Results for 'Nurullah Sat'

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  1.  21
    Turkish - Tatar People.Nurullah Sat - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (55 (15-06-2019)):259-268.
    This article was written by Musa Jarullah Bigiyev (Rostov, 1875 – Cairo, 1949) who was a Turkish - Tatar scholar and published in Japan in 1941 in the Kaikyo Sekai– Islamic Worldjournal in Japanese.In this work, firstly Musa Jarullah Bigiyev explained the foundations of the Turkish population living within the borders of the Soviet Union, and then he expressed Turkish policies in the early 20thcentury. Musa Jarullah Bigiyev said that in the first half of 20thcentury, despite the intense efforts made (...)
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    The Meanıng Value of B' Harf-ı Cerrı -Specıfıc to Muallak't-ı Seb‘a.Nurullah Oruç - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1279-1309.
    In Arabic, hurūf al-ma'ānī (meaning letters) are of the most remarkable factors making the words make sense. One of these letters is harf al-jarr ba. Actually, it is seen that similar studies were conducted for this letter. It has been analysed under the hurūf al-jarr chapters in naḥw/syntax books, in separate works addressing meaning letters and in original studies related to hurūf al-jarr. Additionally, it was specifically scrutinized from various aspects in an original way. While some gave place to the (...)
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    The Criticisms of Religious Radicalism Against Mainstream Islamists.Nurullah Çakmaktaş - 2021 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 16 (1):26-46.
    This study examines the criticisms of the religious radical thought that emerged in the Islamic world after the sixties as an anomaly of the mainstream Islamism and the Islamic movement, directed against mainstream Islamism and Islamists, especially the Ikhwan-i Muslimin. The fact that both schools of thought react to the problems concerning the Islamic world and Muslim society with theo-political sensitivity, causes these two schools to be included in the same category under the definition of "political Islam" from time to (...)
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    İlköğretim din kültürü ve ahlak bilgisi öğretimi: kavramlar, yaklaşımlar, yöntemler ve teknikler, örnek ders işlenişleri.Nurullah Altaş - 2001 - Ankara: Nobel.
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    History As A Subject In The Works Of Servet-i Fünun’s Wrıters And Poets.Nurullah ÇETİN - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1721-1737.
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    The Analysis of Sarılmak Novel Written by Hüzeyme Yeşim Koçak.Nurullah ÇETİN - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:83-92.
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    Carol DELANEY, , Tohum ve Toprak , İstanbul: İletiş.Nurullah Karahan - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):2389-2389.
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    17. Ve 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti'nin Avrupa İle İktisadi İlişkileri.Nurullah Karta - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 11):163-163.
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    Kırgız Türkçesiyle Yazılmış Olan Seyyid.M. Nurullah CİCİOĞLU - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):427-440.
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    Child, Tales And Tongue-Twisters In The Poetry Of Asaf H'let Çelebi.Nurullah Ulutaş - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1103-1133.
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    Türk Romanında Kimlik Bunalımı.Nurullah Ulutaş - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):2095-2095.
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    The Importance of Verses and Hadiths in Explaining Political Concepts: Reflec-tions From Mirrors for Princes.Nurullah Yazar - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):891-909.
    Mirrors for princes, in general, give advices to the rulers about the subtleties of political art. Another aim of these books is to define and explain the administration of the state and the duties of rulers based on experience. In consequence of this they reflect the practical ethics of the period in which they were written. As such, they resemble practical handbooks written for rulers. Another point regarding the mirrors for princes works in which the political understanding of the era (...)
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    Büyük Selçuklular Dönemi Siyasî Çekişmelerinde Belh’in Yeri Ve Önemi.Nurullah Yazar - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 19 (50):59-77.
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    Human And Animal Figures In The Art Of The Umayyad Period.Nurullah Yilmaz - 2022 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 10 (16):97-112.
    Umayyad Islamic art has a very rich understanding of art. It will not be possible to create architectural, handicrafts and other custom decorations of these dates, including animal decorations and animal decorations. Therefore, it has become a very important owner in figure art. The figures of the early Islamic period have a common style and style while under the influence of different cultures. In this high Islamic art, it is preserved and maintained before it is transformed into a form that (...)
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  15. Fī al-thaqāfah wa-al-falsafah: dirāsāt muhdāh lil-Ustādh Aḥmad al-Saṭṭātī.Aḥmad Saṭṭātī & Sālim Yafūt (eds.) - 1997 - al-Rabāṭ: al-Mamlakah al-Maghribīyah, Jāmiʻat Muḥammad al-Khāmis.
