Results for 'Petr–ČEZ BŘÍZA'

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  1. as: české jádro na rakouských zahrádkách aneb výlučná mezinárodní příslušnost civilních soudů podle čl. 16 Bruselské úmluvy.Petr–ČEZ BŘÍZA - forthcoming - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas.
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  2. SEVIC Systems AG: přeshraniční fúze spadají do režimu svobody usazování dle čl. 43 SES.Petr Bříza - forthcoming - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas.
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    Philosophy and logic: selected writings of Petre Botezatu.Petre Botezatu - 1987 - Iaṣi: "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iaṣi, Department of Philosophy.
  4.  20
    One-Variable Fragments of First-Order Logics.Petr Cintula, George Metcalfe & Naomi Tokuda - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):253-278.
    The one-variable fragment of a first-order logic may be viewed as an “S5-like” modal logic, where the universal and existential quantifiers are replaced by box and diamond modalities, respectively. Axiomatizations of these modal logics have been obtained for special cases—notably, the modal counterparts $\mathrm {S5}$ and $\mathrm {MIPC}$ of the one-variable fragments of first-order classical logic and first-order intuitionistic logic, respectively—but a general approach, extending beyond first-order intermediate logics, has been lacking. To this end, a sufficient criterion is given in (...)
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    Contributions to functional syntax, semantics, and language comprehension.Petr Sgall (ed.) - 1984 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    On the Notion "Type of Language" Petr Sgall It is well known that the high frequency of terminological vagueness and confusion has been a serious obstacle ...
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    Reflexe environmentální problematiky v dějinách české a slovenské filosofie.Petr Jemelka - 2016 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Toward an expansion of an enactive ethics with the help of care ethics.Petr Urban - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Structural Completeness in Fuzzy Logics.Petr Cintula & George Metcalfe - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (2):153-182.
    Structural completeness properties are investigated for a range of popular t-norm based fuzzy logics—including Łukasiewicz Logic, Gödel Logic, Product Logic, and Hájek's Basic Logic—and their fragments. General methods are defined and used to establish these properties or exhibit their failure, solving a number of open problems.
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    (1 other version)Contributions to the Theory of Semisets I. Relations of the theory of semisets to the Zermelo‐Fraenkel set theory.Petr Hájek - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (16‐18):241-248.
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    Give the machine a chance, human experts ain’t that great….Petr Špecián & Lucy Císař Brown - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    Despite their flaws, large language models (LLMs) deserve a fair chance to prove their mettle against human experts, who are often plagued with biases, conflicts of interest, and other frailties. For epistemically unprivileged laypeople struggling to access expert knowledge, the accessibility advantages of LLMs could prove crucial. While complaints about LLMs' inconsistencies and arguments for human superiority are often justified (for now), they distract from the urgent need to prepare for the likely scenario of LLMs' continued ascent. Experimentation with both (...)
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    Foregrounding the relational domain — phenomenology, enactivism and care ethics.Petr Urban - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (1):171-182.
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    Behavioral Political Economy and Democratic Theory: Fortifying Democracy for the Digital Age.Petr Špecián - 2022 - Londýn, Velká Británie: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy.
    Drawing on current debates at the frontiers of economics, psychology, and political philosophy, this book explores the challenges that arise for liberal democracies from a confrontation between modern technologies and the bounds of human rationality. With the ongoing transition of democracy's underlying information economy into the digital space, threats of disinformation and runaway political polarization have been gaining prominence. Employing the economic approach informed by behavioral sciences' findings, the book's chief concern is how these challenges can be addressed while preserving (...)
  13.  79
    On recursion theory in I∑.Petr Hajek & Antonin Kucera - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):576 - 589.
    It is shown that the low basis theorem is meaningful and provable in I∑ 1 and that the priority-free solution to Post's problem formalizes in this theory.
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    Wally axiomatics of Branching Continuations.Petr Švarný - unknown
    We give a brief introduction to the axiomatization of temporal logics. Branching continuations are shortly presented thereafter and the possibility of their clear syntactical axiomatization in a Hilbert-style system is investigated as last. Some basic preliminary observations and suggestions, how such axiomatization could start, are presented.
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    A complete many-valued logic with product-conjunction.Petr Hájek, Lluis Godo & Francesc Esteva - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (3):191-208.
