Results for 'Nele Rußwinkel'

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  1.  27
    Cognitive Modeling of Anticipation: Unsupervised Learning and Symbolic Modeling of Pilots' Mental Representations.Sebastian Blum, Oliver Klaproth & Nele Russwinkel - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4):718-738.
    The ability to anticipate team members' actions enables joint action towards a common goal. Task knowledge and mental simulation allow for anticipating other agents' actions and for making inferences about their underlying mental representations. In human–AI teams, providing AI agents with anticipatory mechanisms can facilitate collaboration and successful execution of joint action. This paper presents a computational cognitive model demonstrating mental simulation of operators' mental models of a situation and anticipation of their behavior. The work proposes two successive steps: (1) (...)
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    A Cognitive Modeling Approach to Strategy Formation in Dynamic Decision Making.Prezenski Sabine, Brechmann André, Wolff Susann & Russwinkel Nele - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Neuroadaptive Cognitive Model for Dealing With Uncertainty in Tracing Pilots' Cognitive State.Oliver W. Klaproth, Marc Halbrügge, Laurens R. Krol, Christoph Vernaleken, Thorsten O. Zander & Nele Russwinkel - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (3):1012-1029.
    When people are performing a task, it is hard to know whether they are about to make a mistake. Klaproth, Halbrügge, Krol, Vernaleken, Zander, and Russwinkel address this by recording EEG signals while people are performing a flight control task, and show that by examining the EEG signal they can determine when people failed to notice particular stimuli, which could lead to better assistive tools.
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  4. The Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase Val158Met Polymorphism and Experience of Reward in the Flow of Daily Life.Nele Jacobs - unknown
    Genetic moderation of experience of reward in response to environmental stimuli is relevant for the study of many psychiatric disorders. Experience of reward, however, is difficult to capture, as it involves small fluctuations in affect in response to small events in the flow of daily life. This study examined a momentary assessment reward phenotype in relation to the catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) Val158Met polymorphism. A total of 351 participants from a twin study participated in an Experience Sampling Method procedure to collect (...)
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    Einführende Bemerkungen zu einer Dialektik des Sozialen bei Tönnies.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 34-46.
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    4. Konsequenzen für eine Politische Philosophie.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 109-121.
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    7. Philosophische Anthropologie und kritische Sozialphilosophie.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 181-217.
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    5. Resümee.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 121-130.
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    8. Resümee - Kritische Sozialphilosophie nach Plessner und Tönnies.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 217-221.
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    Contingent Valuation: Comparing Participant Performance in Group-Based Approaches and Personal Interviews.Nele Lienhoop & Douglas C. Macmillan - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (2):209-232.
    This paper reports a Contingent Valuation application to estimate the non-market costs and benefits of hydro scheme developments in an Icelandic wilderness area. A deliberative group -based approach, called Market Stall, is compared to a control group consisting of conventional in-person interviews, in order to investigate flaws of Contingent Valuation, such as poor validity and protest responses. Perceived property rights suggested the use of willingness-to-accept in compensation for wilderness loss and willingness-to-pay for hydro scheme benefits. The study is novel as (...)
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  11.  30
    Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - Akademie Verlag.
    Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft sind zentrale Begriffe der Sozialphilosophie und der politischen Philosophie. Die Untersuchung der Begriffe Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft sowie ihres Verhältnisses zueinander erfolgt in der vorliegenden Arbeit im Rahmen der philosophischen Frage nach Möglichkeit, Konstitution und Kritik des Sozialen. In ihrer Studie wendet sich Nele Schneidereit gegen die tradierte Opposition von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft. Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft beschreiben zwei zu unterscheidende Aspekte eines in sich vermittelten Zusammenhangs. Diese zunächst negativ-traditionskritische These wird ergänzt durch die positiv-systematische These, dass Gemeinschaft (...)
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    Kompromisse mit sich selbst.Nele Röttger & Véronique Zanetti - 2021 - In Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt, ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 35-55.
    Wir reden gelegentlich von Kompromissen, die wir mit uns selbst schließen. Aber ist diese Rede angemessen oder gar berechtigt? Schließlich lassen sich wesentliche Merkmale von Kompromissen mit anderen nicht auf das Selbstverhältnis einer Person übertragen. Dennoch kann sich die Rede unter gewissen Umständen als sinnvoll erweisen. Der Artikel gibt Kriterien dafür an und stellt sich vor allem die Frage, ob und in welcher Hinsicht solche selbstbezüglichen Kompromisse eine Gefahr für die Integrität der Person darstellen.
