Results for 'Patrick Schäfer'

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  1. The Moral of the Story: Literature and Public Ethics.J. Patrick Dobel, Henry T. Edmondson Iii, Gregory R. Johnson, Peter Kalkavage, Judith Lee Kissell, Peter Augustine Lawler, Alan Levine, Daniel J. Mahoney, Will Morrisey, Pádraig Ó Gormaile, Paul C. Peterson, Michael Platt, Robert M. Schaefer, James Seaton & Juan José Sendín Vinagre (eds.) - 2000 - Lexington Books.
    The contributors to The Moral of the Story, all preeminent political theorists, are unified by their concern with the instructive power of great literature. This thought-provoking combination of essays explores the polyvalent moral and political impact of classic world literatures on public ethics through the study of some of its major figures-including Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, Jane Austen, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Robert Penn Warren, and Dostoevsky. Positing the uniqueness of literature's ability to promote dialogue on salient moral and intellectual virtues, (...)
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  2. ImmPort, toward repurposing of open access immunological assay data for translational and clinical research.Sanchita Bhattacharya, Patrick Dunn, Cristel Thomas, Barry Smith, Henry Schaefer, Jieming Chen, Zicheng Hu, Kelly Zalocusky, Ravi Shankar & Shai Shen-Orr - 2018 - Scientific Data 5:180015.
    Immunology researchers are beginning to explore the possibilities of reproducibility, reuse and secondary analyses of immunology data. Open-access datasets are being applied in the validation of the methods used in the original studies, leveraging studies for meta-analysis, or generating new hypotheses. To promote these goals, the ImmPort data repository was created for the broader research community to explore the wide spectrum of clinical and basic research data and associated findings. The ImmPort ecosystem consists of four components–Private Data, Shared Data, Data (...)
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    Early Modern Skepticism and the Origins of Toleration (review).David Lewis Schaefer - 2000 - Philosophy and Literature 24 (1):227-230.
    Through a glass darkly / Joshua Mitchell -- Skepticism, self, and toleration in Montaigne's political thought / Alan Levine -- French free-thinkers in the first decades of the Edict of Nantes / Maryanne Cline Horowitz -- Descartes and the question of toleration / Michael Gillepsie -- Toleration and the skepticism of religion in Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus / Steven B. Smith -- Monopolizing faith / Alan Houston -- Skepticism and toleration in Hobbes' political thought / Shirley Letwin -- John Locke and (...)
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  4. What It is to Exist: The Contribution of Thomas Aquinas’s View to the Contemporary Debate.Patrick Zoll - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    One important task of metaphysics is to answer the question of what it is for an object to exist. The first part of this book offers a systematic reconstruction and critique of contemporary views on existence. The upshot of this part is that the contemporary debate has reached an impasse because none of the considered views is able to formulate a satisfactory answer to this fundamental metaphysical question. The second part reconstructs Thomas Aquinas’s view on existence (esse) and argues that (...)
  5. Autonomy and Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):123-136.
    Some have objected to human enhancement on the grounds that it violates the autonomy of the enhanced. These objections, however, overlook the interesting possibility that autonomy itself could be enhanced. How, exactly, to enhance autonomy is a difficult problem due to the numerous and diverse accounts of autonomy in the literature. Existing accounts of autonomy enhancement rely on narrow and controversial conceptions of autonomy. However, we identify one feature of autonomy common to many mainstream accounts: reasoning ability. Autonomy can then (...)
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  6. Direct vs. Indirect Moral Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer - 2015 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 25 (3):261-289.
    Moral enhancement is an ostensibly laudable project. Who wouldn’t want people to become more moral? Still, the project’s approach is crucial. We can distinguish between two approaches for moral enhancement: direct and indirect. Direct moral enhancements aim at bringing about particular ideas, motives or behaviors. Indirect moral enhancements, by contrast, aim at making people more reliably produce the morally correct ideas, motives or behaviors without committing to the content of those ideas, motives and/or actions. I will argue, on Millian grounds, (...)
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    Rorty und „post-faktische“ Politik.Patrick Zoll - 2023 - In Martin Müller, Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 997-1016.
