Results for 'Paulina Latapí Escalante'

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    Personajes históricos y pasados controvertidos: análisis desde la perspectiva del profesorado de educación primaria en México.Anacary Guadalupe Castro Torres, Paulina Latapí Escalante & Rosendo Martínez Rodríguez - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:19-41.
    El presente estudio examina la percepción que 100 profesoras y profesores de educación primaria en México manifestaron tener acerca de personajes que participaron en acontecimientos históricos de la historia nacional. La metodología ha sido de tipo mixto, a través de un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Los resultados muestran que dichos personajes fueron principalmente varones, y hace ver que su actuar estuvo relacionado con hechos de violencia. Se plantea que el estudio de esa violencia, considerada una cuestión socialmente viva, (...)
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    Convertir la noche en día y el día en una carrera sin fin: por una ética ecológica radical.Paulina Rivero Weber - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 10:45-54.
    Paulina Rivero’s paper is a description of a day lived in the shadow of the authentic danger that modern technique implies. It has taken us into a world that is merely functional, in which the forgetting of being leads to forgetting our own interiority. Rivero claims that a key phenomenon in..
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  3. IV—Understanding and Knowing.Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 115 (1pt1):57-74.
    What is the relationship between understanding and knowing? This paper offers a defence of reductionism about understanding: the view that instances of understanding reduce to instances of knowing. I argue that knowing is both necessary and sufficient for understanding. I then outline some advantages of reductionism.
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    Neurosymbolic Systems of Perception and Cognition: The Role of Attention.Hugo Latapie, Ozkan Kilic, Kristinn R. Thórisson, Pei Wang & Patrick Hammer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A cognitive architecture aimed at cumulative learning must provide the necessary information and control structures to allow agents to learn incrementally and autonomously from their experience. This involves managing an agent's goals as well as continuously relating sensory information to these in its perception-cognition information processing stack. The more varied the environment of a learning agent is, the more general and flexible must be these mechanisms to handle a wider variety of relevant patterns, tasks, and goal structures. While many researchers (...)
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  5. In defense of moral testimony.Paulina Sliwa - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (2):175-195.
    In defense of moral testimony Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-21 DOI 10.1007/s11098-012-9887-6 Authors Paulina Sliwa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA Journal Philosophical Studies Online ISSN 1573-0883 Print ISSN 0031-8116.
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  6. Moral Worth and Moral Knowledge.Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 93 (2):393-418.
    To have moral worth an action not only needs to conform to the correct normative theory ; it also needs to be motivated in the right way. I argue that morally worthy actions are motivated by the rightness of the action; they are motivated by an agent's concern for doing what's right and her knowledge that her action is morally right. Call this the Rightness Condition. On the Rightness Condition moral motivation involves both a conative and a cognitive element—in particular, (...)
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  7. Respecting all the evidence.Paulina Sliwa & Sophie Horowitz - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (11):2835-2858.
    Plausibly, you should believe what your total evidence supports. But cases of misleading higher-order evidence—evidence about what your evidence supports—present a challenge to this thought. In such cases, taking both first-order and higher-order evidence at face value leads to a seemingly irrational incoherence between one’s first-order and higher-order attitudes: you will believe P, but also believe that your evidence doesn’t support P. To avoid sanctioning tension between epistemic levels, some authors have abandoned the thought that both first-order and higher-order evidence (...)
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    El conflicto entre fenomenología y hermenéutica en "El origen de la obra de arte" de Martin Heidegger.Evodio Escalante - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:109-124.
    Since the publication of Heidegger’s Being and time, he had already shown an open hostility to hegelian thought. In Heidegger’s words, Hegel was a mere continuator of the metaphysical tradition initiated by Plato and Aristotle. After this, in his book about Nietzsche, Heidegger refers Hegel like..
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    Wokół rozumienia szaleństwa: szkice z zakresu humanistyki.Paulina Prus & Adrian Stelmaszyk (eds.) - 2012 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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    Nietzsche: ética y arte de la transfiguración.Raúl Esteban de Pablos Escalante - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (2):373-385.
