Results for 'Lucretia Kinney'

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  1.  17
    Schizophrenics’ difficulties in understanding ambiguous sentences.Peggy A. Rothbaum, Donald K. Routh, D. Lynne Feagans, Lucretia Kinney & Ellen Vasu - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):199-202.
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  2. Risk aversion and elite‐group ignorance.David Kinney & Liam Kofi Bright - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (1):35-57.
    Critical race theorists and standpoint epistemologists argue that agents who are members of dominant social groups are often in a state of ignorance about the extent of their social dominance, where this ignorance is explained by these agents' membership in a socially dominant group (e.g., Mills 2007). To illustrate this claim bluntly, it is argued: 1) that many white men do not know the extent of their social dominance, 2) that they remain ignorant as to the extent of their dominant (...)
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    Banning Puberty-Pausing Medications Endangers Transgender Adolescents.Sinead Murano-Kinney - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):4-8.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 4-8.
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    Exemplary Women of Early China: The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang.Anne Behnke Kinney - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    In early China, was it correct for a woman to disobey her father, contradict her husband, or shape the public policy of a son who ruled over a dynasty or state? According to the _Lienü zhuan_, or_ Categorized Biographies of Women_, it was not only appropriate but necessary for women to step in with wise counsel when fathers, husbands, or rulers strayed from the path of virtue. Compiled toward the end of the Former Han dynasty (202 BCE-9 CE) by Liu (...)
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  5. Causal feature learning for utility-maximizing agents.David Kinney & David Watson - 2020 - In David Kinney & David Watson (eds.), International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models. pp. 257–268.
    Discovering high-level causal relations from low-level data is an important and challenging problem that comes up frequently in the natural and social sciences. In a series of papers, Chalupka etal. (2015, 2016a, 2016b, 2017) develop a procedure forcausal feature learning (CFL) in an effortto automate this task. We argue that CFL does not recommend coarsening in cases where pragmatic considerations rule in favor of it, and recommends coarsening in cases where pragmatic considerations rule against it. We propose a new technique, (...)
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    Imprecise Bayesian Networks as Causal Models.David Kinney - 2018 - Information 9 (9):211.
    This article considers the extent to which Bayesian networks with imprecise probabilities, which are used in statistics and computer science for predictive purposes, can be used to represent causal structure. It is argued that the adequacy conditions for causal representation in the precise context—the Causal Markov Condition and Minimality—do not readily translate into the imprecise context. Crucial to this argument is the fact that the independence relation between random variables can be understood in several different ways when the joint probability (...)
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  7. On the Explanatory Depth and Pragmatic Value of Coarse-Grained, Probabilistic, Causal Explanations.David Kinney - 2018 - Philosophy of Science (1):145-167.
    This article considers the popular thesis that a more proportional relationship between a cause and its effect yields a more abstract causal explanation of that effect, which in turn produces a deeper explanation. This thesis is taken to have important implications for choosing the optimal granularity of explanation for a given explanandum. In this article, I argue that this thesis is not generally true of probabilistic causal relationships. In light of this finding, I propose a pragmatic, interest-relative measure of explanatory (...)
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  8.  31
    Women in the Analects.Anne Behnke Kinney - 2017 - In Paul Rakita Goldin (ed.), A Concise Companion to Confucius. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 148–163.
    While the Confucian canon has much to say about women, the Analects contains a few passages that make significant observations about them. These passages deserve the close scrutiny not only because they are all the Analects has to offer on the topic of women, but, more importantly, because at least one passage has been singled out as representing a toxic misogyny that clouds any hope for the continued relevance of Confucianism in today's world. In Analects 17.25, Confucius uniformly and somewhat (...)
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    Bayesian Networks and Causal Ecumenism.David Kinney - 2020 - Erkenntnis 88 (1):147-172.
