Results for 'Nemanja Vaci'

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  1.  26
    The temporal dynamics of insight problem solving – restructuring might not always be sudden.Merim Bilalić, Mario Graf, Nemanja Vaci & Amory H. Danek - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):1-37.
    Insight problems are likely to trigger an initial, inappropriate mental representation, which needs to be restructured in order to find the solution. Despite the widespread theoretical assumption t...
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    When the Solution Is on the Doorstep: Better Solving Performance, but Diminished Aha! Experience for Chess Experts on the Mutilated Checkerboard Problem.Merim Bilalić, Mario Graf, Nemanja Vaci & Amory H. Danek - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12771.
    Insight problems are difficult because the initially activated knowledge hinders successful solving. The crucial information needed for a solution is often so far removed that gaining access to it through restructuring leads to the subjective experience of “Aha!”. Although this assumption is shared by most insight theories, there is little empirical evidence for the connection between the necessity of restructuring an incorrect problem representation and the Aha! experience. Here, we demonstrate a rare case where previous knowledge facilitates the solving of (...)
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    Make Fitness Fun: Could Novelty Be the Key Determinant for Physical Activity Adherence?Nemanja Lakicevic, Ambra Gentile, Samira Mehrabi, Samuel Cassar, Kate Parker, Roberto Roklicer, Antonino Bianco & Patrik Drid - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Distributed web hacking by adaptive consensus-based reinforcement learning.Nemanja Ilić, Dejan Dašić, Miljan Vučetić, Aleksej Makarov & Ranko Petrović - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 326 (C):104032.
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    Ethics and literature: Levinas and literary criticism.Nemanja Mitrovic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (3):632-647.
    The question posed by this text is: can we use Levinasian ethics in the field of literary studies? In order to provide the answer, Levinas?s attitude toward art will need to be analyzed. His work contains numerous scattered remarks about literature and other arts, but the most explicit statement on the relationship between art and ethics can be found in his essay?Reality and Its Shadow?. Since Levinas?s view on art in this essay is predominantly negative, it poses a significant problem (...)
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    Bilateral Knee Extensor Fatigue Modulates Force and Responsiveness of the Corticospinal Pathway in the Non-fatigued, Dominant Elbow Flexors.Nemanja Šambaher, Saied Jalal Aboodarda & David George Behm - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Semi-supervised combination of experts for aerosol optical depth estimation.Nemanja Djuric, Lakesh Kansakar & Slobodan Vucetic - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 230 (C):1-13.
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    Beyond Subjectivity – Stories as a Locution of the Language.Nemanja Mićić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (3):521-544.
    In this paper, the author aims to show how various implications of poststructuralist theories on the notion of subjectivity can be treated through the so-called “narrative method”. The said narrative method is profiled precisely through the poststructuralist theoretical framework that highlights the elusive character of subjectivity. This insight is used to draw attention to the realm of language, which is a crucial factor in the emergence of any utterance about the structure of our reality. This way of speaking is recognised (...)
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    Brain-machine interface: New challenge for humanity.Nemanja Nikolic, Ljubisa Bojic & Lana Tucakovic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (2):283-296.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify specific aspects of the impact of the brain-machine interface on our understanding of subjectivity. The brain-machine interface is presented as a phase of cyborgization of humans. Some projects in the field of brain-machine interface are aimed at enabling consensual telepathy - communication without symbolic mediation. Consensual telepathy refers to one of potential ways of transmission of information within singularity. Therefore, consensual telepathy is an important aspect of singularity. Singularity or human-machine symbiosis shows (...)
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    Aggressiveness in Judokas and Team Athletes: Predictive Value of Personality Traits, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy.Nemanja Stanković, Dušan Todorović, Nikola Milošević, Milica Mitrović & Nenad Stojiljković - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Combat sports and martial arts are often associated with aggressiveness among the general public, although data on judo and/or martial arts and aggressiveness seem to be unclear. This research aims to compare athletes who have trained judo for a prolonged time and athletes from various team sports, primarily regarding the manifestation of aggression, but also regarding personality traits, emotional intelligence, and self-efficacy. Also, the potential predictive value of personality traits, emotional intelligence, and self-efficacy for aggression within subsamples of judokas and (...)
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    Vydūnas lietuvių kultūroje.Vacys Bagdonavičius (ed.) - 1994 - Vilnius: Vydūno draugija.
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  12. Rethinking Third Places: Contemporary Design with Technology.Fels Sidney Memarovic Nemanja, Calderon Roberto Anacleto Junia, Carroll John Gobbo F. & M. - 2014 - Journal of Community Informatics 10.
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    State vs. anti-vaxxers: Analysis of Covid-19 echo chambers in Serbia.Ljubisa Bojic, Nemanja Nikolic & Lana Tucakovic - 2023 - Communications 48 (2):273-291.
