Results for 'Mostafa Monzur Hasan'

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  1.  46
    Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost Stickiness.Mostafa Monzur Hasan & Ahsan Habib - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (3):453-492.
    This article examines the effects on cost stickiness of firms’ involvement in corporate social responsibility activities. Cost stickiness represents asymmetric cost behavior whereby the magnitude of cost increases in response to an increase in the activity level is greater than the magnitude of cost decreases with a decrease in the activity level. We hypothesize that CSR involvement requires ongoing investments in value-creating activities; hence, it is difficult to scale down committed resources instantly even when the activity declines. We use two (...)
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    Mostafa Vaziri: Rumi and Shams’ Silent Rebellion. Parallels with Vedanta, Buddhism, and Shaivism.Mostafa Vaziri & Reinhard Margreiter - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):186-191.
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    Nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ perceptions of professional values: A comparative study.Mostafa Bijani, Banafsheh Tehranineshat & Camellia Torabizadeh - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):870-883.
    Background: In order to prove their commitment to the nursing profession, nurses need to base their professional activities on certain acknowledged values. Although a large number of studies have addressed professional values in nursing, only a few studies are available on the identification and comparison of nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ understanding of such values. Objective: The study aims to compare nurses’, nursing students’, and nursing instructors’ perception of nursing professional values. Research design: In this descriptive-comparative study, data were (...)
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  4. Internalist Foundationalism and the Sellarsian Dilemma.Ali Hasan - 2013 - Res Philosophica 90 (2):171-184.
    According to foundationalism, some beliefs are justified but do not depend for their justification on any other beliefs. According to access internalism, a subject is justified in believing some proposition only if that subject is aware of or has access to some reason to think that the proposition is true or probable. In this paper I discusses a fundamental challenge to internalist foundationalism often referred to as the Sellarsian dilemma. I consider three attempts to respond to the dilemma – phenomenal (...)
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  5. Phenomenal conservatism, classical foundationalism, and internalist justification.Ali Hasan - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (2):119-141.
    In “Compassionate Phenomenal Conservatism” (2007), “Phenomenal Conservatism and the Internalist Intuition” (2006), and Skepticism and the Veil of Perception (2001), Michael Huemer endorses the principle of phenomenal conservatism, according to which appearances or seemings constitute a fundamental source of (defeasible) justification for belief. He claims that those who deny phenomenal conservatism, including classical foundationalists, are in a self-defeating position, for their views cannot be both true and justified; that classical foundationalists have difficulty accommodating false introspective beliefs; and that phenomenal conservatism (...)
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    The Effect of Specific Risk in Various Stages of the Life Cycle of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange.Mostafa Ebadi, Kaveh Azinfar, Iman Dadashi & Reza Fallah - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    This research aims to examine the specific risk of companies and their effectiveness in various stages of the company life cycle on state and nonstate ownership. For this purpose, the specific risk was estimated using Fama and French three-factor models, and the research objective was examined by considering the data panel model during the period 2015 to 2020 in a statistical sample consisting of 136 companies active in the Tehran Stock Exchange. For this purpose, the main contribution of research is (...)
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    Analytical philosophy of religion in Canada.Mostafa Faghfoury (ed.) - 1982 - Ottawa, Canada: University of Ottawa Press.
  8. In search of integration and identity: Indian Muslims since independence.Mushirul Hasan - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra (eds.), Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
  9. Farabi Method towards Aristotleís Eudemonia.Mostafa Younesie - 2008 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 19 (1-2):29-46.
    Regarding Farabi writing on Happiness, the sources of his specific manuscript will be explored and examined. As a result, we reach his eclectic reading and reception of Aristotle's philosophy.
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  10. Developing Education in Israa University Using Intelligent Tutoring System.Hasan A. Abu Hasanein & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (5):1-16.
    This study was conducted with the aim of developing the academic work in the Palestinian universities. No one can deny the technological stage that we are witnessing in the present era. Our mission is to use this development to develop the educational process. The Artificial Intelligence of the most important branches of computer science, which is interested in the development of computer software in order to make them simulate intelligent human, recently it emerged promised based on artificial intelligence applications are (...)
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    Adjustable autonomy: A systematic literature review.S. A. Mostafa, M. S. Ahmad & A. Mustapha - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence Review 51.
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  12. Philosophical Ethics of Happiness: Rethinking Farabi’s Treatise “Attainment of Happiness”.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    In this paper in the context of philosophical ethics I want to explore the classical reception of Farabi from Happiness through Aristotle's Nicomachaean Ethics.
