Results for 'Nadia Ayub'

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  1.  70
    The Factors Predicting Students' Satisfaction with University Hostels, Case Study, Universiti Sains Malaysia.Fatemeh Khozaei, Nadia Ayub, Ahmad Sanusi Hassan & Zahra Khozaei - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P148.
    This study was administrated to undergraduate students living in the various hostels of Universiti Sains Malaysia. The primary purpose of this study was to identify the most important factors that predict undergraduate students’ level of satisfaction with the student hostels they are living in. This paper also explored the difference in the satisfaction levels of students living in hostels within the campus and those living in hostels outside the campus. Based on literature review, it was hypothesized that there would be (...)
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    Synchronization of circular restricted three body problem with lorenz hyper chaotic system using a robust adaptive sliding mode controller.Ayub Khan & Mohammad Shahzad - 2013 - Complexity 18 (6):58-64.
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    Flood Detection and Susceptibility Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series, Alternating Decision Trees, and Bag-ADTree Models.Ayub Mohammadi, Khalil Valizadeh Kamran, Sadra Karimzadeh, Himan Shahabi & Nadhir Al-Ansari - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-21.
    Flooding is one of the most damaging natural hazards globally. During the past three years, floods have claimed hundreds of lives and millions of dollars of damage in Iran. In this study, we detected flood locations and mapped areas susceptible to floods using time series satellite data analysis as well as a new model of bagging ensemble-based alternating decision trees, namely, bag-ADTree. We used Sentinel-1 data for flood detection and time series analysis. We employed twelve conditioning parameters of elevation, normalized (...)
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    « Le signe en défaut » : Régine Robin interviewée par Nadia Khouri.Nadia Khouri - 1990 - Horizons Philosophiques 1 (1):111-121.
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    Islamic finance crossing the 40-years milestone – the way forward.Muhammad Ayub - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:463-484.
    Islamic finance has experienced considerable growth worldwide interms of deposits and assets of Islamic banks over the last 40 years, but showslittle signs of achieving maturity. Almost all Islamic finance products currentlyis use are mere replicas of their conventional counterparts. This study followsthe archival research strategy of Bryman, and analyses the literatureon Islamic finance theory and products and practices in order to ascertainthe reforms needed for the maturity goal. The paper proposes adoption ofa new law regarding money, different policy approaches, (...)
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  6. Solitudine e conversazione: i moralisti classici e David Hume / Nadia Boccara.Nadia Boccara - 1994 - Roma: Università degli studi della Tuscia, Istituto di scienze umane e delle arti, Facoltà di lingue e letterature straniere moderne.
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    Assessment procedures and problems in their use: At the new B.ed. (Hons.)/Ade program in balochistan.Alia Ayub, Maroof Bin Rauf & Khalid Khurshid - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (1):51-71.
    This research aimed at investigating the assessment procedures for evaluating the prospective teachers' abilities, developed through the new B.Ed. /ADE curriculum in teacher education institutions of Baluchistan, this research study will also highlights the emerging problems in the use of new modern assessment procedures. The research was conducted in seven Teacher Training institutions of Baluchistan. The data was collected through the survey questionnaire, based on a pilot project, from the seven Heads of the institutions and the nine Teacher Educators/school, involved (...)
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    Gerakan pelajar-mahasiswa: misi dan visi.Mustaffa Kamil Ayub - 1991 - Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan: Budaya Ilmu.
    The mission and vision of Islamic students movement in Malaysia; collection of articles.
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    Phase transformation studies in unirradiated and proton beam irradiated Ni–Ti alloy between 25 and 100°C.Rana Ayub, Naveed Afzal & R. Ahmad - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (17):2164-2172.
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    Bisecting Real and Fake Body Parts: Effects of Prism Adaptation After Right Brain Damage.Nadia Bolognini, Debora Casanova, Angelo Maravita & Giuseppe Vallar - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  11. Marshall McLuhan: Media Ecologist and Educator.Nadia Delicata - 2008 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 31 (4):314-341.
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  12.  25
    Avicenna and afterwards.Nadia Germann - 2011 - In John Marenbon, The Oxford Handbook to Medieval Philosophy. Oxford Up. pp. 83.
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  13. Community of Inquiry as a Complex Communicative System1.Nadia Stoyanova Kennedy - 2012 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 33 (1):13-18.
