Results for 'Pekin Ogan'

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  1.  36
    Predicting Noncompliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Pekin Ogan - 1995 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 14 (1):65-103.
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    Growth through Adversity: Exploring Associations between Internal Strengths, Posttraumatic Growth, and Wisdom.Margaret Plews-Ogan, Monika Ardelt & Justine Owens - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (3):371-391.
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    Changing the Paradigm: Practical Wisdom as True North in Medical Education.Margaret L. Plews-Ogan - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
    The practice of medicine is a complex endeavor requiring high levels of knowledge and technical capability, and the capacity to apply the skills and knowledge to do the right thing in the right way, for the right reason, in a particular context. The orchestration of the virtues, managing uncertainty, applying knowledge and technical skills to a particular individual in a particular circumstance, and exercising the virtues in challenging circumstances, are the tasks of practical wisdom. Centuries ago, Aristotle suggested that capacities (...)
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    Internet-using children and digital inequality: A comparison between majority and minority Europeans.Christine Ogan & Leen D’Haenens - 2013 - Communications 38 (1):41-60.
    In this research we focus on ethnic minorities, one of the underserved groups in Europe. In particular, we address the internet use of Turkish ethnic children, aged 9 to 16, in several EU countries. We examine the extent to which they can be considered digitally disadvantaged when compared to the majority population in those countries. We also compare Turkish children living in Turkey to those in the diaspora as well as to the majority children living in those same European countries. (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue: Media and Ethnic Minorities in Europe.Christine Ogan & Leen D'Haenens - 2007 - Communications 32 (2):137-140.
    Across the countries of Europe and within the European Union, there seems to be no end to discussions of policies related to migrants – from the labor migrants who came to Europe more than 40 years ago to the continued requests from prospective migrants who want to immigrate for asylum and family formation. The discussions on what those policies should be, range from multiculturalism to integration and assimilation. Shifts in policies have occurred because of the slow economic and educational progress (...)
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    Dimensions of majority rule.Ogan Yumlu - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (4):527-536.
    The principle of majority rule is a concept that is often employed both in normative democratic theory and in practical politics. But not only that there are relatively few academic studies focusing exclusively on this concept, it is also possible to claim that the existing discussions usually overlook different dimensions of majority rule. This article aims to outline some suggestions for what these dimensions might be, such as: the nature of the participants, the subject matter of the decision and the (...)
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    Hukuk, Siyaset ve Ahlak Kesişiminde Kant’ın Aleniyet İlkesi.Ogan Yumlu - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):53-67.
    Bu makale, Kant tarafından hukukun formel niteliği olarak tanımlanan aleniyet ilkesinin nasıl yorumlanması gerektiğine dair bir tartışma sunmaktadır. Kant bu ilkeye yalnızca Ebedi Barış adlı makalesinde kısaca değinmiş olmasına rağmen aleniyet ilkesi Kant felsefesinin hukuk, siyaset ve ahlak boyutlarının kesişim noktasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. İncelemede Kant’ın Ebedi Barış adlı makalesinin yanı sıra diğer ilgili eserlerinde sunduğu fikirler de dikkate alınarak, aleniyet ilkesine dair iki farklı yorumun imkanından söz edilecektir. Birinci yorum, onun Ebedi Barış makalesinden türeyen ve ‘monolojik yorum’ olarak (...)
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    Methodological approaches to studying immigrant communities: Why flexibility is important.Christine Ogan - 2007 - Communications 32 (2):255-272.
    Since 9/11 it has become increasingly difficult to conduct primary research with Muslim migrant communities in Europe. In addition to the usual problems such as locating Muslim respondents that cross major demographic categories and preparing questions that are culturally and linguistically appropriate, the tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims that have followed violent incidents in Europe and North America have increased the likelihood of misunderstanding in the interview environment. This article addresses the management of methodological issues through examples taken from field (...)
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    Orofacial somatosensory inputs modulate word segmentation in lexical decision.Rintaro Ogane, Jean-Luc Schwartz & Takayuki Ito - 2020 - Cognition 197 (C):104163.
