Results for 'Nils Berkemeyer'

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  1.  16
    Einleitung: Demokratische Bildung und die Kontroverse über Kontroversitätsgebote.Jens Beljan & Nils Berkemeyer - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (1).
    Der Beitrag führt in das Author meets Critics zum Buch „Kontroverse Themen im Unterricht. Konstruktiv streiten lernen“ (Reclam 2021) von Johannes Drerup ein. Zu diesem Zweck geben wir einen kurzen Überblick über zentrale Probleme und Herausforderungen von Demokratieerziehung und demokratischer Bildung, die in der Debatte über den angemessenen Umgang mit kontroversen Themen im Unterricht verhandelt werden.
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    Persons, Interests, and Justice.Nils Holtug - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    In our lives, we aim to achieve welfare for ourselves, that is, to live good lives. But we also have another, more impartial perspective, where we aim to balance our concern for our own welfare against a concern for the welfare of others. This is a perspective of justice. Nils Holtug examines these two perspectives and the relations between them.
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    “Hungry for Knowledge”: Towards a Meso‐History of the Environmental Sciences.Nils Güttler - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):235-258.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, EarlyView.
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    Nils Jansen: Zum Gedanken einer juristischen Strukturtheorie (Rezensionsabhandlung).Nils Jansen - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (2):277-283.
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  5. Das Recht im Lichte der Anthropologie Graf Dürckheims.Nils Grueber - 1962 - [Zürich,:
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  6. Science and Proven Experience : Johannes.Nils-Eric Sahlin (ed.) - 2018
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  7. The harm principle.Nils Holtug - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):357-389.
    According to the Harm Principle, roughly, the state may coerce a person only if it can thereby prevent harm to others. Clearly, this principle depends crucially on what we understand by harm. Thus, if any sort of negative effect on a person may count as a harm, the Harm Principle will fail to sufficiently protect individual liberty. Therefore, a more subtle concept of harm is needed. I consider various possible conceptions and argue that none gives rise to a plausible version (...)
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  8. On the value of coming into existence.Nils Holtug - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5 (4):361-384.
    In this paper I argue that coming into existence can benefit (or harm) aperson. My argument incorporates the comparative claim that existence canbe better (or worse) for a person than never existing. Since these claimsare highly controversial, I consider and reject a number of objectionswhich threaten them. These objections raise various semantic, logical,metaphysical and value-theoretical issues. I then suggest that there is animportant sense in which it can harm (or benefit) a person not to comeinto existence. Again, I consider and (...)
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  9. Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality.Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    The contributors to the volume are: Richard Arneson, Linda Barclay, Thomas Christiano, Nils Holtug, Susan Hurley, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Dennis McKerlie, ...
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    Teaching the territory: agroecological pedagogy and popular movements.Nils McCune & Marlen Sánchez - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):595-610.
    This contribution traces the parallel development of two distinct approaches to peasant agroecological education: the peasant-to-peasant horizontal method that disseminated across Mesoamerica and the Caribbean beginning in the 1970s, and the political-agroecological training schools of combined consciousness-building and skill-formation that have been at the heart of the educational processes of member organizations of La Via Campesina since the 1990s. Applying a theoretical framework that incorporates territorial struggle, agroecology and popular education, we examine spatial and organizational aspects of each of these (...)
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    Zu dem Begriff »Breite der Gesundheib» bei Galen.Nils Almberg - 1949 - Theoria 15 (1-3):17-28.
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    Das Politische nach dem Vorbild des Ästhetischen.Nils Baratella - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2018 (2):29-44.
    This text is intended to show that in Hannah Arendt’s reflections on the possibilities of political judgment there is an idea of subjectivity that seeks to combine sociality and individuality. In Hannah Arendt’s case, the development of individual judgment becomes the precondition for allowing individuals to be given independent judgment. Arendt derives this concept of judgment from Kant’s reflections on the aesthetic power of judgment which she broadens and makes fruitful for political space. Using the example of aesthetic judgment, Arendt (...)
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    The Routledge handbook of political phenomenology.Nils Baratella (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Phenomenology has primarily been concerned with conceptual questions about knowledge and ontology. However, in recent years the rise of interest and research in applied phenomenology has seen the study of political phenomenology move to a central place in the study of phenomenology generally. The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology is the first major collection on this important topic. Comprising 35 chapters by an international team of expert contributors, the Handbook is organised into six clear parts, each with its own Introduction (...)
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    The Averaged Dynamics of the Hydrogen Atom in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields as a Perturbed Kepler Problem.Nils Berglund & Turgay Uzer - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (2):283-326.
    We treat the classical dynamics of the hydrogen atom in perpendicular electric and magnetic fields as a celestial mechanics problem. By expressing the Hamiltonian in appropriate action–angle variables, we separate the different time scales of the motion. The method of averaging then allows us to reduce the system to two degrees of freedom, and to classify the most important periodic orbits.
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  15. Linguistics, Writing, and “Writing”.Nils Erik Enkvist - 1991 - Semiotica 86 (3/4):325-343.