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  14. (1 other version)M. Ebeling, Verschmelzung und neuronale Autokorrelation als Grundlage einer Konsonanztheorie, Frankfurt am Main, Lang, 2007.Nadia Moro - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):882-884.
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    Representative Democracy: Principles and Genealogy.Nadia Urbinati - 2006 - University of Chicago Press.
    It is usually held that representative government is not strictly democratic, since it does not allow the people themselves to directly make decisions. But here, taking as her guide Thomas Paine’s subversive view that “Athens, by representation, would have surpassed her own democracy,” Nadia Urbinati challenges this accepted wisdom, arguing that political representation deserves to be regarded as a fully legitimate mode of democratic decision making—and not just a pragmatic second choice when direct democracy is not possible. As Urbinati (...)
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  16.  33
    An initial accuracy focus prevents illusory truth.Nadia M. Brashier, Emmaline Drew Eliseev & Elizabeth J. Marsh - 2020 - Cognition 194 (C):104054.
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  17. Procedural Democracy, the Bulwark of Equal Liberty.Nadia Urbinati & Maria Paula Saffon - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (3):0090591713476872.
    This essay reclaims a political proceduralist vision of democracy as the best normative defense of democracy in contemporary politics. We distinguish this vision from three main approaches that are representative in the current academic debate: the epistemic conception of democracy as a process of truth seeking; the populist defense of democracy as a mobilizing politics that defies procedures; and the classical minimalist or Schumpeterian definition of democracy as a competitive method for selecting leaders.
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  18. Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a Discursive Structure, and its Role in School Curriculum Design.Nadia Kennedy & David Kennedy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):265-283.
    This article traces the development of the theory and practice of what is known as ‘community of inquiry’ as an ideal of classroom praxis. The concept has ancient and uncertain origins, but was seized upon as a form of pedagogy by the originators of the Philosophy for Children program in the 1970s. Its location at the intersection of the discourses of argumentation theory, communications theory, semiotics, systems theory, dialogue theory, learning theory and group psychodynamics makes of it a rich site (...)
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    Enhancing Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations: Is Extraterritoriality the Magic Potion? [REVIEW]Nadia Bernaz - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):493-511.
    The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, resulting from the work of John Ruggie and his team, largely depend on state action and corporate good will for their implementation. One increasingly popular way for states to prevent and redress violations of human rights committed by companies outside their country of registration is to adopt measures with extraterritorial implications, some of which are presented in the article, or to assert direct extraterritorial jurisdiction in specific instances. Some United Nations (...)
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  20.  77
    A Comparison of American and Nepalese Children's Concepts of Freedom of Choice and Social Constraint.Nadia Chernyak, Tamar Kushnir, Katherine M. Sullivan & Qi Wang - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1343-1355.
    Recent work has shown that preschool-aged children and adults understand freedom of choice regardless of culture, but that adults across cultures differ in perceiving social obligations as constraints on action. To investigate the development of these cultural differences and universalities, we interviewed school-aged children (4–11) in Nepal and the United States regarding beliefs about people's freedom of choice and constraint to follow preferences, perform impossible acts, and break social obligations. Children across cultures and ages universally endorsed the choice to follow (...)
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  21.  37
    The self as a moral agent: Preschoolers behave morally but believe in the freedom to do otherwise.Nadia Chernyak & Tamar Kushnir - 2014 - Journal of Cognition and Development 15 (3):453-464.
    Recent work suggests a strong connection between intuitions regarding our own free will and our moral behavior. We investigate the origins of this link by asking whether preschool-aged children construe their own moral actions as freely chosen. We gave children the option to make three moral/social choices (avoiding harm to another, following a rule, and following peer behavior) and then asked them to retrospect as to whether they were free to have done otherwise. When given the choice to act (either (...)
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  22.  81
    Mill on Democracy: From the Athenian Polis to Representative Government.Nadia Urbinati - 2002 - University of Chicago Press.
    Redirecting attention to Mill as a political thinker, Nadia Urbinati argues that this claim misrepresents Mill's thinking.
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    Cross-Lagged Analysis of COVID-19-Related Worry and Media Consumption in a Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Sample of Community Adults.Nadia Bounoua, Shelly Goodling & Naomi Sadeh - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in an array of mental health problems. Previous research has shown that media exposure to stressful situations is often related to anxiety and stress. However, given that most existing work has used cross-sectional designs, less is known about the interplay of media exposure and worry as they unfold during sustained exposure to a collective stressor. The current study examined bidirectional associations between COVID-related worry and media consumption over a three-month period. Participants were (...)
