5 found
  1. Dose-response relationships using brain–computer interface technology impact stroke rehabilitation.Brittany M. Young, Zack Nigogosyan, Léo M. Walton, Alexander Remsik, Jie Song, Veena A. Nair, Mitchell E. Tyler, Dorothy F. Edwards, Kristin Caldera, Justin A. Sattin, Justin C. Williams & Vivek Prabhakaran - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2. Role of the Contralesional vs. Ipsilesional Hemisphere in Stroke Recovery.Keith C. Dodd, Veena A. Nair & Vivek Prabhakaran - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  3. Differing Patterns of Altered Slow-5 Oscillations in Healthy Aging and Ischemic Stroke.Christian La, Pouria Mossahebi, Veena A. Nair, Brittany M. Young, Julie Stamm, Rasmus Birn, Mary E. Meyerand & Vivek Prabhakaran - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    DTI measures track and predict motor function outcomes in stroke rehabilitation utilizing BCI technology.Jie Song, Veena A. Nair, Brittany M. Young, Leo M. Walton, Zack Nigogosyan, Alexander Remsik, Mitchell E. Tyler, Dorothy Farrar-Edwards, Kristin E. Caldera, Justin A. Sattin, Justin C. Williams & Vivek Prabhakaran - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    BCI-FES With Multimodal Feedback for Motor Recovery Poststroke.Alexander B. Remsik, Peter L. E. van Kan, Shawna Gloe, Klevest Gjini, Leroy Williams, Veena Nair, Kristin Caldera, Justin C. Williams & Vivek Prabhakaran - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:725715.
    An increasing number of research teams are investigating the efficacy of brain-computer interface (BCI)-mediated interventions for promoting motor recovery following stroke. A growing body of evidence suggests that of the various BCI designs, most effective are those that deliver functional electrical stimulation (FES) of upper extremity (UE) muscles contingent on movement intent. More specifically, BCI-FES interventions utilize algorithms that isolate motor signals—user-generated intent-to-move neural activity recorded from cerebral cortical motor areas—to drive electrical stimulation of individual muscles or muscle synergies. BCI-FES (...)
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