Results for 'Dion Michel'

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  1.  56
    A Typology of Corporate Environmental Policies.Michel Dion - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (2):151-162.
    Although many small businesses and a great number of large enterprises have environmental policies, the contents of such policies vary widely according to their emphases either on technical rationality and technocentrism/technocracy or on ecological rationality and ecocentrism/ecocracy. I present them in four categories: with regard to strong anthropocentrism, (1) the neo-technocratic enterprise and (2) the techno-environmentalist enterprise; and with regard to weak anthropocentrism, (3) the pseudo-environmentalist enterprise and (4) the quasi-environmentalist enterprise. Such a typology can be useful for business managers (...)
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    GAZIAUX, Éric, L'autonomie en morale : au croisement de la philosophie et de la théologieGAZIAUX, Éric, L'autonomie en morale : au croisement de la philosophie et de la théologie.Michel Dion - 2000 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 56 (1):197-197.
  3.  26
    FÉDOU, Michel, Regards asiatiques sur le ChristFÉDOU, Michel, Regards asiatiques sur le Christ.Michel Dion - 2000 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 56 (1):195-195.
  4. The moral status of non-human beings and their ecosystems.Michel Dion - 2000 - Ethics, Place and Environment 3 (2):221 – 229.
    Environmental ethics is generally searching for the intrinsic value in natural beings. However, there are very few holistic models trying to reflect the various dimensions of the experience-to-be a natural being. We are searching for that intrinsic value, in order to determine which species are holders of rights. In this article, I suggest a set of moral and rational principles to be used for identifying the intrinsic value of a given species and for comparing it to that of other species.
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    Worldviews, Ethics and Organizational Life.Michel Dion - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book provides an innovative way to revisit the depth and scope of our moral/post-moral worldviews, while undertaking an ontic reflection about organizational life. The ontic dimension of life refers to existing entities’ lived experiences. It has nothing to do with psychological and relational processes. The ontic level of analysis mirrors a philosophical outlook on organizational life. Unlike moral worldviews, post-moral worldviews oppose the existence of Truth-itself. Post-moral worldviews rather imply that dialogical relationships allow people to express their own truth-claims (...)
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  6.  21
    Corporate Citizenship, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability Reports as “Would-be” Narratives.Michel Dion - 2017 - Humanistic Management Journal 2 (1):83-102.
    Corporate citizenship, social responsibility and sustainability reports could be analyzed from a philosophical viewpoint. In this article, we will use Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic philosophy to assess the narrativity of such reports. Out of a philosophical viewpoint, our exploratory study analyzes the contents of ten reports: two corporate citizenship reports, three corporate social responsibility reports, and five sustainability reports. Those reports are arising in-time and are thus referring to past corporate events and phenomena. Sometimes such reports introduce a corporate world-dream that (...)
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  7.  31
    Teaching business ethics, or the challenge of a Socratic-Nietzschean self-transcendence for teachers.Michel Dion - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (3):307-324.
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  8.  60
    BRITO, Emilio, Heidegger et l'hymne du sacréBRITO, Emilio, Heidegger et l'hymne du sacré.Michel Dion - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (1):183-184.
  9.  22
    Existential philosophy in an ecological perspective. An alternative view of non-human beings.Michel Dion - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10:125.
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  10.  42
    GUINDON, André, Le développement moralGUINDON, André, Le développement moral.Michel Dion - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (2):285-286.
  11.  34
    HIRSCH, Emmanuel, dir., Racismes. L'autre et son visageHIRSCH, Emmanuel, dir., Racismes. L'autre et son visage.Michel Dion - 1989 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 45 (3):466-466.
  12.  47
    PIOTTE, Jean-Marc, Les Grands Penseurs du monde occidental. L'éthique et la politique de Platon à nos joursPIOTTE, Jean-Marc, Les Grands Penseurs du monde occidental. L'éthique et la politique de Platon à nos jours.Michel Dion - 1999 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 55 (2):325-326.
  13.  23
    RENAULT, Laurence, Dieu et les créatures selon Thomas d'AquinRENAULT, Laurence, Dieu et les créatures selon Thomas d'Aquin.Michel Dion - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (1):206-208.
  14.  13
    The Dialectics Between Self, Time and Historical Change According to Milan Kundera.Michel Dion - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 77--90.
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    (1 other version)The moral discourse of banks about money laundering: an analysis of the narrative from Paul Ricoeur's philosophical perspective.Michel Dion - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (3):251-262.
