Results for 'Milagros Pimentel'

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  1. Libertad de expresión y "libertad cómica" - Free speech and "comical liberty".Jose Gonzalez - 2007 - Dikaiosyne 18 (10):23-42.
    SUMARIO Artículos ¿Por qué democracia? Referencia a los derechos humanos y a la ciudadanía. Why democracy? Reference to human rights and citizenship. Bozo de Carmona, Ana Julia Libertad de expresión y "libertad cómica". Free speech and "comical liberty".Calvo González, José La justicia según J. Finnis. Justice according to John Finnis. Hocevar G., Mayda G. El lenguaje sagrado y su escritura. The sacred language and its writing. Lizaola, Julieta Del carácter coactivo de la μετηνεστασζ en Tucídides. On cornening to compelling nature (...)
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  2. Índice acumulado.Publicación Telos - 2000 - Telos (Venezuela) 2 (2):181-186.
    Artículos Naturaleza, carácter y violencia: derivas a partir de Schopenhauer. Nature, character and violence: roads from Schopenhauer. Grave, Crescenciano Sobre la posibilidad de un fundamento analógico y simbólico. Ensayo de hermenéutica analógica. About the possibility of an analogical and symbolic fundament. Essay of analogical hermeneutic.Maldonado, Rebeca Consideraciones biojurídicas sobre la vida en el embrión humano. Biojuridical considerations on life of the human embryo. Parra Tapia, Ivonne La Europa unificada según Leibniz: irenismo y política. A unified Europe according to Leibniz: irenism (...)
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  3.  31
    Young Spanish People’s Gendered Representations of People Working in STEM. A Qualitative Study.Milagros Sáinz, José-Luis Martínez-Cantos, María Rodó-de-Zárate, María José Romano, Lidia Arroyo & Sergi Fàbregues - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:446753.
    The present qualitative study analyzes how a group of young people already involved in STEM fields perceive the prototypical person working in STEM. Gender differences between participants in technological and non-technological STEM fields were analyzed. A total of 27 young people (59.3% women) took part in the interviews (Mean Age = 25.48 years). Of them, 16 participants were working in STEM professions, and 11 were enrolled in the final courses of STEM degrees. The results of the content analysis were examined (...)
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    ¿Puede la Inteligencia Artificial Sustituir a la Mente Humana? Implicaciones de la Ia En Los Derechos Fundamentales y En la Ética.Milagros Otero Parga - 2023 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 57:39-61.
    La inteligencia artificial (IA) es una realidad cuyo desarrollo plantea múltiples problemas en la actualidad. El conflicto surge entre las posibilidades técnicas reales, y las consecuencias éticas de implementarla hasta sus últimas consecuencias. El presente trabajo analiza alguna de estas problemáticas y sostiene que la IA, es un instrumento al servicio del ser humano y sólo así debe ser utilizado, so pena de convertirse en un recurso ingobernable. Urge, por tanto, un ejercicio de responsabilidad que proteja el humanismo y los (...)
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    Taste learning in rodents: Compounds and individual taste cues recognition.Milagros Gallo - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (1):80-81.
    Contrary to the outstanding simplistic view of the taste system, learning studies show a more complex picture. Behavioral data using conditioned taste preference and aversion tasks support the idea that mixtures involve complex interactions between individual taste cues. Evidence from taste conditioned blocking, taste perceptual learning, and taste learned preferences is considered to support such a view. Greater support for research in taste learning and memory is required for a complete understanding of taste recognition.
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    Parent and Teacher Depictions of Gender Gaps in Secondary Student Appraisals of Their Academic Competences.Milagros Sáinz, Sergi Fàbregues & Jordi Solé - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7. Rasgos gramaticales en un corpues oral caribeño: el habla culta de la generacíon joven de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.Milagros Aleza Izquierdo - 2012 - Oralia 15:7 - 34.
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  8. Buenas prácticas agrícolas y agricultura sostenible.Milagro Alcubilla Martín - 2006 - Critica 56 (937):62-66.
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    Customizing Your Demons: Anxiety Reduction via Anthropomorphizing and Destroying an “Anxiety Avatar”.Daniel Pimentel & Sri Kalyanaraman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566682.
    Character customization is a prominent feature in digital games, affording users the ability to tailor one’s virtual self-representation (avatar) to match aspects of their actual or ideal self, influencing psychological well-being. The mental health implications of character customization can be partially explained by self-discrepancy theory, which argues that achieving congruence with one’s avatar reduces cognitive dissonance. However, the role of undesirable self-concepts such as mental health ailments have largely been overlooked in this context despite forming part of one’s identity. In (...)