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    Die Frage nach einer Reorganisation der Vereinten Nationen im Lichte der neuen Herausforderung für kulturelle Balance im Bereich Menschenrechte.Neval Oğan Balkiz - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 3:137-150.
    Die UNO soll die Menschenrechte schützen, aber kann sie das wirklich? Ist sie als Organisation dafür verantwortlich? Dürfen die Vereinten Nationen Menschenrechte mit Gewalt erzwingen? Ist Druck wichtiger als Dialog? Sind ihre Strukturen nicht überholt und müssten verändert werden, damit sie effektiver arbeiten kann?? Allen Mängeln zum Trotz waren die Vereinten Nationen seit ihrer Gründung als einziges universelles Forum der Völker immer wieder unentbehrlich. Stets zum Gespräch miteinander gezwungen zu sein, erwies sich zumal während der Höhepunkte des Kalten Krieges oft (...)
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    Ethical pause as a framework for high-value care of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.Benjamin J. Martin, Margaret Plews-Ogan & Andrew S. Parsons - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (1):1-4.
    Caring for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 raises ethical dilemmas in which clinicians must weigh the unknown value of an intervention against the unknown risk of viral transmission. Current guidelines for delivering high-value care in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic do not directly address ethical dilemmas that arise from the unique concerns of individual patients. We propose an “ethical pause” in which clinicians address ethical dilemmas by taking time to ask three questions that invoke the major bioethical principles of beneficence, (...)
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  12.  30
    A survey of anaesthetic preference among hospital staff.Christie Nwidum Mato, Sotonye Fyneface-Ogan & Bassey Edem - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (5):826-828.
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    Adversity, Conflict, Wisdom.Michael Brady, Monika Ardelt, Margaret Plews-Ogan & Stephen Pope - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (3):463-465.
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    Who drove the discourse? News coverage and policy framing of immigrants and refugees in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.Daniel Metz, Olesya Venger, Rosemary Pennington & Christine Ogan - 2018 - Communications 43 (3):357-378.
    Migration was one of the most important issues in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. While Hillary Clinton promised an immigration reform that would create a path to citizenship, Donald Trump said he would deport illegal aliens, build a wall between the United States and Mexico, and suspend immigration from countries with a history of terrorism, capitalizing on some of the public’s fears through his rhetoric. We examine the ways mainstream national and regional press covered this issue from the Republican National (...)
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  15. Eiin Pekin-ban Chibetto Daizōkyō = [Rgya-nag Bkaʼ-ʼgyur].Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (ed.) - 1955 - Tōkyō: Chibetto Daizōkyō Kenkyūkai.
    Bkaḥ-Ḥgyur: ka-ya [volume 1-25], Text number 1-729. Rgyud -- ra-a, kṣa, ki-tsi [volume 26-49], Text number 730-759. Śer-phyin -- tshi-ʼi [volume 50-55], Text number 760. Dkon-brtsegs -- yi-ri [volume 56-61], Text number 761. Phal-chn -- ai, ku-ke [volume 62-93], Text number 762-1029. Mdo-sna-tshogs -- khe-phe [volume 94-106], Text number 1030-1055. Ḥdul-ba.
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    ogan's Religious Function of Comedy. [REVIEW]Edith Henry Johnson - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):108.
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    Correspondence de Pékin, 1722-1759Correspondence de Pekin, 1722-1759.Donald D. Leslie & Le P. Antoine Gaubil - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):544.
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    Faith Based Oganizations and the Theology of Poverty and Death in Vihiga County, Kenya.Dr Hezekiah Obwoge & Prof O. M. J. Nandi - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 1 (1):1-15.
    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the role of the Faith Based Organizations in alleviating poverty in Western Kenya.Methodology: This study is a cross-sectional research that sought to give an examining and descriptive scrutiny of the death beliefs surrounding FBO’s activities in Emuhaya District. This study targeted Emuhaya District which has a population of 180,000 people who are members of the FBO’s. To obtain data for analysis, qualitative methods of data collection, which include in-depth oral interviews, focus (...)
