Results for 'Oren Soffer'

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  1. Back to the future: An historical perspective on the pendulum-like changes in literacy.Oren Soffer & Yoram Eshet-Alkalai - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (1):47-59.
    This article focuses on the pendulum-like change in the way people read and use text, which was triggered by the introduction of new reading and writing technologies in human history. The paper argues that textual features, which characterized the ancient pre-print writing culture, disappeared with the establishment of the modern-day print culture and has been “revived” in the digital post-modern era. This claim is based on the analysis of four cases which demonstrate this textual-pendulum swing: (1) The swing from concrete (...)
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  2. The other as Alter ego: A genetic approach.Gail Soffer - 1998 - Husserl Studies 15 (3):151-166.
    It is an ancient view, to be found even in Aristotle’s analysis of friendship, that the other is an alter ego, another myself. More recently, this conception has provoked spirited debate within and without the phenomenological tradition. It can be found in a wide variety of texts, from Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations to Thomas Nagel’s “What is it like to be a bat?” The basic position can be summarized as follows. Intentional experiences are subjective, first-person experiences, not objective, third-person experiences.
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    The Deeper Teachings of Mindfulness‐Based ‘Interventions’ as a Reconstruction of ‘Education’.Oren Ergas - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (2):203-220.
    While contemplative practices have emerged from wisdom-traditions, the rhetoric surrounding their justification in contemporary public educational settings has been substantially undergirded by the scientific evidence-based approach. This article finds the practice and construct of ‘attention’ to be the bridge between this peculiar encounter of science and wisdom traditions, and a vantage point from which we can re-examine the scope and practice of ‘education’. The article develops an educational typology based on ‘attention’ as a curricular deliberation point. Every pedagogical act rides (...)
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  4. Revisiting the myth: Husserl and Sellars on the given.Gail Soffer - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (2):301-337.
    IN SCIENCE, PERCEPTION, AND REALITY, Sellars marvels at the power of fashion in philosophy, which all too often offers us the spectacle of a stampede rather than a careful sifting of gold from dross. Sellars was worried that the flight from phenomenalism would lead to the familiar pendulum effect and so thwart his effort to “usher analytic philosophy out of its Humean and into its Kantian stage,” as Rorty has put it. Accordingly, Sellars’s critique of the Myth of the Given (...)
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  5. ha-Poʼemah ha-pedagogit shel Avraham Oren: be-Vet ha-sefer Orṭ Rogozin--Migdal ha-ʻEmeḳ: ḳovets maʼamarim be-ḥinukh uve-horaʼah.Yuval Deror & Shimʻon Oren (eds.) - 1995 - Oranim: Bet ha-sefer le-ḥinukh shel ha-tenuʻah ha-ḳibutsit.
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  6. ‘Ethnocracy’: The Politics of Judaizing Israel/Palestine.Oren Yiftachel - 1999 - Constellations 6 (3):364-390.
  7.  22
    Differential effects of abstract and concrete processing on the reactivity of basic and self-conscious emotions.Oren Bornstein, Maayan Katzir, Almog Simchon & Tal Eyal - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (4):593-606.
    People experience various negative emotions in their everyday lives. They feel anger toward aggressive drivers, shame for making a mistake at work, and guilt for hurting another person. When these...
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    What are sleep-related experiences? Associations with transliminality, psychological distress, and life stress.Nirit Soffer-Dudek & Golan Shahar - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):891-904.
    Sleep-related experiences [Watson, D. . Dissociations of the night: Individual differences in sleep-related experiences and their relation to dissociation and schizotypy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110, 526–535] refer to a host of nocturnal altered-consciousness phenomena, including narcoleptic tendencies, nightmares, problem-solving dreams, waking dreams, and lucid dreams. In an attempt to clarify the meaning of this construct, we examined cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of sleep-related experiences , altered-consciousness tendencies , psychological distress, childhood maltreatment , and life stress in young adults. Both (...)
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    The Ontological Import of Heidegger's Analysis of Anxiety in Being and Time.Oren Magid - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):440-462.