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  10. Pedagogía integral: Ruptura con la tradicionalidad Del proceso de enseñanza de la matemática.Milagros Helena Rodríguez - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 3 (2).
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    Fatherhood’s Subjective Experience in the Face of Adolescent Children’ Depressive Symptomatology and Suicide Attempt.Milagros Rocío Saldaña Tumbay - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:119-135.
    Fatherhood’s subjective experience in the face of adolescent children’ depressive symptomatology and suicide attempt. The fatherhood’s experience of living with a teenage son or daughter who presents depressive symptomatology and has tried to commit suicide constitutes a subjective experience in and of itself. For the father, these adverse conditions represent a challenge in his constituted role and cause an emotional impact which must be analysed by considering his subjective constitution. The aim of this research is to explore this experience by (...)
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    (1 other version)Environmental and social implications of waste in U.s. Agriculture and food sectors.David Pimentel - 1990 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3 (1):5-20.
    Because the agriculture/food sectors appear to be driven by short-term economic and political forces, cheap energy, and agricultural-chemical technologies, waste and environmental/social problems in the agricultural/food sectors are estimated to cost the nation at least $150 billion per year. Most of the waste and environmental/social problems can be eliminated through better resource management policies and the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.
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    Transepistemes devinientes de las rupturas asignificantes: decolonialidad planetaria-complejidad.Milagros Elena Rodríguez - 2023 - Griot 23 (3):93-105.
    Asumiendo que la decolonialidad planetaria es apodíctica de la complejidad y de la transdisciplinariedad, bajo rupturas asignificantes, en condiciones abiertas para conformar al ser humano a pensar complejamente, sustentamos transepistemes devinientes de las rupturas asignificantes de la decolonialidad planetaria-complejidad como objetivo complejo de indagación; en _las líneas de investigación_: educación-transepistemologías transcomplejas, Decolonialidad planetaria-complejidad en re-ligaje y transepistemologías de los conocimientos-saberes y transmetodologías transcomplejas. Lo realizamos con el transmétodo la hermenéutica comprensiva, ecosófica y diatópica; en los momentos analíticos, empíricos y propositivos. (...)
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    A Framework for Inductive Reasoning in Model-Based Science.Milagros Maribel Barroso Rojo - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:259-285.
    This paper argues that the linguistic approach to analyzing induction, according to which induction is a type of inference or argument composed of statements or propositions, is unsuitable to account for scientific reasoning. Consequently, a novel approach to induction in model-based science is suggested. First, in order to show their adherence to the linguistic treatment of induction, two strategies are reviewed: (i) Carnap and Reichenbach’s attempts to justify induction and (ii) Norton’s recent material theory of induction. Second, three reasons are (...)
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    The Agency of the Other and the Question of Violence: Otherwise than Levinas.Pimentel D. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (S1):1-9.
    It is well known that Emmanuel Levinas places the ‘other’ at the heart of his phenomenology, as an agency the relation toward which constitutes subjectivity. As such, the Levinasian other is deprived of violence, and it is identified with the figures of the foreigner, the orphan, and the widow. The only resistance the other could muster against the violence directed at him/ her, argues Levinas, is what he terms as the resistance of lack of resistance. This article aims at questioning (...)
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    Reevaluating Inductive Reasoning: A Contemporary Approach Based on William Whewell's Induction.Milagros Maribel Barroso Rojo - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:97-118.
    Traditional attempts to understanding inductive reasoning in science have typically involved analyzing language, focusing on statements or propositions. However, recent arguments suggest that this approach misconceives induction, prompting the need for a new perspective. This study offers a fresh view on induction by integrating William Whewell's theory of induction, which distinguishes two forms of reasoning: interpretation and representation. This perspective suggests that induction can be seen as a reasoning process based on semantic and pragmatic models rather than statements or propositions.
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    The H atom in CaTiO 3 : Structure and electronic properties.Milagros Castillo, Carmen Velasco & Arvids Stashans - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (15):1845-1854.
    In the present work we explore the effects that an H impurity produces upon the geometry and electronic structure of the CaTiO 3 crystal considering the cubic and orthorhombic crystallographic lattices of the material. A quantum-chemical method based on the Hartree-Fock formalism and the periodic large-unit-cell model is used throughout the work. The analysis of the results shows that the interstitial H impurity binds to one of the O atoms forming the so-called O-H group. At equilibrium, the O-H distances are (...)
