Results for 'P. Kuchynka'

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  1. On the sense of nonsense.P. Kuchynka - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47 (6):885-899.
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    Quotation and the use-mention distinction.P. Saka - unknown - Oxford University Press.
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  3. BAB 6: USAHA PATUNGAN.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Pada musim semi, entah kenapa, tidak banyak ikan. Karena tangkapannya sangat tidak stabil, Pekakak mulai berpikir. Lalu membuat beberapa rencana. Dengan otoritas komandonya, dia memanggil Bangau: – Ini adalah musim penangkapan ikan yang sangat sulit. Jika kita ingin kenyang, kita harus membuat usaha patungan. Bangau mengangguk, menambahkan: - Saya setuju; mari kita beternak ikan kakap putih dan ikan mas krusia. Jenis ini berumur panjang dan sangat produktif. Pekakak dan Bangau sepakat untuk berbagi tugas beternak, dan tidak ada diskriminasi yang diizinkan. (...)
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  4. BAB 4: BURUNG GURU.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Suatu pagi di musim panas, desa burung diselimuti keheningan. Semua orang sibuk mendengarkan pengembara baru. Burung pengembara ini berasal dari keluarga yang tidak jelas; bulunya berwarna-warni, gerak-geriknya lucu, dan ilmunya baru. Dia bercerita seolah-olah sedang memberi ceramah, tepat sekali, warga desa memanggilnya burung Guru – orang yang menjawab setiap pertanyaan aneh warga desa yang rajin belajar. Burung pelatuk telah belajar menangkap cacing di sore hari, sehingga mereka tidak perlu bangun pagi. Burung pipit sekarang tahu cara mencuri beras dari gudang saat (...)
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  5. BAB 5: RUMAH BESAR.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Pekakak selama ini tinggal di gua galiannya sendiri di tepi kolam, tapi sekarang dia memutuskan bahwa dia membutuhkan rumah baru. Dia melakukan tur keliling desa untuk melihat bagaimana burung-burung lain membangun rumah mereka. Dia mengunjungi Tuan Pipit, yang tinggal di pohon pinus yang bersiul. Bagian depan bangunannya tampak indah, dan lokasinya yang tinggi memberikan ventilasi yang baik. Tapi, semakin lama dia menginap, dia jadi semakin pusing. Hembusan angin apa pun yang menerpa membuat seluruh struktur bangunan bergetar seolah-olah akan hancur berantakan.
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  6. Zarys teorii prawa naturalnego Johna Finnisa.P. Łabieniec - 1999 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3-4).
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  7. Predator-prey interactions.P. A. Abrams - 2001 - In C. W. Fox D. A. Roff, Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies. pp. 277--289.
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  8. Cesare Beccaria.P. P. A. - 1972 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:304.
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  9. Centenario della morte di Mazzini.P. P. A. - 1972 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:306.
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  10. Croce e Dilthey.P. P. A. - 1977 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:288.
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  11. Downward Causation.P. B. Andersen, Claus Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann & P. V. Christiansen (eds.) - 2000 - Aarhus, Denmark: University of Aarhus Press.
    The book deals with the notion of Downward Causation from a wide array of perspectives, including physics, biology, psychology, social science, communication studies, text theory, and philosophy. The book includes proponents as well as opponents discussing the validity of the notion.
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  12. Love First.P. Quinn White - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    How should we respond to the humanity of others? Should we care for others’ well-being? Respect them as autonomous agents? Largely neglected is an answer we can find in the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism: we should love all. This paper argues that an ideal of love for all can be understood apart from its more typical religious contexts and moreover provides a unified and illuminating account of the the nature and grounds of morality. I defend a novel (...)
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  13. Reinventing Sanatana Dharma.Mukundan P. R. (ed.) - 2024 - New Delhi: Authorspress (11 February 2024); Q-2A, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi - 110 016 Language ‏ : ‎ English.
    This book delves into esoteric knowledge, describing the structure of the universe (Brahmanda or Cosmic Egg) as a series of astral biospheres. These biospheres, or lokas, are linked to spiritual consciousness and degrees of divine bliss (Ananda). Advanced spiritual figures, such as Rishis and Mahatmas, can navigate these realms and help others evolve. The article presents a detailed comparison between “Puranic Hinduism” and “Sanatana Dharma”, specifically addressing their differences in cosmogenesis and spiritual evolution. The difference between the cosmogenesis of Puranic (...)
