Results for 'Benjamin Blosser'

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  1.  21
    Love and Equity: The Social Doctrine of Origen of Alexandria.Benjamin Blosser - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):385-403.
    There has been a renewed interest, in the academy and in the church, in the teaching of the Church Fathers on social and economic questions, and in particular on the proper distribution of material goods. This article attempts to provide an overview of the social teaching of Origen of Alexandria, with a special focus on the question of distributive justice. It explores Origen’s view of the relationship between justice and charity, of the moral burdens of riches and the spiritual benefits (...)
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  2. Evolutionary debunking arguments and the reliability of moral cognition.Benjamin James Fraser - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (2):457-473.
    Recent debate in metaethics over evolutionary debunking arguments against morality has shown a tendency to abstract away from relevant empirical detail. Here, I engage the debate about Darwinian debunking of morality with relevant empirical issues. I present four conditions that must be met in order for it to be reasonable to expect an evolved cognitive faculty to be reliable: the environment, information, error, and tracking conditions. I then argue that these conditions are not met in the case of our evolved (...)
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  3. ‘Reason’s Sympathy’ and its Foundations in Productive Imagination.Benjamin Vilhauer - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (3):455–474..
    This paper argues that Kant endorses a distinction between rational and natural sympathy, and it presents an interpretation of rational sympathy as a power of voluntarya posterioriproductive imagination. In rational sympathy we draw on the imagination’s voluntary powers (a) to subjectively unify the contents of intuition, in order to imaginatively put ourselves in others’ places, and (b) to associate imagined intuitional contents with the concepts others use to convey their feelings, in such a way that those contents prompt feelings in (...)
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  4. Morality, human understanding, and the limits of language.Benjamin R. Tilghman - 2001 - In Timothy McCarthy & Sean C. Stidd (eds.), Wittgenstein in America. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 237--249.
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  5. A note on bearer-uniqueness and particularised qualities.Benjamin Schnieder - manuscript
    Many friends of the category of particularised qualities subscribe to the view that particularised qualities have a unique bearer in which they inhere; no such quality then can inhere in two different entities. But it seems that this idea is flawed, for there are apparent counterexamples. An apple’s redness is identical with the redness of its skin, though the apple is distinct from its skin. So it seems that a principle of beareruniqueness has to be modified, maybe by excluding certain (...)
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  6. Stakeholder Multiplicity: Toward an Understanding of the Interactions between Stakeholders.Benjamin A. Neville & Bulent Menguc - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (4):377-391.
    While stakeholder theory has traditionally considered organization’s interactions with stakeholders in terms of independent, dyadic relationships, recent scholarship has pointed to the fact that organizations exist within a complex network of intertwining relationships [e.g., Rowley, T. J.: 1997, The Academy of Management Review 22(4), 887–910]. However, further theoretical and empirical development of the interactions between stakeholders has been lacking. In this paper, we develop a framework for understanding and measuring the effects upon the organization of competing, complementary and cooperative stakeholder (...)
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  7. Taxation: Voluntary or compulsory?Benjamin R. Tucker - unknown
    Read Jus, 17 June 1887): The voluntary taxation proposal really means the dissolution of the State into its constituent atoms, and leaving them to recombine in some way or no way, just as it may happen. There would be nothing to prevent the existence of five or six "States" in England, and members of all these "States" might be living in the same house! The proposal is, it appears to me, the outcome of an idea in the minds of those (...)
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  8. Iain D. Thomson, Heidegger on Ontotheology: Technology and the Politics of Education Reviewed by.Benjamin D. Crowe - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (4):301-303.
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    Mein Leben und ich. Eine ontologische Ménage à deux.Benjamin Schnieder - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 59 (4):489 - 511.
