Results for 'Object (Philosophy)'

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  1.  6
    The Development of the Concept of Predication in Arabic Philosophy.Mahmood Zeraatpisheh Philosophy - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
    Predication is a central theme in Arabic logic that has undergone significant semantic transformation throughout history. This article explores the evolution of predication's scope and meaning across four successive stages. Rather than pinpointing specific historical moments—given that these transitions lack clearly defined beginnings or endings—the focus is on key propositions that enrich our understanding of predication, drawing on the classifications of thinkers such as Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī (d. 950), Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī (d. 1262-65), Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1635), and Muhammad Ḥusayn (...)
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  2. justice Orientation in Environmental Ethic [J].Moral Objects - 2003 - Modern Philosophy 4.
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    Kant and the a priority of space, Daniel Warren.Coinciding Objects - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (2).
  4. (1 other version)Non-objective truths: Comments on Kölbel's criterion for objectivity: Philosophy of language.Dan López de Sa - 2000 - Theoria 15 (38):229-234.
    Response to Max Kölbel: "A Criterion for Objectivity", Theoria. Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia: Volume > 15 > Issue: 2.
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    Stephen cade hetherlington.Sceptical Insulation & Sceptical Objectivity - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (4).
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    Julie Zahle.Participant Observation & Objectivity In Anthropology - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler (eds.), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 365.
  7. Object Files, Properties, and Perceptual Content.Santiago Echeverri - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):283-307.
    Object files are mental representations that enable perceptual systems to keep track of objects as numerically the same. How is their reference fixed? A prominent approach, championed by Zenon Pylyshyn and John Campbell, makes room for a non-satisfactional use of properties to fix reference. This maneuver has enabled them to reconcile a singularist view of reference with the intuition that properties must play a role in reference fixing. This paper examines Campbell’s influential defense of this strategy. After criticizing it, (...)
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    The Object of Morality.Kurt Baier - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (2):269.
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  9. Philosophy After Objectivity: Making Sense in Perspective.Paul K. Moser - 1993 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Philosophers have traditionally sought objective knowledge: knowledge of things whose existence does not depend on one's conceiving of them. Philosophy After Objectivity uses lessons from debates over objective knowledge to characterize the kinds of reasons pertinent to philosophical and other theoretical views. It argues that we cannot meet skeptics' typical demands for non-question begging support for claims to objective truth, and that, therefore, we should not regard our supporting reasons as resistant to skeptical challenges.
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    Object, Reduction, and Emergence: An Object-Oriented View.Niki Young - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):83-93.
    Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) is a contemporary form of realism concerned with the investigation of “objects” broadly construed. It may be characterised in terms of a metaphysical pluralism to the extent that it recognises infinitely many different kinds of emergent entities, and this fact in turn leads to a number of questions concerning the nature of objects and emergence in OOO: what is the precise meaning of an emergent entity in OOO? How has emergence been denied throughout the history of (...)
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    1Q Object Perception.Elizabeth S. Spelke - 1993 - In Alvin I. Goldman (ed.), Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 447.
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    Work and object: explorations in the metaphysics of art.Peter Lamarque - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Issues about the creation of works, what is essential and inessential to their identity, their distinct kinds of properties, including aesthetic properties, ...
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    Joseph Ullian. Mathematical objects. Philosophy of science, The Delaware seminar, Volume 1, 1961-1962, edited by Bernard Baumrin, Interscience Publishers, New York and London 1963, pp. 187–205. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (4):593-595.
  14. Department of Philosophy, Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri FRIDAY, April 8 SATURDAY, April 9 Welcome: Roger Gibson University. [REVIEW]Mark Johnson, Andy Clark, Moral Objectivity & Robert Gordon - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (511).
  15. A Subject with no Object.Zoltan Gendler Szabo, John P. Burgess & Gideon Rosen - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (1):106.
    This is the first systematic survey of modern nominalistic reconstructions of mathematics, and for this reason alone it should be read by everyone interested in the philosophy of mathematics and, more generally, in questions concerning abstract entities. In the bulk of the book, the authors sketch a common formal framework for nominalistic reconstructions, outline three major strategies such reconstructions can follow, and locate proposals in the literature with respect to these strategies. The discussion is presented with admirable precision and (...)
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  16. Sign and Object : Quine’s forgotten book project.Sander Verhaegh - 2019 - Synthese 196 (12):5039-5060.
    W. V. Quine’s first philosophical monograph, Word and Object, is widely recognized as one of the most influential books of twentieth century philosophy. Notes, letters, and draft manuscripts at the Quine Archives, however, reveal that Quine was already working on a philosophical book in the early 1940s; a project entitled Sign and Object. In this paper, I examine these and other unpublished documents and show that Sign and Object sheds new light on the evolution of Quine’s (...)
