Results for 'Peggy A. Rothbaum'

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  1.  17
    Schizophrenics’ difficulties in understanding ambiguous sentences.Peggy A. Rothbaum, Donald K. Routh, D. Lynne Feagans, Lucretia Kinney & Ellen Vasu - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):199-202.
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    Addressing education: purposes, plans, and politics.Peggy A. Pittas & Katherine M. Gray (eds.) - 2004 - [Philadelphia]: Xlibris.
    Addressing Education: Purposes, Plans, and Politics is the first in the 10-volume series, Lynchburg College Symposium Readings, 3rd edition. Each volume presents primary texts organized around an interdisciplinary, liberal arts theme such as education, politics, social issues, science and technology, morals and ethics. The series has been developed by Lynchburg College faculty for use in the Senior Symposium and the Lynchburg College Symposium Readings Program (SS/LCSR). While these programs are distinctive to Lynchburg College, the texts are used on many college (...)
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    Transfer of response groupings in paired-associate learning.Peggy A. Runquist - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):152.
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  4. Essentials for PBL implementation : fostering collaboration, transforming roles, and scaffolding learning.Peggy A. Ertmer & Krista D. Glazewski - 2015 - In Andrew Walker, Heather Leary & Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (eds.), Essential readings in problem-based learning. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
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    Clustering in free recall following paired-associate learning.Peggy A. Runquist - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):260.
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    Book Review: Policies for an Aging Society.Peggy A. Gallup - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (3):306-308.
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    Book Reviews: Health Care Will Not Reform Itself: A User's Guide to Refocusing and Reforming American Health Care, Comprehensive Healthcare for the U.S.: An Idealized Model, Making a Difference: The Management and Governance of Nonprofit EnterprisesHealth Care Will Not Reform Itself: A User's Guide to Refocusing and Reforming American Health Care. By HalvorsonGeorge C.. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. 2009. 184 pp. $29.95.Comprehensive Healthcare for the U.S.: An Idealized Model. By RothWilliam F.. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press. 2010. 174 pp. $49.95.Making a Difference: The Management and Governance of Nonprofit Enterprises. By BermanHoward. Rochester, N.Y.: CCE Publications. 436 pp. $32. [REVIEW]Peggy A. Gallup & Gregory B. Gravel - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (4):359-361.
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    Facilitative and interference effects of response grouping in paired-associate learning.Peggy A. Runquist & Gerrit O. Aronson - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (2):363.
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    Rhythmic Drumming in Contemporary Shamanism and Its Relationship to Auditory Driving and Risk of Seizure Precipitation in Epileptics.Peggy A. Wright - 1991 - Anthropology of Consciousness 2 (3-4):7-14.
  10. TL Burton and Rosemary Greentree, eds., Chaucer's “Miller's,”“Reeve's,” and “Cook's Tales.”(The Chaucer Bibliographies, 5.) Toronto; Buffalo, NY; and London: University of Toronto Press, 1997. Pp. xxxvi, 287. $75. [REVIEW]Peggy A. Knapp - 1999 - Speculum 74 (3):709-709.
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  11. Time and the self in Virginia Woolf and Richard Powers.James F. Knapp & Peggy A. Knapp - 2016 - In Nancy van Deusen & Leonard Michael Koff (eds.), Time: Sense, Space, Structure. Boston: E.J. Brill.
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    Introduction to the Special Section on the Sociology of Emotions.Lynn Smith-Lovin & Peggy A. Thoits - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (3):187-188.
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  13. Memory distortion: an adaptive perspective.Peggy L. St Jacques Daniel L. Schacter, Scott A. Guerin - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (10):467.
  14.  62
    Examining a model of evolutionary educational systemic change within existing societal systems.Peggy B. Gill & Amy Stevens Griffith - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):241 – 252.
    Within today's emerging global society, educational systemic change is a dynamic, complex process that must seek to engage active participation of all stakeholders. This article examines alternative models of this process, providing different perspectives of the recursive and comprehensive nature of change when viewed from the vantage points of those stakeholders within the process. An envisioned school or educational system that addresses preparation of a citizenry dedicated to democratic principles and issues of social justice must consciously examine the relationships, that (...)
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    A Derrida Reader: Between the Blinds.Peggy Kamuf (ed.) - 1991 - Columbia University Press.
    Jacques Derrida is one of the most prolific and influential contemporary French intellectuals. Twenty-two essays and excerpts from Derrida's writings over the last twenty-five years are gathered in this accessible introduction, _A Derrida Reader_. The book's five sections are carefully introduced by the editor, and each selection of Derrida's work is presented succinctly in context. A general introduction to the volume by Peggy Kamuf provides an original interpretation and overview of Derrida's work and philosophy.
