Results for 'Pedroso Makmiller'

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  1. Essentialism, history, and biological taxa.Makmiller Pedroso - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):182-190.
    de Queiroz (1995), Griffiths (1999) and LaPorte (2004) offer a new version of essentialism called "historical essentialism". According to this version of essentialism, relations of common ancestry are essential features of biological taxa. The main type of argument for this essentialism proposed by Griffiths (1999) and LaPorte (2004) is that the dominant school of classification, cladism, defines biological taxa in terms of common ancestry. The goal of this paper is to show that this argument for historical essentialism is unsatisfactory: cladism (...)
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    Blind Cooperation: The Evolution of Redundancy via Ignorance.Makmiller Pedroso - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):701-715.
    One curious phenomenon of several social groups is that they are ‘redundant’ in the sense that they contain more cooperators than strictly needed to complete certain group tasks, such as foraging. Redundancy is puzzling because redundant groups are particularly susceptible to invasion by defectors. Yet, redundancy can be found in groups formed by a wide range of organisms, including insects and microbes. Birch ([2012]) has recently argued that coercive behaviours might account for redundancy using insect colonies as a case study. (...)
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  3. The Costs of Too Much Cooperation.Makmiller Pedroso - manuscript
    Cooperative behaviors within a group face the risk of being exploited by `free-riders,' individuals that reap the benefits produced by cooperators without paying the costs of cooperating. Free-riders are often perceived as a burden to the group, since the group's survival depends on tasks performed by cooperators. However, this paper challenges this perspective, arguing that an excess of cooperators may actually lower the efficiency and persistence of groups. The perspective presented in this paper has ramifications to broader issues in philosophy, (...)
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  4. Biological individuality: the case of biofilms.Marc Ereshefsky & Makmiller Pedroso - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (2):331-349.
    This paper examines David Hull’s and Peter Godfrey-Smith’s accounts of biological individuality using the case of biofilms. Biofilms fail standard criteria for individuality, such as having reproductive bottlenecks and forming parent-offspring lineages. Nevertheless, biofilms are good candidates for individuals. The nature of biofilms shows that Godfrey-Smith’s account of individuality, with its reliance on reproduction, is too restrictive. Hull’s interactor notion of individuality better captures biofilms, and we argue that it offers a better account of biological individuality. However, Hull’s notion of (...)
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    Betting blind: coping with uncertainty through redundancy.Makmiller Pedroso - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-17.
    Multiple biological groups, such as ant colonies, appear to have a noteworthy inefficiency: they contain vast amounts of redundant members that are not strictly needed to maintain the group. Philosophers and biologists have proposed that such inefficiency is illusory because redundancy enhances the resilience of groups when living under harsh conditions. Still, this proposal is unsatisfactory in different respects. First, it is too vague to account for when redundancy is selectively advantageous. Furthermore, it overlooks cases in which redundancy fails to (...)
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  6. Origin Essentialism in Biology.Makmiller Pedroso - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):60-81.
    Kripke argues for origin essentialism, the view that the same individual cannot have multiple origins. Sober hypothesises that Kripke's origin essentialism applies to biological species. This paper shows that Sober's hypothesis fails. Because Kripke's original argument is invalid, it cannot vindicate Sober's proposal. Salmon offers an influential reformulation of Kripke's argument but his argument fails to extend to species: the notion of an individual's origin is too narrow to apply to species, and Salmon's argument rests on a thought experiment that (...)
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  7.  28
    The Impact of Population Bottlenecks on the Social Lives of Microbes.Makmiller Pedroso - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (3):190-198.
    Microbes often live in association with dense multicellular aggregates, especially biofilms, and the construction of these aggregates typically requires microbial cells to produce public goods, such as enzymes and signaling molecules. Public-goods producers are, in turn, vulnerable to exploitation by free-rider cells that consume the public goods without paying for their production costs. The cell population of a biofilm or other microbial aggregates are expected to pass through bottlenecks due to a wide range of factors, such as antibiotic treatments and (...)
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    Forming Lineages by Sticking Together.Makmiller Pedroso - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11.
