Results for 'Emily Bremer'

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  1.  30
    Usage of do-not-attempt-to-resuscitate orders in a Swedish community hospital – patient involvement, documentation and compliance.Emilie Bertilsson, Birgitta Semark, Kristina Schildmeijer, Anders Bremer & Jörg Carlsson - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-6.
    Background To characterize patients dying in a community hospital with or without attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation and to describe patient involvement in, documentation of, and compliance with decisions on resuscitation. Methods All patients who died in Kalmar County Hospital during January 1, 2016 until December 31, 2016 were included. All information from the patients’ electronic chart was analysed. Results Of 660 patients female), 30 were pronounced dead in the emergency department after out-of-hospital CPR. Of the remaining 630 patients a DNAR order (...)
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  2.  20
    The Interrelationship Between Motor Coordination and Adaptive Behavior in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Emily Bremer & John Cairney - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Examining the Effects of Acute Cognitively Engaging Physical Activity on Cognition in Children.Chloe Bedard, Emily Bremer, Jeffrey D. Graham, Daniele Chirico & John Cairney - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cognitively engaging physical activity has been suggested to have superior effects on cognition compared to PA with low cognitive demands; however, there have been few studies directly comparing these different types of activities. The aim of this study is to compare the cognitive effects of a combined physically and cognitively engaging bout of PA to a physical or cognitive activity alone in children. Children were randomized in pairs to one of three 20-min conditions: a cognitive sedentary activity; a non-cognitively engaging (...)
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  4. Information is Physical: Cross-Perspective Links in Relational Quantum Mechanics.Emily Adlam & Carlo Rovelli - 2023 - Philosophy of Physics 1 (1).
    Relational quantum mechanics (RQM) is an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on the idea that quantum states do not describe an absolute property of a system but rather a relationship between systems. There have recently been some criticisms of RQM pertaining to issues around intersubjectivity. In this article, we show how RQM can address these criticisms by adding a new postulate which requires that all of the information possessed by a certain observer is stored in physical variables of that observer (...)
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  5. Cognitive Transformation, Dementia, and the Moral Weight of Advance Directives.Emily Walsh - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):54-64.
    Dementia patients in the moderate-late stage of the disease can, and often do, express different preferences than they did at the onset of their condition. The received view in the philosophical literature argues that advance directives which prioritize the patient’s preferences at onset ought to be given decisive moral weight in medical decision-making. Clinical practice, on the other hand, favors giving moral weight to the preferences expressed by dementia patients after onset. The purpose of this article is to show that (...)
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  6. Laws of Nature as Constraints.Emily Adlam - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-41.
    The laws of nature have come a long way since the time of Newton: quantum mechanics and relativity have given us good reasons to take seriously the possibility of laws which may be non-local, atemporal, ‘all-at-once,’ retrocausal, or in some other way not well-suited to the standard dynamical time evolution paradigm. Laws of this kind can be accommodated within a Humean approach to lawhood, but many extant non-Humean approaches face significant challenges when we try to apply them to laws outside (...)
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  7.  78
    What Does ‘(Non)-absoluteness of Observed Events’ Mean?Emily Adlam - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-43.
    Recently there have emerged an assortment of theorems relating to the ‘absoluteness of emerged events,’ and these results have sometimes been used to argue that quantum mechanics may involve some kind of metaphysically radical non-absoluteness, such as relationalism or perspectivalism. However, in our view a close examination of these theorems fails to convincingly support such possibilities. In this paper we argue that the Wigner’s friend paradox, the theorem of Bong et al and the theorem of Lawrence et al are all (...)
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  8. Against Self-Location.Emily Adlam - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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    Does science need intersubjectivity? The problem of confirmation in orthodox interpretations of quantum mechanics.Emily Adlam - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1–39.
    Any successful interpretation of quantum mechanics must explain how our empirical evidence allows us to come to know about quantum mechanics. In this article, we argue that this vital criterion is not met by the class of ‘orthodox interpretations,’ which includes QBism, neo-Copenhagen interpretations, and some versions of relational quantum mechanics. We demonstrate that intersubjectivity fails in radical ways in these approaches, and we explain why intersubjectivity matters for empirical confirmation. We take a detailed look at the way in which (...)
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  10. Two roads to retrocausality.Emily Adlam - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-36.
    In recent years the quantum foundations community has seen increasing interest in the possibility of using retrocausality as a route to rejecting the conclusions of Bell’s theorem and restoring locality to quantum physics. On the other hand, it has also been argued that accepting nonlocality leads to a form of retrocausality. In this article we seek to elucidate the relationship between retrocausality and locality. We begin by providing a brief schema of the various ways in which violations of Bell’s inequalities (...)