    Heidegger's primary concern in Being and Time is the question of the meaning of being—a distinctly ontological concern. Yet, with discussions of death, guilt, conscience, anxiety, uncanniness, authenticity, and inauthenticity, Heidegger seems to end up in existential territory. The ontological import of these existential excursions is difficult to discern—indeed, it has not been identified in leading interpretations. In this paper, I aim to highlight the ontological import of Heidegger's analysis of anxiety—it manifests the inadequacy of Dasein's fallen and inauthentic self-understanding, (...)
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    Phenomenology and Scientific Realism: Husserl's Critique of Galileo.Gail Soffer - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (1):67 - 94.
    ACCORDING TO HUSSERL, THE REVOLUTION brought about by the new mathematical science of the seventeenth century was primarily an ontological one: a shift in the conception of the real. That Husserl opposes the new Galilean-Cartesian ontology is clear. This much is evident from the potent rhetoric of the Crisis declaiming Galileo as an "entdeckender und verdeckender Genius", forgetful of the lifeworld, failing to grasp what the mathematical-empirical method he brought to such a degree of perfection actually achieves. Indeed, even without (...)
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    Early Ashkenazic Poems about the Binding of Isaac.Oren Roman - 2016 - Naharaim 10 (2):175-194.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 10 Heft: 2 Seiten: 175-194.
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    Perception and its causes. In.Gail Soffer - 1996 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree, Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer Verlag. pp. 37--56.
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    Conversational Artificial Intelligence—Patient Alliance Turing Test and the Search for Authenticity.Oren Asman, Amir Tal & Yechiel Michael Barilan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):62-64.
    Psychotherapy is provided by professionals, trained, supervised and certified by other professionals, all the way back to Freud and similar founding fathers. Even though methods and styles vary, pa...
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  14. The bodily other and everyday experience of the lived urban world.Oren Bader & Aya Peri Bader - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 3 (2):93-109.
    This article explores the relationship between the bodily presence of other humans in the lived urban world and the experience of everyday architecture. We suggest, from the perspectives of phenomenology and architecture, that being in the company of others changes the way the built environment appears to subjects, and that this enables us to perform simple daily tasks while still attending to the built environment. Our analysis shows that in mundane urban settings attending to the environment involves a unique attentional (...)
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  15. Philosophy and the Disdain for History: Reflections on Husserl's Ergänzungsband to the Crisis.Gail Soffer - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (1):95-116.
    Philosophy and the Disdain for History: Reflections on Husserl's Ergiinzungsband to the Crisis GAIL SOFFER HUSSERL'S RECENTLY PUBLISHED Erganzungsband to the Cr/s/s' is a highly inti- mate statement, almost a confession, of hope and despair at the end of a philosophical life, a compendium of urgent, world-historical tasks not yet laid to rest. Above all, it abounds in reflections on history. In these, two things are poignantly clear: the late Husserl is completely convinced that history is of the utmost (...)
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  16. Beyond the Tools of the Trade: Heidegger and the Intelligibility of Everyday Things.Oren Magid - 2015 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 53 (4):450-470.
    In everyday life, we constantly encounter and deal with useful things without pausing to inquire about the sources of their intelligibility. In Div. I of Being and Time, Heidegger undertakes just such an inquiry. According to a common reading of Heidegger's analysis, the intelligibility of our everyday encounters and dealings with useful things is ultimately constituted by practical self-understandings. In this paper, I argue that while such practical self-understandings may be sufficient to constitute the intelligibility of the tools and equipment (...)
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  17. Buddhism as Reductionism: Personal Identity and Ethics in Parfitian Readings of Buddhist Philosophy; from Steven Collins to the Present.Oren Hanner - 2018 - Sophia 57 (2):211-231.
    Derek Parfit’s early work on the metaphysics of persons has had a vast influence on Western philosophical debates about the nature of personal identity and moral theory. Within the study of Buddhism, it also has sparked a continuous comparative discourse, which seeks to explicate Buddhist philosophical principles in light of Parfit’s conceptual framework. Examining important Parfitian-inspired studies of Buddhist philosophy, this article points out various ways in which a Parfitian lens shaped, often implicitly, contemporary understandings of the anātman doctrine and (...)
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  18. What is a Number? Re-Thinking Derrida's Concept of Infinity.Joshua Soffer - 2007 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 38 (2):202-220.
