Results for 'Michel Belyk'

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  1.  21
    Hypersensitivity to passive voice hearing in hallucination proneness.Joseph F. Johnson, Michel Belyk, Michael Schwartze, Ana P. Pinheiro & Sonja A. Kotz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Voices are a complex and rich acoustic signal processed in an extensive cortical brain network. Specialized regions within this network support voice perception and production and may be differentially affected in pathological voice processing. For example, the experience of hallucinating voices has been linked to hyperactivity in temporal and extra-temporal voice areas, possibly extending into regions associated with vocalization. Predominant self-monitoring hypotheses ascribe a primary role of voice production regions to auditory verbal hallucinations. Alternative postulations view a generalized perceptual salience (...)
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    The source dilemma hypothesis: Perceptual uncertainty contributes to musical emotion.Tanor L. Bonin, Laurel J. Trainor, Michel Belyk & Paul W. Andrews - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):174-181.
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    The History of Sexuality: The Care of the Self.Michel Foucault - 1977 - Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
    The Care of the Self is the third and possibly final volume of Michel Foucault’s widely acclaimed examination of "the experience of sexuality in Western society." Foucault takes us into the first two centuries of our own era, into the Golden Age of Rome, to reveal a subtle but decisive break from the classical Greek vision of sexual pleasure. He skillfully explores the whole corpus of moral reflection among philosophers and physicians of the era, and uncovers an increasing mistrust (...)
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  4. Expert-oriented abilities vs. novice-oriented abilities: An alternative account of epistemic authority.Michel Croce - 2018 - Episteme 15 (4):476-498.
    According to a recent account of epistemic authority proposed by Linda Zagzebski (2012), it is rational for laypersons to believe on authority when they conscientiously judge that the authority is more likely to form true beliefs and avoid false ones than they are in some domain. Christoph Jäger (2016) has recently raised several objections to her view. By contrast, I argue that both theories fail to adequately capture what epistemic authority is, and I offer an alternative account grounded in the (...)
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  5. Educating through Exemplars: Alternative Paths to Virtue.Michel Croce & Maria Silvia Vaccarezza - 2017 - Theory and Research in Education 15 (1):5-19.
    This paper confronts Zagzebski’s exemplarism with the intertwined debates over the conditions of exemplarity and the unity-disunity of the virtues, to show the advantages of a pluralistic exemplar-based approach to moral education (PEBAME). PEBAME is based on a prima facie disunitarist perspective in moral theory, which amounts to admitting both exemplarity in all respects and single-virtue exemplarity. First, we account for the advantages of PEBAME, and we show how two figures in recent Italian history (Giorgio Perlasca and Gino Bartali) satisfy (...)
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  6. A role for the anterior insular cortex in the global neuronal workspace model of consciousness.Matthias Michel - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:333-346.
    According to the global neuronal workspace model of consciousness, consciousness results from the global broadcast of information throughout the brain. The global neuronal workspace is mainly constituted by a fronto-parietal network. The anterior insular cortex is part of this global neuronal workspace, but the function of this region has not yet been defined within the global neuronal workspace model of consciousness. In this review, I hypothesize that the anterior insular cortex implements a cross-modal priority map, the function of which is (...)
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    Apology for Raymond Sebond.Michel de Montaigne - 2003 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Under the pretense of defending an obscure treatise by a Catalan theologian, Sebond, Montaigne attacks the philosophers who attempt rational explanations of the universe and argues for a skeptical Christianity based squarely on faith rather than reason. The result is the _Apology for Raymond Sebond_, a classic of Counter-Reformation thought and a masterpiece of Renaissance literature. This new translation by Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene achieves both accuracy and fluency, conveying at once the nuances of Montaigne’s arguments and his distinctive (...)
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  8. Epistemic Tit for Tat.Michel J. Blais - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (7):363.
  9. Phénoménologie matérielle.Michel Henry - 1994 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (1):105-108.
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    Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect: The Universal Algebra of Culture.Michel Weber - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):350-377.
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    Thumbelina: The Culture and Technology of Millennials.Michel Serres - 2014 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book is an English-language translation of a bestselling book in France that explores the relationship between humans and new technologies.
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    From the Regulatory Vision of Cancer to the Oncogene Paradigm, 1975–1985.Michel Morange - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (1):1 - 29.
  13.  48
    Une romance métaphysique : Merleau-Ponty et Beauvoir.Michel Dalissier - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (2):197-225.