    Ein rortyanischer Pragmatismus sieht sich im Kontext der Debatte um „postfaktische Politik“ mit dem Vorwurf konfrontiert, dass er mit seiner Kritik an Wahrheit und Objektivität für deren Entstehung und Erfolg mitverantwortlich ist. Nach einer Klärung der Bedeutung des Begriffs „postfaktische Politik“ werde ich darlegen wie eine rortyanische Pragmatistin diesen Vorwurf in seiner einfachen und raffinierten Variante entkräften kann. Hierbei erörtere ich die Unterschiede zwischen einer subjektivistischen und einer objektivistischen Verteidigungsstrategie und argumentiere dafür, dass die letztgenannte erfolgsversprechender ist. Abschließend skizziere ich, (...)
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  8. Mr. Robot and Philosophy: Beyond Good and Evil Corp, edited by Richard Greene and Rachel Robison-Greene.Patrick D. Anderson - 2025 - Teaching Philosophy 48 (1):119-123.
  9. A. MACINTYRE, God, Philosophy, Universities, ISBN 978-0-7425-4429-1.Patrick Zoll - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (4):589-592.
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  10. Procedural Moral Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer & Julian Savulescu - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):73-84.
    While philosophers are often concerned with the conditions for moral knowledge or justification, in practice something arguably less demanding is just as, if not more, important – reliably making correct moral judgments. Judges and juries should hand down fair sentences, government officials should decide on just laws, members of ethics committees should make sound recommendations, and so on. We want such agents, more often than not and as often as possible, to make the right decisions. The purpose of this paper (...)
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  11. Can reproductive genetic manipulation save lives?G. Owen Schaefer - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (3):381-386.
    It has recently been argued that reproductive genetic manipulation technologies like mitochondrial replacement and germline CRISPR modifications cannot be said to save anyone’s life because, counterfactually, no one would suffer more or die sooner absent the intervention. The present article argues that, on the contrary, reproductive genetic manipulations may be life-saving (and, from this, have therapeutic value) under an appropriate population health perspective. As such, popular reports of reproductive genetic manipulations potentially saving lives or preventing disease are not necessarily mistaken, (...)
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  12. Precision Medicine and Big Data: The Application of an Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research.G. Owen Schaefer, E. Shyong Tai & Shirley Sun - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):275-288.
    As opposed to a ‘one size fits all’ approach, precision medicine uses relevant biological, medical, behavioural and environmental information about a person to further personalize their healthcare. This could mean better prediction of someone’s disease risk and more effective diagnosis and treatment if they have a condition. Big data allows for far more precision and tailoring than was ever before possible by linking together diverse datasets to reveal hitherto-unknown correlations and causal pathways. But it also raises ethical issues relating to (...)
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  13. Religious Affects: Animality, Evolution, and Power.Donovan O. Schaefer - unknown
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    Kierkegaard's mirrors: interest, self, and moral vision.Patrick Stokes - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is it to see the world, other people, and imagined situations as making personal moral demands of us? What is it to experience stories as speaking to us personally and directly? Kierkegaard's Mirrors explores Kierkegaard's answers to these questions, with a new phenomenological interpretation of Kierkegaardian 'interest'.
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  15.  42
    Reconceptualizing Moral Disengagement as a Process: Transcending Overly Liberal and Overly Conservative Practice in the Field.Ulf Schaefer & Onno Bouwmeester - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):525-543.
    Moral disengagement was initially conceptualized as a process through which people reconstrue unethical behaviors, with the effect of deactivating self-sanctions and thereby clearing the way for ethical transgressions. Our article challenges how researchers now conceptualize moral disengagement. The current literature is overly liberal, in that it mixes two related but distinct constructs—process moral disengagement and the propensity to morally disengage—creating ambiguity in the findings. It is overly conservative, as it adopts a challengeable classification scheme of “four points in moral self-regulation” (...)
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    Kant, organisms, and representation.Patrick R. Leland - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 79:101223.
    Some interpreters claim Kant distinguishes between organisms and living things. I argue that this claim is underdetermined by the textual evidence. Once this is recognized, it becomes a real possibility that Kant’s various remarks about the essential properties of living things generalize to organisms as such. This, in turn, generates a puzzle. Kant repeatedly claims that the capacity for representation is essential to the nature of a living thing. If he does not distinguish between living things and organisms, then how (...)
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    Marx's theory of scientific knowledge.Patrick Murray - 1988 - Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.