    Iterability, the repetition which alters the idealization it reproduces, is the engine of deconstructive movement. The fact that all experience is transformative-dissimulative in its essence does not, however, mean that the momentum of change is the same for all situations. Derrida adapts Husserl's distinction between a bound and a free ideality to draw up a contrast between mechanical mathematical calculation, whose in-principle infinite enumerability is supposedly meaningless, empty of content, and therefore not in itself subject to alteration through contextual change, (...)
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  19.  19
    Book Review: The Challenge of Regulating Managed Care.Oren Renick - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (3):327-328.
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    An ironic effect of monitoring closeness.Oren Shapira, Ayelet Gundar-Goshen, Nira Liberman & Reuven Dar - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1495-1503.
  21.  19
    Unsupervised named-entity extraction from the Web: An experimental study.Oren Etzioni, Michael Cafarella, Doug Downey, Ana-Maria Popescu, Tal Shaked, Stephen Soderland, Daniel S. Weld & Alexander Yates - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 165 (1):91-134.
  22.  57
    The human extended socio-attentional field and its impairment in borderline personality disorder and in social anxiety disorder.Oren Bader - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (1):169-189.
    Being in the bodily presence of others facilitates important perceptual, social, and informational advantages. For example, it enables direct access to other subjects’ embodied perspectives, motivates intersubjective engagements, and is involved in the construction of shared experiences and joint actions. These advantages are based on and gained through attending to and with others, i.e. they rely on social attention. It is no surprise, therefore, that a growing body of empirical data indicates that social attention is a special attentional state that (...)
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  23. In Search of Buddhist Virtue: A Case for a Pluralist-Gradualist Moral Philosophy.Oren Hanner - 2021 - Comparative Philosophy 12 (2):58-78.
    Classical presentations of the Buddhist path prescribe the cultivation of various good qualities that are necessary for spiritual progress, from mindfulness and loving-kindness to faith and wisdom. Examining the way in which such qualities are described and classified in early Buddhism—with special reference to their treatment in the Visuddhimagga by the fifth-century Buddhist thinker Buddhaghosa—the present article employs a comparative method in order to identify the Buddhist catalog of virtues. The first part sketches the characteristics of virtue as analyzed by (...)
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    Acquiring search-control knowledge via static analysis.Oren Etzioni - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 62 (2):255-301.
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    Mindfulness In, As and Of Education: Three Roles of Mindfulness in Education.Oren Ergas - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (2):340-358.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  26. Intelligence without Robots: A Reply to Brooks.Oren Etzioni - 1993 - AI Magazine 14 (4):7-16.
    In his recent papers, entitled Intelligence without Representation and Intelligence without Reason, Brooks argues for mobile robots as the foundation of AI research. This article argues that even if we seek to investigate complete agents in real-world environments, robotics is neither necessary nor sufficient as a basis for AI research. The article proposes real-world software environments, such as operating systems or databases, as a complementary substrate for intelligent-agent research and considers the relative advantages of software environments as test beds for (...)
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    Differential application of cultural practices at the family and individual levels may alter heritability estimates.Oren Kolodny, Marcus W. Feldman, Arnon Lotem & Yoav Ram - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e167.
    Uchiyama et al. emphasize that culture evolves directionally and differentially as a function of selective pressures in different populations. Extending these principles to the level of families, lineages, and individuals exposes additional challenges to estimating heritability. Cultural traits expressed differentially as a function of the genetics whose influence they mask or unmask render inseparable the influences of culture and genetics.
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    Dreaming, Hyperbole, and Dogmatism.Walter Soffer - 1988 - Idealistic Studies 18 (1):55-71.
    The dream argument and its role in Cartesian doubt continue to engage commentators. As recent scholarship shows, a consensus has yet to be attained. In what follows I attempt to resolve the current debate by offering an account of the dream doubt which captures Descartes’s rhetorical strategy in Meditation I. A faithful reading of the text, I propose to show, reveals that the dream doubt is not entertained seriously nor is it proposed merely for the sake of methodological skepticism. It (...)
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  29. Descartes' Idea of Philosophy and the Anthropology of Error.Walter Soffer - 1977 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
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    Socrates' proposals concerning women: feminism or fantasy?W. Soffer - 1995 - History of Political Thought 16 (2):157-173.