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  19. Ethical values as part of the definition of business enterprise and part of the internal structure of the business oganization.Robert E. Allinson - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (9-10):1015 - 1028.
    The orientation of this paper is that there is no special science of "business ethics" any more than there is one of "medical ethics" or "legal ethics". While there may be issues that arise in medicine or law that require special treatment, the ways of relating to such issues are derived from a basic ethical stance. Once one has evolved such an ethical stance and thus has incorporated a fundamental mode of relating to her or his fellow human beings, the (...)
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  20. Kyogaku kara jitsugaku e: jūhasseiki Chōsen chishikijin Kō Daiyō no Pekin ryokō.Tʻae-jun Kim - 1988 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai. Edited by Tae-Yong Hong.
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    Les "Siao-hal-yu" de Pékin; un essai sur la poésie populaire en ChineLes "Siao-hal-yu" de Pekin; un essai sur la poesie populaire en Chine.J. K. Shryock, Witold Jabloński & Witold Jablonski - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (3):375.
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    Note on Kepler's Tabulae Rudolphinae in the Library of Pei-t'ang in Pekin.Boleslaw Szczesniak - 1949 - Isis 40 (4):344-347.
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    Mesmer en chine. Trois lettres médicales du R.P. Amiot, rédigées à pékin, de 1783 à 1790.Pierre Huard - 1960 - Revue de Synthèse 81 (17-18):61-98.
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    Rodzina i ochrona życia poczętego na sesjach nadzwyczajnych ONZ (Kair plus pięć, Pekin plus pięć, Stambuł plus pięć).Jerzy Kropiwnicki - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):183-190.
    For me the history of the battle for fundamental values of our civilization began in the mid-1990s. At that time three major conferences took place: the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994, the 1995 World Conference on Women in Beijing and the Conference on Human Settlements in Istanbul in 1996. Surprisingly to most governments and international public opinion they became the battlefield of the war of ideas, which was especially significant during the conferences in Cairo and (...)
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    Norodom Sihanouk, L'Indochine vue de Pékin, Entretiens avec J. Lacouture. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 1972. 14 × 20,5, 192 p. (L'Histoire immédiate). [REVIEW]P. Huard - 1972 - Revue de Synthèse 93 (67-68):393-394.
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    K'ang-hsi and the Consolidation of Ch'ing Rule 1661-1684La Mission française de Pékin aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sièclesLa Mission francaise de Pekin aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. [REVIEW]Jonathan D. Spence & Lawrence D. Kessler - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):378.
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  27. Recueil de Diverses Pièces Sur la Philosophie, les Mathématiques, l'Histoire, Etc. Avec Ii Lettres Où Il Est Traité de la Philosophie Et de la Mission Chinoise Envoyées À Mr. De Leibnitz Par le P. Bouvet, Jesuite À Pekin.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 1734 - Vandenhoeck.
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  28. Mill's argument against religious knowledge: T. J. MAWSON.Tim Mawson - 2009 - Religious Studies 45 (4):417-434.
    In On Liberty, Mill says that ‘the same causes which make … [a person] a Churchman in London, would have made him a Buddhist or a Confucian in Pekin’. Despite Mill's not having drawn it out, there is an argument implicit in his comments that is germane to both externalist and internalist understandings of the epistemic justification of religious beliefs, even though some of these understandings would not wish to use the term ‘epistemic justification’ to refer to whatever it (...)
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    Anencephalic Donors: Separate the Dead From the Dying.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (1):5-9.
    Proposals to use organs from anencephalic infants to meet the growing need for transplantable ogans are well‐meaning but misguided. It would be unwise to amend the Uniform Determination of Death Act to classify anencephalics as “dead.” They are in the same situation as other patients (such as the permanently comatose). Likewise, amending the Anatomical Gin Act to permit organs to be removed from anencephalics would be unjust would set a bad precedent and would likely reduce overall success in this field.
