Results for 'Nicholas DiMaggio'

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  1.  13
    Purity is still a problem.Nicholas DiMaggio, Kurt Gray & Frank Kachanoff - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e302.
    Our recent review demonstrates that “purity” is a messy construct with at least nine popular scientific understandings. Cultural beliefs about self-control help unify some of these understandings, but much messiness remains. The harm-centric theory of dyadic morality suggests that purity violations can be comprehensively understood as abstract harms, acts perceived by some people (and not others) to indirectly cause suffering.
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    Kant’s Modal Metaphysics.Nicholas Frederick Stang - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    What is possible and why? What is the difference between the merely possible and the actual? In Kants Modal Metaphysics Nicholas Stang examines Kants lifelong engagement with these questions and their role in his philosophical development. This is the first book to trace Kants theory of possibility all theway from the so-called pre-Critical writings of the 1750s and 1760s to the Critical system of philosophy inaugurated by the Critique of Pure Reason in 1781. Stang argues that the key to (...)
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    An Ontology of Art.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (1):79-81.
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  4. A Counterexample to Deflationary Nominalism.Nicholas Danne - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (4):1721-1740.
    According to Jody Azzouni’s “deflationary nominalism,” the singular terms of mathematical language applied or unapplied to science refer to nothing at all. What does exist, Azzouni claims, must satisfy the quaternary condition he calls “thick epistemic access” (TEA). In this paper I argue that TEA surreptitiously reifies some mathematical entities. The mathematical entity that I take TEA to reify is the Fourier harmonic, an infinite-duration monochromatic sinusoid applied throughout engineering and physics. I defend the reality of the harmonic, in Azzouni’s (...)
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  5. How to make reflectance a surface property.Nicholas Danne - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 70:19-27.
    Reflectance physicalists define reflectance as the intrinsic disposition of a surface to reflect finite-duration light pulses at a given efficiency per wavelength. I criticize the received view of dispositional reflectance (David R. Hilbert’s) for failing to account for what I call “harmonic dispersion,” the inverse relationship of a light pulse's duration to its bandwidth. I argue that harmonic dispersion renders reflectance defined in terms of light pulses an extrinsic disposition. Reflectance defined as the per-wavelength efficiency to reflect the superimposed, infinite-duration, (...)
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    Oversight: Community vulnerabilities in the blind spot of research ethics.Nicholas G. Cragoe - 2017 - Research Ethics 15 (2):1-15.
    In spite of many and varied concerns that the processes of institutional ethical review are flawed, cumbersome, and in need of reform, these processes do provide effective protection in certain sit...
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  7. A dialogue on the ethics of science: Henri Poincaré and Pope Francis.Nicholas Matthew Danne - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-12.
    To teach the ethics of science to science majors, I follow several teachers in the literature who recommend “persona” writing, or the student construction of dialogues between ethical thinkers of interest. To engage science majors in particular, and especially those new to academic philosophy, I recommend constructing persona dialogues from Henri Poincaré’s essay, “Ethics and Science”, and the non-theological third chapter of Pope Francis’s encyclical on the environment, Laudato si. This pairing of interlocutors offers two advantages. The first is that (...)
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    Introduction.Nicholas Cotton & Maxime Plante - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):251.
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  9. The Comprehensibility of the Universe: A New Conception of Science.Nicholas Maxwell - 1998 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The Comprehensibility of the Universe puts forward a radically new conception of science. According to the orthodox conception, scientific theories are accepted and rejected impartially with respect to evidence, no permanent assumption being made about the world independently of the evidence. Nicholas Maxwell argues that this orthodox view is untenable. He urges that in its place a new orthodoxy is needed, which sees science as making a hierarchy of metaphysical assumptions about the comprehensibility and knowability of the universe, these (...)
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  10. An Extra-Mathematical Program Explanation of Color Experience.Nicholas Danne - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (3):153-173.