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    Unravelling into war: trust and social preferences in Hobbes’s state of nature.Alexander Schaefer & Jin-Yeong Sohn - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (2):171-205.
    According to Hobbes, individuals care about their relative standing in a way that shapes their social interactions. To model this aspect of Hobbesian psychology, this paper supposes that agents have social preferences, that is, preferences about their comparative resource holdings. Introducing uncertainty regarding the social preferences of others unleashes a process of trust-unravelling, ultimately leading to Hobbes’s ‘state of war’. This Trust-unravelling Model incorporates important features of Hobbes’s argument that past models ignore.
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    Four aspects of strategic change: contributions to children's learning of multiplication.Patrick Lemaire & Robert S. Siegler - 1995 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 124 (1):83.
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    Eighty exemplary ethics statements.Patrick E. Murphy (ed.) - 1998 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This text presents and comments on 80 exemplary ethics statements from leading corporations and organizations worldwide. It offers these seven principles to follow in developing such statements: write it; tailor it; communicate it; promote it; revise it; live it; and enforce/reinforce it.
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  21. Clarifying how to deploy the public interest criterion in consent waivers for health data and tissue research.G. Owen Schaefer, Graeme Laurie, Sumytra Menon, Alastair V. Campbell & Teck Chuan Voo - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background Several jurisdictions, including Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and most recently Ireland, have a public interest or public good criterion for granting waivers of consent in biomedical research using secondary health data or tissue. However, the concept of the public interest is not well defined in this context, which creates difficulties for institutions, institutional review boards and regulators trying to implement the criterion. Main text This paper clarifies how the public interest criterion can be defensibly deployed. We first explain the (...)
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  22. Navigating conflicts of justice in the use of race and ethnicity in precision medicine.G. Owen Schaefer, E. Shyong Tai & Shirley Hsiao-Li Sun - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):849-856.
    Given the sordid history of injustices linking genetics to race and ethnicity, considerations of justice are central to ensuring the responsible development of precision medicine programmes around the world. While considerations of justice may be in tension with other areas of concern, such as scientific value or privacy, there are also tensions between different aspects of justice. This paper focuses on three particular aspects of justice relevant to this precision medicine: social justice, distributive justice and human rights. We describe the (...)
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  23. Code-consistent ethics review: defence of a hybrid account.G. Owen Schaefer - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):494-495.
    It is generally unquestioned that human subjects research review boards should assess the ethical acceptability of protocols. It says so right on the tin, after all: they are explicitly called research ethics committees in the UK. But it is precisely those sorts of unchallenged assumptions that should, from time to time, be assessed and critiqued, in case they are in fact unfounded. John Stuart Mill's objection to suppressers of dissent is instructive here: “If the opinion is right, they are deprived (...)
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  24. Sustainability in the pandemic accord.G. Owen Schaefer, Ezekiel Emanuel, Govind Persad & Maxwell J. Smith - 2024 - BMJ Global Health 9 (6):e015458.
    This commentary examines the role of sustainability in the latest draft of the WHO pandemic accord, highlighting its notable absence from the official list of guiding principles despite being mentioned frequently throughout the text. It argues that sustainability should be explicitly acknowledged as a core principle and given a clear definition tailored to pandemic preparedness, and proposes defining sustainability as ensuring that immediate emergency responses don't compromise future pandemic preparedness and response capabilities. Including sustainability as a guiding principle would serve (...)
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    Ignorance‐Based Justifications for Amnesty.Patrick Lenta - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 51 (2):283-302.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Managerial Ethical Leadership.Patrick E. Murphy & Georges Enderle - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (1):117-128.
    The central role of corporate leaders in setting the ethical tone for their organization is widely accepted. Four well known former CEOs are profiled to illustrate how their managerial ethical leadership not only influenced their firms but also the practice of business. Insights are drawn from their writings and speeches as well as other sources which examine demonstrated leadership abilities. Their behavior not only provides examples of leadership but also is exemplary from an ethical point of view. The article concludes (...)
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    (1 other version)Language, Proof and Logic.Patrick Grim - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):377-379.
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    Freedom of Conscience and the Value of Personal Integrity.Patrick Lenta - 2016 - Ratio Juris 29 (2):246-263.
