Results for 'Movia Giancarlo'

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  1.  16
    Apparenze, essere e verità: commentario storico-filosofico al "Sofista" di Platone.Giancarlo Movia - 1991 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
  2. Being, nothing, becoming-on the primary categories in hegel'logica'.Giancarlo Movia - 1986 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 78 (4):513-544.
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    Anima e intelletto.Giancarlo Movia - 1968 - Padova,: Antenore.
  4. Alessandro di Afrodisia.Giancarlo Movia - 1970 - Padova,: Antenore.
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    Les doctrines non écrites de platon et la métaphysique de la transcendance.Giancarlo Movia, Alonso Tordesillas & Luc Brisson - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    Cet article résume le contenu des doctrines non écrites attribuées à Platon ainsi que la démarche méthodique selon laquelle elles procèdent. Il atteste la présence de ces doctrines non écrites, notamment dans le Sophiste. L'article cherche à concilier entre elles la théorie des premiers principes et la métaphysique platonicienne, laquelle admet la transcendance théologique. En effet, en raison de la différence qui existe entre la Dyade du grand et du petit dans la sphère cosmologique et la Dyade dans le domaine (...)
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    Hegel e Platone: atti del Convegno internazionale di Cagliari (21-22 aprile 1998).Giancarlo Movia (ed.) - 2002 - Cagliari: AV.
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    Il "Sofista" e le dottrine non scritte di Platone.Giancarlo Movia - 1991 - Napoli: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa.
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    Due studi sul De anima di Aristotele.Giancarlo Movia - 1974 - Padova,: Antenore.
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    (1 other version)R. Grasso-M. Zanatta, La forma del corpo vivente. Studio sul ‘De anima’ di Aristotele.Giancarlo Movia - 2005 - Elenchos 26 (2):481-482.
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  10. Hegel e la filosofia ellenistica: atti del Convegno di Cagliari, 3-4 aprile 1995.Giancarlo Movia & A. M. Battegazzore (eds.) - 1998 - Cagliari: AV.
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  11. Hegel e il neoplatonismo: atti del Convegno internazionale di Cagliari, 16-17 aprile 1996.Werner Beierwaltes & Giancarlo Movia (eds.) - 1999 - Cagliari: Edizioni AV.
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    La logica di Hegel e la storia della filosofia: atti del Convegno di Cagliari (20-22 aprile 1993).Remo Bodei & Giancarlo Movia (eds.) - 1996 - Cagliari: AV.
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  13. Saggi e ricerche su Alessandro di Afrodisia, Avicenna, Miceli, Brentano, Jaspers, Ingarden, Carr, storiografia filosofica italiana, ebraismo.Carlo Giacon & Giancarlo Movia - 1970 - Padova,: Antenore. Edited by Giancarlo Movia.
  14. La diairesi nel Sofista.Movia Giancarlo - 1988 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 80 (3):501-548.
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    Giancarlo Movia: Alessandro di Afrodisia: tra naturalismo e misticismo. Pp. 94. Padua: Antenore, 1970. Paper, L. 1,400.W. E. Charlton - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (1):134-134.
  16.  10
    Giancarlo Movia (ed.), Alessandro di Afrodisia e la « Metafisica » di Aristotele.Maddalena Bonelli - 2004 - Philosophie Antique 4 (4):224-230.
    Cet ouvrage est l’une des premières contributions importantes à l’étude du commentaire de la Métaphysique d’Aristote par Alexandre d’Aphrodise, œuvre encore récemment ignorée. Depuis quelques années, l’éditeur de ce livre, en collaboration avec une équipe de jeunes chercheurs de l’université de Cagliari, est en train de traduire en italien l’intégralité du commentaire, y compris la partie considérée comme inauthentique (celle qui porte sur les livres Ε-Ν) : en ce sens, ce volume (qui contient...
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    Giancarlo Movia, "Anima e intelletto: Richerche sulla psicologia peripatetica da Teofrasto a Cratippo" and "Alessandro di Afrodisia: Tra naturalismo e misticismo". [REVIEW]Edward P. Mahoney - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (3):402.
