Results for 'Morgana Petrik'

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  1.  9
    Harmonie - musikalisch, philosophisch, psychologisch, neurologisch.Martin Ebeling & Morgana Petrik (eds.) - 2018 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Der Begriff «Harmonie» wird unter musikalischen, philosophischen, psychologischen und neurologischen Gesichtspunkten behandelt. Sein Bezug zur Verschmelzungslehre von Carl Stumpf wird erörtert. Die Beiträge des Bandes reichen von der antiken Musiktheorie über die Phänomenologie bis zu neuen neuroakustichen Modellen.
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    Spinoza's Dream Argument: A Response to Introspective Arguments for Freedom.J. Petrik & D. Rose - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (11-12):157-181.
    This paper critically evaluates an objection to introspective arguments for human freedom found within Spinoza's Ethics. The objection-- which we call Spinoza's dream argument -- challenges the evidentiary value of a person's experience of her own freedom by pointing out that some choices made within dreams are experienced as no less free than choices made while awake despite the fact that choices made within dreams are not free. After reconstructing Spinoza's dream argument, we critically evaluate it, concluding ultimately that it (...)
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    La Théorie de L’Expression Chez Leibniz Et Spinoza D’Après la Réflexion de Deleuze.Morgana Farinetti - 2016 - Philosophique 19.
    En 1969 Gilles Deleuze obtient son diplôme de doctorat grâce à deux thèses : l'une, principale, parue sous le nom de Différence et répétition, l'autre, secondaire, dédiée à l'analyse du concept de l'expression dans l’œuvre de Spinoza. Le titre de ce deuxième travail est en effet Spinoza et le problème de l'expression et son but concerne la volonté de préciser le rôle que ce concept joue dans la pensée spinoziste et de démontrer en quelle manière il se révèle central pour (...)
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    Descartes on Divine Indifference and the Transworld Validity of the Eternal Truths.James M. Petrik - 1998 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):417-432.
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    Freedom as self-determination in the Summa Theologiae.James Petrik - 1989 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):87-100.
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    In defense of C.s. Lewis's analysis of God's goodness.James M. Petrik - 1994 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 36 (1):45 - 56.
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    Stevcek, Ján: Dejiny slovenskiho romanu.Vladimir Petrik - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (1):90-93.
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    Schutzian Methodology as a Progressive Research Agenda Commentary on Lester Embree's “Economics in the Context of Alfred Schütz's Theory of Science.Petrik Runst - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 2:155-163.
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    Unpacking “Institutional Racism”.Petrik Runst - 2010 - Schutzian Research 2:109-133.
    Overt racism and discrimination have been on the decline in the United States for at least two generations. Yet many American institutions continue to produce racial disparities. Sociologists and social critics have predominantly explained continuing disparities as results of continuing racism and discrimination, albeit in increasingly covert, anonymous forms; these critics suggest racism and discrimination have to be understood as historical, systemic problems operating at the level of institutions, culture, and society, even if overt forms are now rare. With increasing (...)
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    The internet, identity and intellectual capital: a response to Dreyfus’s critique of e-learning.James Petrik, Talgat Kilybayev & Dinara Shormanbayeva - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (4):275-284.
    This paper defends the possibility that meaningful learning can be supported by the Internet. Responding to Hubert Dreyfus’s neo-Kierkegaardian contention that the Internet inhibits and does not support meaningful learning, we argue that it is a valuable tool for learning that can promote the development of intellectual expertise without the accompanying atrophy of personhood that Dreyfus believes is a prominent effect of extensive engagement with the Internet. Additionally, we argue that a conflation of practically ultimate commitments and epistemically ultimate commitments (...)
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  11. Al-Farabi and Kant on Corrupt Religious Leadership.James Petrik - 2017 - АйКап 23 (23):64-67.
