Results for 'Orsola Garofalo'

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  1.  48
    How Leaders Influence (un)Ethical Behaviors Within Organizations: A Laboratory Experiment on Reporting Choices.Mario Daniele Amore, Orsola Garofalo & Alice Guerra - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):495-510.
    We use a lab experiment to examine whether and how leaders influence workers’ (un)ethical behavior through financial reporting choices. We randomly assign the role of leaders or workers to subjects, who can choose to report an outcome via automatic or self-reporting. Self-reporting allows for profitable and undetectable earnings manipulation. We vary the leaders’ ability to choose the reporting method and to punish workers. We show that workers are more likely to choose automatic reporting when their leader voluntarily does so and (...)
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  2. Knowledge developed by a high school teacher participating in a physics research experience.Joe Garofalo, Richard Lindgren & Thomas O'neill - 1992 - Science Education 76 (1):43-50.
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    Wittgenstein and Marx: language, mind and society.Pietro Garofalo, Christoph Demmerling & Felice Cimatti (eds.) - 2022 - [Italy?]: Mimesis International.
    Drawing upon multiple research fields, this volume explores the affinities between the work of Marx and Wittgenstein, arguing that although they belong to two different philosophical traditions, their thinking can offer benefits across both political philosophy and philosophy of language.
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    Logica, etica ed estetica nella pedagogia democratica di John Dewey: il buon giudizio tra libertà, responsabilità e cura.Orsola Iermano - 2023 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica.
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    Umani di nuovo: con il postumano e Michel Serres.Orsola Rignani - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  6. Excusing Corporate Wrongdoing and the State of Nature.Kenneth Silver & Paul Garofalo - forthcoming - Academy of Management Review.
    Most business ethicists maintain that corporate actors are subject to a variety of moral obligations. However, there is a persistent and underappreciated concern that the competitive pressures of the market somehow provide corporate actors with a far-reaching excuse from meeting these obligations. Here, we assess this concern. Blending resources from the history of philosophy and strategic management, we demonstrate the assumptions required for and limits of this excuse. Applying the idea of ‘the state of nature’ from Thomas Hobbes, we suggest (...)
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  7. A note on the 'is/ought' problem in Hume's ethical writings.Bruno Garofalo - 1985 - Journal of Value Inquiry 19 (4):311-318.
  8. Politics, mediation, social context, and public use.Reebee Garofalo - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda, Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    Sulla, i Caecilii Metelli e Lanuvium.Paolo Garofalo - 2019 - Hermes 147 (1):42.
    This article aims at throwing light on the connection between the municipal élite of Lanuvium and some members of Rome’s senatorial aristocracy. In particular, from the examination of the sources, a picture of a close tie between the Caecilii Metelli and the gentes Lanuvinae becomes apparent, allowing one to suppose that a patronage relationship existed between the powerful family and the municipium already in the 2nd century BC. At the beginning of the following century, the city of Lanuvium openly supported (...)
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  10. Biagio Pelacani e il senso agente.Orsola Rignani - 2001 - Filosofia 52:183-223.
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    Perugia-Todi: "Oggetto e spazio. Fenomenologia dell'oggetto, forma e cosa, dal XIV al XVII secolo".Orsola Rignani - 2005 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 47:207-226.
  12.  32
    (1 other version)Tra sensi, metamorfismo e mimetismo. Il corpo nuovo nella riflessione di Michel Serres.Orsola Rignani - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):173-179.
    The paper examines and discusses Michel Serres’ idea, expressed in the eighties, of the rediscovery of the senses and his idea expressed in the nineties of the metamorphism and mimicry of the body, reading them as a hominescence.
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  13.  26
    A Less Perfect Perfectionism.Paul Garofalo - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (4):589-617.
    Two central questions concerning the role that persistent disagreements about philosophical, ethical, and religious issues in liberal societies are raised in this paper: (i) whether the state’s authority may be justified on the basis of controversial views and (ii) whether the state may rely on controversial views when exercising authority. Many assume whatever motivates philosophers to respect disagreement in justifying the state—answering “no” to (i)—seems to also require the state to respect disagreement when it acts—answering “no” to (ii). Here I (...)
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  14.  16
    Michel Serres and the Posthumanism: Silencing, Recognizing, and Working on Absences.Orsola Rignani - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (3):167-171.
    Faced with a socio-political-mediatic arena that continues to return the ballet of pandemic, climate change, fourth industrial revolution, sixth mass extinction, war etc., the reflection of Michel Serres and Posthumanism put forth instances for silencing of the anthropocentric logos, and for recognition of the multiplicity, variety, possibility of things and of the human in co-belonging with them, as well as instances for working on these same multiplicities, varieties, possibilities, that are often absences, black holes, repressed of philosophical thought.
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  15.  20
    Adjectives Modulate Sensorimotor Activation Driven by Nouns.Gioacchino Garofalo, Barbara F. M. Marino, Stefano Bellelli & Lucia Riggio - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (3):e12953.