    In this paper, we will use Ricoeur's philosophy in order to present money laundering as a metaphor and a narrative. We will firstly analyze the corporate moral discourse of 10 banks about money laundering. We have selected 10 banks that have codes of ethics and a corporate moral discourse about money laundering. The banks come from six countries: United States (2), Canada (2), Switzerland (2), Spain (2), Germany (1), and Belgium (1). We will see how their moral discourse about money (...)
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  16. Bribery and the Grey Areas of Morality.Michel Dion - 2016 - In Jean-Loup Richet, David Weisstub & Michel Dion, Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical Issues. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  17.  30
    BEAUDET, Jean-François, Pour une théologie de la non-violenceBEAUDET, Jean-François, Pour une théologie de la non-violence.Michel Dion - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (3):425-426.
  18.  6
    Confucianisme et leadership.Michel Dion - 2013 - [Anjou, Québec]: Fides.
  19.  35
    De l’éthique sociale à l’éthique gouvernementale : voyage au cœur de l’homo communicans.Dion Michel - 1999 - Éthique Publique 1 (1).
    L’éthique gouvernementale s’est développée comme réflexion critique au cœur des institutions gouvernementales. L’auteur entend situer l’éthique gouvernementale dans ses rapports avec l’éthique sociale et l’éthique fondamentale après avoir défini ces notions. Au cœur de cette articulation, l’éthique gouvernementale se veut la gardienne de l’animal politique pour le respect du plus grand bonheur de tous et de chacun.
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  20.  10
    Financial Crimes and Existential Philosophy.Michel Dion - 2014 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    The aim of this book is to deepen our understanding of financial crimes as phenomena. It uses concepts of existential philosophies that are relevant to dissecting the phenomenon of financial crimes. With the help of these concepts, the book makes clear what the impact of financial crimes is on the way a human being defines himself or the way he focuses on a given notion of humankind. The book unveils how the growth of financial crimes has contributed to the increase (...)
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  21.  21
    Human Destiny at the Edge of Existential Categories of Life: Musil and Kundera in Dialogue.Michel Dion - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 345--357.
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  22.  8
    L'idéal de paix et le concept de guerre just.Michel Dion - 2003 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 47:263-282.
    Nous pouvons croire que tout idéal de paix se moule aux déterminismes culturels et religieux de l'époque de son élaboration ou de sa transformation. Cependant, en examinant l'évolution de l'idéal de paix à travers l'histoire occidentale, nous pouvons observer que dans les grandes religions du monde, l'idéal de paix fonctionne comme une méta-norme qui cherche à établir une hiérarchie raisonnée entre les valeurs proprement religieuses et les cultures dans lesquelles elles s'inscrivent. De ce point de vue, l'idéal de paix a (...)
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  23. L'identité ethnique en Roumanie.Michel Dion - 1992 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 39 (93):251-268.
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  24.  33
    L'éthique métaphorique des marchés globalisés.Michel Dion - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (1):3-21.
  25.  48
    Pour une réinterprétation féministe de l'idée chrétienne de Dieu.Michel Dion - 1991 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 47 (2):169-184.
  26.  20
    Theistic and Non-Theistic Modes of Detachment from the Presence of the Infinite.Michel Dion - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (1):233-254.
    In this article, we will describe two theistic modes of “paradoxical detachment” from the Presence of the Infinite, implying the coexistence of attachment and detachment. We will analyze two forms of Christianity-based paradoxical detachment: being dependent on the Ground of soul, while being detached from the representations of the Infinite ; being absolutely dependent on the Infinite, while being detached from any religious morality. The nontheistic mode of detachment from the Presence of the Infinite requires an absolute detachment. We will (...)
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  27.  10
    Texte Littéraire Et Réflexion Éthique.Michel Dion - 2013 - Liber.
    L'éthique n'a pas que des sources philosophiques ou religieuses-spirituelles. Elle peut aussi se nourrir des questionnements inscrits dans des oeuvres littéraires. La littérature est peut-être même le lieu privilégié où se donnent à voir et à comprendre doutes existentiels, dilemmes moraux, intuitions philosophiques. Si l'éthique consiste bien dans l'approfondissement de notre connaissance de la dimension morale de la conscience de soi, de la conscience du monde et de la conscience d'exister, elle trouvera dans l'oeuvre de l'écrivain un matériau riche et (...)