  18.  57
    Giancarlo Movia: Anima e intelletto. Ricerche sulla psicologia peripatetica da Teofrasto a Cratippo. Pp. 238. Padua: Antenore, 1968. Paper, L. 3,300. [REVIEW]W. E. Charlton - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (3):413-413.
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    A Commentary on the Sophist: Giancarlo Movia: Apparenze, essere e verità: commentario storico-filosofico al ‘Sofista’ di Platone. [REVIEW]J. D. G. Evans - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (02):249-.
  20.  56
    Towards ontological foundations for conceptual modeling: The unified foundational ontology (UFO) story.Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner, João Paulo Andrade Almeida & Renata S. S. Guizzardi - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):259-271.
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  21.  49
    Collapse theories.Giancarlo Ghirardi - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Quantum mechanics, with its revolutionary implications, has posed innumerable problems to philosophers of science. In particular, it has suggested reconsidering basic concepts such as the existence of a world that is, at least to some extent, independent of the observer, the possibility of getting reliable and objective knowledge about it, and the possibility of taking (under appropriate circumstances) certain properties to be objectively possessed by physical systems. It has also raised many others questions which are well known to those involved (...)
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  22.  8
    Behind and Beyond the Fact/Value Dichotomy.Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti - 2016 - In Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti (eds.), Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity. London and New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a synoptic view of current philosophical debates concerning the relationship between facts and values, bringing together a wide spectrum of contributors committed to testing the validity of this dichotomy, exploring alternatives, and assessing their implications. The assumption that facts and values inhabit distinct, unbridgeable conceptual and experiential domains has long dominated scientific and philosophical discourse, but this separation has been seriously called into question from a number of corners. The original essays here collected offer a diversity of (...)
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  23.  32
    Revealing the Difference: Between Conflict Mediation and Law Enforcement—Living and Working Together as a Conceptual and Methodological Turning Point to Activate Transformation in a Juvenile Criminal Mediation Service.Giancarlo Tamanza, Caterina Gozzoli & Marialuisa Gennari - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):234-253.
    This article aims at proposing the construct of living and working together in organizations as an interpretation and tool proposed in a Juvenile Criminal Mediation Service, in order to highlight how important it was as a turning point in activating the working group's reflexive function as far as their sense of belonging, otherness, culture of diversity, and work subject matter are concerned and start an important transformation process in the very service delivery. Our proposal finds its roots in a follow-up (...)
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  24. Unified dynamics for microscopic and macroscopic systems.GianCarlo Ghirardi, Alberto Rimini & Tullio Weber - 1986 - Physical Review D 34 (D):470–491.
  25.  47
    The Teaching Brain: Beyond the Science of Teaching and Educational Neuroscience.Giancarlo Gola, Laura Angioletti, Federico Cassioli & Michela Balconi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    (1 other version)Elements of Physical Reality, Nonlocality and Stochasticity in Relativistic Dynamical Reduction Models.GianCarlo Ghirardi & Philip Pearle - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:35 - 47.
    The problem of getting a relativistic generalization of the CSL dynamical reduction model, which has been presented in part I, is discussed. In so doing we have the opportunity to introduce the idea of a stochastically invariant theory. The theoretical model we present, that satisfies this kind of invariance requirement, offers us the possibility to reconsider, from a new point of view, some conceptually relevant issues such as nonlocality, the legitimacy of attributing elements of physical reality to physical systems and (...)
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  27.  11
    Democrazia e potere: saggi di etica, politica, educazione.Giancarlo Costabile & Flavia Stara (eds.) - 2013 - Cosenza, Italy: Luigi Pellegrini editore.
  28. L'uomo e il mondo: nella filosofia di M. Heidegger.Giancarlo Finazzo - 1963 - Roma: Editrice Studium.
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    The parts and the whole: Collapse theories and systems with identical constituents.GianCarlo Ghirardi - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (1):40-47.
