Results for 'Neda Gilani'

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  1.  28
    Nurses’ experiences of ethical and legal issues in post-resuscitation care: A qualitative content analysis.Mahnaz Zali, Azad Rahmani, Kelly Powers, Hadi Hassankhani, Hossein Namdar-Areshtanab & Neda Gilani - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):245-257.
    Background Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and subsequent care are subject to various ethical and legal issues. Few studies have addressed ethical and legal issues in post-resuscitation care. Objective To explore nurses’ experiences of ethical and legal issues in post-resuscitation care. Research design This qualitative study adopted an exploratory descriptive qualitative design using conventional content analysis. Participants and research context In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted in three educational hospital centers in northwestern Iran. Using purposive sampling, 17 nurses participated. Data were analyzed by conventional (...)
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    Hospitalized adolescents’ perception of dignity: A qualitative study.Neda Jamalimoghadam, Shahrzad Yektatalab, Marzieh Momennasab, Abbas Ebadi & Najaf Zare - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):728-737.
    Background: Adolescents can be vulnerable to diminished dignity in the hospital because young people have significantly different healthcare needs than children and adults. They like to cooperate with caregivers only when they get respectful and dignified care. Care without considering dignity can adversely influence the adolescents’ recovery. However, many studies have been conducted on exploring the concept of the patients’ dignity from the adult patients and fewer studies still have explored the dignity of young people. Objective: This study explores the (...)
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    Leibniz's syllogistico-propositional calculus.Hector-Neri Casta Neda - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (4):481-500.
  4.  31
    Information extraction framework to build legislation network.Neda Sakhaee & Mark C. Wilson - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (1):35-58.
    This paper concerns an information extraction process for building a dynamic legislation network from legal documents. Unlike supervised learning approaches which require additional calculations, the idea here is to apply information extraction methodologies by identifying distinct expressions in legal text in order to extract network information. The study highlights the importance of data accuracy in network analysis and improves approximate string matching techniques to produce reliable network data-sets with more than 98% precision and recall. The applications and the complexity of (...)
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    Bionic Bodies, Posthuman Violence and the Disembodied Criminal Subject.Sabrina Gilani - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (2):171-193.
    This article examines how the so-called disembodied criminal subject is given structure and form through the law of homicide and assault. By analysing how the body is materialised through the criminal law’s enactment of death and injury, this article suggests that the biological positioning of these harms of violence as uncontroversial, natural, and universal conditions of being ‘human’ cannot fully appreciate what makes violence wrongful for us, as embodied entities. Absent a theory of the body, and a consideration of corporeality, (...)
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    “Who has been here that looks like me?”: A narrative inquiry into Black, Indigenous, and People of Color graduate nursing students' experiences of white academic spaces.Neda Hamzavi & Helen Brown - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12568.
    Canadian Schools of Nursing rest upon white, colonial legacies that have shaped and defined what is valued as nursing knowledge and pedagogy. The diversity that exists in clinical nursing and is emerging within the graduate student population is not currently reflected within nursing faculty and academic leadership. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) nurse leaders, historically and presently, are repeatedly left unacknowledged as knowers and keepers of nursing knowledge. This lack of diversity persists across nursing knowledge generation, research, and (...)
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  7.  5
    Sensibilités plastiques avec Balázs et Simondon. Une piste pour penser l’angoisse de l’automatisation.Neda Zanetti - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 33 (1):95-105.
    Dans cet article, nous nous plongeons dans l’angoisse suscitée par l’apparition des formes d’intelligences artificielles. Elle s’exprime comme une crainte de l’automatisation des machines algorithmiques, c’est-à-dire l’exclusion de l’humain des processus internes, des fonctionnements, des passages d’information qu’ils produisent. La crainte est celle de ne plus pouvoir intervenir dans l’activité machinique et, surtout, de ne plus la comprendre. Cette réaction émotionnelle n’est pas nouvelle et se retrouve dans les discours théoriques liés à l’apparition d’autres réalités techniques, telles que le cinéma. (...)