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  16. Reports on text linguistics: approaches to word order.Nils Erik Enkvist & Viljo Kohonen (eds.) - 1976 - Åbo: [Åbo Akademi].
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  17. Discursive Modernity.Nils Gilje & Harald Grimen (eds.) - 2007 - Universitetsforlaget.
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    Against Deontology.Nils Holtug - 2000 - SATS 1 (2):125-141.
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    Värderingar.Nils Jareborg - 1975 - Stockholm: Norstedt.
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  20. Abdallah Laroui's situated universalist critique of Western Modernity.Nils Riecken - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas, Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    On counterfactual probabilities and causation: a note.Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1982 - Logique Et Analyse 25 (99):327.
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    Can rationality and irrationality be reconciled?Nils Chr Stenseth, Audfinn Tjønneland & Tore Lindholm - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (4):475-483.
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    Aesthetic criteria for musical interpretation: a study of the contemporary performance of western notated instrumental music after 1750.Nils-Göran Sundin - 1994 - Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.
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    Reflections and Comments on Research on Memory and Conversation From an Ethnographic Perspective.Nils Dahlbäck, Mattias Forsblad & Lars-Christer Hydén - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):817-820.
    Dahlbäck, Forsblad and Hydén argue that conversational remembering in the real‐world must be acknowledged as an interactional practice grounded in and bound to the communicative actions produced by the interlocutors. They illustrate the complexity of those processes by referring to their own fieldwork examining older adults’ prospective memory within their homes (Dahlbäck, Kristiansson, & Stjernberg, 2013) and propose alternative methodologies (e.g., scenarios design) to increase collaborations between ethnographic and experimental memory researchers.
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  25. Supposition: A Problem for Bilateralism.Nils Kürbis - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):301-327.
    In bilateral logic formulas are signed by + and –, indicating the speech acts assertion and denial. I argue that making an assumption is also speech act. Speech acts cannot be embedded within other speech acts. Hence we cannot make sense of the notion of making an assumption in bilateral logic. Attempts to solve this problem are considered and rejected.
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  26. Distributed Remembering Through Active Structuring of Activities and Environments.Nils Dahlbäck, Mattias Kristiansson & Fredrik Stjernberg - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):153-165.
    In this paper, we consider a few actual cases of mnemonic strategies among older subjects (older than 65). The cases are taken from an ethnographic study, examining how elderly adults cope with cognitive decline. We believe that these cases illustrate that the process of remembering in many cases involve a complex distributed web of processes involving both internal or intracranial and external sources. Our cases illustrate that the nature of distributed remembering is shaped by and subordinated to the dynamic characteristics (...)
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    The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey.Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    F. P. Ramsey was a remarkably creative and subtle philosopher who in the briefest of academic careers made significant contributions to logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and decision theory. His few published papers reveal him to be a figure or comparable importance to Russell, Carnap and Wittgenstein in the history of analytical philosophy. This book was the first critical study of Ramsey's work, offering a thorough exposition and interpretation of his ideas, setting the ideas in their historical context, (...)
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  28. Aesthetic Evaluation and First-Hand Experience.Nils Franzén - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (4):669-682.
    ABSTRACTEvaluative aesthetic discourse communicates that the speaker has had first-hand experience of what is talked about. If you call a book bewitching, it will be assumed that you have read the book. If you say that a building is beautiful, it will be assumed that you have had some visual experience with it. According to an influential view, this is because knowledge is a norm for assertion, and aesthetic knowledge requires first-hand experience. This paper criticizes this view and argues for (...)
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  29. Egalitarianism and the levelling down objection.Nils Holtug - 1998 - Analysis 58 (2):166-174.
  30. An introduction to contemporary egalitarianism.Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 1--37.
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  31. Immoralism is Obviously True: Towards Progress on the Ethical Question.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (4):615-632.
    The Ethical Question asks whether ethical values in artworks determine their aesthetic value and, if so, how. I argue that the question is ambiguous between a direct and an indirect reading. I show how the indirect reading is philosophically uninteresting because it has an obvious answer: a view called ‘immoralism’. I also show how most of the significant figures in the relevant literature address the indirect form of the question anyway—needlessly, if I am right. Finally, I consider whether some version (...)
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    Introduction to Part 4.Nils Bubandt & Ton Otto - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt, Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 251.
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    Special Issue on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems.Nils Bulling & Wiebe Hoek - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (4):593-595.
  34. Jesus in the Memory of the Early Church.Nils A. Dahl - 1976
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    Two ways of grounding the discussion on extended cognition.Nils Dahlback, Fredrik Stjernberg, Mattias Kristiansson & Kenny Skagerlund - unknown
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    The Idea of Legal Responsibility.Nils Jansen - 2014 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 34 (2):221-252.
    The article analyses and reconstructs a broad idea of legal responsibility which underlies and normatively links tort law with the law of unjustified enrichment. The article’s central proposition is that responsibility for damage caused and enrichment-responsibility are closely interrelated. Both aspects of obligations are equally an expression of corrective justice, and ultimately serve to protect the civil rights of citizens. It is shown that the idea of civil equality and the principle against unjustified enrichment require citizens to assume responsibility not (...)
