Results for 'Paul Robeson'

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  1. A universal body of folk music, a technical argument.Paul Robeson - 2013 - In Sara Horsfall, Jan-Martijn Meij & Meghan D. Probstfield, Music sociology: examining the role of music in social life. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
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    The HUAC Othello.Marjorie Garber - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (3):477-501.
    Paul Robeson was a remarkable singer, a brilliant actor, and an engaged political activist. In his college years he was a football star. Throughout his life he campaigned for the rights the poor, the disadvantaged, and the oppressed. His most famous theatrical role was Othello; when he played the part in London and in New York he was one of the first black actors to do so. The New York production ran on Broadway longer than any other William (...)
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    Nancy Cunard's English Journey.Maroula Joannou - 2004 - Feminist Review 78 (1):141-163.
    This essay analyses Nancy Cunard's contribution to the struggle for racial justice in England and her work with the black communities in Liverpool and London (whose histories and experiences differ radically from their counterparts in the United States) in the 1940s. It chronicles for the first time her campaign to safeguard the African collections in the Liverpool Museum and her specific contribution to the archive of black British history. This includes not only the monumental the Negro Anthology (1934) but also (...)
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    Einstein, Race, and the Myth of the Cultural Icon.Fred Jerome - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):627-639.
    The most remarkable aspect of Einstein’s 1946 address at Lincoln University is that it has vanished from Einstein’s recorded history. Its disappearance into a historical black hole symbolizes what seems to happen in the creation of a cultural icon. It is but one of many political statements by Einstein to have met such a fate, though his civil rights activism is most glaringly missing. One explanation for this historical amnesia is that those who shape our official memories felt that Einstein’s (...)
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    Extending Hrushovski's groupoid-cover correspondence using simplicial groupoids.Paul Wang - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (7):102970.
    Hrushovski's suggestion, given in [3], to capture the structure of the 1-analysable covers of a theory T using simplicial groupoids definable in T is realized here. The ideas of Haykazyan and Moosa, found in [“Functoriality and uniformity in Hrushovski's groupoid-cover correspondence,” Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2018] are used, and extended, to define an equivalence of categories. Finally, a couple of examples are studied with these new tools.
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    Emerging Digital Technologies: Implications for Extended Conceptions of Cognition and Knowledge.Paul Smart - 2018 - In J. Adam Carter, Andy Clark, Jesper Kallestrup, S. Orestis Palermos & Duncan Pritchard, Extended Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 266–304.
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    Lines of Testimony.Paul Standish - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):319-339.
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    A defence of the semantic conception of evolutionary theory.Paul Thomson - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (1):26-32.
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    Introduction à la théologie de la culture de Paul Tillich.Jean Paul Gabus - 1969 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Perils of a modern Cassandra: Some personal comments.Paul Ehrlich - 1994 - Social Epistemology 8 (3):239 – 240.
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    The remote prayer delusion: clinical trials that attempt to detect supernatural intervention are as futile as they are unethical.G. Paul - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e18-e18.
    Extreme rates of premature death prior to the advent of modern medicine, very low rates of premature death in First World nations with low rates of prayer, and the least flawed of a large series of clinical trials indicate that remote prayer is not efficacious in treating illness. Mass contamination of sample cohorts renders such clinical studies inherently ineffectual. The required supernatural and paranormal mechanisms render them implausible. The possibility that the latter are not benign, and the potentially adverse psychological (...)
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    Exuberance: a philosophy of happiness.Paul Kurtz - 1977 - Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
    Presents a philosophy of creativity and self-fulfilment, and demonstrates that happiness is possible to achieve.
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    William James' theory of truth.Paul K. Moser - 1983 - Topoi 2 (2):217-222.
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    Some Observations on Aristotle's Theory of Mathematics and of the Continuum.Paul Feyerabend - 1983 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 8 (1):67-88.
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    Discovery and Acceptance.Paul Thagard - unknown
    In 1983, Dr. J. Robin Warren and Dr. Barry Marshall reported finding a new kind of bacteria in the stomachs of people with gastritis. Warren and Marshall were soon led to the hypothesis that peptic ulcers are generally caused, not by excess acidity or stress, but by a bacterial infection. Initially, this hypothesis was viewed as preposterous, and it is still somewhat controversial. In 1994, however, a U. S. National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Panel concluded that infection appears to (...)
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  16. The original theory of natural law.Paul A. Vander Waerdt - 2003 - In David T. Runia, Gregory E. Sterling & Hindy Najman, Laws stamped with the seals of nature: laws and nature in Hellenistic philosophy and Philo of Alexandria. Providence: Brown University.
