Results for 'Mihnea Vasilescu'

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  1.  16
    Calcul sau Credinta? Aplicatii ale teoriei alegerii rationale in studiul religiei.Mihnea Vasilescu - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (2):183-193.
    The theory of rational choice is one of the most recent paradigms for the study of religion that strongly argues against previously dominant approaches such as the secularization thesis. The theory relies on more or less acceptable assumptions drawn from economic models of rational behavior, and offers interesting explanations or predictions supported by an impressive amount of data. The innovative approach introduced by the advocates or rational choice is a shift in focus from the demand side to the supply side (...)
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  2. Is consciousness the measure of a person? See my works also signed Elena Ene D-Vasilescu.Elena Ene Drăghici-Vasilescu - 2024 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 4 (2):55-60.
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  3. Making sense of ‘genetic programs’: biomolecular Post–Newell production systems.Mihnea Capraru - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (2):1-12.
    The biomedical literature makes extensive use of the concept of a genetic program. So far, however, the nature of genetic programs has received no satisfactory elucidation from the standpoint of computer science. This unsettling omission has led to doubts about the very existence of genetic programs, on the grounds that gene regulatory networks lack a predetermined schedule of execution, which may seem to contradict the very idea of a program. I show, however, that we can make perfect sense of genetic (...)
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  4. .Mihnea Dobre - unknown - Springer.
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    Paul Tillich on History and Socialism.Elena Ene Draghici-Vasilescu - 2023 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 3 (2):1-8.
    Paul Tillich believes that the sacred and human history undergo a parallel development, which is ‘punctuated’ from time to time by the ‘breaking’ of the former within the latter during moments of special significance, kairoi; these become “centers” of human history. Such a ‘center’ must not be comprehended either in terms of quantity, or as a midpoint between past and future, or as a particular moment, but as something that makes coherent the manifestation of the Kingdom of God within the (...)
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    Rohault’s Cartesian Physics.Mihnea Dobre - 2013 - In . Springer.
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    Why are people often rational? Saving the causal theory of action.Mihnea Capraru - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-17.
    Since Donald Davidson issued his challenge to anticausalism in 1963, most philosophers have espoused the view that our actions are causally explained by the reasons why we do them. This Davidsonian consensus, however, rests on a faulty argument. Davidson’s challenge has been met, in more than one way, by anticausalists such as C. Ginet, G. Wilson, and S. Sehon. Hence I endeavor to support causalism with a stronger argument. Our actions are correlated with our motivating reasons; to wit, we often (...)
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  8.  28
    False memories of the future: A critique of the applications of probabilistic reasoning to the study of cognitive processes.Mihnea Moldoveanu & Ellen Langer - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (2):358-375.
  9.  85
    Responsibility and the Ethics of Ecological Restoration.Mihnea Tanasescu - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 14 (2):255-274.
    This paper argues that the concept of responsibility can and should ground an ethics of ecological restoration. It starts with William Jordan’s concept of restoration, namely the creation of mutually beneficial human-nature relationships. It builds a concept of responsibility using the works of Hans Jonas and Martin Drenthen, understood as a correlate of our technological capacity, as well as a relationship to the possibility of meaningfulness today and in the indefinite future. It is argued that we are responsible in a (...)
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    How Knowledge of the Golden Jackal ( Canis aureus) is Formed: Report from the Danube Delta.Mihnea Tănăsescu & ştefan Constantinescu - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (6):665-691.
    This paper analyses the ways in which human knowledge of the golden jackal ( Canis aureus) is formed in the case of a rural community of the Romanian Danube Delta. We focus on the territory where humans and jackals overlap and, by using wildlife monitoring alongside interviews and participant observation with humans, we detail how villagers come to have a particularly negative view of this resident canid. Foregrounding the jackal's highly symbolic nature, we trace the development of the community's knowledge (...)
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    The Corrosion Of An Ideological Identity? Differences Between The Christian-Democratic Discourse And The Attitude Of The Faithful Electorate.Mihnea Simion Stoica - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (38):21-38.
    Electoral manifestos represent tools of political communication which do not only inform the electorate upon the fundamental values of a party, but which also legitimize future actions that the party might undertake once in power. The electoral manifesto of the European People’s Party, drafted before the 2009 European elections brings together the main elements which define the action plan of the party. Religious values lie at the core of the Christian-democratic ideology. But given the dynamic of politics and the sometimes (...)
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    Generation in Gregory Nazianzen’s poem On the Son.Elena Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2017 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 1:169-184.
