Results for 'Ya-Fen Hsu'

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  1.  19
    Comments on previous psychological Tai-Chi models: Jun-zi self-cultivation model.Jin Xu, Nam-Sat Chang, Ya-Fen Hsu & Yung-Jong Shiah - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this article we describe four previous Tai-Chi models based on the I-Ching and their limitations. The I-Ching, the most important ancient source of information on traditional Chinese culture and cosmology, provides the metaphysical foundation for this culture, especially Confucian ethics and Taoist morality. To overcome the limitations of the four previous Tai-Chi models, we transform I-Ching cultural system into a psychological theory by applying the cultural system approach. Specifically, we propose the Jun-zi Self-Cultivation Model, which argues that an individual (...)
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  2.  60
    Differences in Perceived Mental Effort Required and Discomfort during a Working Memory Task between Individuals At-risk And Not At-risk for ADHD.Chia-Fen Hsu, John D. Eastwood & Maggie E. Toplak - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  3.  42
    Anticipated, experienced, and remembered subjective effort and discomfort on sustained attention versus working memory tasks.Veerpal Bambrah, Chia-Fen Hsu, Maggie E. Toplak & John D. Eastwood - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 75 (C):102812.
  4.  36
    Investigating Coherence About Nature of Science in Science Curriculum Documents.Yi-Fen Yeh, Sibel Erduran & Ying-Shao Hsu - 2019 - Science & Education 28 (3-5):291-310.
    The article focuses on the analysis of curriculum documents from Taiwan to investigate how benchmarks for learning nature of science are positioned in different versions of the science curricula. Following a review of different approaches to the conceptualization of NOS and the role of NOS in promoting scientific literacy, an empirical study is reported to illustrate how the science curriculum documents represent different aspects of NOS. The article uses the family resemblance approach as the account of NOS and adapts it (...)
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  5. Ethically Questionable Behavior in Sales Representatives – An Example from the Taiwanese Pharmaceutical Industry.Ya-Hui Hsu, Wenchang Fang & Yuanchung Lee - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):155-166.
    Recent corporate disgraces and corruption have heightened concerns about ethically questionable behavior in business. The construct of ethically questionable behavior is an under-portrayed area of management field research, and deserves further studying, especially in sales positions. This study uses four variables from the human resource management field to explain the ethically questionable behavior of sales representatives in the pharmaceutical industry. These variables include frame pattern, commission structure, behavior control type, and marketing norm perceptions. This work uses a 2  2 (...)
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  6.  14
    Validation of the Double Mediation Model of Workplace Well-Being on the Subjective Well-Being of Technological Employees.Shu-Ya Chang & Hsiang-Chen Hsu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, workplace well-being has been a popular research topic, because it is helpful to promote employees’ welfare, thereby bringing valuable personal and organizational outcomes. With the development of technology, the technology industry plays an important role in Taiwan. Although the salary and benefits provided by the technology industry are better than other industries, the work often requires a lot of time and effort. It is worth paying attention to whether a happy workplace will bring subjective well-being for the (...)
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  7.  17
    Effects of Phonological Consistency and Semantic Radical Combinability on N170 and P200 in the Reading of Chinese Phonograms. [REVIEW]Chun-Hsien Hsu, Ya-Ning Wu & Chia-Ying Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Studies have suggested that visually presented words are obligatorily decomposed into constituents that could be mapped to language representations. The present study aims to elucidate how orthographic processing of one constituent affects the other and vice versa during a word recognition task. Chinese orthographic system has characters representing syllables and meanings instead of suffixation roles, and the majority of Chinese characters are phonograms that can be further decomposed into phonetic radical and semantic radical. We propose that semantic radical combinability indexed (...)
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  8. Short Papers Part-Information Retrieval-A Computer-Assisted Environment on Referential Understanding to Enhance Academic Reading Comprehension.Wing-Kwong Wong, Jian-Hau Lee, Yu-Fen Yang, Hui-Chin Yeh, Chin-Pu Chiao & Sheng-Cheng Hsu - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1119-1124.
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  9.  27
    Measuring Athletic Mental Energy (AME): Instrument Development and Validation.Frank J. H. Lu, Diane L. Gill, Cynthia M. C. Yang, Po-Fu Lee, Yi-Hsiang Chiu, Ya-Wen Hsu & Garry Kuan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:419794.
    Although considerable research indicates that mental energy is an important factor in many domains, including athletic performance (Cook & Davis, 2006), athletic mental energy (AME) has never been conceptualized and measured. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conceptualize and develop a reliable and valid instrument to assess athletic mental energy. In Study 1, a focus group interview established the initial framework of athletic mental energy. Study 2 used a survey to collect athletes’ experiences of athletic mental energy and (...)