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    Pindar, Nemean 1.24 – Smoke Without Fire.Paul Waring - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):270-.
    This line has long been a crux in the interpretation of Pindar, and there is still no consensus on its syntax or meaning. The conclusions reached by Stefan Radt , 148–74) and Richard Stoneman , 65–70) in the most recent studies of the problem are in all respects at variance. The cardinal difficulty of0 the line is the sense of , which must be elucidated before one can attempt to disentangle the syntax. I believe that previous commentators have overlooked or (...)
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    Why Did Protagoras Use Poetry in Education?Paul Woodruff - 2016 - In Olof Pettersson & Vigdis Songe-Møller, Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry. Cham: Springer.
    Like Plato, Protagoras held that young children learn virtue from fine examples in poetry. Unlike Plato, Protagoras taught adults by correcting the diction of poets. In this paper I ask what his standard of correctness might be, and what benefit he intended his students to take from exercises in correction. If his standard of correctness is truth, then he may intend his students to learn by questioning the content of poems; that would be suggestive of Plato’s program in Republic III. (...)
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    The Garden of Leaders: Revolutionizing Higher Education.Paul Woodruff - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    The Garden of Leaders explores two related questions: What is leadership? And what sort of education could prepare young people to be leaders? Paul Woodruff argues that higher education--particularly but not exclusively in the liberal arts--should set its main focus on cultivating leadership in students. Woodruff advances a new view of liberal arts education that places leadership at the root of everything it does, so that students will be prepared to lead in their lives and careers--and not necessarily in (...)
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    Quitte, ou, Double sens: articles sur l'ambiguïté offerts à Ronald Landheer.Paul Bogaards, Johan Rooryck, P. J. Smith & Ronald Landheer (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Rodopi.
    Du sommaire: Ambiguite et comprehension du langage (Paul Bogaards, Johan Rooryck). - Why pluralities don't mean a thing (Crit Cremers). - Aspects of interlingual ambiguity: polyglot punning (Dirk Delabastita). - Les feux de Saint-Antoine (Sjef Houppermans). - The semantics of Dutch moeten 'must, should, have to' from a typological and a relevance-theoretical perspective (Theo Janssen). - L'ambiguite en langue et en discours (Catherine Kerbrat-Orecchioni).".
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  21. Lectures 2: La contrée des philosophes.Paul RICOEUR - 1992
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    Nouvelle contribution de l'épigraphie cunéiforme à l'histoire hellénistique.Paul Bernard - 1990 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (1):513-541.
    Ο συγγραφέας σχολιάζει τις πληροφορίες που αφορούν την ιστορία της ελληνιστικής Ανατολής από τη βασιλεία του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου μέχρι και αυτή του Αντίοχου Α'. Περιλαμβάνονται στον πρώτο τόμο του corpus των βαβυλωνιακών αστρονομικών εφημερίδων που δημοσίευσαν πρόσφατα οι Α. J. Sachs et Η. Hunger (1988) : 1. Η μάχη των Γαυγαμήλων. Ο Paul Bernard αποδεικνύει ότι η εκλογή του πεδίου της μάχης, όπου ήρθαν αντιμέτωπες οι στρατιές των Μακεδόνων και των Περσών, δεν ήταν αποτέλεσμα αυτοσχεδιασμού εκ μέρους του επιτελείου (...)
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    Augustine's Confessions: Critical Essays.Paul Bloom, Gareth B. Matthews, Scott MacDonald, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Paul Helm, Ishtiyaque Haji, Garry Wills & Richard Sorabji - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Unique in all of literature, the Confessions combines frank and profound psychological insight into Augustine's formative years along with sophisticated and beguiling reflections on some of the most important issues in philosophy and theology. The essays contained in this volume, by some of the most distinguished recent and contemporary thinkers in the field, insightfully explore Augustinian themes not only with an eye to historical accuracy but also to gauge the philosophical acumen of Augustine's reflections.
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    Two-Valued-Logic - Another Approach.Paul Weiss - 1931 - Erkenntnis 2 (1):242.
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    A System of Axiomatic Set Theory--Part VI.Paul Bernays - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):220-221.
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  26. Ethik als Kulturphilosophie.Paul Bergemann - 1904 - Leipzig: T. Hofmann.
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    Notes on artistic invention in Gothic Europe.Paul Binski - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (3):287-300.