    Nature is replete with borderline cases that fall somewhere between organisms and communities, such as lichens, biofilms, and the Portuguese Man-of-War. At first glance, the existence of such borderline cases might suggest that the concept of what constitutes an organism is too fuzzy to be useful in evolutionary biology. Yet, the notion of organisms is entrenched within central debates in evolution, including discussions over how fitness should be measured, what the bearers of adaptations and fitness are, and the status of (...)
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    Inheritance by recruitment: A reply to Clarke’s “Levels of selection in biofilms”.Makmiller Pedroso - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):127-131.
    Doolittle :351–378, 2013) and Ereshefsky and Pedroso argue that selection can act at the level of biofilms and other microbial communities. Clarke is skeptical and argues that selection acts on microbial cells rather than microbial communities. Her main criticism is that biofilms lack one of the ingredients required for selection to operate: heritability. This paper replies to her concern by elaborating how biofilm-level traits can be inheritable.
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  10. On three arguments against categorical structuralism.Makmiller Pedroso - 2009 - Synthese 170 (1):21 - 31.
    Some mathematicians and philosophers contend that set theory plays a foundational role in mathematics. However, the development of category theory during the second half of the twentieth century has encouraged the view that this theory can provide a structuralist alternative to set-theoretical foundations. Against this tendency, criticisms have been made that category theory depends on set-theoretical notions and, because of this, category theory fails to show that set-theoretical foundations are dispensable. The goal of this paper is to show that these (...)
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  11. The Species Problem: A Philosophical Analysis, by Richard Richards.: Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Makmiller Pedroso - 2013 - Mind 122 (488):1180-1182.
  12.  32
    Blind Cooperation: The Evolution of Redundancy via Ignorance.Makmiller Pedroso - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axz022.
    One curious phenomenon of several social groups is that they are ‘redundant’ in the sense that they contain more cooperators than strictly needed to complete certain group tasks, such as foraging. Redundancy is puzzling because redundant groups are particularly susceptible to invasion by defectors. Yet, redundancy can be found in groups formed by a wide range of organisms, including insects and microbes. Birch has recently argued that coercive behaviours might account for redundancy using insect colonies as a case study. However, (...)
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    Frédéric Bouchard and Philippe Huneman From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality: The MIT Press, 2013, 278 pp, US$55.00 , ISBN: 978-0262018722.Makmiller Pedroso - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (1):83-86.
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    Starting small: Using little microbes to tackle big philosophical problems.Makmiller Pedroso - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:126-128.
  15.  30
    Criteria of Identity and their logical form.Pedroso Makmiller - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (5-6):759-765.
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    Symposium Internacional "Manuel Pedroso" In Memoriam: con motivo del IV centenario de la publicación de los Seis libros de la república, de J. Bodino.Manuel Pedroso (ed.) - 1979 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Derecho.
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    O império do direito, de Franz Neumann.Gustavo Pedroso - 2013 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 22:180-186.
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  18. Ética na administração.Ediberto Tadeu Pedroso - forthcoming - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
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    La aventura del hombre natural y civil.Manuel Pedroso - 1976 - México: Editorial J. Mortiz.
    Pocas personas habr n suscitado tan un nimemente la imagen del maestro como don Manuel Pedroso. Nadie que lo haya conocido ha dejado de mencionar ese ejemplar del magisterio que rebasaba ampliamente el mbito meramente universitario. Los pr logos a este libro, obra de disc pulos o amigos, dan fe, de la huella profunda que dej en ellos. Pero nos informan tambi n de la renuencia de Pedroso a rematar sus abundantes notas y esbozos y a publicar sus (...)
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    Comentário e Experiência Nos Ensaios de Montaigne.Gustavo José de Toledo Pedroso & Sandra Pires de Toledo Pedroso - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (10):19-29.
    Trata-se de discutir o sentido filosófico da presença das citações nos Ensaios de Montaigne. Montaigne faz críticas à multiplicidade de comentários dos autores antigos, mas preenche seus ensaios com uma diversidade de citações destes mesmos autores. Jean Starobinski interpreta a presença destas citações como pautada pela ideia de independência. Tomando outra direção, procuramos mostrar como elas se vinculam a uma valorização do julgamento e da experiência.
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    Beyond a “New Intolerance”.Joaquin A. Pedroso - 2019 - Radical Philosophy Review 22 (2):239-256.
