Results for 'Penny Young'

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  1.  23
    Warm-up effects in serial learning.Robert K. Young & Penny Evans - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (1):183.
  2. The politics of love: Sexual selection theory and the role of the female.Penny Young - 1991 - Nexus 9 (1):7.
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    Dada and After. Extremist Modernism and English Literatureby Alan Young.Penny Brown - 1984 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 15 (2):211-213.
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    Deliberative democracy, diversity and the challenges of citizenship education.Penny Enslin, Shirley Pendlebury & Mary Tjiattas - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (1):115–130.
    For democracies to thrive, citizens have to be taught to be democrats. How do people learn to be democrats in circumstances of diversity and plurality? We address this question via a discussion of three models of deliberative democracy: public reason (as exemplified by Rawls), discursive democracy (as exemplified by Benhabib) and communicative democracy (as exemplified by Young). Each of the three theorists contributes to an account of how to educate citizens by teaching talk. Against a commonly held assumption that (...)
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    Democracy, Social Justice and Education: Feminist strategies in a globalising world.Penny Enslin - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (1):57-67.
    Recognising the relevance of Iris Marion Young's work to education, this article poses the question: given Iris Young's commitment to both social justice and to recognition of the political and ethical significance of difference, to what extent does her position allow for transnational interventions in education to foster democracy? First, it explores some of Iris Young's arguments on the relationship between democracy and social justice, with particular reference to their implications for education. Second, I argue that if (...)
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    Sensorimotor debilities in digital cultures.Simon Penny - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):355-366.
    This paper reflects on the qualities of living and learning in digital cultures, the design of digital technologies and the philosophical history that has informed that design. It takes as its critical perspective the field of embodied cognition as it has developed over the last three decades, in concert with emerging neurophysiology and neurocognitive research. From this perspective the paper considers cognitive, neurological and physiological effects that are increasingly becoming noticed in user populations, especially young populations. I call this (...)
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  7. Justice and the Politics of Difference.Iris Marion Young - 1990 - Princeton University Press.
    In this classic work of feminist political thought, Iris Marion Young challenges the prevailing reduction of social justice to distributive justice.
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  8. Inclusion and Democracy.Iris Marion Young - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    This latest work from one of the world's leading political philosophers will appeal to audiences from a variety of fields, including philosophy, political science, women's studies, ethnic studies, sociology, and communications studies.
  9. Responsibility for Justice.Iris Marion Young - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
  10. Throwing Like a Girl and Other Essays in Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory.Iris Marion Young - 1990
    Feminist social theory and female body experience are the twin themes of Iris Marion Young's twelve outstanding essays written over the past decade and brought together here. Her contributions to social theory raise critical questions about women and citizenship, the relations of capitalism and women's oppression, and the differences between a feminist theory that emphasizes women's difference and one that assumes a gender-neutral humanity. Loosely following a phenomenological method of description, Young's essays on female embodiment discuss female movement, (...)
  11.  72
    Heidegger’s Later Philosophy.Julian Young - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    Heidegger's later philosophy has often been regarded as a lapse into unintelligible mysticism. While not ignoring its deep and difficult complexities, Julian Young's book explains in simple and straightforward language just what it is all about. It examines Heidegger's identification of loss of 'the gods', the violence of technology, and humanity's 'homelessness' as symptoms of the destitution of modernity, and his notion that overcoming 'oblivion of Being' is the essence of a turning to a post-destitute, genuinely post-modern existence. (...) argues that Heidegger's conception of such an overcoming is profoundly fruitful with respect to the ancient quest to discover the nature of the good life. His book will be an invaluable resource for both students and scholars of Heidegger's works. (shrink)
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    Damage to ventromedial prefrontal cortex impairs judgment of harmful intent.Liane Young, Antoine Bechara, Daniel Tranel, Hanna Damasio, Marc Hauser & Antonio Damasio - 2010 - Neuron 65 (6):845-851.
    Moral judgments, whether delivered in ordinary experience or in the courtroom, depend on our ability to infer intentions. We forgive unintentional or accidental harms and condemn failed attempts to harm. Prior work demonstrates that patients with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex deliver abnormal judgments in response to moral dilemmas and that these patients are especially impaired in triggering emotional responses to inferred or abstract events, as opposed to real or actual outcomes. We therefore predicted that VMPC patients would deliver (...)