    Proponents of various causal exclusion arguments claim that for any given event, there is often a unique level of granularity at which that event is caused. Against these causal exclusion arguments, causal ecumenists argue that the same event or phenomenon can be caused at multiple levels of granularity. This paper argues that the Bayesian network approach to representing the causal structure of target systems is consistent with causal ecumenism. Given the ubiquity of Bayesian networks as a tool for representing causal (...)
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  10. Breaking through Heaven's glass ceiling : the significance of the commoner woman of Qi in the "Lan Ming" chapter of the Huananzi.Anne Behnke Kinney - 2014 - In Sarah Queen & Michael Puett (eds.), The Huainanzi and textual production in early China. Boston: Brill.
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  11. Dissecting the New Age.Jay Kinney - 1998 - Gnosis 49:14-17.
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  12. International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models.David Kinney & David Watson (eds.) - 2020
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  13.  30
    Identity Processing Style and Defense Mechanisms.Andrew Kinney & Michael Berzonsky - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (3):111-117.
    Identity Processing Style and Defense Mechanisms To investigate relationships between identity processing styles and patterns of defense mechanisms, 213 participants completed measures of defense-mechanism clusters and styles of negotiating identity conflicts and threats. A self-exploratory, informational identity style was associated with defense mechanisms that control anxiety and threats via internal cognitive maneuvers. In contrast, a diffuse-avoidant identity style was found to be related to maladaptive defensive maneuvers including turning against others and turning aggression inward against oneself, which is related to (...)
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  14. Online communities, self-silencing, and lost rhetorical spaces.Kelly Kinney - 2001 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 6 (1).
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  15. The Mysterious Revelations of Philip K. Dick.Jay Kinney - 1985 - Gnosis 1 (6).
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  16. The origin and nature of man.S. [Amuel] B.[Iggar] G.[Iffen] M'kinney - 1898 - London,: Hutchinson & co..
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  17. Building Compressed Causal Models of the World.David Kinney & Tania Lombrozo - forthcoming - Cognitive Psychology.
    A given causal system can be represented in a variety of ways. How do agents determine which variables to include in their causal representations, and at what level of granularity? Using techniques from Bayesian networks, information theory, and decision theory, we develop a formal theory according to which causal representations reflect a trade-off between compression and informativeness, where the optimal trade-off depends on the decision-theoretic value of information for a given agent in a given context. This theory predicts that, all (...)
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    Being Assessed under the 1983 Mental Health Act—Can it Ever be Ethical?Malcolm Kinney - 2009 - Ethics and Social Welfare 3 (3):329-336.
  19. Tell me your (cognitive) budget, and I’ll tell you what you value.David Kinney & Tania Lombrozo - 2024 - Cognition 247 (C):105782.
    Consider the following two (hypothetical) generic causal claims: “Living in a neighborhood with many families with children increases purchases of bicycles” and “living in an affluent neighborhood with many families with children increases purchases of bicycles.” These claims not only differ in what they suggest about how bicycle ownership is distributed across different neighborhoods (i.e., “the data”), but also have the potential to communicate something about the speakers’ values: namely, the prominence they accord to affluence in representing and making decisions (...)
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  20.  49
    Blocking an Argument for Emergent Chance.David Kinney - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (5):1057-1077.
    Several authors have argued that non-extreme probabilities used in special sciences such as chemistry and biology can be objective chances, even if the true microphysical description of the world is deterministic. This article examines an influential version of this argument and shows that it depends on a particular methodology for defining the relationship between coarse-grained and fine-grained events. An alternative methodology for coarse-graining is proposed. This alternative methodology blocks this argument for the existence of emergent chances, and makes better sense (...)
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  21.  23
    A critique of the philosophy of George Santayana in the light of Thomistic principles..Mary Cyril Edwin Kinney - 1942 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America press.
  22.  16
    The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-fu Lun.Anne Behnke Kinney & Fu Wang - 1990 - Center for Asian Studies Arizona State University.
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  23. The Ideal school.Gloria Kinney (ed.) - 1969 - Wilmette, Ill.,: Kagg Press.