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  28.  41
    The moral status of non‐human beings and their ecosystems.Michel Dion - 2000 - Philosophy and Geography 3 (2):221-229.
    Environmental ethics is generally searching for the intrinsic value in natural beings. However, there are very few holistic models trying to reflect the various dimensions of the experience‐to‐be a natural being. We are searching for that intrinsic value, in order to determine which species are holders of rights. In this article, I suggest a set of moral and rational principles to be used for identifying the intrinsic value of a given species and for comparing it to that of other species.
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  29.  7
    The Situation of Human Being in Nature According to Fedor Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann, and Robert Musil: A Paradoxical Builder, Self-Enhancing Being and Speaking-Animal.Michel Dion - 2021 - In Calley A. Hornbuckle, Jadwiga S. Smith & William S. Smith, Phenomenology of the Object and Human Positioning: Human, Non-Human and Posthuman. Springer Verlag. pp. 235-247.
    Dostoyevsky explained how human being could be the builder who has the power to destroy everything-that-is. Thomas Mann unveiled the deep influence of the unconscious as well as the subconscious: both components of human psyche must be taken into account, when exploring the mystery of human being. Robert Musil’s literary works focused on commonalities between animals and human beings, that is, their similar instincts. Musil was promoting a new morals, as it is grounded on instinctive life. Dostoyevsky, Mann and Musil (...)
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  30.  5
    The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism: Contributions of World Religions and Spiritualities.Michel Dion & Moses Pava (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
    This book provides a constructive criticism of the emerging practice of conscious capitalism from the perspective of world religions and spiritualities. Conscious capitalism, to many of its adherents, represents an evolutionary step forward beyond the dominant neo-liberal paradigm, where it often appears that just about everything is for sale. Is conscious capitalism consistent with the values inherent in religious and spiritual world-views and does it provide a better fit for bringing out the best that business has to offer? This book (...)
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  31.  39
    LEJEUNE, Michel, ROSEMANN, Philipp W., ed., Business Ethics in the African Context TodayLEJEUNE, Michel, ROSEMANN, Philipp W., ed., Business Ethics in the African Context Today. [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 1998 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 54 (3):628-630.
  32.  23
    BERNARD, Charles-André, Le Dieu des mystiques, tome 2. La conformation au ChristBERNARD, Charles-André, Le Dieu des mystiques, tome 2. La conformation au Christ. [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 2000 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 56 (2):383-383.
  33.  44
    ELLIS, Marc H., MADURO, Otto, ed., The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honor of Gustavo GutiérrezELLIS, Marc H., MADURO, Otto, ed., The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honor of Gustavo Gutiérrez. [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (2):283-284.
  34. Leadership and the Sense of Cooperation Within Business Corporations: How the 19th and 20th Century Literature can be Helpful? [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 2007 - Ethics 5 (1-2):37-50.
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  35. Leadership and the Sense of Cooperation within Business Corporations: How the 19th and the 20th Century Literature Can Be Helpful? [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 2007 - Ethics 4 (3):261-273.
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  36. Referees for Ethics, Place and.Stuart Aitken, Anne Boddington, Simon Catling, David Chapin, Reg Cline-Cole, Cedric Cullingford, Michel Dion, Marcus Doel, Ray Gambell & Rita Gardner - 1999 - Ethics, Place and Environment 2 (2).
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  37.  24
    Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical Issues.Jean-Loup Richet, David Weisstub & Michel Dion (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book on the psychology of white collar criminals discusses various cases of financial crime, while also attempting to delve into the minds of the criminals in question. The literature on this topic is growing as it gains momentum in the scientific field, as a result of the extremely negative impact white collar crime has on its victims. Because there is considerable damage and vulnerability from these crimes, it is important to begin to classify them, and to understand the minds (...)
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  38.  17
    Losing touch.Marliese Dion Nist, Tondi M. Harrison, Judith Tate, Audrey Robinson, Michele Balas & Rita H. Pickler - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12368.
    The need for human touch is universal among critical care patients and is an important component of the nurse–patient relationship. However, multiple barriers to human touch exist in the critical care environment. With little research to guide practice, we argue for the importance of human touch in the provision of holistic nursing care.
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  39.  27
    Solitudes. By Rosaire Dion-Levesque. [REVIEW]Michel Robert - 1950 - Renascence 3 (1):73-74.