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  13.  22
    Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography.Julian Young - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this beautifully written account, Julian Young provides the most comprehensive biography available today of the life and philosophy of the nineteenth-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Young deals with the many puzzles created by the conjunction of Nietzsche's personal history and his work: why the son of a Lutheran pastor developed into the self-styled 'Antichrist'; why this archetypical Prussian came to loath Bismarck's Prussia; and why this enemy of feminism preferred the company of feminist women. Setting Nietzsche's thought (...)
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  14.  12
    Critical Theory and Classroom Talk.Robert Young - 1992 - Multilingual Matters.
    An application of Young's Habermasian critical theory of education to classroom communication problems of teachers in schools, with a special focus on the question/answer cycle and its educational role. The book uses classroom transcripts extensively in the analysis.
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    Why Poetry?: Semiotic Scaffolding & the Poetic Architecture of Cognition.Jake Young - 2023 - Metaphor and Symbol 38 (2):198-212.
    Poetry is a process. While people typically refer to poems as textual objects, our experience of poetry is inherently embodied and enacted, meaning that we experience poems as events that we contextualize as gestalt representations. We experience metaphors, too, as processes, which arise from experiential gestalts, that extend gestalt structures and lay the conceptual foundation for our experience of the world. This article argues that, like metaphors, poetic gestalts can be mapped onto other experiences to help people navigate their worlds. (...)
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  16. A critical theory of education: Habermas and our children's future.R. E. Young - 1989 - New York: Teachers College Press.
  17.  31
    Tests of three hypotheses about the effective stimulus in serial learning.Robert K. Young - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (3):307.
  18. Cultural Appropriation and the Arts.James O. Young - 2008 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Now, for the first time, a philosopher undertakes a systematic investigation of the moral and aesthetic issues to which cultural appropriation gives rise. Cultural appropriation is a pervasive feature of the contemporary world Young offers the first systematic philosophical investigation of the moral and aesthetic issues to which cultural appropriation gives rise Tackles head on the thorny issues arising from the clash and integration of cultures and their artifacts Questions considered include: “Can cultural appropriation result in the production of (...)
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  19. Political Responsibility and Structural Injustice.Iris Marion Young - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 2003, given by Iris Marion Young, an American philosopher.
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  20. (1 other version)Profound offense and cultural appropriation.James O. Young - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (2):135–146.
  21. A Multicultural Continuum: A Critique of Will Kymlicka’s Ethnic‐Nation Dichotomy.Iris Marion Young - 1997 - Constellations 4 (1):48-53.
  22.  39
    Uses and Gratifications of Social Media: A Comparison of Facebook and Instant Messaging.Alyson L. Young & Anabel Quan-Haase - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (5):350-361.
    Users have adopted a wide range of digital technologies into their communication repertoire. It remains unclear why they adopt multiple forms of communication instead of substituting one medium for another. It also raises the question: What type of need does each of these media fulfill? In the present article, the authors conduct comparative work that examines the gratifications obtained from Facebook with those from instant messaging. This comparison between media allows one to draw conclusions about how different social media fulfill (...)
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  23.  78
    Socrates and Obedience.Gary Young - 1974 - Phronesis 19 (1):1-29.
  24. Art and Knowledge.James O. Young - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Almost all of us would agree that the experience of art is deeply rewarding. Why this is the case remains a puzzle; nor does it explain why many of us find works of art much more important than other sources of pleasure. Art and Knowledge argues that the experience of art is so rewarding because it can be an important source of knowledge about ourselves and our relation to each other and to the world. The view that art is a (...)
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  25. Self-Determination As Principle of Justice.Iris Marion Young - 1979 - Philosophical Forum 11 (1):30.
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  26.  20
    Neural evidence for "intuitive prosecution": the use of mental state information for negative moral verdicts.Liane Young, Jonathan Scholz & Rebecca Saxe - 2011 - Social Neuroscience 6 (3):302-315.
    Moral judgment depends critically on theory of mind, reasoning about mental states such as beliefs and intentions. People assign blame for failed attempts to harm and offer forgiveness in the case of accidents. Here we use fMRI to investigate the role of ToM in moral judgment of harmful vs. helpful actions. Is ToM deployed differently for judgments of blame vs. praise? Participants evaluated agents who produced a harmful, helpful, or neutral outcome, based on a harmful, helpful, or neutral intention; participants (...)
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  27. Mothers, citizenship, and independence: A critique of pure family values.Iris Marion Young - 1995 - Ethics 105 (3):535-556.
  28. Justice, inclusion, and deliberative democracy.Iris Marion Young - 1999 - In Stephen Macedo (ed.), Deliberative politics: essays on democracy and disagreement. New York: Oxford University Press.