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  13. A Medieval Conception of Language in Human Terms: Al-Farabi.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    With regard to the new directions in the Humanities, here I am going to consider and examine the approach of al-Farabi as a medieval thinker in introducing a new outlook to “language” in difference with the other views. Thereby, I will explore his challenges in the frame of “philosophical humanism” as a term given by Arkoun (1970) and Kraemer (1984) to the humanism of the Islamic philosophers and their circles, mainly in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Al-Farabi’s conception of philosophical (...)
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  14. Classical Foundationalism and Bergmann’s Dilemma for Internalism.Ali Hasan - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Research 36:391-410.
    In Justification without Awareness (2006), Michael Bergmann presents a dilemma for internalism from which he claims there is “no escape”: The awareness allegedly required for justification is either strong awareness, which involves conceiving of some justification-contributor as relevant to the truth of a belief, or weak awareness, which does not. Bergmann argues that the former leads to an infinite regress of justifiers, while the latter conflicts with the “clearest and most compelling” motivation for endorsing internalism, namely, that for a belief (...)
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  15. Co-Reading Aristotle’s Practical Reasoning.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    In Islamic Arabic /Persian thought speculations about ethics may be divided into textual / scriptural; theological; religious; and philosophical too. The “philosophical ethics” has within itself Socratic, Platonic, Aristotelian and neo-Platonic trends and versions with such main thinkers such as Farabi; Avicenna; and Averroes. Here we will concentrate on Farabi and those aspects of his speculations that are Aristotelian and can be reordered and arranged around “practical reasoning”.
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    Between Universalism and Fundamentalism: A Critique on the Position of Conservative Shia Clergy on Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.Mostafa Khalili & Jalal Peykani - 2020 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 17 (1):105-126.
    The Islamic Republic of Iran is unsecular and follows religious interpretations from Shia Islam in deciding the laws of the land. In recent decades, the strengthening of civil society in the country has shaped various political debates on human rights among secular intellectuals and reflected in the discourse of some religious figures as well. While the regime has officially adopted the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI) since 1990, different views on the Islamic human rights and its social (...)
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    Temat islame.Hasan Čengić - 1999 - Shkup: Logos-A.
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  18. Personal epistemology, nature of science and instructional practice: towards defining a meaningful relationship.Hasan Deniz - 2017 - In Gregory J. Schraw, Jo Brownlee & Lori Olafson (eds.), Teachers' personal epistemologies: evolving models for informing practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,..
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    Rasprava za bitie(to) vo islamskata filozofija.Hasan Džilo - 2017 - Skopje: Logos-A.
  20.  26
    Türkiye'de din anlayışında değişim süreci.Hasan Onat - 2003 - Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları.
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    Liberation philosophy: from the Buddha to Omar Khayyam: human evolution from myth-making to rational thinking.Mostafa Vaziri - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    The critical narrative of this interdisciplinary book offers a first-time look at the interrelationship between biology, mythology and philosophy in human development. Its daring premise follows the trajectory of human thought, starting with the biological roots of fear and the original need for religion, truth-seeking, and myth-making. The narrative then innovatively links a number of maverick philosophical teachings over the centuries, from pre-Buddhist times to the Buddha, from Epicurus and Pyrrho to Lucretius, and eventually to the seminal poetry of Omar (...)
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  22. A Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Perception.Ali M. Hasan - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    We ordinarily take it as obvious that we acquire knowledge of our world on the basis of sensory perception, and that such knowledge plays a central cognitive and practical role in our lives. Upon reflection, however, it is far from obvious what perception involves and how exactly it contributes to our knowledge. Indeed, skeptical arguments have led some to question whether we have any knowledge, or even rational or justified belief, regarding the world outside our minds. -/- Investigating the nature (...)
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    Certainty.Ali Hasan - 2017 - Oxford Bibliographies.
  24. Minimus Onomastica Graeca Alpharabius.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    In this paper, I have explored and examined al-Farabi short treatise on fourteen ancient Greek proper names that somehow all of them are related to wisdom. Al-Farabi explicit intention as a philosopher/philologist is to "interpret" them and accordingly here his possible conception and meaning of this term within a short exotic onomasticon of non-Arabic proper names is examined.
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    Republicanism and Structural Domination.Rafeeq Hasan - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (2):292-319.
    What is domination? According to a leading strand of republican political philosophy, a person is dominated when under the unconstrained power of another. Call this the dyadic conception of domination, because it involves a two‐person relation. I argue that domination is better understood structurally. Structural domination is domination by institutions. Rather than a master dominating a slave and a boss dominating a worker (as in dyadic domination), structural domination holds that the institution of slavery dominates the slave and labor law (...)
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  26. An Appraisal of Rorty’s Approach to Epistemology from a Critical Rationalist Perspective.Mostafa Shaabani & Alireza Mansouri - 2020 - Persian Journal for Philosophical and Theological Research 22 (4):51-70.