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  11.  62
    Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Emily Adlam - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Quantum mechanics is an extraordinarily successful scientific theory. But more than 100 years after it was first introduced, the interpretation of the theory remains controversial. This Element introduces some of the most puzzling questions at the foundations of quantum mechanics and provides an up-to-date and forward-looking survey of the most prominent ways in which physicists and philosophers of physics have attempted to resolve them. Topics covered include nonlocality, contextuality, the reality of the wavefunction and the measurement problem. The discussion is (...)
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  12.  73
    Is there causation in fundamental physics? New insights from process matrices and quantum causal modelling.Emily Adlam - 2023 - Synthese 201 (5):1-40.
    In this article we set out to understand the significance of the process matrix formalism and the quantum causal modelling programme for ongoing disputes about the role of causation in fundamental physics. We argue that the process matrix programme has correctly identified a notion of ‘causal order’ which plays an important role in fundamental physics, but this notion is weaker than the common-sense conception of causation because it does not involve asymmetry. We argue that causal order plays an important role (...)
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  13. The problem of confirmation in the Everett interpretation.Emily Adlam - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 47:21-32.
    I argue that the Oxford school Everett interpretation is internally incoherent, because we cannot claim that in an Everettian universe the kinds of reasoning we have used to arrive at our beliefs about quantum mechanics would lead us to form true beliefs. I show that in an Everettian context, the experimental evidence that we have available could not provide empirical confirmation for quantum mechanics, and moreover that we would not even be able to establish reference to the theoretical entities of (...)
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  14.  51
    Round table: is the common ground between pragmatism and critical realism more important than the differences?Karin Zotzmann, Emily Barman, Douglas V. Porpora, Mark Carrigan & Dave Elder-Vass - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (3):352-364.
    One theme of this special issue is an incitement to reconsider the relationship between pragmatism and critical realism. While their advocates sometimes come into conflict, there are also clearly b...
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  15.  76
    Tabletop Experiments for Quantum Gravity Are Also Tests of the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Emily Adlam - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-43.
    Recently there has been a great deal of interest in tabletop experiments intended to exhibit the quantum nature of gravity by demonstrating that it can induce entanglement. In order to evaluate these experiments, we must determine if there is any interesting class of possibilities that will be convincingly ruled out if it turns out that gravity can indeed induce entanglement. In particular, since one argument for the significance of these experiments rests on the claim that they demonstrate the existence of (...)
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  16.  18
    Examining moral injury in clinical practice: A narrative literature review.Emily K. Mewborn, Marianne L. Fingerhood, Linda Johanson & Victoria Hughes - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):960-974.
    Healthcare workers experience moral injury (MI), a violation of their moral code due to circumstances beyond their control. MI threatens the healthcare workforce in all settings and leads to medical errors, depression/anxiety, and personal and occupational dysfunction, significantly affecting job satisfaction and retention. This article aims to differentiate concepts and define causes surrounding MI in healthcare. A narrative literature review was performed using SCOPUS, CINAHL, and PubMed for peer-reviewed journal articles published in English between 2017 and 2023. Search terms included (...)
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  17.  50
    ‘Playing sport playfully’: on the playful attitude in sport.Emily Ryall & Lukáš Mareš - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (2):293-306.
    ABSTRACT There has been extensive debate among various disciplines about the nature and value of play. From these discussions it seems clear that play is a phenomenon with more than just one dimension: as a specific type of activity, as a form or structure, as an ontologically distinctive phenomenon, as a type of experience, or as a stance or an attitude towards a particular activity. This article focuses on the importance of the playful attitude in sport. It begins by attempting (...)
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  18.  22
    Professionalism or prejudice? Modelling roles, risking microaggressions.Emily Miller, Sonya Tang Girdwood, Anita Shah, Chidiogo Anyigbo & Elizabeth Lanphier - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):822-823.
    We agree with McCullough, Coverdale and Chervenak1 that ‘medical educators and academic leaders are in a pivotal and powerful position to role model’ to counter ‘incivility’ in medicine, which can include ‘dismissing’ or ‘demeaning others’. They note that ‘women may be at greater risk for experiencing incivility compared with men’, as may other individuals who experience ‘patterns of disrespect based on minority status’. The authors promote ‘professionalism’ and ‘etiquette’ to foster civility within medicine. Yet theory and experience suggest that medical (...)