    We performed three experiments to investigate whether adjectives can modulate the sensorimotor activation elicited by nouns. In Experiment 1, nouns of graspable objects were used as stimuli. Participants had to decide if each noun referred to a natural or artifact, by performing either a precision or a power reach‐to‐grasp movement. Response grasp could be compatible or incompatible with the grasp typically used to manipulate the objects to which the nouns referred. The results revealed faster reaction times (RTs) in compatible than (...)
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  16.  15
    La fine del millennio. Due approcci di filosofia della storia.Orsola Rignani - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (2):391-410.
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    Ruggero Bacone su traduttori e traduzioni.Orsola Rignani - 2007 - Doctor Virtualis 7:203-220.
    Bacone coglie la difficoltà delle traduzioni, che non rendono mai in completamente il senso del testo di partenza, soprattutto per quanto riguarda le scienze.
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  18. Legitimacy and two roles for flourishing in politics.Paul Garofalo - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (3):294-314.
    May the state try to promote the flourishing of its citizens? Some political philosophers—perfectionists—hold that the state may do so, while other political philosophers—anti-perfectionists—hold that the state may not do so. Here I examine how perfectionists might respond to a style of argument that anti-perfectionists give—what I call the legitimacy objection. This argument holds that considerations about flourishing are not themselves the right kind of considerations to justify state authority, and so if the state takes action to promote the flourishing (...)
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    Being Human in a More-Than-Human World: Between a Silence Catalyst for (Re) Aestheticization and an Art Catalyst for Relationships.Orsola Rignani - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (12).
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    The Dance-Ephemeral: With Michel Serres.Orsola Rignani - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (5).
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    Emergenze "post-umaniste" dell'umano: prove di analisi storico-comparativa dal presente al passato e ritorno.Orsola Rignani - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Michel Serres and Posthuman Subjectivities: Silencing and Trans-lation to Explore Co-implications.Orsola Rignani - 2024 - Philosophy Study 14 (5).
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    Book Review: Taking it off, Putting it on: Women in the Strip Trade. [REVIEW]Giulia Garofalo - 2005 - Feminist Review 81 (1):129-131.
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  24.  14
    A Reflection on the Posthuman Human: The Postranshominescent.Orsola Rignani - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (8).
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    Anthropo-Eccentric Variations on Times of Crises With Michel Serres and Posthumanism.Orsola Rignani - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (5).
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    Between the Middle Ages, the Contemporary, and the Future: a Trans-Post-Humanist Body.Orsola Rignani - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (10).
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    Inchoative Apocalypses of the Human at the Time of the Anthropocene.Orsola Rignani - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (3).
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    Metafore del corpo post-umanista: Michel Serres.Orsola Rignani - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Tests of a Posthumanist (Franciscan) Religion: The Case of Michel Serres.Orsola Rignani - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (4).
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  30. Jean Grondin (2008): ¿Qué es la Hermenéutica? Barcelona. Herder Editorial. 173 pp. [REVIEW]Luciano Garófalo - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
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    Using Two-Step Cluster Analysis and Latent Class Cluster Analysis to Classify the Cognitive Heterogeneity of Cross-Diagnostic Psychiatric Inpatients.Mariagrazia Benassi, Sara Garofalo, Federica Ambrosini, Rosa Patrizia Sant’Angelo, Roberta Raggini, Giovanni De Paoli, Claudio Ravani, Sara Giovagnoli, Matteo Orsoni & Giovanni Piraccini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    On associating (politically) with the unreasonable.Paul Garofalo - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    Political liberals typically hold that reasonable citizens should not form political associations (e.g. political parties) with unreasonable citizens. This is because unreasonable citizens are unlikely to conform to the duty of civility—the duty to be able, and willing, to use public reasons in their public political deliberations. Here I argue that a general prohibition on political associations with the unreasonable can undermine the fair value of their political liberties. This is because unreasonable citizens can grow up in epistemic environments that (...)
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  33.  4
    Fondamenti e svolgimenti della scienza giuridica: nuovi saggi.Luigi Garofalo - 2015 - Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
    Principi e ordinamento romano : una riflessione sulle orme di Fritz Schulz -- Homo liber e homo sacer : due archetipi dell'appartenenza -- L'humanitas tra diritto romano e totalitarismo hitleriano -- Sull'eccezione di dolo generale -- L'arbitraggio sul prezzo -- Diritto romano e scienza del diritto -- Roma e i suoi giuristi nel pensiero di Nicolás Gómez Dávila -- Tradizione e misura umana del diritto: considerazioni sulla figura del giurista a partire da Giuseppe Grosso.
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    Intrecci schmittiani.Luigi Garofalo - 2020 - Bologna: Il mulino. Edited by Luigi Garofalo.
    Carl Schmidt e Wassily Kandinsky: a Monaco fra diritto e arte -- Carl Schmitt e la "Wissenschaft des römischen Rechts" -- Carl Schmitt e Walter Benjamin -- Sul "nomos" in Carl Schmitt.
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  35. Jacques Maritain.Gaetano Garofalo - 1969 - Bari,: Resta.
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    S. B. Levin, Plato’s Rivalry with Medicine. A Struggle and its Dissolution.Maria Luisa Garofalo - 2015 - Plato Journal 14:105-107.
