Results for 'Noah Graham'

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  1. Non-factive Understanding: A Statement and Defense.Yannick Doyle, Spencer Egan, Noah Graham & Kareem Khalifa - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (3):345-365.
    In epistemology and philosophy of science, there has been substantial debate about truth’s relation to understanding. “Non-factivists” hold that radical departures from the truth are not always barriers to understanding; “quasi-factivists” demur. The most discussed example concerns scientists’ use of idealizations in certain derivations of the ideal gas law from statistical mechanics. Yet, these discussions have suffered from confusions about the relevant science, as well as conceptual confusions. Addressing this example, we shall argue that the ideal gas law is best (...)
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    How to be a Realist about Similarity: Towards a Theory of Features in Object-Oriented Philosophy.Noah Roderick - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):327-341.
    This essay calls for an independent theory of features in object-oriented philosophy. Theories of features are in general motivated by at least two interconnected demands: 1) to explain why objects have the characteristics they have, 2) to explain how regular divisions in those characteristics can be intuited. While a theory of universal properties may be the most internally consistent means of addressing these demands, an object-oriented metaphysics needs to address them without a concept of shared features. This means that regular (...)
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  3. The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality.Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon & Peter Miller (eds.) - 1991 - University of Chicago Press.
    Based on Michel Foucault's 1978 and 1979 lectures at the Collège de France on governmental rationalities and his 1977 interview regarding his work on imprisonment, this volume is the long-awaited sequel to Power/Knowledge.
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    Likeness to Truth.Graham Oddie - 1986 - Dordrecht and Boston: Reidel.
    What does it take for one proposition to be closer to the truth than another. In this, the first published monograph on the topic, Oddie develops a comprehensive theory that takes the likeness in truthlikeness seriously.
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    Animism: Respecting the Living World.Graham Harvey - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
    How have human cultures engaged with and thought about animals, plants, rocks, clouds, and other elements in their natural surroundings? Do animals and other natural objects have a spirit or soul? What is their relationship to humans? In this new study, Graham Harvey explores current and past animistic beliefs and practices of Native Americans, Maori, Aboriginal Australians, and eco-pagans. He considers the varieties of animism found in these cultures as well as their shared desire to live respectfully within larger (...)
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  6. Describing Gods: An Investigation of Divine Attributes.Graham Oppy - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book begins with a careful taxonomy of divine attributes. It continues with detailed examinations of: divine infinity; divine simplicity; divine perfection; divine necessity; omnipotence; omniscience; divine goodness; divine beauty; divine fundamentality; divine will; divine freedom; etc.
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  7. The Best Argument Against God.Graham Robert Oppy - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Preface -- Introduction -- Preliminary matters -- Some big ideas -- Minimal theism and naturalism -- Standard theism and naturalism -- Conclusion.
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  8. How to Defend the Law of Non-Contradiction without Incurring the Dialetheist’s Charge of (Viciously) Begging the Question.Marco Simionato - 2024 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 31 (2):141-182.
    According to some critics, Aristotle’s elenctic defence (elenchos, elenchus) of the Law of Non-Contradiction (Metaphysics IV) would be ineffective because it viciously begs the question. After briefly recalling the elenctic refutation of the denier of the Law of Non-Contradiction, I will first focus on Filippo Costantini’s objection to the elenchus, which, in turn, is based on the dialetheic account of negation developed by Graham Priest. Then, I will argue that there is at least one reading of the elenchus that (...)
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    When did a psychologist last discuss ‘chagrin’? American psychology’s continuing moral project.Windy Dryden & Arthur Still - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (4):93-110.
    The starting-point of this article is Graham Richards’ (1995) claim that American psychology includes a moral project present even before the discipline got underway as a modern institution. We accept this, but identify a different kind of moral project, stemming from the radical critique of morality by Ralph Waldo Emerson, rather than the moral aims of Noah Porter and James McCosh. This leads to a morality based on (but not reducible to) psychological events, and worked out, not in (...)
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    Bruno Latour: Reassembling the Political.Graham Harman - 2014 - London: Pluto Press.
    Bruno Latour, the French sociologist, anthropologist and long-established superstar in the social sciences is revisited in this pioneering account of his ever-evolving political philosophy. Breaking from the traditional focus on his metaphysics, most recently seen in Harman's book Prince of Networks, the author instead begins with the Hobbesian and even Machiavellian underpinnings of Latour's early period and encountering his shift towards Carl Schmitt and finishing with his final development into the Lippmann / Dewey debate. Harman brings these twists and turns (...)
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  11. Ultimate naturalistic casual explanations.Graham Oppy - 2011 - In Ty Goldschmidt, Why is the something rather than nothing? Routledge. pp. 46-63.