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    Meditations on the Will: A Critical Exposition and Analysis of Rene Descartes' Theory of the Will.James Petrik - 1990 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    This dissertation is an attempt to construct a coherent account of Rene Descartes' theory of the will from the remarks on the will scattered throughout his works. Although his treatment of the topic is fragmentary , and cursory , Descartes' assorted comments on the will can be reconstructed into an account that is both consistent and penetrating. ;The most distinctive features of the reconstructed theory are: the will is not a distinct faculty, but merely the extension of the class of (...)
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    Schooling Inequality: Aspirations, Opportunities and the Reproduction of Social Class.Flora Petrik - forthcoming - British Journal of Educational Studies.
    1. That schools are not merely passive actors in the perpetuation of social inequality, but play a substantial role, has rarely been disputed since the studies by Bourdieu and Passeron (1977/1990)....
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    Social Media in a Schutzian Perspective: Conflict and Controversies in Brazilian Readers’ Comments.Manuel Petrik - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:127-139.
    The article is a reflection about the controversies on social media. It analyzes a week of Folha de São Paulo’s posts, the largest Brazilian newspaper, on its Facebook page. The methodological basis adopted is the Grounded Theory. From the results, in a week of data collection, it seeks to theorize over coercive factors for the emergence of discursive struggles, with the aim of outlining a phenomenology of commentaries, based on Alfred Schutz, Thomas Luckmann and Peter Berger. Finally, it contrasts this (...)
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  15. The Case for Reincarnation.James Petrik - 2017 - In Donald M. Borchert (ed.), Philosophy: Religion. Boston, USA: Macmillan Reference. pp. 277-302.
    This essay is a detailed, critical overview of the evidence and arguments for and against belief in reincarnation.
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  16.  32
    What’s a God to do?James Petrik - 1991 - Sophia 30 (2-3):31-33.
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    Quem é Que dá as Cartas? Considerações sobre que é Mediar Conflitos.Morgana Paiva Valim - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (1):17.
    Este artigo pretende discutir o culto condicionador da pacificação e da humanização de questões sociais de serem mediadas quando transformadas em dilemas jurídicos. Comopalavra de ordem para a resolução facilitada de conflitos e efetiva validade de desenvolvimento de meios de justicialização, a mediação de conflitos, é instituída como novoparadigma para o sistema de justiça brasileiro em meio ao arcabouço jurídico tradicional para tratar conflitos sob o viés transformativo do direito. Sem contudo, deixar de lado a criticidade de um meio alternativo (...)
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    Descartes' theory of the will.James M. Petrik - 1992 - Durango, Colo.: Hollowbrook.
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  19. Two Faces Have.James Petrik - 1989 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 35 (1):55-65.
    Wittgenstein's distinction between the subjective and objective uses of the first-person and his claim that " I " plays a referential role in its objective use are explicated and defended in terms of the conceptual connection between the language-games of falsifiability and referring. In addition, Norman Malcolm's criticism of the objective/referring use of "I" is seen to fail because he does not attend to the role that the contextuality of meaning plays in Wittgenstein's account of the different uses of "I".
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  20. Incontinence And Desire In Plato's Tripartite Psychology.James Petrik - 1992 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 27 (60):43-58.
  21. Autonomy, Sex and Coercion: The Problem of Non-Consensual Sex.James Petrik - 2016 - In James M. Petrik & Arthur Zucker (eds.), Philosophy: Sex and Love. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Macmillan Reference USA. pp. 271-302.
    This essays provides a critical overview of the the significance of sexual activity and the important role consent as a necessary condition for its permissibility.
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    Evil Beyond Belief.James M. Petrik - 2000 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Evil Beyond Belief provides an overview of the problem of evil and argues that the evil in the universe does not make it irrational to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent creator.
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  23. Every Dogma Must Have Its Day.James Petrik - 1991 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 24 (2):137-148.
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  24. Philosophy of Sex and Love.James Petrik - 2016 - In Donald M. Borchert (ed.), Philosophy: Sources, Perspectives, and Methodologies. Boston, USA: Macmillan Reference. pp. 365-382.
    A critical overview of topics in the philosophy of sex and love, this article pays special attention to the connection between reason and love.