    The article examines the nature of the dogmatics found in the poetry written by Gregory of Nazianzus through a particular case-study, the poem On the Son. It demonstrates that his lyric composition contains the same doctrine conveyed by the orations authored by him and exposes the manner in which he employs similar terminology in works belonging to both genres. In order to attain its objective my article compares the above-mentioned piece with Orations 29 and 30 that bear the same title.
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  13. Is Conscience the Measure of a Person?Elena Ene Drăghici-Vasilescu - 2024 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 4 (2):55-60.
    One could say that we are human beings to the degree to which our conscience is developed. My paper analyses the conscience from an ethical point of view and states that it is to be understood as the measure of morality within a person. [‘Moral’ refers to a sense of right and wrong, and ethics to the principles of “good” and “bad” agreed by a society]. Taking into consideration that there are people who feel an acute sense of guilt when (...)
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    Master Passions: Emotion, Narrative, and the Development of Culture.Mihnea C. Moldoveanu & Nitin Nohria - 2002 - MIT Press.
    At the heart of the human experience lies anxiety caused by the realization that the world is unknown, forever eluding our control. And out of this anxiety arise the master passions of ambition and envy, which we repress to mask their power over our lives. Discussion of the role of the emotions in our lives is not new, but Mihnea Moldoveanu and Nitin Nohria go much further, showing how these passions shape not only our individual lives but our social (...)
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  15. Note on the Individuation of Biological Traits.Mihnea D. I. Capraru - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (4):215-221.
    Bence Nanay has argued that we must abandon the etiological theory of teleological function because this theory explains functions and functional categories in a circular manner. Paul Griffiths argued earlier that we should retain the etiological theory and instead prevent the circularity by making etiologies independent of functional categories. Karen Neander and Alex Rosenberg reply to Nanay similarly, and argue that we should analyze functions in terms of natural selection acting not on functional categories, but merely on lineages. Nanay replies (...)
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    Antoine Le Grand and Jacques Rohault: Le Grand and his Annotations to Rohault’s Treatise on Natural Philosophy.Mihnea Dobre (ed.) - 2022 - Society and Politics.
    Dobre, Mihnea and Bujor, Ioana (eds.). “Antoine Le Grand and Jacques Rohault: Le Grand and his Annotations to Rohault’s Treatise on Natural Philosophy.” Society and Politics, vol. 16/1 (31), 2022. [Open Access].
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  17. A New Source of Data About Singular Thought.Mihnea D. I. Capraru - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (4):1159-1172.
    Philosophers have justified extant theories of singular thought in at least three ways: they have invoked wide-ranging theories motivated by data from other philosophical areas, they have elicited direct intuitions about which thoughts are singular, and they have subjected propositional attitude reports to tests such as Russellian substitution and Quinean exportation. In these ways, however, we haven’t yet been able to tell what it takes to have singular thoughts, nor have we been able to tell which of our thoughts they (...)
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  18. Knowledge and Certainty in the Foundation of Cartesian Natural Philosophy.Mihnea Dobre - 2013 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 57:95-110.
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  19. Considerații despre filosofia experimentului în perioada modernă timpurie.Mihnea Dobre - 2014 - Revista de Filosofie 61:631-642.
  20.  18
    Jacques Rohault’s Mathematical Physics.Mihnea Dobre - 2020 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (2):414-439.
    This article addresses the problem of Jacques Rohault’s Cartesianism. It aims to enrich the current portrayal of Rohault (1618–72) as a Cartesian natural philosopher concerned with experimentation. The modern evaluation of Rohault as an experimentalist can benefit from another explanatory layer, emphasizing the mathematical physics that shapes his natural philosophy. In order to argue for this complementary account, I focus on an early episode in Rohault’s career, represented by his reply to Fermat’s attacks against Descartes’s law of refraction (1658). The (...)
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    Aspects of Iconography in Byzantine Cappadocia.E. Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):34-39.
    The main novelty my article brings concerns a particular iconographic motif: that known as the ‘trial by the water of reproach’. In the few cases where this is rendered, usually only Mary is presented as undergoing this test, but in Cappadocian art Joseph is also subjected to it. Additionally, to this visual topic, another one that is rarely depicted will be introduced and commented upon: that known as ‘Christ’s first bath’. I will provide a particular example: the fresco which constitutes (...)
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  22.  12
    Development of Eastern Christian Iconography.Elena Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (3):169-185.
    In Orthodox Christianity icons play a central role in the Liturgy, which they complete and explain. In front of these images, the faithful enter a process of communication with the holy person depicted. That is possible because icons convey the spiritual energies of the archetype of the holy person or of the sacred event they represent. Icon-painters follow Hermeneias — Grammar books — containing canonical indications to help them in their work. These books also give attention to the material elements (...)