    Nous examinons ici la lecture par Maurice Merleau-Ponty, dans son essai « Le Roman et la Métaphysique », de L’Invitée de Simone de Beauvoir. Nous montrons que pour comprendre en quoi il s’agit ici non seulement de métaphysique, mais encore de morale, il est nécessaire de spécifier en quel sens « Le Roman et la Métaphysique » met en scène des matériaux théoriques qui sont mis en place dans d’autres écrits, en particulier dans l’essai « Le Métaphysique dans l’Homme ». (...)
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    Scientific Realism and Laws of Nature: A Metaphysics of Causal Powers.Michel Ghins - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses central issues in the philosophy and metaphysics of science, namely the nature of scientific theories, their partial truth, and the necessity of scientific laws within a moderate realist and empiricist perspective. Accordingly, good arguments in favour of the existence of unobservable entities postulated by our best theories, such as electrons, must be inductively grounded on perceptual experience and not their explanatory power as most defenders of scientific realism claim. Similarly, belief in the reality of dispositions such as (...)
  15.  30
    Madness, the Absence of Work.Michel Foucault, Peter Stastny & Deniz Şengel - 1995 - Critical Inquiry 21 (2):290-298.
  16.  76
    Political Spirituality as the Will for Alterity: An Interview with the Nouvel Observateur.Michel Foucault & Sabina Vaccarino Bremner - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 47 (1):121-134.
    An interview with Michel Foucault in 1979 that was never published during his lifetime and was recently rediscovered in the archives. The interview, appearing for the first time in English and in its complete form, marks one of Foucault’s final public discussions of the contentious topic of the Iranian Revolution. In particular, Foucault clarifies what he means by “political spirituality” and addresses the respective relations between religion, revolution, and self-transformation.
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    Malfeasance: Appropriation Through Pollution?Michel Serres - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    In this reflection on the relation between nature and culture, Michel Serres relates the present environmental catastrophe to pollution generated by humanity's efforts to appropriate.
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  18.  35
    Investigating pianists' individuality in the performance of five timbral nuances through patterns of articulation, touch, dynamics, and pedaling.Michel Bernays & Caroline Traube - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  19. Dialectic, the Dictum de Omni and Ecthesis.Michel Crubellier, Mathieu Marion, Zoe Mcconaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (3):207-233.
    In this paper, we provide a detailed critical review of current approaches to ecthesis in Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, with a view to motivate a new approach, which builds upon previous work by Marion & Rückert (2016) on the dictum de omni. This approach sets Aristotle’s work within the context of dialectic and uses Lorenzen’s dialogical logic, hereby reframed with use of Martin-Löf's constructive type theory as ‘immanent reasoning’. We then provide rules of syllogistic for the latter, and provide proofs of (...)
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  20.  32
    The Ethics of Ordinary Technology.Michel Puech - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Technology is even more than our world, our form of life, our civilization. Technology interacts with the world to change it. Philosophers need to seriously address the fluidity of a smartphone interface, the efficiency of a Dyson vacuum cleaner, or the familiar noise of an antique vacuum cleaner. Beyond their phenomenological description, the emotional experience acquires moral significance and in some cases even supplies ethical resources for the self. If we leave this dimension of modern experience unaddressed, we may miss (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Epistemologia delle virtù.Michel Croce - 2017 - Aphex 15.
    In this entry, I offer a critical analysis of virtue epistemology, which is a fundamental collection of recent approaches to epistemology. After a few remarks on the roots of this view, I reconstruct the key features of the two main accounts of virtue epistemology and I discuss how these accounts respond to some traditional epistemological challenges. -/- Questo contributo propone una disamina critica dell’epistemologia delle virtù, una delle correnti più importanti della teoria della conoscenza contemporanea. Dopo un breve affondo sulle (...)
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  22. L’esemplarismo come teoria morale: uno sguardo critico.Michel Croce - 2016 - In Iolanda Poma (ed.), I fondamenti dell'etica. Brescia: Morcelliana. pp. 381-390.
    Il problema di determinare quali siano i fondamenti dell’etica si riflette direttamente sul dibattito tra le principali etiche normative che si è arricchito, in tempi molto recenti, della teoria morale detta “esemplarista”, proposta da Linda Zagzebski, voce illustre nel panorama della filosofia morale, della conoscenza e della religione analitiche. L’esemplarismo, come ogni altra teoria morale fondazionalista, ha a cuore la questione del fondamento, ma si distingue dalle classiche teorie fondazionaliste sfidando l’idea che tale fondamento possa essere un concetto. Infatti, Zagzebski (...)