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    Philosophical Problems of Mysticism.Nils Bjorn Kvastad - 1973 - International Philosophical Quarterly 13 (2):191-207.
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  38. Ur staternas liv.Stjernberg Nils - 1936 - Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells boktryckeri-a.-b..
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    Resonances: historical essays on continuity and change.Nils Holger Petersen, Eyolf Østrem & Andreas Bücker (eds.) - 2011 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
    This book offers a multidisciplinary collection of historiographical case studies which in various ways explore the question of the modes of interrelation between 'change' and 'continuity' in historical narratives in Western cultural history."--Introduction, p. [1].
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    Modernity, Ḥadāthā, and Modernité in the Works of Abdallah Laroui.Nils Riecken - 2019 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 14 (2):67-90.
    The puzzle this article examines is how one can study the concept of modernity within the history of its universalization as a process of translation. For this purpose, I look at how the contemporary Moroccan historian and intellectual Abdallah Laroui has critically engaged with the history, politics, and epistemology of translating modernity into his intellectual and political setting of Morocco, North Africa, and the Middle East during and after the colonial period. I read him as making a critical intervention into (...)
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    Ethical aspects of valuing lives.Nils-Eric Sahlin, Göran Hermerén & Jonas Josefsson - unknown
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    Juristisches Studium und moderne Rechtsforschung an der FernUniversität in Hagen. Ein Erfahrungsbericht.Nils Szuka & Andrea Heups - 2011 - Rechtstheorie 42 (2):227-242.
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    Surveillance Studies: Perspektiven eines Forschungsfeldes.Nils Zurawski (ed.) - 2007 - Farmington Hills [MI]: Budrich.
    Am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts sind die gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen neuer Formen der Sammlung, Verwendung und Vernetzung von Daten zur Überwachung und Beeinflussung von Menschen und Gruppen noch nicht vollends absehbar. Mit den Surveillance Studies können die Bedingungen und Diskurse von Sicherheit, Überwachung und Kontrolle im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Forschungsinitiative analysiert werden. Verschiedene Pespektiven werden hier einführend dargestellt. Beiträge aus der Rechtswissenschaft, der Kriminologie, der Geographie, Soziologie und Kunstgeschichte zeigen, welche unterschiedlichen Perspektiven es gibt, um die komplexen und folgenreichen Zusammenhänge der (...)
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    Wissen und Weltbilder. Konstruktionen der Wirklichkeit, cognitive mapping und Überwachung.Nils Zurawski - 2007 - In Surveillance Studies: Perspektiven eines Forschungsfeldes. Farmington Hills [MI]: Budrich.
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  45. Evaluative Discourse and Affective States of Mind.Nils Franzén - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1095-1126.
    It is widely held within contemporary metaethics that there is a lack of linguistic support for evaluative expressivism. On the contrary, it seems that the predictions that expressivists make about evaluative discourse are not borne out. An instance of this is the so-called problem of missing Moorean infelicity. Expressivists maintain that evaluative statements express non-cognitive states of mind in a similar manner to how ordinary descriptive language expresses beliefs. Conjoining an ordinary assertion that p with the denial of being in (...)
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  46. On a Definition of Logical Consequence.Nils Kürbis - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):64-71.
    Bilateralists, who accept that there are two primitive speech acts, assertion and denial, can offer an attractive definition of consequence: Y follows from X if and only if it is incoherent to assert all formulas X and to deny all formulas Y. The present paper argues that this definition has consequences many will find problematic, amongst them that truth coincides with assertibility. Philosophers who reject these consequences should therefore reject this definition of consequence.
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  47. Weight or the Value of Knowledge1.Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41 (1):1-4.
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    Universal Access to Effective Antibiotics is Essential for Tackling Antibiotic Resistance.Nils Daulaire, Abhay Bang, Göran Tomson, Joan N. Kalyango & Otto Cars - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (s3):17-21.
    The right to health is enshrined in the constitution of the World Health Organization and numerous other international agreements. Yet today, an estimated 5.7 million people die each year from treatable infectious diseases, most of which are susceptible to existing antimicrobials if they were accessible. These deaths occur predominantly among populations living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries, and they greatly exceed the estimated 700,000 annual deaths worldwide currently attributed to antimicrobial resistance. Ensuring universal appropriate access to antimicrobials is (...)
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    A fallacious jar? The peculiar relation between descriptive premises and normative conclusions in neuroethics.Nils-Frederic Wagner & Georg Northoff - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (3):215-235.
    Ethical questions have traditionally been approached through conceptual analysis. Inspired by the rapid advance of modern brain imaging techniques, however, some ethical questions appear in a new light. For example, hotly debated trolley dilemmas have recently been studied by psychologists and neuroscientists alike, arguing that their findings can support or debunk moral intuitions that underlie those dilemmas. Resulting from the wedding of philosophy and neuroscience, neuroethics has emerged as a novel interdisciplinary field that aims at drawing conclusive relationships between neuroscientific (...)
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    Osmanlılarda tıp ahlakı.Nil Sarı - 2015 - Ankara: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı.
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