    This paper discusses attempts to explain why there are more than zero instances of the causal relation. In particular, it argues for the conclusion that theism is no better placed than naturalism to provide an "ultimate causal explanation".
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    The Interactions of Rational, Pragmatic Agents Lead to Efficient Language Structure and Use.Benjamin N. Peloquin, Noah D. Goodman & Michael C. Frank - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):433-445.
    Despite their diversity, human languages share consistent properties and regularities. Wherefrom does this consistency arise? And does it tell us something about the problem that all languages need to solve? The authors provide an intriguing analyses which focuses on the “communicative function of ambiguity” whose resolution entailed an equally intriguing “speaker–listener cross‐entropy objective for measuring the efficiency of linguistic systems from first principles of efficient language use.”.
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    Thoughts on the Way: Being and Time via Lao-Chuang.Graham Parkes - 1987 - In Heidegger and Asian Thought. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 105-144.
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    The putative fascism of the kyoto school and the political correctness of the modern academy.Graham Parkes - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (3):305-336.
    There is a current fashion among some prominent Japanologists to brand Kyoto School philosophers as mere fascist or imperialist ideologues. This essay examines these charges, and criticizes the critics, endeavoring thereby to encourage a more responsible evaluation of the relationship between philosophical and political discourse.
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    Distributed Neural Activity Patterns during Human-to-Human Competition.Matthew Piva, Xian Zhang, J. Adam Noah, Steve W. C. Chang & Joy Hirsch - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  16. Religious Language Games.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis - 2007 - In Andrew Moore & Michael Scott, Realism and Religion: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives. Ashgate. pp. 103-29.
    This paper is a critique of Witgensteinian approaches to philosophy of religion. In particular, it provides a close critique of the views of D. Z. Phillips.
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    Sortition, Rotation, and Mandate: Conditions for Political Equality and Deliberative Reasoning.Graham Smith & David Owen - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (3):419-434.
    The proposal to create a chamber selected by sortition would extend this democratic procedure into the legislative branch of government. However, there are good reasons to believe that, as currently conceived by John Gastil and Erik Olin Wright, the proposal will fail to realize sufficiently two fundamental democratic goods, namely, political equality and deliberative reasoning. It is argued through analysis of its historic and contemporary application that sortition must be combined with other institutional devices, in particular, rotation of membership and (...)
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    Moral Foundations of Constitutional Thought: Current Problems, Augustinian Prospects.Graham Walker - 1990 - Princeton University Press.
    Graham Walker boldly recasts the debate over issues like constitutional interpretation and judicial review, and challenges contemporary thinking not only about specifically constitutional questions but also about liberalism, law, justice, and rights. Walker targets the "skeptical" moral nihilism of leading American judges and writers, on both the political left and right, charging that their premises undermine the authority of the Constitution, empty its moral words of any determinate meaning, and make nonsense of ostensibly normative theories. But he is even (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Rowe's evidential arguments from evil.Graham Oppy - 2013 - In Justin P. Mcbrayer, A Companion to the Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 49-66.
    This chapter discusses the two most prominent recent evidential arguments from evil, due, respectively, to William Rowe and Paul Draper. I argue that neither of these evidential arguments from evil is successful, i.e. such that it ought to persuade anyone who believes in God to give up that belief. In my view, theists can rationally maintain that each of these evidential arguments from evil contains at least one false premise.
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  20. Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Partiality, Preferences and Perspective.Graham Oddie - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (2):57-81.
    A rather promising value theory for environmental philosophers combines the well-known fitting attitude (FA) account of value with the rather less well-known account of value as richness. If the value of an entity is proportional to its degree of richness (which has been cashed out in terms of unified complexity and organic unity), then since natural entities, such as species or ecosystems, exhibit varying degrees of richness quite independently of what we happen to feel about them, they also possess differing (...)
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  21. God.Graham Oppy - 2012 - In Robert Barnard & Neil Manson, Continuum Companion to Metaphysics. Continuum Publishing. pp. 246-68.
    This paper argues that considerations about causal origins of the universe do not favour theism over naturalism. Indeed, if the only data that is relevant to the choice between theism and naturalism is data about causal origins, then it turns out that considerations about causal origins favour naturalism over theism.
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  22.  14
    Ethics, Knowledge and Truth in Sports Research: An Epistemology of Sport.Graham McFee - 2009 - Routledge.
    The study of sport is characterised by its inter-disciplinarity, with researchers drawing on apparently incompatible research traditions and ethical benchmarks in the natural sciences and the social sciences, depending on their area of specialisation. In this groundbreaking study, Graham McFee argues that sound high-level research into sport requires a sound rationale for one’s methodological choices, and that such a rationale requires an understanding of the connection between the practicalities of researching sport and the philosophical assumptions which underpin them. By (...)