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  23.  59
    A sentential theory of propositional attitudes.Michel Seymour - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):181-201.
  24.  40
    A multisensory perspective of working memory.Michel Quak, Raquel Elea London & Durk Talsma - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  25.  52
    Panpsychism in the First Person.Michel Bitbol - 2014 - In Harald A. Wiltsche & Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (eds.), Analytic and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives. Proceedings of the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 231-246.
  26. La riscoperta dell'umiltà come virtù relazionale: la risposta della tradizione ai problemi contemporanei.Michel Croce - 2014 - In M. S. Vaccarezza & S. Langella (eds.), Emozioni e virtù. Percorsi e prospettive di un tema classico. Orthotes. pp. 159-170.
    Questo contributo riguarda il tema specifico dell’umiltà come virtù etica e nasce all’interno di uno studio più ampio sulla relazione tra umiltà in campo morale e umiltà intellettuale, tema ricorrente tra i sostenitori della Virtue Epistemology. L’intento di questo saggio è quello di approfondire il recente dibattito circa la natura dell’umiltà come virtù e la sua definizione e il mio obiettivo è quello di mostrare come la tradizione aristotelico-tomista, generalmente sottovalutata da chi si occupa di umiltà nella filosofia analitica contemporanea, (...)
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    Reward alters the perception of time.Michel Failing & Jan Theeuwes - 2016 - Cognition 148 (C):19-26.
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    En deçà du Rhin: l'Allemagne des philosophes français au XIXe siècle.Michel Espagne - 2004 - Paris: Cerf.
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    About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self: Lectures at Dartmouth College, 1980.Michel Foucault - 2015 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, Laura Cremonesi, Arnold I. Davidson, Orazio Irrera & Martina Tazzioli.
    In 1980, Michel Foucault began a vast project of research on the relationship between subjectivity and truth, an examination of conscience, confession, and truth-telling that would become a crucial feature of his life-long work on the relationship between knowledge, power, and the self. The lectures published here offer one of the clearest pathways into this project, contrasting Greco-Roman techniques of the self with those of early Christian monastic culture in order to uncover, in the latter, the historical origin of (...)
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  30. Testing What’s at Stake: Defending Stakes Effects for Testimony.Michel Croce & Paul Poenicke - 2017 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):163-183.
    This paper investigates whether practical interests affect knowledge attributions in cases of testimony. It is argued that stakes impact testimonial knowledge attributions by increasing or decreasing the requirements for hearers to trust speakers and thereby gain the epistemic right to acquire knowledge via testimony. Standard, i.e. invariantist, reductionism and non-reductionism fail to provide a plausible account of testimony that is stakes sensitive, while non- invariantist versions of both traditional accounts can remedy this deficiency. Support for this conceptual analysis of stakes (...)
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    Archaic Cyprus: A Study of the Textual and Archaeological Evidence.Michel Fortin & A. T. Reyes - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):261.
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    Trade, Contact, and the Movement of Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of J. Basil Hennessy.Michel Fortin, Stephen Bourke, Jean-Paul Descœudres & Jean-Paul Descoeudres - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):570.
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  33. Il Potere e la Parola.Michel Foucault & Paolo Veronesi - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (2):252-253.
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  34. On Attica: An Interview.Michel Foucault - 1974 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 19.
  35.  27
    Dynamical method in algebra: effective Nullstellensätze.Michel Coste, Henri Lombardi & Marie-Françoise Roy - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (3):203-256.
    We give a general method for producing various effective Null and Positivstellensätze, and getting new Positivstellensätze in algebraically closed valued fields and ordered groups. These various effective Nullstellensätze produce algebraic identities certifying that some geometric conditions cannot be simultaneously satisfied. We produce also constructive versions of abstract classical results of algebra based on Zorn's lemma in several cases where such constructive version did not exist. For example, the fact that a real field can be totally ordered, or the fact that (...)
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  36.  51
    An Essay on the Growing Contribution of Economic Markets to the Proliferation of the Social.Michel Callon - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (7-8):139-163.
  37.  13
    Religion: Rereading What is Bound Together.Michel Serres - 2022 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by M. B. DeBevoise.