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    The Last Teacher of Yıldırım Khan Madrasa, Mehmet Zühtü Uzmay and his Teacher Mehmet Sadık.Nurullah Aydeniz - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):1-16.
    Of the prominent elements of Mudurnu, a rare settlement that has preserved its historical texture, is undoubtedly the Yıldırım Bayezid Complex. Thanks to the madrasa in this complex, built in 1382, Mudurnu has been a centre of knowledge for centuries. In this process, perhaps hundreds of mudarris served in the madrasa. The most famous of these was Mullah Muslihiddîn Kastalânî, who served in the 1490s, and the last one was Mehmet ZühtüUzmay. The most important source of this study, which aims (...)
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    Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminin Genel Tarihçesi Ve Bu Alanda Kullanılan Yöntemler.Nurullah Aykaç - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 3):161-161.
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    The Murder Plot in The Novels of Umit Deniz.Nurullah Ulutaş - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2515-2529.
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    Küreselleşmenin dini anlama biçimlerine ve din öğretimindeki yeni yönelişlere etkisi.Nurullah Altaş - 2003 - Dini Araştırmalar:215-240.
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    Türkiye'de zorunlu din öğretimini yapılandıran süreç hedefler ve yeni yöntem arayışları.Nurullah Altaş - 2002 - Dini Araştırmalar:145-168.
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    Arketipsel Eleştiri Bağlamında Turgay Nar'ın Gizler Çarşısı Oyunu Üzerine Bir İn.Nurullah Ulutaş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):659-659.
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  22.  28
    Bir Kara Mizah Örneği: Sermet Çağanın Ayak Bacak Fabrikası Oyunu.Nurullah Ulutaş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):553-553.
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  23.  14
    Çocuk İmgesinin Cahit Zarifoğlu ve Paul.Nurullah Ulutaş - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):1395-1406.
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  24.  41
    The Influence of Niẓām al-Mulk: Potrait of An Authorizied Vizier.Nurullah Yazar - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):247-266.
    Türk ve İslam tarihinin kırılma noktalarından birisi 1040 yılında Selçuklular ile Gazneliler arasında cereyan eden Dandanakan Savaşı’dır. Savaşın ardından Selçuklular hızlı bir yükselişle özellikle Sünnî İslam coğrafyasında etkin ve belirleyici güç haline gelmiştir. Göçebe kültürden gelen ve bir oba hüviyetinde iken çok kısa bir sürede önlenemez bir şekilde hâkimiyet alanını Türkistan coğrafyasından Anadolu içlerine kadar genişleten Büyük Selçuklu Devleti, kurumsal olarak da olgunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu noktada hem merkezi yönetimde hem de vilayetlerde ortaya çıkan yetişmiş eleman ihtiyacını birçoğu daha önce Gazneli (...)
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    Coping with student disorder in Japan.Sat? Eisaku, Fukuda Takeo, Sakata Michita & Noda Takeo - 1970 - Minerva 8 (1-4):116-135.
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    Cartography: Innateness or Convergent Cultural Evolution?Deniz Satık - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Haspelmath argues that linguists who conduct comparative research and try to explain patterns that are general across languages can only consider two sources of these patterns: convergent cultural evolution of languages, which provides functional explanations of these phenomena, or innate building blocks for syntactic structure, specified in the human cognitive system. This paper claims that convergent cultural evolution and functional-adaptive explanations are not sufficient to explain the existence of certain crosslinguistic phenomena. The argument is based on comparative evidence of generalizations (...)
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    Türkiye'de islâm felsefesi araştırmalarının seyri: kazanımlar, öncelikler, sorunlar: İslâm felsefesi anabilim dalı koordinasyon toplantısı (9-11 Ekim 2015, Rize).M. Nurullah Turan, İrfan Karadeniz & Enver Şahin (eds.) - 2016 - Rize: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  28.  17
    Varosha and Kyrenia: Where is Environmental Ethics?Ayşe Şat - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (2).
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    A Qirāʾāt Education School, Led by Osman Nuri Taşkent: Dār al-Ḥuffāẓ of Adapa-zarı.Nurullah Aydeni̇z - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):367-389.