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    From childhood book exploration to world stage.Milagros del Corral - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 13 (3):134-135.
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    Printed books and their publishers in the 21st century.Milagros del Corral - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 12 (1):20-23.
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  20. Luta pela civilização: condições e exigências de uma educação da humanidade para a paz.Álvaro Mendonça Pimentel - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):107-124.
    Resumo : O artigo examina as contribuições do pensamento social de Maurice Blondel para a promoção de uma paz duradoura entre as nações. A partir da crítica blondeliana dos totalitarismos e dos regimes liberais, elencamos certas características da ação humana histórica e concreta, individual e social, que fundamentam uma concepção social e política favorável à pluralidade das culturas e à colaboração entre os povos. Como critério crítico e forma normal de promover a busca imanente do bem, da verdade e da (...)
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    La performance aborigen: arte de relación en el espacio.Milagros Müller - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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    ¿Existe en realidad una Unión Europea?Milagros María Otero Parga - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
    La idea de la Unión Europea entendida como la había soñado Häberle como un conjunto unido, formado por Estados independientes que colaborarían entre sí para ayudarse mutuamente, es un bello sueño que no parece tener un reflejo real. Existe una Unión Europea que ha funcionado como tal en múltiples ocasiones, pero no termina de ser eficaz. Situaciones como la de la pandemia del COVID o la guerra de Ucrania, así lo demuestran. Es preciso cambiar esta tendencia. Debemos potenciar la idea (...)
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    Allan Kardec.Marcelo Gulão Pimentel - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (67):e226702.
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    Biofuel Food Disasters and Cellulosic Ethanol Problems.David Pimentel - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (3):205-212.
    As shortages of fossil energy, especially oil and natural gas, become evident, the United States has moved to convert corn grain into ethanol with the goal to make the nation oil independent. Using more than 20% of all U.S. corn on 15 million acres in 2007 was providing the nation with less than 1% of U.S. oil consumption. Because the corn ethanol project has been a disaster, there is growing interest to develop cellulosic ethanol. Wood, grasses, and crop residues are (...)
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    Propiedades de los rizomas como esência de las investigaciones decoloniales planetaria-complejas.Milagros Elena Rodriguez - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (2):97-108.
    Under the intentionality that leads to promoting the liberation of the oppressed in global coloniality, considering planetary decoloniality as the urgency of complexity as transmethod, in the present investigation from rhizomatic deconstruction as a transmethod, the properties of rhizomes are analyzed as the essence of planetary-complex decolonial investigations; That is the complex objective of the investigation. It is framed in the lines of research: education-transcomplex transepistemologies and transepistemologies of knowledge-knowledge and transcomplex transmethodologies. In the reconstruction, the philosophical significances of the (...)
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  26. (1 other version)8. Is the U.S. Economic Embargo on Cuba Morally Defensible?Milagros Martinez - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (4).
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    An ecumenical notion of entailment.Elaine Pimentel, Luiz Carlos Pereira & Valeria de Paiva - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5391-5413.
    Much has been said about intuitionistic and classical logical systems since Gentzen’s seminal work. Recently, Prawitz and others have been discussing how to put together Gentzen’s systems for classical and intuitionistic logic in a single unified system. We call Prawitz’ proposal the Ecumenical System, following the terminology introduced by Pereira and Rodriguez. In this work we present an Ecumenical sequent calculus, as opposed to the original natural deduction version, and state some proof theoretical properties of the system. We reason that (...)
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  28.  13
    Karen Barad, Cuestión de materia. Trans/Materia/ Realidades y performatividad queer de la naturaleza, Barcelona: Holobionte Ediciones, 2023.Milagros Pellicer Planells - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):493-494.
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    Iratusque est Cain vehementer… Cain Being Wroth: a Gap in the Iconographic Transmission in the Pyrenees.Milagros Guardia - 2016 - Convivium 3 (1):136-153.
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    ¿Influyó Suárez en el pensamiento de Andrés Bello?Milagros Otero Parga - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 51:79-100.