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  8.  17
    Development of Students’ Leadership Potential and Skills in Foreign Language Learning.Neda Radosavlevikj - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (2):104-119.
    This paper examines the way students developed their leadership potential by delivering an oral presentation and a project in an ‘English for Social Sciences’ course. By using a communicative approach, students were motivated to develop their leadership skills, which stimulated their learning and understanding at deeper levels. The survey was conducted with 14 students at undergraduate level, in their second year ESP Social Sciences 1 course; the students attend the Public Administration, International Communications, and Political Sciences departments of South East (...)
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    Predicting youth participation in urban agriculture in Malaysia: insights from the theory of planned behavior and the functional approach to volunteer motivation.Neda Tiraieyari & Steven Eric Krauss - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):637-650.
    This study examines factors associated with the decision of Malaysian youth to participate in a voluntary urban agriculture program. Urban agriculture has generated significant interest in developing countries to address concerns over food security, growing urbanization and employment. While an abundance of data shows attracting the participation of young people in traditional agriculture has become a challenge for many countries, few empirical studies have been conducted on youth motivation to participate in urban agriculture programs, particularly in non-Western settings. Drawing on (...)
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  10.  10
    Dosh badosh.Asad Gilani - 1974 - Lahore:
    Letters by the author, a member of Jamaat-e-Islami, written to his wife during 1946-47, on Islamic ethics; includes a chronology of events that took place in India immediately before and after partition.
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    Existential Features of the Body in Merleau-Ponty Phenomenology.Neda Mohajel, Mahmoud Sufiani & Muhammad Asghari - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 15 (35):293-316.
    In this article, we try to show that Maurice Merleau-Ponty, as the patron saint of the body, offers a phenomenological analysis of the body that is neither psychological nor rational, but existential in nature. Influenced by Heidegger's philosophy, Merleau-Ponty presents an existential analysis of man and his corporeality as the corporeal subject relates to the world. In this article, focusing on concepts such as location, body schema, flesh, absent body, and body perspective, we show that Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological analysis of these (...)
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  12.  16
    E. J. Sieyès ali zgodnji sum v institucijo predstavništva.Neda Pagon - 1990 - Filozofski Vestnik 11 (1).
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  13.  32
    Using Video Presentations in ESP Classes.Neda Radosavlevikj & Hajrulla Hajrullai - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):178-195.
    In order to motivate students and create a tension free environment English language teachers implement different technological tools in the classroom. This paper aims to emphasize the importance of using video material in the classroom that facilitates ESL teaching. The study was conducted at SEEU Language Centre with 87 students’. Major ethnical groups include Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, and Roma. The respondents’ age varies from 18-20 studying ESP classes, such as Computer Sciences 1, ESP as well as Academic and Advanced Academic (...)
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    Implications of Paul Tillich's Ethics in Personal and Business Ethics.Neda Rogošić & Ivan Koprek - 2021 - Disputatio Philosophica 22 (1):11-48.
    Tillich’s reflections on ethics and morality included reflections on their connection with religion. His conclusion is that morality is the essence of religion, and that theological ethics should be present in every part of systematic theology. In this respect, Tillich accentuates the religious dimension of the moral imperative, the religious sources of moral demands, and the religious elements in moral motivation. It can be observed that the application of ethical principles as laid out by Tillich creates a solid network within (...)
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  15. Female genital examination and autonomy in medicine.Neda Taghinejadi & Brenda Kelly - 2020 - In Camilla Pickles & Jonathan Herring, Women's birthing bodies and the law: unauthorised intimate examinations, power, and vulnerability. New York, NY: Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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  16. İnanç ve hareket bütünlüğü bakımından din terbiyesi.Neda Armaner - 1967 - İstanbul,: M[illî] E[ğitim] B[akanlığı].
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    Creating connections: the role of universities in enhancing graduates’ social capital and challenging nepotism.David Gilani - 2020 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 24 (1):14-18.
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  18.  8
    Musalmān ke roz o shab.Asad Gilani - 1962
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  19.  25
    The structure and language of a silence.Zulfigar H. Gilani, Wilma Bucci & Norbert Freedman - 1985 - Semiotica 56 (1-2):99-114.