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  19.  44
    Introduction: Spatial, Environmental, and Ecocritical Approaches to Holocaust Memory.Emily-Rose Baker, Michael Holden, Diane Otosaka, Sue Vice & Dominic Williams - 2023 - Environment, Space, Place 15 (2):1-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionSpatial, Environmental, and Ecocritical Approaches to Holocaust MemoryEmily-Rose Baker (bio), Michael Holden (bio), Diane Otosaka (bio), Sue Vice (bio), and Dominic Williams (bio)The successful implementation of genocide during the Holocaust depended on the spatial organisation of mass murder. From the concentrated ghettos and camps delimited by walls and barbed wire to the open fields and camouflaged forests where victims were shot en masse, Anne Kelly Knowles et al. argue, (...)
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  20.  67
    Contextuality, Fine-Tuning and Teleological Explanation.Emily Adlam - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (6):1-40.
    I assess various proposals for the source of the intuition that there is something problematic about contextuality, ultimately concluding that contextuality is best thought of in terms of fine-tuning. I then argue that as with other fine-tuning problems in quantum mechanics, this behaviour can be understood as a manifestation of teleological features of physics. Finally I discuss several formal mathematical frameworks that have been used to analyse contextuality and consider how their results should be interpreted by scientific realists. In the (...)
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  21. Are there any Good Arguments Against Goal-Line Technology?Emily Ryall - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (4):439-450.
    Despite frequent calls by players, managers and fans, FIFA's resistance to the implementation of goal-line technology (GLT) has been well documented in national print and online media as well as FIFA's own website. In 2010, FIFA president Sepp Blatter outlined eight reasons why GLT should not be used in football. The reasons given by FIFA can be broadly separated into three categories; those dealing with the nature and value of the game of football, those related to issues of justice, and (...)
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  22. Prudence and the Fear of Death in Plato’s Apology.Emily A. Austin - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (1):39-55.
  23.  33
    Plato’s Pragmatism: Rethinking the Relationship Between Ethics and Epistemology.Emily A. Austin - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 103 (1):290-290.
    It has long troubled readers that Plato, who considers himself a standard-bearer for truth and epistemic virtue, seems so eager to deceive the masses. Plato’s Pragmatism develops and defends an acc...
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    Abstract knowledge versus direct experience in processing of binomial expressions.Emily Morgan & Roger Levy - 2016 - Cognition 157:384-402.
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  25.  30
    Modeling Magnitude Discrimination: Effects of Internal Precision and Attentional Weighting of Feature Dimensions.Emily M. Sanford, Chad M. Topaz & Justin Halberda - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13409.
    Given a rich environment, how do we decide on what information to use? A view of a single entity (e.g., a group of birds) affords many distinct interpretations, including their number, average size, and spatial extent. An enduring challenge for cognition, therefore, is to focus resources on the most relevant evidence for any particular decision. In the present study, subjects completed three tasks—number discrimination, surface area discrimination, and convex hull discrimination—with the same stimulus set, where these three features were orthogonalized. (...)
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  26.  80
    Shame in sport.Emily S. T. Ryall - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (2):129-146.
    ABSTRACTTo date, there has been little philosophical consideration of the concept of shame in sport, yet sport seems to be an environment conducive to the experience of shame due to its public and...
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  27. The death of Socrates.Emily R. Wilson - 2007 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction: The man who drank the hemlock -- Socrates' philosophy -- Politics and society -- Plato and others : who created the death of Socrates? -- 'A Greek chatterbox' : the death of Socrates in the Roman Empire -- Pain and revelation : the death of Socrates and the death of Jesus -- The apotheosis of philosophy : from enlightenment to revolution -- Talk, truth, totalitarianism : the problem of Socrates in modern times.
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  28. Corpses, Self-Defense, and Immortality.Emily A. Austin - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (1):33-52.
  29.  34
    Watching the Clocks: Interpreting the Page–Wootters Formalism and the Internal Quantum Reference Frame Programme.Emily Adlam - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-49.
    We discuss some difficulties that arise in attempting to interpret the Page–Wootters and Internal Quantum Reference Frames formalisms, then use a ‘final measurement’ approach to demonstrate that there is a workable single-world realist interpretation for these formalisms. We note that it is necessary to adopt some interpretation before we can determine if the ‘reference frames’ invoked in these approaches are operationally meaningful, and we argue that without a clear operational interpretation, such reference frames might not be suitable to define an (...)
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  30.  16
    Making Sense of Pluralism.Emily G. Wenneborg - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (1):131-144.
