Results for 'Monika Klimowicz'

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  1.  11
    Der Diskurs des Versagens: Nichtversetzung und Klassenwiederholung in Wissenschaft und Medien.Monika Palowski - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    In dieser Studie untersucht Monika Palowski das kontrovers diskutierte Phänomen der Klassenwiederholung erstmals aus Perspektive der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse. Anhand von insgesamt über 700 Texten aus Erziehungswissenschaft und Printmedien werden machtvolle Diskursstränge und -formationen rekonstruiert, die nicht nur die Wahrnehmung von Klassenwiederholung und schulischer Selektion, sondern auch der betroffenen Subjekte je spezifisch präfigurieren und dadurch Klassenwiederholung teils auch legitimieren. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse sind daher einerseits für die erziehungswissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit schulischer Selektion und Bildungsungerechtigkeit relevant, andererseits aber auch für die (...)
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    Ramsey’s Theory of Belief.Monika Gruber - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    One of Frank Ramsey’s crucial contributions to philosophy is his theory of belief. Ramsey deals with the notion of full belief in “Facts and Propositions,” as well as that of degrees of belief in “Truth and Probability.” In his posthumously published manuscript OnTruth, Ramsey analyses beliefs and emphasizes the essential role of agent’s actions in his theory. In this paper, I follow Ramsey’s thoughts as they developed in consecutive essays all evolving around the concept of belief. I show how Ramsey (...)
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    IV międzynarodowa konferencja etyków krajów socjalistycznych.Ewa Klimowicz - 1980 - Etyka 18:313-321.
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    Obłąkanie a odpowiedzialność (Jennifer Radden, Madness and Reason).Ewa Klimowicz - 1990 - Etyka 25:345-350.
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    Współczesna etyka bułgarska.Ewa Klimowicz - 1981 - Etyka 19:212-220.
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  6. Podaj mi rękę Eurydyko.Monika Bakke - 1999 - Colloquia Communia 69 (2):222-228.
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    To, co nie zostało napisane. Josepha Margolisa koncepcja realizmu kulturowego.Monika Bokiniec - 2004 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (6).
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    Topologiczne i metodologiczne aspekty modeli kosmologii kwantowej.Monika Hereć & Jacek Golbiak - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (4):101-121.
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    New Social and Political Movements and the Democratic Ideals.Katarzyna Anna Klimowicz - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (1):117-122.
    In response to the political and economic crises, new political and social movements appearing in mature liberal democratic countries (such as United States, Italy or Spain) call for “real democracy” and create strategies for more participatory politics. Groups of academics together with the third sector activists around the world elaborate, test and introduce new forms of participatory mechanisms which allow bottom-up, direct decision-making. Recent massive social movements try to change the dominant, but clearly obsolete model of democracy based on elite (...)
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  10. Poglądy aksjologiczne Talcotta Parsonsa.Ewa Klimowicz - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 279 (2).
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    Utylitaryzm platonizujący (Robin Barrow, Plato, Utylitarianism and Education).Ewa Klimowicz - 1978 - Etyka 16:191-195.
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    Utylitaryzm w etyce: współczesne kontrowersje wokół etyki Johna Stuarta Milla.Ewa Klimowicz - 1974 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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  13. Współczesna etyka bułgarska (Wasil Momow (red.), Etika, socyalnoje poznanije, nrawstawiennoje powiedienije).Ewa Klimowicz - 1981 - Etyka 19.
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    Entrances and Exits: Performing the Psalms in Goscelin's "Liber confortatorius".Monika Otter - 2008 - Speculum 83 (2):283-302.
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    Wisdom, Virtues, and Well-Being: An Empirical Test of Aristotle’s Theory of Flourishing.Monika Ardelt & Jared Kingsbury - forthcoming - Topoi:1-15.
    According to Aristotle, wisdom orchestrates all other virtues and therefore leads to eudaimonia, which can be translated as flourishing or psychological well-being. Wisdom guides people to take the morally right course of action in concrete situations to benefit themselves and others. If Aristotle’s theory is correct, then wisdom should be related to different moral virtues and wisdom, rather than individual virtues, should predict eudaimonic well-being, establishing wisdom as the driving force behind human flourishing. Survey data were collected from 230 undergraduate (...)
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  16. Direct Perception and Simulation: Stein’s Account of Empathy.Monika Dullstein - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (2):333-350.