    Ein Lebewesen und sein Leben verbindet offenbar eine innige Beziehung. Aber welche genau? Das ist die Leitfrage dieses Artikels. Im Anschluss an die Klarstellung, dass es sich nicht um die Beziehung der Identität handelt, wird gezeigt, dass sich die Frage mittels einer Konstruktion des internen Akkusativs beantworten lässt. Die dabei ausgedrückte Beziehung ist, so das Plädoyer des Artikels, eine der ontologischen Abhängigkeit. Es werden zwei Erklärungen eines Abhängigkeitsbegriffs vorgestellt, deren zentraler Begriff einerseits ein modaler und andererseits ein explanatorischer ist, und (...)
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    Humanity against itself: the retreat from reason.Benjamin Kovitz - 2008 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Human nature -- On mental disorder -- The meaning of anxiety -- To someone considering psychotherapy -- The sinner in the saint -- Our incoherent world -- The contribution of science -- Making sense of experience -- On reason and religion -- The world of religion -- A note on the aesthetic -- Where are we headed?
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    Franz Rosenzweig.Benjamin Pollock - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  12. The gift of wonder.Benjamin D. Scott - 1923 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 4 (3):177.
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    Embodied delusions and intentionality.Benjamin Sheredos - unknown
    Derek Bolton has claimed that extant philosophical theories of mind imply accounts of mental disorder, via their accounts of intentionality. The purpose of this paper is to extend Bolton’s claims, by exploring what an embodied/situated theory of mind might imply about mental disorder. I argue that, unlike the more traditional views Bolton considers, embodied/situated accounts can (in principle) provide an observer-independent criterion for distinguishing mental health from disorder in cases of Capgras and Cotard delusions.
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  14. Old babylonian inscriptions, edicts, and tariffs.Benjamin R. Foster - 1995 - In K. D. Irani & Morris Silver (eds.), Social justice in the ancient world. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 165.
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    The roles and responsibilities of the ethics consultant: a retrospective analysis of cases.Benjamin Freedman - 2000 - Hagerstown, Maryland: University Publishing. Edited by Françoise Baylis.
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    Informal Discussion.Benjamin Hill - unknown
    “What skills and capacities do you think the next generation of early modern scholars most need to advance the field?
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  17. Why coercion is wrong when it’s wrong.Benjamin Sachs - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):63 - 82.
    It is usually thought that wrongful acts of threat-involving coercion are wrong because they involve a violation of the freedom or autonomy of the targets of those acts. I argue here that this cannot possibly be right, and that in fact the wrongness of wrongful coercion has nothing at all to do with the effect such actions have on their targets. This negative thesis is supported by pointing out that what we say about the ethics of threatening (and thus the (...)
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    Scholarly Reactions to the Aum and Waco Incidents.Benjamin Dorman - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 39 (1):153-177.
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    Representing non-citizens: a proposal for the inclusion of all affected interests.Benjamin Boudou - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (5):747-768.
    This article defends the normative relevance of the representation of non-citizens in democracies. I argue that representation within nation-states constitutes a realistic institutionalisation of the All-Affected Principle, allowing justificatory practices towards non-citizens and establishing political institutions that can realise the ideal of inclusion of all externally affected individuals. I defend electoral, non-electoral and surrogate forms of representation of affected interests that satisfy both the cosmopolitan concern for the equal consideration of interests and the statist defence of the importance of a (...)
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    Models of Concepts.Benjamin Cohen & Gregory L. Murphy - 1984 - Cognitive Science 8 (1):27-58.
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    Kierkegaard's socratic art.Benjamin Daise - 1999 - Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
    Based on the definitive English edition of Kierkegaard's works by Princeton University Press, this series of commentaries addresses all the published texts of ...
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  22.  22
    Falsification and Demarcation in Astronomy and Cosmology.Benjamin Sovacool - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (1):53-62.
    This work inaugurates a critical inquiry into whether the ideas of Karl Popper, a philosopher of science, are used by astronomers and astrophysicists, a practicing community of scientists. It examines four basic components of Karl Popper's philosophy— falsification, prohibition, simplicity, and risk taking— and the extent that these themes become integrated into recent scientific literature on astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and stellar evolutionary theory. It concludes that the philosophy of science is highly relevant to the practice of astronomy, and that Karl (...)