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    Active Learning-Reflective Exercises for Face-to-Face and Remote Delivery of Governance and Business Ethics Classes.Larry A. Wood & Peggy L. Hedges - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:181-198.
    Despite revisions to curriculum in ethics education in business schools, there continues to be high profile examples of unethical decision making regularly spotlighted in the media. Rather than simply teaching about behaviors and how they might impact decision makers and stakeholders, we describe a suite of activities used to highlight various behaviors and biases that impact the decisions individuals might make. These activities are intertwined with course materials regarding ethics and corporate governance to remind and help students better understand how (...)
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    “We’re very late to the party”: motivations and challenges with improving soil health in Utah.Peggy Petrzelka, Jessica Ulrich-Schad & Matt Yost - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):381-386.
    The criticalness of soil health to agricultural production and conservation has been well documented in certain areas of the US and among certain farmers. Yet, other agricultural lands and producers in the US remain largely understudied in regards to soil health, particularly agricultural production systems in the Intermountain West. Using results of in-depth interviews with farmers and ranchers in Utah participating in the Utah Soil Health Network On-Farm Soil Health Demonstration Project on their agricultural lands, we begin to fill these (...)
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    Trapped in a metaphor.Peggy Reeves Sanday - 1994 - Criminal Justice Ethics 13 (2):32-38.
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    Public Discourse: Creating the Conditions for Dialogue Concerning the Common Good in a Postmodern Heterogeneous Democracy.Peggy Ruth Geren - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (3):191-199.
    This paper offers a philosophical `history' of the nature of`public discourse' – a basic element of human rights. It beginswith Enlightenment views from Condorcet and Jefferson, turns to Dewey,and then to Habermas. Over a couple of centuries not only does thecentral character of discourse change but so too does the definition ofa public person.
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    A collaboration between judge and machine to reduce legal uncertainty in disputes concerning ex aequo et bono compensations.Wim De Mulder, Peggy Valcke & Joke Baeck - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (2):325-333.
    Ex aequo et bono compensations refer to tribunal’s compensations that cannot be determined exactly according to the rule of law, in which case the judge relies on an estimate that seems fair for the case at hand. Such cases are prone to legal uncertainty, given the subjectivity that is inherent to the concept of fairness. We show how basic principles from statistics and machine learning may be used to reduce legal uncertainty in ex aequo et bono judicial decisions. For a (...)
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    Le droit à l’ère des neurosciences.Peggy Larrieu - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (115):106-110.
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    Self‐Construction through Narrative Practices: A Chinese and American Comparison of Early Socialization.Peggy J. Miller, Heidi Fung & Judith Mintz - 1996 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 24 (2):237-280.
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    A commentary on research on American farmwomen.Peggy J. Ross - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (1):19-30.
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    Mathematics as a critical enterprise.Peggy Marchi - 1976 - In R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.), Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos. Reidel. pp. 379--393.
  25.  19
    Praying for a Cure: When Medical and Religious Practices Conflict.Peggy DesAutels, Margaret P. Battin & Larry May - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Three medical ethicists take varied and often opposing stands on the ethical, social, and political issues that arise when religious and medical practices conflict. The interchange focuses on the tensions between the belief systems, institutional practices, and health-related decisions of Christian Scientists and those of a secularized medically oriented, broader society.
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    Reading-Idioms ( de la poussance).Peggy Kamuf - 2023 - Derrida Today 16 (1):36-46.
    This essay traces the figure of the ‘leap’ in the second year of Derrida’s Beast and the Sovereign seminar, where it crosses in a significant way the central concern with Walten in Heidegger’s thought. A key question for the reading is about the impulse, drive or push behind all these leaps. Precipitated out is a notion that names what is neither subject nor object, action nor passion, but de la poussance, a noun forged on the model of those third-voice substantives (...)
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    Narrative Conjunctions of Caregiver and Child: A Comparative Perspective on Socialization through Stories.Peggy J. Miller & Barbara Byhouwer Moore - 1989 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 17 (4):428-449.
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    Converging glances: A response to Cathy Caruth's ‘parting words’.Peggy Phelan - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (1):27-40.
    This essay empasizes the dimensions of opticality in Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle and in Caruth's Parting Words. Thinking how to move from the ‘o‐o‐o‐o’ to the ‘a‐a‐a‐a’ central to the Fort/Da game, suggest that ‘u’ must be drawn into the creative act that inspires testimony, critical theory, psychoanalysis and love.
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    Une espérance post-critique? Enjeux critiques de la conception ricœurienne de l'imaginaire social.Peggy Avez - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (2):23-34.