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  24.  16
    Mental Time Travel in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Current Gaps and Future Directions.Nadia Rahman & Adam D. Brown - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Informed Consent as Societal Stewardship.Nadia N. Sawicki - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (1):41-50.
    When individual patients' medical decisions contribute to population-level trends, physicians may struggle with how to promote justice while maintaining respect for patient autonomy. This article argues that this tension might be resolved by using the informed consent conversation as an opportunity to position patients as societal stewards.
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    Categorization of Whistleblowers Using the Whistleblowing Triangle.Nadia Smaili & Paulina Arroyo - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):95-117.
    In view of recent studies that identified certain interest groups as potential whistleblowers, we propose an integrative conceptual framework to examine whistleblower behavior by whistleblower type. The framework, dubbed the whistleblowing triangle, is modeled on the fraud triangle and is comprised of three factors that condition the act of whistleblowing: pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. For a rich examination, we use a qualitative research framework to analyze 11 whistleblowing cases of corporate financial statement fraud in Canada that were publicly denounced between (...)
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  27.  88
    A Revolt against Intermediary Bodies.Nadia Urbinati - 2015 - Constellations 22 (4):477-486.
  28. Representation as Advocacy.Nadia Urbinati - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (6):758-786.
  29.  40
    Investigating the relationship between religious lifestyle and social health among Muslim teachers.Alim Al Ayub Ahmed, Aan Komariah, Supat Chupradit, Bai Rohimah, Dian Anita Nuswantara, Nuphanudin Nuphanudin, Trias Mahmudiono, Wanich Suksatan & Dodi Ilham - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–6.
    Lifestyles are evidence for the influence of systems, cultures and civilisations within various societies. In view of that, all systems of thought aim to maintain certain ways of living in citizens to implement their ideals. Furthermore, if societies do not accept the lifestyles introduced by such systems, their intellectual foundations and values are rejected. In this regard, the Islamic lifestyle does not imply giving up all pleasures and blessings, but it takes on a divine colour to all pleasures. The objective (...)
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  30. Max Planck and the'Constants of Nature'.Nadia Robotti Massimiliano Badino & N. Robotti - 2001 - Annals of Science 58 (2):137-162.
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    The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East: States, Resources and Armies.Nadia Maria El Cheikh & Averil Cameron - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):770.
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  32. Discussion of screen size and resource depression: Using an examination of Faleloa, Tonga.Nadia Densmore - 2009 - NEXUS: The Canadian Student Journal of Anthropology 21 (1):4.
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    Bistability of mitotic entry and exit switches during open mitosis in mammalian cells.Nadia Hégarat, Scott Rata & Helfrid Hochegger - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):627-643.
    Mitotic entry and exit are switch‐like transitions that are driven by the activation and inactivation of Cdk1 and mitotic cyclins. This simple on/off reaction turns out to be a complex interplay of various reversible reactions, feedback loops, and thresholds that involve both the direct regulators of Cdk1 and its counteracting phosphatases. In this review, we summarize the interplay of the major components of the system and discuss how they work together to generate robustness, bistability, and irreversibility. We propose that it (...)
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    Bergson, ou, L'humanité créatrice.Nadia Yala Kisukidi - 2013 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Politique, la philosophie bergsonienne? Engagé dans les affaires de la cité, le penseur de l'élan vital et de la durée? La postérité n'a guère retenu cet aspect dans l'oeuvre immense du prix Nobel de littérature 1927. En palliant cette lacune, Yala Kisukidi ouvre une réflexion stimulante qui renouvelle notre connaissance du bergsonisme. De L'Evolution créatrice (1907) aux Deux sources de la morale et de la religion (1932), elle met en lumière une philosophie politique ambitieuse fondée sur une métaphysique de la (...)
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  35.  15
    Kinshasa Star Line.Nadia Yala Kisukidi - 2021 - Multitudes 81 (4):51-57.
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    26. Rhetorik außerhalb der Literatur.Nadia J. Koch - 2019 - In Christian Tornau & Michael Erler, Handbuch Antike Rhetorik. De Gruyter. pp. 675-694.