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  14. On trusting chatbots.P. D. Magnus - forthcoming - Episteme.
    This paper focuses on the epistemic situation one faces when using a Large Language Model based chatbot like ChatGPT: When reading the output of the chatbot, how should one decide whether or not to believe it? By surveying strategies we use with other, more familiar sources of information, I argue that chatbots present a novel challenge. This makes the question of how one could trust a chatbot especially vexing.
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  15. Precis of A Philosophy of Cover Songs.P. D. Magnus - manuscript
    A brief overview of _A Philosophy of Cover Songs_, highlighting some of the main themes in the book. The first part addresses the nature of covers and makes some important initial distinctions. The second part addresses the appreciation and evaluation of covers. The third part addresses covers as a clue to the ontology of songs. Written to introduce a session at the American Society for Aesthetics Rocky Mountain Division meeting in Santa Fe, New Mexico (July 13, 2024).
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  16. Creativity, Imagination, and the Culinary Arts.P. Engisch - forthcoming - In Amy Kind & Julia Langkau, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Imagination and Creativity. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter explores what it can mean to say that culinary products (i.e., recipes and their outputs) are creative. It answers this question by distinguishing between three different kinds of creativity (idle, productive, and super-productive creativity) and two different kinds of creative domains, locked-in and expandable ones. It argues that culinary products can be creative in the three different ways just mentioned and that, accordingly, the creative domain constituted by the culinary arts turns out to be an expandable one.
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    Strong, universal and provably non-trivial set theory by means of adaptive logic.P. Verdee - 2013 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (1):108-125.
  18. For pluralism and against realism about species.P. Kyle Stanford - 1995 - Philosophy of Science 62 (1):70-91.
    I argue for accepting a pluralist approach to species, while rejecting the realism about species espoused by P. Kitcher and a number of other philosophers of biology. I develop an alternative view of species concepts as divisions of organisms into groups for study which are relative to the systematic explanatory interests of biologists at a particular time. I also show how this conception resolves a number of difficult puzzles which plague the application of particular species concepts.
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  19. Promises, morals, and law.P. S. Atiyah - 1981 - Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Clarendon Press.
    Chapter Promising in Law and Morals Promissory and contractual obligations raise many issues of common interest to philosophers and lawyers. ...
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    Eventually infinite time Turing machine degrees: Infinite time decidable reals.P. D. Welch - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1193-1203.
    We characterise explicitly the decidable predicates on integers of Infinite Time Turing machines, in terms of admissibility theory and the constructible hierarchy. We do this by pinning down ζ, the least ordinal not the length of any eventual output of an Infinite Time Turing machine (halting or otherwise); using this the Infinite Time Turing Degrees are considered, and it is shown how the jump operator coincides with the production of mastercodes for the constructible hierarchy; further that the natural ordinals associated (...)
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    (1 other version)Beautiful, troubling art: in defense of non-summative judgment.P. Quinn White - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-25.
    Do the ethical features of an artwork bear on its aesthetic value? This movie endorses misogyny, that song is a civil rights anthem, the clay constituting this statue was extracted with underpaid labor—are facts like these the proper bases for aesthetic evaluation? I argue that this debate has suffered from a false presupposition: that if the answer is “yes” (for at least some such ethical features), such considerations feature as pro tanto contributions to an artwork’s overall aesthetic value, i.e., as (...)
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    Multidimensional scaling of facial expressions.Robert P. Abelson & Vello Sermat - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):546.
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    Existential Biology: Kurt Goldstein's Functionalist Rendering of the Human Body.P. M. Whitehead - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (1-2):206-224.
    The author clarifies the existential philosophy that is implicit in Kurt Goldstein's philosophy of organism (Goldstein, 1963; 1995). Situated in response to the growing trend that psychological phenomena are reducible to the nervous system, the author argues for the reverse: that the significance of nervous system activity can only be understood by viewing it as background to foreground performances. Like the organization of perception into meaningful figure-- ground Gestalts, the existential modes of embodiment, sociality, temporality, spatiality, and attunement are organized (...)
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  24. hilosophy of Information.P. Adriaans & J. van Benthem (eds.) - 2008 - MIT Press.