    The very formal structure of quantum mechanics implies the loss of individuality of physical systems and it requires to look at the Universe as an unbroken whole. The main reason for which, within such a theory, one must renounce to a clear identification of the parts and the whole is the superposition principle which stays at the basis of the theory. It implies, as well known, the phenomenon of entanglement which, in the most extreme case, entails that the constituents of (...)
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    An Interview with Hilary Putnam.Giancarlo Marchetti - 1997 - Cogito 11 (3):149-157.
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  31. Finite and infinite and the idealism of philosophy-Hegelian logic of determined being. 3.G. Movia - 1994 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 86 (4):623-664.
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    Sapere antropologico e linguaggio: introduzione critica all'onto-teologia.Giancarlo Penati - 1990 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    “Doubly Mother”: Heterologous Artificial Insemination Between Biological and Social Parenthood: A Single Case Study.Giancarlo Tamanza, Federica Facchin, Federica Francini, Silvia Ravani, Marialuisa Gennari & Giuseppe Mannino - 2019 - World Futures 75 (7):480-501.
    In heterologous artificial insemination, the donation of gametes from a third person allows infertile and same-sex couples to become parents. Therefore, the child is genetica...
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    Contaminazioni: incroci di itinerari sapienziali.Giancarlo Vianello - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  35. Notarelle pomponazziane.Giancarlo Zanier - 1979 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 10 (1):211.
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  36.  43
    Know yourself and you shall know the other… to a certain extent: Multiple paths of influence of self-reflection on mindreading☆.Giancarlo Dimaggio, Paul H. Lysaker, Antonino Carcione, Giuseppe Nicolò & Antonio Semerari - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):778-789.
    Social and neurocognitive research suggests that thinking about one’s own thinking and thinking about the thinking of others—termed ‘mindreading’, ‘metacognition’, ‘social cognition’ or ‘mentalizing’ are not identical activities. The ability though to think about thinking in the first person is nevertheless related to the ability to think about other’s thoughts in the third person. Unclear is how these phenomena influence one another. In this review, we explore how self-reflection and autobiographical memory influence the capacity to think about the thoughts and (...)
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  37.  49
    Impaired self-reflection in psychiatric disorders among adults: A proposal for the existence of a network of semi independent functions.Giancarlo Dimaggio, Stijn Vanheule, Paul H. Lysaker, Antonino Carcione & Giuseppe Nicolò - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):653-664.
    Self-reflection plays a key role in healthy human adaptation. Self-reflection might involve different capacities which may be impaired to different degrees relatively independently of one another. Variation in abilities for different forms of self-reflection are commonly seen as key aspects of many adult mental disorders. Yet little has been written about whether there are different kinds of deficits in self-reflection found in mental illness, how those deficits should be distinguished from one another and how to characterize the extent to which (...)
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  38.  50
    Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity.Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti (eds.) - 2016 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a synoptic view of current philosophical debates concerning the relationship between facts and values, bringing together a wide spectrum of contributors committed to testing the validity of this dichotomy, exploring alternatives, and assessing their implications. The assumption that facts and values inhabit distinct, unbridgeable conceptual and experiential domains has long dominated scientific and philosophical discourse, but this separation has been seriously called into question from a number of corners. The original essays here collected offer a diversity of (...)
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    Legitimating reason or self-created uncertainty? Public opinion as an observer of modern politics.Giancarlo Corsi - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 143 (1):44-55.
    Theoretical approaches to public opinion are hard to find in the sociological literature, with the exception of the seminal work of Jürgen Habermas. One important alternative, although almost unknown in the English-speaking world, is offered in a few contributions by the systems theoretician Niklas Luhmann. Both critical theory and systems theory start from a historical analysis of the conditions that led to the rise of a public sphere and understand its function as the limitation and control of the arbitrariness of (...)
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    Drawn Stories Technique: Method and Concluding TherapeuticTurn.Giancarlo Trombini, Elena Trombini & Gerhard Stemberger - 2024 - Gestalt Theory 46 (1):63-80.
