Results for 'Mondémé Chloé'

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  1.  20
    Interspecies Haptic Sociality: The Interactional Constitution of the Horse’s Esthesiologic Body in Equestrian Activities.Chloé Mondémé - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (4):701-721.
    This article explores forms of haptic sociality in interspecies interaction. Data examined are taken from a corpus of equine assisted therapy sessions, in Finland and France. During these sessions, therapists invite clients to pay close attention to the horse’s behavioral displays of comfort or discomfort and to react accordingly. In this way, the horse is regarded as a living, sentient creature, whose body has haptic and kinesthetic properties, resulting in socialization practices that cultivate forms of care. The study discusses Merleau-Ponty’s (...)
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    L’anticipation comme actualisation.Mondémé Chloé - 2016 - Temporalités 24.
    L’anticipation est généralement conçue comme un phénomène qui, d’un point de vue temporel et logique, est antérieur à une action ou une situation donnée. Dans cet article, nous proposons d’interroger cette conception en nous intéressant en détail à ce que l’anticipation fait à l’action qu’elle anticipe. En détail c’est-à-dire, très littéralement, en observant dans des situations d’interactions ordinaires les effets que peut produire le fait d’anticiper une action. En l’occurrence, dans des situations d’apprentissage entre hommes et chiens comme celles que (...)
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    Sign language experience redistributes attentional resources to the inferior visual field.Chloé Stoll & Matthew William Geoffrey Dye - 2019 - Cognition 191:103957.
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    Worlds and Eyeglasses: Cavendish’s Blazing World in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Black Dossier.Chloe Armstrong - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-21.
    I examine Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s adaptation of Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World in the comic series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I interpret philosophical aspects of Cavendish’s fictional landscape, including her vitalist materialism and naturalized talking animals, as they appear in series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, rendered through 3-D images and corresponding 3-D glasses worn by readers. Through this world adaptation, Moore and O’Neill onboard themes of naturalness, experimentation, technology-aided perceptual processes, and travel to intersecting worlds to enhance (...)
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  5. Implicit bias in healthcare professionals: a systematic review.Chloë FitzGerald & Samia Hurst - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):19.
    Implicit biases involve associations outside conscious awareness that lead to a negative evaluation of a person on the basis of irrelevant characteristics such as race or gender. This review examines the evidence that healthcare professionals display implicit biases towards patients. PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychARTICLE and CINAHL were searched for peer-reviewed articles published between 1st March 2003 and 31st March 2013. Two reviewers assessed the eligibility of the identified papers based on precise content and quality criteria. The references of eligible papers were (...)
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    Le discours de Valentina Terechkova à l’UNESCO (11 mai 1966).Chloé Maurel - 2023 - Clio 57:251-259.
    Au cours de la guerre froide, les organisations internationales, notamment celles du système de l’ONU, sont des tribunes instrumentalisées par les deux superpuissances pour se mettre en valeur. C’est le cas de l’UNESCO. Le discours de la cosmonaute soviétique Valentina Terechkova en 1966 est la première prise de parole d’une femme soviétique dans cette enceinte. Terechkova, qui a été la première femme au monde à effectuer, en 1963, un vol dans l’espace, utilise la tribune de l’UNESCO pour introduire des enjeux (...)
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    Should medical students perform pelvic exams on anaesthetised patients without explicit consent?Chloe Bell & Nathan Emmerich - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (3):230-234.
    There have been many reports of medical students performing pelvic exams on anaesthetised patients without the necessary consent being provided or even sought. These cases have led to an ongoing discussion regarding the need to ensure informed consent has been secured and furthermore, how it might be best obtained. We consider the importance of informed consent, the potential harm to both the patient and medical student risked by the suboptimal consent process, as well as alternatives to teaching pelvic examinations within (...)
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  8. The Nature of Awareness Growth.Chloé de Canson - 2024 - Philosophical Review 133 (1):1-32.
    Awareness growth—coming to entertain propositions of which one was previously unaware—is a crucial aspect of epistemic thriving. And yet, it is widely believed that orthodox Bayesianism cannot accommodate this phenomenon, since that would require employing supposedly defective catch-all propositions. Orthodox Bayesianism, it is concluded, must be amended. In this paper, I show that this argument fails, and that, on the contrary, the orthodox version of Bayesianism is particularly well-suited to accommodate awareness growth. For it entails what I call the refinement (...)
