Results for 'P. Engelbert'

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  1. Peters-Hilprecht Controversy.P. Engelbert Huber - 1908 - The Monist 18:638.
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  2. Die Personennamen in den Keilschrifturkunden. [REVIEW]P. Engelbert Huber - 1908 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 18:636.
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    Das Schicksal als poetische Idee bei Homer. Dr von P. Engelbert Eberhard (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, XIII. Band, 1. Heft). One vol. 8½″ ×5½″. Pp. 80. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh, 1923. [REVIEW]R. B. Onians - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (5-6):135-136.
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    Przywara and von Balthasar on Analogy.James V. Zeitz - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):473-498.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PRZYWARA AND VON BALTHASAR ON ANALOGY ERICK PRZYWARA'S major work is entitled Analogia Entis: Metaphysil:,, Ur-Struktur und All-Rhythmus.1 As we will explain, it is especially the subtitle, " Basicstructure and Overall-rhythm", which is important in understanding the type of metaphysics he proposes. An explicit treatment of analogy by Hans Urs von Balthasar may be found in a se:des of two articles, " Analogie und Dialektik " and " Analogie (...)
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    Can there be an ethics of care?P. Allmark - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (1):19-24.
    There is a growing body of writing, for instance from the nursing profession, espousing an approach to ethics based on care. I suggest that this approach is hopelessly vague and that the vagueness is due to an inadequate analysis of the concept of care. An analysis of 'care' and related terms suggests that care is morally neutral. Caring is not good in itself, but only when it is for the right things and expressed in the right way. 'Caring' ethics assumes (...)
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  6. Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences.P.-A. Braillard & C. Malaterre (eds.) - 2015 - Springer.
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    Is it ethical to deny genetic research participants individualised results?P. Affleck - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4):209-213.
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    Aesthetics of Care: Practice in Everyday Life.P. Quinn White - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
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    Nación e historia. La justificación e interpretación histórica de las naciones a finales del siglo XIX y en la primera mitad del XX.Rafael E. Acevedo P. - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (21):191-227.
    El propósito de este texto es ofrecer una visión general de la relación entre nación e historia en los debates que se generaron por parte de los historiadores y otros intelectuales de las ciencias sociales a finales del siglo XIX y durante gran parte del siglo XX. La reflexión central que se plantea consiste entonces en estudiar y mostrar cómo al mismo tiempo que las naciones modernas eran objeto de un proceso de redefinición política, en el escenario intelectual de las (...)
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    Causal interpretation of the modified Klein-Gordon equation.P. N. Kaloyerou - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (10-12):1413.
    A consistent causal interpretation of the Klein-Gordon equation treated as a field equation has been developed, and leads to a model of entities described by the Klein-Gordon equation, i.e., spinless, massive bosons, as objectively existing fields. The question arises, however, as to whether a causal interpretation based on a particle ontology of the Klein-Gordon equation is also possible. Our purpose in this article will be to indicate, by making what we believe is a best possible attempt at developing a particle (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. Van Torre, P. van Doornik, J. De Fraine, J. Verbeke, P. Smulders, H. Jans, P. Grootens, P. Fransen, J. Kerkhofs, J. Beyer, J. Vanneste, J. Vercruysse, W. Boelens, M. Huybens, J. H. Nota, A. Poncelet, W. Couturier, E. Huffer, J. Defever, G. Jacqmotte, J. M. Kijm, Cl Beukers, M. Dierickx, G. Achten, J. De Cock, P. Ploumen & E. Bolsius - 1960 - Bijdragen 21 (4):429-464.
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    Markets, Governance and Human Development.P. B. Anand & Miriam des GasperTeschl - 2010 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 11 (1):3.
  13.  69
    Operator Derivation of the Gauge-Invariant Proca and Lehnert Equations; Elimination of the Lorenz Condition.P. K. Anastasovski, T. E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W. T. Coffey, L. B. Crowell, G. J. Evans, M. W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, P. R. Molnár, S. Roy & J. P. Vigier - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (7):1123-1129.