    In this article I tease out a conception of reason in Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s writings that is both decoupled from Enlightenment notions of human nature, progress, and transcendental truth, as well as auto-critically engaged with the anti-authoritarian Enlightenment ethos of anarchist thought. In so doing, I hope to reveal how the Proudhonian deployment of reason retained a healthy skepticism of foundationalism, philosophical systems-building, and the intellectualism bred of its dogmatic excesses as well as reconsider Proudhon’s relation to our most privileged faculty.
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    Gênero, redes e capital social no meio rural: a experiência dos grupos de mulheres no município de São Sepé - RS.Adriana Martini Correa Pedroso & Claudia Tirelli - 2017 - Agora 19 (1):20.
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    Teoria crítica da sociedade em Jürgen Habermas.Daniel Valente Pedroso de Siqueira - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:94-110.
    O presente texto observa a teoria crítica da sociedade desenvolvida por Habermas a partir da análise das duas teses apresentadas na Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, sobre a modernidade seletiva e sobre o desacoplamento das esferas socais tematizáveis, pretendendo compreender como o avanço dos imperativos funcionais do sistema (a burocracia administrativa estatal e a economia capitalista) têm extrapolado suas áreas de atuação e aumentado ainda mais sua dinâmica sistêmica sobre o ambito da reprodução simbólica nas sociedades capitalistas do século XXI. A (...)
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    Sincretismo: Uma relação entre O catolicismo E as religiões afro-brasileiras.Alan Christian Pedroso Martins & Pedro K. Iwashita - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 11 (20):38-54.
    Theology as a science reflects the phenomena that in some way constitute the experience of faith in society, that is, looking at the world and the various periods of history with the help of the various sciences: anthropology, the sciences of religion and sociology. With the black traffic of the African continent, came the various customs lived in Africa: culture, religiosity, African myths, beliefs in the Orixás, all these elements constituted the Brazilian cultural imaginary. Thus syncretism arises as a form (...)
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    Percepción y actuación de los profesionales de la salud frente a casos de pérdida gestacional.Giovana Quadros Silva Tonetto, Amanda Cristina Silveira Morim Borges, Anah Giulia Ramos Cisterna, Vanessa Pedroso Gelfuso Lapenta & Selma Aparecida Geraldo Benzoni - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:284-299.
    In Brazil, the high number of annual gestational losses constitutes a serious public health issue. Gestational loss can cause emotional trauma for mothers and their families due to society's lack of validation and the inadequate and unsympathetic support often provided by healthcare professionals. Thus, the objective of this research was to understand the role of healthcare professionals in cases of gestational loss, identifying their own feelings, those of women and their families, as well as the attitudes and resources used in (...)
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    “Research exceptionalism” in the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of scientific retractions in Scopus.Priscila Rubbo, Caroline Lievore, Celso Biynkievycz Dos Santos, Claudia Tania Picinin, Luiz Alberto Pilatti & Bruno Pedroso - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (5):339-356.
    This study aimed to outline the profile of retractions of scientific articles on COVID-19 published in journals indexed in the Scopus database between 2020 and 2021. To analyze the data, we used a bibliometric technique, with the Bibliometrix package in the R-Studio software, and descriptive statistics. Twenty-nine retractions were analyzed, and we found that the most common reasons for retraction were related to ethical issues and that 68.97% of authors have previously retracted articles. We concluded that there appears to have (...)
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    Condições de saúde da população LGBTQIAPN+ no sistema prisional: revisão integrativa de literatura.Muryllo de Oliveira Costa, Antonio Carlos Santos Silva, Emanuelle Silva Souza, Samara Mendes Pedroso & Laila da Massena Silva - 2023 - Odeere 8 (2):165-177.
    O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura que teve como objetivo descrever a produção de literatura científica acerca das condições de saúde da população LGBTQIAPN+ no sistema prisional brasileiro. A busca pelas informações foi realizada na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Google Acadêmico, utilizando os filtros “minorias sexuais e de gênero”, “prisões”, “condições de saúde” e “Brasil”, compreendendo o período de 2018-2023. Após aplicar os critérios de inclusão e excluídos os duplicados, foram selecionados cinco artigos, dos quais (...)
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  28. Metaphorizing Violence in the UK and Brazil: A Contrastive Discourse Dynamics Study.Lynne Cameron, Ana Pelosi & Heloísa Pedroso de Moraes Feltes - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (1):23-43.