  25. Fast machine-learning online optimization of ultra-cold-atom experiments.P. B. Wigley, P. J. Everitt, A. van den Hengel, J. W. Bastian, M. A. Sooriyabandara, G. D. McDonald, K. S. Hardman, C. D. Quinlivan, P. Manju, C. C. N. Kuhn, I. R. Petersen, A. N. Luiten, J. J. Hope, N. P. Robins & M. R. Hush - 2016 - Sci. Rep 6:25890.
    We apply an online optimization process based on machine learning to the production of Bose-Einstein condensates. BEC is typically created with an exponential evaporation ramp that is optimal for ergodic dynamics with two-body s-wave interactions and no other loss rates, but likely sub-optimal for real experiments. Through repeated machine-controlled scientific experimentation and observations our ’learner’ discovers an optimal evaporation ramp for BEC production. In contrast to previous work, our learner uses a Gaussian process to develop a statistical model of the (...)
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    Dressing vs. Fixing: On How to Extract and Interpret Gauge-Invariant Content.P. Berghofer & J. François - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (6):1-26.
    There is solid consensus among physicists and philosophers that, in gauge field theory, for a quantity to be physically meaningful or real, it must be gauge-invariant. Yet, every “elementary” field in the Standard Model of particle physics is actually gauge-variant. This has led a number of researchers to insist that new manifestly gauge-invariant approaches must be established. Indeed, in the foundational literature, dissatisfaction with standard methods for reducing gauge symmetries has been expressed: Spontaneous symmetry breaking is deemed conceptually dubious, while (...)
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    If the Free Will Defense Works, Then God Exists.P. Roger Turner - 2024 - Philosophia Christi 26 (1):171-179.
    The modal version of the ontological argument (MOA) for God’s existence is controversial, primarily, at its first premise, the premise that reads “possibly, there exists a maximally great being.” So, what’s needed is an argument for the possibility of a maximally great being, a being that is omnipotent, omniscient, morally perfect, has these properties essentially, and is such that it exists necessarily. Ironically, I think that such an argument can be found in the literature on the problem of evil, literature (...)
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    Personal Identity: A Philosophical Analysis.P. Vesey - 1974 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    Diagnosis of large active systems.P. Baroni, G. Lamperti, P. Pogliano & M. Zanella - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 110 (1):135-183.
  30. (1 other version)Erkenntnistheoretische Grundzüge der Naturwissenschaften und ihre Beziehungen zum Geistesleben der Gegenwart.P. Volkmann - 1896 - The Monist 7:142.
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    The Justice of the Epicurean Wise Man.P. A. Waerdt - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (2):402-422.
    In this essay I discuss an important but neglected controversy in which the Stoics sought to discredit Epicurus' teaching on justice by showing that the Epicurean wise man, if immune from detection or punishment, will commit injustice whenever he may profit from it. Under the influence of this criticism, tradition has developed a view of Epicurus' position that makes it so weak and vulnerable that it is difficult to see how Epicureans could have defended it over the course of several (...)
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  32. [Life tables for Switzerland 1988/1993].P. Wanner, E. G. Stockwell, F. W. Goza, T. Martelin, J. L. Bobadilla, S. Karchmer, V. Trebici, V. Ghetau, D. Carmelli & W. F. Page - 1996 - Journal of Biosocial Science 28 (1):73-84.
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    Countable unions of simple sets in the core model.P. D. Welch - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):293-312.
    We follow [8] in asking when a set of ordinals $X \subseteq \alpha$ is a countable union of sets in K, the core model. We show that, analogously to L, and X closed under the canonical Σ 1 Skolem function for K α can be so decomposed provided K is such that no ω-closed filters are put on its measure sequence, but not otherwise. This proviso holds if there is no inner model of a weak Erdős-type property.
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  34. Searle's argument is just a set of Chinese symbols.Robert P. Abelson - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):424-425.
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    Understanding general practitioners' conflicts of interests and the paramountcy principle in safeguarding children.P. Wainwright & A. Gallagher - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (5):302-305.
    As family physicians, general practitioners play a key role in safeguarding children. Should they suspect child abuse or neglect they may experience a conflict between responding to the needs and interests of the child and those of an adult patient. English law insists on the paramountcy of the interests of the child, but in family practice many other interests may be at stake. The authors argue that uncritical adoption of the paramountcy principle is too simplistic and can lead, paradoxically, to (...)
