Results for 'Nuria Arenas-Hidalgo'

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  1.  14
    Linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources and psychological and physical symptoms of service sector employees. When is the midpoint a good choice?Francisco J. Sanclemente, Nuria Gamero, Alicia Arenas & Francisco J. Medina - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Related to the research of working conditions, the link between organizational factors and health was traditionally analyzed using linear models. However, the literature analysis suggests inconsistencies in linear models predicting workers’ health levels. To clarify this issue, this exploratory research compares the linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources, and the psychological and physical symptoms of employees working in the main five service subsectors: commerce, horeca, public administration, education, and healthcare. With a final sample of 4,047 participants, our study data (...)
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    Spanish Validation of the Shorter Version of the Workplace Incivility Scale: An Employment Status Invariant Measure.Donatella Di Marco, Inés Martínez-Corts, Alicia Arenas & Nuria Gamero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:322024.
    Workplace Incivility (WI) occurs worldwide and has negative consequences on individuals and organizations. Valid and comprehensive instruments have been used, specifically in English speaking countries, to measure such adverse process at work, but it is not available a validated instrument for research carried out in Spanish speaking countries. In this study we aim to test the psychometric properties of the Matthews and Ritter’s four-item Workplace Incivility Scale (2016) with Spanish workers (N= 407) from different sectors. Participants’ mean age was 38.73 (...)
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  3. Liberalism or Immigration Restrictions, But Not Both.Javier Hidalgo & Christopher Freiman - 2016 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 10 (2):1-22.
    This paper argues for a dilemma: you can accept liberalism or immigration restrictions, but not both. More specifically, the standard arguments for restricting freedom of movement apply equally to textbook liberal freedoms, such as freedom of speech, religion, occupation and reproductive choice. We begin with a sketch of liberalism’s core principles and an argument for why freedom of movement is plausibly on a par with other liberal freedoms. Next we argue that, if a state’s right to self-determination grounds a prima (...)
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  4. An Abhidharmic theory of welfare.Javier Hidalgo - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (3):254-270.
    ABSTRACT Do Buddhist philosophical commitments support a particular theory of well-being? Most authors who have examined this question argue that Buddhist ideas are compatible with multiple theories of well-being. In this paper, I contend that one tradition of Buddhist philosophy—Abhidharma—does imply a specific theory of welfare. In particular, Abhidharma supports hedonism. Most Ābhidharmikas claim that only property-particulars called dharmas ultimately exist and I argue that an Abhidharmic theory of well-being should only refer to these properties. Yet the only dharmas that (...)
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  5. The ethics of resisting immigration law.Javier Hidalgo - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (12):e12639.
    States heavily restrict immigration, and many people violate these restrictions. For example, unauthorized immigrants cross borders without official permission, and other actors, such as people smugglers, assist them in doing so. How should we evaluate resistance to immigration law from a moral perspective? In this article, I survey recent work on the ethics of resisting immigration law. In particular, I examine three categories of resistance to immigration law as the following: unauthorized immigration, people smuggling, and citizens' resistance to laws that (...)
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  6. Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration.Javier S. Hidalgo - 2018 - Routledge.
    States restrict immigration on a massive scale. Governments fortify their borders with walls and fences, authorize border patrols, imprison migrants in detention centers, and deport large numbers of foreigners. Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration argues that immigration restrictions are systematically unjust and examines how individual actors should respond to this injustice. Javier Hidalgo maintains that individuals can rightfully resist immigration restrictions and often have strong moral reasons to subvert these laws. This book makes the case that (...)
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    Respiration and Heart Rate Modulation Due to Competing Cognitive Tasks While Driving.Antonio R. Hidalgo-Muñoz, Adolphe J. Béquet, Mathis Astier-Juvenon, Guillaume Pépin, Alexandra Fort, Christophe Jallais, Hélène Tattegrain & Catherine Gabaude - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Relations Between Student Procrastination and Teaching Styles: Autonomy-Supportive and Controlling.Nuria Codina, Rafael Valenzuela, Jose V. Pestana & Joan Gonzalez-Conde - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The missing evidence in favour of restricting emigration.Javier S. Hidalgo - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):564-565.