    Nietzsche identificó la filosofía como _arte de la transfiguración _en la edición de _La gaya ciencia_ de 1887. Esta expresión tiene un fuerte vínculo con la última obra de Rafael Sanzio, _La trasfigurazione_, comentada en _El nacimiento de la tragedia_, en donde el arte es considerado como transfigurador. Tanto la filosofía como el arte se relacionan con el acto de transfigurar y ambas deben ponerse en relación con la vida; la cual ha de ser transfigurada por el amor.
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  11. Moral Understanding as Knowing Right from Wrong.Paulina Sliwa - 2017 - Ethics 127 (3):521-552.
    Moral understanding is a valuable epistemic and moral good. I argue that moral understanding is the ability to know right from wrong. I defend the account against challenges from nonreductionists, such as Alison Hills, who argue that moral understanding is distinct from moral knowledge. Moral understanding, she suggests, is constituted by a set of abilities: to give and follow moral explanations and to draw moral conclusions. I argue that Hills’s account rests on too narrow a conception of moral understanding. Among (...)
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    In the eyes of God: a study on the culture of suffering.Fernando Escalante Gonzalbo - 2006 - Austin: University of Texas Press, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.
    "Every culture needs to appropriate the universal truth of human suffering," says Fernando Escalante, ". . . to give its own meaning to this suffering, so that human existence is bearable." Originally published in Spanish as La mirada de Dios: Estudios sobre la cultura del sufrimiento, this book is a remarkable study of the evolution of the culture of suffering and the different elements that constitute it, beginning with a reading of Rousseau and ending with the appearance of the (...)
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  13. Making sense of things: Moral inquiry as hermeneutical inquiry.Paulina Sliwa - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (1):117-137.
    We are frequently confronted with moral situations that are unsettling, confusing, disorienting. We try to come to grips with them. When we do so, we engage in a distinctive type of moral inquiry: hermeneutical inquiry. Its aim is to make sense of our situation. What is it to make sense of one's situation? Hermeneutical inquiry is part of our everyday moral experience. Understanding its nature and its place in moral epistemology is important. Yet, I argue, that existing accounts of moral (...)
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    Ensayo animal.Rodolfo Bernal Escalante - 2024 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 18 (34):300-312.
    El ensayo explora la evolución de las concepciones filosóficas y religiosas sobre la relación entre el ser humano y los animales, destacando la transformación del antropocentrismo teológico hacia una visión más naturalista y respetuosa. Partiendo del creacionismo judeocristiano, donde los animales son considerados subordinados al hombre, el texto analiza prácticas religiosas antiguas, como los sacrificios en Grecia, Persia y el judaísmo. Posteriormente, aborda la crítica moderna a la superioridad humana a través de pensadores como Pascal, Giordano Bruno y Schopenhauer, quien (...)
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    Praise without Perfection: A Dilemma for Right-Making Reasons.Paulina Sliwa - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (2).
    When you don’t know what to do, you’d better find out. Sometimes the best way to find out is to ask for advice. And when you don’t know what the right thing to do is, it’s sometimes good to rely on moral advice. This straightforward thought spells serious trouble for a popular and widespread approach to moral worth: on this approach, agents deserve moral praise for a right action only if they are acting on right-making reasons. The first part of (...)
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    Feminismo del Antropoceno.José Manuel de Cózar Escalante - 2019 - Laguna 44:59-68.
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    Metodología científica y teoría general del lenguaje.José Manuel de Cózar Escalante - 1995 - Endoxa 1 (5):115.
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    Jeremy Bentham y los lectores neogranadinos.Jaramillo Escalante & Marta Lucía - 2020 - Bogotá, D.C.: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá.
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    Revisiting French Foundational Republicanism from a Non-teleological Approach.Pablo Facundo Escalante - 2018 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 13 (2):1-24.
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    Social impact of a Technoscience: Heberprot-P.Odalys Escalante Padrón & Álvarez Escalante - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):184-205.
    El desarrollo acelerado de la ciencia y la técnica ha proporcionado nuevos conocimientos, entre ellos los relacionados con la biología molecular y celular y particularmente con el descubrimiento del factor de crecimiento epidérmico y su capacidad para estimular la formación de tejido de granulación y acelerar la reepitelización en las úlceras del pie diabético. Los Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología constituyen un campo caracterizado por la heterogeneidad de tendencias que han ido configurando un enfoque más integral, interdisciplinario (...)