  24.  76
    The problem of granularity for scientific explanation.David Kinney - 2019 - Dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science (Lse)
    This dissertation aims to determine the optimal level of granularity for the variables used in probabilistic causal models. These causal models are useful for generating explanations in a number of scientific contexts. In Chapter 1, I argue that there is rarely a unique level of granularity at which a given phenomenon can be causally explained, thereby rejecting various causal exclusion arguments. In Chapter 2, I consider several recent proposals for measuring the explanatory power of causal explanations, and show that these (...)
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    Comments on Sister Cyril Edwin Kinney’s Paper.Cyril Edwin Kinney - 1954 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 28:159-162.
  26.  72
    Serious Illness and Private Health Coverage: A Unique Problem Calling for Unique Solutions.Eleanor D. Kinney, Deborah A. Freund, Mary Elizabeth Camp, Karen A. Jordan & Marion Christopher Mayfield - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (2-3):180-191.
    Having a serious illness like breast cancer is a calamity for individuals and families. Along with the pain, discomfort, and dislocation comes the issue of how to pay the medical expenses for the care and treatment of the disease. If the seriously ill person has inadequate or no insurance, these problems are aggravated.Stories abound about seriously ill people losing private health insurance following diagnosis with a catastrophic disease, remaining in jobs just to maintain health insurance, or facing financial hardship because (...)
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    Selling Greenland: The Big Picture Television Series and the Army's Bid for Relevance during the Early Cold War.D. J. Kinney - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (3):344-357.
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  28. Inductive explanation and Garber–Style solutions to the problem of old evidence.David Kinney - 2017 - Synthese 196 (10):3995-4009.
    The Problem of Old Evidence is a perennial issue for Bayesian confirmation theory. Garber (Test Sci Theor 10:99–131, 1983) famously argues that the problem can be solved by conditionalizing on the proposition that a hypothesis deductively implies the existence of the old evidence. In recent work, Hartmann and Fitelson (Philos Sci 82(4):712–717, 2015) and Sprenger (Philos Sci 82(3):383–401, 2015) aim for similar, but more general, solutions to the Problem of Old Evidence. These solutions are more general because they allow the (...)
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  29.  23
    Improving “Life Chances”: Surveying the Anti-Transgender Backlash, and Offering a Transgender Equity Impact Assessment Tool for Policy Analysis.M. Killian Kinney, Taylor E. Pearson & Julie Ralston Aoki - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (3):489-508.
    Transgender inclusion within policy is critical yet often missing. We propose a policy tool to assesses human rights, access to resources and opportunities, language, and implications for transgender and nonbinary individuals. Acknowledging trans communities as standard policy practice can serve as an essential practice to shift dialogue and norms.
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  30.  54
    La justicia fiscal en el marco de la teoría de la justicia como equidad de John Rawls. La tributación ¿carga, obligación o donación?Roberto Arteaga Mac Kinney - 2010 - Dilemata 4.
    This article addresses some useful coordinates for the analysis of the relationship between philosophy and taxation. My argument aims to show the relevance of a philosophy of taxation and thus draw attention to civic education required to shape a democratic public reason, truthful, critical and attentive. I emphasize the character of “donation” that is the rule of law within a democratic constitutional regime, which depends on tax payments for the purposes proposed, and particularly those of a social distributive justice. I (...)
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    The Duty of the Homosexually Inclined Physician.Robert L. Kinney - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (3):445-450.
    The last several years have been marked by a seemingly increasing numbers of individuals with homosexual inclinations. There are consequences to society-wide increases in disordered dispositions, and this paper presents one such consequence. Patients often enter the physician–patient relationship basedon the physician’s “sexual preference.” In order to avoid sexual misconduct from a physician, patients often choose physicians that are not inclined to be sexually attracted to the patient. It is often assumed that a patient can infer a physician’s sexual inclinations (...)