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    Philosophy: Sex and Love.James M. Petrik & Arthur Zucker (eds.) - 2016 - Farmington Hills, Mich.: Macmillan Reference USA.
    The Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Philosophy series serves undergraduate college students who have had little or no exposure to philosophy, as well as the curious lay reader. Following this first primer volume, which introduces both the discipline and the topics of the remaining nine volumes, each handbook will usher the reader into a subfield of philosophy, and explore fifteen to thirty topics in that subfield. Every chapter in each volume will use vehicles such as film to facilitate understanding of philosophical issues; (...)
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  26.  41
    On n -contractive fuzzy logics.Rostislav Horčík, Carles Noguera & Milan Petrík - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (3):268-288.
    It is well known that MTL satisfies the finite embeddability property. Thus MTL is complete w. r. t. the class of all finite MTL-chains. In order to reach a deeper understanding of the structure of this class, we consider the extensions of MTL by adding the generalized contraction since each finite MTL-chain satisfies a form of this generalized contraction. Simultaneously, we also consider extensions of MTL by the generalized excluded middle laws introduced in [9] and the axiom of weak cancellation (...)
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  27.  12
    The Contribution of Shape Features and Demographic Variables to Disembedding Abilities.Elisa Morgana Cappello, Giada Lettieri, Andrea Patricelli Malizia, Sonia D’Arcangelo, Giacomo Handjaras, Nicola Lattanzi, Emiliano Ricciardi & Luca Cecchetti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Humans naturally perceive visual patterns in a global manner and are remarkably capable of extracting object shapes based on properties such as proximity, closure, symmetry, and good continuation. Notwithstanding the role of these properties in perceptual grouping, studies highlighted differences in disembedding performance across individuals, which are summarized by the field dependence dimension. Evidence suggests that age and educational attainment explain part of this variability, whereas the role of sex is still highly debated. Also, which stimulus features primarily influence inter-individual (...)
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    O papel do corpo no pensamento ético de Schopenhauer.Marinella Morgana Mendonça - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (1):110.
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    Schopenhauer e as formas da razão: o teórico, o prático e o ético-místico.Marinella Morgana de Mendonça - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (125):311-315.
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    The Gentle Tamers in Transition: Women in the Trans-Mississippi West. [REVIEW]Paula Petrik - 1985 - Feminist Studies 11 (3):677.
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    A dimensão ética do corpo nos pensamentos de Schopenhauer e de Freud.Marinella Morgana Mendonça - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    How do Sector Level Factors Influence Trust Violations in Not-for-Profit Organizations? A Multilevel Model.Nicole Gillespie, Mattia Anesa, Morgana Lizzio-Wilson, Cassandra Chapman, Karen Healy & Matthew Hornsey - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 191 (2):373-398.
    The proliferation of violations within industry sectors (e.g., banking, doping in sport, abuse in religious organizations) highlights how trust violations can thrive in particular sectors. However, scant research examines how macro institutional factors influence micro level trustworthy conduct. To shed light on how sectoral features may influence trust violations in organizations, we adopt a multilevel perspective to investigate the perceived causes of trust violations within the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, a sector that has witnessed a number of high-profile trust breaches. Drawing (...)
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  33.  15
    Achieving Flow: An Exploratory Investigation of Elite College Athletes and Musicians.Roberta Antonini Philippe, Sarah Morgana Singer, Joshua E. E. Jaeger, Michele Biasutti & Scott Sinnett - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While studies on the characteristics of flow states and their relation to peak performance exist, little is known about the dynamics by which flow states emerge and develop over time. The current paper qualitatively explores the necessary pre-conditions to enter flow, and the development of flow over time until its termination. Using an elicitation interview, participants were asked to recall their flow experiences in sports or music performances. The analysis resulted in the identification of the following three phases that athletes (...)
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    Coworking with Roma: Exploration of Slovak majority’s cooperation intention using content analyses and networks of free association.Lenka Nôtová, Miroslav Popper, Branislav Uhrecký & Juraj Petrík - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):194-211.