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    What is a people?Paulina Ochoa Espejo & T. J. Donahue - unknown
    This paper outlines and defends a processual theory of peoplehood. On our theory, a people is, roughly speaking, composed of two things. First, an unfolding series of events coordinated by the practices of constituting, governing, or changing a polity's authoritative institutions. Second, individual persons whose lives and interests are intensely affected by these events and institutions. We call this theory deep processualism. We outline the theory by showing how it would answer five questions: the questions of constituents, individuation, origination, termination, (...)
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    W noc religii sztuki.Paulina Maria Korpal & Helmut Kohlenberger - 2004 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (6).
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    Negotiating Reality: Sam Shepard’s States of Shock, or “A Vaudeville Nightmare”.Paulina Mirowska - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):368-385.
    In the course of a career that spans half a century, from the Vietnam era to the America of Barack Obama, Sam Shepard has often been labelled as a “quintessentially American” playwright. According to Leslie Wade, “[d]rawing from the disparate image banks of rock and roll, detective fiction, B-movies, and Wild West adventure shows,” Shepard’s texts “function as a storehouse of images, icons, and idioms that denote American culture and an American sensibility”. The article addresses Shepard’s work in the 1990s, (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism or agonism? Alternative visions of world order.Paulina Tambakaki - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):101-116.
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    The iconography of the deposition without st. John.Paulina Ratkowska - 1964 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 27 (1):312-317.
  26. La mujer la ha dado una segunda vida a la filosofía.Paulina Rivero - 2020 - In Fanny del Río, Las filósofas tienen la palabra. México: Siglo XXI Editores.
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    Algunas conceptualizaciones acerca de la dignidad del anciano en bioderecho.Paulina Ramos Vergara & Ángela Arenas Massa - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (1).
    El bioderecho es un neologismo que trata las reglas jurídicas de comportamiento en el contexto de cuestiones bioéticas; se ocupa también del hombre, su dignidad, vida e identidad. El presente estudio descriptivo busca atribuir significado al concepto de dignidad en dos modelos de bioderecho, que develan el estatuto jurídico reconocido por estos a los adultos mayores. Se aplica el método de análisis elaborado por Laura Palazzani. Los resultados evidencian diferencias en el contenido del concepto de dignidad y, por ende, en (...)
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    Genetic depletion of Polo‐like kinase 1 leads to embryonic lethality due to mitotic aberrancies.Paulina Wachowicz, Gonzalo Fernández-Miranda, Carlos Marugán, Beatriz Escobar & Guillermo de Cárcer - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (S1):96-106.
    Polo‐like kinase 1 (PLK1) is a serine/threonine kinase that plays multiple and essential roles during the cell division cycle. Its inhibition in cultured cells leads to severe mitotic aberrancies and cell death. Whereas previous reports suggested that Plk1 depletion in mice leads to a non‐mitotic arrest in early embryos, we show here that the bi‐allelic Plk1 depletion in mice certainly results in embryonic lethality due to extensive mitotic aberrations at the morula stage, including multi‐ and mono‐polar spindles, impaired chromosome segregation (...)
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    National and Cultural Identity in Iraq in the Face of the Formation of the New Order in the Middle East. Philosophical Reflection and the Political Reality.Paulina Jagoda Warsza - 2018 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 21 (1):69-81.
    After Arab Spring many hopes were dashed. However historical change must be happening now in the area of social awareness. The rise of extremism limits awareness and also endangers the Arab identity. The Arab revolution has to be more than the overthrowing of dictators. Bennabi created the concept of Post- Almohad Man and its “Colonsability” - a tendency to be colonized which allows the aggressor to be transformed into the colonizer. Is Bennabi’s theory applicable to Iraq? Should killing a Post- (...)
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    Filozofia XVII wieku — jej źródła i kontynuacje. Klasycy filozofii XVII wieku i ich współczesna recepcja.Paulina Winiarska - 2018 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 23 (2):160-163.
    XIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa pt. „Filozofia XVII wieku — jej źródła i kontynuacje. Klasycy filozofii XVII wieku i ich współczesna recepcja”.
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    El deseo de razón y la alteridad constitutiva Apuntes sobre el ser humano en la Ética de Spinoza.Raúl de Pablos Escalante - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (58):245-269.