    A simple complete axiomatic system is presented for the many-valued propositional logic based on the conjunction interpreted as product, the coresponding implication (Goguen's implication) and the corresponding negation (Gödel's negation). Algebraic proof methods are used. The meaning for fuzzy logic (in the narrow sense) is shortly discussed.
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    On Theories and Models in Fuzzy Predicate Logics.Petr Hájek & Petr Cintula - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):863 - 880.
    In the last few decades many formal systems of fuzzy logics have been developed. Since the main differences between fuzzy and classical logics lie at the propositional level, the fuzzy predicate logics have developed more slowly (compared to the propositional ones). In this text we aim to promote interest in fuzzy predicate logics by contributing to the model theory of fuzzy predicate logics. First, we generalize the completeness theorem, then we use it to get results on conservative extensions of theories (...)
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  17. Prelegeri de logică.Petre Bieltz - 1973 - București,: Centrul de multiplicare al Universităţii din București.
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    Responsibility and age‐related dementia.Petr Frantik - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (4):240-250.
    This article identifies the assumption of responsibility as a basic need of human beings and applies the concept specifically to older people with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It suggests a two‐level concept of responsibility, based on the approach of discourse ethicist Karl‐Otto Apel, as a promising approach to recognizing human diversity while at the same time respecting people's equal rights to participate in discourse. This concept can serve as a theoretical starting point for the construction of individually adapted types of (...)
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    Arithmetical interpretations of dynamic logic.Petr Hájek - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):704-713.
    An arithmetical interpretation of dynamic propositional logic (DPL) is a mapping f satisfying the following: (1) f associates with each formula A of DPL a sentence f(A) of Peano arithmetic (PA) and with each program α a formula f(α) of PA with one free variable describing formally a supertheory of PA; (2) f commutes with logical connectives; (3) f([α] A) is the sentence saying that f(A) is provable in the theory f(α); (4) for each axiom A of DPL, f(A) is (...)
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    (1 other version)321 de vorbe memorabile ale lui Petre Țuțea.Petre Țuțea - 1993 - București: Humanitas. Edited by Gabriel Liiceanu.
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    Understanding Vagueness: Logical, Philosophical, and Linguistic Perspectives.Petr Cintula, Christian G. Fermüller, Lluis Godo & Petr Hájek (eds.) - 2011 - College Publications.
    Vague language and corresponding models of inference and information processing is an important and challenging topic as witnessed by a number of recent monographs and collections of essays devoted to the topic. This volume collects fifteen papers, the majority of which originated with talks presented at the conference "Logical Models of Reasoning with Vague Information ", September 14-17, 2009, in Čejkovice, that initiated a EUROCORES/LogICCC project with the same title. At least two features set the current volume apart from other (...)
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    Implicational logics II: additional connectives and characterizations of semilinearity.Petr Cintula & Carles Noguera - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (3-4):353-372.
    This is the continuation of the paper :417–446, 2010). We continue the abstract study of non-classical logics based on the kind of generalized implication connectives they possess and we focus on semilinear logics, i.e. those that are complete with respect to the class of models where the implication defines a linear order. We obtain general characterizations of semilinearity in terms of the intersection-prime extension property, the syntactical semilinearity metarule and the class of finitely subdirectly irreducible models. Moreover, we consider extensions (...)
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  23.  46
    Enacting Care.Petr Urban - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (2):216-222.
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    The logic of π1-conservativity.Petr Hajek & Franco Montagna - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (2):113-123.
    We show that the modal prepositional logicILM (interpretability logic with Montagna's principle), which has been shown sound and complete as the interpretability logic of Peano arithmetic PA (by Berarducci and Savrukov), is sound and complete as the logic ofπ 1-conservativity over eachbE 1-sound axiomatized theory containingI⌆ 1 (PA with induction restricted tobE 1-formulas). Furthermore, we extend this result to a systemILMR obtained fromILM by adding witness comparisons in the style of Guaspari's and Solovay's logicR (this will be done in a (...)
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    Arithmetical complexity of fuzzy predicate logics — A survey II.Petr Hájek - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):212-219.
    Results on arithmetical complexity of important sets of formulas of several fuzzy predicate logics are surveyed and some new results are proven.