    Focusing on Socrates' proposals concerning women in The Republic Book V, in what follows I will attempt to show that Plato did not intend them as an argument for the desirability and feasibility of gender-neutral politics. A reading of Book V as the first feminist manifesto is thus anachronistic. I will also try to show that Socrates' rejection of gender-neutral politics is not to be explained as a chauvinist reaction to a perceived female incursion into the properly male domain of (...)
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  31. Logic, Models, and Paradoxical Inferences.Isabel Orenes & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2012 - Mind and Language 27 (4):357-377.
    People reject ‘paradoxical’ inferences, such as: Luisa didn't play music; therefore, if Luisa played soccer, then she didn't play music. For some theorists, they are invalid for everyday conditionals, but valid in logic. The theory of mental models implies that they are valid, but unacceptable because the conclusion refers to a possibility inconsistent with the premise. Hence, individuals should accept them if the conclusions refer only to possibilities consistent with the premises: Luisa didn't play soccer; therefore, if Luisa played a (...)
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    Negative priming reduces affective ratings.Oren Griffiths & Chris J. Mitchell - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (6):1119-1129.
  33.  63
    (1 other version)Heidegger on Human Finitude: Beginning at the End.Oren Magid - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (4).
  34. Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Treasury of Metaphysics with Self-Commentary).Oren Hanner - 2021 - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion.
    The Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Treasury of Metaphysics with Self-Commentary) is a pivotal treatise on early Buddhist thought composed around the fourth or fifth century by the Indian Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu. This work elucidates the Buddha’s teachings as synthesized and interpreted by the early Buddhist Sarvāstivāda school (“the theory that all [factors] exist”), while recording the major doctrinal polemics that developed around them, primarily those points of contention with the Sautrāntika system of thought (“followers of the scriptures”). Employing the methodology and terminology of (...)
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  35. Scripture and Scepticism in Vasubandhu’s Exegetical Method.Oren Hanner - 2020 - In Buddhism and Scepticism: Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives. Freiburg/Bochum: ProjektVerlag. pp. 131-160.
  36.  31
    Logic, Models, and Paradoxical Inferences.P. N. Johnson‐Laird Isabel Orenes - 2012 - Mind and Language 27 (4):357-377.
    People reject ‘paradoxical’ inferences, such as: Luisa didn't play music; therefore, if Luisa played soccer, then she didn't play music. For some theorists, they are invalid for everyday conditionals, but valid in logic. The theory of mental models implies that they are valid, but unacceptable because the conclusion refers to a possibility inconsistent with the premise. Hence, individuals should accept them if the conclusions refer only to possibilities consistent with the premises: Luisa didn't play soccer; therefore, if Luisa played a (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Learning a Generative Probabilistic Grammar of Experience: A Process‐Level Model of Language Acquisition.Oren Kolodny, Arnon Lotem & Shimon Edelman - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (4):227-267.
    We introduce a set of biologically and computationally motivated design choices for modeling the learning of language, or of other types of sequential, hierarchically structured experience and behavior, and describe an implemented system that conforms to these choices and is capable of unsupervised learning from raw natural-language corpora. Given a stream of linguistic input, our model incrementally learns a grammar that captures its statistical patterns, which can then be used to parse or generate new data. The grammar constructed in this (...)
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    Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences.Oren Harman & Michael R. Dietrich (eds.) - 2018 - University of Chicago Press.
    What are the conditions that foster true novelty and allow visionaries to set their eyes on unknown horizons? What have been the challenges that have spawned new innovations, and how have they shaped modern biology? In Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences, editors Oren Harman and Michael R. Dietrich explore these questions through the lives of eighteen exemplary biologists who had grand and often radical ideas that went far beyond the run-of-the-mill science of their peers. From the (...)
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    Evolution of idea.Oren Byron Taft - 1926 - Chicago,: Printed at the Lakeside press.
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    The Ceptacle Hypothesis.Oren B. Taft - 1905 - The Monist 15 (2):182-198.
  41. Buddhism and Scepticism: Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives.Oren Hanner (ed.) - 2020 - Freiburg/Bochum: ProjektVerlag.