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  40. Michel Dion.Historical Change According To Milan - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 77.
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  41. Michel Dion.In Dialogue - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 99--345.
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  42.  35
    Michel Dion, Investissements éthiques et régie d'entreprise. Entre la mondialisation et la mythologie. Montréal, Éditions Médiaspaul (coll. « Interpellations »), 1998, 100 p.Michel Dion, Investissements éthiques et régie d'entreprise. Entre la mondialisation et la mythologie. Montréal, Éditions Médiaspaul (coll. « Interpellations »), 1998, 100 p. [REVIEW]Isabelle Létourneau - 2003 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 59 (2):391-394.
  43.  14
    Michel Dion, 11 septembre : Allusions poétiques et repères philosophiques, Montréal, Éditions GGC, 2002, 140 p.Michel Dion, 11 septembre : Allusions poétiques et repères philosophiques, Montréal, Éditions GGC, 2002, 140 p. [REVIEW]Dominic Desroches - 2004 - Horizons Philosophiques 14 (2):129-133.
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  44.  14
    (1 other version)Valérie Fromentin – Estelle Bertrand – Michèle Coltelloni-Trannoy – Michel Molin – Gianpaolo Urso , Cassius Dion: nouvelles lectures, Bordeaux 2016 2 Bde., 881 S., ISBN: 978-2-35613-175-1 , € 45,–Cassius Dion: nouvelles lectures. [REVIEW]Alexander Free - 2016 - Klio 101 (1):392-395.
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  45.  51
    The Budé Dio Cassius Marie-Laure Freyburger, Jean Michel Roddaz (edd., trs.): Dion Cassius, Histoire Romaine, Livres 50 et 51. (Collection des Universités de France, Budé.) Pp. ci + 176 (text double); 2 maps. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1991. [REVIEW]John Carter - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):36-37.
  46.  89
    The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception.Michel Foucault - 1972-1977 - Vintage Books.
    In this remarkable book Michel Foucault, one of the most influential thinkers of recent times, calls us to look critically at specific historical events in order to uncover new layers of significance.
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  47. The Subject and Power.Michel Foucault - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):777-795.
    I would like to suggest another way to go further toward a new economy of power relations, a way which is more empirical, more directly related to our present situation, and which implies more relations between theory and practice. It consists of taking the forms of resistance against different forms of power as a starting point. To use another metaphor, t consists of using this resistance as a chemical catalyst so as to bring to light power relations, locate their position, (...)
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  48.  45
    Existence, historical fabulation, destiny.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2009 - Springer Verlag.
    Surging from the ontopoietic vital timing of life, human self-consciousness prompts the innermost desire to rise above its brute facts. Imaginatio creatrix inspires us to fabulate these facts into events and plots with personal significance attempting to delineate a life-course in life-stories within the ever-flowing stream – existence. Seeking their deep motivations, causes and concatenations, we fabulate relatively stabilized networks of interconnecting meaning – history. But to understand the meaning and sense of these networks’ reconfigurations call for the purpose and (...)
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  49.  11
    Work Values: Education, Organization, and Religious Concerns.Samuel M. Natale, Brian M. Rothschild, Joseph W. Sora & Tara M. Madden (eds.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    Preliminary Material --Foreword /Samuel M. Natale --Acknowledgements /Samuel M. Natale, Brian M. Rothschild, Joseph W. Sora, and Tara M. Madden --Introduction /William O'Neill and Samuel M. Natale --Section I /Samuel M. Natale, Brian M. Rothschild, Joseph W. Sora, and Tara M. Madden --The Working Class Spirituality /Joseph M. McShane --Comparative Christian Perspectives on the Meaning of Work /Joseph W. Ford --Work, Spirituality, and the Moral Point of View /Kenneth E. Goodpaster --Can Christian Ethics Inform Business Practice?: A Typological Road Map (...)
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  50.  36
    The hermeneutics of the subject: lectures at the Collège de France, 1981-1982.Michel Foucault - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Frédéric Gros, François Ewald & Alessandro Fontana.
    The Hermeneutics of the Subject is the third volume in the collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France, one of the world's most prestigious institutions. Faculty at the college give public lectures, in which they can present works-in-progress on any subject of their choosing. Foucault's were more speculative and free-ranging than the arguments of such groundbreaking works as The History of Sexuality or Madness and Civilization . In the lectures comprising this volume, Foucault focuses upon the (...)
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