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    National philosophic traditions as an object of reflection in the field of the history of philosophy.Serhii Yosypenko - 2014 - Sententiae 30 (1):52-61.
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    Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World.Timothy Morton - 2013 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    A Quake in Being: An Introduction to Hyperobjects Part I. What Are Hyperobjects? Viscosity Nonlocality Temporal Undulation Phasing Interobjectivity Part II. The Time of Hyperobjects The End of the World Hypocrisies The Age of Asymmetry.
  19. Object Exploration and a Problem with Reductionism.Anthony Chemero & Charles Heyser - 2005 - Synthese 147 (3):403-423.
    The purpose of this paper is to use neuroscientific evidence to address the philosophical issue of intertheoretic reduction. In particular, we present a literature review and a new experiment to show that the reduction of cognitive psychology to neuroscience is implausible. To make this case, we look at research using object exploration, an important experimental paradigm in neuroscience, behavioral genetics and psychopharmacology. We show that a good deal of object exploration research is potentially confounded precisely because it assumes (...)
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    Human Philosophy.Egor Makharov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:141-147.
    Any society can have its own worthy place in the history of human civilization, if human problem in it becomes a core, a base of politics and world outlook, economy and culture, morality and science and all main goals of social practice are re-comprehended on this base. In public theory human problem has an important place. For a long time function of philosophy was in elucidation of nature and essence of a man and his attitude to the world. In (...)
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  21. Modal Meinongianism and Object Theory.Francesco Berto, Filippo Casati, Naoya Fujikawa & Graham Priest - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Logic 17 (1):1-21.
    We reply to various arguments by Otavio Bueno and Edward Zalta (‘Object Theory and Modal Meinongianism’) against Modal Meinongianism, including that it presupposes, but cannot maintain, a unique denotation for names of fictional characters, and that it is not generalizable to higher-order objects. We individuate the crucial difference between Modal Meinongianism and Object Theory in the former’s resorting to an apparatus of worlds, possible and impossible, for the representational purposes for which the latter resorts to a distinction between (...)
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  22. What Is an Object File?E. J. Green & Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):665-699.
    The notion of an object file figures prominently in recent work in philosophy and cognitive science. Object files play a role in theories of singular reference, object individuation, perceptual memory, and the development of cognitive capacities. However, the philosophical literature lacks a detailed, empirically informed theory of object files. In this paper, we articulate and defend the multiple-slots view, which specifies both the format and architecture of object files. We argue that object files (...)
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  23. Framing Effects in Object Perception.Spencer Ivy & Aleksandra Mroczko-Wąsowicz - 2025 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1:1-28.
    In this paper we argue that object perception may be affected by what we call “perceptual frames.” Perceptual frames are adaptations of the perceptual system that guide how perceptual objects are singled out from a sensory environment. These adaptations are caused by perceptual learning and realized through bottom-up functional processes such that sensory information is organized in a subject-dependent way leading to idiosyncratic perceptual object representations. Through domain-specific training, perceptual learning, and the acquisition of object-knowledge, it is (...)
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    Qualitative relationism about subject and object of perception and experience.Andrea Pace Giannotta - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):583-602.
    In this paper, I compare various theories of perception in relation to the question of the epistemological and ontological status of the qualities that appear in perceptual experience. I group these theories into two main views: quality externalism and quality internalism, and I highlight their contrasting problems in accounting for phenomena such as perceptual relativity, illusions and hallucinations (the “problem of perception”). Then, I propose an alternative view, which I callqualitative relationismand which conceives of the subject and the object (...)
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    Manet and the Object of Painting.Michael Foucault - 2009 - Tate. Edited by Matthew Barr & Nicolas Bourriaud.
    In this encounter between one of the twentieth century greatest philosophical minds and an artist fundamental to our understanding of the development of modern art, Michel Foucault explores Manet.s importance in the overthrow of traditional values in painting.
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    Relational or Object-Oriented? A Dialogue between Two Contemporary Ontologies.Adrian Razvan Sandru - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):93-8.
    Graham Harman’s Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) emphasizes the autonomy of objects, positing a withdrawn surplus of being that resists reduction to its parts or the sum of its parts. However, Harman’s framework faces conceptual tensions, including challenges in reconciling epistemological and ontological dimensions, explaining the formation of compound objects, and ascribing determinate features to experientially inaccessible objects. I argue that these issues arise mostly due to Harman’s over-commitment to a withdrawn substantial core of objects. To address these issues, I propose (...)
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  27. Supervenience and Object-Dependant Properties.Thomas Hofweber - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):5-32.