    Suárez es uno de los más insignes juristas españoles. La profundidad y originalidad de su pensamiento ha inspirado a muchos autores posteriores hasta la actualidad de manera que puede decirse que existe una escuela suareciana conocida y activa. Este hecho que engrandece nuestra tradición jurídica, debe ser conservado y acrecentado. El artículo que ahora se presenta quiere llegar un poco más allá. Quiere buscar la influencia indirecta de Suárez en aquellos autores que sin mencionarlo expresamente siguen los cauces de su (...)
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    La Pervivencia del concepto suareciano de Ley en el pensamiento de Clemente de Munguía (1810-1868).Milagros Otero Parga - 2015 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 49:239-257.
    Clemente de Munguía (1810-1868) fue un f ilósofo del derecho mexicano. Su pensamiento fue iusnaturalista de corte historicista y escolástico, con influencia suareciana. Su visión sobre el derecho lo convierte en un neoescolástico adelantado cuyo pensamiento engrandece la f igura de Francisco Suárez (1548-1617). El conocimiento de su f igura y de su obra resulta tanto más interesante por el momento histórico en que se produce, que en el ámbito mexicano coincide con la independencia del país; y en el euro (...)
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    El arkhé del transparadigma complejo.Milagros Elena Rodríguez - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):62-77.
    Arkhé pronunciado Arjé o Arché es un concepto originario entre los filósofos pré-socráticos, connotados como fundamento principio o causa. En la complejidad como transparadigma, ese fundamento se ancla en primer lugar a la significancia Dulseniana del prefijo trans que inmersiona en una indagación transmetódica decolonial planetaria-compleja para sustentar el arkhé del transparadigma complejo; con alta relevación de la obra Moríniana. Recorremos los momentos analíticos, empíricos y propositivos de la hermenéutica comprensiva, ecosófica y diatópica como transmétodo. La subjetividad y empírea de (...)
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    Presencia de san Agustín en Zaragoza.Milagros Navarro - 1980 - Augustinus 25 (97-100):403-414.
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  34. La cuestión de la única respuesta judicial correcta.Milagros María Otero Parga - 2004 - In Francisco Puy Muñoz & Jorge Guillermo Portela (eds.), La argumentación jurídica: problemas de concepto, método y aplicación. [Santiago de Compostela]: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
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  35. La educación matemática en la con-formación del ciudadano/Mathematics Education in Co-Forming the Citizen.Milagros Elena Rodríguez - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (2):215-230.
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    Los investigadores educativos, transdisciplinares, ecosóficos y antropoéticos: retos venezolanos.Milagros Elena Rodriguez - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (28):161-184.
    Se usa la hermenéutica comprensiva, diatópica y ecosófica como transmétodo de construcción teórica para sustentar la con-formación de los investigadores educativos venezolanos desde la tríada transdisciplinariedad-ecosofía-antropoética, como retos urgentes en Venezuela. Existen problemáticas profundas en el accionar del ciudadano que se conforma en la educación universitaria, ya que el ser humano, en su parcelación del conocimiento, ha olvidado que somos seres biológicos, psíquicos, espirituales, sociales, ambientales, etéreos, culturales, y que cada aspecto no se puede estudiar por separado ya que es (...)
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  37. World population, food, natural resources, and survival.David Pimentel & Marcia Pimentel - 2003 - World Futures 59 (3 & 4):145 – 167.
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    Insights on consciousness from taste memory research.Milagros Gallo - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    ¿Qué es la historia cultural de la ciencia?Juan Pimentel - 2010 - Arbor 186 (743):417-424.
  40.  3
    Pensar lo humano desde transepistemes en la decolonialidad planetaria-complejidad.Milagros Elena Rodríguez - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400235.
    The epistemes of human beings enter into crisis with their practice. They make evident their inability to have known each other; while its expeditious complexity is: nature-body-mind-soul-spirit-God. As a research objective, we support transepistemes to think about human beings in planetary decoloniality-complexity. The trans prefix inherits concepts from the legacy of Enrique Dussel. We investigate in the midst of wonderful transmethodologies, in the lines of research titled: planetary decoloniality-complexity in re-linkage; complex transmethodologies and planetary-complex decolonial transmethods. With the transmethod of (...)
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    “Hablar en equipo”: la construcción de una participación conjunta en reuniones de profesionales de la salud.Milagros Vilar - 2021 - Pragmática Sociocultural 9 (2):105-126.
    Resumen La categoría de participación permite observar empíricamente cómo las interacciones sitúan a las personas de maneras específicas en el marco de prácticas sociales concretas. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar el modo en que se organiza la participación en las reuniones de un equipo interdisciplinario de salud en un hospital de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Para ello, analizamos las interacciones orales atendiendo a la manera en que se gestionan los turnos de habla y se interpretan las instancias de habla (...)