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  23. Anscombe on How St. Peter Intentionally Did What He Intended Not to Do.Graham Hubbs - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (1):129-45.
    G. E. M. Anscombe’s Intention, meticulous in its detail and its structure, ends on a puzzling note. At its conclusion, Anscombe claims that when he denied Jesus, St. Peter intentionally did what he intended not to do. This essay will examine why Anscombe construes the case as she does and what it might teach us about the nature of practical rationality.
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    Critical realism and ‘downward causality’: professional rugby union as an extreme sport.Graham Scambler - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):161-172.
    Only too often critical realist contributions to understanding and explaining social phenomena fall into one of two discrete categories: exercises in philosophy or social theory, or empirical research that strikes as more or less atheoretical. This paper continues a long-term project to build bridges between abstruse issues of philosophy and theory and attempts to grasp the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of actual social events. The topic selected is elite professional rugby union and the principal theme is its emergence as an extreme (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Fitting attitudes, finkish goods, and value appearances.Graham Oddie - 2010 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 74-101.
    According to Fitting Attitude theorists, for something to possess a certain value it is necessary and sufficient that it be fitting (appropriate, or good, or obligatory, or something) to take a certain attitude to the bearer of that value. The idea seems obvious for thick evaluative attributes, but less obvious for the thin evaluative attributes—like goodness, betterness, and degrees of value. This paper is an extended argument for the thesis that the fitting response to the thin evaluative attributes of states (...)
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    The fractured society: structures, mechanisms, tendencies.Graham Scambler - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (1):1-13.
    This brief paper builds on my recently published work on financial capitalism. My objective here is (a) to sketch an account of the primary social features of post-1970s financialised capitalism, (b) to identify select dynamics or mechanisms that have resulted in these features, (c) to outline a programme of research to enhance our explanatory understanding of the ‘fractured society’ via the sociological concepts of structure, culture and agency, and (d) to broach, characterize and assess likely prospects and triggers for the (...)
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    The Great Society.Graham Wallas - 1914 - Philosophical Review 23 (6):692-693.
  28. Lowe on "The Ontological Argument".Graham Oppy - 2013 - In J. P. Moreland, K. A. Sweis & Ch V. Meister, Debating Christian Theism. Oxford Univ. Press. pp. 72-84.
    This paper is a discussion of an ontological argument defended by E. J. Lowe in the *Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion* (edited by C. Meister and P. Copan, at pp.332-40). The volume to which this paper belongs contains an article by Lowe which defends a different ontological argument from the one that I discuss.
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    The Eloquent Stillness of Stone: Rock in the Dry Landscape Garden.Graham Parkes - 2002 - In Michael F. Marra, Japanese Hermeneutics: Current Debates on Aesthetics and Interpretation. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 44--59.
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    Walzer and War: Reading Just and Unjust Wars Today.Graham Parsons & Mark A. Wilson (eds.) - 2020 - Palgrave.
    This book presents ten original essays that reassess the meaning, relevance, and legacy of Michael Walzer’s classic, Just and Unjust Wars. Written by leading figures in philosophy, theology, international politics and the military, the essays examine topics such as territorial rights, lessons from America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the practice of humanitarian intervention in light of experience, Walzer’s notorious discussion of supreme emergencies, revisionist criticisms of noncombatant immunity, gender and the rights of combatants, the peacebuilding critique of just war (...)
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    Wanderers in the shadow of nihilism: Nietzsche's ‘good Europeans’.Graham Parkes - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4):585-590.
  32. Walzer's Soldiers: Gender and the Rights of Combatants.Graham Parsons - 2020 - In Graham Parsons & Mark A. Wilson, Walzer and War: Reading Just and Unjust Wars Today. Palgrave. pp. 231-257.
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  33. Arguments for the existence of God.Graham Oppy - 2012 - Oxford Bibliographies Online.
    This is the text of my OBO entry on arguments for the existence of God.
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  34. Anselm and the ontological argument.Graham Oppy - 2011 - In Jeff Jordan, Philosophy of Religion: The Key Thinkers. Continuum. pp. 22-43.
    This chapter gives an exposition and critique of Anselm's Proslogion II argument.
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    Hypnotic induction is followed by state-like changes in the organization of EEG functional connectivity in the theta and beta frequency bands in high-hypnotically susceptible individuals.Graham A. Jamieson & Adrian P. Burgess - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:86859.
    Altered state theories of hypnosis posit that a qualitatively distinct state of mental processing, which emerges in those with high hypnotic susceptibility following a hypnotic induction, enables the generation of anomalous experiences in response to specific hypnotic suggestions. If so then such a state should be observable as a discrete pattern of changes to functional connectivity (shared information) between brain regions following a hypnotic induction in high but not low hypnotically susceptible participants. Twenty-eight channel EEG was recorded from 12 high (...)