    With this profound final work, completed in the days leading up to his death, Michel Serres presents a vivid picture of his thinking about religion—a constant preoccupation since childhood—thereby completing Le Grand Récit, the comprehensive explanation of the world and of humanity to which he devoted the last twenty years of his life. Themes from Serres's earlier writings—energy and information, the role of the media in modern society, the anthropological function of sacrifice, the role of scientific knowledge, the problem (...)
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    Les pièges de l'antipsychiatrie.Michel Laferrière - 1977 - Philosophiques 4 (2):267-276.
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    A Semiologia segundo Granger.Michel Lahud - 1975 - Discurso 5 (6):213-218.
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    Logique de classe: Edmond Goblot, la bourgeoisie et la distinction sociale.Michel Lallement - 2015 - Paris: Les belles lettres.
    Philosophe français spécialiste de logique, Edmond Goblot (1858-1935) est avant tout connu pour un essai de sociologie décapant, La Barrière et le Niveau (1925), qui pose pour la première fois les fondements d'une théorie de la distinction sociale. Délaissant l'analyse matérialiste des classes au profit d'une perspective culturelle originale, Goblot décrypte sans complaisance les moeurs de la bourgeoisie française, monde qu'il connaît d'autant mieux qu'il en est lui-même issu. Condisciple d'Henri Bergson et d'Emile Durkheim à l'Ecole normale supérieure, Goblot ne (...)
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  41. Ame humaine et science moderne.Michel de Langre - 1963 - Paris,: P. Letheilleux.
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    Strong Sustainability Ethics.Michel Bourban - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (4):291-314.
    This article explains how strong sustainability ethics has emerged and developed as a new field over the last two decades as a critical response to influential conceptions of weak sustainability. It investigates three competing, normative approaches to strong sustainability: the communitarian approach, the Rawlsian approach, and the capabilities approach. Although these approaches converge around the idea that there are critical, non-substitutable natural resources and services, they diverge on how to reconcile human development and environmental protection. The aim of the paper (...)
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  43.  14
    Étapes et enjeux de la construction du handicap au sein des politiques sociales françaises : 1939–2005.Michel Chauvière - 2018 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 12 (2):105-118.
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    Le « matériau » en question.Michel Chion - 2002 - Rue Descartes 38 (4):65-70.
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  45. La contemplation de Dieu.Michel Corbin - 2023 - Paris: Les Éditions du cerf.
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    Amy Dahan et Dominique Pestre (dir.), Les Sciences pour la guerre, 1940-1960.Michel Crozon - 2006 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 59 (2):349-351.
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    Motifs towards a Poetics.Michel Deguy - 1987 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21:55-67.
    Contemporary poetry—true to the changes brought about by the poetics of modernity at the turn of the century—far from glorifying the ‘lyrical illusion’ and from favouring ‘romantic’ identifications with heroes standing ‘alone against all’, that madness of a subject believing himself to be the only exception to the law, had in fact to tone down its song, had to pull down its hopes, had to interiorize its failures in order to turn them into paradoxes … What failures? The failures of (...)
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    Le Dégoût. Histoire, langage, esthétique et politique d'une émotion plurielle.Michel Delville, Andrew Norris & Viktoria von Hoffmann (eds.) - 2015
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    The End of Personalism, the Reinstatement of Person: the Voice of Emmanuel Mounier.Michel Deneken - 2012 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 31:349-383.
    Une approche interdisciplinaire du concept de personne permet de mettre en évidence toutes les difficultés à le définir et la fragilité de ce qu’il veut embrasser intellectuellement. Mais « si la personne revient, écrit Paul Ricœur, c’est qu’elle est le meilleur candidat pour soutenir les combats juridiques, politiques et sociaux ». Or une réflexion responsable sur la personne ne peut pas ignorer la voix, même ténue, d’Emmanuel Mounier. Car bien qu’il soit un mouvement protéiforme, le personnalisme évoque, en France, immanquablement (...)
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  50.  35
    De l’éthique sociale à l’éthique gouvernementale : voyage au cœur de l’homo communicans.Dion Michel - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    L’éthique gouvernementale s’est développée comme réflexion critique au cœur des institutions gouvernementales. L’auteur entend situer l’éthique gouvernementale dans ses rapports avec l’éthique sociale et l’éthique fondamentale après avoir défini ces notions. Au cœur de cette articulation, l’éthique gouvernementale se veut la gardienne de l’animal politique pour le respect du plus grand bonheur de tous et de chacun.
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