    I argue that the semantic thesis of direct reference and the meta- physical thesis of the supervenience of the non-physical on the physical cannot both be true. The argument first develops a necessary condition for supervenience, a so-called conditional locality requirement, which is then shown to be incompatible with some physical object having object dependent properties, which in turn is required for the thesis of direct reference to be true. We apply this argument to formulate a new argument (...)
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  28. The Individuation of Nature in Gilbert Simondon's Philosophy and the Problematic Nature of the Technological Object.Anne Lefebvre - 2011 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 15 (1):1-15.
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    Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness: Current Issues in the Philosophy of Mind.Christopher Peacocke (ed.) - 1996 - British Academy.
    What is it to be capable of thoughts about an objective world? What is involved in the unity of consciousness? How is the ability to attribute attitudes to other persons to be understood? The three symposia in this volume develop new approaches to these central questions in the philosophy of mind. The contributors include leading philosophers of the middle and younger generation working in Britain. All the issues discussed have an interdisciplinary dimension, and each symposium contains a contribution from (...)
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    What Is the Object of Art?Andrew Benjamin - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (1):1-15.
    The aim of this paper is establish the difference between aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Part of the argument is that only a philosophy of art can give an adequate philosophical account of works of art. The argument is advanced drawing on the writings of Immanuel Kant and Gunter Figal.
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    The Physical Object and its Appearances.Karl Britton - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 2:211-215.
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  32. The Object of Moral Understanding.Samuel Dishaw - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    In the recent literatures in which moral understanding has played a starring role, it is assumed that moral understanding is a species of explanatory understanding. That is, it is assumed that instances of moral understanding are of the form ‘S understands why p,’ where p is some explicitly moral proposition, paradigmatically about an action being morally right or wrong. This paper highlights some shortcomings of this explanatory picture of moral understanding and articulates a different, complementary account on which the (...) of moral understanding is the relation of normative support between a proposition and an action. (shrink)
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  33. Object-Dependence.Avram Hiller - 2013 - Essays in Philosophy 14 (1):33-55.
    There has been much work on ontological dependence in recent literature. However, relatively little of it has been dedicated to the ways in which individual physical objects may depend on other distinct, non-overlapping objects. This paper gives several examples of such object-dependence and distinguishes between different types of it. The paper also introduces and refines the notion of an n-tet. N-tets (typically) occur when there are object-dependence relations between n objects. I claim that the identity (or, rather, what (...)
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    Aircraft stories: decentering the object in technoscience.John Law - 2002 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    "What is a military aircraft? John Law shows in his beautiful analysis that it is a constant oscillation between multiplicity and singularity.
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    Humanity as an object of attachment.R. Jay Wallace - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (7):686-698.
    ABSTRACT In Why Worry about Future Generations?, Samuel Scheffler argues that we typically love humanity, and that this attachment gives us reasons to care about future generations. The paper explores this idea with an eye to understanding better the sense in which humanity is an object of attachment. The paper argues that the humanity we love should be understood in an enriched rather than a reductively biological sense, as a species that has historically sustained a complex set of cultural (...)
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  36. Object and event concepts: A cognitive mechanism of incommensurability.Xiang Chen - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):962-974.
    In this paper I examine a cognitive mechanism of incommensurability. Using the frame model of concept representation to capture structural relations within concepts, I reveal an ontological difference between object and event concepts: the former are spatial but the latter temporal. Experiments from cognitive sciences further demonstrate that the mind treats object and event concepts differently. Thus, incommensurability can occur in conceptual change across different ontological categories. I use a historical case to illustrate how the ontological difference between (...)
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    Object-Oriented Ontology of Play.Matija Vigato - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (2):433-447.
    In this paper, object-oriented ontology is attempted to be applied to play. First, from the anti-reductionist approach of OOO, some former interpretations of play in science and philosophy are reviewed. Then, because of the conceptual similarities of art and play, the already existing OOO of art is consulted. Based on the works from the field of Human-computer interaction, Graham Harman’s theatrical interpretation of a metaphor, and Eugen Fink’s interpretation of the play, who sees it as a mixture of (...)
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    Eliminativism in ancient philosophy: Greek and Buddhist philosophers on material objects.Ugo Zilioli - 2024 - London; New York; Dublin: Bloomsbury Academic.
    A comparative investigation in the metaphysics of material objects and persons in ancient philosophy, this book provides radically new insights into key themes and areas of ancient thought by drawing on Greek and Buddhist philosophies. Ugo Zilioli explicates the neglected tradition of philosophers who in different ways made material objects either redundant or ontologically dispensable in the ancient world. At the same time, while eliminating objects from the material apparatus of the world, some of those philosophers conceived of selves (...)
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    Speculative grace: Bruno Latour and object-oriented theology.Adam S. Miller - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This book offers a novel account of grace, framed in terms of Bruno Latour's "principle of irreduction.