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    1. Einleitung.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 13-33.
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    Einführende Bemerkungen zu einer kritischen Sozialphilosophie bei Plessner.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 131-142.
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    Einheit der Vernunft und subjektivische Notwendigkeit: Tetens’ Version einer Common Sense-Philosophie.Nele Schneidereit - 2014 - In Gideon Stiening & Udo Thiel, Johann Nikolaus Tetens : Philosophie in der Tradition des Europäischen Empirismus. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 181-198.
  16. Individualität als Grenze der Leistungssteigerung durch Doping.Nele Schneidereit - 2012 - In Patrick Grüneberg, Das modellierte Individuum. Biologische Modelle und ihre ethischen Implikationen. Transcript. pp. 3--51.
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    3. Soziale Wirklichkeit - Der begriffslogische Zusammenhang von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 70-109.
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    TV drama as a social experience: An empirical investigation of the social dimensions of watching TV drama in the age of non-linear television.Nele Simons - 2015 - Communications 40 (2):219-236.
    As time-shifting technologies and digital convergence are facilitating and encouraging increasingly individualized and personalized television viewing practices, the social role and function of traditional linear television might be changing as well. Through empirical audience research, using TV diaries and interviews, this article investigates the social dimensions of engaged viewers’ reception of TV drama and explores how audiences themselves experience contemporary television as a social medium. The qualitative analysis reveals three social dimensions in viewers’ engagement with TV drama and indicates that (...)
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    (1 other version)Feder über das moralische Gefühl.Nele Schneidereit - 2018 - In Gideon Stiening, Udo Roth & Hans-Peter Nowitzki, Zur Einführung: Johann Georg Heinrich Feder : Empirismus und Popularphilosophie zwischen Wolff und Kant. De Gruyter. pp. 167-188.
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    Learning to engage with the »other«? – postfoundational perspectives on affects and emotions in argumentation trainings against right-wing populism.Nele Kuhlmann - forthcoming - Ethics and Education.
    In the context of the rise of right-wing populism, new debates on democratic education have emerged which focus on the role of affect. The paper puts forth a postfoundational perspective on affects and emotion, proposing an analysis of how democratic education practices mobilize certain feelings. In the empirical analysis of argumentation trainings in the context of higher education, it is demonstrated that the observed practices have ambivalent effects. On the one hand, participants demonstrate motivation and commitment to argue for their (...)
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    On the Power of the Concept of Responsibility.Nele Kuhlmann - 2022 - Educational Theory 72 (1):65-83.
    Educational Theory, Volume 72, Issue 1, Page 65-83, February 2022.
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  22.  40
    Der Diskurs der Moderne in J. G. Fichtes Staatslehre.Nele Schneidereit - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 29:139-147.
  23.  22
    Unwissenheit, Irrtum und Zweifel in Georg Friedrich Meiers Moralphilosophie.Nele Schneidereit - 2015 - In Gideon Stiening & Frank Grunert, Georg Friedrich Meier : Philosophie Als "Wahre Weltweisheit". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 211-230.
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    John Aberth. From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages (London: Routledge, 2010), xxi+ 327 pp.£ 18.99 paper. David B. Allison and Babette Babich, eds. New Nietzsche Studies: Art and Aesthetics. The Journal of the Nietzsche Society (New York: New Nietzsche Studies, 2010), vii+ 219 pp. [REVIEW]Nele Bemong, Pieter Borghart, Michael De Dobbeleer, Kristoffel Demoen & Koen De - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (6):847-850.
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    9. Epilog: Ein Kommentar zur Kommunitarismusdebatte.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 222-232.
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    Book Review: Ecocene Politics. [REVIEW]Nele Buyst - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (6):684-686.
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    Imaginative Desires and Interactive Fiction: On Wanting to Shoot Fictional Zombies.Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (3):241-251.
    What do players of videogames mean when they say they want to shoot zombies? Surely they know that the zombies are not real, and that they cannot really shoot them, but only control a fictional character who does so. Some philosophers of fiction argue that we need the concept of imaginative desires to explain situations in which people feel desires towards fictional characters or desires that motivate pretend actions. Others claim that we can explain these situations without complicating human psychology (...)
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  28.  29
    2. Antagonismus oder Vermittlung von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft? - ‚Reine‘ und ‚angewandte‘ Theorie.Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 47-70.