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    Declining to Provide or Continue Requested Life-Sustaining Treatment: Experience With a Hospital Resolving Conflict Policy.Emily B. Rubin, Ellen M. Robinson, M. Cornelia Cremens, Thomas H. McCoy & Andrew M. Courtwright - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):457-466.
    In 2015, the major critical care societies issued guidelines outlining a procedural approach to resolving intractable conflict between healthcare professionals and surrogates over life-sustaining treatments (LST). We report our experience with a resolving conflict procedure. This was a retrospective, single-centre cohort study of ethics consultations involving intractable conflict over LST. The resolving conflict process was initiated eleven times for ten patients over 2,015 ethics consultations from 2000 to 2020. In all cases, the ethics committee recommended withdrawal of the contested LST. (...)
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  32.  50
    Similarity of wh-Phrases and Acceptability Variation in wh-Islands.Emily Atkinson, Aaron Apple, Kyle Rawlins & Akira Omaki - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  33.  45
    The philosophy of play.Emily Ryall (ed.) - 2013 - Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Play is a vital component of the social life and well-being of both children and adults. This book examines the concept of play and considers a variety of the related philosophical issues. It also includes meta-analyses from a range of philosophers and theorists, as well as an exploration of some key applied ethical considerations. The main objective of The Philosophy of Play is to provide a richer understanding of the concept and nature of play and its relation to human life (...)
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  34.  31
    The phenomenology of dwelling in the past post-traumatic stress disorder & oppression.Emily Kate Walsh - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    This article explores the idea that there is a spectrum of individuals who feel compelled to dwell in the past, either due to psychological or social conditions. I analyze both conditions respectively by critically examining two cases: post-traumatic stress disorder and racialized oppression. I propose that individuals with PTSD can feel psychologically compelled to dwell in the past in a dually negative sense: the individual lives in the past but also broods on it, causing them to feel “stuck” in the (...)
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  35.  24
    A Call for Radical Transparency regarding Research Payments.Emily E. Anderson & Brandon Brown - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):45-47.
    In the target article “Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies,” Fernandez Lynch et al. call for more information sharing about research payment amounts to study parti...
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  36.  43
    Barrier and transcendence: the door and the eagle in Iliad 24.314–21.Emily Katz Anhalt - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):280-.
    The omen of the door and the eagle at Iliad 24.314–21 appears to have sparked scant scholarly interest, but deserves careful attention. The omen itself forms part of an analogy, for the eagle is likened in the size of its wingspan to a large, barred door. This simile might seem unremarkable, merely a convenient means of depicting great size, a casual juxtaposition of two ordinary nouns. The omen, on the whole, might be dismissed as nothing more than a conventional expression (...)
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  37.  27
    From Reputation Capital to Reputation Warfare: Online Ratings, Trolling, and the Logic of Volatility.Emily Rosamond - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (2):105-129.
    What are the consequences of the tendency for ubiquitous online reputation calculation to lead not to more precise expressions of reputation capital but, rather, to greater reputational instability? This article contrasts two conceptions of online reputation, which enact opposing attitudes about the relation between reputation and the calculable. According to an early online reputation paradigm – reputation capital – users strove to achieve high scores, performing the presumption that reputation could be incrementally accumulated and consistently measured within relatively stable spheres (...)
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  38.  83
    Good faith and fair dealing in contracts formed and performed by electronic agents.Emily M. Weitzenböck - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2):83-110.
    The development of electronic agents that increasingly play an active role in the contract formation and execution process has highlighted the need for the creation of law-abiding autonomous agent systems. The principle of good faith is an important guideline for contractual behaviour which permeates civil law systems. This paper examines how this principle is applied both during the negotiation of a contract and during its performance. Selected examples from civil law literature of precontractual duties of good faith, and of precontractual (...)
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  39.  19
    “The eyes are the window to the representation”: Linking gaze to memory precision and decision weights in object discrimination tasks.Emily R. Weichart, Layla Unger, Nicole King, Vladimir M. Sloutsky & Brandon M. Turner - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (4):1045-1067.
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    Quantum field theory and the limits of reductionism.Emily Adlam - 2024 - Synthese 204 (3):1-37.
    I suggest that the current situation in quantum field theory (QFT) provides some reason to question the universal validity of ontological reductionism. I argue that the renormalization group flow is reversible except at fixed points, which makes the relation between large and small distance scales quite symmetric in QFT, opening up at least the technical possibility of a non-reductionist approach to QFT. I suggest that some conceptual problems encountered within QFT may potentially be mitigated by moving to an alternative picture (...)
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  41.  57
    Memory, Colonialism, and Psychiatry How Collective Memories Underwrite Madness.Emily Walsh - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):223-239.