    Summary The developmental age is often characterized by problems of somatization of psychological problems and conflicts: Anorexia, enuresis, encopresis and persistent constipation. The Drawn-Story (DS) technique presented in this article was developed to enhance and support the narrative-dialogic relationship in the psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic context – initially primarily for work with children of developmental age, but later also for other patient groups. It is a projective drawing technique that was developed by Giancarlo Trombini in the 1970s based on his (...)
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    Busybodies and Quietists, Yesterday and Today: Discovering Debates about Phronēsis in Nicomachean Ethics 6.8.Giancarlo Tarantino - 2024 - Polis 41 (3):411-434.
    Nicomachean Ethics 6.8 has been interpreted in a variety of ways. One dispute involves Aristotle’s remarks about the relationship of phronēsis to politics: does Aristotle claim that phronēsis is foremost applicable to an individual’s private life, to the political realm, or to some combination of the two? Two features of this dispute make it worthy of closer attention. First, the conflict of interpretations has not been documented as such. Second, I argue this contemporary conflict is a repetition of an ancient (...)
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  42. UFO: Unified Foundational Ontology.Giancarlo Guizzardi, Alessander Bottes Benevides, Claudemir M. Fonseca, João Paulo A. Almeida, Tiago Prince Sales & Daniele Porello - 2022 - Applied ontology 1 (17):167-210.
    The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) was developed over the last two decades by consistently putting together theories from areas such as formal ontology in philosophy, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophical logics. It comprises a number of micro-theories addressing fundamental conceptual modeling notions, including entity types and relationship types. The aim of this paper is to summarize the current state of UFO, presenting a formalization of the ontology, along with the analysis of a number of cases to illustrate the application of (...)
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    The notion of Tao in Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.Giancarlo Finazzo - 1968 - Taipei, Taiwan: Mei Ya Publications.
    Morecambe and Wise are legends that need no introduction. They charmed a nation for decades and at their height commanded TV audiences that could only be matched by the moon landings and the 1966 World Cup final.
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    Outcome predictions and property attribution: the EPR argument reconsidered.GianCarlo Ghirardi & Renata Grassi - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (3):397-423.
    We reconsider the nonlocal aspects of quantum mechanics with special reference to the EPR argument. We first confine our considerations to the correlations between the outcomes of measurements on spatially distant constituents, without worrying about the measurement problem. We pay particular attention to the relativistic aspects of the problem. Our first conclusion is that, when developed along the lines we follow, the EPR inference that quantum correlations and locality together imply incompleteness, is appropriate. We then investigate whether the other common (...)
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    «Omnis causa est principium»: un breve confronto tra la dottrina delle cause e la dottrina dei principi nelle Disputationes Metaphysicae di Francisco Suárez.Giancarlo Colacicco - 2014 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 23 (46):263-292.
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    Introduction: Addressing the politics of fear. The challenge posed by pluralism to Europe.Giancarlo Bosetti - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):371-382.
    The introduction to this issue is meant to address the ways in which turbulent immigration is challenging European democratic countries’ capacity to integrate the pluralism of cultures in light of the current state of economic instability, strong public debt, unemployment and an aging resident population. The Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations Association has organized its annual Istanbul Seminars in order to fill the need for constructive dialogue dedicated to increasing understanding and implementing social and political change. Turkey’s accession to the European Union (...)
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  47. Appendice didattica, Insegnare Kant oggi.Giancarlo Conti - 1990 - In Franco Alessio (ed.), Kant: lezioni di aggiornamento. Bologna: Zanichelli.
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  48. Da Tommaso a Rosmini: Dall'antropologia duale all'antropologia triadica.Giancarlo Grandis - 2011 - Divus Thomas 114 (1):150-169.
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    Ricardo de Almeida Falbo (1964–2020).Giancarlo Guizzardi, João Paulo A. Almeida, Monalessa Perini Barcellos, Renata Silva Souza Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (3):241-243.
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    Realistic tunnelling states for the magnetic effects in non-metallic real glasses.Giancarlo Jug, Silvia Bonfanti & Walter Kob - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (7-9):648-703.
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