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    Conceptualizing Health and Illness.Petr Kouba - 2008 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 39 (1):59-80.
    This article is focused on the notions of health and illness, as they appear in the context of philosophical reflections on finitude and contingency of human existence. Criticizing Heidegger's approach to health and illness which is based on the Aristotelian concept of privation, the author tries to find an alternative to the privative concept of illness with the help of Schelling's treatise on human freedom which explicates Evil not as a privation of Good, but as a sort of illness that (...)
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    Bioethical motifs in the literary work of Karel Čapek.Petr Jemelka - 2019 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 9 (3-4):168-180.
    This text presents an assessment of the literary work of Karel Čapek from a perspective that has not yet been discussed. It focuses on analysing Čapek’s works from the viewpoint of their possible inspiration by bioethical issues. Čapek’s philosophy and the powerful ethical charge of his texts tend to be associated with his interest in pragmatism, a subject to which he, however, took an individual and critical approach. One of the most important categories of his way of thinking is life. (...)
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    Logic and Implication: An Introduction to the General Algebraic Study of Non-Classical Logics.Petr Cintula & Carles Noguera - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This monograph presents a general theory of weakly implicative logics, a family covering a vast number of non-classical logics studied in the literature, concentrating mainly on the abstract study of the relationship between logics and their algebraic semantics. It can also serve as an introduction to algebraic logic, both propositional and first-order, with special attention paid to the role of implication, lattice and residuated connectives, and generalized disjunctions. Based on their recent work, the authors develop a powerful uniform framework for (...)
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    Dedicated to Petr Vopeynka.Bohuslav Balcar & Petr Simon - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 109 (1):2-15.
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    Alfred Schütz - Od Husserla k Rakouské ekonomii.Petr Špecián - 2011 - E-Logos 18 (1):1-24.
    Článek rekapituluje ideová východiska Alfreda Schütze, který se na půdě metodologie společenských věd snaží o syntézu příspěvků Edmunda Husserla a Maxe Webera. Přestože v raném období Schütz blízce následuje Husserlův fenomenologický přístup, projevuje se již zde v první řadě důraz na empirický charakter zkoumání, který navazuje na weberovskou linii argumentace a staví se i proti názorům dalšího ze Schützových velkých učitelů, Ludwiga von Misese. Článek postupně analyzuje klíčové znaky Schützovy vlastní metody a ukazuje klíčové postavení, které hraje při našem vědeckém (...)
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    Fuzzy logic and arithmetical hierarchy III.Petr Hájek - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (1):129-142.
    Fuzzy logic is understood as a logic with a comparative and truth-functional notion of truth. Arithmetical complexity of sets of tautologies and satisfiable sentences as well of sets of provable formulas of the most important systems of fuzzy predicate logic is determined or at least estimated.
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    A Henkin-style proof of completeness for first-order algebraizable logics.Petr Cintula & Carles Noguera - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (1):341-358.
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    A Note on Natural Extensions in Abstract Algebraic Logic.Petr Cintula & Carles Noguera - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (4):815-823.
    Transfer theorems are central results in abstract algebraic logic that allow to generalize properties of the lattice of theories of a logic to any algebraic model and its lattice of filters. Their proofs sometimes require the existence of a natural extension of the logic to a bigger set of variables. Constructions of such extensions have been proposed in particular settings in the literature. In this paper we show that these constructions need not always work and propose a wider setting in (...)
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  34. The Concurrentism of Thomas Aquinas: Divine Causation and Human Freedom.Petr Dvořák - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):617-634.
    The paper deals with the problem of divine causation in relation to created agents in general and human rational agents in particular. Beyond creation and conservation, Aquinas specifies divine contribution to created agents’ operation as application in the role of the first cause and the operation of the principal cause employing an instrumental cause. It is especially the latter which is open to varying interpretation and which might be potentially threatening to human freedom. There are different readings of what it (...)
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    Correspondence, conference threads and debate.Petr Beckmann - 1993 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 17:27.
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  36. Direcții în logica contemporană.Petre Botezatu (ed.) - 1974 - București: Editura științifică.
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  37. Reasoning Under Vagueness.Petr Cintula, Christian Fermuller, Lluis Godo & Petr Hajek (eds.) - 2011 - College Publications.
