Results for 'Phlllp Blosser'

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  1.  8
    Structure and Diversity. [REVIEW]Phlllp Blosser - 2003 - International Studies in Philosophy 35 (4):313-314.
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    Scheler's Critique of Kant's Ethics.Philip Blosser - 1995
    "My interest in [Max] Scheler's critique of Kant runs back nearly a decade.... The more I read of Scheler, the more I began to see the value of a project dealing with his critique of Kant in Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die Materiale Wetethik, which would possess the virtue of focusing in a single project three important strands of philosophical interest: phenomenology, Kantianism, and ethics.... "The study is divided into six chapters and two appendices. Each of the chapters (...)
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    Faith and Ethics at Work.Joe Blosser - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:41-61.
    To improve the efficacy of business ethics courses, the article recommends closer attention be paid to the religious motivations of students, which have for too long been ignored by most business ethics theory. By disconnecting the teaching of business ethics from the motivations driving business decisions, the theory that gets taught – and published in the textbooks – more strongly represents the philosophical tools of business ethicists than the moral resources business people claim to use. Through a community-based research study (...)
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  4. Christian freedom in political economy : the legacy of John Calvin in the thought of Adam Smith.Joe Blosser - 2011 - In Paul Oslington (ed.), Adam Smith as theologian. New York: Routledge.
  5.  32
    Does Idolatry Harm Your Neighbor? A Veblenian Approach to the Ethics of the Prophets.Andrew Blosser - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (2):205-227.
    Biblical prophetic writings display an unexplained interweaving of anti-idolatry themes with social justice themes. This article offers a link between these ethical foci by appealing to Thorstein Veblen's philosophical economics. Veblen and his more recent followers such as Fred Hirsch argue that upper classes glorify valueless expenditures and activities (conspicuous consumption and leisure) as a means of signaling predatory status. Veblen further theorizes that this process can manifest itself in religious practices and language, appearing when a deity is honored through (...)
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    The Human Person: Animal and Spirit by David Braine.Philip Blosser - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):341-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 341 if you started asking them questions about possible worlds. But Bradley's contribution is to have given us a painstaking and thorough reading of some extremely tightly wound and important aspects of the Tractatus, to have brought that text into direct contaot with con· temporary issues, and to have made progress toward showing that how· ever remarkable we thought the Tractatus was, it is still more remarkable (...)
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    Six questions concerning Scheler's ethics.Philip Blosser - 1999 - Journal of Value Inquiry 33 (2):211-225.
  8.  38
    Should We Give All We Have to Live On? A Theological Proposal for the Ethics of Generosity.Andrew Blosser - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (6):1041-1054.
    Recent ethical literature has called attention to subtle yet profound difficulties in determining what types of generosity are moral, and what situations call for generosity. This article contributes to this discussion by advancing a perspective drawn from Christian theology, according to which philanthropic endeavours must follow a downwards trajectory, modelled on God’s self-donation. Once this model is understood, potentially problematic rhetorical frameworks of generosity—such as that of Anselm of Canterbury—can be identified. This article further argues that the downwards trajectory of (...)
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    Love and Equity: The Social Doctrine of Origen of Alexandria.Benjamin Blosser - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):385-403.
    There has been a renewed interest, in the academy and in the church, in the teaching of the Church Fathers on social and economic questions, and in particular on the proper distribution of material goods. This article attempts to provide an overview of the social teaching of Origen of Alexandria, with a special focus on the question of distributive justice. It explores Origen’s view of the relationship between justice and charity, of the moral burdens of riches and the spiritual benefits (...)
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  10. Per una soluzione delle antinomie della teoria del valore di Max Scheler.Philip Blosser - 2010 - Discipline Filosofiche 20 (2).
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    Toward a resolution of antinomies in Max scheler’s value theory.Philip Blosser - 2012 - Philosophia Reformata 77 (2):93-113.