    Certain philosophers have argued in favour of recognising a right to freedom of conscience that includes a defeasible right of individuals to live in accordance with their perceived moral duties. This right requires the government to exempt people from general laws or regulations that prevent them from acting consistently with their perceived moral duties. The importance of protecting individuals’ integrity is sometimes invoked in favour of accommodating conscience. I argue that personal integrity is valuable since autonomy, identity and self-respect are (...)
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    Polymath as an Epistemic Community.Patrick Allo, Jean Paul Van Bendegem & Bart Van Kerkhove - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman, Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 2727-2756.
    The Polymath Project is an online collaborative enterprise that was initiated in 2009, when Timothy Gowers asked whether and how groups could work together to solve mathematical problems that “do not naturally split up into a vast number of subtasks.” Gowers proposed to answer this question himself by actually trying to set up such a collaboration, based on interactions taking place in the comment-threads of a series of posts on a WordPress blog. Hence, the first project officially started in early (...)
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    Effects of embodiment on social attention mechanisms in human-robot interaction.Abdulaziz Abubshait, Patrick Weis & Eva Wiese - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31. Forever beyond our grasp?: Review of P. Kyle Stanford , Exceeding Our Grasp: Science, History, and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives.Patrick Forber - 2008 - Biology and Philosophy 23 (1):135-141.
    Does science successfully uncover the deep structure of the natural world? Or are the depths forever beyond our epistemic grasp? Since the decline of logical positivism and logical empiricism, scientific realism has become the consensus view: of course our scientific theories apprehend the deep structure of the world. What else could explain the remarkable success of science? This is the explanationist defense of scientific realism, the “ultimate argument.” Kyle Stanford starts here and, using the history of theorizing about biological inheritance (...)
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  32. Informational Semantics as a Third Alternative?Patrick Allo & Edwin Mares - 2011 - Erkenntnis 77 (2):167-185.
    Informational semantics were first developed as an interpretation of the model-theory of substructural (and especially relevant) logics. In this paper we argue that such a semantics is of independent value and that it should be considered as a genuine alternative explication of the notion of logical consequence alongside the traditional model-theoretical and the proof-theoretical accounts. Our starting point is the content-nonexpansion platitude which stipulates that an argument is valid iff the content of the conclusion does not exceed the combined content (...)
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    Developing, Communicating and Promoting Corporate Ethics Statements: A Longitudinal Analysis.Patrick E. Murphy - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (2):183-189.
    This paper reports on the findings of the third in a series of surveys of large U.S.-based and multinational corporations on their ethics statements. Focusing on four types – values statement, corporate credo, code of ethics and Internet privacy policy – we find growth in the use of these statements over the last decade. We discuss the external communication of these statements, including the avenues that are now used for promotion and their intended audiences. The paper concludes with a number (...)
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    ‘See For Your Self’: Contemporaneity, Autopsy and Presence in Kierkegaard's Moral-Religious Psychology.Patrick Stokes - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):297 – 319.
  35. Kant's empirical account of human action.Patrick Frierson - 2005 - Philosophers' Imprint 5:1-34.
    In the first Critique, Kant says, “[A]ll the actions of a human being are determined in accord with the order of nature,” adding that “if we could investigate all the appearances . . . there would be no human action we could not predict with certainty.” Most Kantian treatments of human action discuss action from a practical perspective, according to which human beings are transcendentally free, and thus do not sufficiently lay out this Kant’s empirical, causal description of human action. (...)
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    Will it be me? Identity, concern and perspective.Patrick Stokes - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):206-226.
    (2013). Will it be me? Identity, concern and perspective. Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 206-226.
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  37. Context is Needed When Assessing Fair Subject Selection.G. Owen Schaefer - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (2):20-22.
    Volume 20, Issue 2, February 2020, Page 20-22.
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    The Incomplete Universe: Totality, Knowledge, and Truth.Aladdin M. Yaqub & Patrick Grim - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (2):339.
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    Introduction to “Working at the Margins: Labor and the Politics of Participation in Natural History, 1700–1830”.Patrick Anthony - 2021 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 44 (2):115-136.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, EarlyView.
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  40. Dispensability in the Indispensability Argument.Patrick Dieveney - 2007 - Synthese 157 (1):105-128.