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    Droit et anarchie: actes de la Journée d'études de l'Institut d'études de droit public (IEDP) du 23 novembre 2012.Chloé Bertrand (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Qu'elle soit entendue comme état de désordre social ou qu'elle soit pensée comme ordre social sans Etat, l'anarchie reste difficilement appréhendée par les juristes autrement que par l'exclusion. Droit et anarchie seraient incompatibles, car le droit impliquerait nécessairement l'autorité (dont l'Etat moderne constitue la forme ultime, par la monopolisation du pouvoir de contrainte) que l'anarchie supprime. Aussi, l'étude de l'anarchie n'aurait plus grand chose à révéler au juriste, et sa marginalisation intellectuelle ne devrait pas surprendre. Pourtant, est-il vraiment satisfaisant de (...)
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    Stressful Experiences in University Predict Non-suicidal Self-Injury Through Emotional Reactivity.Chloe A. Hamza, Abby L. Goldstein, Nancy L. Heath & Lexi Ewing - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Theoretical perspectives on non-suicidal self-injury have long underscored the affective regulating properties of NSSI. Less attention has been given to the processes through which individuals choose to engage in NSSI, specifically, to regulate their distress. In the present study, we tested one theoretical model in which recent stressful experiences facilitates NSSI through emotional reactivity. Further, we tested whether the indirect link between stressful experiences and NSSI was moderated by several NSSI specific risk factors. Given the widespread prevalence of NSSI among (...)
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    Le tatouage et le principe de dignité humaine.Chloé Mitaine - 2017 - Médecine et Droit 2017 (146-147):115-120.
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  12. Expanding a constricted moral lens : LGBTI persons, human rights, and the capabilities approach.Chloe Schwenke - 2019 - In Lori Keleher & Stacy J. Kosko, Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Introduction: Critical Animal Studies Perspectives on Covid-19.Chloë Taylor, Kelly Struthers Montford & Eva Kasprzycka - 2021 - Animal Studies Journal 10 (1).
    Animal Studies Journal 2021 10: Introduction: Critical Animal Studies Perspectives on Covid-19.
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    The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals.Chloë Taylor (ed.) - 2024 - Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is the first fully comprehensive reference volume to examine the intersections of gender studies and critical animal studies, and is an essential reference for students in Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Geography and Environmental Studies.
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  15. Interventions designed to reduce implicit prejudices and implicit stereotypes in real world contexts: a systematic review.Chloë Fitzgerald, Samia A. Hurst, Delphine Berner & Angela K. Martin - 2019 - BMC Psychology 7.
    Background Implicit biases are present in the general population and among professionals in various domains, where they can lead to discrimination. Many interventions are used to reduce implicit bias. However, uncertainties remain as to their effectiveness. -/- Methods We conducted a systematic review by searching ERIC, PUBMED and PSYCHINFO for peer-reviewed studies conducted on adults between May 2005 and April 2015, testing interventions designed to reduce implicit bias, with results measured using the Implicit Association Test (IAT) or sufficiently similar methods. (...)
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  16. Ethical Dilemmas in Population-Level Treatment of Lead Poisoning in Zamfara State, Nigeria.Chloë Wurr & Lauren Cooney - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (3):298-300.
    Ethical issues arise in the world’s first population-level treatment of severe lead poisoning caused by small-scale mining for gold in rural Nigeria. Emergency medical intervention and environmental cleanup have reduced the mortality in children younger than 5 years from lead poisoning from over 40 to 2.5 per cent leaving little evidence of the harms caused by lead poisoning. In the absence of obvious sequelae, family adherence to long-term intensive therapy to remove accumulated lead reservoirs in children wanes and some community (...)
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    A call for solidarity and progress: efforts in development ethics bridging both theory and practice based within North America.Chloe Schwenke - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):388-397.
    This article shares lessons-learned by the Center for Values in International Development (C4V) over nearly five years. It notes entrenched resistance by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) of any definition of ‘ethics’ beyond legal and regulatory compliance with government financial, procurement, and programming standards. Among practitioner organizations and firms, incorporation of international development ethics is generally viewed as naïve, out of touch with the highly competitive development ‘market’, and hence unnecessary. The article ends with a call to action (...)