    This study, theoretically based on integrated threat and image theory, explored (1) the mental constructs produced by the Slovak majority in relation to cooperation with the Roma minority and (2) differences in thinking about different Roma demographic groups. In Slovakia, prejudice towards Roma people is a long-standing phenomenon. In this study there were 228 participants, mostly young adults, who produced 22 categories of associations, explored using content and network analyses. The frequency of category associations in the first and second research (...)
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    De fada Morgana à bruxa Morgana – as transformações sofridas por esta personagem arturiana ao longo de oito séculos e seu resgate literário recente.Yls Rabelo Câmara & Carlos Sanz Mingo - 2016 - Diálogos (Maringa) 20 (3):82.
    Este número da Revista Diálogos debate o tema da consolidação dos estudos acerca da Idade Média. Assim, neste artigo, apresentamos um levantamento bibliográfico da personagem Morgana na lenda arturiana, de suas origens medievais a seu resgate literário oitocentos anos depois de que fora literariamente citada pela primeira vez. Baseamos nossas considerações em teóricos como Câmara, Carver e Kopřivová. Concluímos que este é um estudo válido porque dialoga com a História e com a Literatura no que tange ao reflexo de (...)
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    The Fata Morgana of Unconscious Perception.Marjan Persuh - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Algebra de Morgana i jej interpretacje.Mieczysław Lubański - 1982 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 30 (3):143-157.
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    Cine y filosofía: las entrevistas de Fata Morgana.Emilio Bernini, Roberto De Gaetano, Daniele Dottorini & Nuccio Ordine (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Cuenco de Plata.
    Pensar en el cine como ocasión y potencia del pensamiento significa en efecto, en primer lugar, sustraer la imagen contemporánea del dominio de los estudios especializados y, en segundo lugar, pensar a partir de aquello que el cine crea (como recordaba Deleuze): esto es, las imágenes mismas. El cine redescubre su potencia a través de sus propias formas. Entrevistas de la revista italiana Fata Morgana con: Jacques Rancière, Roberto Esposito, Jean-luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek, Julia Kristeva, Werner Herzog, Raúl Ruiz, (...)
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    The error catastrophe: A molecular Fata Morgana.C. G. Kurland - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (1):33-35.
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    A Manuscript of the Manāfi' al-Haiawān in the Library of Mr. J. P. MorganA Manuscript of the Manafi' al-Haiawan in the Library of Mr. J. P. Morgan. [REVIEW]Abraham Yohannan - 1916 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 36:381.
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    Parmenides beyond the gates: the divine revelation on being, thinking, and the doxa.P. A. Meijer - 1997 - Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.
    One of the main problems in the the study of Parmenides' poem is establishing the meaning of e0/00nai, 'to be'. Scholars often simply take it to mean: 'to exist', 'to be the case', 'to be so', or regard it as a copula. It's better to start by fathoming what Parmenides himself has to say about to be and about Being. This cannot be done without recognizing the logical pattern in his poem. Another main problem is: what does not-Being mean? Is (...)
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  42. Hegel and Category Theory.Robert B. Pippin - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):839 - 848.
    THE IDEA OF A "PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCE," something of a Fata Morgana in the West for several centuries, underwent a well-known revolutionary change when Kant argued that in all philosophical speculation about the nature of things, reason is really "occupied only with itself." Indeed, Kant argued convincingly that the possibility of any cognitive relation to objects presupposed an original and constitutive "relation to self." Thereafter, instead of an a priori science of substance, a science of "how the world must be", (...)
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  43.  20
    The Conditions of Visibility: The Affect of Conceptual Art.Laura D'Olimpio - unknown
    The Affect of good artworks can be difficult to explain or describe, particularly in relation to conceptual art. The experiential process of engaging with an artwork involves the spectator perceiving the physical art object as well as receiving a concept. For an aesthetic experience to result, or for the viewer to be affected, the artist must be skilled and the receiver must adopt the relevant attitude. Many theorists argue that the correct attitude to adopt is one that is objective and (...)