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    6. Grenzen der Gemeinschaft - Sozialphilosophie oder Sozialethik?Nele Schneidereit - 2010 - In Die Dialektik von Gemeinschaft Und Gesellschaft: Grundbegriffe Einer Kritischen Sozialphilosophie. Akademie Verlag. pp. 142-180.
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  30. The Implied Designer of Digital Games.Nele Van de Mosselaer & Stefano Gualeni - 2023 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 60 (1):71-89.
    As artefacts, the worlds of digital games are designed and developed to fulfil certain expressive, functional, and experiential objectives. During play, players infer these purposes and aspirations from various aspects of their engagement with the gameworld. Influenced by their sociocultural backgrounds, sensitivities, gameplay preferences, and familiarity with game conventions, players construct a subjective interpretation of the intentions with which they believe the digital game in question was created. By analogy with the narratological notion of the implied author, we call the (...)
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    Rekindling Life: A Common Front by Baptiste Morizot.Nele Buyst - 2024 - Environmental Philosophy 21 (2):246-248.
  32.  85
    Glitches as fictional (mis)communication.Nele Van de Mosselear & Nathan Wildman - 2021 - In Timothy Barker & Maria Korolkova, Miscommunications: Errors, Mistakes, Media. Bloomsbury. pp. 300-315.
    Here, we focus on the underexplored fictional relevance of videogame glitches. For this purpose, we will make use philosophical theories on fiction, as well as standard suggestions about how best to deal with unintended errors within fiction. Focusing on glitches like that of Red Dead Redemption’s "manimals", we argue that glitches, more than any kinds of mistakes in traditional, non-interactive fictions, can actually have a significant influence on the fictional worlds of the work in which they appear. In particular, we (...)
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  33.  20
    Subjectively different emotional schematic faces not automatically discriminated from the brain’s bioelectrical responses.Annika Kask, Nele Põldver, Liisi Ausmees & Kairi Kreegipuu - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 93 (C):103150.
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    ZusammenDenken: Festschrift Für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine V. Wedelstaedt (eds.) - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Handeln, Personsein, Menschenwürde und zahlreiche Fragen der Angewandten Ethik – das ist das weite Spektrum dieser Festschrift und auch des Denkens von Ralf Stoecker, dem sie gewidmet ist. Ganz in seinem Geiste laden die Beiträge des Bandes dazu ein, zusammen zu denken und zusammenzudenken, was – möglicherweise – zusammengehört.
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  35. ZusammenDenken: Festschrift für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Roettger, Almut Christine von Wedelstaedt & Johanna Wagner (eds.) - 2021 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
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    From Bench to Bedside in Neuropsychology.Nele Demeyere - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (4):705-709.
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    The Role of Frustration in Human–Robot Interaction – What Is Needed for a Successful Collaboration?Alexandra Weidemann & Nele Rußwinkel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:640186.
    To realize a successful and collaborative interaction between human and robots remains a big challenge. Emotional reactions of the user provide crucial information for a successful interaction. These reactions carry key factors to prevent errors and fatal bidirectional misunderstanding. In cases where human–machine interaction does not proceed as expected, negative emotions, like frustration, can arise. Therefore, it is important to identify frustration in a human–machine interaction and to investigate its impact on other influencing factors such as dominance, sense of control (...)
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    Perceptual Asymmetries and Auditory Processing of Estonian Quantities.Liis Kask, Nele Põldver, Pärtel Lippus & Kairi Kreegipuu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:612617.
    Similar to visual perception, auditory perception also has a clearly described “pop-out” effect, where an element with some extra feature is easier to detect among elements without an extra feature. This phenomenon is better known as auditory perceptual asymmetry. We investigated such asymmetry between shorter or longer duration, and level or falling of pitch of linguistic stimuli that carry a meaning in one language (Estonian), but not in another (Russian). For the mismatch negativity (MMN) experiment, we created four different types (...)
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    ZusammenDenken. Festschrift für Ralf Stoecker.Roland Kipke, Nele Röttger, Johanna Wagner & Almut Kristine von Wedelstaedt (eds.) - 2021 - Springer VS.
    Handeln, Personsein, Menschenwürde und zahlreiche Fragen der Angewandten Ethik – das ist das weite Spektrum dieser Festschrift und auch des Denkens von Ralf Stoecker, dem sie gewidmet ist. Ganz in seinem Geiste laden die Beiträge des Bandes dazu ein, zusammen zu denken und zusammenzudenken, was – möglicherweise – zusammengehört.
