  1.  27
    Religija, demokracija i solidarni personalizam: na putu ka svjetskoj kulturi i civilizaciji.Bojan Žalec - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):85-100.
    Na početku članka autor se bavi najnovijim radovima Petera Sloterdijka i Ulricha Becka, koji pokušavaju ocrtati kozmopolitsku kulturu i civilizaciju mira i tolerancije, pa i sudjelovanja, koja bi bila primjerena sadašnjoj situaciji. Autor upozorava na određene poteškoće, ograničenja ili manjkavosti njihovih pogleda i prijedloga i okreće se, u traženju odgovora o značaju i vrijednosti vjere za moderan svijet, radu Renéa Girarda. Njegov značaj ilustrira na primjeru problema faktičkog ostvarivanja ljudskih prava. Članak završava zagovorom solidarnog personalizma i obradom značaja vjere i (...)
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  2.  98
    On Not Knowing Who We Are: The Ethical Importance of Transcendent Anthropology.Bojan Žalec - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1):105-115.
    The article is dealing with the ethical importance of the acceptance of the transcendence of every person. The author argues in favor of the following thesis: Transcendent anthropology is a positive factor of personalism; Violation of solidarity is fundamental evil; Apophatic anthropology is a realistic view; We should avoid the extreme positions regarding identities: nihilist or neutralist at one hand and non-critical acceptance and their ossification at the other. The proper approach to identities is critical realism and dialogic universalism; The (...)
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  3.  59
    Veber on knowledge and factuality.Bojan žalec - 2004 - Acta Analytica 19 (33):241-263.
    The article deals with the development of the philosophy of France Veber, the pupil of Meinong and a main Slovene philosopher. One of the most important threads of Veber’s philosophy is the consideration of knowledge and factuality, which may be seen as a driving force of its development. Veber’s philosophical development is usually divided into three phases: the object theory phase, the phase when he created his philosophy of a person as a creature at the crossing of the natural and (...)
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  4.  11
    Humanity after selfish Prometheus: chances of dialogue and ethics in a technicized world.Janez Juhant & Bojan Žalec (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Lit.
    Neither any technological development nor any institutional mechanisms (economical, legal, political etc.) can compensate the lack of ethical persons. Reaching sustainable development and life of quality is possible only on the basis of view which is not trapped, flat and reducing, on the basis of an effort, which ca - founded on temperance and humility (in relation to the nature, self, others and (O)other) - (co)create cooperation, higher order synthesis and synergy of the crafts that are the conditio sine qua (...)
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