    The Summa predicantium compiled in the second quarter of the fourteenth century by the English Dominican John Bromyard (d. ca. 1352), has a number of things to say about invention in art or archite...
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    Jung's Annotations of Nietzsche's Works: An Analysis.Paul Bishop - 1995 - Nietzsche Studien 24 (1):271-314.
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    Friendship's odyssey.Paul Bloomfield - 1965 - The Eugenics Review 56 (4):213.
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    The life of John Maynard Keynes.Paul Bloomfield - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 43 (2):100.
  31. Lorenz Valla. Humanismus als Philosophie.Paul Richard Blum - 1999 - In Philosophen der Renaissance. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft/Primus.
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    Guest editorial. L’institution de la sémiotique: Stratégies et tactiques.Paul Bouissac - 1990 - Semiotica 79 (3-4):217-234.
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    From Achilles to Christ: Why Christians Should Read the Pagan Classics. By Louis Markos and Simone Weil's Apologetic Use of Literature: Her Christological Interpretations of Ancient Greek Texts (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs). By Marie Cabaud Meaney.Paul Brazier - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):100-101.
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    In the highest degree: essays on C.S. Lewis's philosophical theology: method, content & reason.Paul Brazier - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Gregory Dean Hagg.
    Volume 1. The Anscombe-Lewis debate : from analogia entis to analogia fidei -- "God ... or a Bad, or Mad, Man" : C.S. Lewis's argument for Christ's divinity--a systematic theological, historical, and philosophical analysis of aut Deus aut malus homo -- Atonement : a unified model and event, the drama of redemption - understanding and rationalizing the tradition -- Scripture and the Christ, the Word of God : C.S. Lewis and Karl Barth--Convergence and Divergence -- The Pittenger-Lewis Debate : fundamentals (...)
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    The Left's Right: Remarks on the Relative Autonomy of the Base.Paul Breines - 1980 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1980 (46):88-91.
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    The Radical Tradition: A Study in Modern Revolutionary Thought.Paul Breines - 1979 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1979 (40):203-207.
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    Neil Lubow 1944-1998.Paul Brockelman & William deVries - 1998 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (5):151 - 152.
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    Home Birth of Infants with Anticipated Congenital Anomalies: A Case Study and Ethical Analysis of Careproviders’ Obligations.Paul Burcher & Jane Jankowski - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (1):27-35.
    This article presents the case of a mother who is planning a home birth with a midwife with the shared knowledge that the fetus would have congenital anomalies of unknown severity. We discuss the right of women to choose home birth, the caregivers’ duty to the infant, and the careproviders’ dilemma about how to respond to this request. The ethical duties of concerned careproviders are explored and reframed as professional obligations to the mother, infant, and their profession at large. Recommendations (...)
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    Pekka Johannes Lahti—60th Birthday.Paul Busch, Dennis Dieks & Gerardus ’T. Hooft - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (6):519-520.
  40. De la catalographie à l'histoire du livre. Vingt ans de recherches sur les manuscrits grecs in.Paul Canart - 1980 - Byzantion 50:563-616.
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    Eduard Study’s Realistic World-Conception.Paul Carus - 1914 - The Monist 24 (2):309-315.
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    La religion de la science.Paul Carus - 1903 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 2:145-164.
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    Lau-Tsze's Tau-Teh-King.Paul Carus - 1897 - The Monist 7 (4):571-601.
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    Mathematics a Description of Operations with Pure Forms.Paul Carus - 1892 - The Monist 3 (1):133-135.
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    The Greek Mysteries, a Preparation for Christianity.Paul Carus - 1900 - The Monist 11 (1):87-123.
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    The Late Professor Romanes's Thoughts on Religion.Paul Carus - 1895 - The Monist 5 (3):385-400.
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    The Multiplication of Pears and Pence.Paul Carus - 1913 - The Monist 23 (4):605-607.
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    Truth on trial.Paul Carus - 1911 - Chicago,: The Open court pub. co..
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  49. Stilul.Paul Cernat, Ioana Petrea & Claude Karnoouh - 2003 - Dilema 513:8.
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    God at the crossroads of worldviews: toward a different debate about the existence of God.Paul Seungoh Chung - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    To step back: rethinking the question -- Where we stand: the contemporary question -- The road: rationality and worldviews -- At the crossroads of worldviews -- The crossroad we have passed: the project of Thomas Aquinas -- God at the crossroads: what the five ways do -- The fork: the emergence of modern atheism as a worldview -- To set out: arguing from the crossroads to God.
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