  29.  98
    Medically Assisted Death.Robert Young - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Does a competent person suffering from a terminal illness or enduring an otherwise burdensome existence, who considers his life no longer of value but is incapable of ending it, have a right to be helped to die? Should someone for whom further medical treatment would be futile be allowed to die regardless of expressing a preference to be given all possible treatment? These are some of the questions that are asked and answered in this wide-ranging discussion of both the morality (...)
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  30. The Counter-Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today.James E. Young - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (2):267-296.
    One of the contemporary results of Germany’s memorial conundrum is the rise of its “counter-monuments”: brazen, painfully self-conscious memorial spaces conceived to challenge the very premises of their being. On the former site of Hamburg’s greatest synagogue, at Bornplatz, Margrit Kahl has assembled an intricate mosaic tracing the complex lines of the synagogue’s roof construction: a palimpsest for a building and community that no longer exist. Norbert Radermacher bathes a guilty landscape in Berlin’s Neukölln neighborhood with the inscribed light of (...)
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    One Stage Is Not Enough.Andrew W. Young & Karel W. De Pauw - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):55-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 55-59 [Access article in PDF] One Stage Is Not Enough Andrew W. Young and Karel W. de Pauw Keywords: delusions, Cotard delusion, Capgras delusion, cognitive neuropsychiatry. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY to offer our reflections on Philip Gerrans' interesting paper. Our opinion is that on fundamental issues we agree quite a bit—but there are clear differences when it comes to details.The most basic (...)
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  32. Nietzsche's Philosophy of Art.Julian Young - 1992 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a clear and lucid account of Nietzsche's philosophy of art, combining exegesis, interpretation and criticism in a judicious balance. Julian Young argues that Nietzsche's thought about art can only be understood in the context of his wider philosophy. In particular, he discusses the dramatic changes in Nietzschean aesthetics against the background of the celebrated themes of the death of God, eternal recurrence, and the idea of the Übermensch. Young then divides Nietzsche's career and his philosophy of (...)
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  33.  57
    Critique of Pure Music.James O. Young - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    James O. Young seeks to explain why we value music so highly. He draws on the latest psychological research to argue that music is expressive of emotion by resembling human expressive behaviour. The representation of emotion in music gives it the capacity to provide psychological insight--and it is this which explains a good deal of its value.
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  34.  22
    Diversifying the Bioethics Funding Landscape: The Case of TMS.L. Gregory Appelbaum, Jonathan R. Young & Veljko Dubljević - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (1):28-30.
    Fabi and Goldberg investigate how funding availability influences the landscape of bioethics as a field, and perpetuates forms of social and epistemic injustice while limitin...
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  35. Situated bodies: Throwing like a girl.Iris M. Young - 1998 - In Donn Welton (ed.), Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 259--273.
  36. Philosophy and the Brain.J. Z. Young - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):87-87.
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    What is Cultural Appropriation?James O. Young - 2008 - In Cultural Appropriation and the Arts. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–31.
    This chapter contains section titled: Art, Culture, and Appropriation Types of Cultural Appropriation What is a Culture? Objections to Cultural Appropriation In Praise of Cultural Appropriation.
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    How Children’s Cognitive Reflection Shapes Their Science Understanding.Andrew G. Young & Andrew Shtulman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  39. (2 other versions)Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Death and Salvation.Julian Young - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):311-324.
  40. Restating the role of phenomenal experience in the formation and maintenance of the capgras delusion.Garry Young - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (2):177-189.
    In recent times, explanations of the Capgras delusion have tended to emphasise the cognitive dysfunction that is believed to occur at the second stage of two-stage models. This is generally viewed as a response to the inadequacies of the one-stage account. Whilst accepting that some form of cognitive disruption is a necessary part of the aetiology of the Capgras delusion, I nevertheless argue that the emphasis placed on this second-stage is to the detriment of the important role played by the (...)
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  41. Dose-response relationships using brain–computer interface technology impact stroke rehabilitation.Brittany M. Young, Zack Nigogosyan, Léo M. Walton, Alexander Remsik, Jie Song, Veena A. Nair, Mitchell E. Tyler, Dorothy F. Edwards, Kristin Caldera, Justin A. Sattin, Justin C. Williams & Vivek Prabhakaran - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  42.  9
    Freedom, responsibility, and God.Robert Young - 1975 - London: Macmillan.
  43.  13
    The Nature of Information.Paul Young - 1987 - Praeger.