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  10. Chê hsüeh kai lun.Ya-po Chao - 1959
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  11. Chê hsüeh hsin lun.Ya-po Chao - 1969 - 58 i.: E..
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  12. Wen i che hsüeh hsin lun.Ya-po Chao - 1974 - Tʻai-pei : Tʻai-wan shang wu yin shu kuan,:
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  13. Hsi yang chê hsüeh ti fa chan.Ya-po Chao - 1967 - T'ai-Wan Shang Wu Yin Shu Kuan.
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  14. Hsi-la san ta chê hsüeh chia.Ya-po Chao - 1969
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  15. Chê hsüeh kai lun hsin pien.Ya-po Chao - 1971 - 60 i.: E..
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  16. Lun li hsüeh.Fu-ya Hsieh - 1959
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  17. Hsi-fang tang tai che hsüeh.Ya-po Chao - 1974 - Kai Kuan Ch U Pan Cheng Chung Shu Chü Yin Hsing.
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  18. Lun li hsüeh hsin lun.Fu-ya Hsieh - 1973
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  19. Jên shêng chê hsüeh.Fu-ya Hsieh - 1967
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  20. Tsung chiao chê hsüeh.Fu-ya Hsieh - 1959
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  21. Kʻung Meng Hsün chiao yü che hsüeh ssu hsiang pi chiao fen hsi yen chiu.Yung-hsi Lin - 1976 - Wen Ching Shu Chü.
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  22. Thomas Kuhn'un Fen Eğitimine Yönelik Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi: Endoktrinasyon Çerçevesinde Gelen Tepkiler.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı & Mehmet Ali Sarı - 2022 - Temaşa Erciyes Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Dergisi 1 (18):173-185.
    Bu makalede, bilim felsefecisi kimliğiyle tanınan Thomas Kuhn’un eğitim ve özellikle fen eğitimi alanındaki görüşlerine değinilmektedir. Fen eğitimi, bilim, bilimin doğası ve bilim uygulamaları hakkında düşünceler geliştirmeye odaklanarak fen öğrenimi için gerekli olan beceri ve anlayışın geliştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Fen eğitiminin temel amaçlarından biri bilimin gerçek doğasının tespit edilmesi ve bu doğrultuda bir eğitim modelinin belirlenmesidir. Bu çerçevede Kuhn’un bilim tarihine yönelik incelemeleri neticesinde ileri sürdüğü paradigma kavramı bilimin doğası ve fen eğitimi konusundaki görüşlerin değişimine yol açmıştır. Kuhn açısından fen eğitimi (...)
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  23.  12
    Ge Rongjin wen ji.Rongjin Ge - 2014 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    Wen ji" fen wei "Wo de xue shu chuang xin zhi lu (dai zi xu)" he "Ming dai zhu ming zhe xue jia Wang Tingxiang yan jiu"(di 1-2 juan), "Zhongguo zhe xue Fan Chou shi yan jiu" (di 3-4 juan), "Zhongguo shi xue yu Dong Ya shi xue yan jiu", "Zhongguo guan li zhe xue yan jiu" (di 5-6 juan), "Zhonguo zhe xue ji qi xian dai quan shi lun ji" (di 10-12 juan) wu da ban kuai.
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  24.  20
    Tian yu ren: ru xue zou xiang shi jie de qian zhan: Du Weiming Fan Zeng dui hua.Weiming Tu - 2010 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she. Edited by Zeng Fan & Xiaoyuan Xue.
    Du Weiming xian sheng shi dang dai yan jiu he chuan bo ru jia wen hua de zhong yao si xiang jia. Ta 1940 nian chu sheng yu Kunming, xian hou qiu xue yu Taiwan dong hai da xue he Meiguo Hafo da xue, ren jiao yu Pulinsidun da xue, Bokeli Jiazhou da xue. Zi 1981 nian, Du Weiming xian sheng yi zhi zai Hafo da xue Dong Ya xi dan ren li shi ji zhe xue jiao shou,qi jian huo (...)
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  25.  35
    The Works of al-Kāfiyajī and Its Contribution to the Arabic Linguistic: Identification, Classification and Evaluation.Murat Tala - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1081-1111.
    Muhyiddîn el-Kâfiyecî (öl. 879/1474), on beşinci yüzyıl Saruhanoğulları, Osmanlı ve Memlüklü alimlerindendir. Yüzden çok eser yazmıştır. Makale Kâfiyeci’nin hayatı ve eserlerini araştırır. Yazdığı eserler, onun, Arap dili, Arap grameri, belagat, tarih metodolojisi, hadis ve usulü, tefsir ve usulü, fıkıh ve usulü, kelâm, tasavvuf, dil felsefesi, semantik, metafizik meseleler, geometri, optik ve astronomi gibi konularda uzmanlaştığını göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci en önemli eserlerini Arap dili ve mantık sahalarında yazmıştır. Eserleri içerisinde yaptığı linguistik çözümlemeler, onun yetkin bir dil alimi olduğunu göstermektedir. Kâfiyeci eserlerini yazarken (...)
