Results for 'N. Njiraini'

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  1. Do elephants show empathy?Richard rne, P. C. Lee, N. Njiraini, J. H. Poole, K. Sayialel, S. Sayialel, L. A. Bates & C. J. Moss - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (10-11):204-225.
    Elephants show a rich social organization and display a number of unusual traits. In this paper, we analyse reports collected over a thirty-five year period, describing behaviour that has the potential to reveal signs of empathic understanding. These include coalition formation, the offering of protection and comfort to others, retrieving and 'babysitting' calves, aiding individuals that would otherwise have difficulty in moving, and removing foreign objects attached to others. These records demonstrate that an elephant is capable of diagnosing animacy and (...)
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    Filosofía española en América, 1936-1966.José Luis Abellán - 1967 - Madrid,: Ediciones Guadarrama.
    Tres filósofos catalanes: Joaquín Xirau. Eduardo Nicol. José Ferrater Mora.--La herencia de Ortega y Gasset: José Gaos. Luis Recaséns Siches. Manuel Granell. Francisco Ayala. María Zambrano.--Dos filósofos independientes: Juan D. García Bacca. Eugenio Imaz.--Panorama general de la filosofía española en América.
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    Historia crítica del pensamiento español.José Luis Abellán - 1979 - Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
    v. 1. Metodología e introducción histórica.--v. 2. La Edad de Oro.--v. 3. Del Barroco a la ilustración (Siglos XVII y XVIII).--v. 4. Liberalismo y romanticismo.--v. 5. La crisis contemporánea (3 v.).
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    Essay: Break the Silence.N. Abedini - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (1):95-96.
    The author recounts major personal and moral tensions that arose during an 11-month period living in Ghana and shares how she has since learned to reconcile those tensions.
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    El pensamiento político de Guillermo von Humboldt.Joaquín Abellán - 1981 - Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales.
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    La filosofía como producto mediterráneo.José Luis Abellán - 2007 - Valencia: Institució Alfons el Magnànim.
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    Mito y cultura.José Luis Abellán - 1971 - [Madrid]: Seminarios y Ediciones.
  8. (1 other version)Prevention and education : the path towards better forensic science evidence.Marina Gascón Abellán - 2020 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez, Evidential Legal Reasoning: Crossing Civil Law and Common Law Traditions. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  9. Sobre la posibilidad de formular estándares de prueba objetivos.Marina Gascón Abellán - 2018 - In Carmen Vázquez Rojas, Hechos y razonamiento probatorio. [Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo]: Editorial CEJI.
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  10. v. 2. Del Barrocco a nuestros días.José Luis Abellán - 2002 - In Manuel Maceiras Fafián, López Molina, M. Antonio, Alfonso Maestre Sánchez, Sebastià Trias Mercant & José Luis Abellán, Pensamiento filosófico español. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.
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  11. Edinstvo nauchnogo znanii︠a︡.N. T. Abramova & V. F. Asmus (eds.) - 1988 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  12. Mirovozzrenie i estestvennonauchnoe poznanie.N. T. Abramova, Nadezhda Pavlovna Depenchuk & N. N. Kiselev (eds.) - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Escenarios del caos: entre la hipertextualidad y la performance en la era electrónica.Anxo Abuín González - 2006 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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    Metafísica leibniziana de la permisión del mal.Agustín Echavarría - 2011 - Pamplona: Eunsa.
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    Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. [REVIEW]E. N. - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (20):550-554.
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    Food, Genetic Engineering and Philosophy of Technology: Magic Bullets, Technological Fixes and Responsibility to the Future.N. Dane Scott - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book describes specific, well-know controversies in the genetic modification debate and connects them to deeper philosophical issues in philosophy of technology. It contributes to the current, far-reaching deliberations about the future of food, agriculture and society. Controversies over so-called Genetically Modified Organisms regularly appear in the press. The biotechnology debate has settled into a long-term philosophical dispute. The discussion goes much deeper than the initial empirical questions about whether or not GM food and crops are safe for human consumption (...)
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    Creating clinically relevant knowledge from systematic reviews: the challenges of knowledge translation.N. Ann Scott, Carmen Moga, Pamela Barton, Saifudin Rashiq, Donald Schopflocher, Paul Taenzer & Christa Harstall - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):681-688.
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    Ali Kuşçu’nun Eserlerinde Optik Problemler ve Işık Terminolojisi.Sena Aydın - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (2):155-190.
    Bu çalışma Ali Kuşçu’nun Şerhu’t-Tecrîd başlıklı eseri ve Ta‘lîkât alâ mebâhisi’l-egâlîti’l-hissiyye min Şerhi’lMevâkıf adlı eserinde ele almış olduğu optiğe dair konuları problem odaklı bir listeleme faaliyetine tabi kılıp, optik problemleri tarihsel açıdan yorumlamayı, bunu yaparken de dav’ (ءوضلا), nûr (رونلا), şuâ (عاعشلا) gibi farklı ışık terimlerinin kullanımını incelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Ali Kuşçu Şerhu’t-Tecrîd adlı eserinde; görme kuvvetini açıklar, görsel algıya dair matematikçilerin ve tabiatçıların görüşlerini sundukları deliller bağlamında tartışır, aynada görüntünün resmedilmesi, tek bir adet nesnenin iki adet görülmesi gibi konuları irdeler, (...)