    A cross-linguistic/cultural study of verbal metaphor compares responses to terrorism in the UK (N = 96) and to urban violence in Brazil (N = 11). Focus groups discussed how violence changes perceptions of risk, decisions of daily life, and attitudes to others. Metaphor vehicles were identified in transcribed data, then grouped together semantically; 15 vehicle groupings were used with similar frequencies, 16 groupings more in UK data, 14 more in Brazil data. Systematic and framing metaphors were found inside vehicle groupings. (...)
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    O idoso nas instituições de longa permanência: uma revisão bibliográfica.Ana Cláudia de Oliveira Bentes, Janari da Silva Pedroso & Carlos Alberto Batista Maciel - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:196-205.
    Este artigo aborda a temática do idoso nas Instituições de Longa Permanência, em face do envelhecimento bem-sucedido e da qualidade de vida. A revisão bibliográfica contempla os artigos entre o período 2006 a 2012 e um artigo de 2001. Consultaram-se as bases de dados da biblioteca virtual em saúde -..
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    Positive Development Based on the Teaching of Personal and Social Responsibility: An Intervention Program With Institutionalized Youngsters.Paulo Martins, António-José Gonzalez, Margarida Pedroso de Lima, João Faleiro & Luís Preto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From the standpoint of the school settings, sport participation constitutes a key strategy concerning the manifestation of positive behaviors that result from the development of personal and social responsibility. Based on the TPSR model, the goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of an intervention geared toward teaching life skills through sport to youngsters who had been committed. The participants were evaluated before and after the intervention. After the initial evaluation, they were randomly assigned to the experimental and (...)
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    Benjamin e Marcuse Leitores de Freud: Interpretações Materialistas da Memória.Fernanda Andrade Garcia, Juliana Viana Ford & Gustavo José de Toledo Pedroso - 2024 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 40 (1).
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  32. Nurses' Advocacy in Intensive Care: What Insights Can Nurses' Experiences During the Pandemic Reveal?Carolina da Silva Caram, Elizabeth Peter, Isabela Cancio Velloso, Lilian Cristina Rezende, Bruna Pedroso Canever, Marcelexandra Rabelo & Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira Vargas - 2025 - Nursing Inquiry 32 (1):e12683.
    Patient advocacy must be understood as an ethical component of nursing practice that involves respecting and defending patients' rights and autonomy. During the COVID‐19 pandemic, the vulnerability of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) increased requiring that nurses advocate for those patients more than ever in a context in which changes in daily nursing practices of care imposed by the pandemic deeply impacted nurses' advocacy. In this study, we examined ICU nurses' patient advocacy during the pandemic, using feminist ethics as (...)
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    Studying the Efficacy of Psychodrama With the Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design: Results From a Longitudinal Study.António-José Gonzalez, Paulo Martins & Margarida Pedroso de Lima - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:403530.
    Throughout the last decades, scientific and therapeutic communities have made common efforts to collect reliable information concerning the efficacy of psychotherapies. One of these initiatives has, recently, involved the psychodrama community and its desire to achieve progress in the validation of this therapy. Based on Robert Elliot's Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design (HSCED), we followed five participants (3 women, 2 men, aged 27-48) of a psychodrama group over the course of their therapeutic process, which ranged from 24 months to 5 (...)
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    Heterosis in COMT Val158Met Polymorphism Contributes to Sex-Differences in Children’s Math Anxiety.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Aline Aparecida Silva Martins, Guilherme Wood, Máira Pedroso de Almeida, Marlene de Miranda, Vitor Geraldi Haase & Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Mark and counterfeiting: the case of the Galrão printers family.Maria Teresa Payan Martins - 2014 - Cultura:109-121.
    João Galrão, fundador de uma das mais importantes oficinas tipográficas na Lisboa do século XVII, possuía quatro marcas tipográficas, as quais apresentam como característica comum a presença das suas iniciais – IG. Se muitas das espécies produzidas na oficina de João Galrão ostentam, no rosto ou no cólofon, a marca do impressor, após a sua morte, a situação altera-se. António Pedroso Galrão, sobrinho e continuador do impressor João Galrão, utilizou, até meados do século XVIII, o material tipográfico da oficina (...)
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