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  10. You survive teletransportation.Javier Hidalgo - 2022 - Think 21 (61):83-92.
    Suppose that it was possible to teletransport. The teletransporter would destroy your old brain and body and construct an identical brain and body at a new location. Would you survive teletransportation? Many people think that teletransportation would kill you. On their view, the person that emerges from the teletransporter would be a replica of you, but it wouldn't be you. In contrast, I argue that there's no relevant difference between teletransportation and ordinary survival. So, if you survive ordinary life, then (...)
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  11. Arte actual en China. Nuevos medios, últimas tendencias.Núria Querol - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 51:71-75.
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    Una revista distinta: Ellas.Cora Requena Hidalgo - 2014 - Arbor 190 (767):a131.
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    Fear of COVID-19, Stress, and Anxiety in University Undergraduate Students: A Predictive Model for Depression.Antonio J. Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Yisela Pantaleón, Irene Dios & Daniel Falla - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14. Resistance to Unjust Immigration Restrictions.Javier Hidalgo - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 23 (4):450-470.
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    The active recruitment of health workers: a defence.Javier S. Hidalgo - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (10):603-609.
    Many organisations in rich countries actively recruit health workers from poor countries. Critics object to this recruitment on the grounds that it has harmful consequences and that it encourages health workers to violate obligations to their compatriots. Against these critics, I argue that the active recruitment of health workers from low-income countries is morally permissible. The available evidence suggests that the emigration of health workers does not in general have harmful effects on health outcomes. In addition, health workers can immigrate (...)
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    Attitudes vs. Purchase Behaviors as Experienced Dissonance: The Roles of Knowledge and Consumer Orientations in Organic Market.María Hidalgo-Baz, Mercedes Martos-Partal & Óscar González-Benito - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  17. The Duty to Disobey Immigration Law.Javier Hidalgo - 2016 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 3 (2).
    Many political theorists argue that immigration restrictions are unjust and defend broadly open borders. In this paper, I examine the implications of this view for individual conduct. In particular, I argue that the citizens of states that enforce unjust immigration restrictions have duties to disobey certain immigration laws. States conscript their citizens to help enforce immigration law by imposing legal duties on these citizens to monitor, report, and refrain from interacting with unauthorized migrants. If an ideal of open borders is (...)
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    Una nueva interpretación del «qigong» desde el concepto filosófico de armonía integral.Núria Ruiz Morillas - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (308):515-531.
    El qigong es un ejercicio físico y de concentración que ha experimentado una gran expansión a nivel mundial. Esta rápida difusión ha propiciado que se transmita desligado de su base filosófica y que se proyecte una mezcla confusa de conceptos relacionados básicamente con la salud física y mental. En este trabajo se interpreta el qigong desde una perspectiva filosófica. Para ello se ha tomado como referencia el concepto de armonía integral de Fang Dongmei y se ha elaborado un marco teorético (...)
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    Mexican Indigenous Psychologies, Cosmovisons, and Altered States of Consciousness.Nuria Ciofalo - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5):103-122.
    Indigenous psychologies are informed by their cosmogonies and cosmologies, philosophies, spirituality and religions, traditions and customs, and knowledge and praxis systems. This paper reviews some conceptions of consciousness, psyche, spirit, mental and physical health, relations to all Earth Beings (human and nonhuman), ancestors, nature, and altered states of consciousness among the Nahua and Maya of Mexico. Colonization has threatened these rich legacies by imposing the conquerors' cosmologies. However, these Indigenous communities continue to use plants, mushrooms, and some animals to generate (...)
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  20. Do Employers have Obligations to Pay Their Workers a Living Wage?Javier Hidalgo - 2013 - Business Ethics Journal Review:69-75.
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    Corporate Governance and Intellectual Capital Disclosure.Ruth L. Hidalgo, Emma García-Meca & Isabel Martínez - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (3):483 - 495.