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    Utopija med žanrom in konceptom.Neda Pagon - 1993 - Filozofski Vestnik 14 (1).
    Avtorica umešča utopije oziroma utopične tekste v zgodovino idej in ugotavlja, da je žanr utopičnega romana s tematiko o realnih in idealnih oblikah vladavin prispeval k odkrivanju resnega v utopijah. Skozi ta postopek si utopija prisvoji zahteve racionalnega diskurza, postane izziv racionalnosti. Določanje tipa racionalnosti, ki je na delu v utopijah pa pomeni iskanje statusa koncepta. Utopija se vzpostavi kot anti-koncept — kot sistematično nasprotovanje realnemu; kot protimodel — v tem je razvidni pomen utopije za racionalnost.
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    No horizontal numerical mapping in a culture with mixed-reading habits.Neda Rashidi-Ranjbar, Mahdi Goudarzvand, Sorour Jahangiri, Peter Brugger & Tobias Loetscher - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  22.  24
    The Beginning of More Worries: Doctoral Candidates’ Untold Stories After Submission of Dissertation.Syed Abdul Waheed, Nadia Gilani, Mehwish Raza & Farooq Ahmad - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study focused on this particular situation in which doctoral candidates become anxious, impatient, and disappointed while experiencing a prolonged delay in processing their dissertation during and after the submission. The researchers tend to explore doctoral candidates’ storied experiences they had while confronting such procedural barriers and delays. We undertook a narrative mode of inquiry to explore the events and storied experiences through interviewing doctoral candidates from public universities in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. Nine doctoral candidates were selected (...)
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    Book Review: The 9/11 Generation: Youth, Rights, and Solidarity in the War on Terror by Sunaina Marr Maira. [REVIEW]Neda Maghbouleh - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):151-152.
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    Soft Relations Applied to the Substructures of Quantale Module and Their Approximation.Saqib Mazher Qurashi, Khushboo Zahra Gilani, Muhammad Shabir, Muhammad Gulzar & Ashraful Alam - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This research article offers a study on a new relation of rough sets and soft sets with an algebraic structure quantale module by using soft reflexive and soft compatible relations. The lower approximation and upper approximation of subsets of quantale module are utilized by aftersets and foresets. As a sequel of this relation, different characterizations of rough soft substructures of quantale modules are obtained. To ensure the results, soft reflective and soft compatible relations are focused and these are interpreted by (...)
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  25. Agency A Case Study In Bracketing Presuppositions.Russell Hurlburt & Neda Raymond - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (1):295-305.
    This paper has two goals. First, it illustrates how presuppositions present themselves. Second, it amplifies the comment that Russ made 1 about Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons: that their own presuppositions would likely stand toxically in the way of their discovering the important features of agency.
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  26.  49
    A performative and poetical narrative of critical social theory in nursing education: an ending and threshold of social justice.Jennifer Lapum, Neda Hamzavi, Katarina Veljkovic, Zubaida Mohamed, Adriana Pettinato, Sarabeth Silver & Elizabeth Taylor - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (1):27-45.
    In this article, a poetical and performative narrative is shared to examine how the use of stories to critically self‐reflect on oppression facilitates an understanding of critical social theory in nursing education and impacts social justice. A fusion of prose with a poetical narrative is employed; the latter is reserved to capture the immediacy of personal, emotive, and embodied storied experiences. This deeply intimate and dialogical story begins with a pedagogical experiment created to facilitate nursing students' understanding of critical social (...)
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  27.  18
    The patients’ lived experiences with equitable nursing care.Raziyeh Sadat Bahador, Neda Dastyar, Sudabeh Ahmadidarrehsima, Shideh Rafati & Foozieh Rafati - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):859-874.
    Background Equitable care is a fundamental value in the nursing profession. Healthcare workers have both a moral and professional duty to ensure that they do not discriminate. Aim This study aimed to explore how patients perceive equitable nursing care. Research design, participants, and research context This descriptive phenomenological qualitative research study used purposeful sampling to select 17 patients from various departments of a general hospital in southern Iran. The participants were then interviewed using a semi-structured in-depth interview format, which aimed (...)