    One of the most influential arguments for realism about mathematical objects is the indispensability argument. Simply put, this is the argument that insofar as we are committed to the existence of the physical objects existentially quantified over in our best scientific theories, we are also committed to the mathematical objects existentially quantified over in these theories. Following the Quine–Putnam formulation of the indispensability argument, some proponents of the indispensability argument have made the mistake of taking confirmational holism to be an (...)
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    The problem of spontaneous goodness: from Kierkegaard to Løgstrup.Patrick Stokes - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (2):139-159.
    Historically, Western philosophy has struggled to accommodate, or has simply denied, the moral value of spontaneous, non-reflective action. One important exception is in the work of K.E. Løgstrup, whose phenomenological ethics involves a claim that the ‘ethical demand’ of care for the other can only be realized through spontaneous assent to ‘sovereign expressions of life’ such as trust and mercy. Løgstrup attacks Kierkegaard for devaluing spontaneous moral action, but as I argue, Kierkegaard too offers an implicit view of spontaneous moral (...)
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    Positioning Theory and Intellectual Interventions.Patrick Baert - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (3):304-324.
    This article sets out the basic principles of a new theory of intellectual interventions centred round the notion of positioning. Intellectual interventions are seen as ways in which intellectuals locate themselves in the socio-political and intellectual field, thereby also positioning others. The existing contributions to the study of intellectuals often take the self-concepts or dispositions of intellectuals to be fixed, and they tend to focus on the causes and motivations behind intellectual interventions. Challenging this perspective, the theory proposed substitutes a (...)
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    What Is the Goal of Moral Engineering?G. Owen Schaefer - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 2 (4):10-11.
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  44. Kant, Individual Responsibility, and Climate Change.Patrick Frierson - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):35-38.
    In ‘Climate Change and Individual Duties’, Christian Baatz draws on two important features of Kant's moral philosophy: his principle that ‘ought implies can’, and his distinction between perfect an...
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    Whats Missing in Episodic Self-Experience? A Kierkegaardian Response to Galen Strawson.Patrick Stokes - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (1-2):1-2.
    In a series of important papers, Galen Strawson has articulated a spectrum of “temporal temperaments,” populated at one end by “Diachronics”, who experience their selves (understood as the “mental entity” they are at this moment) as something that existed in the past and will exist in the future, and at the other end by “Episodics”, who lack any such sense of temporal extension. As a self-declared Episodic, Strawson provides lucid descriptions of what episodicity is like, but cannot furnish a corresponding (...)
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    Making Vaccines Available to Other Countries Before Offering Domestic Booster Vaccinations.G. Owen Schaefer, Rj Leland & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2021 - JAMA 326 (10):903–904.
  47.  32
    The Theory of Everything: A Sympathetic Critique of Andeas Reckwitz’s The Society of Singularities.Patrick Baert - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):323-329.
    After situating Andreas Reckwitz’s The Society of Singularities within the broader context of the tradition of social theory, we discuss in detail the obvious strengths of this book, notably its impressive range and originality. Subsequently, we elaborate on two limitations of Reckwitz’s argument. Firstly, we argue that Reckwitz’s use of categories such as ‘singularity’ and ‘universality’ is too all-embracing, lacking the clarity and focus needed to sustain a productive line of inquiry. Secondly, and related to the previous point, we contend (...)
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    Justice or tyranny?: A critique of John Rawls's A theory of justice.David Lewis Schaefer - 1979 - Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press.
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    The Power of Resurrection: Foucault, Discipline, and Early Christian Resistance.Patrick G. Stefan - 2019 - Fortress Academic.
    In this book, Patrick G. Stefan argues that the subversive message of resurrection was instrumental in Christianity’s expansion. Using Foucault’s analysis of how material conditions shape and create individual subjects, Stefan shows how the idea of resurrection undermined Caesar’s control over those living in his domain.
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    Regret and the Consciousness of the Past.Patrick Eldridge - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (5):646-663.
    This paper offers a phenomenological analysis of the relationship between regret and episodic memory, the temporal structure of ‘regretful memory’, the affective and evaluative dimension of regretful memory and the counterfactual dimension of regretful memory. Based on Husserl’s phenomenology, I offer an analysis of regret’s complex structures of intentionality and time-consciousness. Husserl held that episodic memory requires two temporal orientations on one’s own experience: the past now that one relives and the present now in which one does the reliving. If (...)
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