    Dār al-Qurʾāns, which were among the madrasas in the Ottoman period and where qirāʾāt was taught, turned into the Qur'āns schools after the law on unity of education, enacted on March 3, 1924. That was the end of the institutional entity of qirāʾāt education in Turkey. Afterwards, a number of qirāʾāt teachers kept performing this education by their individual efforts. Among these teachers, Osman Nuri Taşkent who was the former head-imam of Nuruosmaniye Mosque in Istanbul was assigned as a Qurʾān (...)
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    Comments on previous psychological Tai-Chi models: Jun-zi self-cultivation model.Jin Xu, Nam-Sat Chang, Ya-Fen Hsu & Yung-Jong Shiah - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this article we describe four previous Tai-Chi models based on the I-Ching and their limitations. The I-Ching, the most important ancient source of information on traditional Chinese culture and cosmology, provides the metaphysical foundation for this culture, especially Confucian ethics and Taoist morality. To overcome the limitations of the four previous Tai-Chi models, we transform I-Ching cultural system into a psychological theory by applying the cultural system approach. Specifically, we propose the Jun-zi Self-Cultivation Model, which argues that an individual (...)
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  31.  20
    Syed Farid Alatas, Applying Ibn Khaldun: The Recovery of a Lost Tradition in Sociology. [REVIEW]Nurullah Ardıç - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (1):101-104.
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    The Style of Criticism in the Qur'an in the Context of Its Features and Principles.Sultan Yeşi̇ltaş & Nurullah Deni̇zer - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):323-344.
    Criticism is a phenomenon that exists in all stages and dimensions of life. One of the narrative styles used by the Qur'an, which was sent to guide people from falsehood to truth and from heresy to guidance, is the style of criticism. It is seen that this style aims to enable people to make a constant effort to eliminate their deficiencies and to be cleaned from their mistakes. How does the criticism style take place in the Qur'an? How important is (...)
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    A farm systems approach to the adoption of sustainable nitrogen management practices in California.Jessica Rudnick, Mark Lubell, Sat Darshan S. Khalsa, Stephanie Tatge, Liza Wood, Molly Sears & Patrick H. Brown - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):783-801.
    Improving nitrogen (N) fertilizer management in agricultural systems is critical to meeting environmental goals while maintaining economically viable and productive food systems. This paper applies a farm systems framework to analyze how adoption of N management practices is related to different farming operation characteristics and the extent to which fertilizer, soil and irrigation practices are related to each other. We develop a multivariate probit regression model to analyze the interdependency of these adoption behaviors from 966 farmers across three watersheds and (...)
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    Siyāsat-i mutaʻālīyah az manẓar-i ḥikmat-i mutaʻālīyah =.Sharīf Lakʹzāyī & Mahdī Ṣafarʹzādah (eds.) - 2009 - Qum: Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm va Farhang-i Islāmī, Muʻāvanat-i Pizhūhishī-i Daftar-i Tablīghāt-i Islāmī-i Ḥawzah-i ʻIlmīyah-i Qum.
    daftar-i avval. Nishastʹhā va guftigūhā -- jild-i duvvum. Mabāḥis̲-i naẓarī, tārīkhī va kārburdī -- jild-i sivvum. Insān, imāmat, siyāsat -- jild-i chahārum. Akhlāq va siyāsat.
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    Šopov sat: mjerni instrument vremenitosti i bezvremenosti.Rosalba Asìno - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):653-660.
    O složenoj koncepciji kategorije »vremena« u Šopovu djelu, napose u njegovoj kozmičkoj fazi, napisane su važne i temeljne rasprave. Ovaj prilog istražuje prozu Nikole Šopa koja prethodi kozmičkoj fazi, kako bi se rekonstruirao razvitak koji je pjesnika doveo do toga da se udalji od »zemaljskog vremena« i da zasnuje »kozmičko vrijeme«. Sat kao konkretan instrument za mjerenje, toliko prisutan kao diskretni protagonist na stranicama Šopovih djela, čini vodeću nit ove analize. To je onaj »zemaljski sat« kojega se pjesnik, dospjevši u (...)
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    Generating SAT instances with community structure.Jesús Giráldez-Cru & Jordi Levy - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 238:119-134.
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    Max sat approximation beyond the limits of polynomial-time approximation.Evgeny Dantsin, Michael Gavrilovich, Edward A. Hirsch & Boris Konev - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):81-94.