    In the debate over whether mathematical facts, properties, or entities explain physical events (in what philosophers call “extra-mathematical” explanations), Aidan Lyon’s (2012) affirmative answer stands out for its employment of the program explanation (PE) methodology of Frank Jackson and Philip Pettit (1990). Juha Saatsi (2012; 2016) objects, however, that Lyon’s examples from the indispensabilist literature are (i) unsuitable for PE, (ii) nominalizable into non-mathematical terms, and (iii) mysterious about the explanatory relation alleged to obtain between the PE’s mathematical explanantia and (...)
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  11. Rousseau.Nicholas J. H. Dent - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In this superb introduction, Nicholas Dent covers the whole of Rousseau's thought. Beginning with a helpful overview of Rousseau's life and works, he introduces and assesses Rousseau's central ideas and arguments. These include the corruption of modern civilization, the state of nature, his famous theories of _amour de soi _and _amour propre_, education, and his famous work _Emile_. He gives particular attention to Rousseau's theories of democracy and freedom found in his most celebrated work, _The Social Contract_, and explains (...)
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  12. Is Fourier Analysis Conservative over Physical Theory?Nicholas Danne - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
    Hartry Field argues that conservative rather than true mathematical sentences facilitate deductions in nominalist (i.e., abstracta-free) science without prejudging its empirical outcomes. In this paper, I identify one branch of mathematics as nonconservative, for its indispensable role in enabling nominalist language about a fundamental scientific property, in a fictional scientific community. The fundamental property is electromagnetic reflectance, and the mathematics is Fourier analysis, which renders reflectance ascribable, and nominalist reflectance claims utterable, by this community. Using a recent characterization of conservativeness (...)
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  13. Inferential Internalism and the Causal Status Effect.Nicholas Danne - 2020 - Logos and Episteme 11 (4):429-445.
    To justify inductive inference and vanquish classical skepticisms about human memory, external world realism, etc., Richard Fumerton proposes his “inferential internalism,” an epistemology whereby humans ‘see’ by Russellian acquaintance Keynesian probable relations (PRs) between propositions. PRs are a priori necessary relations of logical probability, akin to but not reducible to logical entailments, such that perceiving a PR between one’s evidence E and proposition P of unknown truth value justifies rational belief in P to an objective degree. A recent critic of (...)
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  14. Modes of Criticality as Modes of Teaching.Nicholas C. Burbules - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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  15. The Blackwell companion to philosophy, second edition.Nicholas Bunnin & Eric Tsui-James - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell.
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  16. Radical educational cynicism and radical educational skepticism.Nicholas C. Burbules - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Scientific Realism: A Critical Reappraisal.Nicholas Rescher - 1987 - Springer Verlag.
    The increasingly lively controversy over scientific realism has become one of the principal themes of recent philosophy. 1 In watching this controversy unfold in the rather technical way currently in vogue, it has seemed to me that it would be useful to view these contemporary disputes against the background of such older epistemological issues as fallibilism, scepticism, relativism, and the traditional realism/idealism debate. This, then, is the object of the present book, which will recon sider the newer concerns about scientific (...)
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  18. Delilahs Progress: The Illustration of ‘Manon Lescaut’ in 1753 and 1928.Nicholas Cronk & Jenny Mander - 1999 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 81 (3):321-360.
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  19. Traditional knowledge, archaeological evidence, and other ways of knowing.George Nicholas & Nola Markey - 2014 - In Alison Wylie & Robert Chapman (eds.), Material Evidence. New York / London: Routledge.
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  20. The persistence of memory; the politics of desire: Archaeological impacts on Aboriginal peoples and their response.George P. Nicholas - 2005 - In Claire Smith & Hans Martin Wobst (eds.), Indigenous Archaeologies: Decolonizing Theory and Practice. Routledge. pp. 81--103.
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    On authority: a philosophical dialogue.Nicholas J. Pappas - 2021 - New York: Algora Publishing.
    A philosophical treatment of the idea of authority, this book is a dialogue between three characters. "Director," a philosopher, challenges the others to think through their ideas of authority, how it is established, how it works, and how it can be either subtle or bold.
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  22. Hypothetical reasoning.Nicholas Rescher - 1964 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 156:503-504.
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  23. (2 other versions)Scientific Explanation.Nicholas Rescher - 1970 - Critica 4 (11/12):171-174.