  12.  23
    The Church Fathers and the Ethics of Propaganda: A Christian Approach to Public Rhetoric.Andrew J. Blosser - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (1):140-154.
    Although religious ethicists commonly assess the content of public communication to determine its merits, this article argues that the style and techniques of communication deserve similar analysis. Propaganda often employs rhetorical techniques that impress the recipient through persuasive sleight-of-hand or emotional appeal. Drawing on the church fathers’ suspicion of classical rhetoric, as well as Augustine's guarded defense of a specific type of rhetoric, the author formulates two principles of ethical propaganda that may assist public communicators in persuading ethically. These two (...)
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    (1 other version)The Status of Mental Images in Sartre’s Theory of Consciousness.Philip Blosser - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):163-172.
    Sartre attacks the "illusion" that mental images are "immanent" in consciousness. After comparing sartre with husserl, I develop his view that mental images are non-Perceptual phenomena involving a relationship with something non-Present. From the impoverished, Unworldly view that results, I suggest that sartre's own view is still too attached to the perceptual analogy and conclude with the richer, Alternative view of ricoeur that imaginal fiction has a constructive role in shaping reality.
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    Can God or the Market Set People Free?Joe Blosser - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (2):233-253.
    Both Protestant theologians and “preference” economists believe that freedom is necessary for moral action, but such theologians and economists have seemingly irreconcilable accounts of freedom and, thus also, morality. Instead of learning from each other, they typically ignore each other or claim that one field reigns supreme over the other. This essay digs into the theological and economic traditions of each side to find points of similarity between them. It engages Adam Smith and Ernst Troeltsch to develop a view of (...)
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    Reconnoitering Dooyeweerd’s Theory of Man.Philip Blosser - 1993 - Philosophia Reformata 58 (2):192-209.
    The legacy of Herman Dooyeweerd, that colossus of reformational thinking, presents us not only with the gifts of his systematic genius, but also with the riddles of his unperfected work, which now have become a part of our own unfinished work. Not the least of these riddles and not the least of our unfinished work confront us in the legacy of Dooyeweerd’s anthropological reflections. As he indicates in the conclusion of his monumental New Critique, all of his previous investigations are (...)
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  16. The Concept of “Person” in Keiji Nishitani and Max Scheler.Philip Blosser - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (3):359-370.
    This essay compares Scheler’s view of the person in his last (“pantheistic”) period with the views of Keiji Nishitani, a Buddhist representative of the Kyoto School of phenomenology. Scheler eschewed a “substantialist” concept of the person, as did Nishitani in view of the Buddhist “non-self” (muga) doctrine. Both had experienced spiritual crises in their lives. Why did Nishitani turn to the Buddhist concept of “absolute nothingness”? Why did Scheler turn from theism to pantheism? Both saw traditional Christianity and its understanding (...)
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    A Problem In Kant’s Theory Of Moral Feeling.Philip Blosser - 1991 - Lyceum 3 (2):27-40.
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    Body, Soul, and Life Everlasting: Biblical Anthropology and the Monism-Dualism Debate by John W. Cooper.Philip Blosser - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):522-526.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS in abbreviated form. The subject matter of many of the previously pub· lished essays overlaps, which produces several instances where whole passages are repeated practically verbatim. This can he distracting for some readers, but those largely unacquainted with Scotus may benefit froon.
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    Critical study: Moral realism and justification.Ph Blosser - 1990 - Philosophia Reformata 55 (2):177-183.
  20.  16
    Ethics before God and markets: a theory of moral action in conversation with Adam Smith and Ernst Troeltsch.Joseph D. Blosser - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):155.
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    Retrieving the Natural Law: A Return to Moral First Things by J. Daryl Charles.Philip Blosser - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (1):192-195.
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  22. Scheler's Ordo Amoris: Insights and Oversights.Philip Blosser, Chuan Zhonghan & Shan Li - 2008 - Modern Philosophy 1:90-98.