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    From axioms to synthetic inference rules via focusing.Sonia Marin, Dale Miller, Elaine Pimentel & Marco Volpe - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (5):103091.
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    Ordo Amoris: A Relação Entre a Ordem e o Amor No Pensamento Ético de Santo Agostinho.João Paulo Araújo Pimentel Lima - 2020 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 12 (33):137-156.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma análise da ordem do amor em Santo Agostinho. Para tanto, percorreremos suas obras a fim de buscar o movimento natural do amor, do interior humano a Deus, na busca da satisfação dos desejos e da felicidade; e como esse movimento conduz a uma ética direcionada, principalmente, ao atendimento dos mais carentes. Para isso, abordaremos o conceito de ordem e a dinâmica do amor a Deus e ao próximo.
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    Epistemologías y pedagogías de la visibilidad.Luisina Bolla & Milagros María Rocha - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (1):1-13.
    En este artículo, desarrollamos el proyecto de una epistemología de la visibilidad para desmontar y examinar los sesgos sexo-genéricos y coloniales del conocimiento. El objetivo central es cuestionar la llamada “doble subalternidad” identificada por diversas teorías críticas latinoamericanas (Femenías, 2009) y argumentar en favor de una conjunción epistémica entre crítica feminista y decolonial, en pos de un pensamiento complejo. Partiendo del análisis de algunas experiencias recientes en nuestra unidad académica, presentamos algunas consideraciones teóricas y prácticas sobre la imbricación entre crítica (...)
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  45. Smart Activation of Citizens : Opportunities and Challenges for Scientific Research.Maria Gilda Pimentel Esteves, Jano Moreira de Souza, Alexandre Prestes Uchoa, Carla Viana Pereira & Marcio Antelio - 2017 - In Luigi Ceccaroni (ed.), Analyzing the role of citizen science in modern research. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.
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    Um outro mundo já começou: questões para a escatologia cristã (Another World has already started: issues for the Christian eschatology).Orivaldo Pimentel Lopes Junior - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):638-649.
    A juventude evangélica brasileira se viu, durante os anos 1970, bombardeada por uma carga considerável de versões fundamentalistas da escatologia e, com isso, essa questão veio a ocupar um lugar secundário dentre os temas teológicos dos evangélicos brasileiros. A introdução de uma perspectiva não disjuntada da escatologia, como a do teólogo George Eldon Ladd, foi o que possibilitou a difusão da Teologia da Missão Integral, indicando o quanto a missiologia é inseparável de escatologia. Posteriormente, as versões fundamentalistas mantiveram um espaço (...)
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  47. SAFATLE, Vladimir. Circuito dos Afetos: Corpos políticos, Desamparo, Fim do Indivíduo. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2015.Mariana Pimentel Fischer Pacheco - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 3 (1):190-193.
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    La ética, práctica de la libertad en Michel Foucault.María Luisa Pimentel Ramírez - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.), El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 147.
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    Contribuições Fenomenológicas e Hermenêuticas para a Compreensão da Condição Humana.Adelma Pimentel - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (2):71-86.
    Condição humana foi afetada de modo polarizado desde que o projeto iluminista consolidou rupturas entre o senso-comum, a fé, instituindo a ciência e a racionalidade cognitiva como parâmetros balizadores das concepções binárias de sujeito e de intervenções clínicas em contextos de saúde mental. Atualmente a internet e as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação adensam o afastamento holístico da condição humana, ao instituir as redes sociais virtuais como meio de ideais de sujeitos. Convive-se com as teses de “morte do sujeito”, a (...)
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  50. Ethical issues concerning potential global climate change on food production.D. Pimentel, N. Brown, F. Vecchio, V. La Capra, S. Hausman, O. Lee, A. Diaz, J. Williams, S. Cooper & E. Newburger - 1992 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 5 (2):113-146.
    Burning fossil fuel in the North American continent contributes more to the CO2 global warming problem than in any other continent. The resulting climate changes are expected to alter food production. The overall changes in temperature, moisture, carbon dioxide, insect pests, plant pathogens, and weeds associated with global warming are projected to reduce food production in North America. However, in Africa, the projected slight rise in rainfall is encouraging, especially since Africa already suffers from severe shortages of rainfall. For all (...)
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