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    Of learned ignorance.Cardinal Nicholas - 1954 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
  25. Truth conditional discourse semantics for parentheticals.Asher Nicholas - 2000 - Journal of Semantics 17 (1).
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    Korzyści świadczone niewolnikom lub służbie domowej przez ich panów na Cyprze Lusignanów: dowody z aktów notarialnych z lat 1362–1458.Nicholas Coureas - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (2):41-58.
    Niniejszy artykuł analizuje dowody zebrane z weneckich i genueńskich aktów notarialnych, sporządzonych na Cyprze w latach 1362–1458, w celu zbadania i omówienia relacji między niewolnikami domowymi lub służącymi (na ogół kobietami) a ich właścicielami (zazwyczaj mężczyznami). Niektóre z tych aktów były testamentami zawierającymi zapisy na rzecz niewolnych kobiet, które prawdopodobnie pozostawały w długotrwałych związkach seksualnych ze swoimi właścicielami, oraz na rzecz nieślubnych dzieci, które urodziły się z tych związków. Niektóre umowy o naukę zawodu sporządzone w Famaguście, głównym porcie na wyspie, (...)
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    Derrida à la lettre: éthique et politique du «perverformatif» dans La Carte postale et au­‑delà.Nicholas Cotton - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (56):433-458.
    Neste artigo, interessamo-‑nos pelo neologismo «perverformatif» [«performativo»] usado por Jacques Derrida em La Carte postale e em Marx & Sons. Se Derrida é um outro «mestre do performativo», título que ele reservava ao «Plato» de La Carte Postale não é por negar a Lei ou a sua «verdade», mas porque tem necessidade delas para assegurar a incidência de um desafio. O que performativamente se põe em obra e em abismo nos «Envios» passa assim por um desejo «perverso» de fazer advir (...)
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    « À pas de loup » : incidences narratives de la pensée différée dans les séminaires de Jacques Derrida.Nicholas Cotton - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):265-288.
    In Trois ans avec Derrida (Three Years with Derrida), his biographer, Benoît Peeters, notes that Jacques Derrida’s seminar was designed “like a theoretical serial which, aside from its slumps and convolutions, nonetheless maintained a kind of suspense and featured genuine cliff-hangers at the end of each session” (Peeters, 2010). Can one truly compare a seminar to a novelistic device like that of deferred narrative? Such is the question to which I devote my attention in this article, a question which is (...)
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    Sukces czy porażka?Nicholas Coureas - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):119-142.
    In this paper the kinds of education available to the population of the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus, founded in 1192 following the island’s conquest by King Richard I of England during the Third Crusade, shall be discussed. The extent to which Latins and Greeks on Cyprus made use of the education available on the island or pursued studies abroad on account of the lack of suitable schools of further education, a theme that has relevance today, will be dealt with, as (...)
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    Settlement on Lusignan Cyprus after the Latin Conquest.Nicholas Coureas - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 25 (2):13-30.
    In the article “Settlement on Lusignan Cyprus after the Latin Conquest: The Accounts of Cypriot and other Chronicles and the Wider Context” the narratives of various chronicles of the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries on settlement in Cyprus in the years following the Latin conquest, from the end of the twelfth to the early thirteenth century, will be examined and compared. The details provided by the chronicles, where the information given derived from, the biases present in the various accounts, the (...)
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    Corporations, Democratic Legitimacy, and Republicanism.Nicholas Crosson - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30 (9999):189-198.
    Are the current practices of large corporations incompatible with democratic political ideology? Are multinational corporations too powerful to be constrained by democracy in practice? This paper makes a strong case that the answers may be “yes.” For example, large local corporations can constrain the democratic process in small towns on matters such as tax exemption, by threatening to leave the area. also large multinational companies can apply force to national congressional votes on product safety reform by threatening to move home (...)
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    The Imitation Game: Interstate Alliances and the Failure of Theban Hegemony in Greece.Nicholas D. Cross - 2017 - Journal of Ancient History 5 (2):280-303.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Journal of Ancient History Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 2 Seiten: 280-303.