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    Orthodox Christian Approach to the Bible.Elena Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2009 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 26 (1):40-44.
    The most common understanding of Orthodox Christianity and the attitude of its members to the Bible is that they do not read it critically. This brief article attempts to address this issue and to show that the view expressed above is a misunderstanding. In doing so, it will touch on the role of Tradition in interpreting the Bible and will also discuss the method used in such an endeavour.
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    Meta-learned models beyond and beneath the cognitive.Mihnea Moldoveanu - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e156.
    I propose that meta-learned models, and in particular the situation-aware deployment of “learning-to-infer” modules can be advantageously extended to domains commonly thought to lie outside the cognitive, such as motivations and preferences on one hand, and the effectuation of micro- and coping-type behaviors.
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    Organizations as Universal Computing Machines: Rule Systems, Computational Equivalence, and Organizational Complexity.Mihnea Moldoveanu - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (1).
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    Probably, approximately useful frames of mind: A quasi-algorithmic approach.Mihnea C. Moldoveanu - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e235.
    Frames for interpreting situations are necessary in the face of time constraints for action and indeterminacy of the “right or optimal thing to do” given multiple objectives but not all frames are equally useful. We need a way of modeling representational frames according to the informational gain of using them and the computational cost of synthesizing a decisive reason for acting from them.
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    Destinul uman: de la Platon la Habermas și înapoi spre-- niciunde!Gabriela Vasilescu - 1999 - Ploiești [Romania]: Editura Premier.
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    Generation in Gregory Nazianzen’s poem On the Son.Elena Vasilescu - 2017 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 1.
    The article examines the nature of the dogmatics found in the poetry written by Gregory of Nazianzus through a particular case-study, the poem On the Son. It demonstrates that his lyric composition contains the same doctrine conveyed by the orations authored by him and exposes the manner in which he employs similar terminology in works belonging to both genres. In order to attain its objective my article compares the above-mentioned piece with Orations 29 and 30 that bear the same title.
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  29. Libertatea presei în Europa.Mircea Vasilescu - 2003 - Dilema 516:4.
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  30. Recursul la Pivot şi Sava.Mircea Vasilescu - 2002 - Dilema 498:8.
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  31.  64
    Political myths of the populist discourse.Mihnea S. Stoica - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (46):63-76.
    Studies point out that populism, a concept still in dire need of clarifications, resembles more of a rhetorical strategy than a fully-fledged ideology. Actually, populism has become a concept so frequently used that its orginial meaning seems to have been lost, leaving it as an empty shell, at least from an ideological point of view. I argue that in spite of this – or rather as a means of compensation – populism uses a very robust mythological apparatus, creating narratives that (...)
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  32. Non-Consensual Vaccination and Medical Harassment: Giving Vaccine Refusers Their Due.Mihnea D. I. Capraru - 2023 - Journal of Controversial Ideas 3 (1):1-8.
    This article argues that non-consensual vaccination is morally impermissible, for the same reasons for which sexual assault is not permissible. Likewise, mandatory vaccination is morally akin to sexual harassment, and therefore is not to be allowed.
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    Nature Advocacy and the Indigenous Symbol.Mihnea Tanasescu - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (1):105-122.
    In 2008, Ecuador became the first country in history to grant constitutional rights to nature. What is termed the indigenous symbol played a significant role in this event. The rights of nature are used as an occasion to interrogate the indigenous symbol in order to reveal what it does, as opposed to what it says. The account of the rights of nature originating in indigenous sensibilities is presented, and subsequently critiqued. The argument makes use of the notion of representative claim (...)
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  34.  43
    The ‘Gospel of Freedom’ or a Letter of Warning? The Use of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians in the Byzantine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.Elena Ene D.-Vasilescu - 2019 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 3:109-128.
    Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, read on important Christian feasts, can be commented on from various perspectives: as a documents about mission, about warning with regard to the difficulties concerning the life of a believer, as one about the differences between Jews and Christians, or/and as one about freedom. It seems to us that within this text the Apostle intended to emphasize especially the latest aspect. St. John Chrysostom considered this document so important that he included it in his Liturgy.
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    Introduction.Mihnea Dobre & Tammy Nyden - 2013 - In . Springer.
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  36. Stained Glass as a Model for Consciousness.Mihnea D. I. Capraru - 2015 - Philosophical Explorations 18 (1):90-103.