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    White Paper Concerning Philosophy of Education and Environment.Chloe Humphreys & Sean Blenkinsop - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):243-264.
    This paper begins with a recognition that questions of climate change, environmental degradation, and our relations to the natural world are increasingly significant and requiring of a response not only as philosophers of education but also as citizens of the planet. As such the paper explores five of the key journals in philosophy of education in order to identify the extent, range, and content of current discussions related to the environment. It then organizes and summaries the articles that were located (...)
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    Psychiatric Diagnosis as Recognition in Disorder Identified Individuals.Chloe Saunders - 2023 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 30 (3):263-277.
    Psychiatric diagnoses are increasingly seen as viable categories around which self and social identities might be drawn. This introduces a new pressure on the “boundary problem” for psychiatry: when members of the public request diagnoses to affirm their self-identities how should we draw the line between mental disorder and normality? If psychiatrists have the authority to recognize and diagnose mental disorder, how can roles as diagnosers and gate-keepers be balanced in a post-stigma era of mental health care? Focusing on the (...)
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  20.  22
    Vers une autre anthropologie de la prière.Chloé Mathys - 2022 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 153 (4):379-398.
    Cet article propose le repérage et l’analyse de trois manières distinctes de conceptualiser la prière dans les travaux de sciences humaines et sociales qui la prennent pour objet à compter de la publication de l’essai de Marcel Mauss (1909). Ces trois conceptualisations de prière mises en débat dès le XXe siècle sont déterminées par une variation des stratégies discursives et des rapports au théologico-religieux. Normalisée, la prière est définie selon sa forme jugée idéale. Enchantée, elle est mise au service des (...)
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    Emotional conflict and social context.Chloë FitzGerald - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (1):105.
  22.  14
    Material Game Studies: A Philosophy of Analogue Play.Chloe Germaine & Paul Wake (eds.) - 2022 - Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This is the first volume to apply insights from the material turn in philosophy to the study of play and games. At a time of renewed interest in analogue gaming, as scholars are looking beyond the digital and virtual for the first time since the inception of game studies in the 1990s, Material Game Studies not only supports the importance of the turn to the analogue, but proposes a materiality of play more broadly. Recognizing the entanglement of physical materiality with (...)
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    The Role of Behavioral Science in Personalized Multimodal Prehabilitation in Cancer.Chloe Grimmett, Katherine Bradbury, Suzanne O. Dalton, Imogen Fecher-Jones, Meeke Hoedjes, Judit Varkonyi-Sepp & Camille E. Short - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Multimodal prehabilitation is increasingly recognized as an important component of the pre-operative pathway in oncology. It aims to optimize physical and psychological health through delivery of a series of tailored interventions including exercise, nutrition, and psychological support. At the core of this prescription is a need for considerable health behavior change, to ensure that patients are engaged with and adhere to these interventions and experience the associated benefits. To date the prehabilitation literature has focused on testing the efficacy of devised (...)
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  24. Defences : Justification, Excuse and Provocation.Chloë Kennedy - 2020 - In Mark Hill & Norman Doe, Christianity and Criminal Law. New York: Routledge.
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    To phylo san dolōma: psychanalysē, politikē kai technē.Chloē Kolyrē - 2017 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Patakē.
  26.  65
    From Gesture to Sign Language: Conventionalization of Classifier Constructions by Adult Hearing Learners of British Sign Language.Chloë R. Marshall & Gary Morgan - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (1):61-80.
    There has long been interest in why languages are shaped the way they are, and in the relationship between sign language and gesture. In sign languages, entity classifiers are handshapes that encode how objects move, how they are located relative to one another, and how multiple objects of the same type are distributed in space. Previous studies have shown that hearing adults who are asked to use only manual gestures to describe how objects move in space will use gestures that (...)
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    The Culture of Confession From Augustine to Foucault: A Genealogy of the 'Confessing Animal'.Chloë Taylor - 2008 - Routledge.
    Drawing on the work of Foucault and Western confessional writings, this book challenges the transhistorical and commonsense views of confession as an innate impulse resulting in the psychological liberation of the confessing subject. Instead, confessional desire is argued to be contingent and constraining, and alternatives to confessional subjectivity are explored.