    The notion of empathy has been explicated in different ways in the current debate on how to understand others. Whereas defenders of simulation-based approaches claim that empathy involves some kind of isomorphism between the empathizer’s and the target’s mental state, defenders of the phenomenological account vehemently deny this and claim that empathy allows us to directly perceive someone else’s mental states. Although these views are typically presented as being opposed, I argue that at least one version of a simulation-based approach—the (...)
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    Wertspeicher: Epistemologien des Warenlagers.Monika Dommann - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 3 (2):35-50.
    The paper presents the thesis that, in contrast to the conventional claim, capitalism is not characterized by virtualization, but by objectification and materialization. As materialized forms of industrial capitalism, warehouses are investigated with regard to their epistemic productivity. Central for the argument is the emergence of a new body of knowledge concerning commercial and economic sciences, which figures decisively in the practice of warehousing. After the worldwide economic crisis of 1920/21, stockpiling is called into question and a new era of (...)
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    Nomen and Vocabulum in Boethius’s Theory of Predication.Monika Asztalos - 2014 - In Andreas Kirchner, Thomas Jürgasch & Thomas Böhm, Boethius as a Paradigm of Late Ancient Thought. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 31-52.
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    Ciało otwarte: filozoficzne reinterpretacje kulturowych wizji cielesności.Monika Bakke - 2000 - Poznań: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Wydawn. Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii.
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  20. Sztuka i filozofia – nie bez emocji.Monika Bakke - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24:254.
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    Normy etyczne obowiązujące pracodawców. Perspektywa systemu prawnego, organizacji i pracownika.Monika Cieślikowska & Andrzej Pieczewski - 2013 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 16:295-303.
    The aim of this article is to point out the basic areas of judgment made by employees considering the ethical or unethical behaviour of employers in the workplace. The authors analyse this subject from three perspectives: The first one is labour legislation in Poland; the second is the perspective of employers, especially codes of ethical standards created by contemporary organizations, and the third perspective is the point of view of employees. The conclusions in this area have been made on the (...)
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  22. Causal Dualism: Which Position? Which Arguments?Monika Dullstein - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson, Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 5--363.
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    Verursachung und kausale Relevanz. Eine Analyse singulärer Kausalaussagen.Monika Dullstein - 2010 - mentis.
    Die philosophische Kausaldebatte hat in den vergangenen vier Jahrzehnten eine neue Blüte erlebt. Kontrafaktische, interventionistische, mechanistische und transfertheoretische Ansätze haben sich neben den bislang dominierenden Regularitätstheorien etabliert. Vertreter aller dieser Ansätze sehen sich jedoch mit Gegenbeispielen konfrontiert, keine Theorie scheint allen unseren intuitiven Kausalurteilen gerecht werden zu können. Dieses Buch führt anhand ausgewählter Beispiele in die aktuelle Debatte ein und liefert eine Erklärung für die derzeitige Patt-Situation. Der Grund dafür, dass sich zu jedem Ansatz offenbar mühelos Gegenbeispiele finden lassen, liegt, (...)
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    Actual and Possible Convergences in Christian and Marxist Projections of Human Fulfillment.Monika K. Hellwig - 1986 - Philosophy and Theology 1 (2):121-156.
    Christian hopes for salvation and redemption, and Marxist promises of emancipation and liberation have had and do have today much to do with each other. Historically they have grown up in dialogue with one another and today they address each other more than ever. Mutual condemnations get us nowhere. This article tries to identify areas of common intention and cooperation, without ignoring real differences, and offers a theological reflection that suggests an alliance with the critical elements within Marxist circles that (...)
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  25. A Case for Peace in Reason and Faith.Monika K. Hellwig - 1992
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    Von Klüften, Brücken und Wegen: Zur Binnenkonstruktion von Epochenmetaphorik.Monika Ritzer - 2014 - In Benjamin Specht, Epoche Und Metapher: Systematik Und Geschichte Kultureller Bildlichkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 202-218.
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    Autonomie und Menschenrechte am Lebensende.Monika Trum & Marc Stowasser - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (4):343-345.
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  28. Algorytmizowalność reguł heurystycznych. (Trudności z algorytmizowaniem odkryć naukowych).Monika Walczak - 1998 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 26 (2):105-114.
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    »in der Kontingenz der noch zu vollendenden Tatsachen«

    Genesis, Geltung und Zukunft in der historischen Epistemologie.