    En este trabajo centrado en la Ética se resaltará la dimensión de alteridad de la esencia del ser humano y, por lo tanto, en el caso de Spinoza, de la noción de deseo. A partir de esta alteridad constitutiva, el modo dicotómico de pensar lo social y lo individual es reconsiderado mediante un deseo que, sin dejar de ser singular, es y persevera en relación con los demás. Con el fin de no reducir la noción de deseo a una de (...)
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  32. Know How and Acts of Faith.Paulina Sliwa - 2018 - In Matthew A. Benton, John Hawthorne & Dani Rabinowitz, Knowledge, Belief, and God: New Insights in Religious Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 246-263.
    My topic in this paper is the nature of faith. Much of the discussion concerning the nature of faith proceeds by focussing on the relationship between faith and belief. In this paper, I explore a different approach. I suggest that we approach the question of what faith involves by focussing on the relationship between faith and action. When we have faith, we generally manifest it in how we act; we perform acts of faith: we share our secrets, rely on other’s (...)
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    Ethical issues in the export, storage and reuse of human biological samples in biomedical research: perspectives of key stakeholders in Ghana and Kenya.Paulina Tindana, Catherine S. Molyneux, Susan Bull & Michael Parker - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):76.
    For many decades, access to human biological samples, such as cells, tissues, organs, blood, and sub-cellular materials such as DNA, for use in biomedical research, has been central in understanding the nature and transmission of diseases across the globe. However, the limitations of current ethical and regulatory frameworks in sub-Saharan Africa to govern the collection, export, storage and reuse of these samples have resulted in inconsistencies in practice and a number of ethical concerns for sample donors, researchers and research ethics (...)
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    On political theology and the possibility of superseding it.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (4):475-494.
    The analogies between religious and secular juridical arguments interest political theorists because they suggest a hidden link between religion and politics. However, merely describing analogies does not show that the link is significant. Why are there such analogies? The question matters because answering is a prerequisite for determining whether there can be a neutral political background to religion. This paper argues that there are such analogies because arguments in theology and arguments in the juridical theory of the state share a (...)
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  35. Informed consent in genomic research and biobanking: taking feedback of findings seriously.Paulina Tindana, Cornelius Depuur, Jantina de Vries, Janet Seeley & Michael Parker - 2020 - Global Bioethics 31 (1):200-215.
    ABSTRACT Genomic research and biobanking present several ethical, social and cultural challenges, particularly when conducted in settings with limited scientific research capacity. One of these challenges is determining the model of consent that should support the sharing of human biological samples and data in the context of international collaborative research. In this paper, we report on the views of key research stakeholders in Ghana on what should count as good ethical practice when seeking consent for genomic research and biobanking in (...)
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    Un nuevo realismo político.Manuel Fernández Escalante - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 3 (1-2):161-168.
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  37. Reverse‐engineering blame 1.Paulina Sliwa - 2019 - Philosophical Perspectives 33 (1):200-219.
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    Blaming the victim.Paulina Sliwa - 2024 - Philosophical Issues 34 (1):150-166.
    Feminists critique acts and practices as victim-blaming. Victim-blaming is a moral phenomenon: to call a communicative act victim blaming is to criticise it. It is also a political phenomenon. As feminists point out, it plays a important role in perpetuating oppression. But what makes a communicative act an act of victim-blaming? I propose that victim-blaming communicative acts attribute responsibility to the victim for the wrong in contexts in which such attributions are morally improper. Attributions of responsibility can be morally imporoper (...)
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    El cuidado como expresión de lo humano Reflexiones sobre el concepto de cuidado de A. Macintyre y su relación con la ética de las profesiones sanitarias.Paulina Morales Aguilera - 2012 - Dilemata 9:225-248.
    This article provides a reflection about the concept of «care», from philosophy, for it to develop in relation with the ethics of the sanitary professions, as in relation with the development of certain practices as with the reflection and theoretical configuration that is in the basis, especially from the field of the bioethics. With regard to the philosophical dimension of the concept in question, this will be seen from the perspective of a notable contemporary author: Alasdair MacIntyre, whose approaches allow (...)
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    “In your synthesis the signal condenses”: Adam Dickinson’s polymers and Kacper Bartczak’s organic poems and the plastic poetics of the contemporary organic poem.Paulina Ambroży - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1):275-296.
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    The Limits of Language as the Limits of the World: Cormac McCarthy’s and David Markson’s Post-Apocalyptic Novels.Paulina Ambroży - 2015 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 5 (1):62-78.