    Abstract:This article defends the idea that colonialism still has a grasp on a valuable tool in the construction of our reality: memory. Developments in cognitive neuroscience and interdisciplinary memory studies propose that memory is far more creative and tied to one's imaginal capacities than we used to believe, suggesting that remembering is not simply a reproductive process, but a complex reconstructive process. Drawing on the psychiatric works of Frantz Fanon, in Alienation & Freedom; Black Skin, White Masks; and Wretched of (...)
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  42.  87
    Conceptual Problems with Performance Enhancing Technology in Sport.Emily Ryall - 2013 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 73:129-143.
    The majority of – usually moral – problems inherent in elite sport, such as whether athletes should be able to take particular drugs, wear particular clothing, or utilise particular tools, arguably stem from a conceptual one based on faulty logic and competing values. Sport is a human enterprise that represents a multitude of human compulsions, desires and needs; the urge to be competitive, to co-operate, to excel, to develop, to play, to love and be loved, and to find meaning in (...)
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    Putting names to numbers: The creation of a systematic casualty recording database for the ongoing Russian aggression within Ukraine.Emily Ward - 2023 - Journal of Global Faultlines 10 (2):238-251.
    This research aims to help create a systematic casualty recording database for the civilian casualties of the Russian aggression within Ukraine. It looks at the definitions surrounding casualty recording and human security to help create a baseline for the project. It examines the Register of the Holodomor Victims, the Bosnian Book of the Dead, the Kosovo Memorial Book, and the casualty recording of Iraq Body Count and the Bouderbala Commission, in terms of their recording systems and public databases. The live (...)
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    Views on sharing mental health data for research purposes: qualitative analysis of interviews with people with mental illness.Emily Watson, Sue Fletcher-Watson & Elizabeth Joy Kirkham - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Improving the ways in which routinely-collected mental health data are shared could facilitate substantial advances in research and treatment. However, this process should only be undertaken in partnership with those who provide such data. Despite relatively widespread investigation of public perspectives on health data sharing more generally, there is a lack of research on the views of people with mental illness. Methods Twelve people with lived experience of mental illness took part in semi-structured interviews via online video software. Participants (...)
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    Notes toward a supreme (legal) fiction.Emily Kidd White - 2022 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 47 (1).
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    Good games and penalty shoot-outs.Emily Ryall - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (2):205-213.
    This paper considers the concept of a good game in terms of its relation to the fair testing of relevant skills and their aesthetic values. As such, it will consider what makes football ‘the beautiful game’ and what part penalty shoot-outs play, or should play, within it. It begins by outlining and refuting Kretchmar’s proposal that games which end following the elapsing of a set amount of time, such as football, are structurally, morally and aesthetically inferior to games which end (...)
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  47.  21
    Looking back to see ahead: the changing face of users in European e-commerce law.Emily M. Weitzenboeck - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (3):201-215.
    The ubiquity of the Internet has given rise to new hybrid types of online users such as hybrid consumers and prosumers. This paper looks at some of the new legal challenges raised by the exciting opportunities for active participation and co-creation by such users in electronic commerce transactions. The method employed, in homage to Jon Bing, is to look back in time to understand how users in sales transactions have been progressively regarded—alternatively exposed to risk, alternatively protected—and how contract law (...)
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  48.  13
    Bad Bedfellows: Disability Sex Rights and Viagra.Emily Wentzell - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (5):370-377.
    The disability rights movement grounds material critiques of the treatment of people with disabilities in a social constructionist perspective, locating disability in the social rather than physical realm, and demedicalizing the concept of disability. However, this conceptualization is threatened by the medicalization of nonnormative erections as the biomedical pathology erectile dysfunction (ED). Although use of medical treatments for ED can have positive outcomes for individuals, the medical community's tendency to include sexual difference in the rubric of disability threatens to remedicalize (...)
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    Homeschooling: The History and Philosophy of a Controversial Practice.Emily G. Wenneborg - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (6):752-758.
  50.  17
    Marketing Silence, Public Health Stigma and the Discourse of Risky Gay Viagra Use in the US.Emily Wentzell - 2011 - Body and Society 17 (4):105-125.
    This article analyzes the rise and fall of a public health ‘fact’ in the US: the assertion that gay men’s Viagra use is inherently recreational and increases STD risk. Extending the science studies argument that drug development and marketing entail the construction of new publics, this article shows how strategic drug marketing silences can also constitute new populations of users. It shows how Viagra marketing’s silence about gay users, which facilitated legitimization of the drug as an aid for companionate heterosexuality, (...)
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