    Times of uncertainty and fear were brought on by Covid-19. The ongoing pandemic is a fruitful ground for fake news, as citizens try to find explanations that fit into their worldviews. This process polarizes society and creates echo chambers amplified by recommender systems. Our main goal is to detect anti-vaxxer echo chambers in Serbia by analyzing online reactions to the recent detention of prominent anti-vaxxer Dr. Jovana Stojkovic. A content analysis of online comments is deployed in anti-regime left-leaning, anti-regime right-leaning, (...)
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  14. Filosofiniai Vydūno humanizmo pagrindai.Vacys Bagdonavičius - 1987 - Vilnius: Mintis.
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    Models of Analysis of Credible Deviation from Speed Limits on Two-Lane Roads of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Marko Subotić, Nemanja Stepanović, Vladan Tubić, Edis Softić & Mouhamed Bayane Bouraima - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    Any deviation of speed in a traffic flow from a speed limit represents a potential risk of traffic accidents, so speed management appears as an imperative. However, an inadequately set speed limit often causes drivers’ noncompliance to it in the conditions of real traffic flow. By determining the value of exceeding the speed limit according to vehicle classes, it is possible to recommend a credible speeding value that can be considered credible up to a value above the speed limit. In (...)
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  16. Dorovė ir tradicijos.Vacys Bagdonavičius, Justinas Lazauskas & Vincentas Žemaitis (eds.) - 1984 - Vilnius: "Mintis".
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    A milestone in the era of esports: The Olympics through the lens of virtual reality.Bogdan Anðelić, Antonino Bianco, Nemanja Maksimović, Nikola Todorović & Patrik Drid - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Psychological Distress in Elite Sambo and Recreational Athletes.Tatjana Tubić, Bogdan Živanović, Nemanja Lakićević, Nataša Zenić, Barbara Gilić, Eduardas Rudas, Sergey Eliseev, Tatjana B. Trivić, Antonino Bianco & Patrik Drid - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPrevious studies suggest that engagement in any type of physical activity can be protective against mental health issues, whereas elite-level athletes can endure various mental health challenges. The aim of this study was to determine variations in the prevalence of psychological distress among elite sambo athletes and their recreational counterparts.MethodsA sample consisting of 245 athletes was chosen. Out of the total sample, 105 were elite-level athletes while 140 were recreational athletes. Participants were accessed via the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 to (...)
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  19.  30
    Are COX‐2 inhibitors preferable to combined NSAID and PPI in countries with moderate health service expenditures?Aneta Perić, Marija Toskić-Radojičić, Silva Dobrić, Nemanja Damjanov, Branislava Miljković, Mirjana Antunović & Sandra Vezmar - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1090-1095.
  20.  14
    Living in the “Bubble”: Athletes' Psychological Profile During the Sambo World Championship.Ambra Gentile, Tatjana Trivic, Antonino Bianco, Nemanja Lakicevic, Flavia Figlioli, Roberto Roklicer, Sergey Eliseev, Sergey Tabakov, Nebojsa Maksimovic & Patrik Drid - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we conduct daily life, as well as sports training and sports competitions. Given the stress produced by COVID-19, and the “bubble” safety measures for the World Sambo Championship, held in Novi Sad, from the 6th to the 8th of November, 2020, athletes might have experienced more stress than athletes normally would in non-pandemic conditions. Therefore, the current study aimed to create a psychological profile of sambo athletes participating in the Sambo World Championship (...)
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  21.  29
    Opening up the culture black box in community technology design.Amalia Sabiescu, Aldo de Moor & Nemanja Memarovic - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):393-402.
  22. VaCIE-CEMP Exchange Opportunities for VCCS Faculty and Staff.Craig R. Cowden - 2000 - Inquiry (ERIC) 5 (2):67-75.
  23. Sceau de Stefan Nemanja.N. Lihačev - 1936 - Byzantion 2:461-468.
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    Transmutaciones del vacío: el problema de la soberanía y el estado de excepción.Sebastián Rodríguez Cárdenas - 2018 - Manizales: Editorial Universidad de Caldas.
    ¿“Quién asume la competencia en un caso para el cual no se ha previsto competencia alguna?”. Retomando esta pregunta de Carl Schmitt, el autor pretende unir la definición desgarradora de soberanía propuesta por este pensador con la idea de soberanía popular, consignada en las constituciones de los estados modernos y contemporáneos. El lector encontrará también una reflexión sobre la noción filosófica de estado de excepción y la ambivalencia entre peligro y oportunidad que este representa para el ejercicio del derecho y (...)
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    Úvod do srovnávací etiky.Radim Brázda - 1998 - Praha: KLP.