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  32. The Imperator of AMORC: An Interview with Gary L. Stewart.Jay Kinney & Timothy O'Neill - 1989 - Gnosis: A Journal of the Western Inner Traditions 12:33-35.
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  33. The Solar Temple Dossier.Jay Kinney - 1995 - Gnosis 34:87-96.
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    Curie’s principle and causal graphs.David Kinney - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 87 (C):22-27.
    Curie’s Principle says that any symmetry property of a cause must be found in its effect. In this article, I consider Curie’s Principle from the point of view of graphical causal models, and demonstrate that, under one definition of a symmetry transformation, the causal modeling framework does not require anything like Curie’s Principle to be true. On another definition of a symmetry transformation, the graphical causal modeling formalism does imply a version of Curie’s Principle. These results yield a better understanding (...)
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    Some Ethical Practice Reflections on Psychiatric Inpatient Care.Malcolm Kinney, Carol Gore & Jennifer Barnard - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (4):423-431.
  36. Foundation for a Natural Right to Health Care.Jason T. Eberl, Eleanor K. Kinney & Matthew J. Williams - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (6):537-557.
    Discussions concerning whether there is a natural right to health care may occur in various forms, resulting in policy recommendations for how to implement any such right in a given society. But health care policies may be judged by international standards including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights enumerated in the UDHR are grounded in traditions of moral theory, a philosophical analysis of which is necessary in order to adjudicate the value of specific policies designed to enshrine (...)
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  37.  54
    Why Average When You Can Stack? Better Methods for Generating Accurate Group Credences.David Kinney - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (4):845-863.
    Formal and social epistemologists have devoted significant attention to the question of how to aggregate the credences of a group of agents who disagree about the probabilities of events. Moss and Pettigrew argue that group credences can be a linear mean of the credences of each individual in the group. By contrast, I argue that if the epistemic value of a credence function is determined solely by its accuracy, then we should, where possible, aggregate the underlying statistical models that individuals (...)
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  38.  17
    Using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) strategy tool to support the Play4Guidance online entrepreneurial game.Margaret Farren, Tom Kinney & Yvonne Crotty - 2017 - International Journal for Transformative Research 4 (1):34-41.
    The Erasmus + Play4Guidance project introduces an online business game, designed to help teach entrepreneurial, transversal and mathematical skills using a real-world business environment. This paper explains how the Business Model Canvas strategy tool facilitated student understanding of real life business development prior to playing the game. An initial mapping exercise was conducted to find out if the Business Model Canvas could transform the experience of playing the game by providing an overview of real life business strategy, and explain the (...)
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    Preface.Ralph Keen & Daniel Kinney and - 1985 - Moreana 22 (2):1-2.
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    A Stochastic Model of Mathematics and Science.David H. Wolpert & David B. Kinney - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (2):1-67.
    We introduce a framework that can be used to model both mathematics and human reasoning about mathematics. This framework involves stochastic mathematical systems (SMSs), which are stochastic processes that generate pairs of questions and associated answers (with no explicit referents). We use the SMS framework to define normative conditions for mathematical reasoning, by defining a “calibration” relation between a pair of SMSs. The first SMS is the human reasoner, and the second is an “oracle” SMS that can be interpreted as (...)
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  41.  32
    A cross-cultural investigation of the ethical dimensions of alcohol and tobacco sports sponsorships.Stephen R. McDaniel, Lance Kinney & Laurence Chalip - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (3):307-330.
  42.  33
    Diachronic trends in the topic distributions of formal epistemology abstracts.David Kinney - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-34.
    Formal epistemology is a growing field of philosophical research. It is also evolving, with the subject matter of formal epistemology papers changing considerably over the past two decades. To quantify the ways in which formal epistemology is changing, I generate a stochastic block topic model of the abstracts of papers classified by as pertaining to formal epistemology. This model identifies fourteen salient topics of formal epistemology abstracts at a first level of abstraction, and four topics at a second level (...)