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  28.  21
    Patterns of Relapse Risks and Related Factors among Patients with Schizophrenia in Razi Hospital, Iran: A Latent Class Analysis.Mehdi Noroozi, Neda Alibeigi, Bahram Armoon, Omid Rezaei, Mohammad Sayadnasiri, Somayeh Nejati, Farbod Fadaei, Davood Arab Ghahestany, Bahman Dieji & Elahe Ahounbar - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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    Being torn by inevitable moral dilemma: experiences of ICU nurses.Fatemeh Salmani, Mahbubeh Maazallahi, Zahra Royani & Neda Asadi - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundEthical decision-making of nurses could affect patients’ recovery and also decrease medical costs. To make ethical decisions, ICU nurses experience complicated ethical conflicts. Considering the multi-dimensional process of ethical decision-making, the present study was conducted to describe the experiences of ICU nurses regarding ethical decision making.MethodThe present research is a qualitative study with conventional content analysis approach that was done in 2020. Fourteen ICU nurses were interviewed using a semi-structured in-depth interview method. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed (...)
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  30.  24
    Individual differences fill the uncharted intersections between cognitive structure, flexibility, and plasticity in multitasking.Laura Broeker, Jovita Brüning, Yana Fandakova, Neda Khosravani, Andrea Kiesel, Veit Kubik, Sebastian Kübler, Dietrich Manzey, Irina Monno, Markus Raab & Torsten Schubert - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (6):1486-1494.
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    The role of ANS acuity and numeracy for the calibration and the coherence of subjective probability judgments.Anders Winman, Peter Juslin, Marcus Lindskog, Håkan Nilsson & Neda Kerimi - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:97227.
    The purpose of the study was to investigate how numeracy and acuity of the approximate number system (ANS) relate to the calibration and coherence of probability judgments. Based on the literature on number cognition, a first hypothesis was that those with lower numeracy would maintain a less linear use of the probability scale, contributing to overconfidence and nonlinear calibration curves. A second hypothesis was that also poorer acuity of the ANS would be associated with overconfidence and non-linearity. A third hypothesis, (...)
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  32.  52
    Effects of Personality and Information Technology on Plagiarism: An Iranian Perspective.Babak Sohrabi, Aryan Gholipour & Neda Mohammadesmaeili - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (5):367 - 379.
    Information technology has played a remarkably important role in developing the contemporary educational system. It not only provides easy access to enormous stores of information but also increases students' scientific efficiency. However, the availability of this technology has also led to increased plagiarism. This study attempted to explore how access to Internet technology contributes to plagiarism problems from the perspective of university students in Iran. A qualitative method to semistructured interviews with 20 students suggested important themes: uncertainty avoidance, tendency to (...)
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  33.  35
    A Study to Elicit Behavioral Health Patients' and Providers' Opinions on Health Records Consent.Maria Adela Grando, Anita Murcko, Srividya Mahankali, Michael Saks, Michael Zent, Darwyn Chern, Christy Dye, Richard Sharp, Laura Young, Patricia Davis, Megan Hiestand & Neda Hassanzadeh - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):238-259.
    A main objective of this study is to assess the opinions of 50 behavioral health patients on selective control over their behavioral and physical health information. We explored patients' preferences regarding current consent models, what health information should be shared for care and research and whether these preferences vary based on the sensitivity of health information and/or the type of provider involved. The other objective of this study was to solicit opinions of 8 behavioral health providers on patient-driven granular control (...)
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  34. Rod Ellis, Carsten Roever, Natsuko Shintani & Yan Zhu. 2024. Measuring Second Language Pragmatic Competence: A Psycholinguistic Perspective. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [REVIEW]Musa Nushi & Neda Khanlarzadeh - forthcoming - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics.