    Young traces the evolution of the term information from its general linguistic use into the mainstream of modern science, proposing an entirely new definition of information as a mass-energy phenomenon. He demonstrates that: information is in all cases a form phenomenon; both form and information are mass-energy rather than abstract phenomena; mind can be viewed as a mass-energy rather form-manipulating process; form constitutes a mechanism immanent in the physical universe via which mass-energy systems can communicate informationally and control their (...)
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    The Role of Empathy in Alcohol Use of Bullying Perpetrators and Victims: Lower Personal Empathic Distress Makes Male Perpetrators of Bullying More Vulnerable to Alcohol Use.Maren Prignitz, Tobias Banaschewski, Arun L. W. Bokde, Sylvane Desrivières, Antoine Grigis, Hugh Garavan, Penny Gowland, Andreas Heinz, Jean-Luc Martinot, Marie-Laure Paillère Martinot, Eric Artiges, Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Luise Poustka, Sarah Hohmann, Juliane H. Fröhner, Lauren Robinson, Michael N. Smolka, Henrik Walter, Jeanne M. Winterer, Robert Whelan, Gunter Schumann, Frauke Nees, Herta Flor & on Behalf of the Imagen Consortium - 2023 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (13):6286.
    Bullying often results in negative coping in victims, including an increased consumption of alcohol. Recently, however, an increase in alcohol use has also been reported among perpetrators of bullying. The factors triggering this pattern are still unclear. We investigated the role of empathy in the interaction between bullying and alcohol use in an adolescent sample (IMAGEN) at age 13.97 (±0.53) years (baseline (BL), N = 2165, 50.9% female) and age 16.51 (±0.61) years (follow-up 1 (FU1), N = 1185, 54.9% female). (...)
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  45. Professional integrity and assisted suicide: a nursing view.Anne Young - 1994 - Bioethics Forum 10 (2):11-13.
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    Study protocol: the Australian genetics and life insurance moratorium—monitoring the effectiveness and response (A-GLIMMER) project.Paul Lacaze, Louise Keogh, Margaret Otlowski, Ingrid Winship, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Martin Delatycki, Penny Gleeson, Tiffany Boughtwood, Andrea Belcher, Aideen McInerney-Leo & Jane Tiller - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe use of genetic test results in risk-rated insurance is a significant concern internationally, with many countries banning or restricting the use of genetic test results in underwriting. In Australia, life insurers’ use of genetic test results is legal and self-regulated by the insurance industry (Financial Services Council (FSC)). In 2018, an Australian Parliamentary Inquiry recommended that insurers’ use of genetic test results in underwriting should be prohibited. In 2019, the FSC introduced an industry self-regulated moratorium on the use of (...)
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  47.  36
    Miracles and Epistemology.Robert Young - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (2):115 - 126.
    The writing of yet another paper on miracles probably stands in need of justification. The justification I wish to claim has two aspects. Firstly, I think that the concepts of the miraculous usually defended and, in turn, criticized, are unacceptable and that a better one is available. Secondly, and more importantly, I think that these unacceptable concepts produce in virtue of their inherent weaknesses a situation in which only the less important questions get asked about miracles. These questions are those (...)
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    Marxism and the History of Science.Robert M. Young - 1989 - In R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie & M. J. S. Hodge (eds.), Companion to the History of Modern Science. Routledge. pp. 23--31.
  49.  42
    Facial redness, expression, and masculinity influence perceptions of anger and health.Steven G. Young, Christopher A. Thorstenson & Adam D. Pazda - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):1-12.
    Past research has found that skin colouration, particularly facial redness, influences the perceived health and emotional state of target individuals. In the current work, we explore several extensions of this past research. In Experiment 1, we manipulated facial redness incrementally on neutral and angry faces and had participants rate each face for anger and health. Different red effects emerged, as perceived anger increased in a linear manner as facial redness increased. Health ratings instead showed a curvilinear trend, as both extreme (...)
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  50.  22
    Effects of Emotional Valence and Concreteness on Children’s Recognition Memory.Julia M. Kim, David M. Sidhu & Penny M. Pexman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There are considerable gaps in our knowledge of how children develop abstract language. In this paper, we tested the Affective Embodiment Account, which proposes that emotional information is more essential for abstract than concrete conceptual development. We tested the recognition memory of 7- and 8-year-old children, as well as a group of adults, for abstract and concrete words which differed categorically in valence. Word valence significantly interacted with concreteness in hit rates of both children and adults, such that effects of (...)
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