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    Musical signs in Death in Venice by.Benjamin Britten - 1996 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield (eds.), Musical semiotics in growth. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 4--473.
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  24. Austerity, compassion and the rule of law.Benjamin C. Zipursky - 2020 - In Amalia Amaya & Maksymilian Del Mar (eds.), Virtue, Emotion and Imagination in Law and Legal Reasoning. Chicago: Hart Publishing.
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    The World Health Organization in Global Health Law.Benjamin Mason Meier, Allyn Taylor, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Roojin Habibi, Sharifah Sekalala & Lawrence O. Gostin - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):796-799.
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    Selected works on the history of philosophy in the English language.Benjamin Rand - 1906 - Boston,: Published by the Trustees of the Public library.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  27. The correspondence of Georges Berkeley and sir John Percival.Benjamin Rand - 1915 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 79:204-206.
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  28. The classical psychologist.Benjamin Rand - 1912 - [n. p.]:
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  29. Power, Authority, and the Anabaptist Tradition.Benjamin W. Redekop & Calvin W. Redekop - 2002 - Utopian Studies 13 (2):204-206.
  30.  54
    Uncertainly in Clinical Medicine.Benjamin Djulbegovic, Iztok Hozo & Sander Greenland - 2011 - In Fred Gifford (ed.), Philosophy of Medicine. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 16--299.
    It is often said that clinical research and the practice of medicine are fraught with uncertainties. But what do we mean by uncertainty? Where does uncertainty come from? How do we measure uncertainty? Is there a single theory of uncertainty that applies across all scientific domains, including the science and practice of medicine? To answer these questions, we first review the existing theories of uncertainties. We then attempt to bring the enormous literature to bear from other disciplines to address the (...)
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  31.  44
    Populism and Global Justice: A Sibling Rivalry?Benjamin McKean - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (2):1-26.
    As academic literatures and political demands, global justice and populism look like competing ways of diagnosing and addressing neoliberal inequality. But both misunderstand neoliberalism and consequently risk reinforcing rather than undermining it. Neoliberalism does not just break down political and social hierarchies, but also relies on and sustains them. Unless populists recognize this, they will find that assertions of sovereignty do more to reinforce neoliberalism and reproduce its hierarchies than to resist them. Recognizing neoliberalism as not simply corrosive of solidarity (...)
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  32. La impureza de los universales.Benjamín Arditi - 1997 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10:46-69.
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    Social ontology, sociocultures and inequality in the global south.Benjamin Baumann & Daniel Bultmann (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Challenging the assumption that that the capitalist transformation includes a radical break with the past, this edited volume traces how historically older forms of social inequality are transformed but persist in the present to shape the social structure of contemporary societies in the global South. Each society comprises an interpretation of itself - including the meaning of life, the concept of a human being and the notion of a collective. This volume studies the interpretation that various societies have of themselves. (...)
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    The self beyond, toward life's meaning.Benjamin S. Llamzon - 1973 - Chicago,: Loyola University Press.
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  35. Comparative philosophy. A look at Harmony and Unity as common principles in the Confucian system and the Bahá'í faith.Benjamin B. Olshin - 2018 - In Mikhail Sergeev (ed.), Studies in Bahá'í philosophy: selected articles. Boston: M-Graphics Publishing.
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  36. The Ethical and the Meta-ethical in Chinese High Cultural Thought.Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:3.
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  37. The Religion of Politics: Reflections on the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1970 - Dissent 17 (2):144-161.
    In a period rich with controversy one should perhaps allow fading quarrels to die. It is not my primary intention to rekindle the heated debate that swirled about Miss Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem, but rather to see that book within the larger context of her philosophy. The following reflections were actually prompted by a reading of Miss Arendt’s On Revolution which, at least for this reader, suddenly revealed a certain unity of structure that can be discerned in all her writings. (...)