    Résumé La fondation anthropologique de la fonction critique – socialement endossée par l’imaginaire utopique – et son lien dynamique avec la tâche intégrative de l’idéologie permettent à Ricœur de repenser sur le plan socio-politique la double nécessité du soupçon et de l’espérance. En reliant l’analyse de la structure contradictoire et analogisante de l’imaginaire social aux perspectives antérieurement développées sur “la liberté selon l’espérance,” notre propos vise à expliciter ses enjeux émancipateurs. Les apories auxquelles les médiations symboliques contraignent l’agir doivent nourrir (...)
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    Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art: Cultural and Philosophical Reflections ed. by Hsingyuan Tsao and Roger T. Ames (review).Peggy Wang - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (3):446-448.
    Xu Bing ranks among the most recognized contemporary Chinese artists in the world today. His lifelong interest in word and image paired with his experiences as part of the Chinese diaspora have made him the subject of numerous publications dedicated to exploring culture and communication. With Xu Bing and Contemporary Chinese Art, editors Hsingyuan Tsao and Roger T. Ames bring a welcome addition to this corpus. Compiling seven essays from scholars of art history and philosophy, this volume in the SUNY (...)
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  31. Book Reviews-Praying for a cure. When medical and religious practices conflict.Peggy DesAutels, Margaret P. Battin, Larry May & Johannes J. M. Van Delden - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (2):160-160.
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    From compliance to concordance: a challenge for contraceptive prescribers.Peggy Foster & Stephanie Hudson - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (2):123-130.
    In 1997 the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain published a report entitledFrom Compliance to Concordance: Achieving Shared Goals in Medicine Taking. This article applies this new model—of doctors and patients working together towards a shared goal—to the prescribing of hormonal forms of contraception. It begins by critically evaluating the current dominant model of contraceptive prescribing. It claims that this model tends to stereotype all women, but particularly young, poor and black women, as unreliable and ill-informed contraceptors who need to (...)
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  33. White privilege : Unpacking the invisible knapsack.Peggy McIntosh - 2008 - In Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta (eds.), Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers. The New Press.
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    Discussion Note on ‘Psychological Explanation of Reasoning’ by Maurice A. Finocchiaro.Peggy Marchi - 1981 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11 (4):453-456.
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    A Station Favorable to the Pursuits of Science: Primary Materials in the History of Mathematics at the United States Military Academy. Joe Albree, David C. Arney, V. Frederick Rickey. [REVIEW]Peggy Kidwell - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):841-842.
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    Decolonizing nursing knowledge.Peggy L. Chinn - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (4):e12410.
    This dialogue introduces the concepts of colonization and decolonization of nursing knowledge, the harms that have come from colonization, and the importance of engaging in the processes of decolonization as a means of achieving social justice and humanization for all. Specific options to decolonize nursing knowledge are discussed.
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    Ethics in Action: A Case-Based Approach.Peggy Connolly, David R. Keller, Martin G. Leever & Becky Cox White - 2008 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Through the analysis of forty ethical dilemmas drawn from real-life situations, _Ethics in Action_ guides the reader through a process of moral deliberation that leads to the resolution of a variety of moral dilemmas. Fosters critical thinking by evaluating the reasons people give to support their choices and actions Challenges the paradigm of moral relativism that often impedes efforts to resolve moral dilemmas Incorporates international perspectives often lacking in texts published for a U.S. audience.
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    Sentir et penser.Peggy Avez, Charles Capet, Gweltaz Guyomarc'H. & Nicolas Grimaldi (eds.) - 2013 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    Ces contributions s'articulent autour de la problématique du couple sentir et philosopher, décliné sous plusieurs formes : vivre et agir, théorie et sensation, sentiment et émotion. A partir d'un thème, d'une question ou d'un corpus, chacune remet en question l'opposition tranchée entre sensation et intellect, entre rationalité et affectivité.
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    Introduction to decolonizing nursing.Peggy L. Chinn & Marlaine C. Smith - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (2):e12431.
    The fact that racism and other forms of discrimination and injustice have persisted in our own nursing communities despite our rhetoric of caring and compassion can no longer be denied. This fact gave rise to a webinar in which the scholars represented in this issue of Nursing Philosophy appear. The webinar centered on the philosophy, phenomenology and scholarship of Indigenous nurses and nurses of color. The authors of the articles in this issue are giving us the precious gift of their (...)
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    Decisive identification and the concept of a person.Peggy Nicholson - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 26 (3-4):291 - 293.