    Contemporary phenomenal externalists are motivated to a large extent by the transparency of experience and by the related doctrine of representationalism. On their own, however, transparency and representationalism do not suffice to establish externalism. Hence we should hesitate to dismiss phenomenal internalism, a view shared by many generations of competent philosophers. Rather, we should keep both our options open, internalism and externalism. It is hard, however, to see how to keep open the internalist option, for although transparency and representationalism have (...)
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  37. Choosing Short: An Explanation of the Similarities and Dissimilarities in the Distribution Patterns of Binding and Covaluation.Mihnea Capraru - manuscript
    Covaluation is the generalization of coreference introduced by Tanya Reinhart. Covaluation distributes in patterns that are very similar yet not entirely identical to those of binding. On a widespread view, covaluation and binding distribute similarly because binding is defined in terms of covaluation. Yet on Reinhart's view, binding and covaluation are not related that way: binding pertains to syntax, covaluation does not. Naturally, the widespread view can easily explain the similarities between binding and covaluation, whereas Reinhart can easily explain the (...)
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  38. Teleological functional explanations: a new naturalist synthesis.Mihnea Capraru - 2024 - Acta Biotheoretica 72 (5):1--22.
    The etiological account of teleological function is beset by several difficulties, which I propose to solve by grafting onto the etiological theory a subordinated goal-contribution clause. This approach enables us to ascribe neither too many teleofunctions nor too few; to give a unitary, one-clause analysis that works just as well for teleological functions derived from Darwinian evolution, as for those derived from human intention; and finally, to save the etiological theory from falsification, by explaining how, in spite of appearances, the (...)
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  39. Objective truth in matters of taste.Mihnea D. I. Capraru - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (7):1755-1777.
    In matters of personal taste, faultless disagreement occurs between people who disagree over what is tasty, fun, etc., in those cases when each of these people seems equally far from the objective truth. Faultless disagreement is often taken as evidence that truth is relative. This article aims to help us avoid the truth-relativist conclusion. The article, however, does not argue directly against relativism; instead, the article defends non-relative truth constructively, aiming to explain faultless disagreement with the resources of semantic contextualism. (...)
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    Evocative representation.Mihnea Tănăsescu - 2020 - Constellations 27 (3):385-396.
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  41. Jacques Rohault and Cartesian experimentalism.Mihnea Dobre - 2019 - In Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz & Delphine Antoine-Mahut (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Exploratory exploitation and exploitative exploration: The phenomenology of play and the computational dynamics of search.Mihnea Moldoveanu - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e108.
    I argue for a more complicated but nonetheless computationally feasible and algorithmically intelligible interplay between exploration and exploitation and for admitting into our conceptual toolkit regimes of exploitative exploration and exploratory exploitation that can enhance the novelty and usefulness of the results of either problemistic or serendipitous search.
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    Henry More and William Petty: Revisiting an Early Modern Polemic.Mihnea Dobre - 2018 - Early Science and Medicine 23 (3):244-264.
  44.  11
    Jacques Rohault, Preface to the Traité de Physique. A critical edition and commentary of four early modern versions of Rohault’s preface.Mihnea Dobre - 2021 - Arad: Society and Politics. Edited by Mihnea Dobre, Ovidiu Babeș, Ioana Bujor & Grigore Vida.
    "Jacques Rohault, Preface to the Traité de Physique. A critical edition and commentary of four early modern versions of Rohault’s preface.” (critical edition and scholarly study; co-edited with Ovidiu Babeș, Ioana Bujor, and Grigore Vida). Special issue of Society and Politics, vol. 15/1 (29), 2021. [Open Access].
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  45. Mixing Cartesianism and Newtonianism: the Reception of Cartesian Physics in England.Mihnea Dobre - 2014 - In . Springer.
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  46. Vacuum Experiments in Cartesian Context.Mihnea Dobre - 2012 - andHps 4.
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    An intersubjective measure of organizational complexity: A new approach to the study of complexity in organizations.Mihnea Moldoveanu - 2004 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 6 (3).
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    Explananda and explanantia in deep neural network models of neurological network functions.Mihnea Moldoveanu - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e403.
    Depending on what we mean by “explanation,” challenges to the explanatory depth and reach of deep neural network models of visual and other forms of intelligent behavior may need revisions to both the elementary building blocks of neural nets (the explananda) and to the ways in which experimental environments and training protocols are engineered (the explanantia). The two paths assume and imply sharply different conceptions of how an explanation explains and of the explanatory function of models.
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  49. Independenţa presei-o problemă europeană?Mircea Vasilescu - 2002 - Dilema 478:13.
  50. Lista şi preţurile.Mircea Vasilescu - 2002 - Dilema 487:4.
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