    The article examines the correlation between the world and the word in two novels which engage with a post-apocalyptic scenario: David Markson’s Wittgenstein’s Mistress and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. Shifting the focus from the very event of catastrophe to the notion of survival through memory and storytelling, both novels problematize the strained relationship between language and reality in an increasingly diminished and dehumanized world. My aim is to investigate the limits of language as well as its capacity to withstand the (...)
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    Fonemas segmentales del mapudungun hablado en Icalma y configuración de un perfil fonético-fonológico del cordón cordillerano de habla mapuche-pewenche.Paulina A. Urrea Ancanao & Gastón F. Salamanca Gutiérrez - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):220-236.
    Este artículo presenta los fonemas segmentales del mapudungun hablado en Icalma y un perfil fonético-fonológico de parte importante del cordón cordillerano de habla pewenche. El marco de referencia utilizado es el descriptivismo norteamericano, cuyas propuestas provienen de Pike y se actualizan en los trabajos de Burquest y Salamanca, Cifuentes y Figueroa. El instrumento utilizado fue una lista léxica de 108 ítems y la cantidad de colaboradores entrevistados fue de nueve. Con respecto a la descripción fonético-fonológica del mapudungun hablado en la (...)
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  43. Consideraciones acerca de la idea de retórica en Hans-Georg Gadamer.Evodio Escalante - 1997 - Analogía Filosófica 11 (1):197-208.
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  44. Crítica de la tecnociencia, pero sin moralina.José Manuel de Cózar Escalante - 1999 - Laguna 1:329-336.
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    From Argentina to Scotland to Mexico: Indecent Theology and Erotic Phenomenology at the Mexico-US Border.Alejandro Stephano Escalante - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (3):213-228.
    During an immersion course at the Mexico-US border in January 2015, I encountered the stark juxtaposition between ‘liberation theologies’ and ‘library theologies.’ The gulf that separates these two is not just a class barrier, but is also racialized and linguistic. This article argues that in order to bring the indecent theology of Marcella Althaus-Reid to places like the borderlands, a theological bridge must be constructed that takes seriously both of the contexts being connected. Here I argue that the theological turn (...)
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  46. Introduction: the debt of psychoanalysis to women.Hada Soria Escalante - 2019 - In Hada Soria Escalante, Rethinking the relation between women and psychoanalysis: loss, mourning, and the feminine. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Intersubjektivität und Anerkennung: Hegels Ansatz (1802-07) und seine kritische Auslegung bei Honnet (1992).Maria Soledad Escalante - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Gegenstand der Arbeit ist der bedeutende Begriff der Anerkennung in drei Texten Hegels, dem System der Sittlichkeit (1802-3), der Jenaer Realphilosophie (1805-6) und der Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807). Vor diesem Hintergrund wird dann die kritische Auslegung und Ausarbeitung dieses Begriffes im philosophisch-politischen Denken Axel Honneths dargelegt.
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    Lecciones de filosofía del derecho.Wenceslao Escalante - 1901 - Buenos Aires,: Imp. "Europea" de M. A. Rosas.
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  49. On mourning's end: sacrificial feminine positions and their intolerable revelation before the death of the father.Hada Soria Escalante - 2019 - In Hada Soria Escalante, Rethinking the relation between women and psychoanalysis: loss, mourning, and the feminine. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Co w trawie piszczy? Rozpoznanie fenomenu roślinnych źródeł dźwięku pomiędzy ich brzmieniem a znaczeniem.Paulina Janczak - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 65 (2):285-297.
    W naszym obrazie świata przyzwyczailiśmy się do tego, że roślinność jest niema. Zestawienie pojęć dźwięku i rośliny przywołuje w pamięci szum drzew, odgłos suchych liści, wysokich traw czy łamiących się gałęzi. Wówczas świat flory pobudzony przez wiatr generuje dźwięki. Okazuje się jednak, że te wyobrażenia będą musiały ulec zmianie, ponieważ źródłem dźwięku może być także wnętrze otaczającej nas natury. Ostatnia dekada badań tej materii ujawniła nie tylko odbieranie i wytwarzanie sygnałów akustycznych, ale również reagowanie na muzykę jako właściwości roślin. Obserwacje (...)
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