    Is Buddhism’s attitude towards accepted forms of knowledge sceptical? Are Pyrrhonian scepticism and classical Buddhist scholasticism related in their respective applications and expressions of doubt? In what way and to what degree is Critical Buddhism an offshoot of modern scepticism? Questions such as these as well as related issues are explored in the present collection, which brings together examinations of systematic doubt in the traditions of Buddhism from a variety of perspectives. What results from the perceptive observations and profound analytical (...)
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  42. Moral Agency and the Paradox of Self-Interested Concern for the Future in Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya.Oren Hanner - 2018 - Sophia 57 (4):591-609.
    It is a common view in modern scholarship on Buddhist ethics, that attachment to the self constitutes a hindrance to ethics, whereas rejecting this type of attachment is a necessary condition for acting morally. The present article argues that in Vasubandhu's theory of agency, as formulated in the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya (Treasury of Metaphysics with Self-Commentary), a cognitive and psychological identification with a conventional, persisting self is a requisite for exercising moral agency. As such, this identification is essential for embracing the ethics (...)
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  43. Method as a Function of “Disciplinary Landscape”: C.D. Darlington and Cytology, Genetics and Evolution, 1932–1950.Oren Solomon Harman - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (1):165-197.
    This article considers the reception of British cytogeneticist C.D. Darlington's controversial 1932 book, Recent Advances in Cytology. Darlington's cytogenetic work, and the manner in which he made it relevant to evolutionary biology, marked an abrupt shift in the status and role of cytology in the life sciences. By focusing on Darlington's scientific method -- a stark departure from anti-theoretical, empirical reasoning to a theoretical and speculative approach based on deduction from genetic first principles -- the article characterises the relationships defining (...)
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  44. Is the Naturalistic Fallacy Dead.Oren Harman - 2012 - Journal of the History of Biology 45 (3):557-572.
    Much of modern moral philosophy argued that there are is’s in this world, and there are oughts, but that the two are entirely independent of one another. What this meant was that morality had nothing to do with man’s biological nature, and could not be derived from it. Any such attempt was considered to be a categorical mistake, and plain foolish. Most philosophers still believe this, but a growing group of neo-naturalist thinkers are now challenging their assumptions. Here I consider (...)
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    Supported Decision Making “Adaptive Suit” for Non-Dominating Mental Scaffolding.Oren Asman & Meytal Segal-Reich - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):238-240.
    The mental prosthesis model (Silvers and Francis 2009) suggests that interpersonal “prosthetic” thinking could support decision making for people with limited cognitive capacities, and positions th...
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    Embedding decision-analytic control in a learning architecture.Oren Etzioni - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 49 (1-3):129-159.
  47.  9
    The function of religion in relating specific and ultimate objectives in socio-economic conflict..Oren Huling Baker - 1938 - [Rochester, N.Y.,: [Rochester, N.Y..
  48.  23
    Language Poetry and Collective Life.Oren Izenberg - 2003 - Critical Inquiry 30 (1):132.
  49.  21
    Obsessive–Compulsive Tendencies Are Related to a Maximization Strategy in Making Decisions.Ela Oren, Reuven Dar & Nira Liberman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:354747.
    The present studies were motivated by the hypothesis that attenuated access to internal states in obsessive-compulsive (OC) individuals, which leads to extensive reliance on external proxies, may manifest in a maximizing decision making style, i.e., to seeking the best option through an exhaustive search of all existing alternatives. Following previous research, we aimed to explore the possible relationships between OC tendencies, seeking proxies for internal states, indecisiveness and maximization. In Study 1, we measured levels of OC tendencies, seeking proxies for (...)
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    Private Environmental Governance as Ensemble Regulation: A Critical Exploration of Sustainability Indexes and the New Ensemble Politics.Oren Perez - 2011 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (2):543-579.
    Over the last several years, the environmental regulatory system has undergone radical changes. Various private normative schemes, ranging from corporate codes to environmental management systems, environmental reporting standards, project-finance codes and green indexes, have assumed an increasingly important role in the regulatory arena. The emergence of private environmental governance as an important transnational phenomenon raises two interrelated puzzles: efficacy and legitimacy. Underlying the efficacy puzzle is a deep-seated suspicion toward "soft" legal instruments, which to some observers represent nothing but a (...)
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