    A large part of Richard Rorty’s works focus on criticizing the received view about philosophy. He argues, in his historical reconstruction of philosophical activity, that there has always been a misconception about philosophy in the history of philosophy. This misconception assumes that philosophy aims to grasp the ultimate knowledge, so it desperately engages in an attempt to achieve “truth”. In this view, which he calls representationalism and points to it by the metaphor of the mirror of nature, knowledge aims to (...)
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    Türk Kültüründe Çevre Algısı ve İslam’ın Türk Toplumunun Çevre Anlayışına Etkileri.Hasan Kalyoncu & Kemaleddin Taş - 2022 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 39:43-51.
    Türk kültür ve inanç tarihine bakıldığında, Türk milletinin doğa ile uyum içinde yaşadığını ve bu yaşam biçimini sürekli kılmayı amaçladığını gösteren pek çok bulgu mevcuttur. İslam öncesi Türk toplumlarında olduğu gibi, kitlesel olarak İslam dinini benimsemesinden sonra da bu yaklaşımın sürdürüldüğü görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada kadim Türk kültürünün ve İslam inancının, insanlara verdiği çevreye ilişkin değer yargıları ve davranış modelleri biyoetik kavramı çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle eski Türk inançları, arkeolojik bulgular, metinler, destanlar incelenmiştir. İslam inancının Türklerin çevre algısına etkilerini (...)
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    Is consanguineous marriage historically encouraged?Mostafa Saadat - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (1):153-154.
  29.  11
    Sanatsal gerçeklikler, olgular ve öteleri..Hasan Bülent Kahraman - 2016 - İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları.
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    Non-reporting and inconsistent reporting of race and ethnicity in articles that claim associations among genotype, outcome, and race or ethnicity.Hasan Shanawani, L. Dame & R. da SchwartzCook-Deegan - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):724-728.
  31. Algorithmic Bias and Risk Assessments: Lessons from Practice.Ali Hasan, Shea Brown, Jovana Davidovic, Benjamin Lange & Mitt Regan - 2022 - Digital Society 1 (1):1-15.
    In this paper, we distinguish between different sorts of assessments of algorithmic systems, describe our process of assessing such systems for ethical risk, and share some key challenges and lessons for future algorithm assessments and audits. Given the distinctive nature and function of a third-party audit, and the uncertain and shifting regulatory landscape, we suggest that second-party assessments are currently the primary mechanisms for analyzing the social impacts of systems that incorporate artificial intelligence. We then discuss two kinds of as-sessments: (...)
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  32. Language of Ethics in Aristotle.Mostafa Younesie - manuscript
    Here I will explore Books One-Four of "Nicomachean Ethics" in order to see Aristotle conception of the Ethics language. Aristotle believes in plurality of methods and accordingly ethics as a discipline of knowledge should have its own subject, end and method. Such a complexity shapes a specific language for ethics but it is scattered in his treatise and in this paper I want to collect them in one place.
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    Sensitivity in ethical decision-making: The experiences of nurse managers.Mostafa Roshanzadeh, Zohreh Vanaki & Afsaneh Sadooghiasl - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1174-1186.
    Background In order to achieve the goals of the healthcare system, nursing managers are required to comply with ethical principles in decision-making. In complex and challenging healthcare settings, it is shown that the managers’ mere awareness of ethics does not suffice and managers need to be sensitive toward making ethical decisions. Aim To explore nursing managers and their sensitivity toward ethical decision-making by analyzing their related experiences. Method The current study has been conducted in Iran in 2017 through a qualitative (...)
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  34. Conditional causal decision theory reduces to evidential decision theory.Mostafa Mohajeri - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (1):93-106.
    Advocates of Causal Decision Theory (CDT) argue that Evidential Decision Theory (EDT) is inadequate because it gives the wrong result in Newcomb problems. Egan (2007) provides a recipe for converting Newcomb problems to counterexamples to CDT, arguing that CDT is inadequate too. Proposed by Edgington (2011), the Conditional Causal Decision Theory (CCDT) is widely taken uncritically in the recent literature as a version of CDT that conforms to the supposedly correct pre-theoretic judgments about the rationality of acts in Newcomb problems (...)
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  35. The Reliability of Memory: An Argument from the Armchair.Ali Hasan - 2021 - Episteme 18 (2):142-159.
    The “problem of memory” in epistemology is concerned with whether and how we could have knowledge, or at least justification, for trusting our apparent memories. I defend an inductive solution—more precisely, an abductive solution—to the problem. A natural worry is that any such solution would be circular, for it would have to depend on memory. I argue that belief in the reliability of memory can be justified from the armchair, without relying on memory. The justification is, roughly, that my having (...)
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    Putting Values in Context.Mostafa Saket - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 31 (2):1-9.