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    The “Cape Horn” of Scheler’s Ethics.Philip Blosser - 2005 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 79 (1):121-143.
    I dispute Scheler’s view that good and evil cannot be willed as such; that moral value is always an inevitable and indirect by-product of willing other ends; that every act of willing yields a moral value; and that moral value attaches only to persons. I argue that moral value attaches to a variety of objects of willing (including one’s own moral worth), and that, although all acts have moral implications, not all acts are typologically moral. Those that are, I suggest, (...)
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    What Makes Experience “Moral”? Dietrich von Hildebrand vs. Max Scheler.Philip Blosser - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):69-84.
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  25. Scheler's Critique of Kant's Ethics: Continental Thought Series, V. 22.Philip Blosser - 1995 - Ohio University Press.
    "My interest in [Max] Scheler's critique of Kant runs back nearly a decade.... The more I read of Scheler, the more I began to see the value of a project dealing with his critique of Kant in _Der Formalismus in der Ethik und die Materiale Wetethik_, which would possess the virtue of focusing in a single project three important strands of philosophical interest: phenomenology, Kantianism, and ethics.... "The study is divided into six chapters and two appendices. Each of the chapters (...)
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  26. Tragic myth and the malady of Nietzsche's Europe.Philip E. Blosser - 1984 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 19 (44):149.
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    Philosophical Questions: An Introductory Anthology. [REVIEW]Philip Blosser - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (4):367-368.
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    And It Was Good: Building an Ethics of Sufficiency.Joe Blosser - forthcoming - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics.
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    Kant And Phenomenology.Philip Blosser - 1986 - Philosophy Today 30 (2):168-173.
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    Moral and nonmoral values: A problem in Scheler's ethics.Philip Blosser - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (1):139-143.
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    Relational History.Joe Blosser - 2020 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 12 (2).
    Adam Smith writes history to teach people how a plurality of forces informs our moral and economic actions. He employs the stadial theory—prevalent in his day—to explore four different states, or kinds of society, but he does not intend to use these to write a simple, linear history of the ‘stages’ of human progress. This article employs Smith’s typological method for writing history to create a four-fold typo­lo­gy of how contemporary scholars have interpreted Smith’s use of history. By using an (...)
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  32.  84
    The A Priori in Phenomenology and the Legacy of Logical Empiricism.Philip Blosser - 1990 - Philosophy Today 34 (3):195-205.
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    The question of being in recent japanese phenomenology.Philip Blosser - 1984 - Research in Phenomenology 14 (1):281-288.
  34.  8
    Worldview Theory, Whiteness, and the Future of Evangelical Faith, by Jacob Alan Cook.Andrew Blosser - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (2):423-424.
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    (1 other version)Of friendship: philosophic selections on a perennial concern.Marshell Carl Bradley & Philip Blosser (eds.) - 1989 - Wolfeboro, N.H.: Longwood Academic.
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    Grace and Law. [REVIEW]Philip Blosser - 1991 - Faith and Philosophy 8 (3):402-405.
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    The Morals of Monopoly and Competition.Homer Blosser Reed - 1916 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (2):258-281.
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    Review of: Russell H. Bowers, Jr., Someone or Nothing? Nishitani’s Religion and Nothingness as a Foundation for Christian-Buddhist Dialogue. [REVIEW]Philip Blosser - 1996 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 23 (1-2):209-211.
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    On Homer Blosser Reed’s “The Morals of Monopoly and Competition”.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Ethics 125 (2):533-535,.
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    Philip Blosser, Scheler’s Critique of Kant’s Ethics, Athens, Ohio, 1995, Ohio University Press, 221 pages. ISBN: 0-8214-1108-X. [REVIEW]Tapio Puolimatka - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (1):85-88.
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    Philip Blosser: Scheler's critique of Kant's ethics. [REVIEW]Mike Barber - 1999 - Continental Philosophy Review 32 (1):105-110.