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    Tu es la grande sœur, montre l’exemple.Pınar Padar & Gizem Erkay Sala - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):29-40.
    Le désir d’une femme d’avoir un enfant la précipite dans un monde conflictuel. Quand elle n’a pas été en mesure de mener à son terme une séparation psychique avec la mère, son identification féminine demeure sous le joug maternel. Les sentiments inconscients de culpabilité, en raison de la volonté de mettre au monde un enfant, se concentrent en premier lieu sur la mère puis s’orientent vers le premier enfant et retentissent le cas échéant sur les relations fraternelles. L’article s’attelle à (...)
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    Anthologie de la calculabilité.P. Cantù - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):378-380.
    Volume 45, Issue 3, August 2024, Page 378-380.
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  38. On Climate Change Research, the Crisis of Science and Second-order Science.P. Aufenvenne, H. Egner & K. Elverfeldt - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):120-129.
    Context: This conceptual paper tries to tackle the advantages and the limitations that might arise from including second-order science into global climate change sciences, a research area that traditionally focuses on first-order approaches and that is currently attracting a lot of media and public attention. Problem: The high profile of climate change research seems to provoke a certain dilemma for scientists: despite the slowly increasing realization within the sciences that our knowledge is temporary, tentative, uncertain, and far from stable, the (...)
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    Free subsets in internally approachable models.P. D. Welch - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-9.
    We consider a question of Pereira as to whether the characteristic function of an internally approachable model can lead to free subsets for functions of the model. Pereira isolated the pertinent Approachable Free Subsets Property (AFSP) in his work on the pcf{\text {pcf}} pcf -conjecture. A recent related property is the Approachable Bounded Subset Property (ABSP) of Ben-Neria and Adolf, and we here directly show it requires modest large cardinals to establish:TheoremIf ABSP holds for an ascending sequence $$ \langle \aleph (...)
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  40. Transformations in consciousness: Continuity, the self and marginal consciousness.P. Sven Arvidson - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (3):3-26.
    The term ‘consciousness’ is usually reserved only for the focus of attention. This restriction empties the phenomenology of consciousness of some of its richness. Rather than conceiving of consciousness as one-dimensional, researchers should consider that consciousness has a three-dimensional organization. Conscious presentations are structured in a focus, context and margin pattern. Inclusion of these other dimensions of consciousness as consciousness is important for an adequate relation between scientific method and phenomenology. The problem becomes especially acute when transformations in consciousness -- (...)
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    Miracles and common understanding.P. S. Wadia - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (102):69-81.
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    Certain classes of models for empirical systems.P. M. Williams - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (1):73 - 90.
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    Professor Toulmin and ‘the Function’ of Ethics.P. S. Wadia - 1965 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 14:88-93.
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  44. Frédéric LOUZEAU, L'anthropologie sociale du Père Gaston Fessard.P. Valadier - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (4):671.
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  45. Idealizzazione della verità e coerentismo. Due perplessità sul realismo della seconda ingenuità.P. Valore - 2004 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 41 (1):220-226.
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    Interculturalidad, espacio entreculturas y la referencia ético-moral.P. Vallescar - 2013 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 18 (60):57-68.
    El artículo muestra la complejidad y multidimensionalidad de la interculturalidad y realiza algunas consideraciones partiendo de las disciplinas de la ética, psicología, educación y política. Nos interesa subrayar la inserción como un modo de ser y de relacionarse y su papel en el plano de las relac..
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  47. La disjonction de la personne et de la conscience dans la croissance surnaturelle: Recherches sur l'idée chrétienne de personne.P. Vallin - 2000 - Revue Thomiste 100 (1):45-61.
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  48. Le Temple de la sagesse. Savoirs, ecriture et sociabilite urbaine (Lyon, XVII^ e-XVIII^ es), de S. Van Damme.P. Vallin - 2005 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 93 (3).
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  49. The idea of justice * by Amartya Sen.P. Vallentyne - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):204-207.
    (No abstract is available for this citation).
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    PDL for structured data: a graph-calculus approach.P. A. S. Veloso, S. R. M. Veloso & M. R. F. Benevides - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (5):737-757.
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