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  38.  12
    The Classical Psychologists: Selections Illustrating Psychology from Anaxagoras to Wundt.Benjamin Rand - 2018 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  39.  49
    Multiplicity: A New Reading of Sartrean Bad Faith.Benjamin K. Elwyn - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (3):601-618.
    In this article I introduce a new reading of Jean-Paul Sartre's account of bad faith. The reading contrasts with previous accounts by denying that states of bad faith are exhausted by attitudes towards transcendence and facticity. Instead, I argue that bad faith can involve attitudes to many other aspects of the human being. I also respond to an argument which claims that affirmations of freedom are inconsistent with the motivations behind bad faith. The inconsistency is here resolved by demonstrating how (...)
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    How to commit to commissive self‐knowledge.Benjamin Winokur - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):210-223.
    At least some of your beliefs are commitments. When you believe that P as a commitment, your stance on P is such that you believe it on the basis of your considered judgement. Sometimes, you also believe that you believe P. Such self‐beliefs can also be commissive in a sense, as when they are reflective endorsements of your lower‐order commissive beliefs. In this paper I argue that one's commissive self‐beliefs ontologically constitute one's lower‐order commissive beliefs because one's commissive self‐beliefs instantiate (...)
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    Competence-based assessment and training for ethical situations in practice: a pilot study.Benjamin M. Ogles, Kristin Lang Hansen & David M. Erekson - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (7):473-490.
    In this pilot study, deliberate practice and competence-based assessment were incorporated into a first-year graduate course on professional issues and ethics. Students responded to challenging simulations of basic ethical situations in therapy before and after the course. Aspects of deliberate practice were incorporated into the course. Student self-report ratings and independent performance ratings blind to timing found improvements in students’ ability to manage basic ethical situations in practice. Pilot evidence suggests competence-based assessment and training have potential use for training students (...)
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    Zur Kritik der Gewalt und andere Aufsätze.Walter Benjamin - 1965 - [Frankfurt am Main]: Suhrkamp. Edited by Herbert Marcuse.
    uber das Programm der kommenden Philosophie. ZUr Kritik der Gewalt. SChicksal und Charakter. GEschichtsphilosophische Thesen. THeologisch-politisches Fragment.
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    Book ReviewsWilliam Connolly,. Pluralism.Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005. Pp. 195. $69.95 ; $19.95.Benjamin Barber - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):747-754.
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    (1 other version)Louis Hartz.Benjamin R. Barber - 1986 - Political Theory 14 (3):355-358.
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    The Status of Scaling Limits as Approximations in Quantum Theories.Benjamin Feintzeig - unknown
    This paper attempts to make sense of a notion of ``approximation on certain scales'' in physical theories. I use this notion to understand the classical limit of ordinary quantum mechanics as a kind of scaling limit, showing that the mathematical tools of strict quantization allow one to make the notion of approximation precise. I then compare this example with the scaling limits involved in renormalization procedures for effective field theories. I argue that one does not yet have the mathematical tools (...)
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    Facetten Nietzsches im Spiegel junger Forschung.Benjamin Kaiser (ed.) - 2018 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
  47. Reductio ad bacterium: the ubiquity of Bayesian "brains" and the goals of cognitive science.Benjamin Sheredos - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  48. Finding Written Law.Benjamin L. S. Nelson - manuscript
    In this paper I argue that textualism is far less attractive as a theory of written law than some of its modern proponents think. For it is not usually sensible to expect the grammatical meaning of a provision to determine its appropriate legal meaning. Factors that are unrelated to grammar in the identification of law (e.g., legal theory, context) do too much of the work. **Draft -- acknowledgments welcome, but please do not cite.**.
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  49. Przezwyciężyć gnozę. Hans Jonas, Hans Blumenberg i prawomocność świata natury.Benjamin Lazier - 2013 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (25).
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  50. Žižek's reading machine.Benjamin Noys - 2015 - In Agon Hamza (ed.), Repeating Žižek. London: Duke University Press.
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