  42. Die Lehre von den mittelbaren Schlüssen Die Struktur der kategorischen Syllogismen: Der Syllogismus als Begründungs- und als blosser Wahrheitszusammenhang von Urteilen.Alexander Pfänder - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:470.
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    Was ist Medizin? Der Begriff der Medizin und seine ethischen Implikationen.Daniela Ringkamp & Héctor Wittwer (eds.) - 2018 - Alber.
    Die Medizin der Gegenwart ist durch eine Reihe von Tendenzen charakterisiert, die dazu fuhren, dass sich das traditionelle Verstandnis der Medizin als blosser Heilkunde nicht mehr von selbst versteht. Zu nennen sind hier etwa die oft beklagte Okonomisierung der Medizin oder der Trend zur wunscherfullenden Medizin. Angesichts dieser Veranderungen gewinnt die theoretische Frage nach dem Wesen der Medizin an praktischer Bedeutung. Der Band "Was ist Medizin?" beantwortet die Frage aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Beitrage aus der Geschichte der Medizin informieren uber (...)
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    The Crisis of Liberal Democracy: A Straussian Perspective ed. by Kenneth L Deutsch and Walter Soffer.D. T. Asselin - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):526-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK R]]JVIEWS room for different theories and new developments. He does not try to tie up every loose end. Furthermore, he avoids the rut of the specialist by willingly and capably addressing questions of biblical exegesis, philosophy, psychology, science, and popular culture with even-handed competence. Space does not permit me to discuss his fascinating analysis of the psychology of near-death experiences or specific rejoinders to important objections (e.g., the (...)
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    Trojanische Pferde unserer Zeit: kritische Essays zur Digitalisierung.Eduard Kaeser - 2018 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Wir leben in einer Symbiose mit der Technik. Dabei stösst unser Selbstverständnis an vielen Stellen auf fundamentale Herausforderungen, die eine Neubestimmung des Humanen in seiner technischen Umwelt erfordern. Die Problematik ist oftmals nicht sogleich sichtbar und manifestiert sich erst im Nachhinein als zumeist unbeabsichtigte Konsequenz des Technikgebrauchs. Gerade die Digitalisierung, welche die gegenwärtige Etappe dieser Symbiose kennzeichnet, verkörpert die latente Gefahr, dass der Mensch zum Untertan der Geräte mutiert. Die drängende Frage lautet, ob und inwieweit der Mensch einen Platz zu (...)
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  46.  13
    Gestalten des Deismus in Europa.Winfried Schröder (ed.) - 2013 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    English summary: Deism, the "Religionsphilosophie der Aufklarung" (religious philosophy of the Enlightenment, Ernst Troeltsch) played a significant role in the modernization of philosophy in the early modern age and of European culture in a broader sense. Although this has been known for a long time, there is still the need for a differentiated overall picture of the subject. Therefore, on the occasion of Gunter Gawlick's 80th birthday in June 2010, a seminar on the manifestations of Deism in Europe was held (...)
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    Intentionalität und Konstitution. Wandlungen des Intentionalitätskonzepts in der Philosophie Husserls.Elisabeth Ströker - 1984 - Dialectica 38 (2, 3):191-208.
    ZusammenfassungDen Schwerpunkt des Aufsatzes bildet der Ubergang von der statischen Strukturanalyse des Bewusstseins zur genetischen Konstitutionsanalyse, der für die vertiefte Auffassung Husserls von Intentionalität bedeutsam ist. Dieser Wandel folgt aus der Einsicht, dass sich die Konstitution von Gegenständlichkeit nicht in einzelnen distinkten Akten vollzieht, sondern in zeitlicher Genesis, in welche sowohl aktive vergangene Konstitutionsleistungen als auch passive Vorkonstitutio‐nen eingehen. Um diese Sedimentierungen aufzudecken, hat Husserl die phänomenologische Analyse der intentionalen Akte fortentwickelt zur Intentionalanalyse. Diese Art der Analyse führte auch zu (...)
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