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    Défis d'interculturalité et enjeux fraternels dans les familles d'origine maghrébine.Nadia Lazli & Didier Drieu - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 196 (2):49-60.
    Résumé La situation interculturelle des jeunes issus de familles d’origine nord-africaine installées en France pose les problèmes de l’identité et des liens qui unissent les membres de la fratrie. À travers l’expérience d’une psychothérapie familiale et quelques résultats d’une étude menée sur les stratégies identitaires utilisées par les jeunes nés de parents nord-africains, l’article témoigne des différences qui existent dans la gestion des apports culturels entre les garçons et les filles dans les familles maghrébines, de l’importance de la fratrie comme (...)
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    The Worlds of Art and the World.Nadia Margolis (ed.) - 1983 - Brill | Rodopi.
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  39. Débris d'un discours morcelé: Jules Verne à la lisière de l'utopie.Nadia Minerva - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 95:55-70.
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    Figures of Speech: Picturing Proverbs in Renaissance Netherlands.Nadia Nicoleta Morăraşu - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):109-110.
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    A typology of nurses' interaction with relatives in emergency situations.Nadia Primc, Sven Schwabe, Juliane Poeck, Andreas Günther, Martina Hasseler & Giovanni Rubeis - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):232-244.
    Background In nursing homes, residents’ relatives represent important sources of support for nurses. However, in the heightened stress of emergency situations, interaction between nurses and relatives can raise ethical challenges. Research objectives The present analysis aimed at elaborating a typology of nurses’ experience of ethical support and challenges in their interaction with relatives in emergency situations. Research design Thirty-three semi-structured interviews and six focus groups were conducted with nurses from different nursing homes in Germany. Data were analysed according to Mayring’s (...)
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  42.  19
    Das Verhältnis von Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft.Nadia Primc - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Die vorliegende Untersuchung bemüht sich um eine Klärung des Verhältnisses von Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft. Zum einen treten die Wissenschaften bereits ihrem Begriffe nach mit dem Anspruch auf eine besondere Qualität des von ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Wissens auf. Soll es sich hierbei nicht um ein leeres Versprechen handeln, muss sich zeigen lassen, inwiefern sich die Wissenschaften von anderen Wissensformen wie eben dem Alltagswissen abheben. Die Klärung dieses Verhältnisses stellt also implizit eine Bestimmung der besonderen Qualität der Wissenschaften dar - eine (...)
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  43. Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920.Urbinati Nadia - 2008
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    Liberatà e buon governo in John Stuart Mill e Pasquale Villari.Nadia Urbinati - 1987 - European University Institute.
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  45.  53
    Politics as Deferred Presence.Nadia Urbinati - 2007 - Constellations 14 (2):266-272.
  46.  7
    Studi sulla cultura filosofica italiana fra Ottocento e Novecento.Nadia Urbinati (ed.) - 1982 - Bologna: CLUEB.
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    On Selective Consumerism: Egyptian Women and Ethnographic Representations.Nadia Wassef - 2001 - Feminist Review 69 (1):111-123.
    In the light of postmodern debates in anthropology, ethnography offers anthropologists new ways of representing their objects of study. The politics involved in the production and consumption by feminist scholars and activists of women's representations in the Arab world, and Egypt specifically, provides the starting point of this article. Using an ethnographic text examining manifestations of ‘Islamic Feminism’ in Egypt, I explore problems in addressing the subject of veiling – a continuous favourite among researchers. Grappling with stereotypes, assumptions and pre-interpretations (...)
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  48.  29
    The City in Early Alternative Arab Cinema.Nadia Yaqub - 2021 - Télos 2021 (197):57-78.
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    Shared learning shapes human performance: Transfer effects in task sharing.Nadia Milanese, Cristina Iani & Sandro Rubichi - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):15-22.
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  50.  50
    Conceptualizing Corporate Accountability in International Law: Models for a Business and Human Rights Treaty.Nadia Bernaz - 2020 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):45-64.
    This article conceptualizes corporate accountability under international law and introduces an analytical framework translating corporate accountability into seven core elements. Using this analytical framework, it then systematically assesses four models that could be used in a future business and human rights treaty: the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights model, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights model, the progressive model, and the transformative model. It aims to contribute to the BHR treaty negotiation process by clarifying different options (...)
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