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    Implications of the apportionment of human genetic diversity for the apportionment of human phenotypic diversity.Michael D. Edge & Noah A. Rosenberg - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 52:32-45.
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  37. From the Tristram Shandy Paradox to the Christmas Shandy Paradox: Reply to Oderberg.Graham Oppy - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3:172-195.
    This paper is a response to David Oderberg's criticisms of a previous paper of mine. (Bibliographical details are provided in the article.).
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  38. New Atheism' versus 'Christian Nationalism.Graham Oppy - 2011 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Philip Andrew Quadrio, The relationship of philosophy to religion today. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 118-53.
    A discussion of the recent prominence of 'new atheism' and 'Christian nationalism' in the United States.
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  39. Art Without Relations.Graham Harman - 2014 - ArtReview 66 (66):144-147.
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  40. Critical notice of J.P. Moreland's Consciousness and the Existence of God: A Theistic Argument.Graham Oppy - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):193-212.
    This paper is a detailed examination of some parts of J. P. Moreland's book on "the argument from consciousness". (There is a companion article that discusses the parts of the book not taken up in this critical notice.).
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  41. Science, Religion, and Infinity.Graham Oppy - 2012 - In J. B. Stump & Alan G. Padgett, The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 430-440.
    This chapter contains sections titled: * Brief History * How We Talk * Science and Infinity * Religion and Infinity * Concluding Remarks * Notes * References * Further Reading.
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  42. Consciousness, theism, and naturalism.Graham Oppy - 2013 - In J. P. Moreland, K. A. Sweis & Ch V. Meister, Debating Christian Theism. Oxford Univ. Press. pp. 131-46.
    I discuss J. P. Moreland's arguments from consciousness. I argue for the conclusion that considerations about consciousness favor naturalism over theism.
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    Circus Philosophicus.Graham Harman - 2010 - Zero Books.
    Platonic myth meets American noir in this haunting series of philosophical images, from gigantic ferris wheels to offshore drilling rigs. It has been said that Plato, Nietzsche, and Giordano Bruno gave us the three great mythical presentations of serious philosophy in the West. They have spawned few imitators, as philosophers have generally drifted toward a dry, scholarly tone that has become the yardstick of professional respectability. In this book, Graham Harman tries to restore myth to its central place in (...)
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  44. What I believe.Graham Oppy - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 50-56.
    This article gives a brief sketch of the naturalistic beliefs that I hold. It is not intended as a *defence* of those beliefs; the aim of the paper is simply to get the beliefs out onto the table.
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  45. Transparency, Corruption, and Democratic Institutions.Graham Hubbs - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (1):65-83.
    This essay examines some of the institutional arrangements that underlie corruption in democracy. It begins with a discussion of institutions as such, elaborating and extending some of John Searle’s remarks on the topic. It then turns to an examination of specifically democratic institutions; it draws here on Joshua Cohen’s recent Rousseau: A Free Community of Equals. One of the central concerns of Cohen’s Rousseau is how to arrange civic institutions so that they are able to perform their public functions without (...)
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    Erratum to: Beyond Commercialization: Science, Higher Education and the Culture of Neoliberalism.Daniel Lee Kleinman, Noah Weeth Feinstein & Greg Downey - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (10):2403-2403.
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    Religious Epistemology in John Hick’s Philosophy: A Nigerian Appreciation.Olusegun Noah Olawoyin - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):201-206.
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  48. From Russell's Paradox to the Theory of Judgement: Wittgenstein and Russell on the Unity of the Proposition.Graham Stevens - 2004 - Theoria 70 (1):28-61.
    It is fairly well known that Wittgenstein's criticisms of Russell's multiple‐relation theory of judgement had a devastating effect on the latter's philosophical enterprise. The exact nature of those criticisms however, and the explanation for the severity of their consequences, has been a source of confusion and disagreement amongst both Russell and Wittgenstein scholars. In this paper, I offer an interpretation of those criticisms which shows them to be consonant with Wittgenstein's general critique of Russell's conception of logic and which serves (...)
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  49. Late-Twentieth-Century atheism.Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis, Twentieth-Century Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 5. Routledge. pp. 301-12.
    This chapter provides a brief account of atheistic philosophy of relgion in the second half of the twentieth century.
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  50. Pruss, motivational centrality, and probabilities attached to possibility premises in modal ontological arguments.Graham Oppy - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):65-85.
    This paper is a critique of a paper by Alex Pruss. I argue that Pruss's attempt to motivate acceptance of the key possiblity premise in modal ontological arguments fails.
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