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  26. El principio mitológico y el origen racional del concepto de “vacío” en la filosofía presocrática.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):515-526.
    La explicación tradicional del concepto de "vacío" (τò κενóν) en la filosofía antigua lo sitúa como una invención del atomismo de Demócrito y Leucipo o, incluso, del eleático Meliso de Samos. De esta manera se ocultan las profundas razones que pudieron llevar a la necesidad y surgimiento de un tal concepto, y aparece como si hubiera sido creado ex nihilo. En este artículo se pretende descubrir tanto el principio mitológico como el origen racional del concepto de "vacío" en la filosofía (...)
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  27. Notas al pie de un zócalo vacío : situación del libro y de la lectura en México.Adolfo Castañón - 2014 - In Diego Valadés & Adolfo Castañón (eds.), Lengua oficial y lenguas nacionales en México. México, D.F: Academia Mexicana de la Lengua.
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  28. Estetická výchova a výtvarné umění v čs. výchovně vzdělávací soustavě.Miroslav Řehák - 1985 - [Prague]: Ústav školských informací při Ministerstvu školství ČSR, Odbor vědeckých, technických a ekonomických informací.
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  29. Ética de la investigación social: ¿un vacío en la formación universitaria colombiana?Juan María Cuevas Silva & Nohora Joya Ramírez - 2019 - In Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz (eds.), Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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  30. Řízení výchovně vzdělávací činnosti školy.František Bacík - 1978 - Praha: SPN. Edited by Václav Císař & Jiří Lukš.
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    Miseria de la economía: anatomía filosófica de una racionalidad vacía.Manuel Sanchis Marco - 2023 - [Somonte-Cenero, Gijón (Asturias)]: Ediciones Trea.
  32.  16
    La disolución de la obra de arte.Gustavo Leyva Martínez - 1999 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (1):82-102.
    "œLa disoluci�n de la obra de arte"El llamado arte de vanguardia realiz� un cuestionamiento radical del concepto tradicional de arte, en particular, del concepto de obra de arte, de las relaciones de �sta con la verdad, de la instituci�n del "œarte" concebida como una esfera separada y destacada del mundo de la vida, del sentido en que deb��a entenderse la autonom��a del arte, etc. Se ha hablado en este sentido de la disoluci�n de las fronteras entre el arte y la (...)
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    Hacia un antiexcepcionalismo ampliado: prácticas, revisión y adopción.Joaquín Bardauil & Omar Vásquez Dávila - 2022 - Análisis Filosófico 42 (2):277-302.
    El problema de la adopción (Padró, 2015), según el cual es imposible adoptar una lógica, sugiere la idea de que la práctica de inferir es conceptualmente prioritaria a la lógica entendida como teoría. Este problema representa un desafío para la concepción antiexcepcionalista de la lógica, que entiende a los principios lógicos como meras hipótesis o como creencias sujetas a revisión. Desde nuestra perspectiva, el principal problema de esta concepción ha sido dejar abierta la pregunta sobre la naturaleza de la práctica (...)
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  34. Privatizovaná univerzita: o jedné další „velké transformaci“ vzdělávání.Jan Balon - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (4):453-463.
    Tato studie je recenzní statí ke knize Andrew MCGETTIGAN, The Great University Gamble: Money, Markets and the Future of Higher Education. London: Pluto Press, 2013. Klíčovým motivem studie je využití McGettiganovy analýzy technických aspektů reformy univerzitního systému započaté v Anglii na konci první dekády jednadvacátého století pro výklad vzestupu specifického režimu vzdělávání vyjádřeného v jazyce a logice „trhu a peněz". Vzestup tohoto režimu je interpretován s ohledem na procesy odpojování univerzitního prostředí od dosavadního vzdělávacího rámce spojeného s veřejnými zájmy. Studium (...)
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    Unknown Benno Landsberger: A Biographical Sketch of an Assyriological Altmeister’s Development, Exile, and Personal Life; and Bernard V. Bothmer, Egyptologist in the Making, 1912 through July 1946: With Bothmer’s Own Account of His Escape from Central Eur. [REVIEW]Gary Beckman - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (2):502.
    The Unknown Benno Landsberger: A Biographical Sketch of an Assyriological Altmeister’s Develop- ment, Exile, and Personal Life. By Ludĕk Vacín. Leipziger Altorientalische Studien, vol. 10. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2018. Pp. xvi + 132, illus. €39. And: Bernard V. Bothmer, Egyptologist in the Making, 1912 through July 1946: With Bothmer’s Own Account of His Escape from Central Europe in October 1941. By Marianne Eaton-Krauss. Investgatio Orientis, vol. 3. Münster: Zaphon, 2019. Pp. 174, illus. €59.
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