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  35.  20
    CHAPTER 14 Curated Panel: ‘Art as Laboratory for Modes of Being-With’.Marie-Luise Angerer, Irina Kaldrack, Martina Leeker, Taru Leppänen, Heidi Fast, Žilvinė Gaižutytė-Filipavičienė, Basia Nikiforova, Nevena Dakovic, Neda Radulovic, Felicity Colman & Helen Palmer - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin, Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 298-326.
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    In the Service of Many Masters.Svenja Tams, Paul Caulfield & Darius Nedjati-Gilani - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:502-510.
    This paper examines the influence of service learning as a pragmatic skills-based teaching intervention. Conceptually, it builds on literature, legitimizing servicelearning in terms of four educational logics– civic engagement, practical relevance, skill development, and responsibility. We investigate whether service learning can always achieve this broad range of educational objectives, in view of students being increasingly exposed to a logic of ‘educational performance’, which they may perceive to be in conflict with the logics of 'civic engagement' and ‘responsibility’. The theoretical part (...)
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  37.  13
    Exploring the ethical decision-making experience of caregivers of end stage cancer patients in Iran: a phenomenological study.Seyedeh Esmat Hosseini, Alireza Nikbakht Narabadi, Ali Abbasi, Soodabe Joolaee, Neda Sheikhzakaryaee & Mahboobeh Shali - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-7.
    Ethical decision making is a complex issue because it strongly depends on the religion, beliefs, traditional laws and moral views of each society. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of Iranian family caregivers of end stage cancer patients about ethical decision making. This qualitative study is based on van Manen’s method of hermeneutic phenomenology. In-depth interviews were carried out to collect data. Participants were 12 caregiver. Audiotapes were transcribed and analyzed for common themes that represented the (...)
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  38.  47
    Imaging structural and functional brain networks in temporal lobe epilepsy.Boris C. Bernhardt, SeokJun Hong, Andrea Bernasconi & Neda Bernasconi - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  39.  24
    Exploring defensive medicine: examples, underlying and contextual factors, and potential strategies - a qualitative study.Ehsan Shamsi Gooshki, Bagher Larijani, Neda Yavari, Ayat Ahmadi, Alireza Parsapoor & Mohammad Hossein Eftekhari - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-21.
    BackgroundMedical errors, unsatisfactory outcomes, or treatment complications often prompt patient complaints about healthcare providers. In response, physicians may adopt defensive practices to mitigate objections, avoid complaints, and navigate lengthy trial processes or other potential threats. However, such defensive medicine (DM) practices can carry risks, including potential harm to patients and the imposition of unnecessary costs on both patients and the healthcare system. Moreover, these practices may run counter to accepted ethical standards in medicine.MethodsThis qualitative study involved conducting semi-structured interviews with (...)
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  40.  25
    A Preliminary Study of the Efficacy of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Trigeminal Neuralgia.Babak Babakhani, Narges Hoseini Tabatabaei, Kost Elisevich, Narges Sadeghbeigi, Mojtaba Barzegar, Neda Mohammadi Mobarakeh, Fatemeh Eyvazi, Zahra Khazaeipour, Arman Taheri & Mohammad-Reza Nazem-Zadeh - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with treatment-refractory trigeminal neuralgia and examine the utility of neuroimaging methods in identifying markers of such efficacy. Six patients with classical TN refractory to maximal medical treatment, underwent tDCS. All patients underwent pre- and posttreatment functional magnetic resonance imaging during block-design tasks as well as single-shell diffusion MRI acquisition. The precise locations of tDCS electrodes were identified by neuronavigation. Five therapeutic tDCS sessions were (...)
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    Radical of filters in BL -algebras.Somayeh Motamed, Lida Torkzadeh, Arsham Borumand Saeid & Neda Mohtashamnia - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (2):166-179.
    In this paper, the notion of the radical of a filter in BL-algebras is defined and several characterizations of the radical of a filter are given. Also we prove that A/F is an MV-algebra if and only if Ds ⊆ F. After that we define the notion of semi maximal filter in BL-algebras and we state and prove some theorems which determine the relationship between this notion and the other types of filters of a BL-algebra. Moreover, we prove that A/F (...)