    Monika Wulz - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2014 (1):47-59.
    The paper discusses the relation of genesis and validity ( Genesis and Geltung ) within the historical epistemologies of Gaston Bachelard, Louis Althusser, and Michel Foucault. From the perspective of emerging knowledge I examine the co-evolution of discontinuous moments, epistemic practices, and objects of knowledge. Based on this analysis, the paper argues that validity ( Geltung ) should be understood as situated knowledge.
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    Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception: A Guide and Commentary.Monika M. Langer - 1989 - Basingstoke : Macmillan.
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    Psychedelie jako filosoficko-antropologický fenomén: pojetí Logu v díle Terence McKenny.Monika Vrbová - 2024 - Filosofie Dnes 15 (2).
    Fenomén zakoušené psychedelie (doslova „vyjevení mysli“) stojí na pomezí filosofického zkoumání a antropologického bádání. V našem příspěvku se pokusíme nahlédnout jedno ze základních filosofických východisek amerického etnobotanika a antropologa Terence McKenny, které našel u Hérakleita a jeho pojetí logu. Dle Terence McKenny se při psychedelické zkušenosti děje "emanace" Logu a je to také Logos, který dle Terence McKenny promlouvá k modernímu člověku skrze technologii. V tomto článku není zkoumána úplnost oprávnění ztotožnění McKennova pojetí logu s tím Herakleitovským, ale úvodní vyložení (...)
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    Willing and understanding: late medieval debates on the will, the intellect, and practical knowledge.Monika Michałowska & Riccardo Fedriga (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    Willing and Understanding elucidates a variety of issues in and approaches to debating the will-intellect interplay in the late Middle Ages. Authored by prominent scholars in the field, the contributions offer different perspectives on the development of late medieval theories of the will. Charting a dense map of voluntarist and epistemological ideas - entrenched leitmotifs of late medieval philosophy, seminal insights sparking original trends, and ephemeral novelties - the volume is a testimony to the conceptual multidimensionality and ethical complexity of (...)
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  33. The Second Person in the Theory of Mind Debate.Monika Dullstein - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (2):231-248.
    It has become increasingly common to talk about the second person in the theory of mind debate. While theory theory and simulation theory are described as third person and first person accounts respectively, a second person account suggests itself as a viable, though wrongfully neglected third option. In this paper I argue that this way of framing the debate is misleading. Although defenders of second person accounts make use of the vocabulary of the theory of mind debate, they understand some (...)
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    Karakteristike demokratske školske kulture i demokratskoga školskog vođenja u osnovnim školama iz učiteljske perspektive.Monika Pažur - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 27 (2):49-74.
    This paper describes research into the development and characteristics of particular qualities of democratic school culture and democratic school management in primary schools. The research involved 651 teachers from the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County. Research involved a survey that used a questionnaire containing the Instrument for measuring characteristics of democratic school management and the Instrument for measuring the characteristics of democratic school culture. Overall, the results show that teachers perceive management in their schools as moderately democratic to very (...)
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    The Learning-Cell Technique for Teaching Philosophy.Monika Langer - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (1):41-46.
  36. Philosophisches Systemdenken in der Diskussion.Monika Leske - 1982 - In Warum es sich lohnt, um Begriffe zu streiten. Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
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  37. Świat pułapek w \"Don Kichocie\" Cervantesa i \"Hamlecie\" Szekspira.Monika Płazak - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 7 (7/8):226-237.
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  38. Argumentieren lernen durch intellektuelle Tugenden. Intellektuelle Tugenden und die Beförderung der argumentativen Fähigkeiten von Schüler_innen im Ethik- und Philosophieunterricht.Monika Platz - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Didaktik der Philosophie Und Ethik 44 (1):36-44.
    Im vorliegenden Aufsatz vertrete ich die These, dass der Erwerb intellektueller Tugenden im Allgemeinen und der Tugend der intellektuellen Aufgeschlossenheit im Besonderen einen gewichtigen Beitrag zur Ausbildung und Perfektionierung argumentativer Fähigkeiten von Schüler_innen leisten. Dabei argumentiere ich für die Annahme, dass intellektuelle Tugenden sowohl die argumentativen Fähigkeiten der Schüler_innen als auch die Motivation, diese Fähigkeiten einzusetzen, signifikant befördern.
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    Die Argonauten auf Long Island: Begegnungen mit Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno, Gershom Scholem und anderen.Monika Plessner - 1995 - Berlin: Rowohlt.