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    Comparing experiences and choices two decades later.Nicholas Daniloff - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (1):76 – 80.
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  34. (1 other version)Rationality. A philosophical inquiry into the nature and the rationale of reason.Nicholas Rescher - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (2):470-471.
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    Meaning and embodiment: human corporeity in Hegel's anthropology.Nicholas Mowad - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Examines Hegel’s insights regarding the complexity and significance of embodiment in human life, identity, and experience. Meaning and Embodiment provides a detailed study of Hegel’s anthropology to examine the place of corporeity or embodiment in human life, identity, and experience. In Hegel’s view, to be human means in part to produce one’s own spiritual embodiment in culture and habits. Whereas for animals nature only has meaning relative to biological drives, humans experience meaning in a way that transcends these limits, and (...)
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  36. Our Fundamental Problem: A Revolutionary Approach to Philosophy.Nicholas Maxwell - 2020 - Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    How can the world we live in and see, touch, hear, and smell, the world of living things, people, consciousness, free will, meaning, and value - how can all of this exist and flourish embedded as it is in the physical universe, made up of nothing but physical entities such as electrons and quarks? How can anything be of value if everything in the universe is, ultimately, just physics? In Our Fundamental Problem Nicholas Maxwell argues that this problem of (...)
  37. Induction.Nicholas Rescher - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (1):176-177.
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  38. Explanations Versus Applications The Explanatory Power of Valuable Beliefs.Jesse Preston & Nicholas Epley - 2005 - Psychological Science 16 (10):826-832.
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    Neo-Confucian ecological humanism: an interpretive engagement with Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692).Nicholas S. Brasovan - 2017 - Albany, New York: SUNY Press.
    Addresses Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Fuzhi’s neo-Confucianism from the perspective of contemporary ecological humanism. In this novel engagement with Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Fuzhi (1619–1692), Nicholas S. Brasovan presents Wang’s neo-Confucianism as an important theoretical resource for engaging with contemporary ecological humanism. Brasovan coins the term “person-in-the-world” to capture ecological humanism’s fundamental premise that humans and nature are inextricably bound together, and argues that Wang’s cosmology of energy (qi) gives us a rich conceptual vocabulary for understanding the continuity that (...)
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  40. Scepticism.Nicholas Rescher - 1982 - Mind 91 (361):132-133.
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  41. Predicting the Future: An Introduction to the Theory of Forecasting.Nicholas Rescher - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (287):122-126.
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    Philosophical Reflections on Editing.Nicholas C. Burbules - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (4):317-331.
    In this essay Nicholas C. Burbules reviews his experiences and the lessons he learned as editor of Educational Theory for more than twenty years, and he explores some of the normative choices that are inevitably made by any editor in carrying out his or her role. Burbules examines the relationship of a journal to its intellectual field; the review process; communications and interactions with authors; the process of editing and revising manuscripts; questions of representativeness in a theoretically pluralistic field; (...)
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    Connection design.C. J. A. Nicholas - 1985 - Philosophy 2 (2.2):2-3.
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  44. Doctrinal Development and Christian Unity.Nicholas Lash - 1967
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  45. Della dotta ignoranza.Paolo Nicholas & Rotta - 1970 - Roma,: A. Signorelli. Edited by Garofalo, Gaetano & [From Old Catalog].
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    Computatio Sive Logica.Pauline Moffitt Nicholas & Watts - 1981 - New York: Abaris Books. Edited by Pauline Moffitt Watts.
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    Idiota de mente =.Cardinal Nicholas - 1979 - New York: Abaris Books. Edited by Clyde Lee Miller.
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    Le traité du béryl.Nicholas - 2010 - Paris: Ipagine. Edited by Maude Corrieras.
    [t. 1. Without special title] -- t. 2. Introduction au traité De beryllo de Nicolas de Cues : le De beryllo, une ars cognoscendi.
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    Nicolai de Ockham omf Quaestiones disputatae de dilectione Dei.Nicholas - 1981 - Grottaferrata (Romae): Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas. Edited by Caesar Saco Alarcón.
  50. Philosophy of Science in Canada.John Nicholas - 1998 - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 15.
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