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  28. Artificial Wombs and the Ectogenesis Conversation: A Misplaced Focus? Technology, Abortion, and Reproductive Freedom.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & Claire Horn - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):174-194.
    Bioethics scholarship considering the possibility of gestating an embryo to full term in an artificial womb (ectogenesis) often overstates the capacities of current technologies and underestimates the barriers to the development of full ectogenesis. Moreover, this debate causes harm by (1) neglecting more immediate problems in the development of artificial wombs, (2) treating abortion as a “problem with a technological solution,” bolstering anti-abortion rhetoric, and (3) presuming the stability of women’s reproductive rights. The ectogenesis conversation must consider anticipated uses of (...)
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  29. Why Subjectivism?Chloé de Canson - manuscript
    In response to two trenchant objections, radical subjective Bayesianism has been widely rejected. In this paper, I seek, if not to rehabilitate subjectivism, at least to show its critic what is attractive about the position. I argue that what is at stake in the subjectivism/anti-subjectivism debate is not, as is commonly thought, which norms of rationality are true, but rather, the conception of rationality that we adopt: there is an alternative approach to the widespread telic approach to rationality, which I (...)
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    Bifocalism is in the eye of the beholder: Social learning as a developmental response to the accuracy of others' mentalizing.Chloe Campbell & Peter Fonagy - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e254.
    This commentary argues the case for developmental psychopathology in understanding social learning. Informed by work on “epistemic disruption,” we have described difficulties with social learning associated with many forms of psychopathology. Epistemic disruption manifests in an inability to move between innovation and conformity, and arises from poor mentalizing, which generates difficulties in identifying social cues that trigger the correct stance.
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    A Phenomenology of Illness: The Lived Body, Health, and the Other.Chloe Nicole Piamonte - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
    This paper explores the phenomenon of being ill (in cases of serious, chronic and terminal illnesses) both in its subjective and intersubjective dimensions. My main contention is that the philosophical tools of phenomenology uncover the framework for understanding the lived experience of the ill person as they privilege the first-person account of illness. It is through this that the essence of things and phenomena surrounding the body-in-illness are unveiled, as opposed to the medical world’s perspective, a third-person account of diseases. (...)
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    Affective dynamics in mother-adolescent dyads: links to mental health and relationship quality.Chloe E. Allen, Jackie A. Nelson & Deyaun L. Villarreal - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):654-660.
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  33. Andrea W. Nightingale, Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy: Theoria in its Cultural Context, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.Chloe Balla - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:307-311.
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  34. Little Big Shots: Social Education in the Cinema.Chloe Boulton - 2010 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 18 (2):30.
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    Lindsay Farmer: Making the Modern Criminal Law: Criminalization and Civil Order: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, Hardcover £65, ISBN: 9780199568642.Chloë Kennedy - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (3):637-644.
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    Sandra Fredman, Women and the Law.Chloe Wallace - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (2):219-221.
  37.  35
    Coping in Teams: Exploring Athletes’ Communal Coping Strategies to Deal With Shared Stressors.Chloé Leprince, Fabienne D’Arripe-Longueville & Julie Doron - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Epistemic Relevance of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Chloe Bamboulis & Lisa Bortolotti - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (2):91-93.
    Ratnayake's interesting paper challenges two claims, that cognitive distortions in depression involve epistemic issues; and that cognitive behavioral therapy can rectify those epistemic issues. We are going to discuss both claims here and offer some reasons not to underestimate the epistemic relevance of CBT. First, there may be epistemic issues underlying cognitive distortions in depression that CBT can effectively address, including blind acceptance of negative automatic thoughts and insensitivity to evidence. But, even if CBT were primarily in the business of (...)
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  39. On Algebra Relativisation.Chloé de Canson - forthcoming - Mind.
    Katie Steele and H. Orri Stefánsson argue that, to reflect an agent’s limited awareness, the algebra of propositions on which that agent’s credences are defined should be relativised to their awareness state. I argue that this produces insurmountable difficulties. But the project of relativising the agent’s algebra to reflect their partial perspective need not be abandoned: the algebra can be relativised, not to the agent’s awareness state, but to what we might call their subjective modality.