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    Some observations on theObservations the decline of the French Jesuit scientific mission in China.Florence C. Hsia - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):305-333.
    Dans la Chine de la fin du XVIIe siècle, les missionnaires jésuites français ont importé de Paris à Pékin une méthode de recherche scientifique typiquement française et aussi typiquement académique. Ce début prometteur a subi un infléchissement négatif dans le développement ultérieur des ambitions de la mission dans le champ des activités scientifiques del' Ancien Régime. On analyse ici les différences substantielles qui caractérisent la mission scientifique française jésuite à la fin du XVIIe siècle et au siècle suivant. À travers (...)
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    Par des terres qui te sont inconnues...: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, aventurier du passé et de l'avenir.Jacques Arnould - 2017 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf. Edited by Patrice Franceschi.
    "L'esprit d'aventure animait-il Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? Il ne suffit pas, pour répondre, de rappeler la devise que lui applique l'un de ses amis, George Barbour : "Ut migraturus habita. Vis comme si tu allais partir." Il ne suffit pas non plus de trouver sous sa plume ce bel aveu : "Je ne saurais désormais être autre chose qu'une sorte d'aventurier spirituel." Il faut le suivre dans ses multiples voyages, lire son abondante correspondance, l'entendre se plaindre d'être retenu à Pékin (...)
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    (12 other versions)Publications 2004.No Author - 2005 - Methodos 5.
    Fabienne Blaise- F. Blaise, P. Judet de La Combe et Ph. Rousseau (éds.) : Le Métier du mythe. Lectures d'Hésiode (Villeneuve d'Ascq, PUS, 1996) - traduction chinoise à paraître aux éditions Huaxia Publishing House of China, Pékin, en 2005. Jean Bollack- La Muerte de Antigona. La tragedia de Creonte. Traduction en espagnol de La Mort d'Antigone (Paris, PUF, 1999) par Arnaud Pons et de Xavier Riu, Arena Libros, coll. Tempo al Tempo, Madrid 2004, 144 p. - Sentido contra sentido. ¿ (...)
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    Encruzilhadas epistemológicas: “Acertando O conhecimento europeu ontem com Uma pedra que atirei somente hoje”.Humberto Manoel De Santana Junior - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):251.
    As religiões de matriz africana foram e ainda são intensamente estudadas buscando compreender sobre o seu funcionamento, as relações construídas entre os fiéis, assim como entre os fiéis e as entidades. Essa sociedade, enquanto sociedade não-europeia, é estudada com base nos conhecimentos eurocêntricos, o que torna possível compreender as formas de abordagem do conhecimento universal sobre o Candomblé, colocando assim, o conhecimento Europeu como nativo. Dessa forma, sigo o caminho proposto pela antropóloga Marimba Ani, para pensar a roça de Candomblé (...)
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    Les courants anticapitalistes en Chine. Le point de vue d'une philosophe.Shuangli Zhang - 2012 - Actuel Marx 52 (2):179-196.
    Résumé Vus de l’Ouest, les débats et événements politiques en Chine ne sont pas toujours faciles à déchiffrer. Au mois de mars 2012, la chute de Bo Xilai, le leader de la municipalité autonome de Chongqing (de près de 30 millions d’habitants), surprit moins que la découverte que Bo était le leader des « néomaoïstes » en Chine. En cet automne de l’année 2012, se tient le 18 e Congrès du Parti Communiste à Pékin. Même en interrogeant des gens bien (...)
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    Nouveau traité sur l'homme.Youlan Feng - 2006 - Paris: Institut Ricci. Edited by Michel Masson.
    Feng Youlan est l'un des grands philosophes du XXe siècle en Chine. Selon certains intellectuels de Pékin aujourd'hui, c'est même le plus important. Il fut aussi le plus exposé, car il a critiqué aussi bien les gardiens de la tradition que les iconoclastes, ceux du parti communiste ou ceux de certains mouvements libéraux. Ce Nouveau traité sur l'homme n'est pas une apologie ou une nouvelle version du confucianisme. Feng Youlan s'adresse à ses étudiants réfugiés avec lui au fin fond de (...)