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  26.  16
    Si xiang, li shi yu wen hua ping lun.Hailin Zheng - 2010 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ren min chu ban she.
    Ben shu wei Xianggang Zhong wen da xue Ya Tai yan jiu suo yan jiu yuan Zheng Hailin bo shi suo zhu, ji jie qi fang xue dong xi fang shi nian suo zhuan xie wen zhi jing cui er cheng, nei rong fen wei si xiang, li shi ren wu, he wen hua ping lun san bu fen. Guan dian zheng que, ke guan gong zheng, fu yu chuang yi.
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  27.  57
    Thomas Kuhn’un Bilim Anlayışı ve Kavramsal Değişim Yaklaşımı.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı (ed.) - 2024 - Ankara: Nika Yayınevi.
    Thomas Kuhn’un ufuk açıcı eseri Bilimsel Devrimlerin Yapısı’nda yer verdiği bilimin yapısı ve işleyişi konusundaki tespitleri ve bilimin gerçek doğasını anlama yönündeki girişimleri bilime yönelik sergilenen pozitivist bakış açısını değiştirerek eğitici ve öğrencilerin modern bilim anlayışının özelliklerini daha iyi anlamalarında ve eğitim alanında yeni düzenlemelerin yapılmasında giderek etkili olmaktadır. Başta fen eğitimi araştırmacıları olmak üzere her geçen yıl eğitimciler tarafından Kuhn’un çalışmalarına yönelik artan ilgi ve başvuru bu durumu destekler niteliktedir (Loving ve Cobern, 2000, s. 187). Eğitim araştırmalarında Kuhn’un görüşlerinin (...)
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  28. Di Er Bu Fen : Hou Ren Lei Lun Li di San Pian, Tai Wan Ji Lu Pian de Sai Bo Ge Zhu Ti Yan Lian.qiu gui fen - 2014 - In Jiann-Guang Lin & Yulin Li, Saiboge yu hou ren lei zhu yi. Taibei Shi: Hua yi xue shu.
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  29.  23
    Sweat the Fall Stuff: Physical Activity Moderates the Association of White Matter Hyperintensities With Falls Risk in Older Adults.Rachel A. Crockett, Ryan S. Falck, Elizabeth Dao, Chun Liang Hsu, Roger Tam, Walid Alkeridy & Teresa Liu-Ambrose - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Falls in older adults are a major public health problem. White matter hyperintensities are highly prevalent in older adults and are a risk factor for falls. In the absence of a cure for WMHs, identifying potential strategies to counteract the risk of WMHs on falls are of great importance. Physical activity is a promising countermeasure to reduce both WMHs and falls risk. However, no study has yet investigated whether PA attenuates the association of WMHs with falls risk. We hypothesized (...)
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  30.  21
    An ideal sense of self: Proposition of holistic self and holistic mindset from the unique anthropological–sociocultural perspective of life and death education.Huy P. Phan, Bing H. Ngu, Si-Chi Chen & Chao-Sheng Hsu - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
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  31.  67
    A nationwide evaluation on electronic medication‐related information provided by hospital websites.Hsiang-Wen Lin, Chung-Hui Ku, Jui-fen Li, An Chee Tan & Chia-Hung Chou - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):304-310.
  32. Han Fei ti fa hsüeh yü wen hsüeh.Han-chʻang Hsü - 1979
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  33. Cārvāka: aitihāsika āṇi tāttvika mīmãsā.ḌīVāya Hāḍekara - 2000 - Puṇe: Sugāvā Prakāśana.
    Study on the philosophy of Cārvāka, classical Indian materialist.
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  34. Hsin lo chi hsüeh.Ling-chʻing Hsü - 1950
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  35. Cairns, HS, 193.G. Cossu, J. Davidoff, J. L. Elman, R. A. Griggs, D. G. Hall, F. G. E. Happt & Hsu Jr - 1993 - Cognition 48:307.
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  36.  32
    The Influence of Counterfactual Comparison on Fairness in Gain-Loss Contexts.Qi Li, Chunsheng Wang, Jamie Taxer, Zhong Yang, Ya Zheng & Xun Liu - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37. Sefer Mishmeret ha-yiḥud: hilkhot yiḥud kelalehen, u-firṭehen ʻarukhot u-mesudarot ke-Shulḥan ʻarukh.Shelomoh Zalman ben Yaʻaḳov Tsevi Ṿolf - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼah la-or Tsuf.
