordan. [REVIEW]Paul Bartha - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (232):571–574.
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    Review of John F. Horty, Agency and Deontic Logic[REVIEW]Paul Bartha - 2002 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2002 (2).
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    Theodore L. Brown, Making Truth: Metaphor in Science. Urbana: University of Illinois Press , 232pp., $32.50. [REVIEW]Paul Bartha - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):610-613.
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