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    The extended Hertzian theory and its uses in analyzing indentation experiments.N. Schwarzer - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (33-35):5179-5197.
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  20.  31
    Making the AGREE tool more user‐friendly: the feasibility of a user guide based on Boolean operators.N. Ann Scott, Carmen Moga & Christa Harstall - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1061-1073.
  21. Martin Buber: existencia dialógica y religión.Saturnino Pesquero Ramón - 2022 - Mallorca: Objeto Perdido.
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    Chŏng Yag-yong ŭi ch'ŏrhak mit sahoe chŏngch'i sasang yŏn'gu.T'ae-yŏn Hong - 2013 - [P'yŏngyang]: Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
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  23. Hanʼguk sahoe yulli ŭi tonghyang: Namsŏl Chŏng Ha-ŭn Paksa hwagap kinyŏm nonmunjip.Kŭn-su Hong & Ha-ŭn Chŏng (eds.) - 1988 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Hanul.
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    Kyosa pulsin: uri ka aessŏ oemyŏn haettŏn hyŏnsang ŭi imyŏn.Sŏp-kŭn Hong - 2019 - Sŏul-si: T'ek'ŭbil Kyoyuk.
  25. Kim Ok-kyun, Yu Kil-chun, Chu Si-gyŏng: Chosŏn ŭi kŭndae rŭl kaech'ŏk hada.Wŏn-sik Ch'oe - 2024 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Ch'angbi.
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  26. Kwanwang Samgyoron kwa chisang sinsŏn.Wŏn Chŏng-gŭn - 2022 - In Pong-ho Yi, Han'guk ŭi sinsŏn sasang: huch'ŏn sŏn munhwa wa sangje. Taejŏn: Sangsaeng Ch'ulp'an.
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    P'ŭroit'ŭ resip'i: ŭmsik ŭl t'onghan muŭisik ŭi t'amgu, ŭisik ŭi palgyŏn = Freud recipe.To-ŏn Chŏng - 2015 - Sŏul-si: Ungjin Libing Hausŭ. Edited by Chae-sŏn Ko.
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    Pŏnyŏk Sohak kwa Sohak ŏnhae yŏn'gu.Hyŏn-jin Cho - 2015 - Sŏul-si: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Pagijŏng.
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    Tasan ŭi ch'osang: Han'guk kŭndae sirhak tamnon ŭi hyŏngsŏng kwa chŏn'gae.Chong-hyŏn Chŏng - 2018 - Sŏul-si: Sinsŏwŏn.
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    T'oegyehak ŭi kyesŭng kwa pyŏnhwa: T'oegye chikchŏn cheja put'ŏ kŭn'gi Sirhak kkaji.To-wŏn Chŏng - 2016 - Sŏul: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Munsach'ol.
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  31. Pien chêng wei wu chu i ti chi pên chih shih. Chʻün-shêng - 1956
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    Fernando Gascó, Antonio Ramírez de Verger: Elio Aristides, Discursos I (Introductión, Traducción y Notas). (Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, 106.) Pp. 430. Madrid: Gredos, 1987.N. G. Wilson - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):406-406.
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  33. Kūlt: falsafah va āʼīn-i Zartusht, naqsh-i taqaddus va usṭūrhā dar qudrat va siyāsat = Kult: Philosophie und Religion Zarathustra, die Rolle von Kult und Mythos in der Macht und Politik.Aḥmad ʻAbbāsiyān - 2000 - Ālmān: [S.N.].
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    Mā bayna al-shakk wa-al-yaqīn: kitāb li-man yajruʼūn.Jūd Abū Ṣawwān - 2019 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Bīsān.
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    Ėmpiricheskai︠a︡ ėstetika--informat︠s︡ionnyĭ podkhod: materialy mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma = Empirical aesthetics--informational approach: proceedi[n]gs of the interanational symposium.M. N. Afasizhev & V. M. Petrov (eds.) - 1997 - Taganrog: Taganrogskiĭ gos. radiotekhn. universitet.
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  36.  17
    ¿Existe el orden?: la norma, la ley y la transgresión.Ramón Alvarado, Gustavo Leyva, Sergio Pérez Cortés & Ricardo Espinoza Toledo (eds.) - 2010 - México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
    La presencia del orden se nos impone con singular insistencia. La reflexión sobre el orden, las posibilidades de su emergencia y las condiciones de su articulación y de su crítica, al igual que de su transgresión o transformación, ha constituido un eje central en el pensamiento filosófico y social continental a lo largo del siglo XX. Los trabajos que aparecen en este libro proceden de pensadores provenientes de Alemania, Francia y México y se proponen contribuir a una reflexión amplia, sistemática (...)