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  40. Matteo Vincenzo d’Alfonso: Schopenhauers Kollegnachschriften der Metaphysik- und Psychologievorlesungen G. E. Schulzes (Göttingen 1810–11). [REVIEW]Nele Schneidereit - 2012 - Fichte-Studien 40:347-360.
  41.  17
    Beholding a Building in Admiration: Leon Battista Alberti's De re aedificatoria and the Renaissance Discourse on Magnificence.Nele De Raedt - 2018 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 81 (1):239-248.
    The sense of wonder and admiration experienced by individuals who witness a striking sight, whether natural or man-made, has long been regarded as playing a role in the acquisition of knowledge. Both Aristotle and plato regarded wonder and admiration (θαύμα), sparked by something seen, as the origin of philosophical thinking. In the Middle Ages, theological writers considered the way in which admiration and, specifically, the state of rapture it engendered, helped the Christian experience devotion to God. What happened when a (...)
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    Self-Concept Profiles in Lower Secondary Level – An Explanation for Gender Differences in Science Course Selection?Steffani Saß & Nele Kampa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Toddlers as soul workers: A critical take on emotions and well‐being in early childhood education.Nele Van Damme & Stefan Ramaekers - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (1):55-66.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 56, Issue 1, Page 55-66, February 2022.
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    Aesthetics of Virtual Reality.Nele van de Mosselaer - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (4):513-516.
    In this book, Grant Tavinor, well known for his influential work on the aesthetics of videogames, offers the first focused study of the aesthetics of virtual reality media. When reading the first pages, one cannot help but notice Tavinor’s enthusiasm about virtual reality (VR) in the vivid descriptions of his explorations of virtual haunted houses, distant planets, and ancient Rome. These descriptions also reveal Tavinor’s refreshing aim to focus on present uses of VR media, instead of the so-called “perfect virtual (...)
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  45.  29
    Temporary agency workers as outsiders: an application of the established-outsider theory on the social relations between temporary agency and permanent workers.Kim Bosmans, Nele De Cuyper, Stefan Hardonk & Christophe Vanroelen - 2015 - Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion 6.
  46.  70
    How Can We Be Moved to Shoot Zombies? A Paradox of Fictional Emotions and Actions in Interactive Fiction.Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2018 - Journal of Literary Theory 12 (2):279-299.
    How can we be moved by the fate of Anna Karenina? By asking this question, Colin Radford introduced the paradox of fiction, or the problem that we are often emotionally moved by characters and events which we know don’t really exist (1975). A puzzling element of these emotions that always resurfaced within discussions on the paradox is the fact that, although these emotions feel real to the people who have them, their difference from ›real‹ emotions is that they cannot motivate (...)
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    Research Abstract.Nele De Bal - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (1):110-111.
  48.  12
    Glitches as fictional (mis)communication.Nele Van De Mosselear & Nathan Wildman - 2021 - In Timothy Barker & Maria Korolkova, Miscommunications: Errors, Mistakes, Media. Bloomsbury. pp. 300-315.
    More generally, within videogame studies, glitches are often described as an interesting part of the player experience, for example as possibilities to gain unfair advantages in games (Bainbridge & Bainbridge 2007; Newman 2008; Meades 2015), expressive tools to create humorous effects (Jaroslav Švelch 2014), jarring confrontations with forms of non-human agency (Janik 2017; Gualeni 2019), or as ways to create glitch-art (Menkman 2011). But when it comes to the specifically fictional experience of videogames, there seems to be a consensus that (...)
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  49. Comedy and the Dual Position of the Player.Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2022 - In Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone, Tomasz Majkowski & Jaroslav Švelch, Video Games and Comedy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 35-52.
    This chapter discusses the comic potential that originates in the way players of digital games take on the dual position of being at once a played self that is internal to the gameworld and a playing self that perceives this world from the outside. I first describe the comic attitude as it is defined within philosophy: as an attitude of distanced and dispassionate reflection towards an incongruity. I then show how the dual position of players during gameplay not only is (...)
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    Breaking the Fourth Wall in Videogames.Nele Van de Mosselaer - 2022 - In Enrico Terrone & Vera Tripodi, Being and Value in Technology. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 163–186.
    In this chapter, I investigate the imaginary boundary between the actual world and fictional gameworlds by focusing on videogame situations in which this fourth wall is foregrounded or broken. For this purpose, I first define the videogame experience as a self-involving, interactive fiction experience, based on Kendall Walton’s account of fiction (1990). I then describe how, in the current academic discourse on games, it is often claimed that the concept of fourth wall breaks cannot be applied to videogames due to (...)
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