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  40. Bewegung der Form: Prozesse der Ordnungsbildung und ihre wirklichkeitskonstituierende Bedeutung: Sportphilosophietagung Marburg 2008.Monika Roscher & Jörg Bietz (eds.) - 2011 - Berlin: Lehmanns Media.
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    Compliance, Integrität und Regulierung: ein wirtschaftsethischer Ansatz in 10 Thesen.Monika Roth - 2005 - Zürich: Schulthess.
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    Die Farben Imaginierter Welten: Zur Kulturgeschichte Ihrer Codierung in Literatur Und Kunst Vom Mittelalter Bis Zur Gegenwart.Monika Schausten (ed.) - 2012 - Akademie Verlag.
    Für die Kulturgeschichte des westlichen Abendlandes seit der Antike sind Imaginationen von Farben in Literatur und Kunst konstitutiv. Besonders das christliche Mittelalter bedient sich der Farben, vielfach in Form einer bildkünstlerischen oder sprachlich erzeugten Zusammensetzung monochromer Flächen, um etwa die Substantiierung des Göttlichen in den "colores" zur Anschauung zu bringen oder Aspekte des sozialen Status von Personen, höfischer Pracht oder sozialer Unordnung darzulegen. Zu zeigen gilt es, dass Farben mithin im Rahmen kultureller Selbstvergewisserungsdebatten auch in Literatur und Kunst als sinngenerierende (...)
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  43. Kognitive Semantiktheorie und neuropsychologische Realität: repräsentationale und prozedurale Aspekte der semantischen Kompetenz.Monika Schwarz - 1992 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
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    Genuß als Taktik Zum Begriff der Popularität in den neuen Modernetheorien Lateinamerikas.Monika Walter - 2002 - In Wolfgang Klein & Manfred Naumann, Genuss und Egoismus: zur Kritik ihrer geschichtlichen Verknüpfung. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 273-290.
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    Stanisława Kamińskiego poglądy na cel nauki.Monika Walczak - 2011 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 47 (189):391-406.
    This paper presents views on the aim of science worked out by Stanisław Kamiński (1919–1986) supplemented with applications added by his followers from the methodological school at KUL. First, Kamiński offers general and convenient categories with which to grasp problems of the philosophy of science using the category of the aim of science. Second, he adopts his own stand on the aim of science. He prefers theoretical aims to practical ones, but he considers them as complementary. Similarly, he prefers explanation (...)
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  46. The Metaphorical Aspect of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law.Monika Zalewska - 2018 - Principia 2018 (Tom 65):185-206.
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  47. Why is an Egg Donor a Genetic Parent, but not a Mitochondrial Donor?Monika Piotrowska - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (3):488-498.
    What’s the basis for considering an egg donor a genetic parent but not a mitochondrial donor? I will argue that a closer look at the biological facts will not give us an answer to this question because the process by which one becomes a genetic parent, i.e., the process of reproduction, is not a concept that can be settled by looking. It is, rather, a concept in need of philosophical attention. The details of my argument will rest on recent developments (...)
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  48. Collegial Relationships.Monika Https://Orcidorg Betzler & Jörg Https://Orcidorg Löschke - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):213-229.
    Although collegial relationships are among the most prevalent types of interpersonal relationships in our lives, they have not been the subject of much philosophical study. In this paper, we take the first step in the process of developing an ethics of collegiality by establishing what qualifies two people as colleagues and then by determining what it is that gives value to collegial relationships. We argue that A and B are colleagues if both exhibit sameness regarding at least two of the (...)
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    Critical realism: one of the main theoretical orientations of the social sciences in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.Monika Bukowska - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (4):441-447.
    This paper argues that critical realism is one of the main theoretical orientations of the social sciences in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Critical realism aims to study the transcende...
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    A Case for Theorizing Relevance: A New Entry Point to Indian Classical Political Philosophy.Monika & Akanksha - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (3):397-405.
    The west-centrism in approaching the knowledge systems of east has been sufficiently highlighted and problematized. This paper argues that the attempts have often been restricted to a framework of colonial gaze that prevents the Indian classical philosophy from gaining a vantage of its own. The approach to the classical traditions have been largely fragmented, catering to the pressure of proving its “relevance” either as a knowledge system or as texts with useful resources and answers to contemporary problems. This “problem solving” (...)
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