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    (1 other version)Taïwan, ou De la difficulté à faire entendre sa voix à l'heure d'Internet.Philippe Ricaud - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):141.
    Malgré une démocratisation réussie, une économie florissante et un libre accès à Internet, Taïwan reste largement absent de l'espace public international. Cette absence résulte de la politique subtile menée par la Chine. La stratégie de Pékin consiste à concentrer l'attention des acteurs internationaux et dans le même temps à effacer toute trace de Taïwan dans l'espace public en tant que pays indépendant . L'article suggère que Taïwan ne renforcera sa position que par l'intensification des négociations directes avec la Chine continentale. (...)
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    Teilhard de Chardin en Chine: correspondance inédite, 1923-1940.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 2004 - Paris: Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Edited by Amélie Vialet & Arnaud Hurel.
    Au début du XXe siècle, si la Chine demeure encore largement une terre vierge pour les explorateurs occidentaux, elle fascine également les chercheurs. Qu'ils soient géographes, géologues, paléontologues ou préhistoriens, tous savent que de formidables découvertes restent à y faire. Suédois et Américains font rapidement le voyage vers l'Empire du Milieu, mais ce sont des Français qui, sur le terrain, vont écrire les plus belles pages de la découverte du Paléolithique de Chine, des premières industries lithiques à l'étude du gisement (...)
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    L'enseignement parfait selon Mou Zongsan, philosophe chinois.Annie Boisclair - 2016 - Montréal, Québec: Liber.
    On connaît peu la pensée chinoise contemporaine. Annie Boisclair s'intéresse ici tout particulièrement au philosophe Mou Zongsan (1909-1995) au parcours singulier. D'origine modeste, il quitte le milieu rural de Shandong pour aller étudier à l'université de Pékin en 1929. Juste avant la prise du pouvoir par les communistes en 1949, Mou fuit à Taïwan puis, plus tard, à Hong Kong. Il enseignera dans diverses universités et les turbulences sociales et politiques de la Chine seront intimement liées à l'approfondissement de sa (...)
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    Penser les idées politiques avec Jean-Louis Martres.Daniel Lagraula - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Le Christ récusait toute tentation d'exercice du pouvoir, mais cela n'empêcha pas la théocratie pontificale ; religion de paix et d'amour, le christianisme persécuta les païens et brûla les "hérétiques" qui reproduisaient eux-mêmes ce qu'ils dénonçaient. Quant au marxisme matérialiste, "scientifique", il engendra une "mystique religieuse", avec ses hérétiques, ses procès, ses mises à l'Index. Comment expliquer de tels paradoxes? Comment comprendre les troublantes ressemblances, tant dans leurs discours que dans leurs conséquences, entre des doctrines, des idéologies, des religions, éloignées (...)
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    Fiyat Arttırma ve Negatif Dengeleme Stratejileri Ekseninde Çin’in Körfez ve Suudi Arabistan Siyaseti.Hüsna Taş Yeti̇m - 2023 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 18 (1):182-205.
    Çin, son dönemlerde Körfez Bölgesine yönelik izlediği aktif politika, Çin Devlet Başkanı Xi Jipping’in (Şi Cinping), 7-9 Aralık 2022 tarihinde Körfez’e gerçekleştirdiği kapsamlı ziyaretle birlikte daha fazla dinamizm kazanmıştır. Bu ziyareti takiben yapılan analizler Çin’in, Körfez açılımını ABD’nin bölgesel hegemonyasını zayıflatmaya yönelik bir girişim olarak değerlendirmektedirler. Aynı ziyaret sırasında Pekin ve Riyad yönetimleri arasında imzalanan kapsamlı anlaşmalar ise ABD’nin Körfezdeki uzun erimli güvenlik partneri Suudi Arabistan’a ilişkin “eksen kayması” tartışmalarını başlattı. Bu çalışma güncelliğini koruyan iki tartışmanın kapsamlı bir muhakemesini (...)
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