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  42.  30
    The Racial Data Gap: Lack of Racial Data as a Barrier to Overcoming Structural Racism.Elaine O. Nsoesie, Neda A. Khoshkhoo & Geoffrey S. Holtzman - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):39-42.
    The Black Lives Matter movement marks a critical moment in the ebb and flow of racial progress. But as Camisha Russell points out, this moment might not last long. Prior high-water marks in...
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    The worldwide investigating nurses’ attitudes towards do-not-resuscitate order: a review. [REVIEW]Nader Salari, Alireza Abdi, Rostam Jalali, Samira Raoofi & Neda Raoofi - 2021 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 16 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe acceptance or practical application of the do-not-resuscitate order is substantially dependent on internal or personal factors; in a way that decision-making about this issue can be specific to each person. Moreover, most nurses feel morally and emotionally stressed and confused during the process decision-making regarding DNR order. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate nurses’ attitudes towards DNR order in a systematic review.MethodsThis critical survey was conducted using a systematic review protocol. To this end, the most (...)
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    A Hidden Poet in The Period of Suleiman the Magnificent: Mahfî-i Gilani and His Translation of Bih-i Çinî.Gülşah Taşkin - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2423-2443.
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    book review: Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and The Politics of Technological Futures by Neda Atanasoski and Kalindi Vora. [REVIEW]Kerry Mackereth - 2021 - Feminist Review 129 (1):145-147.
  46. CASTANEDA, Hector-Neri (1924–1991).William J. Rapaport - 2005 - In John R. Shook, The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 1860-1960. Thoemmes Press.
    H´ector-Neri Casta˜neda-Calder´on (December 13, 1924–September 7, 1991) was born in San Vicente Zacapa, Guatemala. He attended the Normal School for Boys in Guatemala City, later called the Military Normal School for Boys, from which he was expelled for refusing to fight a bully; the dramatic story, worthy of being filmed, is told in the “De Re” section of his autobiography, “Self-Profile” (1986). He then attended a normal school in Costa Rica, followed by studies in philosophy at the University of (...)
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  47. Self-notions.John Perry - 1990
    ”Self-beliefs” are beliefs of the sort one ordinarily has about oneself, and expresses with the first person. These contrast with the beliefs one has in ”Casta˜neda cases,” in which one has a belief about oneself without knowing it. This paper advances an account of the nature of self-belief. According to this account, self-belief is a special case of interacting with things via notions that serve as repositories for information about objects with certain important relations to the knower, and as (...)
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    Yahya al-Ṣarṣarī and The Image of the Prophet Muḥammad in His Poems.İbrahim Fi̇dan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):267-295.
    The first poems about the Prophet Muḥammad appeared while he was alive. These first examples, which are panegyrics (madīḥ, i‛tiẕār, fakhr and ris̱ā), largely reflect the characteristics of the pre-Islamic qaṣīda poetry. Due to the developments in the following centuries, the number of poems about the Prophet increased. And thus, a separate literary genre was formed under the name al-madīḥ al-nabawī. Especially the fact that sufi leaning poets contributed to the literary richness in this field. Another factor is the beginning (...)
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    (1 other version)The Clamour of Voices.Fred Evans - 2013 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 17 (2):158-177.
    Taking up the significance of Neda Agha-Soltan’s death in an Iranian street protest and novelist Zadie Smith’s analysis of President Obama, I offer an account of society as a “multivoiced body.” This body consists of “voices” that at once separate and bind themselves together through their continuous and creative interplay. Viewing society in this manner implies the simultaneous valorization of solidarity, diversity, and the creation of new voices as well as the kind of “hearing others” that makes these three (...)
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    Becoming Messenian.Nino Luraghi - 2002 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 122:45-69.
    The article is an enquiry into the identity of two groups who called themselves Messenians: the Helots and perioikoi who revolted against Sparta after the earthquake in the 460s; and the citizens of the independent polity founded by Epameinondas in 370/69 bc in the Spartan territory west of the Taygetos. Based on the history of the Messenians in Pausanias Book 4, some scholars have thought that those two groups were simply the descendants of the free inhabitants of the region, subdued (...)
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