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    To follow: the wake of Jacques Derrida.Peggy Kamuf - 2010 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book collects ten years of Peggy Kamuf's writing on the work and friendship of Jacques Derrida. The majority of the chapters discuss a key aspect of Derrida's thought, either from a single work or across several texts. Kamuf engages with a broad array of his work, from the 1960s to the posthumous publication of his teaching seminars. She also considers press interviews and the collaboration on a film. These close readings are punctuated by brief recollections from their long (...)
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    Feminist Visions for Women in a New Era: An Interview with Peggy Antrobus.Michelle Rowley & Peggy Antrobus - 2007 - Feminist Studies 33 (1):64-87.
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    Like the Sound of the Sea Deep within a Shell: Paul de Man's War.Jacques Derrida & Peggy Kamuf - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):590-652.
    Unable to respond to the questions, to all the questions, I will ask myself instead whether responding is possible and what that would mean in such a situation. And I will risk in turn several questions prior to the definition of a responsibility. But is it not an act to assume in theory the concept of a responsibility? Is that not already to take a responsibility? One’s own as well as the responsibility to which one believes one ought to summon (...)
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    Without Alibi.Peggy Kamuf (ed.) - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    This book brings together for the first time five recent essays by Jacques Derrida, which advance his reflections on many issues: lying, perjury, forgiveness, confession, the profession of faith, and, most recently, cruelty, sovereignty, and capital punishment. Strongly linked by their attention to "performatives" and the "as if," the essays show the necessity of thinking beyond the category of acts that are possible for a subject. Derrida argues forcefully that thought must engage with the im-possible, that is, the order of (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Six Religious Traditions.Peggy Morgan & Clive Lawton - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    A new edition of this bestseller, the only book to cover this range of ethical issues with attention both to the roundedness and individual integrity of each religious tradition and to focused issues which are of contemporary interest. The format of the book has not changed. It provides for parallel study of the values held by different communities, exploring the ethical foundations of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each section introduces a different religion and sets the wider context (...)
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    Feminism and Traditional Aesthetics.Peggy Zeglin Brand & Carolyn Korsmeyer - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (4):277-428.
    This is the first feminist special issue of The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. Introduction written by Brand [Weiser] and Korsmeyer with essays by Hilde Hein, Paul Mattick, Jr., Timothy Gould, Joanne B. Waugh, Joseph Margolis, Mary Devereaux, Noel Carroll, Flo Leibowitz, Anita Silvers, Elizabeth Ann Dobie, Renee Cox, and Ellen Handler Spitz. A fuller publication from Indiana University Press followed in 1995 edited by Brand [Weiser] and Korsmeyer entitled, Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics.
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    Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume I.Peggy Kamuf & Elizabeth Rottenberg (eds.) - 2007 - Stanford University Press.
    _Psyche: Inventions of the Other_ is the first publication in English of the twenty-eight essay collection Jacques Derrida published in two volumes in 1998 and 2003. In Volume I, Derrida advances his reflection on many topics: psychoanalysis, theater, translation, literature, representation, racism, and nuclear war, among others. The essays in this volume also carry on Derrida's engagement with a number of key thinkers and writers: Barthes, Benjamin, de Man, Flaubert, Freud, Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe, Levinas, and Ponge. Included in this volume are (...)
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    Hierarchies of Cause: Toward an Understanding of Rarity in Vascular Plant Species.Peggy L. Fiedler & Jeremy J. Ahouse - 1992 - In P. L. Fiedler & S. K. Jaim (eds.), Conservation Biology. Springer Us. pp. 23-47.
    Four classes of naturally rare vascular plant species are described and classified, based on parameters of spatial distribution and longevity. Properties intrinsic to these time/space parameters are explored and an importance hierarchy of causes of rarity is proposed for each class. These hierarchies serve as the basis for a predictive classification. Human causes of rarity such as habitat destruction and taxonomic difficulties are not considered in detail here but are discussed as confounding factors in the elucidation of rarity in vascular (...)
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    Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Peggy DesAutels & Margaret Urban Walker (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    These essays by a distinguished international cast of philosophers explore moral psychology as it connects to social life, scientific studies, and literature.
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    Zerschlagen des Scheins der Naturwüchsigkeit: Naturgeschichte zwischen Marx und Adorno.Peggy H. Breitenstein - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (6):1036-1052.
    Natural history is a key concept in Adorno’s philosophy of history. In the second model of Negative Dialectics, he develops this concept following Marx’s critique of political economy, which, as a critique of ideology, criticises the appearance of natural necessity of social practices and relations. Starting from an irritation concerning a note by Adorno in which he reproaches Marx for “language mannerisms” and conceptual inability, this article argues that Adorno’s critique is based on a one-sided reading, preventing him from adequately (...)
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