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  38.  22
    Research on the Influence Mechanism of Consumers’ Perceived Risk on the Advertising Avoidance Behavior of Online Targeted Advertising.Hai Jian Wang, Xia Lei Yue, Aisha Rehman Ansari, Gui Qian Tang, Jian Yi Ding & Ya Qiong Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In China, online sales continue to grow against the generally adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic development. Although advertisers favor online targeted advertising for its precision, consumers may find it intrusive and avoid it. This study constructed a conceptual model based on Stimulus-Organism-Response theory, Approach-Avoidance Theory, and Brand Avoidance Theory to investigate the influence mechanism of consumers’ perceived risk on the avoidance behavior of online targeted advertising via an online survey. Collected 436 validated data was analyzed through structural (...)
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  39.  44
    Exploring Human Cognition Using Large Image Databases.Thomas L. Griffiths, Joshua T. Abbott & Anne S. Hsu - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (3):569-588.
    Most cognitive psychology experiments evaluate models of human cognition using a relatively small, well-controlled set of stimuli. This approach stands in contrast to current work in neuroscience, perception, and computer vision, which have begun to focus on using large databases of natural images. We argue that natural images provide a powerful tool for characterizing the statistical environment in which people operate, for better evaluating psychological theories, and for bringing the insights of cognitive science closer to real applications. We discuss how (...)
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  40.  27
    When Does Prosocial Motivation Deliver? A Dual-Motivations Approach to Social Enterprise Outcomes.Kevin Au, Sophia Soyoung Jeong, Anna J. C. Hsu & Yingzhao Xiao - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):159-178.
    Scholars and leaders have assumed that prosocial motivation is the primary driver for social enterprises (SEs) to do good. Despite the significance of prosocial motivation, we argue that it may not be the single driver for SE motivation. A dual-motivations approach based on insights from motivation research is proposed to examine how different types of SE motivation can act together to influence the outcomes of SEs. Empirical findings based on survey data from Hong Kong demonstrate that dual motivations—prosocial-intrinsic and prosocial-extrinsic (...)
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  41. Divre Yaʻaḳov: pirḳe maḥshavah.Yaʻaḳov ʻAdes - 2013 - [Israel]: [Yaʻaḳov ʻAdes].
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  42.  63
    Multiple Neural Networks Malfunction in Primary Blepharospasm: An Independent Components Analysis.Xiao-Feng Huang, Meng-Ru Zhu, Ping Shan, Chen-Hui Pei, Zhan-Hua Liang, Hui-Ling Zhou, Ming-Fei Ni, Yan-Wei Miao, Guo-Qing Xu, Bing-Wei Zhang & Ya-Yin Luo - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  43.  30
    Interdisciplining pedagogy: A roundtable.Mark Pedelty, Tom Reynolds, Karen Miksch, Patrick Bruch, Walter R. Jacobs, Carl Chung, Leon Hsu, Amy Lee, Heidi Barajas & Greg Choy - 2002 - Symploke 10 (1):118-132.
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  44. Śrī Dhanyacaritram: gadya-baddham. Bhuvanacandrasūri, Jñānasāgaragaṇiśiṣya, Jñānasāgara, Udyotasāgara & Jinakīrtisūri (eds.) - 1974 - Pāṭaṇa: Śrī Sāhitya Prakāśana Saṃsthā.
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  45.  41
    Western Chou Civilization.Constance A. Cook, Hsu Cho-yun & Katheryn M. Linduff - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):615.
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  46. The research papers of professor Chen-Jung Hsu =.Chen-Jung Hsu - 1991 - [Taipei]: Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica.
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  47.  11
    Disengagement from Internet Usage among Russian IT Professionals.Adi Kuntsman, E. O. Bogdanova, E. Ya Ponomareva & A. A. Shchetvina - 2018 - Sociology of Power 30 (3):144-164.
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  48. Satyamaya jīvana: athavā, Satyāsatya vicāra: Lorḍa Môrlīnā "Ôna cômpromāījha"-Satyāgrahanī maryādāne ādhāre eka nibandha.Kiśoralāla Ghanaśyāmalāla Maśarūvāḷā - 1935 - Amadāvāda: Navajīvana Prakāśana Mandira.
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  49. Strī-purusha-maryādā.Kiśoralāla Ghanaśyāmalāla Maśarūvāḷā - 1948
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  50.  50
    Trends in the Development of Medical Ethics in the USSR.G. I. Tsaregorodtsev & A. Ya Ivanyushkin - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (3):301-314.
    The study of professional ethics has a long tradition in the Soviet Union; medical ethics is a code of conduct as well as an academic discipline. The paper discusses the ethical issues in intensive care, the definition of death, abortion, euthanasia, and the moral aspects of medical mistakes.
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