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    Song Si-yŏl esŏ Kangmun Haksa egero: simnon ŭi chŏn'gae.Ŭn-su An - 2013 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Sŏnggyun'gwan Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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  38.  18
    El problema del tiempo en la ontología orientada a los objetos: Un encuentro entre Deleuze y Harman.Eduardo Alberto León - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 103:59-88.
    Este artículo pretende contribuir y desarrollar a una de las principales críticas a la ontología orientada a los objetos en su formulación actual propuesta por Graham Harman en su concepto de tiempo que, tras una inspección más cercana, hace que la teoría general sea inconsistente. Si bien este es el caso, la noción de tiempo de Harman puede modificarse de manera que deje intacto el marco de la ontología orientada a objetos. Aunque, esta teoría ya se puede encontrar en Lógica (...)
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  39. Filosofía de la ilustración ; Los procesos ideológicos de la emancipación ; Benthamismo y antibenthamismo.Germán Marquínez Argote - 1988 - In Germán Marquínez Argote, La Filosofía en Colombia: historia de las ideas. Bogotá: Editorial el Búho.
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    Experimental Investigations of Telepathic Hallucinations.N. Vaschide - 1902 - The Monist 12 (3):337-364.
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  41. The thinking of Gottlob Frege and our epistemic condition.N. Vassallo - 2000 - Filosofia 51 (2):211-236.
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  42. Vsemirnyĭ periodicheskiĭ zakon: vvedenie v smyslovui︠u︡ logiku, novai︠a︡ ėtimologii︠a︡, razgadka mifov i legend, formula dushi, ėtnologii︠a︡, i︠a︡zyk i fiziologii︠a︡, probuzhdenie soznanii︠a︡.N. Vashkevich - 2010 - Moskva: Izdatelʹ S. Landyshev.
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  43. Can God forgive our trespasses?N. Verbin - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (2):181-199.
    Believers regularly refer to God as “forgiving and merciful” when praying for divine forgiveness. If one is committed to divine immutability and impassability, as Maimonides is, one must deny that God is capable, in principle, of acting in a forgiving manner. If one rejects divine impassability, maintaining that God has a psychology, as Muffs does, one must reckon with biblical depictions of divine vengeance and rage. Such depictions suggest that while being capable, in principle, of acting in a forgiving way, (...)
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    The mystique of moral dilemmas.N. Verbin - 2005 - Ratio 18 (2):221–236.
    The paper is concerned with the question of the existence of moral dilemmas, conceived of as situations involving a subject in a conflict of non‐overridden moral obligations. I reject some of the presuppositions underlying discussions of this question and argue that certain morally relevant choices cannot be evaluated in relation to an all‐things‐considered moral obligation as permissible or impermissible, right or wrong. In arguing for the inadequacy of our ordinary moral predicates for fully capturing the nature of such choices, I (...)
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    Problems of teaching the course of Christian ethics in educational institutions of Odessa region.N. Veselago & P. Mart’Yanov - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:235-242.
    It seems that the choice for the subject "Christian Ethics in Ukrainian Culture" was made by everyone: the so-called "traditional Churches" and the authorities. The move, however, leaves much room for thought. First, who will teach this subject in educational institutions? We propose to use the experience not only of the western regions of Ukraine, including Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, etc., but also of the Ostroh Academy National University. When on March 24, 2000, the Rivne Regional Council decided to introduce the subject (...)
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    Academic journal online publishing platforms, open journal system 3 overview and example.Kulakyvskiy V. N., Skvortsov I. V. & Dubenko M. V. - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 24 (1-2):69-74.
    The scientific article is devoted to the actual problem of scientific interaction of scientists all over the world by developing the representation of a scientific journal on the Internet. This article describes the status of managing a scientific journal in the digital world. Modern software platforms intended for automation of preparation and publication of electronic scientific journals are presented. The analysis and comparison of several software platforms. The advantages of using open source journal systems are given. The choice of OJS3 (...)
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  47.  4
    Lichnostʹ i vremi︠a︡: metafizika muzyki.N. I. Voronina - 2010 - Saransk: Krasnyĭ Okti︠a︡brʹ.
    Издание содержит: Музыка моя; XIX век. Россия. первые опыты философствования о музыке; XIX век. Россия. Четыре имени в метафизике музыки; XX век. Мордовия. Бахтинские и яушевские страницы и др.
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  48. Experiences of visible minority students and anti-racist education within the Canadian education system.N. Wane - 2004 - Journal of Thought 39 (1):25-44.
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    Applications of Indian logic and atomism.N. R. Waradpanda - 2020 - Ramtek: Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University and New Bharatiya Book Corporation, New Delhi. Edited by Srinivasa Varakhedi & Madhusudan Penna.
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    Effect of fatigue on the priority of bilateral movement of the fingers.N. Warren - 1936 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 19 (4):513.
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