    Using covariant derivatives and the operator definitions of quantum mechanics, gauge invariant Proca and Lehnert equations are derived and the Lorenz condition is eliminated in U(1) invariant electrodynamics. It is shown that the structure of the gauge invariant Lehnert equation is the same in an O(3) invariant theory of electrodynamics.
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  14. A brain model theory for epilepsy and its treatment: experimental verification using SQUID measurements.P. A. Anninos, N. Tsagas & A. Adamopoulos - 1989 - In Rodney M. J. Cotterill, Models of Brain Function. Cambridge University Press. pp. 405--422.
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  15. El dogma de Quine.P. Arango - 2005 - Discusiones Filosóficas 6 (9).
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  16. E plausible l'epistemologia naturalizzata di Quine?P. Artuso - 1989 - Filosofia 40 (3):255-282.
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    De l'existence historique.P. Aubenque & Karl Löwith - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (4):473 - 489.
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    Interpretation of epicardial mapping by means of computer simulations: Applications to calcium, lidocaine and to BRL 34915.P. Auger, R. Cardinal, A. Bril, L. Rochette & A. Bardou - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):161-168.
    The aim of this work was to compare experimental investigations on effects of lidocaine, calcium and, BRL 34915 on reentries to simulated data obtained by use of a model of propagation based on the Huygens' constriction method already described in previous works. Calcium and lidocaine effects are investigated on anisotropic conduction conditions. In both cases, reduction in conduction velocities are observed. In lidocaine case, a refractory area is located along the longitudinal axis. In agreement with experimental electrical mapping, the simulations (...)
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  19. Cave Art, Autism, and the Evolution of the Human Mind: Comment.P. Bahn, P. Bloom, U. Frith, E. Zubrow, S. Mithen, I. Tattersall, C. Knight, C. McManus & D. Dennett - unknown
  20. SCHEDARIO-La parola perduta.P. Barcellona - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (3):527.
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    Replicators and vehicles? Or developmental systems?P. E. Griffiths & R. D. Gray - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (4):623-624.
  22.  32
    Armageddon 95 Arndt, W. 61 Attridge, H. 79 Auden, WH 162 Augustine 39, 125, 128, 267.P. Abelard, M. Adams, J. Adderley, African Traditional Religion, T. Agbola, B. Aland, C. Alexander, G. Alföldy, M. Althaus-Reid & T. Altizer - 2012 - In Zoë Bennett & David B. Gowler, Radical Christian Voices and Practice: Essays in Honour of Christopher Rowland. Oxford University Press. pp. 297.
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    61, 88n6.P. Agaesse, B. Alexander, Louis Althusser, Antoine Arnauld, Aubrey John, Bachelard Gaston, Bacon Francis & Beeckman Isaac - 1986 - In Marjorie Grene & Debra Nails, Spinoza And The Sciences. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 322.
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  24. Tradition-Informed Moral Rationallity.P. Agrawal - 2006 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3/4):285.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, J. De Fraine, J. Volckaert, P. Smulders, P. Ploumen, S. Trooster, L. Monden, J. Mulders, J. Van Torre, A. Van Kol, J. Beyer, A. Heymans, I. De la Potterie, J. Rupert, P. Grootens, M. Dierickx, P. Van Doornik, J. Houben, F. De Raedemaeker, L. Vander Kerken, L. Steins Bisschop, R. Hostie, J. Kijm & W. Sormani - 1957 - Bijdragen 18 (4):414-448.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, A. Knockaert, J. De Cock, G. Achten, P. Fransen, J. Kerkhofs, C. Traets, P. Ploumen, A. van Kol, J. Kijm, J. Mulders, J. Vanneste, J. Rupert, J. Vercruysse, P. Grootens, F. Bossuyt, S. Trooster, A. van Leeuwen, C. Verhaak, F. Vandenbussche, A. Poncelet, E. Huffer, M. De Tollenaere, R. Hostie, H. Hoefnagels, P. van Doornik, F. van Beeck, H. Leuridan, P. van Doornick & A. Geerardijn - 1962 - Bijdragen 23 (4):416-448.