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    The Enchantment of Art: Abstraction and Empathy from German Romanticism to Expressionism.David Morgan - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):317-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Enchantment of Art: Abstraction and Empathy from German Romanticism to ExpressionismDavid MorganA familiar tradition since the eighteenth century has invested art with the power to heal a decadent human condition. Inheriting this ability from religion—the romantic enthusiast Wilhelm Wackenroder considered artistic inspiration to originate in “divine inspiration” in the case of his hero, Raphael 1 —art eventually replaced institutionalized belief in an evolutionary schedule of cultural development (...)
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  45. Maya.J. Gonda - 1952 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 14 (1):3-62.
    This paper aims at giving a brief historical survey of the growth and development of the meaning attributed by the ancient Indians to the term maya. In studying this term we must not lose sight of the fact that it is very often used in various texts without any bearing upon the great problem of the,reality' of the phenomenal world as compared with brahman. In a large number of texts originating in pre-or non-Vedantic circles the word occurs in a great (...)
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    Anonymity and commitment: how do Kierkegaard and Dreyfus fare in the era of Facebook and “post-truth”?Soraj Hongladarom - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):289-299.
    This paper looks at the situation first described by Dreyfus :369–378, 2002) in his seminal paper, in order to find out whether and, if so, to what extent the use of Internet in education is still characterized by anonymity and commitment in today’s social media and ‘post-truth’ era. Current form of web technology provides an occasion for us to rethink what the Press and the Public, two main Kierkegaardian themes, actually consist in. The very ease and rapidity of how information (...)
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    Positive nihilism: my confrontation with Heidegger.Hartmut Lange - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    A German writer's aphoristic, poetic, and difficult reflections on Heidegger's Being and Time. There is a beyond of reason and unreason. It is the human psyche. —Positive Nihilism Like many German intellectuals, Hartmut Lange has long grappled with Heidegger. Positive Nihilism is the result of a lifetime of reading Being and Time and offers a series of reflections that are aphoristic, poetic, and (appropriately, considering his object of study) difficult. Lange begins with an abyss (“There is an abyss of the (...)
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  48. The Method of In-between in the Grotesque and the Works of Leif Lage.Henrik Lübker - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):170-181.
    “Artworks are not being but a process of becoming” —Theodor W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory In the everyday use of the concept, saying that something is grotesque rarely implies anything other than saying that something is a bit outside of the normal structure of language or meaning – that something is a peculiarity. But in its historical use the concept has often had more far reaching connotations. In different phases of history the grotesque has manifested its forms as a means of (...)
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    Theologisieren mit eigenen Gottesbildern: Brüche und Spannungen in Gottesdarstellungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen.Antje Roggenkamp - 2020 - Berlin: Lit. Edited by Verena M. Hartung.
    Die Studie untersucht Gottesbilder von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Im Zentrum stehen Zeichnungen von Sechst- und Zehntklässlern, die Brüche und Spannungen enthalten. Ungewohnte Darstellungen kommen zum Vorschein: Gott nimmt beispielsweise eine Auszeit, er beschützt und überwacht die Welt oder er erscheint als Fata Morgana. Die Untersuchung orientiert sich methodologisch an der dokumentarischen Bild- und Textinterpretation: Sie schafft erstmals Einsichten in das Ringen von Kindern und Jugendlichen um die eigene Gottesvorstellung. Im Fokus steht die Frage, inwiefern Kinder und Jugendliche von sich (...)
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    Cognitive biases related to speciesism and the denial of theory of mind to non-human animals.Janina Mękarska - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 67:109-125.
    The aim of this article is to identify the manifestations of speciesism in the history of research into theory of mind in non-human animals and, more importantly, to identify the cognitive biases that contribute to the adoption of incautious and, as we will see in later chapters, often misinterpretations of empirical research. The influence of speciesism is also visible in broadly understood animal studies. The manifestations of species-related chauvinism are present, inter alia, in in considerations on the theory of mind. (...)
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