    The aim of this article is to analyse the internal mechanisms of corporate governance (board of directors and ownership structure), which influence voluntary disclosure of intangibles. The results appear to corroborate the view that an increase in institutional investor shareholding has a negative effect on voluntary disclosure, supporting the hypothesis of entrenchment, whereas an excessive ownership by institutional investors may have adverse effects on strategic disclosure decisions. The results also indicate that an increase in the number of members of the (...)
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    Los lugares espacian el espacio.Aldo Hidalgo Hermosilla - 2013 - Aisthesis 54:55-71.
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  23. Agua, poder y tecnología: megaproyectos hídricos y movilización social en Ecuador.Hidalgo Bastidas & Juan Pablo - 2020 - Wageningen, The Netherlands: Justicia Hídrica.
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    Richard Bernstein, Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (1).
    Dewey and the Task before Us: The Making of the Democratic Experience This book review could also be entitled “John Dewey: Old and New,” recalling a distant resemblance to one of the most well known books of Dewey, Individualism Old and New (1930). But in this case the subject pursued under this title would be the development in the reception of John Dewey’s work in the past century. This is a genuine hermeneutical reflection on the significance of one of the (...)
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    El pensamiento estratégico de Fidel Castro Ruz.Rafael Hidalgo Fernández (ed.) - 2021 - La Habana, Cuba: Editora Historia, Instituto de Historia de Cuba.
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    H.P. Grice's defense of the two-valued formal system of classical logic: a critique.Araceli C. Hidalgo - 1985 - Diliman, Quezon City: Asian Center, University of the Philippines.
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    Kants Friedensschrift und der Theorienstreit in den internationalen Beziehungen.Oliver Hidalgo - 2011 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
    Trotz vielfältiger kursorischer Bezugnahmen im Kontext des Liberalismus, Idealismus und Institutionalismus wird die Bedeutung Kants für die Theoriebildung in den Internationalen Beziehungen unverändert unterschätzt. Die vorliegende Publikation will demgegenüber zeigen, wie die akkurate Übersetzung der Prämissen und Argumente der kantischen Friedensschrift in den Subtext zentraler Paradigmen der IB zu einer ideengeschichtlich fundierten Theoriesynopse anregt, die die Grenzen zwischen den konkurrierenden Denkschulen wie zwischen den politikwissenschaftlichen Teildisziplinen überwinden könnte. Vor dem Hintergrund der Rekonstruktion des Ewigen Friedens als dynamischer Realisierungsprozess des internationalen (...)
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  28. Social Complexity and the Development of Towns in Iberia, From the Copper Age to the Second Century AD.Hidalgo Josf3 Manuel Rodrfguez & S. Keay - 1995
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    Tendiendo puentes entre la teoría y la práctica científica: el péndulo balístico.Encarnación Hidalgo Cámara - 1993 - Endoxa 1 (2):237.
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  30. LA Feuerbach:" The Need of a Change" 1842.Francisco Martinez Hidalgo - 2012 - Pensamiento 68 (255):121-128.
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    Poder político y democracia. La filosofía política de Juan Roa Dávila.Nuria Belloso Martín - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (3):689-702.
    In the course of history there have always been a controversy in the relationships between people's will and the political power that govern it. The analysis about power's origin, its functions, and the people right of resistance carried out by J. Roa Dávila, make possible to understand better the present day concept of democracy and it oblige to lay out again the ethics of the practising of the political power.
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    Luis Crespí Jaume, científico de la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios y catedrático de Agricultura del Instituto-Escuela.Carmen Masip Hidalgo - 2011 - Arbor 187 (749):501-511.
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  33. The ethics of people smuggling.Javier Hidalgo - 2016 - Journal of Global Ethics 12 (3):311-326.
    ABSTRACTPeople smugglers help transport migrants across international borders without authorization and in return for compensation. Many people object to people smuggling and believe that the smuggling of migrants is an evil trade. In this paper, I offer a qualified defense of people smuggling. In particular, I argue that people smuggling that assists refugees in escaping threats to their rights can be morally justified. I then rebut the objections that people smugglers exploit migrants, have defective motivations, and wrongly violate the law. (...)