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  43.  18
    Review of Women, Gender, and Sexuality in China: A Brief History. [REVIEW]Anne Behnke Kinney - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (3):706-707.
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  44.  41
    Three-Level Mechanism of Consumer Digital Piracy: Development and Cross-Cultural Validation.Mateja Kos Koklic, Monika Kukar-Kinney & Irena Vida - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):15-27.
    Digital piracy as a continuing problem significantly impacts various stakeholders, including consumers, enterprises, and countries. This study develops a three-level mechanism of determinants of consumer digital piracy behavior, with personal risk as an individual factor, susceptibility to interpersonal influence as an inter-personal factor, and moral intensity as a broad societal factor. Further, it explores the role of rationalization and future piracy intent as outcomes of past piracy behaviors. The authors use survey data from four countries in the European Union to (...)
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  45.  88
    Maria R.-Alföldi, Edilberto Formigli, and Johannes Fried, Die römische Wölfin: Ein antikes Monument stürzt von seinem Sockel/The Lupa Romana: An Antique Monument Falls from Her Pedestal. (Sitzungsberichte der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main 49/1.) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2011. Pp. 161; 42 black-and-white figures, 4 color figures, and 3 maps. ISBN: 9783515098762. [REVIEW]Dale Kinney - 2013 - Speculum 88 (4):1063-1065.
  46.  25
    Hypothesis and dialectic.Laurence F. Kinney - 1937 - Journal of Philosophy 34 (13):354-359.
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  47.  68
    The Brave New World of Medical Standards of Care.Eleanor D. Kinney - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (3-4):323-334.
    There have always been medical standards of care in the American health-care sector. However, never before have they been so deeply incorporated in the delivery of health care as they are today. With the increased delivery of care through integrated delivery systems, as well as the development of the computerized patient record, medical standards of care are now used in innovative ways by providers and health plans in delivering health care to individual patients. There is great potential for even more (...)
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  48.  26
    Causal History, Statistical Relevance, and Explanatory Power.David Kinney - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-23.
    In discussions of the power of causal explanations, one often finds a commitment to two premises. The first is that, all else being equal, a causal explanation is powerful to the extent that it cites the full causal history of why the effect occurred. The second is that, all else being equal, causal explanations are powerful to the extent that the occurrence of a cause allows us to predict the occurrence of its effect. This article proves a representation theorem showing (...)
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  49.  14
    Advancing Brain-Computer Interface Applications for Severely Disabled Children Through a Multidisciplinary National Network: Summary of the Inaugural Pediatric BCI Canada Meeting.Eli Kinney-Lang, Dion Kelly, Erica D. Floreani, Zeanna Jadavji, Danette Rowley, Ephrem Takele Zewdie, Javad R. Anaraki, Hosein Bahari, Kim Beckers, Karen Castelane, Lindsey Crawford, Sarah House, Chelsea A. Rauh, Amber Michaud, Matheus Mussi, Jessica Silver, Corinne Tuck, Kim Adams, John Andersen, Tom Chau & Adam Kirton - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Thousands of youth suffering from acquired brain injury or other early-life neurological disease live, mature, and learn with only limited communication and interaction with their world. Such cognitively capable children are ideal candidates for brain-computer interfaces. While BCI systems are rapidly evolving, a fundamental gap exists between technological innovators and the patients and families who stand to benefit. Forays into translating BCI systems to children in recent years have revealed that kids can learn to operate simple BCI with proficiency akin (...)
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  50.  41
    Administrative Law and the Public's Health.Eleanor D. Kinney - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):212-223.
    Today, public health regulation at all levels faces unprecedented challenges both at home and abroad. The September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., by the Al Qaeda terrorist network and the anthrax bioterrorism that followed shortly thereafter have put public health regulation at the forefront of homeland security. The anthrax scare, in particular, has greatly tested the American public health system, calling into question whether the United States and its component states and localities are prepared to handle (...)
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