    It is increasingly recognized that human values play an essential role in engineering design. Recent literature in the ethics of technology has focused on spelling out the role of values in different fields of engineering. Value Sensitive Design, as a well-established approach, aims to systematically integrate human values into technologies and engineering products. Although there is significant attention to stakeholders in VSD, how contexts may affect what stakeholders perceive as values deserves more attention. It seems that there is an implicit (...)
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    Quasi-Occasionalistic Causation in the Philosophy of René Descartes.Hasan Ahmadizade - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 22 (1):127-146.
    Introduction The discussion of “self-knowledge” as a philosophical issue begins with an intuition. This intuition is based on the fact that our knowledge of our mental states or our knowledge in relation to statements like: “I know that I am happy,” is a particular knowledge that is distinct from the rest of our knowledge. It seems that in order to gain knowledge of ourselves, we do not need to go through those processes that we go through in order to gain (...)
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  38.  39
    Governance, product market competition and agency costs: evidence from the UAE.Mostafa Kamal Hassan - 2018 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 13 (1):59.
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    (1 other version)Unifying the universe: the physics of heaven and earth.Hasan S. Padamsee - 2002 - Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing.
    Unifying the Universe: The Physics of Heaven and Earth provides a solid background in basic physics. With a humanistic perspective, it shows how science is significant for more than its technological consequences. The book includes clear and well-planned links to the arts and philosophies of relevant historical periods to bring science and the humanities together.
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    The Strong Version of Underdetermination of Theories by Empirical Data: Comments on Woleński's Analysis.Mostafa Taqavi & Mohammad Zarepour - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (1):111-117.
    The Polish researcher in the field of logic and philosophy, Jan Woleński, in one of his recent articles, "Metalogical Observations About the Underdetermination of Theories by Empirical Data," logically formalized two weak and strong versions of the underdetermination of theories by empirical data (or UT by abbreviation) and with these formalization has metalogically analyzed these two versions. Finally he has deducted that the weak version is defensible while the strong version is not. In this paper we will critically study Woleński’s (...)
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    A Glimpse at the Culture of Qajar Era-Public Attraction to Gambling in Qajar Era.Hasan Ziari & Mohsen Mohammadi Fesharaki - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (1):p66.
    Games are among cultural manifestations of human communities which have continued to exist since the ancient times and developed during peaceful times; in the Qajar era, during the reign of Nasser-al-Din Shah, because relative peace and prosperity was brought about, the people, especially courtiers, showed great interest in games and spent some of their daily life on it. In this article we have attempted to present some of the angles and dimensions of a number of these games using the itineraries (...)
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    The provisionality of property rights in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.Rafeeq Hasan - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (6):850-876.
    I criticize two ways of interpreting Kant's claim that property rights are merely ‘provisional’ in the state of nature.Weak provisionalityholds that in the state of nature agents can make rightful claims to property. What is lacking is the institutional context necessary to render their claims secure. By contrast,strong provisionalityholds that making property claims in the state of nature wrongs others. I argue for a third view,anticipatory provisionality, according to which state of nature property claims do not wrong others, but anticipate (...)
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  43. In Defense of Rationalism about Abductive Inference.Ali Hasan - 2017 - In Kevin McCain & Ted Poston (eds.), Best Explanations: New Essays on Inference to the Best Explanation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Laurence BonJour and more recently James Beebe have argued that the best way to defend the claim that abduction or inference to the best explanation is epistemically justified is the rationalist view that it is justified a priori. However, rationalism about abduction faces a number of challenges. This chapter focuses on one particular, highly influential objection, that there is no interpretation of probability available which is compatible with rationalism about abduction. The rationalist who wants to maintain a strong connection between (...)
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    Prevalence of consanguineous marriages in west and south of afghanistan.Mostafa Saadat & Khadijeh Tajbakhsh - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (6):799-805.
  45. The Grounds of Knowledge Must Be Accessible.Ali Hasan - 2020 - In Steven B. Cowan (ed.), Problems in Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction to Contemporary Debates. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 95-107.
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  46. (1 other version)Foundationlist Theories of Epistemic Justification.Ali Hasan & Richard Fumerton - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Association between healthy life expectancy at birth and consanguineous marriages in 63 countries.Mostafa Saadat - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (4):475-480.
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    Nizâm-ı âlemi sağlayan sebeplerin temelleri =.Hasan Kâfî Akhisârî - 2020 - İstanbul: Klasik. Edited by Ömer Mahir Alper.
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    Linguistik Indonesia: pengantar memahami hakikat bahasa.Hasan Busri - 2018 - Malang, Jatim: Madani Media. Edited by Moh Badrih.
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  50. Transmission du charisme et institutionnalisation: Les cas de la Zawiya d'Ouezzane, Maroc XVIème-XIXème siècles.Hasan Elboudrari - 1991 - Al-Qantara 12 (2):523-536.
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