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  34. Empty or Emergent Persons? A Critique of Buddhist Personalism.Javier Hidalgo - 2021 - Comparative Philosophy 12 (1):76-97.
    In contrast to Buddhist Reductionists who deny the ultimate existence of the persons, Buddhist Personalists claim that persons are ultimately real in some important sense. Recently, some philosophers have offered philosophical reconstructions of Buddhist Personalism. In this paper, I critically evaluate one philosophical reconstruction of Buddhist Personalism according to which persons are irreducible to the parts that constitute them. Instead, persons are emergent entities and have novel properties that are distinct from the properties of their constituents. While this emergentist interpretation (...)
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    Promoting Ethical Reflection in the Teaching of Social Entrepreneurship: A Proposal Using Religious Parables.Nuria Toledano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (1):115-132.
    This paper proposes a teaching alternative that can encourage the ethical reflective sensibility among students of social entrepreneurship. It does so by exploring the possibility of using religious parables as narratives that can be analysed from Ricoeur’s hermeneutics to provoke and encourage ethical discussions in social entrepreneurship courses. To illustrate this argument, the paper makes use of a parable from the New Testament as an example of a religious narrative that can be used to prompt discussions about social entrepreneurs’ ethical (...)
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  36. A Dilemma for Buddhist Reductionism.Javier Hidalgo - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (4):977-998.
    This article develops a dilemma for Buddhist Reductionism that centers on the nature of normative reasons. This dilemma suggests that Buddhist Reductionism lacks the resources to make sense of normative reasons and, furthermore, that this failure may cast doubt on the plausibility of Buddhist Reductionism as a whole.
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  37. Buddhist Error Theory.Javier Hidalgo - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (1):21-40.
  38.  46
    Open economics. Economics in relation to other disciplines. Richard Arena; Sheila Dow & Matthias Klaes (eds).Richard Arena, Sheila Dow, Matthias Klaes, Brian J. Loasby, Bruna Ingrao, Pier Luigi Porta, Sergio Volodia Cremaschi, Mark Harrison, Alain Clément, Ludovic Desmedt, Nicola Giocoli, Giovanna Garrone, Roberto Marchionatti, Maurice Lagueux, Michele Alacevich, Andrea Costa, Giovanna Vertova, Hugh Goodacre, Joachim Zweynert & Isabelle This Saint-Jean - 2009 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    Economics has developed into one of the most specialised social sciences. Yet at the same time, it shares its subject matter with other social sciences and humanities and its method of analysis has developed in close correspondence with the natural and life sciences. This book offers an up to date assessment of economics in relation to other disciplines. -/- This edited collection explores fields as diverse as mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, sociology, architecture, and literature, drawing from selected contributions to the (...)
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  39. Self-Determination, Immigration Restrictions, and the Problem of Compatriot Deportation.Javier Hidalgo - 2014 - Journal of International Political Theory 10 (3):261-282.
    Several political theorists argue that states have rights to self-determination and these rights justify immigration restrictions. Call this: the self-determination argument for immigration restrictions. In this article, I develop an objection to the self-determination argument. I argue that if it is morally permissible for states to restrict immigration because they have rights to self-determination, then it can also be morally permissible for states to deport and denationalize their own citizens. We can either accept that it is permissible for states to (...)
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  40. The Case for the International Governance of Immigration.Javier Hidalgo - 2016 - International Theory 8 (1):140-170.
    States have rights to unilaterally determine their own immigration policies under international law and few international institutions regulate states’ decision-making about immigration. As a result, states have extensive discretion over immigration policy. In this paper, I argue that states should join international migration institutions that would constrain their discretion over immigration. Immigration restrictions are morally risky. When states restrict immigration, they risk unjustly harming foreigners and restricting their freedom. Furthermore, biases and epistemic defects pervasively influence states’ decision-making about immigration policy. (...)
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  41. Selling Citizenship: A Defence.Javier Hidalgo - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (3):223-239.