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    The Precarious Lives of Animals.Chloë Taylor - 2008 - Philosophy Today 52 (1):60-72.
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    Philosophy's Role in Psychopathology Back to Jaspers and an Appeal to Grow Practical.Chloe Saunders - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):13-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy's Role in Psychopathology Back to Jaspers and an Appeal to Grow PracticalThe author reports no conflicts of interest.In "Philosophy's role in theorizing psychopathology," Gibson presents a defense of the continued relevance of philosophy to psychopathology, and a non-exhaustive framework for the role of philosophy in this domain (Gibson, 2024). I find it hard to disagree that psychopathology is soaked in philosophy from its origins, and that to try (...)
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  42.  19
    The Penalties For Self-Reporting Sexual Harassment.Chloe Grace Hart - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):534-559.
    Although sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, it often goes unreported. This study employs causal evidence to evaluate one deterrent to reporting: bias against women known to be sexual harassment targets. I theorize about the form this bias takes and test the argument with a national survey experiment run in five waves from October 2017 to February 2018, where participants were asked to propose employment outcomes for an employee with one of four harassment experiences. Participants were less likely to (...)
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    Sleep Quality, Sleep Structure, and PER3 Genotype Mediate Chronotype Effects on Depressive Symptoms in Young Adults.Chloe Weiss, Kerri Woods, Allan Filipowicz & Krista K. Ingram - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Musical Emotion Discrimination Task: A New Measure for Assessing the Ability to Discriminate Emotions in Music.Chloe MacGregor & Daniel Müllensiefen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Why Bioethics Should Pay Attention to Patients Who Suffer Medically Unexplained (Physical) Symptoms—A Discussion of Uncertainty, Suffering, and Risk.Chloë G. K. Atkins - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):20-22.
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  46. Foucault and the Ethics of Eating.Chloë Taylor - 2010 - Foucault Studies 9:71-88.
    In a 1983 interview, Michel Foucault contrasts our contemporary interest in sexual identity with the ancient Greek preoccupation with diet, arguing that sex has replaced food as the privileged medium of self-constitution in the modern West. In the same interview, Foucault argues that modern liberation movements should return to the ancient model of ethics, of which diet was a prime example, as aesthetics or self-transformative practice. In this paper I take up Foucault's argument with respect to the Animal Liberation Movement (...)
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    On the (non) superstable part of the free group.Chloé Perin & Rizos Sklinos - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (1-2):88-93.
    In this short note we prove that a definable set X over is superstable only if.
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    Leibniz and Lewis on Modal Metaphysics and Fatalism.Chloe Armstrong - 2017 - Quaestiones Disputatae 7 (2):72-96.
    Although the philosophical systems of G. W. Leibniz and David Lewis both feature possible worlds, the ways in which their systems are similar and dissimilar are ultimately surprising. At first glance, Leibniz’s modal metaphysics might strike us as one of the most contemporarily relevant aspects of his system. But I clarify in this paper major interpretive problems that result from understanding Leibniz’s system in terms of contemporary views (like Lewis’s, for instance). Specifically, I argue that Leibniz rejects the inference that (...)
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    Examining the Effects of Acute Cognitively Engaging Physical Activity on Cognition in Children.Chloe Bedard, Emily Bremer, Jeffrey D. Graham, Daniele Chirico & John Cairney - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cognitively engaging physical activity has been suggested to have superior effects on cognition compared to PA with low cognitive demands; however, there have been few studies directly comparing these different types of activities. The aim of this study is to compare the cognitive effects of a combined physically and cognitively engaging bout of PA to a physical or cognitive activity alone in children. Children were randomized in pairs to one of three 20-min conditions: a cognitive sedentary activity; a non-cognitively engaging (...)
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    Equality on His Terms: Doing and Undoing Gender through Men’s Discussion Groups.Chloé Lewis, Milli Lake & Rachael S. Pierotti - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (4):540-562.
    Efforts to promote gender equality often encourage changes to interpersonal interactions as a way of undermining gender hierarchy. Such programs are premised on the idea that the gender system can be “undone” when individuals behave in ways that challenge prevailing gender norms. However, scholars know little about whether and under what conditions real changes to the gender system can result from changed behaviors. We use the context of a gender sensitization program in the Democratic Republic of Congo to examine prospects (...)
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