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    Phenomenology and the Object’s Constitution through Technology.Nicola Liberati - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 27:67-71.
    The aim of my paper is to focus our attention on the effect of technologies in the constitution of the objects in our world following a Husserlian approach. I will analyze the relation among the subject, technology and world in order to clarify how the technologies are deeply involved in the constitution of the perceived object by the modification of its content in its “richness” and its inner horizon. Indeed, some devices become instruments to better and sharpen the subject’s (...)
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  41. The Object of Aristotle’s God’s Νόησις in Metaphysics Λ.9.Sean M. Costello - 2018 - Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 57 (3):49-66.
    In this paper I attempt to discover the object of Aristotle’s God’s νόησις in Metαphysics Λ.9. In Section I, I catalogue existing interpretations and mention the two key concepts of (i) God’s substancehood and (ii) his metaphysical simplicity. In Section II, I explore the first two aporiae of Λ.9 – namely (1) what God’s οὐσία is and (2) what God intelligizes. In Section III, I show how Aristotle solves these aporiae by contending that God’s οὐσία is actually intelligizing, and (...)
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    The Sublime Object of Psychiatry: Schizophrenia in Clinical and Cultural Theory.Angela Woods - 2011 - Oxford University Press, Usa.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Clinical Theory -- 1. Psychiatry on schizophrenia: clinical pictures of a sublime object -- 2. Schizophrenia: the sublime text of psychoanalysis -- Cultural Theory -- 3. Antipsychiatry: schizophrenic experience and the sublime -- 4. Anti-Oedipus and the politics of the schizophrenic sublime -- 5. Schizophrenia, modernity, postmodernity -- 6. Postmodern schizophrenia -- 7. Glamorama, postmodernity and the schizophrenic sublime -- Conclusion.
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    The Elusive Object of Desire: In Pursuit of the Kinetic Equations and the Second Law.Lawrence Sklar - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:209 - 225.
    Despite over one-hundred years of effort, the origin of temporal asymmetry in the physical world still eludes us. While much has been learned about the role played by fundamental instabilities in microdynamics, by the imperfect isolation of systems and by cosmological facts in the origin of the behavior described by kinetic theory and thermodynamics, important puzzles still remain which continue to make the origins of asymmetric thermal behavior out of dynamically time symmetric underlying laws mysterious to us.
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    Objectivity: Recovering Determinate Reality in Philosophy, Science, and Everyday Life.Tibor R. Machan - 2003 - Ashgate.
    This book considers and responds to these and similar challenges to objectivity.
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    The Object of the History of Sciences.Georges Canguilhem - 2005 - In Gary Gutting (ed.), Continental Philosophy of Science. Blackwell. pp. 198–207.
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    Object and Phenomenon and the Deconstructed Present.Donald Ferrari - 1993 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 67 (2):247-251.
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    God the Object, Sign, and Interpretant.David Rohr - 2019 - Philosophy and Theology 31 (1):97-119.
    The central thesis of this essay is that the relation imagined to hold between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit corresponds quite closely with the triadic relationship that holds between object, sign, and interpretant, respectively, within C. S. Peirce’s conception of semiosis. Section 1 introduces Peirce’s conception of semiosis. Section 2 supports the main thesis through examination of descriptions of the Trinitarian relations in two classic Christian texts: The New Testament and The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Section 3 (...)
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    Object-Oriented Animals.Niki Young - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (2):245-261.
    In Graham Harman’s Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO), an apparent tension arises between his pursuit of a self-proclaimed “new theory of everything,” or general ontology, and his assertion that any ontology must be able to account for distinctions among various regions of being. This paper delves into this tension between universality and specificity, particularly concerning the question of animal ontology, and examines the potential for constructing an object-oriented animal ontology. By juxtaposing Harman’s perspectives with those of Matthew Calarco and other (...)
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    What Do Object Files Pick Out?Edwin Green - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (2):177-200.
    Many authors have posited an “object file” system, which underlies perceptual selection and tracking of objects. Several have proposed that this system internalizes principles specifying what counts as an object and relies on them during tracking. Here I consider a popular view on which the object file system is tuned to entities that satisfy principles of three-dimensionality, cohesion, and boundedness. I argue that the evidence gathered in support of this view is consistent with a more permissive view (...)
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    The Subject‐Object Transformations and ‘Bildung’.Käthe Schneider - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (3):302-311.
    Bildung, a German pedagogical term with the sense of ‘educating oneself’, refers to some of the most complex human activities. It is constitutive for human existence, because it is related to the characteristic of meaning. Because of the great relevance of Bildung for people, education is essential for furthering it. The two purposes of this contribution are: i. to examine the structure of one main process component of Bildung, namely the process of designing an image (Bild) of the changes to (...)
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