    Many people think that citizenship should not be for sale. On their view, it is morally wrong for states to sell citizenship to foreigners. In this article, I challenge this view. I argue that it is in principle permissible for states to sell citizenship. I contend that, if states can permissibly deny foreigners access to citizenship in some cases, then states can permissibly give foreigners the option of buying citizenship in these cases. Furthermore, I defend the permissibility of selling citizenship (...)
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  42. Sintaxi llatina: proposta didàctica com a reflexió del procés d'aprenentatge.Núria Gómez Llauger - 2012 - Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics 1:155.
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  43. Parfitian or Buddhist reductionism? Revisiting a debate about personal identity.Javier Hidalgo - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-25.
    Derek Parfit influentially defends reductionism about persons, the view that a person’s existence just consists in the existence of a brain and body and the occurrence of a series of physical and mental events. Yet some critics, particularly Mark Johnston, have raised powerful objections to Parfit’s reductionism. In this paper, I defend reductionism against Johnston. In particular, I defend a radical form of reductionism that Buddhist philosophers developed. Buddhist reductionism can justify key features of Parfit’s position, such as the claims (...)
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    How do coffee farmers engage with digital technologies? A capabilities perspective.Francisco Hidalgo, Athena Birkenberg, Thomas Daum, Christine Bosch & Xiomara F. Quiñones-Ruiz - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1707-1723.
    A reality-design gap in the conceptualization and practice of digital agriculture has been systematically reported in the literature. This condition is favored by the lack of understanding and inclusion of local worldviews around digital technologies. Informed by Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach, this study looks to bring stories of local appropriation to the spotlight. Based on a qualitative approach that included data collected through interviews with 73 households, the authors explored the way in which two selected communities of Colombian coffee growers (...)
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    Introducción al monográfico “Jane Addams en español”.Núria Sara Miras Boronat & Just Serrano Zamora - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Es un placer para nosotros, flamantes nuevos editores de la sección multilingüe de la EJPAP, estrenar esta sección con el dossier monográfico “Jane Addams en español.” El monográfico ha conseguido la hazaña de poder unir por primera vez textos de las todavía pocas personas que escriben en lengua castellana y que están familiarizadas con la obra de Jane Addams (1860-1935). El desconocimiento de la vida y obra de Jane Addams entre el público hispanohablante no se debe, de ningún modo, al (...)
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  46. Comprensión, diálogo Y finitud. Sobre un «humanismo pluralista» en Gadamer.Nuria Sara Mlras Boronat - 2005 - Endoxa 20:479-498.
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    Las voces del daño.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2022 - Isegoría 66:03-03.
    Epistemic structures, often naturalized, are one of the most elusive features of the forms of harm spread in contemporary societies, which also obstruct the subject to wake up to them. Thus, to engage with social harm encourages to inspect how epistemic structures and models of society match in a complex way through the processes that make it possible to build subjective identity and horizons of action. Moreover, these cognitive frameworks also unfold a weave of emotions fitting in those cognitive spaces. (...)
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    'Ingenium' and Rhetoric in the Work of Vives.Emilio Hidalgo-Serna, Lynne Ballew & Holly Wilson - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 16 (4):228 - 241.
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    Cadenas sociales vs. vínculos jurídicos en el republicanismo kantiano. Respuesta a María Julia Bertomeu.Nuria Sánchez Madrid - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):180-187.
    En este escrito me propongo mantener un diálogo con María Julia Bertomeu a propósito de la lectura sobre la hibridación de liberalismo y republicanismo contenida en una contribución de A. Pinzani y N. Sánchez Madrid y publicada en el volumen Kant and Social Policies. Mi intención principal es esclarecer lo que Kant parece entender en la Doctrina del Derecho como la protección jurídica que el Estado debe conceder a los ciudadanos en su totalidad y señalar la dualidad de perspectivas que (...)
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    Institut für Philosophie of the University of Leipzig (Germany). She was awarded her PhD at the University of Barcelona (Spain) for her disserta-tion, Wittgenstein and Gadamer: Language, Praxis, Reason: The Problem of Pluralism through the Philosophy of Language (2009). While a doctoral stu.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - In Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.), Persuasion and Compulsion in Democracy. Lexington Books.
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