    We describe approximation algorithms for MAX SAT with performance ratios arbitrarily close to 1, in particular, when performance ratios exceed the limits of polynomial-time approximation. Namely, given a polynomial-time α-approximation algorithm , we construct an -approximation algorithm . The algorithm runs in time of the order ck, where k is the number of clauses in the input formula and c is a constant depending on α. Thus we estimate the cost of improving a performance ratio. Similar constructions for MAX 2SAT (...)
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    A Sat-Based Approach to Unbounded Model Checking for Alternating-Time Temporal Epistemic Logic.M. Kacprzak & W. Penczek - 2004 - Synthese 142 (2):203-227.
    This paper deals with the problem of verification of game-like structures by means of symbolic model checking. Alternating-time Temporal Epistemic Logic (ATEL) is used for expressing properties of multi-agent systems represented by alternating epistemic temporal systems as well as concurrent epistemic game structures. Unbounded model checking (a SAT based technique) is applied for the first time to verification of ATEL. An example is given to show an application of the technique.
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    SAT vs. Translation Based decision procedures for modal logics: a comparative evaluation.Enrico Giunchiglia, Roberto Sebastiani, Fausto Giunchiglia & Armando Tacchella - 2000 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 10 (2):145-172.
    ABSTRACT This paper follows on previous papers which present and evaluate various decision procedures for modal logics. We consider new test sets and systems that have been recently proposed in the literature. This new experimental analysis confirm previous experimental results in showing that SAT based decision procedures, i.e., the procedures built on top of decision procedures for propositional satisfiability, are more efficient than tableau based decision procedures. They also confirm previous evidence of an easy-hard-easy pattern in the satisfiability curve for (...)
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  40.  4
    Sat kā svarūpa: Advaitavādī evaṃ ādhunika pariprekshya meṃ.Pratibhā Dīkshita - 2019 - Dillī: Vidyānidhi Prakāśana.
    Study on being with the reference of Indic philosophy and modern perspective.
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  41.  34
    Petronius, Sat. 141.4.Gian Biagio Conte - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):529-.
    These are the very last words of Eumolpus' testament. The editors all print them thus, but I suspect a hidden corruption in devoverint. The text may seem to have an acceptable meaning, but only on a superficial reading inattentive to the whole context. A certain exegetical discomfort becomes noticeable if the translations are compared: Ernout renders ‘maudire mon âme’, Ehlers in Müller's second and third editions translates ‘sie meinen letzten Atemzug herbeiwünschten’ , and Cesareo- Terzaghi's edition prefers to render with (...)
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  42.  12
    SAT Race 2015.Tomáš Balyo, Armin Biere, Markus Iser & Carsten Sinz - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 241 (C):45-65.
  43.  27
    Juvenal, Sat. VII. 165.W. W. Merry - 1895 - The Classical Review 9 (01):29-30.
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    SAT-based causal discovery under weaker assumptions. Zhalama, Jiji Zhang, Frederick Eberhardt & Wolfgang Mayer - 2017 - In Zhalama, Jiji Zhang, Frederick Eberhardt & Wolfgang Mayer (eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI). Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI).
    Using the flexibility of recently developed methods for causal discovery based on Boolean satisfiability solvers, we encode a variety of assumptions that weaken the Faithfulness assumption. The encoding results in a number of SAT-based algorithms whose asymptotic correctness relies on weaker conditions than are standardly assumed. This implementation of a whole set of assumptions in the same platform enables us to systematically explore the effect of weakening the Faithfulness assumption on causal discovery. An important effect, suggested by simulation results, is (...)
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  45.  13
    SAT-based planning in complex domains: Concurrency, constraints and nondeterminism.Claudio Castellini, Enrico Giunchiglia & Armando Tacchella - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 147 (1-2):85-117.
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    SAT encodings for Pseudo-Boolean constraints together with at-most-one constraints.Miquel Bofill, Jordi Coll, Peter Nightingale, Josep Suy, Felix Ulrich-Oltean & Mateu Villaret - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 302 (C):103604.
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    Mustafa Satı Bey'in Görüşleri Doğrultusunda Yapılandırmacılık Anlayışına Farklı Bir Bakış Açısı.Betül Tonbuloğlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):841-841.
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    Horace, Sat. i. 6. 104–5.W. D. Ashworth & M. Andrewes - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (02):107-108.
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    Hor. Sat. 1.3.9, 10.J. S. St - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (01):15-16.
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  50. Siyāsat. Aristotle - 1970 - Tihran: Shirkat-i Sahāmī-i Kitābhā-yi Jaybī, bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Frānklīn. Edited by Ḥamīd ʻInāyat.
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