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  38.  14
    Differences in the Course of Physiological Functions and in Subjective Evaluations in Connection With Listening to the Sound of a Chainsaw and to the Sounds of a Forest.Petr Fiľo & Oto Janoušek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We explored differences in the course of physiological functions and in the subjective evaluations in response to listening to a 7-min recording of the sound of a chainsaw and to the sounds of a forest. A Biofeedback 2000x-pert apparatus was used for continual recording of the following physiological functions in 50 examined persons: abdominal and thoracic respiration and their amplitude and frequency, electrodermal activity, finger skin temperature, heart rate and heart rate variability. The group of 25 subjects listening to the (...)
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    Seneca jako zdroj raně novověkých koncepcí zdravého rozumu.Petr Glombíček - 2020 - Filosoficky Casopis 68 (5):679-696.
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    The Moral Context of the Sars-Cov-2 Virus Pandemic.Petr Jemelka - 2021 - Pro-Fil 22 (2):56.
    This text is an attempt to reflect on some of the morally relevant issues raised by the current pandemic crisis. The specificity of this situation is also defined by comparison with the AIDS pandemic. The topicality of the current crisis is an obstacle to a more systematic analysis and formulation of more coherent conclusions. This is the reason why the text outlines those aspects that can now be formulated as possible starting points for discourse on the moral dimension of the (...)
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    In Memoriam of Konstantin Nikolayevich Lyubutin: A Teacher, Colleague, Friend.Petr N. Kondrashov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (5):151-159.
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  42. Lessons From Kafka.Petr Kotátko & Tomas Koblízek (eds.) - 2021 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Philosophical Problems of the Binding Theory.Petr Kusly - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):120-139.
    The paper discusses one of the central problems of contemporary formal semantics — counterexamples to the predictions of the theory of binding (due to N. Chomsky). In particular, the author addresses cases of the so-called coreferential readings of reflexive pronouns which are standardly predicted to receive only the bound reading. The author examines theories of T. Reinhart and I. Heim and suggests an extension ofthe latter theory in order to enable it to account for the aforementioned readings of reflexive pronouns.
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    Overcoming Exclusion in Eastern Orthodoxy: Human Dignity and Disability from a Christological Perspective.Petre Maican - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (4):496-509.
    ‘The Russian Orthodox Church’s Basic Teaching on Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights’ has been a constant source of controversy since its release in 2008. While most scholars debated the document for its political implications, little attention has been paid to its anthropological consequences, particularly those deriving from linking a dignified life with the ethical use of freedom. The article highlights that if the sole criteria for living a dignified life is freedom then the most vulnerable categories in society (persons with (...)
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    Smartness without Insight: Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis and Its Limits.Petr Matějíček - 2021 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 43 (1):117-143.
    Humans are remarkably adaptable, and therefore a successful species. There are many speculative answers to the question of why this is so. One of them represents the cultural intelligence hypothesis, which consid-ers cultural learning skills as the key to human success. This work aims to present the hypothesis of cultural intelligence as a viable alternative to more conventional approaches within the debate about the origin of human intelligence, such as the hypothesis of general and improvisational intelligence. Theirmutual comparison shows that (...)
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    Intellectuals in Politics: Double Dissent in the Past, Double Disappointment Today.Petr Pithart - 1993 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 60:751-762.
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    Absolute Affirmation and Conditions of Meaning.Petr V. Rezvykh - 2011 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 49 (4):41-64.
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    Friedrich Shelling and Alexei Losev.Petr V. Rezvykh - 2018 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 56 (6):477-490.
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    The Earliest English Manorial Survey.Thorlac Turville-Petre - 1998 - Speculum 73 (1):58-79.
    In 1957–58 two large collections of documents relating to the estate of Gressenhall in central Norfolk were deposited in the Norfolk Record Office by Clement Ingleby and by Mills and Reeve, solicitors of Fakenham. These records go back to the late thirteenth century and consist of surveys, rentals, extents, charters, indentures, lists of tenants, and an unusually complete run of court rolls. Together with other records from Gressenhall, including inquisitions post mortem, they provide an exceptionally full picture of the estate (...)
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  50. Jazyk mezi protiklady. Poznámky k Husserlově filosofii jazyka v Logických zkoumáních.Petr Urban - 2004 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 26:21-42.
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