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  27. INHELDER B. et J. PLAGET, "De la logique de l'enfant à la logique de l'adolescent".P. A. P. A. - 1994 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 14:149.
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    Computably categorical Boolean algebras enriched by ideals and atoms.P. E. Alaev - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (5):485-499.
  29. Impact of word shape on word recognition.P. A. Allen & B. Wallace - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):526-526.
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    Mechanisms of deformation in cross-linked polyethylene crystals.P. Allan & M. Bevis - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (5):1121-1129.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume V: 1522-1524.P. S. Allen & H. M. Allen (eds.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume Xi: 1534-1536.P. S. Allen, H. M. Allen & H. W. Garrod (eds.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume X: 1532-1534.P. S. Allen, H. M. Allen & H. W. Garrod (eds.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume Vi: 1525-1527.P. S. Allen & H. M. Allen (eds.) - 1926 - Clarendon Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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  35. A Ilha Desconhecida E Os Ilhéus Felizes.P. B. A. - 2004 - E-Topia 1.
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  36. Il "cattolicesimo liberale" di Manzoni.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:606.
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  37. Il tempo in Proust.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:608.
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    Multiple deformation processes in polyethylene single crystals.P. Allan & M. Bevis - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (5):1001-1009.
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  39. Population dynamics and evolution.P. Allen - 1976 - In Erich Jantsch, Evolution And Consciousness: Human Systems In Transition. Reading, Mass.: Reading Ma: Addison-Wesley. pp. 127--130.
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  40. Das Problem der inneren Form. Zur Holderlin-Rezeption Benjamins und Adornos.P. -A. Alt - 1987 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (3):531-562.
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    Case vignette: unanticipated propinquity.P. S. Appelbaum, R. Bourne, P. J. Candilis & L. M. Jorgenson - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (4):377-388.
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    Una nueva biblioteca agustiniana bilingüe.P. Artamendi - 1975 - Augustinus 20 (77-78):119-122.
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  43. Authors’ Response: Communicating Second-Order Science.P. Aufenvenne, H. Egner & K. Elverfeldt - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (1):135-139.
    Upshot: For communicating second-order science, von Foerster’s ethical imperative provides a viable starting point. Proceeding from this, we plead in favour of emphasising the common grounds of diverging scientific opinions and of various approaches in second-order science instead of focussing on the differences. This will provide a basis for communication and stimulate scientific self-reflection.
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    The Hidden Message: Errol Harris's The Substance of Spinoza.P. J. Bagley - 1999 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 7 (2):225-242.
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  45. María Zambrano: en homenaje.P. García Barriuso - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 14:272-274.
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    The Later Philosophy of R. G. Collingwood (review). [REVIEW]George E. Derfer - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):143-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 143 sensual reason is supposed to develop the powers of observation and reasoning to the highest degree but not the spiritual intuition into the essence of things. Steiner proposed a theory of reincarnation; he also created a special kind of Christology which is based on the assumption that there were two Jesus-boys, one of whom incarnated the spirit of Zarathustra. As for Christ he descended into the (...)
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  47. Mentalność sekty a ideologia postmodernistyczna.P. Bortkiewicz - 1996 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 33:162.
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  48. Immanuel Kant.P. Carus - forthcoming - Prolegomena.
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  49. The coming of precision to scientific observation.P. Costabel - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (114):447-452.
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  50. Transforming the church isn't finished yet.P. J. Cullinane - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (1):3.
    Cullinane, PJ In his encyclical Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis sets his hopes, dreams and expectations for the church squarely within the gospel. He says, for example: I dream of a 'missionary option', that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church's customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today's world rather than for the Church's own self-preservation.
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