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  37. De l'art medical.Hippocrate de Cos & Ivan Garofalo - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (1):173.
  38.  11
    Applied decision making for nurses.Jo Ann Garofalo Ford - 1979 - St. Louis: Mosby. Edited by Louise N. Trygstad & Bobbie Crew Nelms.
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  39. Ethical foundations of management in public service.Dean Geuras & Charles Garofalo - 1993 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 15:10.
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    On the potential distortions of highly cited papers in emerging research fields: A critical appraisal.Edoardo G. Ostinelli, Orsola Gambini & Armando D'Agostino - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Citation-based metrics are increasingly used as a proxy to define representative, considerable, or significant papers. We challenge this belief by taking into account factors that may play a role in providing citations to a manuscript and whether/how those highly cited studies could shape a scientific field. A different approach to summarisation of relevant core publications within a topic is proposed.
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  41. Innate right, indeterminacy, and official discretion: A puzzle for Kantians.Paul Garofalo - 2023 - Law and Philosophy 43 (2):159-185.
    This paper poses a puzzle for contemporary Kantian political philosophy. Kantian political philosophers hold that the state’s purpose is to secure the conditions for people’s innate right to equal freedom, while at the same time claiming that innate right does not give a determinate set of conditions that the state is to bring about. Officials, then, have to make decisions in cases where the considerations of innate right provide no further guidance. I argue that, intuitively, in such cases there are (...)
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    Book Review: Sex Tourism, Marginal People and Liminalities. [REVIEW]Giulia Garofalo - 2005 - Feminist Review 81 (1):131-132.
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    How to Not Go All-In on Public Justification.Paul Garofalo - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (27):756-780.
    Political liberals hold that the exercise of state power is legitimate only if it can be publicly justified—justified on the basis of public reasons. Many find this requirement too demanding and propose instead that there are just pro tanto reasons for laws and policies to be publicly justified. Here I argue that this alternative proposal fails to recognize that there are also distinct pro tanto reasons to have institutional requirements that laws and policies are publicly justified. This suggests an intermediate (...)
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  44.  32
    Lyric Geology: Anthropomorphosis, White Supremacy, and Genres of the Human.Devin M. Garofalo - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (1):32-61.
    Abstract:This essay argues for lyric as an anthropomorphic pattern of thought which shapes our readings of poetry and Earth. Theorizing what I call "lyric geology," the essay foregrounds two critical conjunctions: (1) the historical co-emergence of the normative lyric subject and the human species as geologic agent; and (2) the anthropomorphic genealogy of literary criticism called "lyricization" as it dovetails with Sylvia Wynter's account of the "over-representation" of colonial man as "the human itself." Reading across a seemingly eclectic archive—Charles Lyell, (...)
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  45.  10
    Battling Environmental Racism in Cancer Alley: A Legislative Approach.Megan Resener Garofalo - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (1):196-204.
    This Paper argues that to protect at-risk communities — and all Americans — from the deadly effects of environmental racism, Congress must pass the Environmental Justice for All Act. The Act is intended to “restore, reaffirm, and reconcile environmental justice and civil rights.” It does so by restoring an individual’s right to sue in federal court for discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or national origin regardless of intent under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, strengthening the National Environmental Policy Act, (...)
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  46.  21
    Psychology and Obligation in Hobbes: The Case of “Ought Implies Can”.Paul Garofalo - 2021 - Hobbes Studies 34 (2):146-171.
    Many interpreters use Hobbes’s endorsement of “ought implies can” to justify treating Hobbes’s motivational psychology as an external constraint on his normative theory. These interpreters assume that, for Hobbes, something is “possible” for a person to do only if they can be motivated to do it, and so Hobbes’s psychological theory constrains what obligations people have. I argue this assumption about what is “possible” is false and so these arguments are unsound. Looking to Hobbes’s exchange with Bramhall on free will, (...)
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    Sensitive periods for social development: Interactions between predisposed and learned mechanisms.Orsola Rosa-Salva, Uwe Mayer, Elisabetta Versace, Marie Hébert, Bastien S. Lemaire & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104552.
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    A. Guardasole: Eraclide di Taranto: Frammenti. Pp. 332, 3 ills. Naples: M. D’Auria, 1998. Cased. ISBN: 88-7092-140-9.Ivan Garofalo - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):587-588.
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  49.  15
    El "espacio lógico" de la percepción en Aristóteles.Luciano Garófalo - 2019 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 46:143-163.
    El debate acerca de la naturaleza de la percepción o aísthēsis en Aristóteles puede rastrearse ya en las obras de los comentadores antiguos. Desde hace un par de siglos, dos interpretaciones rivales se han posicionado como variantes extremas que nos aportan una concepción «literalista», o, por el contrario, «espiritualista», del fenómeno en cuestión. Sin embargo, ambas posturas coinciden en reducir la percepción a un asunto meramente «dado»: bien sea puramente fisiológico, o bien, únicamente intencional. Como consecuencia de ello, el dominio (...)
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    Galeno. Nuovi scritti autobiografici, Introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di M. Vegetti.Maria Luisa Garofalo - 2013 - Elenchos 34 (2):441-448.
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